ace--of--swords · 1 year
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The Fool, The World
Separated, reunited
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regalityandcoffee · 1 year
Not me living out my sexy vice president Charlie fantasies we love to see it
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emo-nordegraf · 2 years
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this game is running my luck dry, i swear
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yellowcry · 3 months
Next chapter to And will break what I need to break and But your sister is strong and rapid she's able to clean bare rocks
For @miracles-and-butterflies
Who am I if I won't give myself somewhere?
Isabela hadn't originally planned to check on Luisa even when the news of her waking up was broken out loud. What even she could say? They weren't close. Both too buried in their own ropes and the problems that came with it. And years passed like this. With them growing apart more and more until neither had an idea of a point when they could rebuild it. The new problem only made it worse. Luisa didn't just get a bruise or a splinter. Amputations weren't something that Encanto was used to. Such serious incidents were rare occasion. And while Mamá's food didn't have much effect in situation when flesh was completely severed, Isabela still could count people who lost a part of their limb (including Luisa) with the fingers of one hand.
Why hadn't Isabela done anything? If she o
got to the candle a second before, when her hift was working, Mirabel wouldn't end up inside. What if Isabela just got to Mirabel instead of aiming the roof for a candle. It Mirabel wasn't stuck in the middle of ruining Casita, Luisa wouldn't have to run into collapsing building to save her. It all was avoidable. But their roles pushed them to act this way. And they couldn't fix it.
Isabela still remembered how terror ate up her soul, digesting it into dark abyss. When she could only stare at both of her hermanitas nearly dying. When a giant towers fell on them. Crushing against the ground. (For a second she could swear she heard barely audible gutwretching yell) And then it was in ruins. She saw the blood leaking from underneath the rock next to Luisa. A red stain on the ground. And when they moved the rock enough to see dead flesh. It was strange to see Luisa's strong arm so lifeless. Unattached to its place but compressed and snapped again and again.
Isabela had to swallow the bile and act unbothered. Heavens knew she was in the better position than either of her sisters. She wasn't at the brink of death. And with their parents constantly making sure Luisa was alive amd Mirabel quietly hiding away, Isabela didn't knlw what to do. For the first time in forever she didn't have anyone to give her orders. Of how to act and what to think. And her acting skills weren't prepared to this occasion.
But, even if Isabela didn't plan on visiting Luisa, she still found herself in the hospital. Shifting her foot in front of the creaking door. Almost breathless. But no, she had to see Luisa. Even if she was afraid. Of facing her. Facing the guilt she felt. For allowing her sisters to be hurt.
"Hey, Luisa?" She whispered, peeking inside.
The yonger sister sat, dangling her legs off the hospital bed. Her only hand squeezed the air in a ring. She looked up, instantly pulling away. "Uhm.. Hi?" She muttered, eyetwitching.
Isabela stared ar it, narrowing her brows in confusion. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing!" Luisa replied way too
fast. "What are you doing in here?"
Isabela purced her lips, trying not to look at the rest of the ripped off arm. She wasn't ready to face it. (Could she prevent it from happening?) "Just checking on you. How are you doing?"
Luisa groaned, pushing herself back. "I'm fine." She looked at the window, avoiding Isabela's face.
Isabela raised and eyebrow. She really doubted that Luisa was fine. Not like she could blame her. Isabela doubted she would be too happy to talk with in Luisa's place either. Especially taking a complete lack of relationship with eachother. "What are you doing in here anyway? Must be boring being locked like this."
"I'm trying to find my arm." Luisa replied before she could even think of it.
Isabela couldn't say anything. Shit.
"I doubt.. that you can.."
Luisa's hand clenched into a fist. "I do. I still.... I can feel it! I can... I couldn't lost my limb!" She shook her head, almost jumping from her place. "I couldn't..."
Isabela sat next by her sister, petting her shoulder. What else could she say? Witnessing Luisa like this wasn't something she was prepared to.
"I'm strong..." Luisa breathed out, taking Isabela's arm, making the older woman wince. Staring at her in despair "How the hell am I supposed to protect the family if I haven't protect myself? I just....I couldn't actually be hurt. It's some mistake. I swear."
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paw--on--heart · 9 days
Well, you know what they say... Don't look a gift hift in the gorse
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 months
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Das Forschungsprojekt Letter, oder: Objekte, die lassen ist ein Teilprojekt der Forschung zur Geschichte und Theorie juridischer Kulturtechniken, das wiederum Teil der Gruppe Theoriemosaik um Marietta Auer.
Das Projekt befasst sich mit Lettern, also mit Mahlen (Buchstaben und anderen Stäben/Lanzen sowie Zeichen/Token/Ziffern) und mit klammen/ knappen/ kurzen Unterlagen/Sendungen (Briefe oder Tafeln). Der Gegenstand hat einen Begriff ("letter"), der sich auf zwei unterschiedliche Sachen zu beziehen scheint - in medialer Hinsicht scheint er sich auf zwei Schichten zu beziehen, nämlich auf die Unterlage (klammes Papier oder knappes Pergament) und auf das, was dieser Unterlage aufliegt oder aufsitzt: ein o, eine 7 oder ein mw oder I.
Wir wählen absichtlich einen Gegenstand, für den es nur einen Begriff (letter)mit unterschiedlichen, dazu noch abgeschichteten Referenzen (Mahle/klamme Unterlagen/Sendungen) gibt - weil wir darin eine kulturtechnische Kondition am Werk sehen: Kulturtechniken nutzen Elemente, begreifen/ betrachten ihre Elemente isoliert und vereinzelt, also auch als kleinste, letzte Elemente und Gründe - fassen aber auch noch solche kleinsten und letzten Elemente verdoppelt/gespalten sowie geschichtet auf. Nicht nur der König hat zwei Körper, auch die kleinsten Elemente haben das. Dazu sind sie noch geschichtet.
Die Elemente juridischer Kulturtechniken operationalisieren Differenz, indem sie, ob nun als Material, Objekt, Medium, Symbol oder Instrument selbst schon in verdoppelter/gespaltener Form und geschichtet (stratifiziert) vorkommen. Wir suchen dabei einen Anschluss an Warburgs Idee eines Distanzschaffens, das mit Elementen zu tun hat, die achronologisch geschichtet sind und die damit jene Stellen liefern, denen in Form einer Norm der Distanzschaffer aufsitzt.
Die Geschichte und Theorie juridischer Kulturtechnik ist ein Beitrag zu Recht und Literatur, zur Recht und Kultur, zu Recht und Medien, zu Recht und Wissensproduktion.
Die besondere Zielrichtung ist es, den Blick auf eine Verdoppelung/ Spaltung zu richten, mit deren Hilfe das Recht in/von der Gesellschaft geteilt wird. Diese Theorie ist eine Kritik am Dogma der großen Trennung, die das Dogma der großen Trennung nicht widerlegen soll. Es ist ein wirkmächtige, effektive Fiktion, ein wirkmächtiges und effektives Bild/ eine wirkmächtige und effektive Vorstellung/ Idee, dass das Recht sich von anderen Bereichen und Techniken unterscheide und dabei autonom, einzigartig, unersetzbar und unverwechselbar sei. Diese Vorstellung/ Idee, das Dogma der großen Trennung, kooperiert dabei, juristische Elemente zu trennen/unterscheiden, zu isolieren und formal nur rearrangieren, zu montieren und zu assoziieren. Das Dogma der großen Trennung hift dabei, Recht zwar austauschbar zu halten, es gleichzeitig aber zu limitieren. Trotz aller Vorteile, die das Dogma der großen Trennung hat (trotz des trivialen Umstandes, dass sich ein Dogma nicht widerlegen lässt) können wir uns mit dem Dogma der großen Trennung nicht begnügen, nicht zufrieden geben. Darum entwickeln wir eine Kritik, die dem Dogma der großen Trennung, wie es in der kannibalischen Metaphysik heißt, kleine Mannigfaltigkeiten entgegenstellt. Wir untersuchen, was am Dogma der großen Trennung als Schmugglerpfad mitläuft - und dabei aus den Aporien einer Gründungsparadoxie Passagen macht.
Letter sind Elemente juridischer Kulturtechniken, die sich nicht dem Dogma der großen Trennung fügen: Sie sind Schrift und Laut; die Gramma und Fleisch, die Objekt und Medium, sind Subjekt und Zahl, sind Lanzen und Acker, sind Stifte und Scheiben.
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heynowisavedyouright · 11 months
okay fair milgram citizen$ mikoto thumbnail thought$ by your$ truly
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$ure i$ a train . matche$ up with the original quote of one mr kayano $aying he never take$ train$ to work - thi$ i$ either not mikoto or thi$ i$ repre$enting event$ he ha$ forgotten .
art$tyle $hift from meme i$ likely . look at the meme thumbnail , mikoto$ face i$ Very very much le$$ detailed what the
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that face i$ Flat .
okay the doll part$ are an ongoing theme from meme & the cd of $uch , probably repre$enting the way hi$ murder($) i$/are connected to hi$ job a$ a fa$hion de$igner
moment there i havent $een anyone mention yet i$ the " blood " on the mannequin$ ju$t look$ a horrible lot like red paint - which would make $en$e , con$idering it$ not that weve got the victim$ real bodie$ lying around
there$ no blood/paint on mikoto . i have nothing to $ay about that . Nevermind i do if thi$ i$ indeed ore it could repre$ent him not being involved in the murder ( or mikoto if we take it orekoto wa$ the one to commit the murder$ . i wont though <4 )
the doll part$ look about enough for two victim$ at fir$t glance ? that would fit with the two potential murder location$ ( one on a $ubway $tation and the other where mikoto $wing$ with open $ky behind him )
2+1 coding with the $tray hair$ . weve $een that three $tray hair$ " imagery " on mikoto back in meme
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another fun hair moment - whered the halo ahoge go ?
there$ a red light to the $ide . $lightly remini$cient of the $cene of the crime at the $ubway with three light$ in the background
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... i $uppo$e thi$ Could be a $traight way of telling u$ " thi$ i$ orekoto you dumb $hmuck$ " . who know$ .
different clothe$ . yay .
there$ $omething that need$ to be $aid about the way$ in which the doll$ are broken , for example i think the one on the left ha$ it$ $houlder ba$hed in ? i cant $eem to make enough $en$e of the piece$ and what limb what i$ $uppo$ed to repre$ent though
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i$ gonna be a quote in the $ong . a large part of it at lea$t i$ gonna be from the pov of an ore-u$ing alter who i$ adamant on protecting/$aving mikoto . weve been knew .
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robin-5-technically · 1 month
firebreagjing hift?4! holy smolyies that is SO cool
is it lke a drayin?3 special lizard?4 or eveen a firry companion?4? That’s exciting ot await
what are your thoughst?
He said it was something not yet in the bat database. So I am unsure, though I am sure it will be magnificent.
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artcommunityvent · 2 months
When you learn 2 factor Auth is locked behind a paywall on dA. Why am i not surprised another security/protection related function and what pretty much all other sites provide free is paid feature on dA. Ever since WIX took ever everything that was free has become pay to use and basic ass features are also pay too use like statistics. Hell every journal like pride month be them screaming buy core and hey we have this hift for you a Pride month theme but you gotta buy core too use it. Would not be surprise if they make people pay to submit, pay to send a llama or pay too login next they are that money hungry at this point. Between the pay for everything, AI takeover and AI getting awards/AI seller promoted over real artist and well other crap no wonder why it feels like all the great artists are deleting and leaving
They paywalled what now.
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It is time. TTPD has provided us with many fruitful acronyms. Let us commence the “how do you pronounce acronyms” discussion! Here are a few—ICDIWABH=ICK-di-wob, TSMWEL=tuh-SEM-well, MBOBHFT=some vague brain mush starting with “M,” ICFHNRIC=something vaguely like ick-frick but mostly just brain mush, ILIPW=il-LIP-wuh, COSOSOM=nonexistent this song is officially “Chloe et al” to me!!
I personally have taken to calling MBOBHFT mmm bob hift.
Likewise WAOLOM is wah-lohm
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krabmeat · 2 years
alsoi appreciate the sudden gifts but please dont makeme styff or at keats dont put so much effort into them because theni needto hift back but i cant right now since im starting to get into an art slumo and im suoer busy :'[
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
the desire to keep reading my fanfic vs. the knowledge that i have a full hift at work in less than 8 hours
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ritsmew-sakunya · 2 years
aizo and yujiro dont like going over to hiyori's apartment for dates and would rather bring their partners over to their house despite the inconvenience of family possibly being around. like hiyoris apartment is objectively the best place for a home date but. she covered her walls in mona posters. how are they supposed to smooch their gf when they are glaring at her decor
BWHAHAHAH i can imagine them fighting the urge to draw on the posters but they know that hiyori would sad about it so they dont, so instead they try hifting posters of themselves instead - however. hiyori already has posters of them, shes just embarrassed to put them up because otherwise she'd get flustered everytime she walked in.
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librarycards · 2 years
i've been struggling a lot with feeling like i'm not autistic enough to be allowed to talk about autism, because i wasn't diagnosed autistic as a child, but rather as varying other psychiatric labels that changed based on what was most convenient to the people labeling me. and the discourse on this site has so radically s hifted towards "reclaiming" functioning labels, and claiming that to dislike functioning labels is to speak over the most oppressed autistic people.
I had the same experience, anon. It’s absolutely vile and frankly shameful to see people returning to the very classificatory project designed to dehumanize us.
You’re not alone.
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heynowisavedyouright · 8 months
ooh i think the $hift key i $pilt juice on the other day got un$tuck . it kept feeling $trange and taking too long to unpre$$ all the while i wa$ fini$hing demonized/deified ( pain )
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shesthewave · 10 days
a warrior does not complicate things. she aims at being simple.
-don juan matus, the eagle’s hift 
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