#hiero x begbie
shiftingmuse · 10 days
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Hiero x Begbie - Love Is Madness - 30 Seconds To Mars
You are insane
My desire
A violent daydream
Love, love
You are crazy
A perfect liar
Said you'd save me
Love, love
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shiftingmuse · 4 days
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Trouble - Halsey : Francis Begbie x The Hierophant
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shiftingmuse · 29 days
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Franco told his mates about the bird; he told them everything he could remember about the night in question. They all got a laugh at him about it; they knew he was jumpy since June told him about the bairn. Only he wasn't jumpy; he was hurt and confused.
His mates didn't believe him, and he was starting to think he made the whole thing up. Who got so close to someone after one night and expected them to still be around when they came looking for them!? 
Begbie was a mess, and when he was a mess, he kept the hurt inside of him but let the anger flow freely. 
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shiftingmuse · 24 days
[SURPRISE] - from Hiero to Begbie
( for whenever you feel better 💖 )
Surprise - 'for one muse to come home and find the other already inside.'
The walk up the stairs was a bit more defeated than usual.
Franco had just left the pub with several quid still in his pocket after robbing the yanks who tried to get in his face that evening.
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Sick boy told him it might have been a waste, but Renton was jonesing so badly it didn't matter. They got the bastards when they were going for the back. Begbie roped Second Prize into the mix, and they did what was needed. Franco's knuckles were bruised, and he had a gash over his left eye by the time it was all over.
He knew if June found him like that, he was going to hear it all, but he wasn't in the mood. It had been longer than he had realized since he last thought about the blonde vixen. Anytime he tried thinking about her he thought about June now.
There was a six-pack in his right hand as he was making his way up the stairs. Getting to his apartment without anything more than a thought to get home and turn on the telly for a bit. Checking his watch halfway up to his place, he knew the missus should have been gone by then. Only as he made his way to the front door, his brow raised, and he winced at the pain from the wound.
"Fuck!" He shouted.
"I tauld ye tae keep th' duir locked; ye think nae one is gonnae tae try an' come in withit warnin'!?"
June and Franco weren't the best pair; the woman had been staying with him since he found out about the bairn. However, one thing he wasn't expecting was her to be there. 
"Wait…" He was partly intoxicated when it all dawned on him. Frank stopped and dropped the beer he'd been holding. His right hand reached around back to the blade he had hidden under his red jumper. "Who th' fuck is thaur!?" He hissed before kicking open the door further to see what was going on. His flat door gave quickly as he stood at the doorway. Begbie was usually one to rush in, but this didn't feel right.
"Yoo said ye woods be fuckin' gain, sae Ah need ye gain!" 
They weren't having a fight, but June wasn't supposed to be there; no one was. He had the flat all to himself for the weekend. "Ah swear if Ah hae tae drag ye it, hen, Ah will dae it!" If anyone were there, it would be June; if it wasn't June, then some bloke was about to have his teeth knocked in. 
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shiftingmuse · 29 days
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Francis Begbie x The Hierophant
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shiftingmuse · 30 days
Francis Begbie x The Hierophant - Kindred Spirit;
ao3 link x
{Based on an old roleplay which I went back and read today; Basically Hiero and Begbie had a night together and he ends up leaving her only to come back and find Hiero is gone.}
Franco sat on a beat-up couch, reviewing the night he had experienced away from his mates. The blonde had come into his life without warning and left him feeling inadequate without her near him. It had only been a week, but he was certain something was wrong. In the time away from her, June had come looking for him going on about a baby. It hit Begbie like a ton of bricks, thinking she was with a child. He'd only been with her a few times; he knew he couldn't be the father. 
That had knocked him off his feet and on his arse; he hadn't forgotten about the blonde, but he sure as shite went into hiding. So much so that he got himself pinched for a few days. When he got out, the first thing he did was try and find the woman's apartment. 
It took him longer than he expected, but he found the pub and then made his way to where she led him that night. Franco noted the keypad on the door and waited until someone went into the apartments before he could sneak in after them. Her apartment was on the second floor; he remembered that, and the door was not so difficult to spot either. His knocking didn't lead to anyone coming to check up on him. When it became too apparent no one was in, he pulled the knife from his back pocket and jimmy the door open. 
He could tell right away no one had been in the apartment for some time. The bottle of whiskey they finished together was still on the couch. 
As he looked around the space, it felt empty; it felt like someone had left town. 
It took him a moment to register what he was feeling before he ran through the place. Anything he could open and check, he did so. He was trashing the place from the living room to the kitchen and then the bedroom. When everything set, when he realized she was gone, Begbie stood next to the bed with the knife in his hand. 
"Whit did Ah dae, whit did Ah fuckin dae!?"
He flipped the knife open and then just went to shit about the situation. His anger that had been building up dove into the bed. Franco just lunged at the mattress and stabbed the item over and over again. The man kept stabbing at the thing until a spring came loose and cut his hand. "Fuck!" He shouted before his eyes focused on the blood dripping on the mattress.
"Fuckin psychopath..." 
The whimper came a moment later before he got himself off the torn-up piece and hauled himself into the living room. His blood dripped through the apartment as he went, even as he came to sit on the couch.
No tears were shed, but the man was disturbed. 
"She's gain." 
Her blonde curls, those blue eyes, a short skirt, floral-pattered blouse, and kitten heels. Begbie closed his eyes and leaned back on the sofa. Those red-painted lips came into his mind watching her giggle as she called him bitter names. As she riled him more and more, wanting him to thrash and lash out. He set the blade down on the opposite side of the couch, then himself. 
One of his hands reached up to touch a bit of flesh on his neck. It wasn't completely healed yet, but he knew the cut would scar. 'What is it, Franco? Don't think I won't cut you!?' Oh, that threat became a reality; she left him with a wound that she lapped at. His little minx, his wee bonnie missus, his...
Begbie opened his eyes before he looked around the room for a moment. His hand wasn't bleeding as badly when he looked at the thing again. A frown on him before he reached for a handkerchief out of his pocket to wrap up the item. 
"...she's gain." 
A sigh came from the mustachioed Scotsman before he went to stand. "Ye waur nae a waste ay fuckin' time, ah was." He says leaving the knife behind on the couch. Feeling like his heart had been ripped out, knowing she was truly gone. 
The knife Franco leaves at the apartment is the knife Hierophant gives him in the roleplay.
The rage he feels stabbing at the mattress is the idea he feels as if he's been fucked over. His rage is a mixture of loss and fear that he'll never see the woman again. Bleeding through the apartment is him trying to leave a part of him behind. While leaving the knife is letting go of Hiero because if she's just left without letting him know she's gone, then in his mind she wants nothing to do with him. 
We can play on the idea she knows about June and the baby or just that she left because she's an assassin and was never meant to stay long. Either way, it's just an angsty little drabble piece.
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shiftingmuse · 28 days
...I'm writing more Begbie x Hiero stuff and I'm not hiding that 'he might be gay/bisexual' bits because I'm gonna be honest. I have my opinions on the matter but I don't know 100% everything I need to know.
I just know that if Ives can get paired up with a woman, than so can Franco.
Ives and Begbie are like the opposite sides of a coin. Both are extremely violent characters, homosexual tendencies but no direct view of them having been with a guy. {Ives flirted with Boyd intensely and Franco confused a crossdresser for a woman.}
They are the same but different in the horror violence and almost real world violence point of views.
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shiftingmuse · 30 days
I don't know who originally ran 'anyellerps' and that's on me {memory issues}, but I would like to point out we had a Begbie and Hiero roleplay that went on for a long time, and I for one miss the idea of Hiero and Begbie now. 
Today I went back and read as much as I could considering the 'anyellerp' account was deleted, and geezus, was that a trip. 
Mixed with reading 'trainspotting' off and on, I am so interested in that dynamic more. Just to let you know @therosepetalrps or anyone else interested in that at a future point in time.
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shiftingmuse · 29 days
...well, now we know what happened to Hiero. She's off taking care of a priest!
Geezus I shouldn't be surprised, but I admit I'm surprised, though that's on me. I'm sorry you went through that; sadly, I've been there with Tumblr before. It sucks, but you did what was best for you.
With the roleplay though, I mean it's technically all there, but clearly at one point I didn't tag some posts, so it's missing parts. Still a very long read and chaotic. Those two together are like a soap opera of violence and porn, but mostly violence. 
But seriously, why are there not Hiero x Begbie fics!? I've seen several people mention those two, but I have seen no fic. If people can write Hiero x Ives, Hiero x Begbie should have some stuff as well!
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shiftingmuse · 10 days
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So the reason I made the gif set/picture set of Hiero x Begbie was partly inspired by the fact that when I was awake last night getting screencaps, I noticed that 'fool' picks up 'hiero' when they are fighting as if she's like pushing him really hard into the wall, but because you can notice this, it just looks like they are 'going at it' in the bathroom instead of fighting. 
I also was dying as I went image by image because these two never really get as close as you think when punching each other. You have to love the art of movie making at times.
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shiftingmuse · 30 days
I'm shocked....shocked...well not that shocked but like no one has written Hiero x Begbie!?
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shiftingmuse · 7 years
So I'll probably not reply to much for the next few days. I'm trying to get used to this job and it's rough. Since I don't have a stable position at the moment! Just give me time to get used to everything and I'll go back to my normal slow reply pace! Sound good? XD
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shiftingmuse · 6 years
I can not get caught up readying old rps when I need to be working out. I’m late for my routine today because I started re-reading the Hiero x Begbie RP. 
I blame @anyellerps.
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shiftingmuse · 7 years
Yep. I just about screamed. I lost the whole post I did for the hiero x begbie rp. I’m not happy. 
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shiftingmuse · 7 years
I may be slow about posting but I refuse to let Begbie x Hiero die! @anyellerps
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