#hie sorry for posting this but i just wanted to get this off my chest
blee-bleep · 7 months
me when the most hateful, conservative, classist, batshit narcissistic and fatphobic old woman i know in my whole life dies (she was my grandma):
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biandaceconfessions · 6 years
I dont know where else to write this down so I'm just gonna send it in. Im a bi ace who's been sexually selfharming for almost 2 years now. My wrist is all fucked up at this point but I have excuses. My mom makes fun of me every time I've tried to confide in her. She said the only person who'd love me was a cripple and that people were not looking for platonic relationships. I hate myself i truly do,,, every friend I've tryed talking too hasnt given a shit either. They'll ask me stupid 1/?
Questions like "well did you like it?" Or any other amount of secually perverse things that theyll concider funny and i hate it. The girl I had a crush on made a long rambling post about how asexual wernt valid and hie they were inherently not lgbt bc they made light of lgbt strugggles. She was the girst girl i had a crush on in my life. I really thought she cared but she didn't. I've tried "fixing myself" for so long and nothing is working and I wish i could just talk to another ace 2/?            
Person about what ive been going through but i don't know anyone else on the community. I feel constantly scared and alone and on the verge of tears. Every time i try to stop im faced with more and more people telling me i don't exsist or I'll grow out of it. The only person who ever took me seriously was my sociology teacher. No one else has ever tried to reassure me that I'll find love or even acceptance. Theres so much swirling through my mind rn but its 4am and i havent slept in a while 3/?            
Im really really sorry if this is too dark. I just need someone ANYONE who will listen. I thibk im done though....I'm sorry again, I don't want to make you uncomfortable just know im thankful and sorry for venting anonymously 4/4             
I think the worst things about parents is that they aren’t willing to take their children seriously, whether they’re lgbtq or not. It’s sad that parents aren’t willing to support their kids when they really do need it. And in all honesty your mom is wrong. People are always looking for platonic relationships. Humans crave human connection and sometimes all we need in life is an amazing friend to stand with us. Platonic relationships are so important because they give support and a presence that you don’t always get from romantic relationships.
As far as having sex goes, a lot of people also don’t understand that you don’t have to enjoy it or want it. There are many many people in life who are just fine living their lives without doing anything remotely sexual, either to themselves or with other people. And that’s fine. That’s beautiful. Those people are beautiful. There’s nothing in the universe, other than close-minded assholes who don’t know what they’re talking about, that has written in stone that even if you don’t want or enjoy sex you have to have it.
Asexual people do belong in the lgbtq community despite what so many people, and your crush, claim. It’s not “making light” of lgbtq struggles when because of those attitudes there are people both inside and outside the community who claim there’s something wrong or broken with us. The same words and attitudes were used and are still used to describe gay people and transgender people.
There is nothing about asexuality that needs fixing. Not in you and not in anyone else.
You are normal as ace. You are beautiful as ace. And you are loved as ace.
This blog was created specifically to offer a welcoming and open-minded place for aces and bis. And there are many asexual, bisexual, and even pansexual people who follow this blog or visit this blog who will welcome and support you and accept you.
You are valid, not just here, but in every other aspect of your life despite what other people have said or may continue to say.
There’s no need to apologize when you come here. There’s no shame in needing somewhere to go. There’s no shame in needing someone to talk to. We are here and we will listen to you.
And there’s no shame in venting on anon. Anonymity gives strength and I”m glad you were brave enough to come here and get this off your chest. Because you are brave.
You’ve already survived so much and you’re amazing.
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