#hideaki kobayakawa
fellstardustart · 3 months
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name a more iconic duo
(easy task)
(no one knows who these ppl are)
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kingochunagon · 2 months
The Purpose Of This Account
My account centers around historical topics but specifically the life of Kobayakawa Hideaki (1577 or 1582 - 1602) and to present information to an English speaking audience because most English languaged literature on Japanese history is outdated and wrong. Hideaki himself is an understudied figure in Japanese history and he deserves more attention. I hope I can clear up some misconceptions people have on him.
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redsamuraiii · 4 months
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Sekigahara (2017)
The Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, finally has an Heir, with his consort, Chacha aka Yodo Dono, and declares his nephew a rebel as he wipes out his army, taking his province and executing his family members.
Ishida Mitsunari is powerless to stop the execution of the women and children, causing the fury of Lord Kobayakawa, who later sides with Tokugawa Ieyasu and betrays Ishida at Battle of Sekighara.
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basarafanworks · 1 year
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いただきます by 路傍一石
Written permission personally granted by the Artist Don’t repost without permission or remove credits. ◆ Please, rate this artwork on the Artist’s Gallery~
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gachagachaart · 2 years
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japaneseaesthetics · 2 years
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Hideaki Kobayakawa by Yoshitoshi Tsukioka.
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itsmarjudgelove · 2 years
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Warlord and Daimyo Wakisaka Yasuharu Died on This Day, September 26, 1626
Born in Omi, modern day Shiga Prefecture, Wakisaka Yasuharu is typical of the daimyo of the late Sengoku period having served under a number of lords, originally being in the service of Akechi Mitsuhide under Oda Nobunaga.
Upon the death of Nobunaga and the subsequent killing of his assassin, Mitsuhide, Yasuharu joined the forces of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, achieving fame in becoming one of the Seven Spears of Shizugatake. As one of Hideyoshi’s most trusted generals, and as commander of Hideyoshi’s maritime forces, he was awarded the fief of Awaji Island in the Japan Inland Sea.
He participated in Hideyoshi’s campaign to quell Kyushu, the Siege of Odawara, and both invasions of Korea, during which he annihilated the Korean Navy under Won Gyun in July 1597.
Although initially expressing interest in being alongside Ieyasu in 1600, he and his 1,000 samurai sided with the West at the outset. Together with Kobayakawa Hideaki, Ogawa Suketada, Akaza Naoyasu, and Kutsuki Mototsuna, they would betray the west, and side with the Tokugawa. their actions would turn the tide of the great battle at the last minute.
For his actions at Sekigahara, Ieyasu awarded him Ozu Castle, a fief in Iyo Province (Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku) worth 50,000 koku, and from there to Iida in Shinano Province (Nagano Prefecture). He died aged 72 on September 26, 1626.
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hellman55 · 2 years
Sengoku Basara 3: Utage - Hideaki Kobayakawa Story Mode
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neobrogrippa · 4 years
After Sekigahara
 So while chatting about history with people in the Samurai Warriors discord server we talked about Sekigahara. A lot of Sekigahara is legend and rumor and its next to impossible to know what people’s true motivations and actions actually ended up being. Though, one thing that I would like to believe happened are the stories and legends of after sekigahara Kobayakawa Hideaki being like "i helped you win!" and Ieyasu punching or smacking him in the face and calling him a traitor. So how i think the aftermath of Sekigahara probably went:  -Eastern camp celebrating- Hideaki: “YEAH! EASTERN ARMY REPRESENT! WE DID THAT! HEY WE ALL HELPED WIN THAT! EVERYONE OF US!” Eastern generals: ....... Hideaki: “So since we ALL won TOGETHER I should get similar land shares and rewards to the rest of OUR army!” Ieasyu: Open palm smacks the hell out of Hideaki and tells him he isn’t getting executed so he should be grateful. A few years after Sekigahara Hideaki died and it is widely believed he was murdered by someone. I want to know who killed him. Its obviously believed it was a general or shinobi loyal to the West but I don't put it past Ieyasu to have told someone to do it or another eastern general who just didn't like Hideaki. At this time the Mori had a lot of infighting and back biting and Hideaki was related to them so that’s one possibility.
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princess-sengoku · 5 years
Hey! I need some help, me and my friends been trying to get nobunaga oda on the game "samurai heros sengoku basara", but we arent sure exactly how, we know we're supposed to play oichi, but after playing her story (like 2 times) it didnt work. could u help us, my mighty queen ?
I have explained this in one of my posts but i will summarize for you.
After you complete Oichi's story once (whether it was red or blue) you will see the green path open up which will give you a choice to versus Harumasa Nanbu or Yoshihiro Shimazu (basically on other sides of the map) choose one and go forward until the end of the green path which is Karasu Castle vs Hideaki and Tenkai. Beginning of the stage, go forward until a cutscene will show them running away. Hideaki will go to the obvious way which is behind (don't follow him or else you will lose the path to Nobunaga). There is a side road which Tenkai takes to his part of the stage. Go to that road and defeat him to get another cutscene, which he his true plans to Oichi about reviving Nobunaga. It isn't the end of her story, but transitions to her secret one battle purple path against Nobunaga at Honnoji. You know to save the world from her brother. She beats him up and drags him to hell and end of Oichi's green/purple path. It will say after it ends you have unlocked a gray path for the rest of the characters to face Nobunaga. Some gray paths will be in red path and some will be in blue. Choose your character to go through their story again. I chose Magoichi for reference. Now is a good time to use guide and path history before you do anything. This will show you which paths and battles you've taken for each playthrough and which ones you've missed. The gray path should be open now and it's near the end of the path. Go through whichever path has the gray path normally (don't personally defeat Oichi if your characters territory is by her). Before you select the final battle of your path that you're on it will say something troubling is happening in Kanegasaki (or something like that). Go there to start gray path, stop Oichi from going insane. After you beat her, she actually regains her senses, trying to find Nohime, Ranmaru, and most importantly Nagamasa. All of a sudden, Tenkai will kill her himself from behind and tried to revive Nobunaga by using her blood because they are brother and sister. Kill Tenkai for killing poor Oichi, then he'll die. Oichi gets dragged down to hell and Nobunaga's revived. Now go to Honnoji and save the world again. You should have Nobunaga after all that.
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hinyari-chan · 7 years
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straizo-relatable · 2 years
Kobayakawa Hideaki Drama Route Ending Cinematic
Some context for the route can be found here
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in honour of spooky season: ghostly Gyobu haunting Kobayakawa Hideaki
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strategischwelt · 7 years
Hideaki (before becoming a member of the Eastern Army) to Mitsunari (during the Battle of Sekigahara)
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iryomito · 4 years
Sengoku Basara Boyfriends #3
the cool yet cute one who will support you with everything you do but will sometimes play tricks on you and teases you so much :Shima Sakon
the obssessed one who will be head over heels for you very sensitive to every word and action you do to him and gets depressed easily: Shibata Katsuie
the cute one who will give you lots of hugs and kisses and will talk about you 24h a day and think about ways to make you happy: Maeda Toshie
the strict rigid one who is too righteous and very harsh on you for your own good but still loves you so much and wouldn’t tolerate anyone hurting you : Azai Nagamaza
the naive miserbale one who is too kind yet unlucky and you will feel very sorry for him he will have some emotional outbursts but nothing that will hurt you: Kuroda Kanbei
the mysterious creepy one who hides his feelings for you but will have the perfect murder plan for anyone who thinks about hurting you and won’t show it: Otani Yoshitsugu
the happy go lucky one who is religious has a lot of talents and feels like a little innocent kid who wants to always have fun with you: Otomo Sorin
the masochist one with some weird creepy thoughts who is into unusal scary ideas and would be more than happy when you step on him: Tenkai
the one who brags about himself and cares about his looks but would treat you like a true gentelman with etiquettes: Mogami Yoshiaki
the fluffy one who gets scared from litterally everything but very affectionate will cook you delicious meals and will listen to you : Kobayakawa Hideyaki:
the naughthy one who will cause a lot of troubles and say some nasty shit but is very pure and would choose your company over anything: Mori Ranmari
the proud one who won’t go easy on you and will put you through a lot of tests to see if you are the right one and if chosen will value you over anything: Ashikaga Yoshiteru:
the maniac one with resentement issues with a revenge list and will never forget about the bad things you said or did to him: Goto Matabei
the sweet open minded one who feels like a lover and a friend but can be quite stupid at times : Yamanaka Shikanosuke
this is the last part, i am sorry if Samuragi new characters weren’t spot on i am not familiar with them but i did my best and i hope you enjoyed SenBasa Boyfriends!!!! 
happy 15th anniversary!!!
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