coolrpblog · 4 months
Aestri approaches the taller man slowly holding something behind her back.
“I heard today’s your birthday! Happy birthday Masked one!”
She hands over a small brown and cream teddy bear with a red bow tie. Unfortunately, he was missing his left eye but everything else about him was mint.
“Since it’s your birthday… how about a song? I’m a pretty good singer.~”
Late Jason birfday asks
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Jason looks to the bard, tilting his head. When the teddy bear was shown now, Jason visible perked up as he carefully grabs the stuffed animal. Hugging the stuffed animal now. Even if it was slightly damaged, he really likes it.
Tilting his head once more he nods. A birthday song sounds great, it's been many years since having that.
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champion-of-light · 4 months
Alright before I get too busy and can’t be here for a bitto, I wanted to say I have made the multi muse blog! Alabaster (the werewolf) still needs his lore up but until then here’s a small deet page about him;
His full name is Alabaster Remus.
He’s currently stuck in his werewolf form. He will never be human again.
He’s able to run on all fours or just two legs. When he’s on all four legs he is 6’2 and when he’s on two legs, he is 7’4.
He tends to be a grump, easily agitated and quick to snap at others. He’s very dominant and believes in wolf pack dynamics. Although, he tends to get along slightly “better”with survivors.
He enjoys hunting and killing others, for either sport or just consumption. If you cross paths with him tho and he hasn’t ate let? You might be his next meal. He’s almost always hungry.
He’s mostly found at Ormound OR in the deeper woods.
He’s fur is completely pitch black, has yellow eyes and medium sized nick in his left ear.
He can be found at @hiddennmoons :)
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coolrpblog · 4 months
a  kiss  when  it’s  not  allowed. From Klein to Arthur!
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"Listen, I told you I can't stick around much longer or that old man of yours Dutch will-" The yank by the shirt had Klein's hat fall right off his head when Arthur pulled him into a kiss. Shit, this man will either be the death of him or the other way around. Yet Klein can't find it in him to even push the other away as his eyes slip shut, again he feels like he can just melt into that kiss of his.
A soft exhale leaves him as he looks back into his eyes. He wishes he can stay, but that would bring nothing but trouble.
"Cheeky outlaw aren't you?" He says now with an amused grin that finds its way to his face. "I have to go now Arthur, I really can't linger here anymore... pray we can run into each other again so we can have some decent quality time together next time, okay?"
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coolrpblog · 4 months
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From Arthur!! To be fair he don’t even know what bdsm is
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"Well, I can explain some things-" There's a shy laugh as he rubs his neck.
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coolrpblog · 4 months
@hiddennmoons arthur
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Klein's first encounter with the other was simply at the bar where neither knew, or better yet; realised the other was on a rival gang. But now with them both aware, he really didn't think the next encounter would be so nice...
But maybe he was wrong.
The sound of hooves and another horse drawing near had Klein lift his gaze from the prosthetic he was working on repair before cursing under his breath. Wasn't Bernard or the others...
"Talk about shit luck on my part and probably a golden opportunity on yours huh?" He speaks up as he stares up to Arthur.
"Should I take the rest from Dutch Van Der Linde gang aren't far behind?"
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coolrpblog · 4 months
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"Yeah, that seems about right-"
Tagged by: Yoinked from @historias-multorum
Tagging: @leadxxr @ferociium @condxmnxd @hiddennmoons @fiorserpen
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