iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
I really, really hate to say this, I love all you guys, and please forgive me. I feel like I'm wasting space on both Kisame and Orochimaru, so I wish to drop them so someone else will give them the time and attention that not only the characters deserve, but also you guys.
I really hate to drop my muses, but I have to.
But I can give away Kisame’s account to the rp group, so that way, it can be used for the next person who picks up his character.
I have no troubles giving his account away, I created his email account on yahoo specifically for the rp group, so no personal information is on there.
I wish i could do the same for Orochimaru, but I used a personal email for him, so I can’t give away his account.
But for Kisame, I’m willing to give up his tumblr and yahoo email/account because it’ll has no personal information, and be a clean slate for the next person.
We see. We’re very sorry to hear that, Paula, but very well. We’ll go ahead and remove both Kisame and Orochimaru from the list of taken characters for you. For those who are interested in trying out for the role of Kisame, please take note of her offer!
Thank you for roleplaying with us, it’s been a pleasure.
Everyone, please unfollow this blog and Orochimaru [therealsnakeshady].
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prodigyitachi · 11 years
"Happy birthday Itach-san."
… And here was one of the very few that Itachi was comfortable enough with receiving well wishes from.
“-Ah, Kisame.”
“Thank you for the wish.”
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shintenshin-archive · 11 years
Dear diary,
We had a lot of kids at the pizza parlour today. They are so noisy! What brats! I was not as exhausting as them when I was young, I know that much. If Iruka-Sensei was teaching them, they’d surely get told to stand outside with buckets.
But then I remembered another enthusiastic kid who broke the record for a million questions in under a minute. The one whose skin was an unusual shade that was a popular primary colour and referred to pizza as Pitza. Hahaha, he was a cute little boy. Hoshigake Kisame.
And then grew up into a tall, hulking S-Ranked criminal with a massive sword. I wonder what happened to that little child I knew. Perhaps it’s still there, considering that he returned the scarf I lent him rather graciously.
And by the way, his sword kind of resembles a giant tampon, don’t you think? How come nobody has mentioned that to him?
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nbrpc-akatsuki-blog · 11 years
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The time to act is now and I'll hear no objections to the contrary.
Deidara and Kakuzu will target Hashirama Senju for our first mission to be a success. Kakuzu has experience with the first Hokage and will be able to offer information and appropriate strategies. Deidara, I want you to blow his room. Nothing big, but enough to get his attention. Destroy his ramen and the Akatsuki cloak in his room and I am sure he will make chase. It is paramount you are not caught, so if necessary casualties are acceptable. Again, I don't want hundreds dead or else you can be sure that the First will not fail to catch you.
Kisame will distract the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju long enough to ensure he can not warn his brother of what is happening. The Second specialised in water techniques so you should be fine, however be wary of the lightning blade- it might make short work of you if you are too reckless. Sasori will head for Uchiha Madara and keep him preoccupied. Unlike Kisame's goal, you are not required to attack Madara. Only busy him long enough to keep his attention away from the ninetailed fox.
This is where Hidan and Itachi come in. The Kyuubi is currently in a cage, and when Naruto arrives will doubtless be sealed within him. Itachi, use any means necessary to break those bars and free the fox, but not before Hidan has performed the ritual. You are both Akatsuki and the beast will more than likely attack when free. I want every hit you suffer returned to the monster, understand? Work fast, if even one of your allies fails you will have unwanted company.
Konan will watch from the skies and intercept anyone who manages to elude you. She will speak with my authority during this mission while I handle other matters, and if she is refused you will sorely miss the idea of a safe night's sleep. Strike hard, strike fast and strike for the Akatsuki- if all goes according to plan you will hear from me again soon and the Bijuu will continue to wreak havoc across the school. 
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grimmujo · 12 years
Acorn: What would your character do if they lived forever?
Endlessly strive for more power and hunt down worthwhile opponents.
He would not be constrained.
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ichibi-jinchuriki · 12 years
starters for those who answered yes?
Is it alright if I leave the starter for you to write? 
You get to pick the scenario at which you meet my character etc. perhaps?
Unless you really can't write one then just message me and I'll have it done within 2 days.
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iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
Send kisame-san to semi-hiatus, hes kind of with me.
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"I heard you were looking for some dirty asks eh?" Kisame approached. "The name is Kisame Hoshigaki, I'm the zoology teacher here and Iwakiri." He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, when he released it, mud oozed into his clothing, and the heavier stuff dripped from his body. "Have a nice day." Kisame turned around with a slight chuckle. This wasn't like him, but he couldn't resist having fun.
Tesla looked up at the tall interesting looking man, then looked at the hand on his shoulder. Once he removed it, there was filth on his shoulder. It oozed and ruined his shirt. The blond frowned and looked up to see the other turning away.
".........hm." He would get this Kisame man back. 
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shintenshin-archive · 12 years
In a small box, wrapped in sky blue wrapping paper, was Ino's now clean purple scarf she gave Kisame when he was a child. There was a small card that accompanied the box back at her dorm room door. Inside the card read "Thanks for the pizza. -Kisame" He may not have remembered everyone from that week, but he did remember Ino.
Ino read over the card and shook her head as she recalled those hectic days when children had popped up everywhere. The first one she had greeted had been Kisame when he had been young.
It was funny how the criminals of Nagato’s organisation remembered to be gracious more often than some people in Konoha.
“Cute as always.”
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tenjiro-sentoki-blog · 12 years
Unacknoledged Roommates @Kisame
He was informed his roommate was just as new to Iwakiri as he was himself, maybe that was a good thing. He had no clue to where as his roommate was, Tenjiro had found his room where he and Kisame would stay together but other than his own belongings there was nothing there. Maybe his roommate had gotten lost, which he didn't blame him if so. Tenjiro had a hard time finding where to go himself.
As he turned a corner he saw a man with blue hair, and blue skin. He didn't look human, more like a shark hybrid. Tenjiro had seen sharks before in the world of the living but nothing like this. He wore a odd cloak, and a humongous sword of some kind lay against his back. Maybe it was a shield, but it had a handle like a sword. Maybe it was his zanpakuto but Tenjiro had never seen him around in his world.
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"Yo, shark boy!" Tenjiro said walking closer to the man trying to gain his attention. "I'm tryin' ta find a man with the name Kisame, ya know em'?"
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iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
Oh wonderful, beautiful,,glorious admins. -falls on knees and bows- I hate to request such a thing, but please extend my hiatus for both Orochimaru and Kisame until the end of the month. This time i had parents who were in a motorcycle accident, and my father is getting surgery on his elbow, and I wish to be there for him in his time of recovery.
… Ah. Of course.
Extended hiatus granted. We wish your father a full, speedy recovery! Take care and do send our regards to him.
All the best.
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iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
OOC: Sorry to ask such a thing, but may I request a month hiatus for Kisame and Orohimaru? My muses seem to have left the building, and I'm hoping they'll return soon. Sorry to those I have threads with T.T
We hope that your muses will start feeling better soon, Paula!
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iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
OOC: Beautiful Admin-sama, may I please have both kisame and Orochimaru on a week hiatus. I'll be very busy and I don't think I'll have time for them until Sunday.
Yeah, keep those compliments rolling in uvu
Duly noted!
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iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
OOC: Switch KisaOro from semi-hiatus to single and ready to mingle
Excellent! Welcome back!
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iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
"Hello, you can place myself and the slime ball snake on semi-hiatus. Our mun seems to be healing quite well from her mouth surgery."
We’re glad to hear that!
Set on semi-hiatus for you!
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iwakiri-academy-blog · 11 years
"Hello Admin-sama, please put me and that slimy snake bastard of a 2 week hiatus. Our mun is going to get be in a lot of pain, and may not be in the proper place to mock us properly." Kisame asked politely.
We hope your mun will get well soon!
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