oneloveblaze · 5 years
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oneloveblaze · 5 years
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oneloveblaze · 6 years
Cool Blaze - New Wave (feat GBMNutron x Skorch Bun it)
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oneloveblaze · 9 years
Soca 2016 Mix
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oneloveblaze · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkAMWcMpj9E)
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oneloveblaze · 11 years
There is nothing new under the sun....
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Im not sure if you have heard this saying before but it is actually one of my favorites. " There is nothing new under the sun." How true this is, is sometimes sickening and comforting at the same time.
You can look at this and apply it in a few ways in life. Today I think I'll use it as situations. This past week has been like a bubble pop and a wake up call all at the same time. Situations happen in life and we think its the end of the world and this the worst thing to ever happen to somebody in the history of shit to ever happen to somebody but... is it really?
As humans we are selfish as fuck. We think that because it is happening to us it is the worse thing ever. But in reality its not and out of the 7 billion people in the world i'm sure there are a few other people with problems a little worse than yours. But fuck them right? Out of sight out of mind. 
But like I said there is nothing new under the sun and in my case these situations i've been in before. Its like reading a book I didnt want to read in the first place that i remember all the fucked up parts to, but only this the main character is older and should have known better and some of the support cast has changed. 
Before I would have thought this is the end of the world but as I told you guys before my ataraxia is at an all time high so I think i'll just say fuck it and keep it moving.
There is nothing new under the sun so the same people you meet tomorrow are the same ones you met 5 years ago they just have new names and look different but the way people are, they really are all the same. People make time for what they want to make time for and if someone says they don't have time they just mean they don't have time for you.
Shit i know i tell people that shit everyday that i don't have time, but what i really mean is that i have things i feel are more important that i can be doing with my time. and the fact of the matter is that its my time and i spend it how ever the fuck i want to spend it... point. blank. period. 
I've had enough of mine wasted that i don't feel like giving anymore away for free. I don't have time for people that don't have time for me because like i said what that means is "i feel there are more important that i can be doing with my time."
Its funny, well i look at it as funny so i dont jump off a bridge that the last 3 girls that told me they don't have time have all magically found time to be fucking other people. Wow look at that they have time! Maybe the other guys don't last as long as I do so they found it easier to schedule them in or maybe after dating me the universe sends girls a special gadget that gives them an extra hour in the day... who the fuck knows? But my thing is after that I don't really buy that line anymore.
And with the "I don't have time" line always comes my life is hectic right now.... wait ..what Bitch? Not to sound like a dick but do you know who TF i am? like really?  Do you think i sit at home all day waiting for you to call or text me like i don't have shit to do with my life? Like i don't own 8 start up companies? like i don't 10 client projects to work on every week? Like i don't have a major event every other month? Honestly people say they are busy, but I cant count on my hand the amount of people i know that are really actually busier than i am and none of them are any of the girls i've dated in the last 25 years....But fuck it. 
Like i said there's nothing new under the sun and my ataraxia is at an all time high so i'll just keep it moving and wait for myself and someone else to both find the time for each other. I'll wait until I find someone that knows that life will always be busy but that doesn't matter because she wants me to be apart of it so she finds that time not an excuse. 
One Love 
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oneloveblaze · 11 years
i was thinking....
So on my way home today i was thinking... well i'm always thinking and this isn't the first time i thought about starting my own personal blog.... so i did.
I've been through a lot the past few years. I've cheated death a few times, i've had some ups some really fucking downs but i'm still here so i guess thats cause for something. Not celebration because i don't think just because you're alive you should celebrate, there's no real accomplishment in that, but i'm happy about the person i've become so i guess we can go with that.
I think in the last six months i've grown more than the pervious 5 years. I finally figured out what i wanted to be when i grew up even tho i'm already grown or so i like to think. And i'm starting to find peace in my life even tho things seem so crazy at times. I'm starting to realize the way things work and it's making my life a lot better.
I think over the last two years i have developed ataraxia which is the medical term for I don't give a fuck. Once you learn to fix the things you can in life and say fuck it to the things you cant life starts to make a lot more sense. 
So this is me not giving a fuck anymore and putting my thoughts out there for who ever cares to read it. You don't have to agree with anything I say i'm not really doing this for feed back its more for myself. So when i'm in my 40's i can look back at my thoughts and see what I used to think i knew about life and see if it still makes sense. Which i'm sure it wont because WTF do i know?  
One Love
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