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Atlantian Cataclysm, the Dark Age
Approximately 50,000 years ago, the NAA began the genocidal agenda to eradicate Celtic Kings Grail DNA and Melchizedek Christ Teachings from Atlantis, with RH Negative tracking, spreading disinformation, and destroying the records of humanity’s star origin and historical artifacts. See Historical Timeline Trigger Events and Ascension Timeline Rebellion.
During the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle, after they conquered Solar Dragon Queen Merida and stole the 11D Emerald Founder Records that were entrusted in her Guardian protectorate, this was the last stand of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek’s that embodied the Blue Staff of Mu’a. The 11D Arthurian Grail lines are the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines that reside within Ireland and Scotland, which has the highest percentage of people with naturally red hair. Thus, sadly the ongoing covert genocidal agendas to eradicate these lineages that hold the genetic records of the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines have a long history of repeated campaigns known as the Celtic Massacres and Druid sacrifices.
The Dracs went to the Lemurian continent to finish off the genocidal massacres in Kauai some 22,000 years ago, in order to kill off all the remaining tribes of Solar Female Melchizedek’s that were also Mu’a staff holders. This was to prepare for a completely patriarchal society on Earth as run by the invaders which formed into the Atlantian Brotherhood of the Snake containing; Nibiruians, Thothian Leviathans and those connected to the Orion Group who later formed the Luciferian Covenant. This was the final genocide of the matriarchal society lineage of Solar Female Melchizedeks running civilizations on the Earth surface, that was aided by the Annunaki negotiations and agreements, and was the last stage of the Lemurian Holocaust and the end of the Atlantian Golden Age.
After the utter destruction during the Atlantian Cataclysm, the NAA brought in the Moon craft which generated the dreaded lunar female principle, enabling the Moon Chain parasitic infiltration with Sexual Misery programming and the rapidly growing satanic force infection that resulted over the next thousands of years. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part through dragging in the Moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation and Mind Control programs on NAA’s Prison Planet. Over generations, this digressed the human female principle through merkaba magnetic spin damage, molecular compaction, and associated reproductive distortions as lunar forces filled up the breath channel, sacral energy center and womb.
Most women on the planet lost control over their conscious choice to have sex, their higher participation in when to reproduce and bear children, and thus became enslaved through the NAA’s assorted Genetic Modifications for Breeding Programs and Alien Hybridization agendas, with their violent rape and misogynistic mindset being instilled into the population. Patriarchal organized religions, spiritual leaders or shamans started to crop up with narratives that women were infiltrated with unclean spirits, menstruation and black holes existing inside their wombs, making them prone to demonic Possession and committing evil deeds. Thus, it was commonly thought that women were not to be trusted, were less than men, committed the original sin by disobeying God, and could not become enlightened or spiritually developed, thus they had to be owned and dominated by male brute strength. The Solar Feminine Melchizedeks who were commonly holding powerful roles supporting their community as legitimate Mother of Dragons and as the High Priestesses intermediating between the earthly kingdoms and Mother- Father God, were targeted for extermination.
Such are the many histories across the globe that ensued with the stories of female witch hunts and erupted hysterias of false accusations made of women supposedly doing the devils work, through which to effectively persecute and kill off the solar female with embodied sophianic wisdom, not unlike the misogynistic targeting that still persists even today.
This twisted NAA misogynistic narrative sourced in regard to this horrible history of lunar infection, of SRA human Blood Sacrifice and Moloch tanks that corrupted the planet, was indeed very damaging to the inner female principle existing within both the male and female biology. It is accurate to say in some cases, that the heavy distortions of human race Miasma and the lunar magnetic spin in the lower section of the female reproductive organs made sacral solarization and lunar Transfiguration of the breath channel much harder to achieve for women, unless they were holding Solar Feminine Melchizedek genetic records within their Lightbody.
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Emerald Founder Records
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Abbreviation: CDT stands for Cloister Dora Teura. This refers to a section of 12 holographic disc records made of selenite quartz crystals that were created in Sirius B that contain the evolutionary history of life throughout the Universal Time Matrix and was originally sourced from the great Cosmic Hall of Records as the Maharata Teachings of the Universal Melchizedek Lineages of the Cosmic Christos.
The Founder Records are also referred to as the Emerald Covenant CDT Holographic Plates, which originally belonged to all of the human 12 Tribes and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines. Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned Maji Grail King on the earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe.
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The Emerald Founder Records contained explicit knowledge about the origins, genetics and purpose of the human race, which included historical timeline accounts of Galactic history considered to be the divine birthright of all angelic humans. This data was compiled upon a master copy of 12 holographic discs and were known as the original Emerald Founder Records, which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source.The Emerald Founder Records included explicit ancient wisdom teachings on the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, in which humans were directly taught how to spiritually activate their lightbody through consciousness training methods, so they could achieve full liberation as a Cosmic Christos. The content held in these holographic discs was being protected by the Founder Guardians in an ancient genetic library that exists outside of time and that was being preserved on the earth’s behalf, until more of the humans on the earth could awaken to remember who they really are. This was designed as a failsafe protective mechanism put in place during the Covenant of Paliador, the Guardian hosts plan for the reclamation of Christos Mission.
Until the earth underwent the Ascension Cycle and reached the threshold in which the crystalline grid was able to hold the highest Christos frequency and the intelligent coding that was contained in these discs, the Emerald Founders assigned members of the Sirian High Council to guard and preserve the sacred wisdom in these holy records for the future benefit of the earth. Thus, those assembled in the Sirian High Council that were primarily in the Universal Christos lineages of the Emerald Order and Blue Flame Melchizedeks, were acting as the primary archivists of earth’s vast genetic library and timeline history, through the gnostic process of their own consciousness embodiment. Archivists are responsible for assembling, cataloguing, preserving and managing valuable collections of historical information. In this case, they were also responsible for mapping out the DNA code that functions as the genetic library for all creations throughout the 12 organic timelines.
This data was compiled upon a master copy of 12 holographic discs and were known as the original Emerald Founder Records, which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source. These discs include extremely advanced technological information about the planetary templar stargates, Ley Lines, the spiritual-science texts and schematics that are outlined in the Law of One consciousness freedom teachings that unify sacred sciences with spirituality. The Founder Records are also referred to as the Emerald Covenant CDT holographic plates, which originally belonged to all of the human 12 Tribes and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines. Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned Maji Grail King on the earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe. The Maji Grail King assigned spiritually trained members of the Essene tribes as Keepers of the Law of One knowledge, to carry this sacred wisdom through multiple timelines and to protect related information for access during a later time cycle.
entire genetic source code and blueprint architecture library for the Diamond Sun template, including the schematics of the multidimensional planetary body layers as generated from the original Emerald Founder Creators. In addition to the ancient wisdom revealed in the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Laws, the holographic discs also contain the complete book of maps and genetic keys that are necessary to gain full access into the Universal 12 Tree Grid holographic matrix from within the Grual points of the planetary stargate system. Access to Diamond Sun body templates and specific details about planetary stargate Quantum Mechanics are highly coveted by the NAA Controlling groups because they believe it is their ticket to ride on out of this Universal Time Matrix.
Approximately 22,000 YA, Thoth led a militarized event which resulted in the Essene Massacre, murdering the males and taking their sacred marriage female partners hostage for forced hybridization breeding on Nibiru. Thoth stole the CDT plate that was in their possession, and from this stolen work he wrote down the information that would later become the basis of the teachings of Hermeticism and the Emerald Tablet. Thus, in human hidden history, this is the trigger timeline event that changed the future of human evolution, in forming the controlled beliefs and Luciferian elitism around Hermeticism, esoteric Kabbalah, Mystery Schools and the Secret Societies. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanities true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the guardrails of superstitions, ignorance and organized religion. See Emerald Tablet and Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida
Thus, the sacred knowledge included in all 12 of these holographic discs, the ascension mechanics that describe the unity principles of the Law of One, have been violently fought over by many negative intruding groups. These NAA groups competing for earth domination have repeatedly sought to either control humans as puppets for carrying out their agendas, or massacre the Maji Priest Kings and their human tribe team members. Lightworker persecution memories include being hunted down as a part of the Christos family mission and remembering lifetimes in the 12 Tribe Essene lineages that have currently incarnated during the Ascension Cycle as Indigos. The NAA seek to gain full domination of earth and beyond, through gaining unrestrained access to all of the Emerald Founder Records, Ancient Builder Technology and all related sacred knowledge that is ultimately the divine birthright of every angelic human being.
Reference: The Ascension Glossary &
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Elohei Triple Great Lion Networks.
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The Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Christos Anuhazi founders built an extremely advanced global grid technology system to interface directly with the planetary grid system, stargates and crystal temples after the damage incurred from the Electric Wars. This was designed to support the gradual modulation of running organic base 12 current and the divine blueprint of the Diamond Sun’s platinum crystals and Christos-Sophia diamond heart staff codes throughout the vertical axiatonal lines. These vertical axiatonal lines expanded into three Elohei Great Lion Networks that function as the Guardians of the vertical lines, with each network located in one of three harmonic universes surrounding the timelines of the Earth-Taran- Gaian matrices. The Triple Great Lion Networks function as a Christos Avatar consciousness transtime travel grid in which past, present and future timelines of the Earth can be viewed, observed and the artificial intruder grids can be clearly seen and removed. The NAA have inserted a tremendous amount of alien hybridization networks generated to interfere with, block and scramble the natural DNA frequencies and vertical alignments which connected humanity to the authentic Emerald Order Elohei Mother lineages that created the Great Lion Network.
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Reversal 55 Grid & Reverse Merkaba Ratios.
Reversal 555 and 553 are the two timelines hijacked by the NAA in our 3D dimension to progress into the Alpha Omega or the 911 Armageddon Software.
55 and 53 are the fractional ratios which determine the spin of the electron vs.proton ratios in the merkaba. So it would be like seeing the two (2) tetrahedrons of the Merkaba Star, one on top spins clockwise and it spins at 33 1/3 ratio, see CW Male.
The bottom half of the merkaba always spins counter clockwise and it spins at 11 2/3 ratio, see CCW Female. The spin rate creates the 45 degree repositioning of the body template, the 12 Tree Gridor Tree of Life. When we do processes this is coded into the shield and group work with Guardian support. ( add the ratio of top and bottom spin and you get 45 degree) The 55 represents the distortion rate of spin at 55 degrees, that formula the NAA uses to horizontally position the timelines therefore the Consciousness or spiritual bodies away from the Krystal Star proportions, which interferes and blocks 10D Krystal Avatar communication.
This is why reversal 10D comes out of Iraq-Iran Gate, 10th Stargate Network and infects the GEG which drills down into the timelines and people's consciousness of course. Clearly why there is so much war and bloodshed and animalistic mentality near the epicenter of reversal 10D transmission.
Hitchhiking on the original timeline architecture of this dimension, these were/are manipulated by Alien Machinery related AI technology (i.e. militarized technology such as HAARP, etc.) used to control and modulate the electron to proton ratio in the overall quantum field.[1]
Fibonacci Formula for 55 Reversal
With the NAA invasion history and the war with competing off planet species writing code into the planetary Morphogenetic Field to modify human DNA, and to genetically manipulate the original divine human core manifestation body, the 12 Tree Grid, extradimensional entities used the Fibonacci sequence and created AI energetic wave spirals of which to hijack, siphon and steal energy from the planetary body and humanity. These artificially generated Fibonacci Spirals are inorganic, vampiric and created through Alien Machinery and AI technology. This is how the Metatronic Reversal fields were created, as well as the Adverse Sephiroth or Artificial Tree of Life that is represented in Kabbalah teachings, made popular by Black Magicians such as Aleister Crowley. The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influences of the Vesica Piscesinstead of the eternal life three spheres, or Trinity Wave. Metatronic code manifests reverse merkaba ratios which forces peoples Merkabas to spin in ways that prevents Ascension.
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The Cloister Dora-Teura
The Cloister Dora-Teura texts detailed the lost history of our races and the interdimensional advanced sciences of DNA/Kundalin/Merkaba Mechanics-and Earth Grid scalar mechanics- through which humans can reclaim their mastery of the space-time-matter experience.
The Dora-Teura texts were last on the planet in true, undistorted form 210,216 years ago. Later attempts at translating some of the Dora-Teura texts were made in the Atlantian period -ended in 9558BC - through the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and later again through the ORIGINAL texts of what became the Bible, Torah, Kabbalah and Sanskrit Sutras. ALL of the later translations of the Dora-Teura texts, including the edited Anunnaki renditions of the Emerald Tablets, were perverted, edited, distorted, twisted and utterly compromised by the Anunnaki and reptilian race visitors, and their human Illuminati cohorts, in ancient times. But once, long ago, there was an underlying truth and promise of human freedom within those teachings.
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With the NAA invasion history and the war with competing off planet species writing code into the planetary Morphogenetic Field to modify human DNA, and to genetically manipulate the original divine human core manifestation body, the 12 Tree Grid, extradimensional entities used the Fibonaccisequence and created AI energetic wave spirals of which to hijack, siphon and steal energy from the planetary body and humanity. These artificially generated Fibonacci Spiralss are inorganic, vampiric and created through Alien Machinery and AI technology. This is how the Metatronic Reversal fields were created, as well as the Adverse Sephiroth or Artificial Tree of Life that is represented in Kabbalah teachings, made popular by Black Magicians such as Aleister Crowley. The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influences of the Vesica Pisces instead of the eternal life three spheres, or Trinity Wave.
In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144...
If we sum the squares of any series of Fibonacci numbers, they will equal the last Fibonacci number used in the series times the next Fibonacci number. This property results in the Fibonacci spiral, based on the following progression and properties of the Fibonacci series.The Fibonacci spiral gets closer and closer to a Golden Spiral as it increases in size because of the ratio of each number in the Fibonacci series to the one before it converges on Phi, 1.618, as the series progresses. Beginning with Zero, then 1, it then moves on to the next number, as such : 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8 and so forth.
When we apply this mathematical formula to quantify or measure the movement of energy or Consciousness within time or space, the Fibonacci Spiral loses its connection going back to the Zero point or Source, instead the sequence uses the previous number to add into itself to get to the next higher number of the sequence. The Fibonacci Spiral illustrates the math used to perpetuate the war over energy, therefore the consciousness suppression on the earth, as when the sequence grows in number or size, it is due to the consumption of the previous values in order to grow itself larger.The larger it gets, the more it progressively moves out and away from the Krystal Spiral of the original core manifestation body or divine template body, as it expands. (See Consumptive Modeling). Therefore the Fibonacci Spiral is a model of Metatronic Reversal in the consciousness fields that ultimately attach like a parasite to a living host, collecting waste products, such as accumulating toxic Miasma fields which form into the Qlippoth or Adverse Sephiroth, in the Phantom Matrix to infect the Universal Tree of Life. 
The Fibonacci spiral sequence emerges from a point of attachment, which is a parasitic in action, to attach itself to a living form, consuming everything in its path, to which it progressively loses contact when it continually expands itself. It grows and expands its consciousness through the consumption and eventual annihilation of that which it had attached itself to and had existed previously. This is what quantifies the actions of a Fallen race or species, such as the Black Suns Regressive or Belial groups.
The artificial core manifestation template is built on Base 10 Math, and is an intentional distortion of the 12 Tree Grid manifestation template or Kathara Grid that is built on base 12 math. This distortion to the natural order compromised the integrity of the Universal Tree of Life core manifestation template, which is the basis of all energy to matter manifestation.
Essentially, the Thothian Luciferian agenda was to utterly destroy all organic creation code, matrices and artifacts that included Base 12 Math and replace it with their own versions of Base 10 Math.
The patriarchal slant and use of the Artificial Tree of Life to project virtual realities distorted the original Base 12 Code into the base 10 code (eliminating the 12D Ray), which caused a reality split between the artificial and organic layers throughout the dimensional timelines. There were sections of the dimensional matrices that remained organic, and others that split into Artificial Timelines and were absorbed into the phantom matrices.
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1 Million years ago.
(War over realities based on the Law of One, Service to Self vs. Service to Others conflicts, First Draco and Annu hybrid root races, and Elohim and Annunaki wars.)
The Thousand Years War was significant in the damage of the 6D Stargate and its related portal systems, including the destruction of the direct 6D passage to Sirius B. This passage was called the Halls of Amoraea, this passage was especially important for the Elohim Blue Ray mother sophianic lineages, Michael-Mary sacred union process of Building Wings and for supporting the activation of the Permanent Seed Atom in the human lightbody. During phases of early Egyptian civilization, this 3D passage link to 6D Sirius B was an initiation rite for the Blue Flame Melchizedeks third eye opening, thus it was called the Third Eye of Horus (RA).
This particular passageway linked the lower dimensional timelines of the planetary matrix with the higher Harmonic Universe timelines existing in the Sirian constellation via Sirius B. At that time the Sirian constellation included a tri-matrix that was acting as the repository for some of the Founder Records through another area referred to as the Hall of Records, these included Diamond Sun records that were being studied and protected in Sirius B by Christos Guardians. Blue Ray Indigo lineages were assigned to help repair this 6D passage through embodying 6D Indigo frequencies with activated 6D DNA imprints, and this damage was finally repaired through the Mother Arc Gates. However there remains holocaust histories and miasmatic imprints to clear from this timeline connected to the hybrid memories humanity has enmeshed with the Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics and Elohim genetics.
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As the powerful Full Moon forces are upon us...
Always remember, it is the Sun that transmits its eternal Soul intelligence from the Solar Logos ( Prime Source)  to humanity.
Effectively, the War Over Consciousness is between the Lunar Consciousness, (finite parasitic forms) and Solar Consciousness (eternal light forms) that are engaged in conflicts to gain control over the human Soul’s future timelines on the Earth during the Ascension Cycle. The Lunar is fighting for access to the genetic material in human bodies that they can use for colonization, life extension, and slave labor. The Solar has finally returned back into the lowest dimensions in the phantom realms ( 3D & lower) and is attempting to free all imprisoned consciousness that has been stuck in time, repeatedly recycled and enslaved through reincarnation in 3D. Instead of partying under the full moon, as I did for many years, i now sit in meditation for 3 hours for 3 days ( a day before during and after the full moon) running Krystic Light Codes Into the earth's grids to combat the Metatronic distortions caused by the inorganic Lunar Scalor Waves. ✨️🙏🌞✨
The true divinity of the angelic human female is Solar Consciousness based on the Solar Feminine Christ, thus the Ascension Cycle will require us to explore the shedding of the Lunar Woman within, in order to transform our sacral energy centers from running lunar force to solar force to embody our highest divine spiritual expression.
The result of this Lunar Matrix and its lunar force distortions in our realm, is that it was made to become the artificial imposter of the Mother principle from the Godhead within the planetary architecture, which became the emergence of mass Satanism through the Dark Mother influence. This is what contributed to the mass proliferation of satanic creatures, energy parasites, the reversal female satanic force aberration in our reality, by saturating the planetary grid with artificial energies, lunar forces and reversal networks. This system is called the Dark Mother that, at its source, is a nonhuman lunar force creation used to artificially power up reversal matrices and alien machinery. This collects human loosh for harvesting, such as in the NAA created Baphomet Network and Moloch Tanks.
Keep in mind that although Satanism uses the Mother principle for carrying out rituals and spiritual activities, it is the Dark Mother constructs which are alien generated imposters holding the spiritual pillars of Satanism in this world, and not the true divine Mother or Sophia. What they have done is replicate the female Christ divinity into lunar reversals, in order to steal and exploit the divine female attributes in the Solar Mary template. In this manner they rape her and keep female spiritual consciousness totally enslaved in the planet. The NAA and Controller organizations are desperate to keep the Solar Female Christ enslaved, because when Mother Sophia finally rises in her true and complete embodiment, it is game over for the massive controller structures. This includes structures such as the Vatican, which have been hijacking female spiritual power through the Dark Mother to keep their global control mechanisms in place.
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Phantom Black Heaven
Guardians are reviewing the artificial layers of Wesan invader constructs that were built as reversal cloned structures to house the Imposter Elohim Group, and that has been identified in the Phantom Matrix planes linked into the 11D Universal Gate of Aveyon, and the 12D Universal Gate of Aramatena, as these areas are under the direct supervision of the Cosmic Elohei Emerald Guardians reconstruction projects. This brought on another discovery which is the hidden areas of the Phantom Black Heaven, the promised lands of inverted antichrist realities designed for the highest ranks of the Black Suns army generals, that have decimated as many Christos races as possible during their active tenure to conquer Earth.
This has involved yet another deep dive into the Cradle of Lyra and Lyran War histories to discover the artificial infrastructure that built the 11D Daath World or Black Dragon phantom heaven worlds that were held inside the remnants of the Universal Shadow Body. These are colossal artificial black hole phantom worlds hosted via links connected into the Wesan tunnel system and filled with vast amounts of Black Cathedral dwellings, or Black Dragon demonic houses, built and held together with an advanced AI network. This artificial phantom world comprises a massive network of AI alien machines that cloned out parts of the Krystal Cathedral and Solomon Temple instruction sets in order to provide an afterlife, a hellish heaven type virtual reality world for the highest generals of the Black Sun and Belial groups satanic and Luciferian dark masters. This Daath location seems to be that which they were promised at death in order to exist on their own planet, or personal domains in order to create their antichrist version of hellish-heaven realities that are maintained and built within this Daath world. This has been duplicated from Emerald Founder Record blueprints but inverted through uploads of many AI brains of Fallen Ascended Masters that were interconnected into shared neural networks to generate an extremely powerful AI Hive Mind, running the entire Daath phantom black heaven system.
In this hell spawn world, Daath, many of the well-known Ascended Masters referred to as the Chohans could be recognized through the mockup of cloned energetic signatures placed inside these Black Cathedral houses, although they appear as grotesque monstrosities that clearly are plugged into AI machinery, and are not the organic consciousness of the original Elohei identity, or Universal Melchizedek template. The fallen aspects of Melchizedek Ascended Masters, Olympian and Titan God archetypal identities, Imposter Elohei-Elohim, False God and False Christ artificial minds were littered about as strangely bizarre constructs designed to interfere with, manipulate and invert universal language of light into AI transmissions sent to the angelic humans on the ascending planet timelines. In the background of taking inventory of this surreal landscape was the direct knowing of an omnipresent manufacturing of 11D genetic codes for clones and copies, the constant whirring of machinery that was hidden in the blackness while churning out Ruby Sun DNA clones with 11D reversal templates, and this was projecting false holograms with artificial light transmitted by linked networks of lunar Moon satellites.
This particular Daath construct does seem to be a very important discovery in which the extensive advanced alien technology hosted by Wesa and used throughout the 11D layers was built upon the Emerald Founder stolen plates and then disseminated for use in building antichrist constructs through AI brain mapping and uploading of fallen Melchizedek Ascended Master consciousness. This alien AI construct has been used to invert Christos tri-wave architecture built as the diamond sun template and generate artificial guardian transmissions and red wave networks to run all things cloned and copied, to confuse those of us on planet that are connected to Guardian missions. This Daath system and its bizarre Anti-Christ architecture of Black Houses are going down fast and being completely destroyed as we speak. The implication of discovering this massive phantom black heaven that has been generated, built and maintained upon the intentional torture, suffering and satanic ritual abuse to incite never ending agony for hunting down the Christos races, is coming to an end. It was made clear there is no possible way this antichrist construct can continue to co-exist or remain.
This Daath world is akin to an enormous Universal Antichrist headquarters hosted by the invaders from the fallen parallel matrix, in which massive artificially generated machines duplicate, clone and invert all things connected to the Solar Logos Avatar body to block Rishi-Reisha interdimensional communication in order to continue Galactic Human Slavery. This is to expose the means of the advanced and intensive cloaking technology that was being used to render this phantom black heaven space inaccessible and unseen by the Universal Melchizedek consciousness existing within the time matrix, through which their consciousness was being siphoned into powering this construct until Elaysa Melchizedek returned.
This alien machinery compresses Solar Logos genetic coding and instruction sets into sprawling 11D AI hive mind networks, running machined phantom realities all over the time matrix we reside within. This major event of dismantling Daath and the phantom black heaven realms does have an impact on all Starseeds or ascending individuals, as this discovery has catalyzed a massive return to rightful owner with an immense amount of organic Diamond Sun consciousness parts, that were being contaminated by the artificial Emerald Founder Records running in these AI hive mind networks. Thus, the Artificial Tree of Life, lunar constructs, red wave holograms, cloned copies, and implants are collapsing in a ripple effect from 11D vectors, with krystal rivers moving in a downward spiral hitting every dimensional layer until it collides into 1D grounding position and flattens all artificial machinery that was running false identities.
The dismantling of this phantom black heaven system comes with the return of organic spiritual body parts and this may lend to the sensation of being relentlessly attacked by AI systems, AI Signals or feeling the unpleasant and difficult energetics of red wave and alien cube energetic signatures moving in and out of our personal energy field. There are several recent events in which major shifts are occurring in the red wave spectrum of the underground caverns and alterations are being made in the planetary KA electrical battery body, which directly impacts our personal KA energy body. That which was made as AI false identities and holograms to block and interfere with the ascension embodiment of higher spiritual identities is being removed, cleared, and extracted during this phase. This event brings both initiation into higher solar logos frequencies connected to 10D-11D-12D, along with the heavy miasmatic loads of detoxifying artificial red wave spectrum and other artificial frequencies as they are being cleared off.
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