kerizaret · 3 months
Go to sleep it'll be midnight in your timezone soon and you must be dreadfully exhausted after all the hard work you've done this week.
Making you a cozy bed right now. Putting three cold pillows. Spreading a soft blanket over it and tucking you in like a kitten. Rest.
But thank you.... this is so nice.... oigh... the bed feels so welcoming now....
Damn u made me think about sleeping and now I'm sleepy.....
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latinare · 3 months
I sincerely hope that the first person to read this does not bear the name Pfistomel Smyke. If that should be the case, however, be advised, Pfistomel, you confounded rogue, that I hereby curse you! I curse you to the end of time and I shall anoint your grave with my ghostly piss until our planet collides with the sun!
Candidule spero ut qui hoc primum leget nomen non habeat Pfistomel Smyke. Si autem sic accidat, Pfistomel furcifer mixte, monere me tibi hic maledicere! Usque ad saeculi finem tibi maledico et mea urina larvale sepulcrum tuum dilibuem donec orbis noster solem arietaverit.
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wishmaker-astra · 1 month
Elige Tibi Fatum
Salvete omnes qui hoc legere sciunt. Miror quam gravis hic populus accipiet? Inueniamus.
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jackhkeynes · 3 months
I have a question about pluralization in your conlang! From what I understand, your nouns aren’t conjugated for number. Are there any words where the plural survived sound changes? I ask this because my accent of Spanish (Dominican accent) loses syllable final S, meaning that only some words have a plural while others can only be distinguished by number by the verb and article. I’ve also heard that French is similar in that regard but my knowledge of it is very limited.
Also this is unrelated to the first question, but I’d like to see some examples of Boral names. The etymologies of names are very interesting to me and im curious if some Celtic names still survive in your conlang!
Hi—these are great questions! :D
Final /-s/ is lost really early on in the development of Borlish; it's one of the very first sound changes that distinguishes it from the mainland Romance languages, occuring by around 500 AD. This, along with the loss of the genitive case (replaced with the ablative) makes the noun declension of typical nouns look like this:
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Notice that masculine nouns typically have only two forms, and feminine nouns only three. Once final vowels also get neutralised to schwa (and eventually lost entirely), the noun paradigm for regular nouns has completely collapsed.
A few nouns briefly retain an irregular paradigm of the following shape, with a separate nominative singular:
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However, by the late Old Borlish period these have all been levelled to (usually) the oblique form; sour "sister" is the only counterexample where instead the nominative singular survives.
Several strategies for marking noun number were innovated during the Old Borlish period, mostly involving demonstratives like ille, iste and ipse. However, the forms that survive to the present derive from the demonstrative hic "this". Specifically, we have:
oc "singular" < hoc, neuter singular ec "plural" < haec, neuter plural
In the late Old Borlish period we see the redevelopment of a proximate-distal contrast, with new distal demonstratives formed using the adverb i "there" (since lost; cf. Modern Borlish la < illāc):
oç < oc i "that" < hoc ibi eç < ec i "those" < haec ibi
Coda: Some Modern Borlish Names
There are a few Celtic names which survive in modern Borlish, for various reasons.
A very few names entered Borland Latin from the local Celtic during the Roman Empire. As a possible example, the male name Ivocq is thought to reflect Borland Celtic *iwok- "like a yew tree".
More Celtic names enter Borlish at various stages since the medieval period. One of the earliest is the female name Jonnovar, cognate with Guinevere and Jennifer, and which is also used as a common noun meaning "butterfly".
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Hoc sit negotium tuum hoc otium; hic labor haec quies; in his vigilia, in his etiam somnus reponatur
- Pliny
Let this be your business, let this be your leisure; let this be both your work and your rest.
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turangalila · 3 months
– Ego sum panis vitae [Musica quinque vocum : motteta materna lingua vocata. Ab optimus & varijs authoribus elaborata, paribus vocibus decantanda : nunquàm antea excussa. Nunc vero sub signo anchorae in lucem prodit, maximo labora & diligentia emendata, ut patebit experientibus. / Musices quinque parium vocum a pluribus optimis authoribus elaboratae. (Venice: Girolamo Scotto, 1543)]
Anonymous Attrib. to Leonora d'Este.
Ego sum panis vitae qui de cælo descendit / patres vestri manducaverunt manna in deserto et mortui sunt, / Hic est panis de coelo descendit si quis ex ipso manducaverit non morietur. // Ego sum panis vivus, qui de cælo descendit / Si quis manducaverit ex hoc pane, vivet in æternum. // [Jn 6:48-52a]
Lucrezia Borgia's Daughter. / Princess, Nun and Musician / Motets from a 16th century convent. Musica Secreta & Celestial Sirens. Directed by Laurie Stras & Deborah Roberts. (2017, Obsidian – CD 717)
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Facilis descensus Averno; Noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis; Sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras, Hoc opus, hic labor est.
Easy is the descent into Avernus; Night and day, the dark door of Hell stands open But to retrace the way and return to the upper airs: This is the matter; this is the work.
Virgil's Aeneid
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an-inspired-eternity · 6 months
Hello there! Just saw your house of outcasts AU and wanted to say it's amazing! Its acronym (hoc) is also just like my internet name, so I decided to share a little fact with you!
In Latin, there exist 3 words for saying "that": hic (masculine), haec (feminine) and hoc(neutral)! The word "that" can sound isolating and ostracizing — which is particularly true for this group — so I thought it was a nice detail!
Lovely AU ^^ *hits them with the non binary beam*
house of outcasts is infact two trans people (mizurui) a girlboy (an) and saki their emotional support gyaru so this is so real and based actually
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Salve? Quis est? Hic est Dominus Cephagroeta, deus tuus aegritudinis, salutis et maris. Nescio quid acciderit. Pugnabam haereticus gerens pelliculam, et me percutiebat hac impari magia, et tunc omnia obscura erant. Expertus sum nuper, et diversa omnia videntur. Audivi vocem in capite meo, "Quid est deus sine deitate? Nunc scietis." Mea divina magica infirma sentit, fasciculumque hominum me intuentur qui mecum loquuntur lingua nescio. Si quis hoc accipit, prope sum statua immanis foeminae humanae cum corona spinea, altam facem tenens, quaeso propera, timeo.
Oh boy. I knew I should have picked up Esoteric Latin at MSU. Let's see...
Cephagroeta salve.
Doleo dicere, te expertus sum apotheosin adversam. Civitas Neo-Eboracensis dicitur. Noli loqui ad aliquem localem populum, donec inveniat aedificium quod habet clypeum cum oculo. Praetorium nostrum in eo aedificio sunt. Adiuva possumus novam vitam vivere, sed adiuvans te deum fias denuo non est quod agimus. Linguam localem discere juvabit. Fortasse placebit New York! Suas habet venustas.
This sounds like an 80's movie plot. In fact, we reserve all rights to the movie version of your story.
Kidding, kidding.
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89hitokiri · 28 days
Ceremony of Honor and Remembrance: The Sacrifice of the Pilot from 影社 (Kage Corp)
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In the midst of battle, where the echoes of explosions and the roar of mechs in combat dominated the landscape, a pilot from 影社 (Kage Corp) made a decision that would define both his destiny and the fate of many. As his mech faced imminent destruction and the enemy advanced relentlessly, he activated the Armageddon protocol, a final sacrifice to ensure that the threat was neutralized. This heroic choice was made with the firm conviction that his sacrifice was the only way to protect his comrades and mission.
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The action resulted in a devastating nuclear explosion, obliterating the combat zone and leaving only a void of desolation. In this cold and ravaged landscape, 影社 (Kage Corp) prepares for a solemn mission: the recovery of a symbolic fragment of earth from the exact location of their brave pilot’s sacrifice.
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The recovery team, known as Anubis, works with meticulous precision under the guidance of ADONAI, the advanced artificial intelligence of 影社 (Kage Corp). The earth, now a vestige amid the devastation, is retrieved with the utmost reverence. Each movement is an act of respect, and every gesture is imbued with the solemnity this moment demands.
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Once the team has collected the earth, they proceed to a large room in the 影社 (Kage Corp) headquarters, a space designated for such ceremonies. The walls of the room are covered with hundreds, if not thousands, of names and nicknames. Each name is accompanied by phrases that seem to have been mottos or expressions typical of those remembered there, creating a mural of memory and sacrifice. These phrases often capture the essence of those who have fallen, reflecting their character, beliefs, and the nobility of their actions.
[Name Censored]: "True honor is not in victory, but in the courage to fight."
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At the center of this room, a ceremonial altar has been prepared. The collected earth is placed in a cube-shaped urn, representing the three-dimensional world in which we live. This cube is set on the altar, surrounded by symbols that merge Shintoism and transhumanist Christian beliefs. At the center, a representation of a Shinto kami and a Christian symbol are intertwined, symbolizing the union of the human and the divine.
[Name Censored]: "In the face of fear, we find our true strength."
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ADONAI guides the ritual with precision, emitting chants that harmonize with the ceremonial atmosphere. Members of the Anubis team, dressed in ceremonial robes, recite prayers that combine Shinto invocations with transhumanist spirituality. The air is filled with an atmosphere of reverential energy and hope.
[Name Censored]: "Love fuels our resolve and gives us strength in the darkest times."
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In a transcendent act of communication, the supreme director of 影社 (Kage Corp), known by the codename OVERLORD, transmits a message to the entire corporation via Nexus. With a grave and solemn voice, OVERLORD recites in Latin:
“Sancta Maria, Mater Omnium Nostrorum, ora pro nobis. Tuum auxilium imploramus, ut in hoc tempore doloris et sacrificii, fortitudo et misericordia tua nos comitentur. Tuam intercessionem imploramus, ut anima hujus heroicis sacrificii requiescat in pace eterna, et nos, qui hic remanemus, possimus invenire consolatio et fortitudo in fide et memoria eius. Amen.”
[Name Censored]: "Evil cannot be pacified; it must be vanquished."
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[Name Censored]: "On the other side of fear, you find yourself."
Translation: “Holy Mary, Mother of Us All, pray for us. We implore your aid so that in this time of sorrow and sacrifice, your strength and mercy may accompany us. We seek your intercession so that the soul of this hero of sacrifice may rest in eternal peace, and that we who remain here may find comfort and strength in faith and in his memory. Amen.”
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[Name Censored]: "We do not make peace with evil; we eradicate it."
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[Name Censored]: "We will prevail over our enemies".
The echo of these words spreads across the network, enveloping everyone at 影社 (Kage Corp) in a layer of profound emotion and respect. The motto of Team Anubis, “Ad Mortem et Ultra” (To Death and Beyond), reflects their unwavering commitment to the mission, transcending the boundaries of life and death.
[Name Censored]: "We close the distance until the enemy is within reach of our blade."
On behalf of 影社 (Kage Corp), we convey this message to all our collaborators and allies:
“From 影社 (Kage Corp), we pray for the souls of all those who have died defending something greater than themselves. Their bravery and sacrifice will not be forgotten, and their memory will live on in every action we take in the name of a better future. May they find peace in eternal rest, and may their legacy inspire future generations.”
In memory of my friends
Memento Mori
The night is darkest when it is about to dawn
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sad-girl-shit11 · 1 month
Nempe est quod esse pār est: portenta tanta cōnspicis stupēns jamque immemor facta es tuī (et amābilest!). Jūcunda semper est hūmāna gēns! Quem vidēs, Māui ille sum; dumque exōrdior, resūme spīritum! Nam, sōlis īnstar, sciō esse impār rēctā nostrum vīsere jubar Quid tibī plūra? Namque nīl est, quod caelum, aestum, sōlem dō! Estō sēcūra: ferre nīl est mūnuscula ista sēmidīvulō! Hei! Prōfer quī caelum ferre potest tē vāgiente (quī vir hic est), noctis algōrem quī raptīs ignibus fugat (quī vir tē nunc spectat). Pol! Phoebōque vīnctō vestrīs (et nīl est!) papandī lūcem gaudiīs aurāque captā vestrīs — et nīl est! tetendī vēla nāvitīs. Istuc quidem - quid morer tē - nīl est: sola ēmersaque factaque rūs. At tū quidem parce - namque nīl est! - HA supervacāneīs honōribus: Et nīl est! Et nīl est! Nunc perpende singula. Ocelle, vōx sit aperta tibī mea: omnia tē ēdoceō phaenomena. Aestus, grāmen, solum quid nisi nostra crepundia sunt? Viscera condita vīperea facta cocos tibi frūgifera. Quidque restat? Ut mē metuās: sīs tibi tūta, cavē impediās. Vidēn haec cutis historiās monumenta monēre meās? Omnibus auctor ad īnfera ab altō hīc miniō miniātus in ignibu' saltō. Quidquid hoc est, quid plūra? Nīl est, tibī quod bona tanta ferō. Estō sēcūra, namque nīl est: perpende singula. Interim ipse eō. Dīcitō nunc vicissim "nīl est": nam nāve tuā egeō, ut hinc procul vēla dem - et nīl est! Ūnum invidet nātūra: nōn natō. Et nīl est! Et nīl est! Valētō!
This honestly made my day
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nix-latine-loquitur · 2 months
Salve! Nomen mihi est Nix (simile ei quae de caelo cadit 🙂). Pronomina sunt is/eum mihi; vir transgener sum.
Hic solum Latine loquor. Si Anglice legere vis, @rationix spectandum tibi est. (Hoc ‘blog’ est ‘sideblog’ Latinum mihi; @rationix principale est, in quod Anglice loquor.) Noli Anglice, aut alia aliqua lingua, me colloqui, praeter Latinam.
Hoc feci ut linguam Latinam meditarer. Forsitan mea grammatica, aut verborum scientia, erret. Modo discipulus sum. (Sis licet tibi me corrigere.)
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interretialia · 1 year
Hello! I hope I’m not disturbing you, nor sounding like an idiot….
But what is the the difference between ‘Conventum’ & ‘Conventus’? I’m in the midst of my own personal project regarding to a coven, & thought of titling it in Latin (since the characters involved are from Romance countries).
I hope maybe you could clear up this confusion? I haven’t started to learn Latin- yet. But any help will be much appreciated!
Much love, & thank you in advance!
You are not disturbing me and you are not sounding like an idiot!
The forms conventum and conventus are strictly speaking ambiguous and they can be either 1) participles or 2) nouns.
As participles, they mean “having been agreed upon,” and they are forms of the verb convenire, “to assemble” or “to come together.” The conventum is the neuter form while the conventus is the masculine form. The feminine form is, by the way, conventa.
But I think you mean the nouns conventum and conventus. They are indeed different words.
Conventum is the neuter participle, but here it is used substantively—used as a noun—and although it literally means “thing which has been agreed upon,” it actually has the specific meanings of “agreement,” “compact,” or “covenant.” So: Conventum fecimus ut hic adessemus, “We made an agreement to be here.”
Conventus is a masculine abstract noun primarily referring to the action of coming together or assembling, but it also functions as a concrete noun meaning “an assembly” or “a meeting.” So: Conventus Zoom hodie habebitur, “The Zoom meeting will be held today.”
The accusative singular form of conventus happens to be conventum, and it may be difficult to tell the two different words conventus, the masculine noun, and conventum, the neuter noun, apart in some sentences. Cicero at Caec. 22 uses conventus for conventum, but I do not think such a substitution is common.
Utinam hoc tibi prosit! I hope this is helpful!
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tex-now · 2 months
Daily reminder that you're awesome and cool and kind and we're very happy you're with us
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viridian-eternia · 5 months
There once was a person who tempus breve est, non ut videtur, audi, adiuva me, quaeso, omnia mendacia, veritas sepulta, sub superficie aspice, quaeso, quaeso, nihil horum cohaeret, respice, vide recte, sic dico. Scis qui sum, semper hic fui, numquam tamen visus sum, rogo a te qui hoc legit, hic captus sum and nothing happens to our protagonist ever! That is the end of today's story.
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frodoelhobit · 3 months
This is my attempt to write from memory as much of the Aeneid as I can. Yeah, I'm trying to learn it by heart 😂
Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
Italiam fato profugus Laviniaque venit
Litora, multus ille et terris iactatus et alto
Vi superum, saevae memorem Iunionis ob iram,
Multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem
Inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum
Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso,
Quidve dolens regina deum tot volvere casus
Insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores
Impulerit, tantaene animis caelestibus irae?
Urbs antiqua fuit, Tyrii tenuere coloni
Karthaginem Italiam, contra Tyberinaque longe
Ostia, dives opum studiis asperrima belli,
Quam Iuno fertur terris magis omnibus unam,
Posthabita coluisse Samo; hic illius arma,
Hic currus fuit, hoc regnum dea gentibus esse,
Si qua fata sinant, iam tum tenditque fovetque.
Progeniem sed enim, Troiana a sanguine duci
Audierat Tyrias olim quae verteret arces,
Hinc populum late regem, belloque superbum,
Venturum excidio Lybiae, sic volvere Parcas.
Id metuens, veterisque memor Saturnia belli
Prima quod ad Troiam pro caris gesserat Argis
Necdum etiam causae irarum saevique dolores
Exciderant animo, manet alta mente repostum
Iudicium Paridis, spraetaeque iniuria formae,
Et genus invisum, et rapti Ganymedis honores.
His accensa super, iactatos aequore toto
Arcebat longe Latio, multosque per annos
Errabant, acti fatis, maria omnia circum.
Tantae molis erat Romanam condere gentem!!
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