#hic est nihilum
Romance routes
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HE/HIM | 26 | 174 CM TALL
Faz Sharaan is your tech expert. One day, he just showed up in your base, swearing that he had the skills you needed, and he was correct. You've never been able to pry more from him, and the prevailing theory among your soldiers is that he's a spy who switched sides. His destiny has been uncertain since the fall of the Lighthouse.
Faz's route: Death and the Maiden, aciddental love confession, do I need to gag you?
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SHE/HER | 31 | 185 CM TALL
Yuan Lixue is your bodyguard and right-hand woman. She's dedicated her life to toppling the Matriarch, abandoning a life of comfort in the Capital first for political activism and then for your fight. Years of conflict have sharpened her into a weapon, but she still carries the same fair heart that led her to fight in the first place. Her destiny has been uncertain since the fall of the Lighthouse.
Lixue's route: Slow burn, bodyguard romance, gun play
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HE/HIM | 25? | 191 CM TALL
Rhys Dariann is your unlikely savior. He also happens to be a Vepyr, a type of flesh-eating demon of the wastelands; the village doctor; and the chaplain of a small church devoted to a goddess you vehemently oppose. While he affirms he's overcome his vile nature and just wants to help you, Rhys can't hide the simmering anger crawling under his skin when someone mentions the Matriarch.
Rhys' route: Afraid to commit, the Beauty and the Beast, blood play
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THEY/THEM | ??? | 176 CM TALL
The Angel is the oddest of your companions. You found them in a bar on the eve of a battle, drinking their sorrows away, and they decided to dedicate their existence to aid you if you promised to never command them to kill again. Eons of battle in the name of an unknown deity have left them brittle, yet, despite this, it is their nature to love, even as they carry the echoes of war.
Angel's route: Last to know, did you just romance Cthulhu?, corruption kink
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Hic est nihilum offers two poly routes: Faz x Lihue and Rhys x Angel.
For team human, you can expect the tropes of Friends to lovers; right person, wrong time; and competence kink. For team something else, you can expect the tropes of Us against the world; You are worth hell; and crazy in the head, crazy in bed.
Due to the mechanics of showing interest in two different characters, the poly routes will be a slower burn.
32 notes · View notes
if-whats-new · 5 months
What's New In IF? Issue 1 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, and Noi
Now Available!
Itch.io - Keep Reading below
This is a repost of Issue 1 (this see notice). The original post was not salvageable. We have removed the tags so not to inconvenience creators with notifications. You can still download the original version on itch.io.
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We were always just lurkers… But no more!
We had been talking for a while about the Interactive Fiction community, and wondering what we could to do… you know, do our part to help it become its best self.
And out of all the things available out there, between the directories and the group chats, the forums and the discord servers… it can get pretty overwhelming to be part of it all, to keep track of everything. And we realised there wasn't really a newsletter for IF. Something that tracks of what is happening…
So why not just… make it happen?
Like a lot of things, What's New in IF started on a whim. But we hope we can turn it into something great. Something that can help the community keep track of what's happening.
And we hope that you will join us too!
PS: we did cheat a bit on some dates for this edition :{
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You can now register for the Narrascope! It is happening June 21-23, in hybrid. They've also released the schedule of talks!
The Interactive Narrative Exhibition is looking for IF pieces to be displayed in a Museum in Poland!
Until mid-May, the Spring Thing is welcoming players to check out the entries vote for the “Best in Show”!
Do you speak German? The annual Grand Prix has released its submissions and is looking for voters!
The Dialogue Jam by the @/neointeractives group is open for submission until the end of the month. Only Dialogue is allowed!
In less than two weeks, the window to submit for the Text Adventure Literacy Jam 2024 will end. The goal is to make a parser for beginner players.
Also ending at the end of the month is the Amare Games Festival 2024, which is all about love!
On the Choice of Game Forum, the Diversity Jam is running. They accept any CScript game… as long at is not in ENGLISH!
After months of hiatus, the 79th edition of the Bitsy Jam finished recently. The theme was: long distances.
The Second Edition of @/seedcomp-if recently released its results. Congratulations to the winners!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is running throughout the whole year, where you can submit and/or play IF games from a wide variety of authors. It is happening on itch!
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New Releases
The Dice (Twine) is a psychological horror short game. (@/stanwixbuster)
Summoned at 2 (HTML) is a short game where you must complete a summoning circle.
Giving Yourself Away (HTML) is the newest release of the Domino Club.
The Wretched Bitsy (Bitsy) is short adaptation of The Trail of the Wretched in bitsy.
How Do You Like Pain (RenP’y) is a visual novel about pain, death, and maybe nothing. Also part of the ‘Art Without Blood’ universe. (@/catskets)
New Releases (WIP)
Corruptant (CScript) is a dark fantasy game, where you play as an amnesiac coping with their situation. (@/cyn-if)
No Peace (CScript) is a ONE PIECE inspired pirate project.
The Psion (CScript) is a high-fantasy game, where you have Psionic abilities.
The Red and White Knight (Twine) is a Medieval Arthurian inspired project where you play as Lancelot du Lac. (@/theredandwhiteknight-if)
Mutually Assured Destruction (Twine) is fantasy thriller about bonds and destruction.
Blackwood Manor (CScript) is mystery romance project.
Shattered Eagle: Fall of an Empire (CScript) is Roman Empire political intrigue.
hic est nihilum (Twine) is post-apocalyptic fantasy story, where you struggle against dieties. (@/nightingale-the-lurker)
Speck (CScript) is a Horror/Sci-Fi project inspired by ‘Alien & Spiecies’.
Agents of Lucifer (CScript) added chapters 4 and 5 to its demo. (@/aprismaticodyssey)
Era of the Archdemons (CScript) added chapter 3 to the demo.
The One Chosen (CScript) added more content to their beta. (@/parrotwatcher)
Echoes of Kingdom: The Last Stand (CScript) added extra scenes.
Dawn of Heroes (CScript) added chapters 21 and 22 to its demo.
Honor among Thieves (CScript) added extra content. (@/leoneliterary)
Dawn of Heroes (Twine) completed its second chapter. (@/bladeweaver-if)
Merry Crisis (CScript) has made its last update available to all. (@/merrycrisis-if)
Remnants of the Past (Twine) uploaded the final chapter of Act 1 (limited release before sale). (@/remnantsofthepast-if)
What lies in the past (Twine) added chapter 1 to the demo. (@/maluarty-blog)
Fallen Light (Twine) latest update is available to all. (@/fallenlightsif)
Limerence (Twine) is back on Tumblr. (@/limerenceif)
We apologize in advance if we missed something, and forgot to add projects to this list. Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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A couple of games that we thought were cool.
Social Democracy: An Alternate History by Autumn Chen (DendryNexus)
That weird political game that took Twitter by storm, so strongly that there's even a fan subreddit where you can share your stats. It's all about what might have been…
i won't finish this game by Naarel (RenP’y)
An emotional visual novel about being a struggling indie dev game developer and depiction of suicide in narrative games. It is very short and hits hard.
Eat Me by Chandler Groover (Inform)
It was weird, it was gross… It's just genius. There's no way to describe how insane this game is. Maybe the most disturbing escape game ever made. No wonder it's so highly rated and won awards… TG for walkthroughs!
Your favourite game here?
Do you have a favourite game that deserve some highlighting? Tell us about it! A old or recent game that wowed you so much you want to spam it to everyone? Tell us about it!
We'll add it to the page!
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We... don't really know what we're doing.
Yes, it's true! Not a lot of thought process went into making this. We actually started putting this together at 3-4am after making the Tumblr Blog.
We haven't really made any plan on what should or should not be included in this zine. We just knew we wished we had something like this when we started.
So while it may seem bare right now, we hope, in time, to fill all the pages, and even add more, as we find more projects, and events, and other IF- related stuff to share!
But for that…
We need your help.
Did you find a cool game that was just released? Or a project that shared a demo or update? Did you come across some cool event? Or found a neat article/blog post talking about IF?
Then, shoot us an ask or submit it on our blog!
2 notes · View notes
prismarine-parrots · 5 years
Initium eius a servo Hermitcraft grian in domo propria mundi. Et erat alioquin unioni intermissum a servo, sicut est dies aut est de hoc quod est intense working frui aliquo tempore et aliquo brainstorm consilia quid esset facturus proximo post Sahara.
"Salve, mi nomen grian and- whaaaaat diaboli."
Iam non ignarus erat circumitam ab diem. April prius: Aprilis est fatuum.
Exspectabam tamen non penitus totam Hermitcraft servo?
Fui in insula, et pariunt, quae est a forsit quod non cognovi grian log off hic.
"Bene, stultus est et Aprilis est hodie scio, sed hic quod factum ...! Venit super me et super planning pranking caeteris, ne pranked me esse? Non est hic?"
Grian 's "De Nonne tu?" Lux cinereo concretum buxum sto e pulveris erat, defuit. Solum rei est unum obstructionum de pulveris, et caelum est unum obstructionum de rubrum temere villam quæ erat vitree in qua hic esset. Nec tamen est Veni esset integrum, non erat verum est.
Grian circumspicit et scratched eius caput in ignominiam.
"Non habeo idea est, quod suus 'iens on. Ego vadam etiam per Neque enim aliud est fatum videatur Hub et ..."
Sicut aedificator tripudio in porta justo murice velum operuit mirabile visu sono ipso aspectu et infernalis warping runs longiores. Mox e lintre prodigium stuporem magis miror.
'Quod factum est centrum et fundamentum ad inferiorem ?! "
Ubi autem semel in admirabile unum Season VI-ut-octo gradus in mundo, ubi nunc est malesuada euismod a, o-Jack maris et lucerna, per caeruleum tapete aut obstructionum, et fragmen griseo vitree. His erat inter aperta et cuneos in planum primum semestre commoratus netherrack heremitas in libero tempus purgandum et time- spawnable cursus erat. Ergo inter grids ad Zombie pigmen galore erant aliqui defluet ossa et occasionaliter coruscare. Neque enim solum videtur quod unus porta.
"Omnes nos labore! Menses et consumpta opus in this- ut bene, alii autem: Ego iustus fodit a copulabis centum novellis ovibus netherrack et adhuc!" Grian suam conquestus est, quod secundum metaphoram viewers video esse eius post vigilantes.
Et conversus ad portam vidit scalam sagged humero suo modulo Mirandula claudere postes basi censuerant.
"O nihil, quod factum est ad turpia? Hoc non est bonum ... bene oblivisci quod hodie est planning si reliquum igitur servo, si sic Im 'iens circum et calamitatem cum venerit quod in servo, "grian attenuate arrisit, ut sciat plene bene Xisuma ac verisimile est hanc duobus aliis profecti sunt.
In foribus exspectabat lintre quinque secundis et egressus Overworld antequam in corpore nigro purpureo.
Et statim cadit in Oceanum.
Grian renavit ad superficiem et saliente tussis.
"In venias!" Conquestus conculcantes aquam (quod cum obtinuisset optimus temporum usu fuisse faciendi quantum oceanus) respexit ad basin Oceano. Aqua in vas superna suffusas quod celeriter et ad purgandum eum lentium salsa licet laneum quando inutilis esset infecta. Posuit super oculos, ita ut par footage et anhelavit.
"Mea basi"
Et basis erat basically esse. Solum defuit exemplum temere moenibus neque eget male habens centrum apud inferos. Candida per duas columnas duas ibi concreti, ubi multitudine coalescit quondam turris et in minoribus basi una turrium fundamenta grian extra cardines albo nerd impedimentum concretum.
"Haec insaniens ..." grian in derisum tibi sensus tremendum. "Omnia abiit! Meum in cibum thesauris, qui superius labrum non radit machine- O, nihil, non video tamen aliquid vitree, o nooooo ..."
Grian ducti ab eius basi in annulum quo sciebat viros esse circa eum ingens basi nollet esse. Ille uno in loco inventus est circulus-wide obstructionum aqua ad superficiem. Uidet et grian caput quassans Donec ante oculos iam completam oleo turrem aedificare altitudo illius.
'QUALES pulmentum haec, guys ... id credere non possum. Quam diu eam accipere et ad haec guys facere esses nisi quod uti WorldEdit? TNT? Ut exsisto pia, hoc tamquam moles molem de TNT usus. si disperdam eos cum basi TNT, Im 'okay cum honestus est. non est meus ventus obstructionum! nolite solliciti esse guys, ego autem hic ante cibum de mundo, nisi, sicut ego tibi unius ludio ludius ludere iam in Hermitcraft! '
Detinuit giggles malum sciens nimirum quod eos esse tota die et ignorantis erat litteralis. Grian extruxerat est in alio aliquo reali, coelitum Locate ad trahendum in agente adnexarum l lascivia spectatoribus suis, et tamen est prorsus exitum invenire vias, ut solitarii consumens Prank ab initio est. Sed iam ad risum tenere character- prolapsis consiliorum maximorum futurum consilia dare fugeret
"Ego videre ad aliud opus basium 's! Xisuma s? Falsum est! Mumbo scriptor!" Et felis anhelavit "Quid accidit Mumball ?!"
Tulitque anulum in saltu s artificis sui Architech est et turpis. plurimum ad stationem Architech intactam adhuc et in statione pontis saepibus hinc inde usque ad nihilum suggestu et faciens mirabilia quaedam similis mari aggere. Quod non abstulit adhuc enim quinque seconds a grian exitium venit in visum est in proximo.
"O noooooo," risit grian miserabile 'et ratio repono "
In compagibus (ALIQUANTULO squished) basi sphaerica praeditum esse omnino integrum. Et omni speculo videri potest fracti sunt, inter quas est tenendum vitrum aqua repono ratio AD ad mumbo est ratio. Inundaverunt aquae super pectora, sunt enim inter uias urbis onto rura inferius.
«Hoc dictum est ..." aedificavit autem gemens et volavit super sphaera, non defuit aqua ad terram in omnibus. Bumbo Balloni cuncta conspicit unum in summitate levitating mumbo potestate crinibus ora nives golems intus partis defuit vagari post quatuor versus Micro biomes aureis.
"Mumbo? Mumbo mihi est hic? Mumbo jumbo! Mumboooooooooooo! Noli postulo ut satus et cantant canticum AFK? Mumbo jumbo, in quo vos non estis, needtobeeee ... Bene, quod est etiam peius quam mihi cantores et cantatrices, cum aeger eram. ne remix esse. O ne nunc Im 'iens impetro a Saccharum carmen etiam non! ego autem si vere loquitur prohibere ... "
Quod autem in una fossa humo operui maculosus grian tecta pelagus staturam. Compertoque Plautum et in ipso jucundo et anhelans descendit ut eam in spe: mumbo de horto in quo fuit in lectulo suo.
"Mumbo! Venite ad vultus ad quod factum est basis? Est insaniam convertunt!" Exclamaverunt grian, sperans per hoc non unumquemque April stulti miscent se possit ad coclear. Tamen putavit se repente factum fuerat mumbo Alienor resistit.
An sto armis, armis indutus est in griseo mortuus zonam, cum mumbo supra caput, a quo librum edidit in magica arma habere tamquam sicut ludio ludius stans.
Grian sto ad suffusionem vultus.
Cecidit super arma dedere et erectas falsum stare. "Mumbo nulla! Sufficit vobis quod iam vertitur in armis resistere? Et horror sum ego solus ille solitarius non abiit in domum suam in armis sto quia hodie? Quid saevis aversatus eum! Wow, sicut et canetis Joe ' risisse se ad caput quassans.
"Lorem, quod fuit ipsum ridiculam, sed nescio quid facere nunc. Keep servo bibendum? Im 'solus unus online, to ... quod suus' iens impetro odiosis sine ullo penitus, et figure ex quo factum est in calculonis servi ... "grian prope dixit" ludo "quod dedisset velámen ab illa oblivione, quae fuit Aprilis insipiens est.
Et buzzed telephonum nigrum in sinum macilentos jeans. Everriculum eum, et erat servo notitia a text.
xisumavoid joined ludum.
<Xisumavoid> quod factum est ad basis ?!<Xisumavoid> grian! Quid fecisti?!<Xisumavoid> illic 'ubique ipsos custodes?
xisumavoid usura magicae custos appositus occidit lectis.
<Xisumavoid> mihi in occursum ad shopping regio. Nunc.
"Im 'iens ut esse in tribulationis adeo ut ne quidem aliquid mihi faciunt,« grian gemens' non dicam tibi in occursum eius cum eo. Hoc autem non est vir mecum VEL in veste pullum? "
Parvam cameram suam removit grian nuntiavit devoratur insula aedificare moles superposita.
"Hoc est pulmentum sicut bene! Heu! In Stock commutationem, iTrade, Tek Skies- meam ad ALEX tabernam"
Locus erat utraque genera mali. Velit esse centrum inferni, in stativis grian T, in turpia mumbo umoris et visum totum agrum shopping WorldEdit cutouts tabernas media constructum erat ut staret, sive directe sive gradatim scandit.
"Non habeo verba ..." grian murmurati estis ad se. Non solum quae est, sed quae ex se erat, et currens non dico ad aes sonans repetita ejus, et fundes in mumbo, quemadmodum.
Egressus foras in platea portae iTrade et vidi cum inferno.
"Xisuma? Certe novi te insanire, sed quod modo non sum confusa! Questus sum cogitavi et hoc ad me?" Conclamat.
Nullum responsum.
Grian frowned. "Xisuma?"
Et testudo et conspuebant atris conditur ille apud inferos warbled portal.
"Grian, nescio quid did-"
"Non me"
"Per memetipsum iuravi, si dicitur quod esset vir in costume- pullum"
'Non fuit? Meum basi fuerit ad cardines Nerd! Cur hoc facio, ut ad me? " Grian interrogavit. Ecce confundentur et cessavit ostendere fabricator Xisuma certamen incessit oculi visor purpureum.
"Quis ergo fecit?" X postulavit. Grian humeros contraxit.
"Quomodo scio si me? Non enim ego iam in diebus duas"
«O mihi dies ..." X ponet manum suam super cassidem, et respicere ad caelum. "Non intellegis..."
Et stetit tacitus cogitare quasi una hora incerta est nec dicere in hoc quod facere pulmentum.
"Tu certus Vestri 'non trying ut ad me?"
"PROH, tam densa ... stulti estis, si vos nec fecistis illam, et fecistis vobis videtur?"
Et exclamaverunt voce paulo ante grian Xisuma mouisset viridi qualis non simul. Et circum Milesia vellera ad...
"01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111 00100000 01000111 01010010 01001001 01000001 01001110"
Et alii dixerunt quod hoc non debeat iterari, in PG-oneshot.
At cum apud se est frigida sanguinis grian cucurrit oculi nigrum inanimatum.
"NPC ?! te vidi justum in domo mea?"
"Et Ego te cogitavi ut interdictum, quod malum Xisuma! Get servo meo off!" X iussit.
«Et quid tibi donat ius circa iubes?"
"01001100 01000101 01010100 00100000 01010101 01010011 00100000 01000010 01010101 01001001 01001100 01000100 00100000 01000001 00100000 01010010 01010101 01010011 01010100 01001001 01000011 00100000 01001000 01001111 01010101 01010011 01000101"
"NON!" Statim conversa grian reclamantes abibis autem alternis versio ipse conversus post tergum suum fervens oculis rubet.
"Et mane die altera cogitavi!" Hic squeaked per. X erexit et frons grian sed dixit nihil.
"Vides hunc praeclarum chao fecit nobis?" Nuntiatum Xisuma mali, quo initiatus est brachium suum shopping regio ut destruatur "putas te adhuc servo? No! EGO sum iam Hermitcraft admin of"
"01000001 01001110 01000100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01000001 01001101 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01000010 01010101 01001001 01001100 01000100 01000101 01010010 00100000 01001110 01001111 01010111 00100000 01000111 01010010 01001001 01000001 01001110" NPC grian verisimile non habuisse eundem vicit, malicious risus quam, si fecerit malum X poterant.
X grian et oculos alter ad alterum constituamus super hoc probabile cum quaesivisset hoc idem alter ex altera.
Et non dicitur aliquid de Doppelganger?
Admin rufus et attenuate arrisit usque ad tenuit manum.
"Pueri Bene, suus 'bonus est currere. Sed Hermitcraft servo mea modo:" Malum X grinned. "Dic vale mundo autem viri pretiosam".
"01000111 01001111 01001111 01000100 01000010 01011001 01000101"
Grian coepi ut dimisso capite morior, sperans invenire viam suam, ut judicio contendam adversum intellegentiae artificialis par versionem Xisuma et aliis. Sed ex digitis NPC grian conniveret ferunt, nam iam rubra micantes et omnia consumantur.
Grian caput quassans lightheaded Sensus: invenies circumspicit et se ipsum in quadam confusa cognitione omnium players The Hub et nota cityscape.
Xisuma ipse, scilicet patiens esse in effectis eiusdem a coactus e servo ut bene.
"O mihi dies: Quid accidit?"
"I no clue possedi hominem. Sed hoc vel demens Aprilis in ipso facinore, abiit iniuriam vel iustus perdidit," grian gemitus. "Cum vocasset eam nunc erit quæ ad normalis a mane ..."
X remigibus grunnisse Elpenora excepit. "Scio quod me supra in hac parte, sed non omnia? Puto nos iustus habere amisit Hermitcraft! Admin et si Im 'non amplius, et ego non usore in calculonis servi tui et calce abjecistis malum qui X et Dudus erat et ... et ... "
Certum est non Adeptus grian certiorem adipiscing maxime quia hoc facinore centum sentio. Simpliciter sursum ejus memoria et specula super nasum suum, faciens certus sunt usque X scriptor libri commemorare terrore, smirking ad hoc ipsum, ut iret usque ad magnum video in fine diei.
Ibi paucos esse cognitum quasi Perks prankster. Et hac occasione non est praetereundum fiat in modo me potes?
X male cum sociis suis reduxit et risus donec usus est / calcitrant calce abjecistis grian et imperium in contrarium in calculonis servi. Uterque apparuit in oculis eius statimque egrediens hysterics tenens lacrimas genibus posse videatur.
"Quod Erat pretiosa!"
"01001001 00100000 01000001 01000111 01010010 01000101 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000001 01010100 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010011 00100000 01010110 01000101 01010010 01011001 00100000 01000110 01010101 01001110 01001110 01011001" NPC Grian agreed in his robotic tone. "01001001 00100000 01010100 01001000 01001001 01001110 01001011 00100000 01001001 01010100 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01010100 01001001 01001101 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01010010 01000101 01010100 01010101 01010010 01001110 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01001101 01011001 00100000 01000011 01001100 01001111 01010011 01000101 01010100 00100000 01001110 01001111 01010111"
"Awww, bleibst du nicht länger bei Grian?" AI DocM rogavit ut resonaret in spe paululum decido.
"01001001 01010100 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01010100 01001001 01001101 01000101 00100000 01000110 01001111 01010010 00100000 01001101 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01000111 01001111 00100000 01001000 01001111 01001101 01000101"
"Tu certus vos erant 'iens ut esse tutum si ire in domum suam?" Python rogavit, "Nonne grian aliquid?"
"01001001 00100000 01010111 01001001 01001100 01001100 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 01001100 01011001 00100000 01000111 01000101 01010100 00100000 01011001 01000101 01001100 01001100 01000101 01000100 00100000 01000001 01010100 00100000 01000001 01001110 01000100 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 01001110 00100000 01001000 01000101 00100000 01010111 01001111 01010101 01001100 01000100 00100000 01001100 01000001 01010101 01000111 01001000 00100000 01001000 01000101 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 01010011 00100000 01010000 01010010 01000001 01001110 01001011 01010011 00100000 01000001 01001110 01000100 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010011 00100000 01010100 01000001 01001100 01001011 01001001 01001110 01000111 00100000 01001111 01000110 00100000 01000001 01010000 01010010 01001001 01001100 00100000 01000110 01001111 01001111 01001100 00100111 01010011 00100000 01000101 01000001 01010010 01001100 01001001 01000101 01010010"
"Re: sic enim non tantum eo. Damnant," Ex murmurati estis.
"Ich kenne den Mann nicht, er schien ziemlich überrascht zu sein, NPG dort zu sehen," Doc attenuate arrisit ad nutum fundamentalem."Es ist gut, endlich wieder bei den Stunts anzufangen, die er mich angezogen hat."
Dira passus satis scire ex aliquo facta sunt autem qui laborant in aspectu delectationem factum est aliquid rationis. Creeper Rhamnales-physicus, cyborg-off generis dedit illud vero et vibes intelligentes ex illa posset bene. Et rubrum creeper Rhamnales hybrid erat ultra cogitationem pessimam: vibe quam sinister, nisi fuissent hospitalius ad EX, et NPC grian pro brevi concedebatur in calculonis servi quam alii ex aliis solitarii consumens, qui duxerant notitiam eorum de facinore in horas fuerat grian expectantes, partim forte Xisuma, ut adveho online.
"EGO coniecto Peius 'exsisto iens ut primum videt quod Dominus est adhuc X re-admin et movebo, et abscidi novis potestatibus vester vobiscum' X assumed mali, paulo tristis, sed etiam cognoscendi prorsus qui meruit ferat ob hanc rem trahens iterum.
"Wir sehen uns dann, denke ich,sehen uns dann, denke ich," Doc rite dicitur magis et amne transmisso pergeret contra Nec portal.
NPC grian pythonem, et armum separationis, posse rem reddere vale, simpliciter prima abierunt.
EX ingemuit quassans caput et initium protulerunt de machinis Xisuma minister ordinarius prius ereptum esse multos tam inciviliter calce sicut prius.
Of course the first thing I post is April Fool’s XD
Dang, Tumblr’s world limit sucks, I had to cut out the last scene that was like 5 lines :/
Translation: https://beccas-a-kermit.tumblr.com/post/183899408816/the-pranker-gets-pranked
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The Angel banging into walls: Sorry, it's been a while since I piloted a body
MC: Please don't phrase it that way
Listen, sometimes you're a cosmic entity inhabiting a puny ass flesh body and it gets really complicated to keep all your molecules in the right place and keep track of where people keep putting the furniture.
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ROs wearing lingerie for the MC?
Rhys: Very smug, very at ease. He knows he's a handsome bastard. I don't think he'd do that unprompted, as he tends to focus more on pleasuring a partner, but that isn't to say he isn't into it, especially the aesthetic results. He wants to look good, sue him.
Lixue: She'd probably like it best if the Omen wore it, I'll be honest. She likes the show. If she's wearing it, she can be a bit bashful. It isn't the usual setting and dynamics for her. She warms up to being the center of attention every once in a while, though.
Faz: Does a whole tease show before the main act, so to speak. Could spend the whole day teasing the Omen with glimpses of what he's wearing. Into it and knows very well what flatters him the most. Pretends to be very coy and demure about the whole affair.
The Angel: I think it takes the Omen suggesting it, and they're somewhat oblivious about the sexual aspects at first. It's just another costume. Until they realize that it isn't, and then oh boy, they'll want to experiment with styles. Enthusiastic and having a lot of fun.
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ROs opinions on forehead kisses? Both giving and receiving?
Rhys: Pretends to be cool and unbothered. 100% a mess, in both cases, because he doesn't know many people that would trust a vepyr. He's a bit better at giving becaus he can just take the plunge.
Lixue: Better at receiving. She isn't the most open and can have some troubles showing affection. However, once you're close enough, she can sink into those moments with, to her surprise, ease.
Faz: Not... the best with physical affection as a rule. 100% a privilege reserved for the few who get close to him. But when you reach that stage, be prepared for being bombarbed with little forehead kisses.
The Angel: Absolutely precious. One of their favorite ways of showing and receiving affection, honestly. There's something very tender about it to them. Can be shy about initiating it, though.
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Hi! I don't know if you've answered this before but can you rate the ROs possessiveness from most to least?👀
Oh buddy
The Angel
I can elaborate on that.
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So does Rhys wear one of those priest collars? Because those are kinda hot imo
The sexualization of Catholic imagery is strong and beautiful. Nature is healing
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To answer it, no he doesn't, but let's add that to the bucket of comission ideas for when I'm doing the character portraits
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The inhumanity of Rhys and the Angel captivates me mind body and soul
I am fond of a lot of monster romances in interactive fiction, but respectfully, I like 'em weirder.
They're barely masquerading as people, and they can't do any better; they aren't people.
The Angel is a creature of fire hails and perfection. They need to fold themselves a thousand times to even fit into a human-like shape. Gravity and glucose molecules aren't their native language.
Rhys should invoke that primivite prey terror. He is a flesh-eating monster, and there are centuries of tales about his kind. If he isn't eerie and wrong like the suggestion of a snake or a spider, oh well.
They are, respectively, an eldritch horror and the reason behind the concept of uncanny valley.
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What do the ROs look for in a partner? What do they actually need?
Oh my, that ask is so good.
Rhys: He wants an enabler. Someone to look at his current years of indolence and growing bitterness in a nowhere town and not care that he doesn't have much drive anymore. He needs someone who will challenge him. Someone who stokes him to meet his potential.
Faz: He looks for interesting people. Intense, driven, and usually not likely to care that they're hurting him. Think Pyrrha from the Locked Tomb series. No matter his tastes for adventure and fire, I think he'll grow to realize he needs a more stable, gentler kind of partnership.
Lixue: She looks for someone who she can pour all her devotion into. Someone who will be brave, calculating, practical and not exactly real. What she needs is someone with a kind vision for their future together. A soldier who learned to garden, to use a metaphor.
The Angel: They want a martyr. Another one for their collection of people they've loved and never been able to save from suffering. What they really need is someone who cares about their own survival and who sees them as more the mouthpiece of gods, a hail of fire.
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What do the ROs look like?
Rhys: Tall, lanky and slightly underfed. He almost passes for human, except for the eyes, of an unnatural, glassy green that glimmers in the dark, like a dog's. The pupils are too small, and he blinks too little and moves them too restlessly. Quite handsome, with his pale curls, long lashes and artfully planned looks. Has a roguish smile.
Faz: He has a friendly face, with a broad, hawkish nose and high cheekbones. Dark brown curls he keeps around his ears, light brown skin, and very light brown eyes which, frankly, wouldn't look out of place in a doe. Not very tall, but he has good muscles. I pictured Faz as Arabic, so also very thick eyebrows and permanent stubble.
Lixue: The kind of person who wouldn't look out of place as a marble bust, severe and dignified. Black hair she keeps buzzed, beige skin, narrow, black eyes. Very tall, thick with muscle, a walking statue of a woman. She has a round face, a small nose, a sharp jawline and broad shoulders. I pictured Lixue as Chinese.
The Angel: They move too fluidly, like bones are optional. The Angel operates in perfect fractals, and they find it very hard to pass for human; it shows. Their limbs are too long, their eyes are flat and silver with no pupil. White skin, white hair, black wings that seem to weight them down. But they have a lovely, doll's mouth and slim shoulders.
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Update and life signs!
Hey, other than a bit of dragon age screeching, I've been a little quiet. Unfortunately, I dislocated my wrist so my writing and blog managing slowed to a crawl and I was trying to not aggravate the injury by taking my cast off to type/write.
I'll be back to blogging and slowly getting back to tackling chapter 1, which is sitting at a solid 16k!
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NSFW tag
Hey, if you aren't interested in seeing the nsfw content, you can block the tag here be nothing after dark
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ROs kinks?
While the RO page has some interesting stuff, why not add to it
The Angel: Sensory deprivation. It can be difficult to focus on sex when you can see shrimp colors and more so, it's practical.
Faz: Mutual masturbation. What can he say? He likes watching. And likes being watched a lot more.
Lixue: Spanking. You could call her basic, but she has pain down to an art form, riding the perfect edge of it.
Rhys: Exhibitionism. More tasteful semi-public than full on indecency charges, but you get my meaning.
Faz x Lixue: Roleplay. Faz kinda talks Lixue into this, but they're both very good actors with zero shame. Lixue skirts into domme roles.
The Angel x Rhys: Corruption kink. The Angel is a freak about that, and Rhys is oh so eager to oblige, whether tagteaming them or managing two people.
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Want Rhys to eat my flesh 😏
in the biblical sense right? in the biblical sense right?????
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While reading that one ask about the ROs favorite foods I saw "canjica" and was like 'não é possível, I didn't know there was a food called canjica in other countries how cool! (Like the difference between pastel in Spanish and Portuguese)' but then I saw the "acarajé" and 'oh it's actually Brazil lol'
Em comemoração a festa junina, who jumps the bonfire, who is dancing quadrilha and who is macetando the food table?? Would they all participate in the quadrilha's little theater (the one where the bride's dad doesn't approve of the groom)?
Sorry very excited to see a Brazilian creator, I just played the demo and it's sooo good!!!! Ty for your hard work<3
live brazilian reaction:
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for the unitiated, festa junina aka the junine celebration is a very traditional brazilian feast happening in the month of june, celebrating the three big boy saints of the month (anthony, john and peter).
it's evolved into a month long celebration with a lot of traditional foods, games, the quadrilha dances (very elaborate group performances) and a lot more. it's very popular in northeastern brazil
so, for what the ROs would be up to in são joão
The Angel: They're dancing the quadrilha. And they'd absolutely smash it as the bride. It's the swish of the skirts for them.
Faz: Lording over the food table. 100% waits the whole year for the food and won't waste his chance.
Lixue: Probably in jail (it's a são joão joke, you stay there until you pay "fines" or do a challenge). 100% will try to jump the bonfire.
Rhys: Yes, the games are rigged. Yes, he's still playing. You'll only take him away from shooting or tossing rings if he's dead.
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