#hiazashi Yamada
passerine-writes · 7 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 90
Warnings: Brief mentions of puke and some stress, I guess?? Word count: 4477
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 89 | Volt 91
After getting in a few minutes of heavily interrupted sleep throughout the night, I only realized Denki's alarm was going off after he started to stir, aimlessly patting behind him to try and hit his alarm clock. He slowly sat up a bit to properly shut off his alarm before burying his face back into my stomach. I went to move my hand from his hair, just for him to grab my hand and move it back to his hair.
"My love, we have to get up. If we don't then my Dad will absolutely come in here again." I felt him groan, holding me just a little tighter before he sat up a bit.
"But you're so comfortable and warm." He whined, pouting as he looked at me.
"I'm glad. But I'd rather have my boyfriend alive." I told him, cupping his face gently. He leaned into my touch and gave me a sleepy smile before he started looking concerned.
"You didn't sleep last night?" He asked gently, his eyes filling with concern.
"Couldn't really sleep." I told him quietly, feeling slightly ashamed admitting it.
"Maybe tonight you'll get more sleep." He hummed and went to lay back down but I tapped his cheek with my thumb.
"Baby, we have to get up." I reiterated. He sighed but agreed, slowly getting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
I slowly sat up too, soon after leaving his room to get my hearing aids and get changed into my uniform. On the way down to the commons, I crossed paths with Hitoshi and Izuku in the elevator.
Hey, you okay after last night?
I'm doing better. Did you sleep at all?
I'm not gonna answer that.
"Dad's gonna kill you." Hitoshi snorted but he still looked concerned.
"I'll live." I brushed off, gravitating to the coffee immediately.
"Tsukababes?" Mina chimed in, looking at me in dismay. "You didn't sleep?" She asked softly, concern ever present in her expression.
"I got a little bit of sleep. I'll be fine. Promise." I tried to brush off, knowing there was a small chance of her letting it go. She sighed but gave me a tight hug.
With a to-go cup of coffee and holding my boyfriends hand, we made it to class on time. Narrowly avoiding Iida lecturing us to get there as soon as possible.
"Tsukare! Don't think I forgot you!" Iida announced as he came back in. "I see those dark circles! Have you been getting enough sleep?"
"Hundred percent." I responded sarcastically, walking Izuku walk in nervously. "Hey, Zuku! Over here!" I called him over, hoping to get him away from Aoyama and it thankfully worked.
Class dragged by, I sat mostly still inattentive and mostly trying to stay awake.
"Woah, look at this. Mount Lady teamed up with Edgeshot! And Kamui Woods!" Denki exclaimed between classes while we all grabbed our hero costume cases, showing me his phone excitedly.
"Woah, really? I wonder what for." I responded.
"I think they're going by 'Team Lurkers'. I saw it mentioned in the news earlier." Jirou commented.
"There sure are a bunch of heroes teaming up these days." Denki said excitedly.
"Once we're pros, we should do some team-ups too!" Mina exclaimed. "Here's an idea!" She turned to Uraraka as they started walking out.
I reached up and grabbed my suit from the wall, waiting for my brother and Denki to grab theirs. I fidgeted with my hearing aids and after some debate, opted to take them out, a migraine hitting me like a brick wall.
Hey, you don't look so good.
I'm gonna be sick. I barely got out before walking over to the trash can and upchucking the bit of toast I had this morning.
I felt someone start rubbing my back and I could tell from the touch alone it was my boyfriend. I held my head in my hands as the pain started to travel, I haven't had one hit me this hard and this fast in a while. After a moment, I felt my brother start rubbing my back and helping me move, probably telling everyone he was taking me to Recovery Girl.
We walked the familiar path, I was barely coherent enough to properly walk with the pain radiating in my skull. I was soon placed on the cot, a few muffled voices talking around me but even that was excruciating and nauseating.
Migraine. Puked everything up, no gradual start. One of the worst ones I've had in a while. Pains an 8.
I managed to sign with my shaky hands. A cool, wet cloth was placed on my forehead and over my eyes, instantly relieving some of my pain. I let out a sigh of relief and held my head.
Thank you.
I sat there for about twenty minutes before I felt Chiyo tap my hand, placing something in a wrapper, presumably a granola bar, in my palm. Hesitantly, I ate it, knowing if I wanted to take my migraine meds, I would need something in my system. Another ten minutes of precautionary waiting while nursing a water bottle. My pain dropping down to maybe a 7 while I deprived half of my senses. Then I felt her place the medicine in my hand, I quickly took the pills that I knew were white and oblong.
Then the true waiting game started.
How long these would take to kick in.
I let my shoulders slowly relax, uncaring about whoever might come in. It was a moment of peace and quite, the pain being the only thing tethering me to the earth. I didn't know how much time had passed before I peaked through the cloth long enough to find a bin, thankfully she sat one within arms reach of me, to once again, let the contents of my stomach escape. She came over and rubbed my back gently before taking the bowl.
A few more minutes ticked by and I felt someone tapping my hand before gingerly lifting the cloth off my eyes. The blinds were drawn shut and all of the lights were off, making it mildly tolerable in comparison to how I felt in the classroom. Dad sat beside me, looking at me with heavy concern.
I love you, but you look like shit.
Feel like it too.
I was talking to the old lady. She thinks that with everything that's been going on and the lack of sleep you've been getting triggered it to be substantially worse and not give you any warnings.
I figured that was why. It's been a while since I've thrown up from one of these or it got to be this bad. Usually I'm pretty good with a preemptive strike to get rid of them.
You usually are. However this isn't the usual.
I know. I'm worried. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to figure out a way to take all of the heat off myself but still get my point across. I'm not doing as okay as I thought I would be. But I'm also worried about you and Pops and Toshi. I can see how much stuff is effecting each of you. And we all have our own stuff going on too.
We'll talk more about it later when you're not coming down from a migraine.
You didn't sleep last night.
I couldn't sleep. Just wasn't able to.
Make sure you try and get a few hours in tonight.
I'll try.
He nodded and ruffled my hair, flipping the cloth over to the cool side after a moment and just sat with me.
Yes, Onryo?
I'm scared.
How come?
I'm not doing okay. If it's bad enough that I can admit it, somethings wrong.
It means you've reached your breaking point and you know you need help.
That scares me.
I sat up a bit when I saw movement in the corner of my eye, Yoru walking in sheepishly.
"Hey, kiddo. How ya feeling?" He asked as he made his way over.
"Getting better. What are you doing here? Did we have ultimate move stuff today?" I asked softly, the reverberation of my own voice felt painful. However it still wasn't as bad as earlier.
"Yeah. I was talking to your Dad. We figured that me and you could do some one on one training in the TDL with him to supervise." He offered and I nodded.
"Yeah. That sounds good." I mumbled, staving off the nausea resonating in my core. "Do you think Hitoshi can join us? Give you more of a challenge?"
"Sure. Let me know when you want to meet there for training, kid." I nodded and shut my eyes, slowly laying my head back again. Dad stayed with me for a little bit longer before going back to the class.
It took almost three hours for it to subside, but I was more relieved than anything that it didn't last longer like some of them. My brother met up with me at Recovery Girls office, bringing me a spare change of clothes to train in and texted Yoru for me. I stuffed my uniform in my bag, now adorning a black tank top and grey sweats and walking with my brother to the TDL. Denki joining us to watch, claiming that he wanted to see me spar since he hasn't in a while.
"You kids ready?" Yoru asked cockily and I nodded. "What are we working on today?"
"I want to work on my control with my capture weapon." Hitoshi said, making Yoru raise an eyebrow.
"Well as you know, we're supposed to be working on Ultimate Moves." He tried to push and I could see the irk mark forming on Toshi's forehead.
"I don't have one. I didn't work on any today either. I don't want to be a limelight hero, I'm going for underground. Like our Dad. They don't have ultimate moves that they call out." He responded.
"Fine. Yeah, work on control. I'm sure you could use it." Yoru said in a condescending, drawled out tone. My brother raised an eyebrow in defiance and sent out his capture weapon before the hero could react, having him trapped in his spot and firmly secured before he could think. "Shit, you sure are Eraser's kid. Got the same look on your face and everything." He sighed as he tried to squirm out of the cloth bindings while Denki stifled his chuckles from beside our Dad. "Okay, I yield, you can let me go now." The cloth suddenly fell limp and Hitoshi brought it back. "You're almost on Eraser's level with that thing. Okay then, Onryo, why do you want to work on today?"
"I want to work on using my Pin Point Accuracy without my glasses, in case anything happens where they might break or I can't use them." I said plainly, still recovering from the migraine.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll give you some vines since Cementoss isn't here to build you any walls." I nodded and got myself ready. He sent out a few vines and I found the spot, mumbling the name of the move under my breath. I cut the vine in half, but I was off by about two yards, a crack forming in the ground. "Damn. Seems like you picked up in it quick." I shook my head and crouched down.
"No. I was off about two yards from where I was aiming." I muttered, glaring at the dismembered vine.
"It's your first time really trying without your glasses. It's gonna take time." I sighed but nodded, knowing Yoru was right.
He sent out another string of vines, the two of us repeating the process for nearly forty minutes before I got frustrated and sat down.
"Why can't I get it?" I angrily mumbled at the ground. I've done this dozens of time in training, why couldn't I get it now.
"You have a mental block. If it gets any worse, you'll end up stunting how you use it altogether." I heard Dad say from across the gym. "Don't tell me you don't. I know you do. I've been able to see it for a few days now. We need to stop it before it gets worse. Break that wall in your path." I let out a huff of air and brought myself back into a crouch.
"Imagine it's like a sword making contact. You know your aim, you know where it'll land on the path it's swinging." Yoru suggested and I mulled it over, clearly getting lost in my head.
"Onryo." I heard Dad say firmly and I looked up to meet his eye. "Find a way to stop this block. What do you need to do?" I ran a hand through my dampened curls and thought on it.
"Yoru, hand to hand with quirks randomly thrown in." I finally said, feeling like I was at a last stitch effort.
"Fine by me." He said with a smirk. I stood up fully and stepped closer to him, waiting for him to make the first move.
He led with a kick that I easily rolled under, catching him off guard when I grabbed his ankle and brought him down. He rolled to the side and got back up, sending a punch my way. I blocked, ducking and weaving while still sending out blows. We each landed a few hits here and there, most of the time we dodged and blocked.
"Your Dad taught you well." He stated casually.
"I know." I replied, not allowing myself to get distracted. I sent a punch, knowing fully well he would catch it and he did. I took the distraction I made to send a kick to his side, watching him sputter.
"What? Showing off for blondie?" He asked through a wheezed breath.
"Not at all." I said before he went to send another hit. We went back and forth again for a few minutes until he tried to pull the same move on me. I caught his fist in my hand, and then his leg, pinning it to my side. I meticulously slid my foot behind his planted one and kicked back on his heel, pushing his hand backwards at the same time to make him fall. "That was showing off." I breathed out, watching as he coughed harshly.
"Again." I heard Dad say from across the gym. "You didn't use any quirks, go again." I pinched the bridge of my nose and nodded, as frustrated as I was, I knew why he was doing this and I would thank him later.
So we sparred. We sparred eleven times. Only once out of those did I use my quirk briefly while Yoru used his plenty. Then it happened. That magical movie-esque moment. I was in the air, Yoru taking advantage over a moment and flinging me up with a vine. I originally planned to come down with a kick, until my window of opportunity struck. He was sending a vine straight up at me and I clearly said the name of my move, taking Yoru's advice with the sword analogy and watched as the vine split almost exactly where I intended, only a few inches off. I landed in a small crouch, rolling forward to lessen the blow of the fall and straight into his ankles. He fell back and tapped the ground twice before letting his limbs flop.
"Dad! I did it!" I exclaimed, Toshi running over and giving me a hug.
"Shit, I haven't gone hand to hand like that in a while, you're out here making me look like a rookie, squirt." Yoru said. I laughed off his comment and walked over to him, reaching out a hand and pulling him up. "And where the fuck did these muscles come from? You're a teenager."
"A teenager in a superhuman society with pro heroes for parents." I shot back.
"I'm wiped out after that." He grumbled. "Hey, I'll see you next week, right?" I groaned dramatically and flung my head back.
"Yeah. And I have a surprise for you." I told him, watching him grow very confused very fast.
"It's your birthday. Shouldn't you be the one getting a surprise?"
"Trust me. You'll like this surprise." I told him. He shrugged his shoulders but nodded. He gave me an awkward side hug before leaving and I flopped onto my brother. "Hey, Toshi. I never got to ask you, but why were you giving him the evil eye during dinner a while back...?" My words trailed off as a certain rock caught my attention. "Dad?" I asked in a whisper as I slowly walked closer to the words written in french, engraved into a rock.
"Onryo? What's the matter?" He asked and I slowly sat down.
We need to talk alone. Maybe get Nedzu in here too.
"I need to have a word with Onryo, alone." He said firmly, waiting for Hitoshi and Denki to leave before crouching next to me. "Onryo?" He asked again.
"Call Nedzu." I mumbled, staring at the words in shock.
"What does it say?" Nedzu asked gently, staring at the rock beside me, Dad on my other side.
"Il faut se méfier de l'eau qui dort." I read off the rock. "Beware the water that sleeps or there is no worse water than sleeping water. Layman's terms, still waters may run deep." I said, swallowing the lump in my throat. "This isn't good." I whispered.
"It's a good thing you know french." Dad commented but I shook my head.
"Aoyama wrote this. He's the only other one in the class that knows the language. Or would be able to engrave it in a rock." I licked my lips nervously. "So much for sleeping tonight. It's a warning."
"A warning?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, it basically means it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for, a wolf in sheep's clothing situation." I confirmed. "That's the old meaning, at least. It's a proverb stemming from Latin, now it's usually used for something about placidity hiding a passionate or subtle nature. It used to refer to something else though, can't remember what exactly." I explained. "I'm worried."
"Understandably so. But try not to dwell on it." Nedzu told me. "We're on top of this and will look into why he wrote this." I nodded slightly but still stared at the words, racking my brain for what the old meaning was. "Tsukare. Don't stress yourself over it. We'll figure this out."
"I'm trying to remember what it was. Like, specifically. The synopsis was a warning. Similar to sleep with one eye open, know your enemy, everyone is a suspect no matter how they appear type thing. I just, I can't remember what it was commonly referenced to." Dad looked at me confused for a minute.
"You never fail to surprise me,  but when did you learn about that?" He asked as he turned back to the french engraving.
"Sometime in junior high when I was learning french and spanish. Had a mental block on them for a few weeks, so I figured if I studied stuff about latin since it's the base language, it'd come easier. Didn't work, but read some cool stuff." I mumbled almost inaudibly, racking my brain for what the hell I had read.
"You're going to give yourself an aneurysm if you keep stressing over it." Dad stated in his typical dry sarcasm. I rolled my eyes but stared at it with just as much intensity. "You're not sitting here all night." He told me with no room for argument. "Go back to the dorms and get changed, you're staying the night with your Pops and I."
"I hate to come off as nosy, but is everything alright, Shouta?" Nedzu asked and I chuckled under my breath.
"No disrespect, but you loving being nosy. You have an intelligence quirk, it's what you live for." I told him. "I didn't sleep last night, so he probably wants me to stay the night so I actually sleep and he can erase my quirk if I have another nightmare where I wake up screaming."
"You'd be right." Dad confirmed and I nodded. "So go get changed." I groaned and stood up, taking my time to get back to the dorms.
"Tsukababes! Oh em gee!!" I rolled my eyes and checked my phone as I felt it buzz.
From Pikachu <;3: You look hot in grey sweats
I felt my face light up a bright red and I shoved my phone in my pocket.
"I-I'm gonna go change." I stumbled over my words, earning a few giggles from Mina and a smirk from my boyfriend. My brother looked confused and I saw Aoyama trying to give Izuku more cheese.
I rushed around my room haphazardly as I changed into a baggy long sleeve and a pair of basketball shorts. I tossed my hearing aids on the charger and grabbed my laptop, putting it in its case before heading back downstairs. I set it on one of the tables and wrapped my arms around my boyfriends waist while he was brushing his teeth in the commons. He leaned back into me and tapped on my wrist, pointing towards Mina.
"Tsukababes! What happened to your leg?!" I could hear the very faint mumbling of her yell, clearly shocked. I followed her gaze down to my calf and realized what scar she was talking about.
"That's when Tsukare was a total badass during the licensing exams and ran a lady out of a collapsing building." Jirou added, coming up behind Mina and resting her forearms on her shoulders.
Izu. What happened?
We talked everything out and we're friends now! He said that he could realize my body wasn't made for my quirk, and he's just like me with his. His body doesn't have the right constitution for it either and he said he wanted to comfort me and let me know I wasn't alone.
I looked at Aoyama, analyzing him. I didn't trust him.
Hey, what happened?
Something's off about him.
Well, yeah, he's Aoyama. He sparkles, like, literally.
Not that, it's something else. I don't trust him.
Do you want me to not be friends with him?
I'm not saying that, you can be friends with whoever you'd like. I'm just saying my truth on it, I don't trust him.
Izuku nodded and Denki tapped my arm again. I dropped my arms and watched him walk to the bathroom before coming back without a tooth brush.
"Everything okay? Your Dad kinda rushed us out of there." He asked as he got closer to me.
"Yeah. Yeah, he uh, wanted to talk to me about my grades. He was worried that they're going to start slipping because of everything." My stomach churned as I lied through my teeth to him. He looked at me in dismay and I felt even worse. "I'm sleeping at my parents tonight, my Dad is basically forcing me to. But I'll text you, okay?" He nodded a little and looked sad. I gently cupped his face and pressed my lips to his, hoping to convey my sincerity and trust through a small action.
"Okay." He mumbled and pressed another kiss to my lips. I grabbed my laptop and saw my brother fake gagging in the corner before following me out the door.
To Pikachu <;3: I'm sorry for lying, I just didn't want our friends to interrogate me if I said what actually happened or if I said I'll tell you later
From Pikachu <;3: You had me really worried for a minute, it's not like you to lie :(
From Pikachu <;3: So what did your Dad want to talk to you about?
To Pikachu <;3: Denki, I trust you so much, and the reason I'm not telling you isn't because I don't trust you or anything like that
To Pikachu <;3: It's just that, right now, I have no idea whether or not I'm even allowed to talk about it
To Pikachu <;3: I pinky promise, I trust you, I just need time to get back to you with an answer because it's in such a weird grey area that I don't know how much I can say
From Pikachu <;3: I trust you, too, so you can get back to me on it whenever you can
From Pikachu <;3: I see why you didn't say something else though, Mina would've pestered you until the end of time
To Pikachu <;3: Exactly
I tucked my phone away and took off my shoes after walking through the door to my parents place, my brother hot on my trail.
"Can someone please fill me in on what happened earlier? Because now I'm even more fucking confused." My brother said immediately, clearly frustrated as he signed messily.
"Woah, back it up, what happened?" Pops asked calmly, trying his hardest to be the voice of reason.
"I don't know, first Onryo short circuited after training, then Dad sent me and Kaminari out of the TDL, Onryo told Izuku he doesn't trust Aoyama and then I watched him lie to Kaminari!" He said, clearly exasperated.
"Okay, let's sit down in the living room while we wait for your Dad. Sleepy head's getting out of the shower." Pops said soothingly, resting his hands on Toshi's biceps. My brother plopped his head on his chest and let out a full body sigh. "But why did you lie to Kaminari? Is something wrong?" Pops asked while looking at me.
"Because I didn't know how much I was allowed to tell him or anyone so I said Dad wanted to talk to me cause he was concerned about my grades slipping after everything that's happened and I didn't wanna say I would talk about it later cause I knew Mina would be relentless about asking what happened and I know it comes from a place of love but I didn't want to have her trying to figure it out." I explained, my words rushed and coming out in one breath. "I already texted Denki apologizing and explained that I can't talk about it right now cause I don't know how much I can even say and explained my reasoning and he said he understood and he doesn't fault me for how I handled it."
"Wow, I gotta say I'm not used to my teenagers acting like teenagers. So this is new and refreshing. You probably did the right thing, not the lying part, but communicating to him why you did." I nodded and plopped my head on Hitoshi's back.
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starshineandbooks · 2 years
Mafia inter-dimensional travel pt 3
First Previous
Aizawa has many duties as a bodyguard, he never thought that babysitting and alternate hizashi yamada would be one of them. He knows better now.
Now? Now Aizaw is babysitting Hizashi and missing his boss. As one does when a villian fucks up your love life. 
Which is how Aizawa and Hizashi find themselves tied back to back atop a goat. 
Now this wasn't a normal goat mind you, this was a human who can turn into a large goat via their quirk. But still. A strange situation. 
Now any sane person might be wondering how in the hell they got into this situation. Well, sane people, they also don't know.
It starts like all mornings have the last few weeks, a brief with overly sweetened coffee even by Aizawa’s standards and a serene seeming Hizashi in heels. 
The blonde preens before the compact mirror as he suspects coffee. Green gazes stoney as he wakes up slowly. 
"Shinsou warned me of a rising thug with a shape-shifting quirk." Aizawa says evenly, setting a newspaper down.
"Did he? How nice."
Aizawa hums, "You said your phone was still not working right?"
"I don't get any text messages you send me."
"It is. Perhaps it's set up to the network of my universe?" Hizashi ponders, "I do have a different number than your Yamada."
"Perhaps…" Aizawa looks down, and he seems- lost.
"I'll have to try it later."
"Try it now. If your Aizawa is as baffled by your bullshit as I am, he'll be relieved you're alive."
"That's almost sweet." Hizashi smiles,  pulling his phone out.
Opening his text messages he taps the chat labeled "Shouta ''. Because while he'd rather have a better name it's more professional. 
Hizashi 6:53 am: You getting these Shou?
Shouta 6:53 am: How did you get this phone?
Hizashi 6:54 am: Shou, it's Hizashi
Shouta 6:54 am: Bullshit
Hizashi 6:54 am: *sent picture*
Shouta 6:55 am: Holy shit. Hizashi.
Hizashi looks over, "Theory confirmed, I'll have to see if I can talk to him more later. Let's handle the shifter quirk."
"You aren't going to talk more?"
"We have things to do, Aizawa." Hizashi says in a light tone.
"Right… Come along, Nemuri is waiting for us."
"I see."
Hiazashi and Aizawa both stand, making their way from the breakfast table towards the meeting room table. It takes a few minutes but once they arrive they sit down and start the meeting.
"Now," Hizashi says, "What can you tell us about Nemuri?"
Before she can answer, the door is thrown open to a frazzled teen, Ochako. "Yamada, Sir. There's a man outside demanding you divorce his daughter."
Hizashi is thourghly confused, becuas he is gay and to his knowledge is alternate counterpart is too.
He glances at Aizawa who shakes his head once, message received. Hizashi's counterpart has no wife.
"Send him in." Hizashi says.
Aizawa steps closer, because his lover or not Hizashi is his charge at the moment.  And he will not lose a second one.
"Yes, sir." Ochako says, not interested in questioning it. Her boss is well equipped to handle whatever mess this is.
She just has to live long enough to clean the room afterward. She's got a lot left to do and the top of that list is not getting between her boss and his guest.
What they don't expect is a man with the bottom half of a goat to rush in, glaring and all.
Shouta sits opposite Yamada, his mind racing after being contacted by Hizashi. The proof is still on the lot screen before him.
"I'm sure that they are fine." Yamada says, "What could go wrong?"
What went wrong, sane people referenced in the beginning, is that the man with the lower half of a goat was fed lies by a rival gang. Having managed to sneak in a shifter and copier quirk, he manages to get Hiazashiand Aizawa bound.
And the man then shifts into a six foot tall goat as big around as the average couch. With the bound men placed upon him, he runs off.
Which is where we pick up, bound back to back on the large goat shifter, Hizashi and Aizawa are left to try to figure out an escape.
"This wouldn't happen if we had simply killed him." Aizawa says sharply.
"He blind sided us." Hizashi counters, "Now hold still will you?"
"What? Why?"
Hizashi does not dignify Aizawa with an answer, and simply pulls a knife from the inner flap of his jacket and begins to try to cut them loose.
But life is never that easy for him is it?
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My Hero Crackademia by candlesneedflame
Status: In Progress
Works: 3
Ships: Aizawa/Yamada
Rated: G/T
Word Count: 10K
Summary: "Aizawa loves his students. Todoroki loves his theories. Shenanigans ensue."
This series, though short, is hilarious
The Fine Jar by BrightShadow
Status: In Progress (might be done but I'm not sure)
Rating: G
Word Count: 9K
Summary: "Aizawa has had it up to here with his class claiming to be fine when they're not. Desparate times call for desparate measures. Enter the Fine Jar."
You'd think this would be a small story of what happens when a swear jar is introduced but it's not a swear jar this time.
meaningless holiday by yikes_strikes_again
Status: Complete
Ships: Aizawa/Yamada
Rating: G
Word Count: ~3K
Summary: "It's Valentine's day at U.A., and Put Your Hands Up Radio has a message for a very special listener. Also Class 1-A is there"
Yamada sends out a very nice message for his significant other and this entire fic is just so heartwarming.
you're not alone by yikes_strikes_again
Status: Complete
Rating: G
Word Count: 3K
Summary: "Tsuyu can't sleep, so she goes to get her favorite comforter. She comes back with something else, too."
A very wholesome moment between Tsu and Dadzawa.
AllMightAllTheTime said at 12:13pm: by Reavv
Status: In Progress
Rating: T
Word Count: 48K
Summary: "In one universe, Izuku turns right to head home to a wet-eyed mother who fusses over his bruises and attempts to save his now waterlogged notebook. He ends up passing under a bridge where he is attacked by a villain and saved by a hero in the same breath, and has his heart break under that hero’s words. He’ll prove himself to be brave if not clever by rushing in to save his schoolyard bully, and have that same hero mend his broken heart with words and a declaration under a setting sun.
This is not that universe."
Izuku and Hitoshi end up making an analysis channel online and it's great. I'm pretty sure the creator even made a real youtube channel with a video that was made in-universe. Pretty sweet.
Surprises by MikeWritesThings
Status: Complete
Rating: G
Word Count: 21K
Summary: "Moving into the dorms, the students get to witness a side of their teacher they didn’t even know had existed--a side much softer, and, dare they say, human, than any of them had ever expected to see.
(Or, 5 things class 1-A never expected from Aizawa, and 1 thing he never expected from them.)"
The class gets to learn more about Aizawa beause dorms are a thing. Very wholesome.
A Family Of Heroes by MikeWritesThings
Status: Incomplete (but it ends in a really nice place so basically complete)
Ships: Aizawa/Iida Tensei/Yamada, Iida Tenya/Midoriya/Todoroki
Rating: G
Word Count: 3K
Summary: "It's kind of weird when two of your teachers are honorary members of your family, and it's even weirder when those teachers are also both dating your older brother. And they're all pro heroes.
That's Iida Tenya's life."
A couple moment highlighting Tenya's realtionship with Aizawa, Yamada, and Tensei. Also very wholesome.
Drunk History: HEROES by SammyD
Status: Complete
Ships: Midoriya/Todoroki, Bakugou/Kirishima, Yaoyorozu/Jirou,
Rating: T
Word Count: 3K
Summary: "
The group sprawled out all around the couches burst out laughing as Shinsou sighed and smiled from behind the camera. When the group agreed to be on “Drunk History: HEROES” to talk about UA’s most famous and influential class, he knew they didn’t know what they were getting into. So there he was, off camera due to his status as an underground hero, watching the 19 remaining students talk about their first year as hero students in this three part special.
Based off the prompt by @RRONANLLYNCH on twitter"
It's a beautiful mess of a drunk grown-up 1-A recounting their first year in school. It's a gem and I will continue to re-read it because every signle time it makes me laugh.
(July 15th, 2020)
Happy Birthday Izuku!
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storybookstalker · 5 years
Can I get headcanons for the loud bird man - present mic? If you do that, that is.
Present Mic - General Headcanons 
A much more sweet yandere than some 
Would do a lot of things to try and get his obsession to listen in on his shows
He wants all of your attention, so knowing that you listen to his voice would be a step in the right direction in his books
Adores literally every movement you make
If he still can’t catch your attention through shows alone, he’ll start playing your favorite music in hopes that it’ll give you a little push 
If you’re an student/teacher at U.A. he’ll try to bring you fancy foods he thinks you might enjoy 
He’ll start having lunch with you daily, giving advice for your classes 
How to get ahead of your classmates/how to help your students along
Would definitely start rumors that the two of you were together/that he was giving you lessons outside of class (like All might and Deku) 
or at least support them by not denying them
If you’re another pro hero/teacher he’d definitely give a little tip to the media that you guys were seen together quite often now-a-days
Or get a student to mention how the two of you eat together daily and all the gifts he gave you
Even if you guys aren’t together yet then you’ll be smacked in the face about it constantly from others, especially if you’re a popular hero
Whether you start complaining to him about it or start ignoring him and avoiding him doesn’t matter (okay it does but he’s hoping that it won’t in the end)  
Will get into everything you’re into and watch/read all of it so that he has another reason to talk to you
Will even get into stuff you mentioned so that he can recommend it as something he thinks you’ll like
Maybe even inviting you over to his home to watch it with him
He won’t force you at this point, he’ll be upset and paranoid, picking through everything he’s done and wondering why you wouldn’t want to
If you do agree, well play your cards a certain why and you won’t be leaving 
The only way to really get away from this yandere is to put him down as soon as possible, within the first two or three visits really
And then you have to make sure that you continue this whenever he’s watching 
Make sure you don’t give him any opportunity for a click
At all
Definitely very affectionate 
Almost a normal relationship if you play your cards right from the very beginning 
If normal was clingy as fuck and refusing to allow you out of the house without him knowing every slightest muscle movement and its coordinate that you were going to make-
He’ll let you do hero work if he’s watching or doing said work with you
As a student, if you’re dead set on being a hero then he’ll do his very best to get you as his sidekick
He’s much more desperate for you if you’re a student, as you can imagine he’d have a lot less pathways to you
Decides to try and get a relationship like All might’s and Deku’s, offering outside help and the like
Often asking you to stay behind after class, saying that you need extra help since it’s not like he gives you different classwork and tests from the rest of the class, and he’s more than happy to help his favorite student out!
Once he solidifies a relationship with you, he’ll hold grades and the like above your head
Not directly, but gives a little hint towards that 
He really does love you, all he wants is a loving relationship with his #1   
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higheverweave · 3 years
Chapter 8
e second year went about as you would expect to start. A lecture from the homeroom teacher about more seriously activities this year and taking them seriously. There wasn't anyway we could have known how wrong things would go by the end.....
It started out pleasant the beginning of 2A.
Aisuru had her album drop early in the year so she didn't have time to make it to rooftop crew year 2.
However ended up being pleasantly surprised when she learned of her now class 3A friend and mentor Nemuri Kayama going to the rooftop..... and apparently adopting a kitten named Sushi Aizawa found earlier in the year.
The first major event Or class event was the provisional Licensing exams. At least it was for Aisuru who worked out a deal with Nezu and the class A teacher to take the exam early due to her need to support her Little sister Seusei and the fact her internship would be with her brother learning to manage Limewire and it's affairs as a full hero.
It was odd because Aisuru still went to regular class at UA that day.
"Hey pssstt Aisuru!!!!" Oboro threw a cloud to get her attention.
"Is it true you have the provisional license exam today?" He questioned.
"Yeah uhh... I have to take it now just too get all of the things I need for the summer work study settled. My Brother Boombox is going to be teaching me how to fill in our Parents shoes at Their wait no ....our ....agency now I guess?" Aisuru sighed.
"That's really cool your doing like Actual Hero Work on your own terms.I can't wait do that like you and Hizashi." Oboro smirked
"Zashi you already have an Workstudy plan?" Aisuru wondered.
"You bet!" Hizashi smiled.
"Cool. I'm surprised you got that scheduled that fast. Most Agency's are hesitant. I only have mine scheduled because it was my parents. Limewire Agency doesn't really take work studies. My folks worried about all of that so does BoomBox he thinks they can be "Risky." For students if they are exposed to too much to fast.... As usually we deal in intelligence and undercover conversations with villains in a covert capacity there's a lot that can go really really wrong. In terms of a sidekick or student hero were to slip up on the facade and be recognized as a hero.... Well you can guess where that would go." Aisuru explained.
"Hey Suru? Can I steal you quick before you have to leave for exams." Hizashi invited.
"Sure." Aisuru tucked her hair behind her ear.
Hizashi placing his hand in front of her in a request for her to grab it.
Aisuru takes Hizashi's hand.... And follows him to the Hallway.
"I just ... I wanted to wish you good luck.... Not that I think you'll need luck ...you're you! But they make us use our hero names more once we get licensed.
So I guess I wanted to .... Say this before I have to start calling you Siren officially.
I...I love you Aisuru..... Like have fallen harder than I ever expected too love you. So I just wanted to remind you of all the reasons I do and the reasons you're going to kill this exam before you go.....
Aisuru you are going to be an amazing hero... your nice..... sometimes so empathetic you get overly nervous. I know the last years been hard for you but you've done unbelievable things despite everything. You look after you're little sister. You've always been a good friend to ,
Shouta, Oboro ,and I and honestly our whole class.... Even some of the harder people to get along with. Point is I told you how your Family had been my Role-models in terms of what it takes to be a hero..... I never expected you to be the one who inspired me most and who makes me want to be the hero I want to be. Point is I know you are going to pass the exam because you already are a hero to me." Hizashi explained....
Only to have her lips crash into his.....
In what both of them thought was a private moment until Oboro and Shouta peaked into the hallway from the classroom. Oboro making woot woot noise so loud it could rival Hizashi Yamada...
Causing Aisuru and Hizashi to pull away from the kiss.
Only to have Aisuru put her hands on both sides of Hizashi's face look him in the eyes and say
"I love you too Hizashi Yamada."
Which somehow got Oboro to be louder and Aizawa to actually clap?
Until it was all interrupted by the class bell signaling it was time for Aisurus exam.
Considering the disadvantage from the sports festival Aisuru was able to use one factor to her advantage the fact she was singing at the music festival. Which made people think she had to sing commands to get people to do them when her quirk Allure only required her to speak an order to someone who then fell in love with her and completed the order.
Her main tactic to get points was to lie low then strike fast. Which ended up getting her past the first part of the provisional exams for that year.
The second part was the two part protect and rescue.
This part of the exam Aisuru worried less about her quirk and more about strategy deciding the most efficient way to save the most people in an emergency situation was open communication and collaboration with others taking the test and comforting even the fake "victims."
It wasn't too hard for her to pass.
Spring studies for 2A were basic. Most of spring with Class 1A was going to Hizashi and Shoutas favorite bands concert together and (Ending up getting tickets for Nemuri for all of them too so they could all go.)
Shoutas favorite band concert was the most social Oboro, Hizashi,Nemuri or Aisuru had ever seen him be....
Especially because of you leave him alone with music he likes .... He has the perfect hair for head banging.
Obviously you know this is some sort of metal concert. Which made a funny picture to have on a phone for later especially when Oboro could do similar things his cloud hair so the wide array of blurry black and light blue hair everywhere is ..... something to see.
The concert ended fairly late a lot like the concert Hizashi picked but unlike that.... Hizashi only noticed the weight on his shoulder when the music stopped.
"We have school tomorrow....." Aizawa almost basically reverted to his usual self.
"Shhhh I think Aisuru fell asleep....." Hizashi attempted to whisper.
"How do you fall asleep during a metal concert?" Oboro wondered
"She must really relax around you. Haha!" Nemuri teased
"Or did you all forget her Father is Shred one of the most hardcore rockstars of alltime." Aizawa rolled his eyes.
"It has nothing to do with any fluffy BS." He added.
"I doubt that." Hizashi responded trying to gently lift Aisuru up without waking her.
"This is wild but now I know how to get you to be quiet!!!" Oboro whispered to Hizashi
Whose glare was hidden behind his trademark orange sunglasses.
Hizashi was still gonna have to carry her when they got out of the car to the dorms.
Again scooping her up into his arms as quietly (as he possibly could which isn't super quiet but he is making an intense effort.)
"I could use a cloud to bring her to her dorm...." Oboro offered.
"Nah Man she's My girl so I gotta make absolutely sure she gets there safe." Hizashi explained.
"Ok makes sense." Oboro winked at him before he turned to go to his dorm.
"Goodnight lover boy." Nemuri chuckled..
"Seriously though all jokes aside she really does care about you.... She brags about her "Zashi."or her "Mic." So take care of her..."
Nemuri added.
"Wait midnight what does she say about me?" Hizashi questioned
"Her most recent Zashi brag was her "Mic" was asked by Nezu to MC. He's doing so good so she's super proud of him. The kind of dorky sweet stuff that'll give you a cavity. Anyway Goodnight Zashi. And don't tell her I told you.... You know how pink she would turn. " Nemuri waved the back of her hand in a goodbye.
Neither of them Noticing Shouta already basically being to his dorm room.
When Hizashi got to the main 1A dorm doors he had to use his back to open them gently as to not drop or wake Aisuru. A similar challenge presented itself when he found himself at her dorm room door but he just gently pushed it open. Put her gently on the bed and whispered goodnight. Electing not to fight with blankets to tuck her in as it would probably wake her up. Before making his way to his dorm room.
Hizashi had woke up the next day to a knock on his door.....
"Ugggghhhh." He rolled out of his bed and crawled to the door expecting it to be Aizawa with some kind of dorky lecture.
However he opened it to find Aisuru with a plate of toast ...
Causing him to readjust his posture and hair at an inhuman speed. Which caused her to giggle.
"I wanted to say thank you. I know it was you who put me in my dorm last night and not everyone would do that and be as respectful of me or my space. So have some thank you toast." Aisuru smiled
"Do you have breakfast? did you eat?" Hizashi questioned
"I wanted to bring this first. As a thank you." Aisuru failed to make eye contact embarrassed.
"If you really want to thank me take care of yourself as well. Come on let's get you something to eat and we can not eat together." Hizashi smiled....
Oboro cloud floated by and and teased Hizashi and Aisuru.
"Get a room already." He joked
Before joining them in the common room with his breakfast.
"Seriously though... As much as I joke .... You both bring out the best in each other.... Like you are literally eating breakfast together to make sure you both eat... Having people to look out for you and take care of you. I'm glad You and Aisuru have that in each other and I'm glad I have that in you and Shouta as well. Im really glad i was lucky enough to make friends with you all." Oboro smiled.
"I can't believe it's almost summer." Shouta mentioned joining the table half asleep.
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ladysunamireads · 6 years
apologize by ToxicOrkid
what happens when Hiazashi scares class 1A ....How will he make it up to Aizawa
Words: 1141, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Fluff, First Dates, Confessions, Apologies, Cat Cafés, Love, Love Confessions, Gay
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/18058364
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by ToxicOrkid
what happens when Hiazashi scares class 1A ....How will he make it up to Aizawa
Words: 1141, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Fluff, First Dates, Confessions, Apologies, Cat Cafés, Love, Love Confessions, Gay
0 notes
higheverweave · 3 years
Grief part 1
Chapter 4
The first person to react to the Kayó estate is exactly who you'd expect it to be..... Hizashi Yamada bring predictable with one big whistle as a reaction to the retro futuristic estate and its vintage coloring.
"This .... This is the kinda place I want to have when I go pro.... I mean different colors ...probably more blue ... but you get the idea... maybe I'll have smoke machines too so my yard can also have clouds...."
Oboro smiled. Aizawa was just looking around and Aisuru was watching everyone's reactions
When they reached the almost diner style red doors Aisuru pulled the diagonal silver handle opening the door.
"This place is like a museum of modern rock!" Hiazashi geeked out (like Izuku but for music.)
"Are those support item guitars or regular guitars?" Oboro questioned Floating on a cloud he summoned to the wall of guitars observing it.
"Oh ALL our Dads guitars double as support items. Nothing he likes more than mixing showmanship with hero work." Otonami answered in his Boombox attire.
"You ... you're Boombox ... your...you trick villains  using you're voice alone. Not to mention the amount of stuff you've shattered by matching pitch!"Hizashi  rambled
"Woah there short stack .... Cool your jets. No need to roll out the red carpet for me.... Your Susu's friend so you can consider me a friend as long as you consider her one." Otonami chuckled.
While thinking to himself about How this kid hasn't even met their Dad yet.
"And I thought I was the one who's always supposed to be on Cloud 9." Oboro joked.
"How can I unhear a joke?" Aizawa sighed.
"You don't. That was a pretty good pun on Shirikumo's end." Aisuru smirked.
Aisuru continued to walk them through the manor as Hizashi Asked question after question about Boomboxes quirk.  Oboro on the other hand was more interested in asking about how the Kayó's were able to use Radios as weapons/support items. Asking something about how to amp up the Gourd he carried around. “Jeez who needs a house this big?" Aizawa noted.
"It's mainly space  for training and music most of the rooms are for work related activities so we can ensure we are both at the top of the music charts but also the top of our game." Otonami replied.
Hizashi Mouthing behind him a threatening shut up to Aizawa doing an x motion with his hands.
This caused Oboro to chuckle.
Opposed to the forward unfazed stare of Aizawa next to them. Sulking the halls with his hands in his pockets while .... Hizashi may as well have been the UA third year Tensei Ida with how fast he was going.
When they finally reached the dining room Her parents ... were seated in the larger than life way you'd expect at the head of the long ornate carved Blackwood table.
"So... Su su these are your friends!"Suta smiled.
"Now everyone take a seat and introduced yourselves it's not everyday we get new visitors!!"
She added.
Otonami took a seat first being followed by the rest of the friend group shortly after.
"Ok who's going first we can go around also we  ordered cookies for anyone who wants them left is sugary and milky and ... containing wheat...
The second is extremely hypoallergenic just in case don't want anyone to be left out. " Suta smiled grabbing two whole boxes of cookies with all different designs. Watching as hands wrestled for a preferred piece.
"Uh.... Hi Mr.and Mrs.Kayó, Otonami, my name is Oboro Shirikumo thanks for allowing me to be a guest in Your home. You have so many amazing achievements and iconic hero pieces it's an honor to meet you and to see them in person. I really appreciate it also Thanks Mrs.Kayó for Cookies!"
Oboro started Before glancing next to him at Yamada.
"Uh... Hi ... My name is Hizashi Yamada and you are the coolest cats ever.... I mean your impact on both the Hero Industry and the music industry really   Inspired a lot of people. Not to mention the fact that your records are iconic... I can play music and keep up with the times but I could never match the way you play guitar. Sorry if I'm rambling ... I'll admit to having the jitters because I grew up hearing about seeing you all especially because I always likes music.... I just thought everything you did was killer thanks so much for having me and thanks Aisuru for the invite." Hizashi introduced himself in a rushed pace Before looking at Shota
“Uh ..I'm Aizawa ... your tiger statues are cool. I like cats... Uh I usually avoid social things like this... however this is cool so thanks for having me."
Aizawa sat immediately back down..
“So you kids want to go to the soundproof room and I can show you kids How I shred , How Suta sings and how Boombox well makes boxes go boom? Besides maybe one day you can come again and show us what quirks you have maybe we can help you fine tune them." Noto smiled. There was an excited but unanimous Yeah before everyone began to watch The Kayó families quirks.
The friend group stuck together for a good amount of time hanging out on the rooftop. Days went into weeks went into months joking laughing about whatever random thing happened. Making playlists, trying to get Oboro to do cloud shapes and tricks. f ..... and Aizawa discussing whatever book he was reading at the moment. (Weirdly though you hadn't known them or hung out with them for long.... Just for those few months since the start of UA. It was comfortable.... If not sometimes just plain ridiculous especially since there was a lot of good times and a lot about to change for the old class 1A.Especially as the classes summer training was coming up.
Nobody ever expects tragedy to strike or for the world to get chaotic.
It was a day or two before Summer training Began when it happened.
It was normal enough... quiet enough... routine enough. The day began as it usually did ;goofing off in home room ,lugging around binders and books,switching them out depending on the class.It was midday when the current teacher of Class 1A received a phone call. An unexpected phone call
"Aisuru head tot he main office your brother is here to pick you up." The teacher told her.Aisuru was shocked  but she did as instructed.
There was a shift in the atmosphere of that room as she gathered her things. Palpable tension was in the air suspended in hitched breath with not knowing what was going on. A tension only made worse when Principal  Nezu came to 1A to walk Aisuru to the office.
All the other students saw was the principal telling her something that led to the ghosts of tears that wouldn't start flowing heavily until she was safely Out of sight.
"Somethings not right? right?!" Hizashi whispered loudly to Shota and Oboro...
“She usually doesn't leave early like that but it's too early to assume what might've happened." Oboro responded.
"Oboro Is right we should get a gauge on the exact situation before you make any kind Of decisions." Aizawa added.
__________.                                           ._______
So They waited.. joked and trained and waited and joked and trained.
It was the day of the beginning of training camp. A training camp that was all but mandatory unless you had to take supplementary courses. However Aisuru never shows up that day to Catch the bus. Aisuru didn't show up at the Training camp Either nor had she already been there. To say Hizashi,Oboro ,and Aizawa were concerned was the understatement of the year.
"Yo teach?" Hizashi questioned.
"I get folks who needed supplementals could to come but Aisuru passed so why isn't she here?"
"You Three haven't heard? I guess with everything it's understandable especially since the news isn't always on tv." The teacher gave a sad smile.
"We've tried text her but we haven't responded is she studying for something extra?" Oboro chimed in.
"Uh no There was an incident in the area Aisuru's parents were patrolling. They didn't make it. Her Dad was killed on Impact but her Mom was in the hospital she finally succumbed to her wounds this morning. The press isn't helping....at all.
They have a 2 year old sister the brother is Looking after but considering what happened how suddenly it happened and ... Never-mind It's not for me to tell. I don't think she'll be here is my point I don't know when she'll be back... especially because all of the funeral preparations falls to her and her brother.
The media is insisting on some big televised things due to the impact they had on Music and The Hero scene. I can't imagine how much has just been thrown in these kids faces... anyway. She probably needs time.... I Imagine she'll need friends in time."
The teacher explained.
Over the next few days There we're whispers.... Whispers that the teacher mustn't have been aloud to confirm...
Rumors about things not adding up with the Kayó case.
In the meantime the only answers any of class 1A was getting was from TV.
The press was ruthless in their questioning
"Boombox? Boombox? How exactly are you planning to take care of your 2 year old sister?"
"Aisuru.... Everyone was impressed by your performance at the UA sports festival how do you see these events impacting your future?”
"Is it true you had to identify your Dad?”
"I did it's not a question you just ask it's painful. Death is always painful. Especially when it's quick ... when a hole is ripped in your whole life with no expectation. Both Shred and Muse or as Aisuru Shusei and I knew them Mom and Dad... were larger than life. I understand the tendency to disconnect icons and figures from the fact they are people and they have lives and families and ... My parents aren't just images or songs. My Dad is —- was learning to play a variety of instruments.... He was horrible Dad jokes but joyful music.... He was velvet and ash... Dad wasn't just Shred he was a person. With a favorite ridiculous shirt that ... became a staple. He was boundary less art and he loved My Mom and my sisters. As for my Mom she wasn't just muse or a healer hero or a pop star.... Or a fashion icon.... She was the smell of fresh bubblegum. She was puffy pink flowers from a distance. She was our families universe it's glue... She was soft silk morning strawberry smoothies, and she was our Mom not just  Muse or a symbol. She was a person who loved my Dad and my sisters. So if you could please refrain from acting like our lives are just some tabloid story and acting like our pain and grief is for your entertainment. My sisters especially don't need to hear this. Thank you for you're time." Boombox explained standing protectively in-front of his sisters...
"It was at this time the siblings were ushered in a building by security personnel." 
What Oboro ,Aizawa ,and Hizashi didn't expect was to receive an invitation to the funeral should they wish to attend.
______________].                   [__________
Oboro and Aizawa went but elected to give Aisuru space. Plus the whole venue was so packed you couldn't really walk.... The fact the service is as televised did nothing to help the matter.... Nor did the fact the funeral was a who's who of celebrities .... Music icons, fashion designers, pro hero's.... A few of the teachers. What nobody expected even though Hizashi was loud they never expected he would brace the crowd. “I just she deserves to know she has friends... support. I also want to make sure she's somewhat ok... I'll give her both of your regards." Hizashi Waited a good half hour before he found himself in front of Aisuru..... "I- I- am more sorry than words Aisuru..."  Hizashi frowned taking in her appearance.
She was stunning as always but so obviously tired If Hizashi had to bet he would bet she hadn't slept since... the day it happened.
"Zashi wait.... I'm going to tell Otonami I'm taking a break... please stay?"
Aisurus expression was shattered almost begging.
"Always." Hizashi smiled.
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