#hi zamonia fandom remember me? i wrote that hildecolossus high school au 4 years ago
weepylucifer · 6 years
i'm rereading rumo, as you do, and trying to come up with a way to fill the gap between that and bluebear, that is to say, the reason smyke turned back to evil. much as it pains me, you'd probably have to remove kolibril from the equation as his presence would have kept smyke on the straight and narrow? besides, he never appears in 13 1/2 lives so?
what happened? did they split up? did kolibril die? did he do something that drove smyke back to his old ways? and what is rumo's stance on all this? i wanna write a sort of filler story there that's all kinds of tragic like for example, get this,
smyke and kolibril are living in wolperting together, they love each other and everything is fine. rumo visits them every other day. then kolibril contracts some rare nocturnomath brain disease. smyke sets out vowing to turn over every stone to find a cure/get money for treatment. rumo comes along bc someone has to protect smyke from like,, highwaymen and shit, maybe rala comes with them too. smyke ends up reuniting with some shady contacts they had back in the day and falling in with a bad crowd in atlantis. he and kolibril start arguing ("i'm doing all this for you!" "you're changing for the worse, you're hurting innocent people and i want you to stop, i'm not worth this"). it gets to the point where kolibril would rather die of the disease than be the reason for the further spread of smyke's atlantean underground empire, but smyke, in too deep and embittered, needs to see it through to prove that it'll all be worth it. then kolibril dies just as smyke was about to earn enough money to afford the cure. he dies without forgiving smyke, whom he doesn't recognize anymore, or even asking to see him one last time. smyke finds out by mail in atlantis. by that point, there seems to be no sense in quitting what he's doing, and so he continues just for the money and power and comfortable life, finalizing his transformation back into evil smyke
meanwhile rumo is sticking around out of loyalty to his mentor/father figure but gradually finds himself demoted from a friend and confidant to a bodyguard for a mobster, a person he cannot admire or trust anymore, which is why he helps bluebear and possibly others escape, hoping to soften the blow and do some good by getting people out of smyke's network
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