#hi thunder bolt fandom I’m finally caught up so I might as well
derpyflowergarden · 3 years
It’s 6:30 AM and all I can think about is how Shang Bu Huan’s children are all not great.
One is stuck in the past with a shady ass creature.
One is blinded in the mountains(yet is in safe hands).
One just got attacked by his hypnotized (not)husband.
Man does not get a break does he?
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
The Mettle Of A Man; Part Twelve
Fandom: Fallout (4)
Pairing: Eventual Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Enjoy!
Part One: ArcJet
Part Two: The Prydwen
Part Three: Orders
Part Four: Finding Brandis
Part Five: Weston Water And Oberland
Part Six: Meeting Preston And Matthew
Part Seven: Radstag And Radstorm
Part Eight: The Return To Sanctuary Hills
Part Nine: Domestic Ruminations
Part Ten: Institutionalized
Part Eleven: Two Weeks, Three Days
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains a brief scene of attempted sexual assault. Stay safe!]
Mark twenty-eight nuclear warheads .
  Backhand squinted down at the paper, up at Ingram and then back at the paper. "Oh, is that all?" She asked sarcastically. "What, you don't want me to grab milk and eggs while I'm out?"
  " Easy , smartass." Proctor Ingram laughed. "We know the general location. All we need is for you to sweep the area, get rid of hostiles and secure the payload. Simple!"
  "Yeah? Where's the general location then?" Backhand challenged.
  Ingram spread the map out on the desk, tapping the area circled in the lower left hand corner. "It's a military site, Prescott I think? One of our scribes was able to triangulate it using the documents you and Danse scooped from that veteran housing development."
  "In the Glowing Sea." Backhand groaned. "I had kind of hoped to never need to go back out there." I'd better start getting some damn perks for all the legwork I'm doing , she thought uncharitably.
  " Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die ." Ingram quoted at her, laughing again when Vega grumbled under her breath. "C'mon Vega, you're like the Brotherhood's poster child for Commonwealth recruitment. Where's your Ad Victoriam spirit? You have to spearhead this, if only for the eventual publicity."
  "Ah, the press ." Backhand retorted. "Who's my backup, then?"
  "Your sponsor, obviously! Though I'm guessing after this you'll be welcomed into the fold for real." Ingram mused, her expression thoughtful. "Danse seemed better when I saw him last. I think the time off the Prydwen has really done him some good."
  Vega tried to hide her flush of pride, quickly asking, "Other than the lack of big boomers, how is Prime looking?"
  "Pretty good, I'd say! It was a real stroke of luck that you got us Madison back, even if working with her makes me want to set my pubes on fire." Ingram answered frankly. "We're both too stubborn to function well together, but sometimes we can shut up and actually get shit done. Those are the times I believe we might have a shot here."
  "Your confidence is overwhelming." Backhand said dryly. 
  The other woman gave her a lopsided grin. "I've seen too many ops go south to put all my eggs in one scientist's basket, Vega. At least we'll have the numbers of the Minutemen on our side in case Prime can't get off the ground."
  "Has Quinlan had any luck getting that information unscrambled? My buddy hit a dead end pretty early on with the encryption, and he's dying to know whether he actually helped or whether it's all junk data." 
  Truthfully Sturges had gotten much further than either of them had expected (the fact that he knew there was data on the tape at all was a miracle), but Ingram didn't exactly have to know that. The older woman's sigh didn't sound overly promising though.
  "Nothing yet. He and his scribes have been working as close to around the clock as they can get without disrupting Cade across the way. It's always a process in close quarters." The proctor hummed. "With any luck, maybe a few more days?"
  "I'll keep my fingers crossed." Backhand promised. "I know it'll probably all be considered confidential information, but still."
  " Excuse me, Paladin?" Arthur snarled.
  Danse stood by the door to the elder's quarters, his posture perfect. "I said no, Elder Maxson." He repeated. "I will not be engaging with you any longer." 
  "Dare I ask what has brought about this insubordination? " The younger man queried.
  Danse stood firm. "This is not insubordination, Elder Maxson. You have exploited me long enough and I refuse to let you continue."
  "I'll have you exiled, Paladin." Maxson threatened. "One word from me and your status goes up in smoke. We are on the brink of war with the Institute and you wish to weaken our ranks? You're a good soldier, Danse. Don't make me send you away."
  Danse shook his head. His hands, clasped at the small of his back, trembled nervously until he clenched them into fists. "I'm sorry, Elder Maxson, but I refuse to allow you to manipulate or abuse me any further." 
  "Are you disobeying a direct order from your elder, Danse?" 
  "I am simply-"
  A knock on the door to Maxson's quarters interrupted whatever Danse had intended to say, and a split second later Knight Vega poked her head around the door. "Apologies, Elder Maxson." The woman said with a salute. "I was unaware that you two were having a discussion. Paladin, we are departing in ten minutes."
  Arthur jerked his head to the side to indicate that Elizabeth should leave. " Get out , Vega." He barked. 
  She hesitated and Danse closed his eyes in defeat, knowing that he was screwed the second she departed.
  He heard the door close and Arthur was abruptly on him, one hand gripping the paladin's throat to force Danse's head against the wall as he tore at the zipper of the other man's jumpsuit. "You are going to fuck me, Danse, so I suggest you warm up to the idea." Maxson hissed against his ear.
  Danse felt nauseous, dirty as Arthur pawed at him. Say no, damn it! What's wrong with you?
  The only warning either man got was a barely-audible knock on the door before Paladin Brandis barged in. Arthur whirled on the older man, murder in his eyes for the barest second. " Brandis! " Maxson roared. "How many-"
  "I have sixteen new aspirants seeking to rise to knight or scribe, Elder Maxson!" Brandis waved a sheaf of papers at the younger man. "I also have seven squires who believe they are ready for evaluation to ascend to aspirant. Oh, was I interrupting something?" He remarked, blinking in a befuddled manner at the clearly-furious elder.
  Maxson stared back at the older paladin, his chest heaving. "Don't think for one goddamn second that I don't know exactly what you're up to, you old fool!" Arthur's blue eyes were fairly crackling with rage. 
  "Me? The only thing I'm up to is trying to get this paperwork taken care of." Brandis protested blandly. "You're so suspicious , Maxson. It won't do you any favors." Brandis seemed to finally notice Danse standing there slackjawed and the older paladin began to scold, "zip up your uniform, Danse! We're a military , not a frathouse!" His eyebrows raised, all but begging Danse to take the opening and flee.
  Danse gulped and floundered to apologize, zipping up his suit. He caught the barest glimpse of Maxson's thunderous glare before he turned tail and bolted. The cowardice burned at him, but really, what else could he do?
  He shouldered past Vega lurking just outside the door, and stormed down the catwalk to the grease pit without a word.
  Their aerial approach to the Glowing Sea was silent and riddled with turbulence. Danse could identify the territory of the area from a fair distance away, the way the radiation tinged the sky to a sinister yellowed bruise a sure indication.
  Waypoint Echo was precariously positioned on the very edge of the Glowing Sea. Danse felt a fair amount of trepidation as he and Knight Vega approached the area after they disembarked the vertibird. He had never ventured into the Glowing Sea, but he supposed there was no time like the present.
  He was glad to at least find a familiar face, although Haylen didn't appear happy to see him and Vega. The scribe looked tense, wary. Danse supposed he could understand that; the post was much less than favorably placed. They were only just outside the heavy haze of radiation, and the radstorms weren't inclined to remain stationary for too long. To say nothing of the deadly creatures that tended to emerge from the area and wander north. Waypoint Echo was not a hospitable assignment by any stretch of the imagination. 
  His scribe had never searched for the easy jobs. Danse felt a wave of pride for the woman he had sponsored back when she was nothing but an initiate. Haylen had rolled with the punches and become an admirable scribe, a loyal friend and an incredible asset to any team she joined. "Scribe Haylen!" He greeted her warmly with a salute. "Ad Victoriam. Another day, another assignment."
  "Paladin Danse," Haylen addressed him through gritted teeth, oddly not returning his salute. "Can I get a word with you before you depart? It's urgent." She was already grabbing his arm before he even nodded, the scribe leading him away from the camp. Knight Vega was listening intently while the other field scribe briefed her on their current situation and any observations they might have made.
  "Scribe Haylen, is something amiss?" The paladin asked, a little concerned once Haylen had moved him out of earshot of the encampment. 
  The petite woman whirled on him, looking more furious than Danse had ever seen her. " How could you not tell me?" She hissed. 
  Danse stared at her, bewildered. "I...what do you mean, Haylen?"
  "Don't play dumb with me, Danse! Quinlan got the list decoded. He knows . Maxson knows. Hell, maybe even Vega knows! Maybe she's leading you into a trap right now." Haylen took hold of his gauntlet once more. "Danse, you have to run ."
  "Haylen, I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about." Danse replied, thoroughly puzzled. What would Quinlan decoding the Institute information have to do with him?  
  Haylen's fingernails scraped at the worn red-orange paint denoting his rank as she gripped down even tighter. "Danse, you...do you really not…" she appeared to be trying to ask something, but couldn't seem to amass the words.
  "Take your time. Get your mind straight." Danse said kindly. "Whatever it is, I'll hear you out."
  She sobbed suddenly, her small frame rattled by the outburst. "Oh Danse , I'm so sorry." She whispered.
  Backhand lingered on the edge of the camp, half-watching Haylen appear to argue with the paladin about something. Trouble in paradise? she wondered, turning the distress pulser for their endeavor over in her hands before she tucked it away in her satchel. 
  "Man, I guess whatever Rhys passed along to her earlier really has her in a twist." One of the other scribes commented. "I dunno' if I've ever seen her this heated."
  Danse thundered back towards the camp, leaving Haylen to call his name plaintively. "Ready to continue our mission, soldier?" He gritted the words out at Backhand. 
  Backhand raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of mood, but then recalled what she had interrupted earlier that morning and reasoned that he had more than every right to be a little testy. The woman simply nodded and fell into step behind him. "See you guys soon!" She said to the soldiers occupying Echo, waving in farewell. Haylen didn't wave back, the scribe looking wholly dejected. 
  Was she crying?
  "Hey Danse, is Haylen alright? She seemed upset." Backhand inquired after they had been walking for several minutes.
  "We had a discussion." was all Danse said in reply. His tone didn't exactly encourage further questioning, so Backhand decided that she should probably, maybe , just this once, not attempt to converse.
  "Sorry, didn't mean to pry." She mumbled. 
  "I'm certain you didn't. But we can't afford to be distracted on this mission." Danse instructed firmly. "There's too much at stake, Knight Vega."
  "Oh, absolutely!" Backhand agreed. 
  "I need you to take point during this engagement, as you're the one who knows where we're going." Danse paused, letting her come up alongside him. "We can't lose sight of what's important. If we do, the Institute has already won." 
  The paladin, in spite of his words, seemed out of sorts. Spacey , even. His grip on his rifle was uncharacteristically slack, especially considering how hostile their environment was. 
  Backhand was reminded of his behavior during their search for Brandis and she said as much, prodding the paladin to respond. "I'm fine. Just...thinking," he muttered. "I apologize, I'm not very good at following my own orders. I lecture you on distraction while also being distracted."
  "After this campaign is over, I vote for a little R and R. The proverbial run ashore. Sound good to you?" Backhand asked, tilting her head.
  Danse cleared his throat. "I wish I had your optimism." He said plainly. "Once the Institute hears we have these munitions, assuming the bombs are even here in the first place, it will be all-out war. I'm not so foolish to think they'll surrender or melt back into the shadows under the threat of our superior firepower. They will demand a live test." The paladin gestured vaguely around him at the blasted landscape. "I know for a fact that Maxson won't stop until the Institute is nothing but a fractured husk. The idea that there are innocent people down there, good people who will be slaughtered with the bad…" He shook his head. 
  "It's sobering." Backhand murmured in agreement, not sure why she was surprised by the paladin's display of humanity. She had been in and out of the Institute over the last few weeks, building a rapport with the various scientists and synths and also passing along pertinent information to the Brotherhood. All the while Shaun pressured her to take over his position, " before I am gone, Mother. " She hadn't known that Danse was actually listening to her field reports.
  "It's grotesque entrapment. People who wanted a better life, people who wanted to help the world, people who thought they were helping." Danse sounded disgusted and strangely upset. "Bodies snatched in the middle of the night, or lured in by the lie of bettering mankind!" He had turned to her as he ranted, his pauldrons rising and falling rapidly from the force of his body against the frame of his armor. "He's your son , Vega, how could he--"
  "He's not my son anymore." Backhand cut him off, stung by his heated words. "The man who leads the Institute may be related to me through biology, but he is not my son, Paladin Danse." She heaved a sigh, looking away. "I guess he really never was, in a way. His father...his father told me he wanted children. Once I got pregnant, though, it was like the reality of it became too much for him." Her laugh was a sad noise, mirthless and hollow. "And if he thought it was too much, imagine how I felt. I didn't really have a lot of agency in the matter, I just wanted to make him happy and when I realized that not even that could make him happy, I kind of lost it. Hence the divorce and stuff. I loved that baby more than anything in the world, but I know that I wasn't a great mom. I was in way over my head. Scared. Terrified . Alone. And then...then he was taken from me. Just like that."
  "Knight Vega, I...forgive my outburst, please. I didn't mean to imply that any of this is your fault." Danse mumbled. "I simply...I-I mean, I see you, the way you interact with the people of the Commonwealth, and I can't wrap my head around the fact that someone even tangentially related to you could be capable of such...heinous machinations."
  "I'm a byproduct of the Great War, Paladin Danse." Backhand smiled thinly. "A relic from times of pretend plenty. The Institute raised Shaun, shaped him into their perfect leader. He doesn't understand the struggles of the real world. He can't understand the ugliness of war, not like how someone who lived through it can." 
  "You would think the perfect leader would want what's best for his troops." Danse remarked.
  "He's dying , Danse. The only reason he thawed me out again is because he's dying, and the Institute wanted me to take over." Backhand confided, scoffing a little. "Can you even believe that shit? His board of directors really thought my altruistic, bleeding-heart ass would take over their body-snatching extravaganza. Hell, they seem confused every time I tell them to fuck off."
  "You turned them down?" 
  The bewilderment in his tone caught Backhand by surprise. " Yeah , Danse. Obviously."
  "The promise of returning the Commonwealth to its former glory wasn't enough to sway you?" The paladin queried, his voice laden with that rare sarcasm he employed. 
  Backhand chuckled wryly. "Did you forget the part where I've seen the Commonwealth at the peak of that former glory? It wasn't better. It was just a little less irradiated." She thumped her pauldron against his own after a moment. "Hey, I'm with you, okay? No matter what happens, we'll get through this and enjoy that sweet off-time." She promised. "I know you can't see, but I'm definitely smiling under here."
  "I can tell." Danse lapsed into contemplative silence, and Backhand wished she could see his expression. Something, anything to clue her in as to what he was thinking about. 
  They passed a crashed plane, the trail of wreckage from it extending well past Backhand's limited field of view. Danse tuned into its distress signal like a reflex, and Backhand half-listened to the mayday broadcast of Skylanes one-six-six-five. 
  "... left engine failure, we're out fifteen three at this time …"
  The plane had been coming in the day the bombs dropped. Due to its location in the Glowing Sea, Backhand could only assume no one had survived. She almost wanted to ask Danse to turn off the broadcast, but the signal quickly petered back out into static as they carefully descended the ridge past the plane.
  The shattered remains of sparse buildings jutted from the caustic ground like the incisors of a gargantuan beast, offering a semblance of shelter only to roving feral ghouls or ambitious mole rats.
  It was a man-made hellscape, awe inspiring in its grim misery, and Backhand felt like she understood Danse's taciturn mood a bit better now.
  Abruptly, a towering monolith was brought into sharp contrast against the green sky by a sullen flash of lightning. Backhand swallowed, unnerved by the stark stone structure that loomed up out of the wan light like a dark pyramid to a forgotten, terrible deity.
  She tried to shake off her fanciful thoughts, scolding herself for being so easily influenced. This wasn't some silly story, some maniac rumination on the subject of doomed expeditions and places where man shouldn't go. This was just one more thing that humanity had built.
  "And here we are." She announced needlessly. "You ready?"
  "My power armor is within nominal parameters, so I would say I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Danse replied simply. 
  Working together, they muscled the double doors open and cautiously made their way into the pyramid-like structure. Backhand grimaced at the bank vault-esque door that greeted them, raising an eyebrow and cocking her helmet at Danse. "I'll bet...fifty caps that I can just give this a spin and it'll bust wide open." She said confidently, resting a gauntlet on the handle.
  "Nice try, Vega." The paladin replied, his tone dry and humorless. "Don't forget we have a job to do."
  Vega grumbled to herself and spun the handle, watching the ancient tumblers creak and separate before the door slowly swung inwards. "Bingo." She breathed, stepping gingerly out onto the old catwalk. "Shit, it looks like ArcJet in here."
  "Remarkably similar." Danse agreed. "Be very cautious about what you shoot in here, we don't know what will explode. And remember to check your corners. I don't want to lose you to something we don't see." 
  Backhand swallowed hard, saluting while inclining her head to indicate that she received and returned the order. "Ad Victoriam, Paladin Danse."
  "Ad Victoriam, Knight Vega." 
  Silence hanging heavy in the air, Vega plodded down the rickety stairs of the catwalk. She briefly debated just hopping the railing and taking the plunge, but ultimately decided against it. The stiff gusts of wind from the door had stirred the centuries of dust into a thick haze, and warning lights still spiraled in amber circles, casting disorienting shadows over everything.
  "It would appear that this facility was converted into a launching silo as well." Danse commented, gesturing at the large gantry-like structure that took up the majority of space in the middle of the pyramid. 
  Down, down, down they went, past multiple security doors. Feral ghouls rose to greet them, some still clad in the tattered remains of army fatigues. 
  "I've had nightmares like this." Backhand admitted during a brief moment of reprieve while she painstakingly tapped away at the keys of a terminal. "Sergeant Cathan and the rest of my squadron turn into ferals and I have to put them down." Danse's heavy gauntlet landed on her pauldron, squeezed once, and then departed. "I know it's dumb to be worried about. They've been dead for…" Vega trailed off, finally getting the double blast doors open and turning off the weakly buzzing alarm in the same stroke. " That's it." She said in relief. 
  Danse took point during this secondary half of the expedition, the paladin staying unusually quiet. Backhand chalked it up to him focusing more on his targets, lest a stray laser hit one of the caged warheads. 
  Down into the bowels of Prescott they trudged, soldiering onwards through tunnels made tight by the bulk of their power armor. The headlamp on Danse's new helmet illuminated the cramped, half-collapsed areas as he scanned from three to nine and back again.
  "Left up here." Backhand broke the silence, directing him through a hole in the wall to circumvent a rubble-filled dead end and then overtaking him when he paused to check his rifle. "We should still be able to pick up the tunnel around this junk."
  "Affirmative." Danse replied shortly. "I would advise that we not attempt to clear any debris. We don't know what will collapse on us."
  Vega grimaced, "good point. That's why you're the paladin." Oddly, he made a scoffing sound, but she dismissed it as him being sarcastic again.
  When the tunnel finally opened up into an enormous room, Vega breathed a little easier. Ahead of them loomed a massive set of red double doors, tarnished with age but still holding strong. What appeared to be a control room was situated over the doors, and Backhand quickly spotted the stairs that would lead her upwards.
  The body sprawled across the top of the stairs gave her pause, however. It wasn't a feral ghoul, but a Child Of Atom. Backhand glanced up to the door to the control room, then back down at the body. 
  Up. Down. Up again.
  And she continued over the body, one massive gauntlet knocking comically gentle on the door.
  "Enter." Intoned a voice from inside the room. Behind her, she heard Danse's rifle hum as he primed it.
  " Easy , cowboy. Let me see if I can get this settled peacefully." Backhand whispered. She had no idea whether Danse had heard her or not, but she prayed he had as she set sabaton into the room. 
  The Children Of Atom had always been a ragged-looking bunch, their lives dedicated to the pursuit of " the Glow " and worship of what they called " the Great Divide ". This man was no exception, though the room was also occupied by a turret and assaultron. Two things no one wanted to deal with in close quarters.
  "Halt, stranger. You stand upon Atom's sacred ground." The religious fanatic announced grandly. "Speak your business or be divided where you stand."
  Backhand mused over her reply for a moment, finally stating, "we seek the Glow of Atom, my uh, brother ."
  " You? " The man scoffed, "you, who slaughtered Atom's most faithful as you stormed this compound?"
  "We sought to release them to Atom's embrace. Return them to the universe to be...divided anew. After all, matter cannot be created or destroyed, only repurposed," Vega replied smoothly, "as dictated by the Law of Conservation of Mass, writ by his most holy eminence Antoine Lavoisier." 
  "Ah, I see you are a scholar of the sacred texts as well!" The man remarked, a smile crossing his stern features. "Forgive my ignorance, sister. When I saw your armor, I feared that you came to destroy this holy ground." Backhand blinked behind her helmet. That had been strictly high school science bullshit, but she would take the victory. "I assume you wish to bask in Atom's Glow then, as one of his faithful?"
  "We seek to spread Atom's glory via the use of these munitions." Backhand explained. "Our organization requires these vehicles to distribute Atom's might. Please, permit us to utilize them."
  "You will put them to good use? That is all we can ask for!" The Child Of Atom's eyes filled with tears of what Vega could only assume was gratitude. "I had thought we would stand guard over this holy ground for all of time. Please, take this and prepare to enter His inner sanctum." He took her gauntlet and pressed a scrap of paper into it, gesturing at the worn-looking terminal on the table beside the sputtering turret. "Follow the brilliance of the Glow, and it shall lead you to the relics. May Atom's radiance warm your soul." He breathed, those teary blue eyes focused on the visor of her helm. 
  Vega inclined her head respectfully, praying that Danse would stand aside and let the man depart without a fight. Clearly she needn't have worried; the paladin obligingly shifted the bulk of his armor out of the way so the religious zealot could leave the room peacefully. 
  "' His most holy eminence' ?" Danse repeated, his tone wry. "You certainly have a gift, Knight Vega." 
  Backhand grinned under her helmet, reading the password off the scrap of paper and then carefully punching it into the terminal. "What can I say? A little diplomacy and a healthy sprinkling of mumbo-jumbo goes a long way." With a simple keystroke, the massive doors creaked open. The woman bowed as best as she could in her armor. "Shall we?" 
  Danse appeared to have returned to his silence, simply nodding and walking back out of the room.
  What's gotten into him? Backhand wondered.
Part Thirteen
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crue-sixx · 5 years
Hungry Like A Wolf
Title: Hungry Like A Wolf
Author: tiddly-winx
Fandom: The Dirt (Motley Crue Movie)
Summary: The reader is bitten by a big dog, but she's in for more than just an infection.
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Gore, Sickness, Smut. Animal Death, Werewolves
It was Halloween, the band's favorite holiday.  You guys went all out, decorating the apartment, making your costumes with whatever you could find and throwing them together last minute.  Of course you stocked up on candy-both for you all to eat and to pass out to the kids in the building.  You and your boyfriend Tommy were handing out the candy, and when the trick-or-treating hours had concluded, the real tricks would start.
Nikki had bought five dozen eggs a month ago and let them rot, planning on having you all throw the putrid stink bombs at adult passerby who happened to be roaming around.  You all had it planned out-two on the left, two on the right and one sitting in a tree or on the roof.  You were with Tommy on the right, Mick and Vince to the left and Nikki up high.  You bombarded a few groups of teenagers who were bullying younger kids for their candy.  The little bastards deserved it. 
The stink exploded on impact, causing the pizza faced boys to gag and scatter.  "That's what you get for bein' mean to little kids, assholes!" Nikki shouted from up top.  The teenagers all cursed and vowed revenge, but you all knew it was an empty threat. 
When all the eggs were spent, you kissed Tommy on the cheek and said "Go on back to our room, Babe" you said winking "I gotta go pick something up for your treat tonight" he grinned, knowing full well that he was getting a special sex session tonight.
"Why didn't you just have it delivered or pick it up earlier?" he whined, not wanting to wait for his Halloween Treat.
"Because" you eyed them all "Most of you guys like to try and ransack my drawers for my underwear" except for Mick, they all nervously laughed and glanced down.  "And I didn't want the surprise to be spoiled" you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly.  He of course returned the gesture with aplomb.
"Hurry back, Y/N" he said, not wanting to let you go but he had to.
"I will, Tommy" you blew him a kiss, to which he caught it and sent it back.  Nikki and Vince made mock gagging gestures and Tommy laughed at that.
You were on your way to the shop that was open late tonight when you had to cross the park to make a short cut.  It was like Central Park in New York, but considerably smaller.  You could see your destination just on the other side when you heard a rustling in the bushes.  You turned and saw a rather large dog, you didn't think anything of it and tried to go on your way, but a supernatural force pulled you back to stare into it's eyes.
Your heart rate slowed down and you entered a dreamlike state.  The dog's eyes were yellow and looking at you like you were it's next meal.  You were in a trance, the creature having reared up and walking on two legs like a human.  You knew you should have been terrified and run off, but the power keeping you there made that impossible.
You could smell and feel it's hot steamy rank breath as it exhaled on you.  It's fangs were dripping with saliva and you could see it's mouth twisting into an ugly snarl.  It then howled and lunged at you, knocking you over.  The sudden movement snapped you out of the trance and you screamed for help.  The thing clamping down on your arms with its jaws and scratching at your belly with claws so sharp it could cut diamonds.
It would have killed you if someone hadn't blown it's brains out just as it was going in for the kill.  Your neck was exposed and it was about to bleed you dry when you heard a crack of thunder and then a pink misty cloud of blood and brain matter splattered the white rose bushes, painting them a brilliant red.  The shooter stepped forward, a young teen boy right after him. "What should we do about 'er Pa?" asked the boy in a nervous tone.
"Let's put 'er outta 'er misery" the older man cocked the shotgun and pointed it at you.
You had tears running down your face as you tried to speak "Please no..." when you heard more people coming your way with flashlights.
"Damn it!" the older man cursed "Grab the beast boy and hightail it outta here!"  The son did as his father bade, and they left you to bleed.  It wasn't long however when a group of police officers came to your aid and radioed for an ambulance. 
In your blood loss induced state of delirium, you asked "Why did they paint the roses red?  They're gonna lose their heads..." before you finally passed out.
Back at the apartment, they were all getting worried.  They knew where the sex shop was-they all frequented it for condoms and various other sex novelties.  It didn't take two hours to get there and back.  Tommy was pacing around in circles cracking his knuckles."Where the fuck is she?" he felt the worry puke coming on.
"Relax" Nikki tried to reassure him "Maybe there's a long line at the check out counter or something..."
Then the phone blared.  An ominous pressure filled the room as they all stared at it.  When the phone rights at two in the morning, nothing good ever happens.  Tommy picked it up and said "Y/N?"
"No" an unfamiliar voice answered "Is this Tommy Lee?"
"Yeah" he had to steady himself on the table.  From the expression on his face, they all knew it couldn't be good.  They waited in uncomfortable anticipation for more information "Who're you?"
"I am Doctor Finkle from L.A. General.  Do you know a woman by the name of Y/N L/N?"
"Yeah she's my girlfriend" his voice cracked "Is she okay?"
"I cannot say exactly" the sound of papers shuffling "from the police report, it states that she was attacked by a large animal in the park and was just bought into our operating room for emergency surgery.  Please get here as quick as you can..." it sounded like you didn't have much time left, and Tommy bolted for the door without even hanging up the phone or putting shoes on.  The rest of the guys followed him and he filled them in on the way in the car.
When they finally got there, Tommy ran in, knocking over a nurse with a cart full of medicine.  "Y/N L/N!" he wheezed, out of breath "Is she still in surgery?!"
The receptionist typed in your name and your status was stated next to it "Yes, she is.  The O.R. is on the fourth floor.  Please fill out a visitors-" he wouldn't let her finish, him sprinting to the elevator and pressing the buttons repeatedly.  His rational mind knew that pressing the same buttons over and over again wouldn't make the damn thing go faster, but his emotional side was nervously twitching.
"Come on, damn thing..." the others caught up to him as the doors opened and he went in, repeating the previous motions of button mashing the fourth floor button.
A passing orderly was unfortunate enough to be within reaching distance of Tommy's arms.  He grabbed the poor unsuspecting young man and shook him violently "Y/N L/N!  Where is she?!  Where's the fuckin' doctor?!"
Dr. Finkle heard the voice he had spoken to fifteen minutes ago and came out in scrubs, fresh from surgery "Mr. Lee?"
Tommy's head snapped to him and he said "Dr. Finkle?!"
"Yes, that's me.  If you'll stop terrorizing my orderly I can fill you in on your lady friend's condition" Tommy let the trembling man go, offering him an apologetic look.  "The consultation room is this way" he motioned with his hand to a small room that could only fit two maybe three people.
Tommy went in and sat with him while Mick, Vince and Nikki watched from the waiting room trying to read their lips.  Dr, Finkle looked haggard, he had been working all day on idiotic drunkards who had gotten themselves into ridiculous situations.  Most of them were minor injuries, cuts and scrapes that the patients INSISTED were broken bones.  But this woman was the real deal, her blood tests showed no alcohol or any other substances in her system.  She was just a poor soul in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"How is she, Doc?" Tommy's voice cracked, on the verge of tears.
"She's stable" the doctor answered.  Tommy breathed a sigh of relief.  "She lost a lot of blood, but we were able to stop the bleeding and replace what she lost.  She'll be alright, she just needs a few days in here to recover and to make sure she didn't get any diseases of whatever animal attacked her" he took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes.
"What's the damage?" Tommy wanted to be ready for what he was going to see.
"She has extensive bite marks on her arms-most likely defensive wounds-some deep.  She also has claw marks on her chest and abdomen, but those are superficial.  They're not much concern at this time."
Tommy swallowed hard and asked "When can I see her?"
"In about ten minutes.  She's being settled into her room right now.  The anesthesia may last longer than that, but that's to be expected" he took off his glasses and added off the record "you can stay as long as you want.  I recon that you'll be the first person she wants to see when she wakes up..."
"Thanks Doc" he was very appreciative and shook his hand "For taking care of my girl..."
"She's in room 509 on the recovery floor" the doctor added.  She should be settled by the time you get up there" they then parted ways, Tommy grateful for the man who saved his lover's life.
The others got up when they saw him come out, the waiting game being too much for them "How is she?"
"She'll live" Tommy said flatly "Go on back to the apartment, I'll stay with her" they looked at each other uneasily and agreed.
"Do you want us to get you anything before we go?" Mick asked, being uncharacteristically empathetic.
"Nah, I'm good.  I'll just have the shitty coffee and snacks to hold me over" he tried to smile, but it was very weak and unconvincing.  They reluctantly left but they knew he needed alone time with his girl.
You were still in your drugged sleep when he came in.  He thought he'd mentally prepared himself for what he might see, but he was wrong.  Most of your upper body was bandaged up like a mummy, but your head was still visible.  He let out a few whimpers before breaking down like a lost child.  "Y/N...Baby..." he took your hand and held it.  "I'm so sorry...I never should have let you go alone..."
You were starting to wake up then, saying "Don't beat yourself up, Tommy" he jumped, startled at your quick recovery.
"Y/N!" he was both happy and perplexed "How are you awake so soon?!"
"I heard you crying and thought I'd wake my lazy ass up and see what's going on" you smiled at him, still groggy from the drugs.  He was just so happy that you were okay, that he leaned down and gave you the sweetest, softest kiss he ever did.
"I love you" he confessed through his sobs, snot dripping down his face.
"I love you too, Tommy" you reached up to try and clean his face, but you were seeing triple and couldn't tell which Tommy to wipe.
"I got it, Babe" he laughed and wiped his face.
All the tests came back negative for any animal borne diseases, and you were clear to go back to the apartment.  Tommy was there by your side all the while, the guys bringing him clothes and toiletries so he could be clean.  He hated being able to smell himself and it was nasty.
The guys had a small party when you came home, just the five of you and a little welcome home cake.  You thanked them and had a few beers, Tommy leading you away from them to make love to you in a proper fashion.  He gingerly touched your scars and kissed them, You tried to shy away from his touching them but he insisted "They're a part of you now, and I love everything about you..."
"Tommy..." you sighed a ragged breath of carnal desire.  "Fuck me..."
"Don't gotta tell me twice"  you were already so wet from just him touching you that he didn't need to do anything like oral or fingering.  He was rock hard too, so he just slid inside easily.  He let out a gasp of pleasure and commented "Oh fuck baby you're tighter than usual..."
"Well, I have been out of practice for a week" you whispered into his neck before kissing it.  You then felt a strange savage second nature begin to wash over you.  You smelled his blood pumping through his veins.  You wanted him.  His flesh.  His meat.  You were able to push the urge down and he continued to fuck you.
"Jesus Fuckin' Christ" he moaned into your mouth "You feel hotter too..."  he grunted loudly "my dick's on fire...fuck" he had you against the wall, holding onto you tightly.  You turned your ass to him.
"Do me from behind Babe" you groaned and dug your nails into the plaster.  He happily obliged, liking this new angle.  You could hear his balls slapping against your ass gently, serving to draw the both of you closer to your climax.
"Oh God" Tommy gasped, bucking his hips wildly "I'm gonna fuckin' cum..." you quickly pulled away from him and took him into your mouth, deep throating him as he pumped his seed down your gullet.  He held your head in place, his own falling back in exhausted pleasure.
After you had swallowed his semen, you looked up at him and said "Was that hot for you baby?"
"So fuckin' hot Y/N" he was panting "I could feel your nose against my stomach..." he gulped hard "I love it when we try new stuff in the bedroom..." he picked you up and kissed you tenderly.  He was spent, but you hadn't finished.  You didn't care about that, you had your man with you and that's all that mattered.
The next morning, you smelled the sweet aroma of frying meat.  It lulled you out of bed and into the kitchen where Tommy was making breakfast.  "Mornin'!" he greeted, but you didn't answer.  You smelled the raw bacon on the counter and couldn't take your eyes off it.  Your mouth began to water, just the thought of tasting fresh meat driving you mad with ravenous hunger.
You scooped up the raw meat and tore into it like a wild animal, your teeth making it easier to shred than before.  Tommy watched you in amazed horror, then put a hand on your shoulder to stop you from eating raw meat.  You snarled at him, your eyes full of pure rage at having your meal interrupted. "The fuck you want?!" your voice wasn't just your own, but a deep throated. rolling growl.  You were so pissed that he'd interrupt your meal like that!  You imagined ripping out his esophagus and making his intestines your meal but you realized how fucked up that was and calmed down.
He was actually scared to respond at first but he said "Dude, you're eating raw meat...that's got bacteria in it..."
"Erm...right..." you put down the raw meat and looked down "sorry..."
He gave you a strange look, but let it go.
Things went back to normal for a few weeks, then exactly one month after the attack you fell ill.  First, you were burning up and sweating buckets.  Then the vomiting when you had nothing in your stomach.  Everyone thought it was just the flu and they stayed clear of you, Tommy bringing you soup and some crackers.
Then your insides started burning, and the vomiting turned more violent.  It was when you saw blood in the toilet that you started to panic.  "Tommy!  I need-" a new round of blood vomit came but this one actually hurt.  It was then your skin started to itch-like tiny bugs were crawling all over the surface.  You started scratching.
Tommy had heard you call for him, and when he came in the bathroom, he saw you clawing at your arms "Y/N, what the fuck?!" he grabbed a towel "You're bleeding!"
"I'm just so itchy..." you brushed him off and continued to scratch, drawing more blood from your body.
"Fuckin' stop!" Tommy grabbed both your hands to keep you from doing more damage.
"Tommy what the fuck's going on in there?!" Nikki shouted.
He didn't have time to answer, you had stood up, whipped your head back and headbutted him, breaking his nose.  Nikki and Vince burst through the door when they saw the carnage.  They stared speechless, Tommy knocked out on the floor and you bloody with your muscle meat on display.  "T-Bone!" Nikki went to his fallen friend, and you had thrown up blood all over him.
You were then on the ground twitching.  They thought you were having a seizure and Tommy was trying to help you, but then they saw your features begin to change.  Your bones began to break on their own, your skin tore away from your frame, the largest organ of the body unable to contain the new growth.  In it's place, coarse fur and animal skin grew.  Your nose elongated into a snout, fangs protruding  where your teeth once were.
Nikki and Vince didn't wait around to see what was happening next, instead grabbing Tommy and dragging him out of the apartment and hauling ass out of there.  You-or whatever version of you that was followed them down the hallway on all fours.  "Holy shit!" Tommy had woken up and was staring a behemoth of a dog in the face.
The thing had leapt up, ready to completely devour them all when a soft whistling was heard, then a yelp from the animal and then the thing skidded across the floor.  They looked up and saw Mick with a hunting rifle, but a tranquilizer dart in the animal's thigh.  "What the fuck was that?" Tommy asked.
Nikki and Vince looked at each other, unsure to what to say.  They knew what they had saw and weren't on anything that would make them see that.  Mick spoke up and said "That's Y/N.  She's a werewolf" as easily as saying "Pass the fuckin' potatoes".
"What the fuck?" Nikki whispered.
"How do you know?" Tommy looked at Mick.
"Shut up and watch, Drummer" he said, and you started shrinking back to normal size.
"H-how is this possible?" Tommy stumbled back, his broken nose the least of his worries.
"It was on Halloween when she was attacked.  A few of my buddies heard about werewolf activity in the area and decided to check it out" he pulled the dart from your thigh, you giving a small yelp of pain as he did so.
"How do you know all this shit?"  Vince questioned "Werewolves and all that crap are just myths!"
Mick took a long while to respond, but when he did "There are things that go bump in the night, boys.  I'm one of the ones who bump back" he grabbed you by your foot and began to drag you across the floor.
Tommy got up and shouted "Hey!  Where you takin' her?!"
"To a place where she can turn and not hurt anybody" he took you down the stairs, being careful not to smack your head against them.
"You're not takin' my girl anywhere without me!" Tommy grabbed a hold of his arm, but Mick gave his signature glare and he backed off.
"You really want to be around the thing who just tried to eat you?" he asked sarcastically.
"She's not a 'thing' Mick!  She's my girlfriend!"
"Get that nose looked at first, then I'll come back and take you to her.  I promise..."
Tommy let him go, Nikki and Vince having been shell shocked into silence.  After he got cleaned up, Tommy waited for Mick to come back,  When he did, he kept his word and took him to the police station.  "Mick why the fuck are we here?"
"To see Y/N" he gave an unfamiliar hand gesture to a guard and he let them in a secret passage.  At the end of the passage, there was a group of fortified cells with all sorts of giant dogs in them of varying colors and ferocity.  Then at the very end, they saw you in your human form, still knocked out from the drugs.
"What did you shoot her with?" Tommy asked, caressing your face.
"Wolfsbane" Mick answered "It reverses the transformation and makes them sleep it off.  Too much will kill them though" he slipped a freshly dead goat into your cell, to which Tommy gagged.
"How do you know about this Mick?  I mean really?"
"My family have been monster hunters for generations"  he washed his hands of the blood "Going all the way back to Abraham Van Helsing and Dracula" he loaded his shotgun with a round of silver bullets and waited.
"Hey, what are you doin'?" Tommy protested.
"If she wakes up and turns again, then there's no hope for her.  I'm going to put her out of her misery" he cocked the gun.
You woke up a few hours later, still your normal self.  You were confused about your new surroundings.  "Good!  You're awake and you!" Mick smiled warmly.
"What happened?" you asked "Why am I in this dank cell?"
They had explained what happened, you not believing them until you talked to Vince and Nikki, then seeing the damage of the bathroom for yourself.  You certainly didn't want to die or kill anyone, but you couldn't resist the transformation.  "What do I have to do?"
"Keep track of the lunar cycle and lock yourself up in the cells when the full moon comes around" Mick answered "eat all the raw meat you can get to control the hunger."
You looked at Tommy and started to cry.  "Baby what's wrong?" he hugged you close to him.
"I tried to kill you guys" you sobbed into his shirt "I can't be around normal people anymore!"
"Are you breaking up with me?" Tommy whispered quietly.
"No, but I understand if you want to break up with me..."
"Babe, the thought never crossed my mind" he pet your hair.
"You sure?"
"Of course!  If I wanted to leave, I'd be gone by now!" he smiled down at you.  "We just got to get used to the new you..." he grinned into a kiss.  You remembered how great the sex was the last time you did it with him, and that seemed to quell the beast inside you for a moment, but you knew that at any time, your inner wolf could strike and you counted on Mick to put that silver bullet in you before you could harm anyone.
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milkierways · 7 years
Whatever You Say
Word Count: 1850
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Request(s): “Hey!!! I love Poe and ur account!!! So I was wondering if I could maybe get a Poe x reader where the reader hates Poe cuz he’s stuck up but gets to know him a bit better and starts to love him as well and gets really confused and angry? Its OK if no, but thanks!” - @nerdyemocrap
Warning(s): None (If I need to add some, let me know!)
I changed up the request just a tad bit amigo, hope you don’t mind! I really like how this turned out and my aim is for you to feel the same. <3
If one thing was true, it was that you hated Poe Dameron. At least, that’s what you wanted people to think. It’s what you wanted everyone else to think, too. Everybody seemed to love him, with his irresistible charm and striking good looks. Your teammates liked to tease you about him being the perfect poster boy for the rebellion.
Yeah, the poster child for why no one should ever procreate, you’d think.
You despised the way he would feign humility when all he did was gloat, the way he’d walk into a room and immediately grab all the attention without even saying a word, the way he’d always grin at you with that award-winning smile. He made you want to punch a wall out of anger. Or that’s what you told yourself
More than once, he’d stolen your thunder, took the shot for you, swooped in and saved the day without being asked to. And, Maker, was he reckless. It seemed as if he never considered anyone else’s safety when in the air, it was all about him. That wasn’t something you had to lie to yourself about, though.
What made everything worse, was the fact that Poe Dameron actually made attempts to befriend you. Non-stop.
He’d walk up to you and start a conversation while you tried to fix your ship, or when you were eating dinner, or when you were in the command centre. It was like a never-ending barrage of Poe, Poe, Poe, and more Poe. Deep down, you didn’t mind it, but that didn’t mean you had to let everyone know.
“Hey (Y/N),” he walked up with a smirk as if he knew how much you didn’t like him and had decided to pester you anyway. “How’s my favourite pilot doing today?”
You scoffed. “I’m pretty sure you’re your own favourite pilot, Dameron.”
He chuckled and nodded, “I see you’re continuing the salty facade, as usual.”
You reached around for your wrench, climbing up onto the wing of your ship to tighten a couple loose panels that could cause unbalanced flight if you weren’t careful. You groaned when you realised you’d grabbed the wrong size for the bolts you were using. You glanced down to see Poe holding up the right one.
“Needing something?” He asked, smugly. You scowled, reaching down and attempted to snatch the tool from his hand. He pulled back so you couldn’t reach, tutting his tongue against the roof of his mouth to make a clicking noise.
“C’mon, Dameron, give me that,” you snapped angrily. He smiled innocently up at you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, (Y/N),” he beamed toothily. You were about ready to leap down and smack that grin right off of him.
“Poe, now,” you demanded. His eyes held a sparkling glint as an idea struck him.
“On one condition,” he started. You rolled your eyes, sitting back on your heels.
“What?” You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
“You sit with me at dinner tonight,” he volunteered. You laughed aloud.
“In your dreams, flyboy,” you retorted, amused. He wasn’t kidding though.
“Alright, well, you can say goodbye to your tools then. I know a mechanic who could really use a new set right about now, and these all look perfect,” he teased, spinning his finger around your tool bag thoughtfully. You glared daggers at him.
“Fine,” you mumbled through gritted teeth.
“What was that?” He asked, his hand resting in the air above your bag.
“Fine, I’ll have dinner with you tonight,” you said louder. A smile broke out on his face, causing your face to heat up. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t like it. It was embarrassing.
“Perfect. I’ll meet you in the cantina later, then,” he said, reaching up to hand you the tool you needed. You frowned and watched as he sauntered away, success filling his gait with happiness while you were left defeated.
You huffed in annoyance as he finally disappeared from the hangar, leaving you to work on your X-wing.
“(Y/N)! Over here!” A voice called over the incessant chatter of the cantina. You glanced over to see Poe waving you down. You shot a desperate look over at your friend, begging them to pull you away, but all they did was push you closer to his table. You sighed, slowly treading over and slouching down on the stool.
“Good evening, sunshine,” he greeted with a smile. You nodded your hellos. Poe wasted no time in introducing you to the rest of Black Squadron. You sent them all a curt smile and quickly bit into your bread, trying your hardest to avoid speaking.
Soon enough, Poe became engrossed in a conversation with Snap, leaving you and Jessika to yourselves.
“He likes you, you know,” Jessika started. You shot her a confused glance. “He talks about you constantly. Heard many good things about you.”
“No, not from Poe you haven’t,” you laughed. Now it was Jessika’s turn to be dumbfounded.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been nothing but rude to him since we first met,” you explained. “But, I have a good reason.”
“No, no, I understand why. He’s a douche at times,” Jess smiled, taking a bite out of her own meal.
There was another awkward silence before she spoke again.
“He says you’re a good pilot, but he’d rather you be on the ground,” she said through a mouthful of food. Anger flared up inside you, the thought of him wanting you grounded causing your ears to turn red.
“Oh yeah?” You asked through gritted teeth. Jess swallowed hard to get her food down.
“Wait, not like that, he isn’t trying to say that he wants to keep you down or anything. He just knows you’re a skilled mechanic and he thinks being on base is safer than in the air,” Jessika was quick to defend him, noticing your change in attitude.
Just as soon as it had arrived, your anger subsided, leaving you wondering why in the Maker’s good galaxy would Poe Dameron want you safe on base. Before you could ask why your conversation was interrupted.
“Hey, (Y/N), did Poe ever tell you about the time he tried to ride a Runyip back on Yavin IV?” Snap laughed loudly, a smile lighting up his face. You glanced over at Poe whose face was red as a berry. Obviously, it was an embarrassing story, causing you to want to learn more.
“No, in fact, he hasn’t,” you grinned smugly over at him as Snap began to go into the storytelling zone, spilling every humiliating detail. You stared straight at Poe for the entire duration of the narrative, relishing in how miserable the cocky pilot looked. You don’t remember all of the tale, but you know it ended with a broken arm and a long lecture from Poe’s father.
Truly a tale to tell the grandchildren, you thought.
Wait, why were you thinking about grandchildren? That implied actually having kids of your own. And with Poe no less. You almost shuddered, glad you caught the error of your ways before you said something you’d regret.
After a night full of more stories, ranging from battles to childhood shenanigans, the Black Squadron decided to head to the hay for the night. You would have gone back to your quarters too if Poe hadn’t asked for you to accompany him on a nighttime stroll around the base
You almost declined, but the look of hope on his face prevented you from doing so. Thinking back on it, you wondered what the kriff had gotten into you. You’d never been affected by him before, so why now? What was happening to you? Were you actually starting to let yourself like him? Once again, you pushed away the thought. No way, no how, would you ever enjoy the presence of Poe Dameron, the most stuck-up pilot the Resistance had to offer. It wasn’t a smart thing to do in any way, shape, or form.
“So, am I ever going to get an explanation as to why you hate me so much?” He asked after a few moments of walking. His words froze you to the core, causing you to stop in your tracks. The truth was, you didn’t hate him. Not really. You just wanted to, oh so badly. But that didn’t mean you really truly hated him. He might be an annoyance, yes, but never someone you hated, no matter what you told yourself. You opened your mouth to answer him, but he cut you off. “Because, to me, it really doesn’t seem like you dislike me as much as you claim to. In fact, I’d say that you actually really like me. You just refuse to admit it.”
There it was, that snarky Poe Dameron that you knew all too well. The one that made your blood boil in your veins. “Maybe it’s because you make comments like that that makes me hate you,” you sneered.
“What? I’m just stating the obvious truth, (Y/N),” he defended.
“Whatever you say, prince charming,” you grumbled under your breath.
“I have a proposal for you,” he said. You rolled your eyes but let him continue. “I bet that I can make you fall for me in a month’s time.”
“Oh? And if you don’t?” You interrogated. He smiled.
“Then you get to humiliate me in any way you see fit,” he suggested. An evil grin spread across your lips, a glint in your eye.
“Alright, if you can’t get me to fall for you, then you get to run a lap around base soaking wet and in your underwear. And I get to record it.”
The colour drained from Poe’s cheeks a little, but he nodded and outstretched his hand. “If I win the bet, you get to go on a date with me.”
You swallowed and reached your hand out to shake his. “Deal.”
Poe grinned again, making your stomach flutter for some unknown reason. You frowned as he stepped closer and pressed a kiss to your cheek, making you blush like crazy. “I’ll see you later then, (Y/N).”
Oh, this was going to be hard.
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To Leia Organa
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Star Wars - Kylo Ren/Ben Organa-Solo
Rating: PG
Original Idea: Today is Christmas!
Notes: (Masterlist)(About Me) I know the Star Wars universe is in a DIFFERENT GALAXY and therefore doesn’t celebrate Christmas but The Last Jedi gave me a lot of intense feelings. So I wrote this. Sorry to my followers who do not celebrate Christmas. I do, and I would feel terrible to misrepresent any other holiday. Apologies.
The Christmas cheer of the Resistance was in rather short supply—as was the Resistance itself. Everyone raised their glasses in a toast to the holiday, drank, and then raised another toast to General Leia. Her passing had shaken what little was left of us. After everything she’d gone through, we had to lose her too. Before she even got to see her son again.
I took a gulp of my hot chocolate and sighed, looking around. Poe, Finn, Rose, Rey, and Chewbacca were all grouped in a corner, drinking from their mugs without saying much. Poe tried to cheer everyone up by pulling out an old, dusty guitar and playing some Christmas songs, but no one was into it. I was surprised that Finn had a good singing voice and he half-heartedly tried to help Poe out, but after a few chords, there was silence again.
I went over to the hot drinks bar, made another hot chocolate, and left the room.
Drinking my own hot chocolate, I headed for the detention area.
I glanced around, told the guard not to listen to anything that happened in the cell and antechamber, and ducked into the room. Shutting the door behind me, I turned around.
Kylo Ren didn’t appear to be too pleased at being trapped in a cell, but it was a Force-proof one so I wasn’t surprised that his expression was thunderous. He was sitting on the chair—that didn’t look comfortable—and refusing to meet my eyes.
I crossed to the little opening in the glass that food was passed through. I set the hot chocolate mug down on the tray and pressed the button that would close the sliding door on my side and open his. “Here,” I offered, raising my own mug as his side opened. “It’s still warm. Thought you might…” What? What did I think? That he’d like it? He was a prisoner of the Resistance who, apparently, didn’t like anything or anyone.
I shrugged and didn’t finish my sentence, instead sitting in the chair on the other side of the glass. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and cooed in pleasure. It was warm and tasted delicious.
Kylo Ren didn’t move, didn’t speak, barely breathed, and still wouldn’t look at me.
“Okay. I lose nothing by you not drinking it,” I remarked casually, and maybe a bit patronizingly. “Just thought… well. No one should be alone on Christmas.”
“You're alone,” he pointed out.
“Technically I'm with you,” I retorted.
“On the other side of a glass wall—and I'm not exactly good company.”
“Neither is the rest of the Resistance, if I'm being honest with you.” I bounced my eyebrows. Kylo Ren finally met my eyes, a question in them that he didn’t need to ask. “Christmas spirit is in short supply after the heavy losses sustained this year,” I explained.
He pulled a face and went back to staring resolutely on the ground.
“Still, it’s a shame we didn’t capture you last year instead of this one,” I continued. “I'm sure General Organa would have loved to celebrate one more Christmas with her son. Even if he was on the other side of a glass wall.” I crossed my legs, leaned back in my chair, and took another sip of my hot chocolate.
Ren turned a murderous glare on me, rising from his seat so fast he knocked the chair over. I thought for a moment he would bang on the glass and threaten me—he’d done it before with other officers—but he didn’t.
He crossed to the tray and picked up his mug—I'd been careful to select a black one with a red handle, trying to be considerate of his fashion taste.
Honestly it surprised me.
He took a tentative sip. A shocked expression crossed his face. “This is… good,” he admitted.
“Thanks. Been perfecting my technique for ten years,” I replied with a grin.
He picked the chair back up and sat back down on it. “You're not like the others who come in here,” he observed. “You're… warm.” I raised my mug in acknowledgement—and maybe a bit of a joking explanation as to why I was “warm”—and took a drink. There was a long, tense, and frankly awkward pause. I didn’t look at his face, and he didn’t look at mine. We seemed to find each other’s shoes to be the most interesting thing in the entire room, apart from our drinks.
I cleared my throat when I felt like I got hot chocolate caught in my windpipe.
“You're right, you know,” Kylo Ren piped up contemplatively. “My mother would have loved to celebrate one more Christmas with me—especially if she knew it was going to be her last.”
I “Mmm”ed in agreement around a mouthful of cocoa.
“Why did you come in here? Why did you bring this?” He gestured to the mug in his hand.
I shrugged. “To get away from the glum feeling that is the Resistance Christmas party. To offer you some company and something warm and comfortable to drink. To make sure even a prisoner isn’t alone on one of my favorite holidays. And it just felt like the right thing to do. So here I am.”
Kylo Ren regarded my answer with an interested expression. “I see,” he commented, taking a drink.
I raised my mug. “To Leia Organa?” I suggested.
He raised his as well, looking somewhat reluctant, and somewhat… happy? Was he capable of happiness? That was certainly a question for another time. “To Leia Organa,” he agreed with the faintest, melancholy smile on the edges of his lips. It was that moment I realized he definitely still loved his mother. I'd never doubted it completely, but there were times I wondered about it.
Rey had called him a monster, and I'd seen enough of Kylo Ren to know she wasn’t too far off the mark. For the most part.
We motioned as though clinking our mugs together, despite being on other sides of the wall, and each took a long gulp.
The cocoa was warm and made my core heat up to the point where I was sweating in my clothes. I rolled my sleeves up and tugged at my collar. Kylo Ren followed my lead before sighing and returning his gaze to the floor.
“I hope you realize this changes nothing, lieutenant,” he said, somewhat sharp, gaze flicking up to me for a brief moment. Probably reading my rank plate on the left side of my chest. “I'm not going to be more compliant. I'm not going to cooperate. I'm not going to answer any of their questions.” I couldn’t quite tell for certain, but it sounded a bit like he was conflicted about the words coming out of his mouth. I decided not to question it or read too deeply into it.
“I didn’t intend for that,” I informed him. “I didn’t think a nice gesture would change anything. But I still believe in being a kind person. And I stand by what I said a moment ago. No one should be alone on Christmas. Not even the rude, angry, surly prisoner.” I snorted quietly and thought I caught another ghost of a smile brush over Ren’s face.
“You're quite the interesting one, lieutenant,” he said.
“Thank you.”
After a moment I realized his mug was empty. Mine was close, but I still had a few mouthfuls. I scrunched my eyebrows, wondering why he hadn’t set it back in the tray so I would take it back to the party and get out of his hair.
For a moment I hoped it was because he wanted me to stay longer.
I shot that thought down faster than a blaster bolt. Why in the galaxy would he want me to stay? He made his distaste for the Resistance pretty clear by killing a bunch of us. To him, I was no more than another enemy—even if I was “warm” and “different.” Because really, no amount of warmth or difference would change his mind about the Resistance. We were trying to dismantle the First Order. And he was one of the leaders of the First Order. There was a clash of ideals there. He wouldn’t want me to stay in the antechamber outside his cell sipping hot chocolate and being a bit obnoxious.
He probably was just waiting for the opportune moment to insult me.
I finished up my drink, which was finally going a bit cold, and got up. “You finished?” I asked, being polite despite knowing the answer.
Kylo Ren looked up, meeting my eyes levelly. “Yes,” he decided after what could have been counted as a hesitation. He also got to his feet—and I was impressed upon at how tall he was—and set his mug in the tray. He pulled the slider so it closed before mine opened. I took the mug and headed for the door.
I paused before opening it and turned around to look at him. He was standing directly behind the glass wall, hands behind his back, in the center. His dark eyes were boring into me with an intensity that made me feel like he was trying to use the Force—which he couldn’t in that cell.
I gave him a genuine smile. “Merry Christmas, Kylo Ren.”
He blinked, slightly surprised. He licked his lower lip and cleared his throat.
“Merry Christmas, lieutenant.”
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