#hi mod i am evening out the strap times. how do you feel about sans getting pegged
carlyraejepsans · 2 years
i am on my lunch break literally this close to dusting off my inactive twt account, HEY WHAT'S THIS I HEAR
they are BULLYING me to get porn out of me. i feel like a cheap hooker. anywayzzz✌️
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imagine-our-haikyuu · 7 years
Hey! Hey! You! You! Could you please make the scenario number 95 with Tsukishima x Reader, but his s/o is a way shorter than him??? Thank YOU!!!
Of course! I apologize for this being super, super late. I am unsure about where the other members are but I’ve been busy preparing for college; however I don’t want to abandon this blog or the requests so I’ll take ‘em up! ^^;
Hope you enjoy~
– Mod Saru
95. “I’m lonely, come over and keep me company.”
“Kei,” you call, brushing aside your bangs with a delicate stroke of your hand. “Are you done with practice?”
“Hm?” Your boyfriend looks towards where your voice is coming from, but doesn’t exactly look at you as he answers. “Yes, it just ended.”
You notice his eyes wandering, looking anywhere and everywhere but at you. “I’m down here!” you say with a small pout, crossing your arms over your chest.
He laughs lightly, reaching down to pat you on the head. “Sorry, I forgot just how short you are.”
“Tsukki, don’t be mean!” Yamaguchi reproves, sporting a wavering smile.
“Shut up, Yamaguchi, I’m not being mean, just honest.”
“He’s right, it’s okay,” you say with a cheerful grin. You’ve heard enough of Tsukishima’s jokes regarding your height that they don’t even faze you at all anymore. “Thank you for caring, though!”
Yamaguchi simply nods in your direction and then heads out, deciding to give you both some alone time.
“Are you busy after school today?” You walk closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his stomach.
“I have some homework to do,” he says with a tint of redness in his cheeks. “I am assuming you want to spend time with me?”
You nod, and he sighs, ruffling your hair. “Maybe later, shortie.”
“Okay.” You can’t say you aren’t disappointed, but you knew that you had to respect his space. “See you later, then?”
“Yeah.” He quickly detaches himself from your hold and walks off, probably tired from whatever massive workout he went through today, or the drainage of energy from dealing with his more louder teammates. 
You press your lips together tightly, clutching the straps of your backpack a little too hard. 
You turn around, hanging your head low, when suddenly, you bump into a mass of orange and fall backwards. 
“Ow,” you hiss, feeling the soreness from your rear end after it hits the hard, tiled floor. 
“S-Sorry!” a hyper voice yells, clearly in panic. 
Before you can say ‘it’s fine,’ you are hauled up by a surprising amount of strength, and are on your feet in a matter of seconds. 
“[y/n]-san, are you okay?!” 
You look up and see a familiar face, the person being none other than Hinata Shouyou. 
“I’m okay,” you say slowly, trying to smile. “Sorry for not looking where I was going.”
“Don’t worry about that!” he exclaims. Seems like even intense volleyball practice can’t drain his energy. “Are you upset about something?”
“Huh?” You meet his eyes now, looking sincerely into the hues of brown. “Why do you ask?”
“You just looked a little down.” He takes the volleyball he’s holding and puts it under his arm, his expression shifting to that of a more sincere one. 
“Thanks for your concern, but I’m fine, really. I should get going.”
You don’t hear what Hinata says as you quickly sprint away. For someone so small, you sure can run. 
The cool breeze is like a slap to face when you exit the school building. The walkways are crowded despite it being so late; everyone was probably coming out from the big event the school was hosting to celebrate some festival. You would’ve gone as well, but it didn’t seem fun to go alone so you skipped it.
As you head down the usual path to your home, the sight of all the couples makes your heart feel heavy. The smiling, the proximity…
You avert your gaze and tread the rest of the way back to your house. You pull the door open and throw your bag on the floor, sinking down against the wall. 
This feeling you’ve been having for the past few days has been driving you insane. Without a moment to spare, you pull out your phone, and dial a certain someone’s number. 
It takes a few times for them to pick up, but when they finally do, your entire body freezes up in some inexplicable fear. 
“Hello?” the voice on the other end calls. “[y/n]?” 
Your heart pounds unevenly in your chest, and you feel your throat tighten.
“I’m lonely,” you begin, with a hint of nervousness in your voice, “Come over and keep me company.”
You could practically envision the scowl on his face as he answers, and your heart sinks. “No, I told you I’m busy.”
The expression on your face twists into a half-hearted smile. “Ah..alright, sorry to bother you…”
Only silence greets your ears, and with a pang in your heart, you realize he has hung up.
“Damn you…Kei…” Your throat feels like it’s encased with lead, and it takes a large amount of effort to hold back your tears. You know you can’t pressure or force him into being there for you, especially not when you simply don’t want to be alone, so you put your head on your knees and sit there for a while, contemplating some things.
It takes about 45 minutes before you hear someone knocking on your door.
You lift your tear-stained face from your knees and look up, wondering who it could be at this hour. Quickly, you scrub the wetness from your face away and scramble to open the door.
The person on the other side shocks you so hard you almost fall backwards.
“K-Kei?” you stammer, stepping back as if you had just come face to face with a murderer. “What are you–”
“I’m…sorry,” he says, and you can see the genuine sincerity in his expression. “I’ve been neglecting you, haven’t I?”
“Kei…” you begin, but he continues on.
“I’m not good at this whole ‘relationship’ thing. I apologize for not being able to understand you properly or rather knowing what to do about it.”
Your eyes shine with tears, and a variety of emotions scramble about in your mind.
“Hey, don’t cry! Did I say something wrong?” He panics, but you simply laugh and wipe the tears from your eyes. 
He smiles awkwardly at that, but then enters your house, hesitantly embracing you. His scent and warmth fill your soul, and you swear that in that moment, everything is at peace. 
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