#hi i'm iza
callmemerry00 · 9 months
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Hey new SSR Taki, if you read this I'm free on Thursday night and would like to hang out. Please respond to this and then hang out with me on Thursday night when I’m free.
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reallyromealone · 3 months
Can I request an smiley x reader omegaverse like omega reader is Mikey’s sibling. Like the first time that smiley sees him he instantly knows that’s his fated omega but he has to go through Mikey to try and court reader plz and thank you.
Title: lover
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Sano family, Toman, smiley
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: smiley x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, Omega male reader, protective Sano siblings, fluff, cute, soulmate
Mikey was always an overprotective brother, scaring off anyone who went near his siblings and (name) especially as the Omega was a cutie that grabbed everyone's attention much to his older brothers annoyances.
The Sano brothers always chased off suitors, keeping him away from gang shit but sometimes it was unavoidable.
"(Name), what are you doin' here?" Baji asked as (name) sat at the steps of the shrine doing his homework "Shinichiro doesn't need help at the shop and home was boring so Mikey dragged me here" (name) explained simply as mitsuya nodded "you never been to a meeting, have you?" He asked and (name) shook his head "nyope but Mikey would rather die than have be go out and about and Iza is busy with his own stuff so.... Here I am"
(Name) Met a few Toman higher ups, though (name) was usually helping shin or grandpa so this was one of his first times meeting a few people here.
(Name) Was curious as two motorcycles pulled up, a set of twins hopping off "so why the hell are we here?!" The pink haired one yelled out and (name) was entranced immediately, a small chirp leaving his lips and the smiling teen whipped his head around to see the Omega and a rumble left his throatbas the world halted for them, (name) feeling the need to get closer to the Alpha.
(Name) Snapped from his trance as Mikey looked ready to murder at the lovestruck look his brother was giving Smiley, he didn't want any fucker near his brother and definitely not one of the biggest Fuckboys in the gang. "(Name)! I will bring you home I swear to god!" Mikey barked and (name) rolled his eyes "oh please! I'm not doing anything!" He fired back and the blond groaned annoyed "just stop making eyes at my captain and smiley stop looking at him like that or I'll kick your ass!"
That did nothing, Everytime smiley shot the other a flirty glance, (name) smiled all flustered and that just egged the Alpha on further.
"I swear to fucking god!" And (name) went back to his homework.
"He is NEVER going to a meeting again!" Mikey said angrily as they got home, Izana glancing up as Emma and shinichiro made dinner "what happened?" The teen girl asked, tilting her head slightly and (name) pouted "I didn't do anything! Mikey is being dramatic!" (Name) Huffed as he sat beside Izana "Iza! Make Mikey stop being a drama queen"
Shinichiro looked at Draken who was leaning on the door frame "ken, what happened?"
"(Name) Met his dated pair" he said simply and the room was silent as Izana moved to sniff his brother "you don't smell like (scent)" the white haired man accused and they looked at him expectantly and (name) pouted as grandpa made a grunt "when do we get to meet em?" The old alpha asked and (name) huffed "after I get to meet him!"
"So you are trying to kill me!" Mikey cried and (name) rolled his eyes.
It wasn't till the following week that (name) saw smiley again, the two halting as (name) went to get groceries for dinner "it's you!" (Name) Was over the moon as the older kawata looked at him with a flirty grin "watch out now, Mikey might kick my ass" he teased and (name) huffed "he wouldn't dare" oh Mikey would but (name) in turn would throw shit at him.
Smiley walked with (name) around the store as they chatted, falling so easily into a routine as the Alpha kept his fated pair close as the Alpha paid for the other "you don't have to!" (Name) Looked guilt as smiley shrugged "not gonna let my mate pay for shit"
The two walked to the Sano house as shinichiro was reading a magazine on the engawa casually "OI! one foot apart you shits!" The eldest barked out and (name) pouted, the other two brothers poking their heads out and Mikey glared as Izana stared coldly at the elder twin "(name)! Didn't I say no dating till I'm dead!" Mikey grumbled out and (name) rolled his eyes "I'm older than you!" (Name) Fired back as the two squabbled leaving the eldest siblings to judge smiley "this house is traditional when it comes to courting, if you want to be with him it's not gonna be easy"
Shinichiro wanted his younger brother to date a nice alpha not.... Not smiley.
Anyone but smiley--- I'm almost anyone because he's seen the people his brothers hang out with.
Maybe like mitsuya, yeah mitsuya would treat him well.
And thus started the courting process, all dates had a a chaperone of one of the siblings, the two never getting to be alone (unless you count the times smiley snuck into (name)s bedroom so they could makeout) and the brothers judged any gift that smiley got (name) "looks cheap" they said but (name) was giddy at anything his mate to be got him.
(Name) Got him little trinkets and a cute bracelet set that the Omega seemed very proud of and Smiley wore the matching bracelets with pride.
"Where ya taking him"
"What are you gonna do?"
"Hope you booked a reservation for three"
Smiley was ready to throttle his close friend and his family but knew they were just worried about their pack Omega dating though thank fuck grandpa Sano was chill with him and actually seemed happy that (name) found his soulmate.
"These goofs are all planning on moving out, (name) is the only one who is interested in running the dojo" grandpa Sano said randomly while Smiley waited for him to finish getting ready "you're a good kid, I know what my boys do so I know you can hold your own" he continued and smiley for once wasn't so well... Smiley but instead Nahoya.
"So what do you want to do, after school?"
"My brother and I want to run our own ramen shop, we have a name for it and everything"
The old alpha hummed, seeming pleased with his response "hardworking young man, (name) is a strong young man, doesn't like to be tied to his omega status despite his brothers attempts... Let him do what makes him happy" the elder man asked him and nahoya nodded "if he wants something, I'll do whatever I can to provide it"
"Good, now (name)! Hurry up! You're making this young man wait forever!"
"I'm coming I'm coming!"
Grandpa Sano watched how much love was between them, he hoped he could get to live to see them get married.
Maybe even to see a few pups.
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luna0713hunter · 5 months
Izana picks up the phone after the second ring-
"hey princess, what's up-"
"Izana-" you whine, clutching the phone with one hand and the other wrapping around your stomach, "come over please!"
You hear shuffling and some yelling on the other side,before your boyfriend yells out a 'I'll be right there baby!' and then just when you hear the engines humming to life,he hangs up the phone.
You whine and bury your face in his pillow;since you woke up that morning,your cramps were kicking your ass. You kept getting hot flashes,and craving sweets didnt help either. And you knew your boyfriend was a busy man,but on these days you liked to be selfish and have him to yourself.
And just as you were about to call him again,the door to your bedroom bursts open; revealing a very disheveled Izana panting in your doorway.
You stare at him for a long moment,before blinking.
"who should i kill,babe?" He pants,wild violet eyes darting around the room as he rushes to your side to check your body for any injuries, "who dared to touch my pretty girl?"
And you just...blink at him; because sometimes,you forget how much of an idiot your boyfriend actually is. Despite being a smart captain, he's actually a silly little boy trapped in a bigger silly boy's body.
Violet eyes turn toward you.
You pause.
"I'm on my period."
And Izana just blinks. Then,you watch as realization dawn on his face.
"you mean,no attackers?"
"none. Just mother nature."
"and no injuries?"
"i mean,i am getting torn apart inside?"
Izana nods,and in the next second, he's running out of the door. Your jaw drops as you stare at his empty spot; surely he didnt freak out because of your period???but then again,you never knew what's going on inside that head of his. So without any option,you rest your back against the headboard and message your abdomen.
Not even ten minutes later,the door of your bedroom bursts open again;with Izana standing proudly at the threshold. He gives you a blinding grin and raises his hand in the air to jingle the two or three plastic bags in his hand.
"look what I've got, princess!"
He drops the items in your lap,and you gasp excitedly upon spotting rows and rows of chocolate bars and sweets. You snap your head in his direction,and he almost swoons at how adorable you look;with your eyes shining innocently.
"all of this for me?"
He leans down and kisses your forehead softly.
"all for you, my princess."
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spooky-bunnys · 17 days
Title: This is my honeymoon
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: South x Izana's little brother
Warnings: arguing, mention of dieing, and protective older brother Izana.
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(Name) winced when he felt his fiancée's shoulder dig more into his stomach. "Honey Bear, you're starting to hurt my ribs with your shoulder." (Name) sighed in relief as he was moved into a bridal carry which made him snort. Considering he had just accepted his boyfriend of 3 ½ years marriage proposal.
(Name) moved his white bangs out of his face and stretched up. Lavender eyes met angry Lavender eyes and (Name) sighed. His brother and his gang members had tried sabotaging the proposal and that led to this moment.
"IZA-NII CALM DOWN!" (Name) called out to his older brother figure. Izana and Kakucho had instantly added (Name) into they're family when he arrived. Only to later find out (Name) technically is Izana's brother. Which made the older VERY protective of him.
"I'LL CALM DOWN WHEN HE'S DEAD!" (Name) frowned and wrapped his arms around his fiancée's neck. "Honey Bear you might want to speed up. Kaku is running full speed ahead." The taller male nodded and threw his head back with a laugh. "Groom running away with his bride coming through!"
(Name) smiled softly as he slow danced with his new husband. He leaned against the warm chest and sighed happily. Although, the happiness didn't last long, when his groom was ripped away from him. Izana took the others place as the music sped up. Curtesy of his new DJ Rindou. (Name) grumbled softly.
"Iza-nii you need to stop. I'm a grown and now married man! Besides South can protect me too you know!" Izana frowned and glared in the direction of the other groom. Not wanting to admit that his little brother actually married the man. "Well I just want to spend time with you before I can't anymore."
(Name)'s frown softened. He had almost completely forgot about that. (Name) was moving in with South and they had bought a new house on the other side of Japan. So (Name) wouldn't see his brother and their friends too often anymore.
Ran who was dancing with Kakucho behind them tapped Izana's shoulder. "I just found out from Kakucho here that the house was in fact for sale. So we had Kokonoi buy it." Izana perked up and smirked in the semi raging South's direction as (Name) groaned loudly. He really couldn't catch a break could he?
(Name) happily leaned against South's chest. They were drinking champagne on the balcony of their Honeymoon sweet in the Philippines. Everything was perfect. Was is the keyword.
"WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?! OI MOVE YOUR HAND OFF HIS ASS YOU PERV!?" (Name) snapped his head to the hotel across the street and sure enough his older brother, Kakucho, and all their friends were standing on the balcony. Most were staring at him with binoculars.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" "WHY ARE YOU PANTLESS?!" "IT'S MY HONEYMOON?! WHY ELSE WOULD I BE PANTLESS IZANA!" The two siblings aruged across the street. Nobody noticing the marching Kakucho who had a new mission. 'Retrieve (Name) before its too late.'
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(The others in Tenjiku while (Name) and Izana are arguing across hotels)
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enden-k · 4 months
I hope I'm not too late for this! (The wolf man and braid gay questions)
1. Their names
2. How do they play a role in your world
3. Who's their favorite person among your ocs
4. What genre of media would they enjoy (horror, romance, ect.)
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wolf guys name is iza (izayah) and braid guy is tay!!
iza is one of the minor characters but still appears often for comedic relief if u wanna call it that. he and his partner (mephisto) are part of the suits who organize/run the game (therefore theyre on no good or evil side but neutral ground) and theyre dubbed "cleaners" - their task is basically "getting rid" of rulebreakers (iza doesnt like his job). tay is part of the main trio and a participant of the game, on abels (pink glasses guy) side. hes taking care of the van, bike, anything other breakable (hes skilled w his hands when it comes to engines and all that stuff)
since theyre part of the suits, iza and mephi should be impartial and not help either side to victory.......they dont so they wont break any rules but considering iza is abels biggest fan its kinda clear who theyre secretly rooting for. tays favorite person are both his besties (abel and mars, the blue haired girl)
funnily enough, considering his role, iza is terribly scared of horror etc and a big enjoyer of romance (he cries a lot) and musicals (hes not very talented but a passionate singer nonetheless) or anything action (its just so cool) - on the contrary, tay enjoys splatter and creepy horror and abel and mars dont rlly know whats scarier, the kinda stuff he can watch unfazed or his cute friendly smile he keeps on wearing while watching (its always the seemingly pure, innocent ones huh.../j)
thank u for asking abt them!!!!!!! 🫶
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zanariee · 1 year
An innocent relaxed cuddling session turned into something naughty.
It was sunday, no work and no events or whatsoever. With that being said, you and your boyfriend decided to just relax inside the bedroom. Cuddle and maybe watch some nonstop movies, having your boyfriend's arms wrapped around your waist as your back pressed against his chest is the most comfortable position ever.
But now it wasn't just comfortable, your sweet smile earlier turned into a crying and sobbing mess. How did that happen? Well it seemed like Izana couldn't keep his hands to himself, it's your fault though. The way you look so oblivious by what you're doing while watching the movie. The way you unintentionally spread those beautiful legs of your and the way you would move against him. It turned his naughty side on.
"Mhgn! Iza- ha! Hngh!" You moaned after he inserted his long middle finger inside your pussy again, pumping it in and out with a fast pace. He was smirking, loving the way you would tremble and arch your back all pretty every time his finger would brush against your prostate.
He was enjoying it, soon another finger followed inside you. Two fingers and you're already sobbing mess and had already cum 3 times. Your hands wrapped around his wrist trying to make him stop or at least make him slow down.
"Izana! Please! Haaa! Nghh!" You sighed a moan after he pulled out his fingers from your pussy, you tried to catch your breath as you lean more against his chest.
"Look at you princess, so beautiful. So fuckable." Izana whispered to your ear, before he placed a kiss on your neck. Kissing your neck softly before he starts nibbling and sucking your neck, leaving marks all over you. Claiming you his.
"You're mine, only mine. I'm the only one who could make you see stars. See? Look." He said, raising his wet fingers for you to see. It's all covered from your cum.
Not long after his fingers went down again, "Nghh~ please" you whispered after feeling his fingers started rubbing your clit. Rubbing circles around it while his other finger went inside you again. In short he kept fingering you and rubbing your clit until you're sobbing mess once again.
You were trying to close your legs as his other hand wrapped around you firmly to make you stay in place as he continued fingering you and leaving hickeys all over your neck and collarbone. And not long enough your moans could be heard by the neighbours as you reached our 4th orgasm.
And he continued until he became satisfied, satisfied seeing you passed out and the bedsheets wet.
(I dunno what the fuck I'm doing)
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cruel-acid · 7 months
Iza x Ruggie dynamic explained
So this is a part 2 of my answer to @boopshoops question (thanks again for it BTW I'm really enjoying making this)
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I genuinely adore their dynamic - they’re the most chaotic couple you can imagine. One moment they cuddle up in someone’s dorm room for a little study date, and the next one they’re causing mayhem because it’s fun, especially since they NEVER get caught. Also - gossiping. Lots and lots of gossiping - everything Iza knows (and he knows EVERYTHING) he shares with his cute bf. I wasn’t joking when I called them little rats hehe
They both share quality time as a love language so they make sure to spend some despite Ruggie’s busy schedule (mostly by sneaking out in the middle of the night). At the same time, Ruggie shows his affection by acts of service and Iza spoils him with different gifts&treats.
Another thing they have in common is that they ADORE teasing each other - the only difference is that Iza just gets giggly as a response and Ruggie turns into a blushing mess with a wiggling tail, a sight Iza actually loves:3
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Hi new to the Rerolled au but I loved the Researcher! Mira you designed/drew. What is everyone else's roles if you know? I'm curious to see what got swapped around and how that affects their behavior/role in the story etc :3
Aha! Hello hello! Ye Rerolled is still pretty early in development as we’re figuring some things out design wise and story wise, but we know everyone’s roles in the story!
The roles were chosen randomly by spin of a wheel but they wound up pretty funny theme wise so here we go!
Main character - Leroy (our name for the King in this AU)
The Housemaiden - Odile
The Researcher - Mirabelle
The Fighter - Bonnie
The Kid - Isabeau (or Iza for this AU)
The Head Housemaiden - Siffrin
The Antagonist - Loop
The Guide - Euphrasie
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roses-of-the-romanovs · 3 months
Hello! I'm creating a Romanov roleplay so could you give me a list of members and friends of the Romanov family, and others (Standart officers, Bolsheviks, etc.) for people to roleplay? That would be very helpful since I know I'm going to accidentally miss some characters (^^”).
Hi! These are some people who were involved with the Romanovs:
Anna Vyrubova—quite possibly Alexandra's dearest friend. Typically viewed as a bit of a simpleton or a cunning spy--the reality is probably that she was neither. Also very attached to Rasputin.
Lili Dehn—another of Alexandra's friends, a lady-in-waiting. Also close with Nicholas and the children; was with Alexandra when Nicholas abdicated.
Elizabeth Naryshkina—the elderly mistress of the robes.
Sophie Buxhoevedon—lady-in-waiting, affectionately known as "Isa" (also spelled "Iza").
Catherine "Trina" Schneider—also attempted (unsuccessfully) to teach the Romanov sisters German. Taught Russian to Alexandra. Lutheran.
Grigori Rasputin—infamous. Especially intimate with Alexandra, also a sort of mentor for the daughters. Killed in 1916.
Kolya Demenkov—Alexei’s friend.
Gleb Botkin & Tatiana Botkina—the children of Evgeny Botkin.
Sofia Orbeliani—Alexandra’s friend and an invalid. Died in 1915.
Countess Anastasia “Nastenka” Hendrikova—family friend.
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna—OTMA's grandmother. But a bit frosty in her relations with Alexandra.
Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna—Nicholas II's sister. Often the grand duchesses spent Saturdays with her.
Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna—Nicholas’s sister. Her family was known as the Ai Todories due to their estate. Her daughter Irina especially was close to the daughters. (Irina’s husband, Felix Yussupov, was one of Rasputin’s assassins.)
Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich—one of Nicholas’s favorite cousins, and once considered a possible groom for Olga. Under the care of Elizabeth Feodorovna. One of Rasputin’s assassins.
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna—Alexandra’s sister. Became a nun after her husband Sergei’s assassination in 1905; sent coffee and chocolate to the family during imprisonment. Murdered by the Bolsheviks.
Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich—Nicholas’s brother. Married morganatically and exiled. Saw Nicholas before Nicholas’s departure to Tobolsk. Also murdered by the Bolsheviks.
Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich—commander in chief of the Russian army during WWI until Nicholas II took over. Not liked by Alexandra due to his dislike of Rasputin.
Pyotr Vasilievich Pyotrov—the Russian tutor, known as "PVP."
Pierre Gilliard—the French tutor, especially close to Alexei. Often called "Zhilik" or "Monsieur."
Sydney Gibbes—the English tutor, often known as "Sig."
Sofia Tyutcheva—Known as "Savanna," OTMA's unofficial governess when they were young. Outspokenly against Rasputin, and not popular with the Romanovs' other friends.
Margaretta Eagar—OTMA's Irish governess, dismissed in 1904.
Anna Demidova—lady-in-waiting who accompanied the family and was eventually killed with them. Known as “Nyuta.”
Aloise (Alexei) Trupp—footman who was killed with the family; unique in that he was Latvian, and Catholic.
Ivan Kharitonov—cook killed with the family.
Leonid Sednev—companion of Alexei during captivity, eventually sent away by Yakov Yurovsky.
Eugene Botkin—doctor (primarily Alexandra’s). Killed with family.
Nagorny and Demenkov—Alexei’s “sailor nannies.” Only Nagorny continued on with the family to Tobolsk.
Standart Officers of Note:
Pavel Voronov—Olga's love interest in 1913. She wrote of him as "S." in her diaries.
Alexander Konstantinovich Shvedov—Also Olga's love interest in 1913, took place before Voronov. Referred to as "AKSH" in diaries.
Viktor Zborovsky—Anastasia's crush. She also exchanged letters with his sister Ekaterina "Katya" in captivity. Nicholas's favorite tennis partner.
Patients during WWI/Nurses, Doctors:
Dmitri Shakh-Bagov—Olga's love interest. Known as "Mitya."
Dmitri Malama—Tatiana's love interest. Gave her a dog known as Ortipo, named after his cavalry horse.
Valentina Cheborateva—OT’s friend and fellow nurse.
Margarita Khitrovo—fellow nurse and friend. Known as “Ritka” or “Rita.”
Dr. Vera Gedroits—female doctor. Known as “Princess Gedroits.” After the tsar’s abdication, her behavior turned increasingly unconventional.
Vladimir Kiknadze—Tatiana’s love interest after Malama. Considered a dangerous flirt by the other nurses and doctors.
Sergei Witte—Served as prime minister 1905-1906.
Pyotr Stolypin—Served as prime minister 1906-1911. Sofia Tyutcheva, Nicholas II, and OT were there at his assassination.
Mikhail Rodzianko—state chairman of the Duma, 1911-1917.
Bolsheviks/Captors, etc.:
Alexander Kerensky—member of the Provisional Government. Oversaw the Romanovs’ house arrest.
Eugene Kobylinsky—commandant during house arrest; nevertheless on good terms with the family.
Vasily Yakovlev—commissar, searched the house at Tobolsk; helped transfer the family to the Ipatiev House at Ekaterinberg.
Alexander Avdeev—commandant at the Ipatiev House.
Yakov Yurovsky—commandant at the Ipatiev House after Avdeev. Orchestrated the murders.
Pyotr Ermakov—one of the executioners, his accounts of the Romanovs and their murder are highly exaggerated and untruthful. Was drunk on the night of the murders.
Ivan Skorokhodov–despite the rumors there is no reliable evidence to support the idea of a liaison with Maria. However, he was really a guard at the Ipatiev House.
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howlingday · 9 months
So, i have one ideia for The Jaune Werewolf AU: Silver and Salt.
Werewolves in Mythology have weakness to Silver Bullets, as we ALL know, but Brazilian Mythology says Werewolves fear Holy itens like Holy Water and Salt. You Can do Blake trying to feed him Salty food and him saying he has pressure problems or something similar.
Oh and there's also The thing of in Brazil werewolves Normally have at least 7 older sisters. If you want to know more about Mythology you can dm me.
It had been a few months since Jaune came forward about all the secrets he'd kept from his friends, and yet the biggest secret had remained all the more kept from them. But these secrets would not stay hidden for long. Blake had been hot on the trail of this Jaune Arc since his reveal to her that he was creature of the night.
...Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly that and maybe that term could use a bit of an update, but her point still stands: Jaune needs to come forward and admit that he is a werewolf, just like all of his kin! ...Okay, wow, these are some really aggressive statements she's making, but they're all with good intentions, she swears!
...Okay, that's enough thinking.
Instead, it was time to focus from the past to the present, in which she is following Jaune on one of his nightly walks. What started as a once a month gradually grew into a once every other night for the young werewolf. Blake noticed this increased departure and now decided to start following why he'd do this so suddenly.
He made his way out of the city, taking the bus to the outskirts where the cemetery sat. The two departed and entered the resting place of many a civilian and huntsman. Sadly, not all of these tombs were filled, instead replaced by a cherished memento of the dearly departed, as there were many an instance when the body couldn't be found, or worse, couldn't be buried in so little plots with so many pieces.
Blake kept her distance, though she and Jaune both paid to enter the cemetery. Due to the natural increase of negative emotions that may occur while attending, two huntresses had to be paid protection fees when visitors came. Thus far, no Grimm had even wounded their prey upon their reveal. Whatever the kingdom did to ensure the safety of it's mourners, it did well enough with their current plan.
"Oy! Water you doin ear?!" Blake flinched at the gruff voice. Looking up, she saw a burly man, hunched over like his head and shoulders were too heavy to be supported by his back. He had a tooth jutting out of his lower lip, which was extended further than his upper lip, and swollen left eye that she was sure impairing his eyesight. "Shooden you be up in the clouds?"
Was he shouting at a ghost who had left the graveyard? Or maybe an angel who'd descended to Remnant with a prophecy? Or perhaps-
"I'm back for another lesson~!"
Or it was another case of Jaune being Jaune, making all sorts of new friends wherever he goes.
"Anudder one?" The hunched man rubbed his chin. "Iza furteenth tem this week!"
"Yeah, I guess it is!" Jaune said with a laugh. "But I'm curious what else you can teach me!"
"Foin! Foin!" He waved his hands in the air. "Bet only after yeh tell me aboot yerself!" He hobbled away from Jaune. "Nah errynigh I getta tuk up a where wulf."
"Sure, sure." Jaune chuckled. "But, uh, I don't know about being a werewolf. It kinda makes me sound like a monster."
"Buh thaz what ya err!" The gent said as he approached a grave, before smacking it's stone with his cane. He then tossed Jaune a shovel. "Ta dig wit ya!"
Jaune nodded, digging his blade into the dirt before the headstone. She'd heard many stories about werewolves digging into graves to consume the corpses inside. Such a horrifying thought made her stomach churn, but still she crept closer. She had to see for herself.
"Noof!" Jaune stopped, looking to the gravekeeper. "Ah, juss a fyoo way froom a meeder!" Jaune began refilling the hole. "Yoos yer back en shoolders!"
"Yes, sir!"
"An whattaya sistas? Ya had seven?"
"Yup! All older sisters!" Jaune patted the ground. "And before you ask, no, they're not werewolves."
"Ull bleeve it win uh sees it."
Blake crept closer, noticing Jaune's muscular back facing her. By everything she considered precious, he was built like a wall of animal hair and endurance. She started imagining rubbing it as he laid in their bed, before turning over and grabbing her and-
"OY! WATER YOU DOIN EAR?!" Blake jumped at the sudden shout in her ears. "Nuh uh ya degenerates err loud in ear!"
"Blake?" She looked up to see Jaune towering over him. "When did you get here?"
Blake prepared for this moment! She thrust forward an emblem from Menagerie; a dual-sided mask with opposing horns. She waved it around, keeping her feet firm in the ground. She never really believed in the God of Animals, but if just this once, she could- "Ow!"
"Doon be shaygin that ear!" The gravekeeper shouted, shaking his cane. "It raddles up the ghosties!"
"Blake, were you following me?" She looked into Jaune's eyes, immediately regretting her decision as she fell for his big, blue puppy-dog eyes.
"Y-Yes..." Blake sighed. "You kept sneaking out, so I thought you might have been..."
"Oh... I get it now." Suddenly, he caught her in his powerful grip. "You were worried about me." He looked to his friend, though Blake didn't notice because she was in hairy, muscular heaven~. "I'll take it from here, Mr. Damp. Thanks again for tonight's lesson."
"Dinna minshun it." He then shook his cane at Blake. "Bet be worry aboot that one. She ruhminds me of me wife!"
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Ok Rome hear me out omega Mikey who has a son that goes to daycare or preschool with omega Reader as teacher and son is like why isn’t he my other dad yet? While Mikey is just trying to look cool in front of reader but just making a fool of himself trying to get a date 👀
It's the fact that I have been thinking the same idea wt
Also, would y'all consider following me on twitch? It would really mean a lot and would really help me out as I only need 11 followers to hit affiliate
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Mikey was down bad for his sons preschool teacher (name) (lastname).
The Omega was so fucking fine and Mikey was so hopelessly in love with the Omega.
"Mr.(lastname)!" (Sons name) squealed out as he got out of the motorcycle car seat and onto the ground, rushing to the teacher "oh hello! How was your weekend?" (Name) asked crouching before the pup who swayed his body happily "it was good! Papa took me to work!"
"Really that must have been fun!"
"It was! He and uncle Iza took me to a fancy redront!"
"It's restaurant bud" Mikey said walking up to the two from his motorcycle with a lopsided grin, raking his hand through his hair as he tried to look cool...only to trip over the little backpack his son dropped a few feet away.
"Mr Sano! Are you alright!" (Name) rushed to the tattooed man with the tiny pup "I'm alright... Just fell for you I suppose" Mikey tried playing it off but his bloody nose said other wise.
The gang leader was not looking really cool infront of the pretty omega who led him into the nurses office "the nurse isn't here yet so let me fix you up--here (sons name), why don't you help me by counting these stickers so we have enough today"
"Ok Mr.(lastname)!" The pup loved helping as he immediately tried counting, the two adults knowing he would not get far as he was still figuring out numbers past 7.
"Ok let's clean you up" (name) said getting the things needed and gently began cleaning the blood off Mikey's face, getting close and the Alpha could smell the pharamones off (name) and it took everything in him not to press his face into his neck for both the reason of that would be embarrassing as hell and he was covered in blood.
"Now we only have (cartoon) and (other cartoon) bandaids so what one do you want Mr. Sano?" (Name) asked with a smile and Mikey pretended to give it deep thought before pointing to a box "Excellent choice!"
(Name) gently patched the Alpha up "there, good as new!"
Mikey watched as (name) grabbed two lollies from a bowl and handed one to Mikey and one to the pup who squealed at the treat "Mr.(lastname), why aren't you also my papa?" The little boy asked curiously and (name) didn't know how to respond to the boy "well usually it starts with a date before it can get to that bud" Mikey said to his kid who slwoly nodded "well why you guys not dating!" The boy asked frustrated "I'm working on it kiddo" Mikey said "go to class yeah? I'll return your teacher in a second"
The toddler huffed and wandered off to class, giving his dad a look before closing the door "kids really just say whatever" Mikey said, feeling as if his chance was ruined and (name) just smiled "if you don't wanna see me again that's fine"
"Hey now, can't give my verdict till we go on this so called date"
"Really?" Mikey asked and (name) couldn't help but find the man cute covered in Band-Aids and a slight black eye and (name) just shrugged "here's my number, call me?"
Mikey was so down bad for the Omega who wrote his number on Mikey's hand and wandered out.
He was gonna fucking marry him.
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bnbc · 9 months
Thinking about 3rd act Heinrix romantic scene a lot because now I'm sure that's the moment when Iza will break for the first time since the whole Commorragh thing started. She finally realizes he is here, saved, alive, and her relief is so strong all the feelings she was bottling up get out. And she loses her mental block, and bleeds into his mind with the memories of her, just came to her senses in the pile of tortured flesh, desperately checking the corpses around her afraid to see his face
also that fic I wrote couple of days ago is so funny now
Iza: remember our nights on Commorragh wink wink Heinrix:
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babylasagnafanph · 4 months
Check out this unreleased song by Marko entitled, "Jesen" (Autumn) found in SoundCloud website. Great song and the lyrics are beautiful!
I'm glad that he preserves his old songs - at least I wanted to listen more hits by him, hehehehe. 😁
P.S.: I decide as well to include a translation of the lyrics in one of my native tongues, Filipino - in honor to diverse the beauty of music in other languages.
Special thanks to lasagna.source - via Instagram - for providing the song lyrics and English translation.
ORIGINAL LYRICS: Kiša počinje i sve mijenja se Sunce zalazi još ranije More ledi se Smiješak nestaje Jesen dolazi i lišće žuti se Vjetar čisti sve Loše misli, prevare Probat ću još jednom samo da znam
Tko to skriva se Iza moje jeseni Da ti čujem glas Tko to počiva U dubini moga sna Više nisam sam
Tišina guta sve Grad prazan je, ali svako malo nađem te Misliš li na mene, kada svijetla gase se Čije ruke sada griju te?
Tko to skriva se Iza moje jeseni Da ti čujem glas Tko to počiva U dubini moga sna Više nisam sam
Gdje si sad? Izađi iz mog sna Pokaži se ili nestani zauvijek x2
Tko to skriva se Iza moje jeseni Da ti čujem glas Tko to počiva U dubini moga sna Više nisam sam
Ta kiša počinje I sve mijenja se Sunce zalazi još ranije
The rain begins and everything changes The sun sets even earlier The sea freezes A smile disappears Autumn comes and the leaves turn yellow The wind cleans everything Bad thoughts, deceptions I will try once more, just to know
Who is hiding Behind my autumn? Let me hear your voice Who is resting In the depths of my dream? I am no longer alone
Silence swallows everything The city is empty, but every now and then I find you Do you think of me when the lights go out? Whose hands are now keeping you warm?
Who is hiding Behind my autumn? Let me hear your voice Who is resting In the depths of my dream? I am no longer alone
Where are you now? Come out of my dream Show yourself or disappear forever x2
Who is hiding Behind my autumn? Let me hear your voice Who is resting In the depths of my dream? I am no longer alone
The rain begins And everything changes The sun sets even earlier
Nagsisimula ang ulan at nagbabago ang lahat Mas maaga pa ang paglubog ng araw Nagyeyelo ang dagat Nawala ang isang ngiti Dumating ang taglagas at ang mga dahon ay nagiging dilaw Nililinis ng hangin ang lahat Masamang pag-iisip, panlilinlang Susubukan ko ulit, para lang malaman ko
Sino ang nagtatago Sa likod ng taglagas ko? Hayaan mong marinig ko ang iyong boses Sino ang nagpapahinga Sa lalim ng panaginip ko? Hindi na ako nag-iisa
Nilamon ng katahimikan ang lahat Walang laman ang lungsod, ngunit paminsan-minsan ay nahahanap kita Iniisip mo ba ako kapag namatay ang ilaw? Kaninong mga kamay ang nagpapainit sa iyo ngayon?
Sino ang nagtatago Sa likod ng aking taglagas? Hayaan mong marinig ko ang iyong boses Sino ang nagpapahinga Sa lalim ng aking panaginip? Hindi na ako nag-iisa.
Nasaan ka na ngayon? Lumabas ka sa panaginip ko Ipakita ang iyong sarili o mawala nang tuluyan x2
Sino ang nagtatago Sa likod ng aking taglagas? Hayaan mong marinig ko ang iyong boses Sino ang nagpapahinga Sa lalim ng panaginip ko? Hindi na ako nag-iisa.
Nagsisimula ang ulan At lahat ay nagbabago Mas maaga pa ang paglubog ng araw
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zzabelz999 · 7 months
.➫༼ˏˋ𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗💋 ˎˊ༽
Rumba (Si)
Ella quiere su Rumba (Como?)...❞
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|✎` Hi guys! My name is Izabela, i have a lot of nicknames, such as Iza, Pitbull, Zabel, Mr.Worldwide..But i prefer to be called Iza or Pitbull.
I'm from Brazil, so naturally english is not my first language, i speak portuguese (NOT PORTUGUESE FROM PORTUGAL. >BRAZILIAN< PORTUGUESE🙄🤬).
Wich means unfortunately sometimes i may do some grammar mistakes, if i do, please call me out LOL. Also, i use any pronouns.ᝰ
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|✎` As many of you probably noticed, i'm an artist! I don't have any specific fandom that i'm in, honestly i jump from fandom to fandom, so i draw a lot of different characters.
I'm not doing comissions, but in the future I intend to open art commissions, for now, i'm doing arttrades and artcollabs whenever i feel like it!ᝰ
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|✎' As an artist, i'm not working on something big, i mostly just reblog other's people art here, but i do wish to show you guys some of my oc's story, in fact, currently i'm on a project with a friend of mine, it's called gun's n rose's, to know more about the story of those oc's we created just go check the blog @gigglegoobers !
If yall wish to see more of my art you can also check my Instagram @zzabel_z.
Well...That's it!! Thanks for reading.ᝰ
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❝ Believe me, been there done that, but everyday above ground is a great day remember that. ❞
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ashrifts · 9 months
ran and kakucho's relationship is so special to me if i ever stop talking about it assume i'm dead
we don't know anything about the haitanis' home life, but we can assume by flashbacks and wakui saying ran respects kaku/iza bc of the fact that he knows what it's like to grow up in a life of crime, that ran and rindou only ever had each other (hence their "we don't need a team" mentality + them being orphans is up for debate, but ran respected kaku/iza's bond bc he saw himself and rindou in them)
yet in his character book, ran's only respected/admired person listed is kakucho... and i think it's because he's amazed at how kakucho was able to stay true to his heart despite all the things he's gone through. he held on to his own morals for as long as he could, and he clearly disagreed with tenjiku's dirty tricks and spoke up about it even if it meant getting punished for it.
kakucho told mucho "don't let tenjiku corrupt you too," but the haitanis have always been corrupt. that's the life they lived since they were children. it's how they survived. it's the only way of life they know. ran "accidentally" beat a man to death at 13, and he had a smile on his face the whole time. there was nothing in him for tenjiku to corrupt to begin with.
kakucho is almost certainly ran's polar opposite: he's honorable, he's kind, and he's got a certain kind of innocence to him... all things he shouldn't be, having lived the life he did. and yet, he is! no doubt ran feels incredibly intrigued by it, and obviously that intrigue grew into respect and genuine fondness. i like to think he does what he can to help protect these traits in kakucho, even though he knows, realistically (as evident in manila and bonten), that sooner or later not even kakucho will remain uncorrupted forever. he's not going to beat himself up over it, but i do think there's some melancholy when he looks at kakucho every now and then in the bad futures.
anyway ran being protective of kakucho is NOT a thing wakui can take away from me look at him avenging his little mew mew
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and him helping kakucho up before koko even told them to
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i love them sm i really do think kakucho helps ran stay more "human"
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enby-mushroom · 11 months
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Fiz alguns personagens de Vast Error como eu imaginaria eles humanos e brasileiros
(Admito que não busquei muito ser fiel ao estilo preferencial do personagem e sim fazer referências brasileiras, mas eu me esforcei 👉👈)
Pra elu eu realmente só fiz o que achei que combinaria--
Fiz as roupas dele inspiradas nos mandrakas de São Paulo
Não consegui achei muita coisa que combinasse com o Sestro, então não mudei quase nada, mas fiz algumas referências às roupas tradicionais paulistas
Fiz baseada na cantora Iza, em especial no clipe "Dona de Mim"
Me inspirei na Lynn da Quebrada, por mais que ela não seja uma mulher trans e sim uma travesti, eu achei que seria uma inspiração legal
Eu vou fazer mais e juro que os próximos vão ter mais estados, mas eles eu realmente acho que eles combinam com SP e RJ 😔
I made some Vast Error characters as I would imagine them, human and Brazilian
(Admittedly, I didn't try too hard to be faithful to the character's preferred style, but rather to make Brazilian references, but I tried 👉👈)
For them I really only did what I thought would fit--
I made his clothes inspired by the mandrakas of São Paulo
I couldn't find much to match Sestro, so I didn't change almost anything, but I did make some references to traditional São Paulo clothing
I did it based on the singer Iza, especially the music video "Dona de Mim" ("owner of me")
I was inspired by Lynn da Quebrada, even though she's not a trans woman but a travesti, I thought it would be a good inspiration.
I'm going to do more and I swear the next ones will have more states, but I really think they go with SP and RJ 😔
(I'm shy, but I made an effort to do it, so 👉👈 @deconreconstruction )
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