#hi hello it’s loving my wife hours because I’m gay and cry at everything and she is so loving and sweet to me
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#hi hello it’s loving my wife hours because I’m gay and cry at everything and she is so loving and sweet to me#truly proof of God because she is the sun moon and stars all in one package and HE GAVE HER TO MEEEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#Ilonacho
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Tag Yourself: The Helpless Trilogy Edition
~Was inspired by @the-reynolds-pamphlet to make this due to their tag yourself oc edition so I thought why not try it with the Helpless Trilogy characters? The main characters, at least~
Alexander Hamilton:
-bi/poly (??? I mean, he adores Eliza but he's in a current relationship with Laurens and lives him dearly but also loves Andre?)
-your average angsty teenager
-an introvert
-lives on coffee
-three to four hours asleep per night
-complicated relationship
-loves his brother dearly
-may look small and fragile but can actually kick ass
-cranky in the mornings
-heavy trust issues
-Complete summary of: "This is how I enter my house: WUSSAP FUCKERS!"
"Just because I'm small or just simply delicate doesn't mean I can't kick ass"
John Laurens:
-military man
-tries his best to protect his dear boy at all costs
-rough childhood/daddy issues
-terrified of Lafayette, Hamilton's older foster brother
-always tries to do everything right
-typical prince charming high school student
-tall af
-easily paranoid
-complete summary of: Hey, how you doin' well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying inside-
"I have one hell of a boyfriend."
Gilbert Marquis de Lafayette:
-your typical older brother
-loves his little lion dearly, would do anything for his little brother
-very much an extrovert
-kind and sweet
-would be your bff any day
-your average Frenchman
-adores Mulligan but also his fellow college classmate back in France, Adrianne
-overprotective af
-respects George
-actually sleeps unlike Hamilton
-Complete summary of that one vine where the guy is dancing on the couch and the coffee table slips underneth him
"That's my little brother!"
George Washington:
-your typical Dad
-protective of his family
-loves his wife, Martha
-would do anything for his boys
-trust issues
-also a workaholic
-worries over everything
"Home by midnight!"
Martha Washington:
-your average Mom
-kind, sweet, the perfect friend to a have a shoulder to cry on
-would support you no matter what
-loves her three boys dearly
-devoted to her husband
-very much like Mrs. Hudson in Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
-complete summary of: "To heck with diabeties, I'm having choclate cake...and drinking beer...and having choclate cake- "
“Of course, dear.”
Eliza Schuyler:
-the best friend everyone could ask for
-shy sometimes but mostly outgoing
-a dog lover
-dedicated to her school work and other work she may have
-loyal to her friends
-trusting, kind, and sweet of course.
-actually sleeps a full 8 hours
-would be the type of person who has created a full morning and night routine
-a morning person
-the Mom friend
-has Monica's personality and character
-complete summary of: "I will always want you- YOU! *flips on sunglasses and starts vibin'*
Angelica Schuyler:
-big sister/friend vibes
-sassy sometimes
-protective of her friends.
-the rebel sister
-good grades and responsible
-complete summary of: "You spilled lipstick in my valentio white bag?!?!"
"Oh. My. God."
Peggy Schuyler:
-a jokester
-definetly has Phoebe's personality in Friends
-also a partier and a rebel
-prefers mall shopping, tiktoks, youtube, instagram, tumblr instead of school
-complete summary of: "And they were roomates! Oh my god they were roomates- "
"So who was top and who was bottom?"
Richard Kidder Meade:
-annoys his friends
-binges on Friends
-doesn't have his life together
-prefers gaming on his switch instead of school
-loves his friends dearly though
-the jokster of the friend group
-Definetely Chandler's personality
-complete summary of: "SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS! EVERYBODY!"
"I'm Chandler could I be wearing any more clothes?!"
Tench Tilghman:
-actually has his life together
-good grades
-your typical normal high school student
-prefers binging on youtube and hanging out with his friends
-would love to be your bff
-sweet and outgoing, a little bit of both an extrovert/introvert
-complete summary of: "Zaaaam! You got a bae, or nah?! You got a bae, or nah!"
-Definetly either Joey or Ross personality
"You must be lucky to have Laurens as your roomate, Hamilton. At least you don't have to deal with Meade acting as Chandler Bing for 24/7--"
Robert Hanson Harrison:
-the dad friend
- complete summary of "I don't get no sleep cause of yall! Yall never gonna sleep cause of ME!"
-prefers books and writing short stories than school
-even though they're annoying sometimes, he still loves his friends
-not much a partier but would go to school dances or stuff like that
-would support you and his friends always
-dedicted to his education and career in the future
-loyal to his friends
-looks after you
-Ross vibes
"Children. I'm friends with absolute children."
Benjmain Tallmadge:
-a normal teenager
-football star
-Definetly Joey vibes
-also tall af, could be mistaken as Laurens's identical twin
-loves his friends dearly
-big brother of the friend group
-complete summary of: "I WON'T HESITATE BITCH- "
"Have some leomanade~"
John Andre:
-bad boy
-typical villan
-would be the type of person who would punch you in the face if you talk to them before their first cup of coffee
-jealous af
-in love with Hamilton or rather crush
-is basically like Simcoe from Turn
-the type of character that everyone including readers would want dead
-a lot like Jim Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
-plays the flute and used to be artistic
-complete summary of: "Hi, thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage!"
"Hello Laurens, did ya miss me?"
#amrev#john laurens#eliza schuyler#angelica schuyler#peggy schuyler#alexander hamilton#richard kidder meade#tench tilghman#benjamin tallmadge#the helpless trilogy#tag yourself game#this took me so long to make-
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Secrets and Lies, chapter 3
This is a Death and Taxes fic. It takes the typical, predator-prey dynamic that one often sees in one-offs and tells a story with it. It’s going to be the edgiest thing I’ve written thusfar, so buckle up.
tw for internalized homophobia, regular homophobia, and discussion of rape and abuse
Blood was on his bed sheets and Joey was asleep on them. Grant let him sleep- he didn’t feel like dealing with him yet. Looking in the mirror, he was met with purple bruises on his face and neck from the night before. Thankfully not much swelling. After Joey had woken up and gotten out of his house, Grant headed into town to buy some liquid foundation to cover up the marks Joey had left on him. Buying makeup was mildly embarrassing, but he was not wearing his shame to work on Monday.
Was this life now? Letting Joey do what he wanted with him and licking his wounds in secret? It seemed that way. Over the coming two weeks, over which Joey came to him three times- twice in Grant’s own office- Grant learned that trying to lessen the amount of anger Joey released onto him was pointless. Joey didn’t want an amateur therapist or a sub, nor was this a method of punishment or control- Joey just wanted a fuckable punching bag. And especially after Joey assaulted him in his office, work began to feel like a very unsafe place to be.
In those two weeks, Grant also counted up the price of leaving the studio and Joey behind. He’d been spending more lunch hours than usual with Norman- spending time with the man could always lift Grant’s spirits a little, and Norman was so intimidating that he felt (irrationally, of course) like Joey couldn’t lay a finger on him as long as they were close. Norman could tell that something was up, but he didn’t say anything, thankfully.
Grant didn’t want to look at Norman and see someone he’d have to leave behind if he chose to get out of the studio and have the pictures come out. He couldn’t bring himself to broach the subject of how Norman viewed homosexuality. There were a few other people Grant cared about at work- a few from his department that he knew casually, and Shawn and Lacie who he’d gone out drinking with a couple times. Aside from Norman, no one worth staying for, though.
Even before the affair with Joey had happened, most of the reason Grant was still a part of the studio was because he wasn’t sure he could land another job in this economy. But, the economy was recovering. It would be safest to try and land something else before fleeing the studio, so just in case Joey decided to do sabotage him professionally- assuming Joey cared enough to, which he probably didn’t. It was hard not to get paranoid. He could quit right away if things escalated, but for now he’d spend at least a few weeks looking for a job.
There was still the matter of his next of kin. He didn’t remember who he’d put down as his next of kin- it was either his ex-wife or his mother. Neither were attractive options, but his parents he could deal with more easily than he could deal with Joey.
A knock on his office door jolted Grant from his train of thought. Oh God… Joey? Cautiously, as though caution could save him, Grant went over to the door and opened it slowly. He let out a sigh of relief when it turned out to be Toby, their overly friendly treasurer.
“You alright, there? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Grant forced a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. What can I help you with?”
“Just here to drop off some ordering forms.”
“Right. Thanks.”
Grant had always noticed that, although Toby was downright bubbly with everyone else, he seemed very uncomfortable with Mr. Dew. And, well, he did fulfill certain stereotypes- the way he walked (Grant hoped that wasn’t what he looked like- good God was it effeminate!), his love of aesthetics... Maybe…
“Joey makes us budget for some strange things, doesn’t he Toby?” Grant asked. He knew how ominous he must have sounded despite his best efforts. But he would have done anything for someone to talk to about this. “Has he ever made you budget for something like this?”
Grant pulled a bottle of liquid foundation from his desk- the same liquid foundation that was currently smeared over the bruises that Joey had given him a few days ago before. Toby eyed the bottle.
“I-I don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you talking about… unprofessional relations?”
“Oh. Ouch. Sorry to hear about this. Yeah, Joey and I were hooking up for a while, but he never… compelled me to buy that. Look, he’ll probably forget you in a month. Okay? Hang in there.”
Grant didn’t know if he could or should explain that he was more than one of Joey’s hookups. He supposed it didn’t matter. “Could you help me with something?”
“Sure. What is it?”
“I need to access my file without Joey knowing. I have a meeting with him tomorrow at three pm- could you do me a favour and tell him there’s an issue he has to see to elsewhere? I just need a couple minutes alone in his office. Please. I’ll do anything.”
Toby looked concerned, and a bit overwhelmed. “Sure. Seems easy.”
“Thank you.”
The plan went as expected. Toby came in at 3:10, telling Joey that there was an issue in the music department that he had to see. When Joey arrived with him in the music department and there was no disaster, he said that they must have taken care of it. Joey gave him a harsh look, but that was all before they headed back to their respective offices.
Meanwhile, digging through Joey’s filing cabinet, Grant found what he was looking for. His next of kin was his mother. Good. Everything was back in place by the time Joey returned- as though it had never been touched at all.
Well, now he knew what the hardest part of all this would be. It was a few days before Grant could bring himself to do it.
Grant took a deep breath. In front of him was a prepared speech written on note-cards- he knew that that was the only way he would be able to go through with it. And if getting away from Joey meant his next of kin receiving that photo, he’d never have the courage to leave Joey otherwise. He dialed the familiar number on his phone.
“Mom? I have something to confess. I’m bisexual.” Not that he was- but there was a chance she would take this better than if he’d admitted to being gay. “I never acted on it in my life until a about a month ago. I fell into an abusive relationship with my employer. He’s threatened that if I don’t do what he wants, he will fire me and release a photo that he took of me while I was in a sexually compromising position. I’m telling you because he threatened to send it to my next of kin, and I thought that this would be a better way for you to find out. I’m going to try to get away from him, and after that I want to turn my back on the lifestyle. Permanently. I promise.”
There was a long silence.
“You’re… you’re what?” her shocked voice made Grant pity her.
“Bisexual- half straight, half gay.”
“I need to talk with your father about this. That- and you being in a position like that is just… a lot. I’ll call you back in a while, okay? I love you.” She hung up.
Grant spent the next twenty minutes too stunned to do much of anything other than worry about what this would mean for his relationship with his family. His mother had always been emotionally fragile, and he hated hurting her like this. His father’s potential reaction scared him more, though. His father had grown up religious and was still in close contact with family members who were, and whose opinions he cared greatly about. And while his mother would never think for a second to disown him… well, his father loved him, too, but…
If only he hadn’t liked being helpless so much! There had been times- several times before the night that Joey had first raped him- where he could have told him, “no, I won’t sleep with you, I’m straight,” but he’d told himself that Joey wouldn’t take no for an answer, that the situation was temporary, that he was passive in it instead of actively choosing it every time. He’d chosen this.
The phone rang. “Hello?
“Hey,” it was her mother’s voice. It sounded a bit teary, but calm- probably a good sign. “So, we talked about it. Most important part first- do you have a plan to get out of this abusive situation you’re in?”
“Yes. I’ll be out within a month. Ironically, once you get that picture in the mail is when you’ll know I’m out.”
“Good. Secondly- your father and I talked about it, and we don’t think you’re half-gay- it’s more like you have the potential to be gay, and you rejected it. I mean, you could live like you’re normal the rest of your life and no one would know any different. So, it’s okay. Right? You just got misguided for a while.”
“Right. Soon, this will be a memory.”
“Thank you. I needed to hear that,” she said. With that they said their goodbyes and hung up.
Grant cried- probably from relief. Thank God his parents had accepted this- only because he’d massaged the truth, but nonetheless. That was a lie he’d have to keep up for the rest of his life- and maybe that was for the better. Joey was awfully close to the stereotype, wasn’t he? A sexual predator who targets men- men who considered themselves normal not too long ago- and brings them to the point of buying makeup, crying regularly, and accepting a woman’s place in bed. Lust wasn’t worth that, or hurting his parents, or being like Toby, who, nice as likable as he was, might as well have had “wipe your feet on me! Everyone else does!" Written across his forehead. No, that wasn’t the man he wanted to be- he needed to leave this world of predators and prey behind.
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An alternative WKM
I am not sure what else to say, besides I know AHWM just came out, but here. Have my strange alternate version of WKM. Brief warning, I am not a very good author, and I wrote this a while ago, but I hope you enjoy.
Content warnings: self harm, delusions, possible sanity problems, extremely old writing,if I missed any let me know
She couldn't remember the last time she saw him cry, and frankly, she didn’t care.
He was sobbing, and she just stood there, watching her husband cry at her feet.
Mark looked up at Celine, tears flowing freely from his sleepless and sunken eyes. “I’m so sorry…”
She shook her head, only to vanish into the darkness that surrounded them, leaving him alone, stranded in a nightmare.
Mark woke up screaming. He sat bolt upright, and clutched his pillow close to his chest, attempting to stop the free flow of tears on his face. His eyes darted around, catching sight of his room around him.
The silence was deafening as he climbed out of bed, throwing his robe on over the simple pajamas. One of the many turntables in the manor crackled to life, Mark putting a record on so the silence was shattered.
The window ledge seemed particularly inviting, so he opened the window, and sat there, looking out over the vastness of the garden and courtyard. The cold breeze that fluttered over him calmed the tenacity of nightmares, pale moonlight washing out his already pale skin.
“I can’t remember what it was like, Before all this madness.”
The demon perched next to him, watching over his shoulders.
“Why do you continue to stall? They deserve this.”
Mark closed his eyes, seeing only darkness, and fearing that the darkness would eventually cloud his judgement.
“Because I would rather she be happy then get revenge, And they were my childhood friends, they don’t deserve this.”
It vanished, leaving him alone once again. He glanced over the closet, thinking about the revolver that he kept in there. Perhaps...No. The knife would be a better option, not to mention quieter.
He rifled through his dresser, and pulling a dagger from its sheath in the boundless depths of his clothes. The ringing in his ears only getting louder as he pulled down the sleeve of his robe, exposing the skin of his wrists.
He slowly pressed the blade to his skin, relishing the sweet feeling of pain.
Mark woke up with the blade still sheathed in his lower abdomen. He can’t remember what happened the previous night. Sitting up, he discovered he was sitting in a pool of his own blood.
How was he not dead? Lucky, he guessed. The butler was shocked when he walked in, only to see Mark attempting to pull the knife from his lower chest, and mistook this for him stabbing himself. He panicked, and ran over, assisting him with the removal.
“What happened?”
Mark glanced up at him, and shrugged. “I tripped.” was his simple reply. He didn't know why he lied, it was bound to happen again. Benjamin bandaged the wound, and set to work cleaning the blood from the hardwood floor.
Mark didn’t bother changing, only heading to the downstairs balcony. The pool seemed welcoming, perhaps a swim later. He looked over the edge of the balcony, and out onto the small golf course.
He spotted a small figure dressed in tan standing out in the field. Mark quickly recognised the Colonel, and grimaced. He was fairly certain that it was he who ran off with his wife.
The Colonel walked over, having noticed the other man.
“Mark! How are things? I haven't seen you much since i heard about you and Celine, it seems you're always hold up in that manner of yours, or your room when I visit.” The flamboyant man slung an arm around his shoulders.
Mark replied simply “Im fine, everything's fine. Why are you here?”
WIlliam could tell nothing was fine, but by god, the man's wife just left him, so he didn't press.
“I'm here with Mr. Mayor.He wanted to come see you, and I can’t say no those adorable puppy dog eyes.”
Mark nodded, only to see Mayor Damien walk from the house, walking over to join them near the edge. His was twisting his cane between his hands as he spoke.
“There you are, Mark. I came to check on you. You have been very… antisocial as of late.”
Mark smiled. The one friend he felt had not turned on him. “Hello, Damien. Im assure you, im fine, just a little tired. How are you?”
Damien smiled, going to stand next to William. “I am well, actually. It's been an interesting last few weeks.”
Mark raised an eyebrow as William laced an arm around Damiens back as the Mayor spoke.
He played up his facade of being alright. “Well? Care to tell me?”
Damien smiled shyly. “Well, for instance… I am in a relationship now, along with the fact that I finally got the grant for the school that they have been asking for.”
Mark grinned, “and whos the lucky Gal?”
Damien glanced down. “Gent, actually. William and I are Dating.”
Mark nearly died all over again. “You and Will? Good job Will, But I didn't peg you for being bi.” A wry smirk spread across his lips
William grinned. “Im Gay, Dami is Bi.” He corrected.
Mark was extremely confused, but very happy at the same time. William cant have taken off with Celine if he was with Damien, because Damien would watch him like a hawk. He felt… a lot better.
He smiled, and patted Damien on the shoulder. “Your lucky.” he turned to William, and playfully said “Don't you hurt him, or i'll have to hunt you down, and I can't imagine what Celine would do to you.”
William laughed. “She would tear out my heart and feed it to me, I can tell you that much.”
They talked for a while, before it was eventually decided that the couple would be sleeping over. Mark sat on the balcony railing after they went inside. He felt the cool breeze once again, but it felt more calming than usual.
He turned, and nearly fell off the balcony. Celine was standing a few feet away, and was staring at him, worry evident on her face at him appearance.
“Mark? What are you doing?”
Mark slowly walked towards her, as if he was afraid she would vanish. He pulled her into a hug, that she graciously accepted.
“Hey, Mark? Why Are you crying? You knew I was coming back, right?”
Mark pulled away suddenly, looking at her square in the face. “I received a note in your handwriting saying that you didn't love me, and had found another man, William. I had reason to assume you weren't coming home.”
Celine looked shocked. “I left you a note, but it said nothing of the sort. I left to help Damien ease into his new relationship with William, and I knew I had to leave early, so I left you a note explaining that very thing, and that I would be gone for a few weeks.”
Mark started crying, hugging her close again. “I'm just glad your home…” She patted him, and then asked where the note was. He nodded, leading her up to his study. He dug through the notes for the most recent movie, only to produce a note, handing it to her.
She read the note, frowning deeply. “I fear this may have been tampered with by outside forces.”
Mark looked up at her from his chair. “Like what?”
She turned to him. “Have you been hearing voices around the house?”
He nodded, explaining the weird but tolerable house demon that kept bugging him at late hours.
Celine looked worried. “The Entity. This could be the reason.”
He shrugged, taking in the sight of his beloved Celine. There was silence between the two of them, but that was enough said. Unspoken words lead the two outside again. There was a nod from Celine, and Mark smirked, and grabbed her hand, leaping into the pool, dragging her in with him.
She laughed in surprise, and at the fact that Mark got tangled in his robe, before removing it for movement under water. She was swimming in a dress, so she wasn't in much better shape.
Mark laughed at her struggles, and swam under her, picking her up bridal style, and swimming to surface.
It was a pleasant swim, and the two were now laying under the summer stars. Laughter drifted up to the heavens as the two talked. Eventually the conversation died, Celine having had fallen asleep. The bigger man picked her up, and carried her up to their shared room, drying her off, and laying her on the king sized bed.
Instead of laying down next to her, he went and sat on the window cill, once again looking out over the garden. He smiled, and stepped down, closing the window. That time was over. He laid down on his side of the bed, cuddling up with the smaller female. He found himself falling asleep much easier that night.
Celine woke up the next morning cuddled into a very broad chest.
She started only to realize she was home, and that was just Mark. Celine laughed slightly, and poked him, waking the slumbering male. He snorted,and blinked blearily, looking down at her, a happy smile spreading across his face. “G’,morning, Celine.”
She smiled. “Good morning, Mark. You are very warm.”
He laughed, and let her move, pulling his arms back, only to have her pull him back.
“You aren't going anywhere, buster.” He laughed, snuggling up to her.
Tears pricked at the edges of his eyes as he inhaled her scent, it calming his nerves. He didn’t want to ever move, she was safe, happy and warm where he could be with her, and no one would take her from him.
It was perfect.
A little too perfect, hmm?
I don’t know how to link it, but there is a part 2 with...angst? Sort of.
#Markiplier#markiplier egos#WKM#Actor Mark#mayor damien#The Colonel#william j barnum#first fanfic#dilliam#AHWM#bad writing#Mythea Castle#wilford warfstache#wkm william#wkm wilford#darkiplier#darkstache#Celene x mark#who killed markiplier#my writing
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Movie Commentary Monday: Episode 1
Hello everyone and welcome to the very first episode of Movie Commentary Monday (or as i call MCM, which sounds ridiculous by the way) where I express my thoughts on a movie while desperately trying to be funny (and usually fail).
There will be dozens of side comments in brackets because I talk too much, sorry in advance.
This week’s movie is:

Isn’t It Romantic (2019)
Directed by: Todd Strauss-Schulson
Writing Credits: Erin Cardillo (screenplay&story), Dana Fox (screenplay) & Katie Silberman (screenplay)
Stars: Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth, Adam Devine, Priyanka Chopra, Betty Gilpin, Brandon Scott Jones
Summary: A young woman disenchanted with love mysteriously finds herself trapped inside a romantic comedy.
(thanks IMDb)
Now, buckle up folks, it’s gonna be a loooooong ride. Let’s get down to business!
(this isn’t a Mulan reference)
Why is the Mom so bitter about happy endings? I bet she has seen things...
They don’t make movies for girls like us.
That single sentence just basically summarized the entire history of Hollywood and you can’t argue with me on this. The evidence is there (sorry i’m bitter like mom) (i’m full of rage like younger john mulaney)
Natalie’s (Rebel Wilson) apartment is a mess and is so tiny, it’s like screaming YOUR FUTURE HOUSE at me, it’s unbelievable
Fucking finally, a realistic view of New York; smelly, crowded, and filth everywhere (not that i could ever know, i don’t live there but i’ve seen metropolitans before)
Ok, Natalie’s a nobody at the workplace, even though she’s a fricking architect. UNREALISTIC TO ME
That co-worker and office manager can choke, that’s all I’m gonna say
Ohmygod, Whitney (Betty Gilpin) is so cute, I’ve seen her 10 secs in and I already love her (lovey dovey characters are always my faves)
LIAM HEMSWORTH’S AMERICAN ACCENT GOT ME SH00K!!! He just said “Goddamn it” and I am already hooked
Who puts whipped cream in a coffee? ME, BITCH
Natalie says nice guy with a nice life and it... kinda bothers me. It’s a reaaaally generic expression and a bit insulting if you think about it bc if you don’t fit that person’s standards of being nice with having a nice life, it discourages you (in this case, you=man). So when Josh said “I’m a nice guy with a nice life” I thought ‘Of course you are’ bc he is in my standards. What I’m trying to say is that rom-coms have stereotypes on not only women but also men. Yes, it is sad.
Awwww Josh has a crush on Natalie *wipes happy tears* but she thinks he’s looking at the model billboard LMAO SAME, NAT
I’m so done (but it’s also so relatable, bc i’m like Nat but with less cynicism)
Natalie was on the subway and a stranger waved at her. Then he tried to mug her. Then she knocked herself over. My mom always says don’t talk to strangers and I see why. I’m 22, if you’re wondering *clears throat* Moving on...
Oh, hello Mr. Morningstar... *wiggles eyebrows* (quick note, i don’t actually watch Lucifer but i really like Tom Ellis)
She just ripped her IV and blood didn’t spill everywhere, yeah this is a rom-com alright
She’s dressed from lost and found and she looks like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman-
ENTER LIAM, HE LOOKS SO GOOD I CAN’T EVEN DESCRIBE (i’m a thirsty hoe, your suspicions are correct)
What the fuck does beguiling mean? *checks dictionary* oh, okay *is weirded out now*
...Birds form a heart while flying... Uhhh... Strawberries and champagne in the limo... Rich as fuck, my poor ass can’t relate
He’s giving her flowers already? Ok- NO WAIT
“But there’s only one of you, so...” Well, this doesn’t change the fact that there are millions of ways to order the numbers, you dumbass (why is he like this)
Her apartment... Every Millenials’ dream
And... A gay neighbor/best friend who acts like an over-feminine gay (which is also a stereotype)
So, I’ll count every rom-com trope I’ve seen in 22 mins *counts her fingers* So far, I have seven tropes
The Big Presentation (eight)
Unconventional workplace which looks like a Google office (nine)
Nat is the star architect now (ten)
Rival bitchy colleague (eleven) (WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE WHITNEY, THOUGH) (SHE’S MY SENSITIVE WIFE) (oh, she looks hot)
They gave like, four other tropes in two mins and it doesn’t feel like rushed at all *salutes respectively*
The setting change is so... Like, you cannot miss it, it’s sweet and makes you feel all giddy inside, it’s so lovely, so rom-com like (does that make sense to you?)
Natalie keeps falling (twelve)
The subway map behind her is shaped in a heart, lovey dovey couples everywhere... And shE’S GONNA JUMP ONTO A TRAIN??? THIS GOT DARK ALL OF A SUDDEN
Officer Hansom *facepalms*
She threw the flower petals and guess what? THE NUMBERS FELL DOWN IN THE CORRECT ORDER, WHO COULD HAVE KNOWN HAHAHA (thirteen)
Dress up montage... Yeah- Oh wait, they cut it out what the hell fvygbuhnj I WANT MY DRESS UP MONTAGE, GIVE IT TO MEEE
This is some fancy first date though... Also leaving 100 bucks tip doesn’t justify breaking in to a store I guess??? Seems like the law has no function in rom-coms lmao (fourteen)
The rain... You know what’s coming after- Ah, and they kissed *giggles uncontrollably* YES!!! (fifteen)
THEY CAN’T HAVE SEX BC IT’S PG-13 (liam’s abs, though) *bi scream*
Her apartment makes me cry, it’s so beautiful (ok i’ll stop counting from now on bc i cannot keep up anymore)
Also the romantic tension between Natalie and Josh................ I have no words
Isabella (Priyanka Chopra) calls Josh ‘Mush’ and it’s so f-king cringey, I swear to God sxrdctfvygu
I can talk about Blake for five hours, he’s so fucking funny lmao
Donny (Brandon Scott Jones) is such a gay sidekick, he comes out of nowhere and talks weirdly but he makes me laugh so I’ll give him a pass
That musical scene is everything, and Natalie hits that high note H AR D
Blake............ no-
Oh my, he’s a certified douchebag, I should’ve guessed, I’m so disappointed in myself
Unexpected wisdom coming from Donny who had no function to the story other than appearing beside Natalie at random times (again, rom-com trope)
BUT at least he made her realised who matters to her the most
Slow motion running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her boobs are like sxrdctfvyg SHAKING AS SHE’S RUNNING ESXRDCTFVYB (as someone who has big breasts, i relate to that so hard)
“Yoga Ambassador. Yoga. Ambassador.” “Ambassadors are for countries, not for streching.” Dang, Nat!!!
She finally realised she loves herself! Awww, that’s so sweet and empowering and I can’t get enough of this!!!! Yes, to love someone else first you should love yourself!
Oh she crashed the car and went back to reality
Another hot doctor???? Wait, I’m confused- No, false alarm, she’s back and her real doctor is tired, is also swimming through lawsuits LMFAO
I’m glad that she’s happy with what she’s got and she didn’t decide to keep what she’s been doing but instead, tried to take care of herself, it’s such a good message to young girls and I cannot praise this enough
Natalie!!! Is!!! Confident!!! Now!!! I’m literally living for this *throws hearts to the screen*
Nat stormed into that meeting and she’s. on. fireeee
Real Blake is as jerk as ever, no surprise
Using parking lots as metaphors would never cross my mind but ok I guess???
Fuck, he said “What does beguiling mean?” I’M LOST FOR WORDS, THIS MOVIE SXDCTFVYGU
ps. me and probably everyone else except Nat lol
Priyanka with that rose.......... Consider me dead, thank you
“It’s hot as fuck” tcfyvgubh probably true
Overall, I would give this movie 7/10 because of the message. Plot is nicely done and I got see basically every single rom-com tropes. At total, I counted 23 tropes I guess? If I could look every minor detail, I would count more but I won’t get into it that much for now. (i’m running late to a meeting with friends so i have to cut short)
I loved the production design, setting felt like I’m in a classic rom-com movie and characters were written accordingly. Every actor in the movie has fit perfect to me. I especially loved Priyanka and Liam because 1) I’ve never seen any of her movies and 2) It’s been a long time since I watched a Liam Hemsworth movie (i only watched hunger games, so you think about it lmao)
I guess that’s about it! I have a list for the next weeks’ movies but if you have a request then tell me so, I will watch your recommendations first! I appreciate comments; if you have something to add, please do. I will read every single one of them.
See you next week!
#movie commentary#movie commentary monday#isn't it romantic#rebel wilson#liam hemsworth#adam devine#priyanka chopra#betty gilpin#brandon scott jones#todd strauss-schulson
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Mend my soul Biadore Chapter 2 - AbbiNeedless and LilBro
LilBro: Hi you guys! Needless is busy with her finals so I wrote this chapter almost all by myself, I hope you like it!
You can also find this work in AO3, we’re there as AbbiNeedless (I know, right? xP)
Roy woke up with and empty space by his side.
“What?” He looked over the clock on the wall 4 am. Roy noticed that his apartment was colder than a few hours ago, he put on a sweater and went to his backyard, he found Danny sitting on the floor covered with the blanket he had left on the couch earlier that night, Roy noticed that Danny had a pen and a notebook on his hands.
“You’re going to freeze your ass in here.” “It doesn’t matter.” “It doesn’t matter? Wow, what a waste of a cute ass.” “Stupid.” Roy saw how Danny tried to hide his smile, that was the first hint of the Danny he knew. “But on a serious note.” He sat next to the younger boy, Danny covered both of them with the blanket and rested his head on Roy’s shoulder. “What are you doing outside? It’s freezing in here.” “I needed fresh air.” He said while he drew patterns on his notebook.” “Sure…” “Also I had a melody and some lyrics in my head, I needed to write them down and record them so I don’t forget them, you see?” He showed him the notebook. “I can see… Hey, what if you sing it for me?” “Oh… Sure.”
Back in the 90’s, before it was cool You would stick up for me after school We fought with all the teachers And broke all the rules Laughted at all the kids, always acting a fool
We learn together We cry together We share everything And i’ll love you forever Oh Rosie, oh Rosie
“Rosie…” “Yeah.” Danny closed his notebook and held it against his chest. “She was my best friend.” “What do you mean she was?” “We haven’t talked since we were 19 years old.” “You’re not the kind of person who just stops talking to people, did something bad happen?” “Nothing happened like literally nothing happened.” “What do you mean?” “Her stepdad forced her to move to Vegas after he found out that I was gay.” “What an asshole!” Roy started getting angry.” “Yeah… He did that.” He cleaned the tears from his eyes. “We kept in touch for months but eventually we lost contact, the letters stopped, the calls stopped, everything stopped… She was like my right hand, my right hand and you know I am right handed…” “I’m sorry you had to go through that, baby.” “You don’t have to be sorry. It happened years ago anyway.” “But, why are you bringing this up now?” “I don’t know, I just… It just happened.” Roy held Danny in his arms. “After what happened with Raven and Michelle all of this shit hit me; Kris, Rosie, my dad…” What started as a sniff turned to sobs, his shoulders started shaking again, Danny covered his mouth trying to quiet his sobs, he failed.
“Shh, shh, you’re gonna be fine.”
Danny let himself get lost in Roy’s embrace, for the first time in months he felt safe.
“Come back to bed, Dan, I promise you everything is going to be better after a good night of rest.” “… Ok, let’s go to bed.”
Her phone was ringing, she could hear it but she couldn’t find it.
“Good Lord, where the hell is that chingadera?” “Mom, here it is.” Her son gave her a still ringing cellphone. “Thank you, Ernie.” Her son returned with her wife and his little son, she pressed the green button. “Hello?” “Hi Bon, is Roy.” “Hi Roy! Is everything ok? You never call, I mean, I’m happy that you called but you know; you never call.” “Well, actually I wanted to talk about Danny.” “He’s not here, Roy.” “I know, he is at my place.” “What?” Bonnie’s alarmed voice made Ernie and Salina look at her. “But… What do you mean he is at your place? He is supposed to-“ “To be filming, I know.” Ernie gave her a worried look. “The filming didn’t go well for him and he is staying at my place for a while.” “Is he ok?” “Yeah, he is just a little bit off.” “What happened to him? Did something bad happen to my baby?”
Ernie sat next to her mom, Salina took their son to the garden and left them alone in the living room.
“Mom, did something bad happened to Dan?” Ernie whispered. “Shh.” Bonnie put Roy on the speaker. “Roy?” “Don’t get me wrong, Bon, but I think that Danny should explain this to you.” “I understand… Roy, then why you called me?” “I wanted to ask you something.” “OK…” “Bon, who’s Rosie? What happened between her and Danny?”
Ernie and Bonnie exchanged a worried look.
“Hello? Bonnie, are you there?” “Yes, I’m still here.” She ran her hand through her hair. “Rosie was Danny’s best friend, they spend more than 15 years being the best of friends, that until her grandma passed away and she had to move to Las Vegas.” “Why did that happened?” “Because her stepdad was an asshole.” Ernie said. “Hey, man, this is Ernesto.” “Oh, hi Ern.” “Well, that’s what happened.” Ernie continued. “He found out that Dan was gay and decided to move because of that, he said that he didn’t want her kid to hang out with a fag.” “Ernesto!” “That’s what he said, mom.” Bonnie gave him a disapproval look. “Roy, why are you so interest in Rosa?” “Can you keep a secret?” “Of course we can.” Bonnie said. “I want to find her, I want Danny to meet her again, I think that would lift his spirit again and that would bring back the joyful Danny that we love.” “Wow…” “That’s really sweet from you.” Bonnie said with cracked voice. “How can we help you?” “Can you send me any information you have left from her? That would help a lot.” “Of course, Roy, I’ll send it to you this evening.” “Thank you, Bon.” “Roy.” “Yes?” “Take care of my baby.” “I will.”
“There’s something else between them, you know that, right?” “Ernie, we don’t know that.” “Oh come on, mom, don’t lie to yourself. What kind of guy would do all of this for a ‘friend’.” “Ernesto, if you are not going to help me to find those papers and shit from Rosie get out of this room.” “Ok, ok, I was just saying.” “Then don’t say nothing at all.” Bonnie took another box from Danny’s old closet. “We’ll have a long afternoon, mijo.” “Come on, mom, let’s find those papers.”
#adore delano#bianca del rio#biadore#fluff#hurt/comfort#abbineedless#rpdr fanfiction#lilbro#mend my soul#canon compliant
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Daddy Jefferson
Part 1 of 7
Jay (@yrs-forevr) x Thomas Jefferson
Reader Insert Version here!
Requested by @tenduelimagines. Special thanks to @sewerslidal-gay for giving me the motivation I needed for this.
Beta Readers: @tenduelimagines, @aaronburr-sir-imagines, @pinetree111
TW: Death, Grief, Pregnancy
Time: Hamiltime
Word Count:1925
Chapters: 1- you're here!| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | E
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The war was supposed to end and her husband was supposed to be home with her. Jay wasn’t supposed to fall in love from an arranged marriage. She wasn’t supposed to get pregnant. A stray bullet wasn’t supposed to have struck her husband’s heart - the war was over, and yet it had to take just one more victim.
Jay wasn't supposed to be trembling in front of the small sleet grey tombstone etched with the name Hunter William Abraham, but it was happening anyway.
Jay just wanted her husband to hold her; to tell her that everything happens for a reason, as he always did. She imagined him wrapping his arms around her waist like he always had, the way she now held herself, alone. He used to rest his head on hers and murmur the same silly phrase in her ear:
Life can be difficult at times, but it’s going to make you stronger. You were meant for this moment, so show the world what you can do.
She loved him, and he had loved her. It all started with an arranged marriage, which had been resented by both parties but eventually grew to be adored. “Fate brought us together” he would always say, and she would laugh. They both understood that what they had was a rare find.
Furiously wiping the tears from under her eyes, Jay began to make her way to her real destination from the graveyard. As she opened the door to the small doctor’s office, Doctor Everett gave her a soft sympathetic smile. He had been a personal friend of the Abraham family and he knew that she needed his help.
“Come on in, let’s see how your little soldier is holding up.”
She nodded, sitting on the sturdy table for examinations in the back of the small office. She didn’t really notice the colors on the walls anymore, her eyes skipping over the medical tools meticulously lined up in the doctor’s preference of order. The worn table creaked a bit as she sat down.
She was four months along, which she knew down to the hour because it had been four months since she had last seen Hunter. Only a month of that was truly alone. Her mind wandered solemnly during the check-up. Thankfully, Dr. Everett understood and didn’t try to make small talk, only speaking when she needed to move or sit a certain way. Once he had finished the examination, his voice finally drew her thoughts back to the office.
“Everything seems to be going well with the baby. But Jay, you know that you need to eat more. It isn’t safe.”
Safe. That word didn’t seem real to her anymore.
“Are you hearing me? Please, I don’t like you living alone.”
He gave her a healthy pause, a moment for her to breathe. “Annabelle and I can set up the guest house- you know how it’s connected right to our home. We talked about it together, and we both just want you safe and on the mend. That cottage holds too many memories for you.”
Jay didn’t stop the tears from welling in her eyes. They were all too familiar and she enjoyed the cold, raw feeling that they left on her face. The older doctor held his arms around her in an almost fatherly way. He wanted to help, but he didn’t know how. Her nod of agreement was all it took before he lead her to the house next door and sat her down in a small kitchen next to his wife, who smiled sadly at her.
Time went on. Jay slowly ran out of tears to cry around the sixth month of her pregnancy. She still stopped by the graveyard to say hello to Hunter, although she was always verbally silent. Despite the silence she got in return, Jay heard Hunter’s words bouncing back:
Show the world what you can do.
The guest house that she lived in was wonderful, but it felt like she was constantly being observed. Dr. Samuel Everett meant well, but he didn’t understand that sometimes she just needed to think and write for a moment rather than drink yet another glass of water.
When she got back to the Everetts’ house, Annabelle was cooking lunch. She was always kind to Jay, respecting her space and distance. She somehow found all the right times to talk, and Jay found herself opening up to her quite a bit. It was nice to open up to somebody that returned your conversation without feeling as if they were tiptoeing around broken glass.
“Do you mind bringing this next door for me? Sam doesn’t have any appointments right now but he doesn’t want me to distract him.”
Jay smiled politely, something that felt unnatural and forced nowadays, and went out the door. She called: “Be back in a moment!” to Annabelle and she could practically hear the woman beaming from the other side of the door at the verbal reply.
She knocked lightly, not wanting to disturb any of the doctor’s work, as she assumed he would he be filing records. Hearing no reply from inside, she gently pushed open the wooden door with her arm and back due to her hands being full with a small platter.
The murmuring from the back office didn’t alarm her. Dr. Everett was known to talk to himself regarding treatment options for patients from time to time. It startled her when she turned the corner and saw a man in a violently bright jacket having a conversation with him. She jumped a bit, blushing at her mistake.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that anyone was here. Annabelle said that you weren’t scheduled for anything. I assumed you were talking to yourself. Not that I mean you’re crazy, I’ve just heard you before...”
Her interruption was met with a deafening silence. The man in the bright coat, magenta, she now realized- was staring at her almost reverently. She shifted her weight awkwardly as his eyes almost immediately went to her stomach. He blinked and cleared his throat before looking at her eyes again in a feeble attempt to not stare at the noticeable baby bump.
“It’s quite alright, Jay. Just set it here, please. I’ll eat in a moment.” Samuel gave her a smile, indicating that she truly didn’t bother him with her intrusion. She nodded and quickly ducked back into the other room. Once she was out of their sight, Jay took a moment to collect herself. She tried not to get too overwhelmed, placing her hands over her baby out of what had become a nervous habit. She heard Doctor Everett clear his throat before the other man began to speak again.
“Oh, yes. Sorry. Back to James. I need to know everything that’s been happening. His fluid intake was getting better before I left, as was his cough, but I doubt he told you that. His voice was also getting a bit scratchier- it’s nothing too problematic but I could see it bothered him, despite his insistence that he was fine.”
“Mr. Jefferson, I cannot put any of my patients on regimens that they do not want. And as much as I’m sure you would like me to tell you everything regarding Mr. Madison, I cannot give out that information. I suggest that you ask him personally.”
A chair creaked and she assumed that the man in the coat- Jefferson, as Dr. Everett had called him- was leaning back in the chair. There was no sound until Jefferson relented, agreeing with him and taking a deep breath. Jay imagined that he was pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Did accidentally do something to frighten the young woman that was just here? I meant no ill will towards her...”
Jay heard some uncomfortable shifting before the tone of the room changed at the sound of shifting chairs and the doctor’s voice dropped to a low, hoarse whisper, as if he were afraid to speak too loudly.
“Thomas, I cannot share her story with you. She is my patient and I will not speak out of term about her. I care for her as if she were my own daughter.”
“I understand. Please send my apologies to her and her husband for anything I did that may have made her uncomfortable. I did not mean to overstep my boundaries.”
Jay didn’t stick around to hear the rest. She flew out the door and down the street faster than she anticipated. She couldn’t feel her feet. It was as if she was flying over the stones. She was nowhere surprised when she ended up in the graveyard. Broken people run to broken places.
She collapsed in front of the stone marked with the name “Abraham”, the grass or dirt collecting on her dress didn’t get as much as a thought. Her tears refused to fall, but her body shook without her realizing.
When she next looked up it was at the feeling of fabric being draped over her shoulders. She didn’t remember being there for a long time, but when her eyes refocused it was near dusk, and the man with the frizzy hair and extravagant clothing choice was setting his coat over her.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you Mrs., uh, Ms. Abraham. Dr. Everett and his wife said that you would be here. It was getting rather late and I offered to come get you- or offer company if you would prefer to stay a little longer.”
She felt it. The sympathy that was radiating off of him as if in waves. She only ever got it once people found out about Hunter...
“He told you everything, didn’t he, Mr. Jefferson?”
“No, I asked his wife and contacted a friend of mine that holds the war records. Annabelle has been a good friend of my family for quite a while, she trusts me.”
She didn’t blame her at all for telling him- she supposed that her running out of the office was reason enough for an explanation. The following silence was somehow comforting to Jay. He wasn’t judging or treating her like a china doll. He was looking at her with something that she hadn’t seen in a long time. He was looking at her like she was strong.
She got up from the ground stiffly, holding her arms around herself and grabbing onto Jefferson’s coat. He kept a polite distance as they walked back to the Everetts’ home. When she stopped in front of the door and handed him his coat, Thomas took her hand and kissed the top of it.
“I’m sorry that we didn’t meet under better circumstances, Mr. Jefferson. Thank you very much for your company tonight,” Jay hummed indifferently.
“Anytime, Ms. Abra-”
“Please, call me Jay.” Her voice sounded hesitant, but he tried to keep her from getting upset again.
“Of course, Jay. Please, let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. Just ask Mr. Everett to contact me and I will help in any way I can.”
“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Jefferson, but I think I just need some time.”
“Call me Thomas.”
“Very well, Thomas. Have a nice night.”
He nodded in response, and she opened the door and let herself inside. He waited for the door to be completely closed before he turned around to head home. Jay didn’t even notice the smile that had crept onto her face during the walk home.
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Little Star sweeper Loki x baby reader
Hey guys well I’m just gonna try this out and see how it goes. Any wattpad oneshots or requests that I do will also be posted up here now please bear with me cause this is my first time posting on tumblr so hopefully this gets to everyone and I don’t screw this up. Now I do not own the Avengers or Loki or any other referneces they all belong to Disney/Marvel and tumblr belongs to tumblr :)
It had to happen someday, though everyone expected it to happen sooner than later but shortly after Thor and Jane were married, Jane fell pregnant with their first child. When the news came out of Jane’s pregnancy, the entire Avengers tower was a buzz to try and baby proof the tower, set up a nursery wing, and buy baby stuff like diapers, clothes, powder, bottles, etc.
As a couple of months went by, all of the Avengers began pestering to Jane about the baby.
���So Jane, any word on what the gender is?” Natasha asked.
“Well Bruce knows but Thor and I have made a decision to not know until the birth” she stated.
“What? But then that’s just a waste of buying clothes?! How do we know we even bought the right ones?!” Clint cried out. Natasha slapped him over the head and said.
“Quit your whining Clint, you’ll probably be even worse than the baby”.
“Okay you two break it off will you?” Steve said as he pushed the two assassins apart before another Budapest incident happened in the tower.
“Yeah, besides I don’t want you two children blowing up my tower” Tony said as he was just walking in looking over some notes for his new Iron suit model. Natasha flinched and said demonically as her head slowly turned towards Tony.
“What. Was that. You said?” Tony slowly looked at her and thought to himself ‘oh son of a-’
“You might wanna run Stark” Clint said then the red haired female assassin chased after the billionaire Iron man around the tower, the two screaming profanity at each other, mainly Natasha.
Yes everyone was in a hustle and all they could talk about was the arrival of the new baby, well almost everyone. Only one wasn’t too thrilled as the others in the tower were.
Yep, Loki.
He kept quiet and rolled his eyes about how all that was ever talked about in the tower was a being who hasn’t even been born yet. They don’t know it and yet everyone is making a HUGE fuss over it. And he just didn’t get it nor did he even care, but he did get ANNOYED with it.
And I mean REALLY annoyed. Sometimes he even blew his top off only to calm himself down and disappear for days.
After awhile of Loki being annoyed with the endless baby talk, Thor decided to finally confront his brother on the matter. He went to Loki’s room and knocked on the door when he heard his brother shout out.
“Go away you imbecile!”
“Loki we need to talk!” Thor shouted.
“There’s nothing to talk about! Now go back to your mortal and leave me be!” Thor lifted his hammer then forcefully bust the door down and saw Loki jump from his bed as a book came flying out of his hands. “What in the Hel name was that for!? You know nothing of privacy nor do you seem to understand the phrase ‘leave. Me. Alone’!”
“Loki, we need to talk about this, ever since Jane’s pregnancy, you’ve been insulting my unborn child. I would like to know why that is brother?”
“First of all, get it through your head that I’m NOT your brother! Second; this realm annoys me to no end and now to add more to my punishment here, you expect me to live in this confound building with a wet, dripping, noisy bildshnipe baby”. Loki turned around and walked away as Thor then growled.
“That wet, dripping, noisy bildshnipe baby will be my future child, and your future niece or nephew”.
“Oh well then I shall have to practice my curtsy”. Loki dripped out with sarcasm as he mocked a bow then turned back around and continued to walk away as Thor then roared at his brother.
“Don’t turn your back on my Loki!”
“Oh no Thor, perhaps you shouldn’t turn your back on me”. Suddenly Loki was pinned to the wall and held by his arms by his brother as he snarled.
“Is that a challenge?!”
“Temper, temper Thor, I would dream of challenging you”. Thor growled softly then released his brother. “Though that child maybe born one day, I will never take part in getting to know it, nor will I ever come to love it, because it’s a disgrace to even be birth by a father like you and a mortal woman as it’s mother”.
“LOKI!!!” Thor charged at him but Loki disappeared into green light causing Thor to crash into the floor. He growled as he fell for that trick again then he heard a voice say.
“Leave it point break, he’s not worth it anyways, don’t let him get to you”. He looked up to see Tony outside the broken doorway. He entered Loki’s room and helped Thor stand up as he said again, “don’t let him get to you Shakespeare, there’s one like him in every family, actually two in my family. And they always manage to ruin special occasions” Tony patted his shoulder for comfort.
Thor sighed deeply and muttered to himself loudly enough for Tony to hear him,
“What am I going to do with him?”
“We could always make Bruce angry and let him have some fun like last time”. Tony suggested.
“Brother Tony!” Thor stated.
“Alright, alright, just suggesting. Oh yeah, can I make a request? If your baby is a boy mind naming him after yours truly?” He said as he raised his hands up in defeat then continued as they both walked out of Loki’s room. Thor laughed heartily as the two of them walked back to join the others back in the lounge room.
*FF to birth of baby*
Jane had woke up one evening due to her water being broke as her contractions began as she started panting and screaming in pain. Thor, Bruce and Pepper quickly got her to the emergency wing of the tower and got her ready for the birth. With Bruce as her doctor, Pepper as the midwife and Thor standing by as her partner all three of them coached Jane into the long labor.
After 14 hours of labor, Jane and Thor were finally proud parents.
Pepper cleaned their baby up and said as Bruce wrapped the baby up in a pink blanket.
“Thor, Jane, I’m proud to say you both have a beautiful, healthy baby girl”. Jane and Thor smiled then Pepper handed the baby to Jane who held her baby close to her chest and Thor looked down at this little angel they had created and brought into this world.
“She’s so beautiful, just like her mother” Thor said softly as he looked at Jane and she looked up at him. They kissed each other then looked down at their little girl.
“Do we have a name yet?” Pepper asked.
“We do, (y/n). (Y/f/n) (y/m/n) Thordottir”. Jane stated. Bruce then printed out her birth certificate and said.
“Alright, everything is in order, she’s a healthy little thing, and now Jane I suggest you get some rest, Pepper and I will inform the others and allow you three some privacy”. Pepper and Bruce then left the room leaving the happy family some alone time.
Jane kissed her daughter’s small head and whimpered out.
“I can’t believe she’s really here”/
“Neither can I Jane, but she’s finally here. (Y/f/n) (y/m/n) Thordottir”. Jane sniffled then said,
“Want to hold your baby girl?” Thor looked at his wife and gently held out his arms and Jane passed their baby to him as she said, “mind her head”. And in his arms, she looked so tiny like the size of a newborn kitten that can fit into your palm.
“She’s so tiny,” he whispered then looked down and saw his newborn daughter wiggle slightly as she cooed out, “Hello little one, I’m your daddy”. Jane smiled as tears of joy came down her face as she watched this lovely scene unfold then due to the labor exhaustion, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
~FF a few weeks later~
Ever since the arrival of (y/n) the Avengers had all seemed to have changed. They were much kinder, giddy, and almost down right happy all the time. All the Avengers loved little (y/n) as she filled their days with sunshine and joy. But one person was down right confused about how a little thing such as a baby could make a team of weirdos act so giddy and gay in Spring time.
One morning he was in the lounge reading one of his copies of Shakespeare’s plays and he could hear the baby crying over the monitor that Tony had installed in JARVIS. He took notice that the baby didn’t always cry and fuss like normal babies do but it still annoyed him ever now and then.
He shut his book and began to think to himself,
‘What is special about this baby?’ He stood up and something was telling him to go up to the nursery two levels up. He didn’t even know why it was happening, but he felt himself walking towards the elevator and pressed the up button as he thought to himself again as the elevator took him up.
‘I just can’t understand. It must be something wonderful, it must be something grand. Cause everybody is smiling, in a kind and wistful way. And no one’s even noticed that I can easily cause mischief’. The elevator dinged and as he stepped out, he saw Tony and Clint whistling happily as they carried a tray of empty baby bottles and a trash can of dirty diapers.
They kept whistling as they past Loki and went down the elevator as giddy as a foul in Spring.
Now Loki was really intrigued.
‘What sorcery does this baby have anyway?’ He then heard the baby’s soft crying coming from down the hall. So as not to get caught, he quickly turned himself into a black wolf and slowly stalked towards the room as he continued with his thoughts.
‘What sorcery does this babe have. I will find out today, what has these foolish Avengers, act. This. Way?’ He slowly crept up towards the door of the nursery and heard the soft coo of the new babe and slowly peaked inside but then retreated back as he saw Jane holding her newborn daughter in her arms walking around the room slowly rocking her.
Jane walked towards the nursery bed they had set up that stood next to the blue with pink ribbon crib and sat down on it as she began singing her baby to sleep as she rocked her back and forth gingerly.
La-la lu, La-la lu
Oh, my little star sweeper
I'll sweep the stardust for you
Loki crept inside the nursery hiding under one of the tables as he stared at Jane in awe as he remembered his own mother singing him to sleep just like that when he was a babe and a child. He watched as Jane stood up and tucked the baby into her crib and gently began rocking it back and forth.
La-la lu, La-la lu
Little soft fluffy sleeper
Here comes a pink cloud for you
As Jane kept singing, Loki kept low to the ground as he now stood in front of the crib on the other side of Jane. He was determined to see just what made this baby make the Avengers go so crazy, so without trying to be noticed by Jane, he raised his upper body to try and see the crib without being noticed to catch a glimpse of the babe. Unaware that his brother stood behind him and could see this wolf trying to see the babe was his brother. Thor reached out and touched his brother’s head making Loki flinch and lower himself to the ground baring his teeth.
La-la lu, La-la lu
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings, close your eyes
Thor nodded in acceptance and Loki could now fully look into the cradle to see just what the fuss was about. When Jane finally lifted the blanket to reveal the babe, when Loki finally saw the tiny thing wrapped up in pink. His face felt warm, his heart raced and his felt all giddy inside.
He quickly looked at his brother and Jane then back down at the babe and smiled a wolfish grin as his wolf tail began wagging happily. He now knew why the Avengers were acting so giddy because of this babe.
She was just so darn cute.
La-la lu, La-la lu
And may love be your keeper
La-la lu, La-la lu, La-la lu
“There now, little star sweeper, dream on”. Jane whispered as she tucked her baby in.
The three of them smiled at each other then Thor gently rubbed his brother’s wolf head and Jane did as well as gently kiss behind his ear. The couple then left Loki alone to get better acquainted with his little niece. Loki wolf glowed a bright green and yellow light and soon appeared beside the crib in his normal form.
He smiled happily down at the little babe and gently picked her up and held the tiny thing in his arms as he walked towards the bed and sat down on it staring at this little thing in his arms.
“You know, I guess for once I was wrong. I thought you would be just like all the other babes I’ve seen in this world, noisy, spoiled, irritating, but ehehe, now looking at you; here like this, you are the most beautiful creature I’ve seen in all the nine realms. And I’m proud to be your uncle, my little Star sweeper”. It was then the babe began to wake up, and staring up into Loki’s emerald eyes were the most beautiful (y/e/c) eyes he had ever seen.
They gleamed just like the stars themselves.
Loki smiled lovingly for the first time it what seemed forever as the ice in his heart melted just from the first look into her eyes. The baby cooed happily as she reached out for Loki’s face.
He softly laughed and lifted his index finger and gently poked her tiny button nose. She grabbed onto Loki’s finger with a slightly strong grip.
“Ohh, you’re strong little one, I guess that comes from your father, thank Valhalla that you don’t look like him though, your beauty comes from your mother”. Loki chuckled softly, the baby softly laughed as she again reached out for Loki’s face.
He smiled lovingly and nuzzled his nose against her chubby little cheek as he shoulder length hair gently tickled her face. Then the baby gently raised her hand up and cupped Loki’s cheek.
He suddenly froze in shock.
He looked down at his niece and saw her cooing lovingly as she smiled a gummy smile and babbled cutely in baby tongue. Now Loki truly felt his heart melting, tears fell down his face as he kissed his niece’s forehead and kept her tiny hand cupping his cheek.
“I’ll take care of you my little Star sweeper, I promise”. He then peppered light kisses all over her face making her coo and gently tickled under her chin with his index finger making her laugh. He smiled and tucked the baby into his arms and watched with loving eyes as she yawned tiredly then cooed as she nuzzled into her uncle’s chest, gripping his armor in a tiny little fist.
Loki laid backwards on the bed and stroked his niece’s head and wrapped a protective arm around her so that no one would steal her away from him then the two of them fell asleep together in the nursery room.
~FF 9 months later~
Little (y/n) was growing up quite fast as she was now 9 months old, it was Winter once again in New York and now the Avengers had to get back to reality. They were sent on missions for weeks, months at a time but they still made time for little (y/n) but the one who was almost always with her and would not let her go was none other than Uncle Loki himself.
He had her practically hooked to his hip as he carried her around the tower, feeding her, rocking her to sleep, playing with her, and showing her his magic by conjuring up animals for her to play with like rabbits and butterflies.
But now came around the time when Jane and Thor had a science convention to go to for a three days weekend. And it would be their first time being away from their baby for that long of a period. All of the other Avengers were still out on missions and Pepper just recently got called away on business so they had no one to watch over their daughter. Even though Thor asked Jane about Loki, she worried that Loki could just steal her away and make her his with the way he’s been protective and possessive over her.
Jane wanted another babysitter to watch over Loki too to make sure he didn’t do anything reckless to their child, so she called up Erik and Darcy and they said they would be free and would come around Thursday when they had to leave.
Thor was currently packing up their bags for the plane ride to the convention in San Diego and Thor said as he zipped up the last suitcase while Loki just watched him with curiosity.
“Well, that should do it, hopefully this will be enough when we get to San Diego”. Loki tilted his head in confusion as to why in the world they were leaving for San Diego? He then quickly left for the nursery to see Jane looking over their sleeping daughter who she had just put to bed in her crib. He walked on the other side of the crib and looked down at her as Thor whispered to his wife,
“Jane, Jane, we don’t have much time”.
“Thor I just can’t leave her, she’s still so small and helpless,” Loki leaned down against the crib and looked lovingly at his little niece but it quickly turned to anger and annoyance as Thor said.
“She’ll be alright,” Jane walked out of the nursery and Thor continued as he gently pushed his worrisome wife out of the nursery wing, “now come on, if she wakes up we’ll never get away”.
“But Thor I feel so guilty deserting her like this!”
“Nonsense”. Loki looked at the door to see the parents of his own niece walking away then looked down worriedly at his niece. His eyes quickly turned to rage as he disappeared from his niece’s side then quickly stood before Thor and Jane in the form of a Nightfury. He snarled at Thor and Jane and glared at them with stilt pupil and wings out as far as he could expand them to make himself look menacing.
Loki knowing what it’s like being abandoned did not want his niece to be abandoned by her own parents making her feel unloved just like him. If you’re going away you either take your child with you or not go at all. And Loki was furious to thinking after these past months of taking care of her and loving her, it was all a trick just so they could go away to their stupid science convention.
“Brother, what is the meaning of this?”
“Oh Thor, he thinks we’re running out on her”. Jane stated chuckling softly. Thor gently placed his hand on his brother’s dragon head but Loki snarled and knocked his hand away but Thor placed his hand on his head as did Jane as Thor said.
“Oh don’t worry brother, we’ll be back in a couple of days”.
“And Darcy and Erik will be here,” Jane said. Loki’s pupils then began to dilate to appear more friendlier at Jane’s statement then Thor’s statement made him feel proud.
“And with you here to help them take care of her,”
‘Mr. and Mrs. Odinson, Darcy and Erik have arrived’ JARVIS stated.
“Oh and speaking of which,” Thor stated as Loki faded away down to the lobby to open the door as Jane gave the order to let JARIVS open the doors for Erik and Darcy. Just before Loki could open the door, they opened and Darcy burst right in like a raging bull and Erik followed pursuit of Darcy unaware that they had slammed the door in on Loki. He poked his head out and narrowed his eyes at the brunette airhead scientist and the genius who helped him with the New York invasion.
“Oh sorry we’re late guys, hope we haven’t kept you waiting!” Darcy said urgently.
“Here let me get your bags for you both,” Thor stated but Darcy interrupted by saying as she stripped herself of her jacket.
“Now, now, now no fussing we know our way around, on your way now, mustn’t miss your flight, have a good time and don’t worry about a thing. Goodbye guys goodbye, have a good time in San Diego!” Darcy said as she pushed them outside. Loki stood beside her in wolf form as he watched Thor and Jane get into the car and wave goodbye then drove off.
The doors then closed and Loki was butted out unintentionally.
“Now to see that cutie goddaughter of mine!” Darcy cried out. Loki’s ears perked at the mention of his niece and quickly phased into a tiny sparrow and flew up towards the vents and flew through them until he reached the nursery and saw Darcy and Erik standing over her crib cooing out in baby talk. Loki entered through the vents and stood by her crib and phased back to normal as he smiled down at her.
“Coochie, coochie, coochie, coochie, coochie coo. Awww~ you adorable little—” Darcy gasped and cried out as she saw Loki standing right in front of her looking down at her goddaughter. “God damnit what are you doing in here?! Go get out shoo! Shoo! Scat get away from my goddaughter!” Darcy hit Loki over the head with her purse. As Loki ran out of the room, Darcy slammed the door loudly making little (y/n) cry loudly.
“Aww there, there now. Mama Darcy won’t let that mean old monster frighten you again, no, no, no, no”. Loki heard Darcy coo as he tried to open the door but when he heard Darcy’s words, he felt crushed.
Of course she would say that about him, but to hear her say that to his little niece crushed him. He then sulked away from the nursery wing and went back into his room and laid on his bed and curled up in shame as he tried to stop his crying.
Surprisingly (y/n) hadn’t stopped crying ever since Darcy shooed Loki out from the nursery, Darcy and Erik tried everything they could to make her stop but nothing they did seemed to work. By nightfall, they were exhausted and just gave up and heavily drunk themselves to sleep with Tony’s secret stash of alcohol.
When Loki kept hearing her crying over the baby monitor he couldn’t take it anymore.
He couldn’t stand to hear his little niece in pain so he quickly ran towards the nursery but took notice of Darcy and Erik passed out with Tony’s alcohol bottles all over the place. He shook his head in disgust then quickly teleported to the nursery and saw his niece screaming her head off.
Her little face was red and tearstains stains her cheeks like dried up glue. He felt his heart clench as he walked right up to her and took her in his arms.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh, there, there now my little one, shhhh, stop your crying, I’m here now. Uncle Loki is here~” he cooed softly as he rocked his niece softly. (Y/n) then stopped her loud crying and looked up at her uncle with soft hiccups. He smiled and said as a bottle filled with milk appeared in his hands and he went to the rocking chair and sat down in it. “There’s my girl, there you are, yes my little dove”, he then began feeding her hoping that it would relief her of her hunger problems since it seems that she didn’t want to have Darcy or Erik feed her.
After her meal, he held her close to his chest where she snuggled into his armor breathing in his scent as she gently whimpered and softly fussed.
“Shhh, shh now, don’t cry. I’m here darling, I’m here, come on, come on” he held her to his shoulder as he gently patted her now forming light brown hair. (Y/n) sniffled and her fussing died down to gentle coos as she gripped her uncle’s armor in her first. “That’s my girl,” he separated her from his shoulder but held her out as he gently rubbed his nose against hers making her softly giggle. “That’s how I like to see my little one, with a big smile on her face”. Loki then peppered kisses all over her head down into her neck blowing raspberries making her laugh.
He playfully growled as he laid down against the bed and raised her up with his hands cupping around her small waist then he began tickling her ribs as he kept her in the air making her laugh even more.
“Mhm, I love tickling my little lion cub, hearing her laugh makes me feel so happy inside” he brought her down and nuzzled his nose against her cheek as he also kissed her temple. (Y/n) nuzzled under her uncle’s chin and felt herself beginning to relax as her body was telling her it was time for sleep but she began fussing to try and fight it off.
“Oh my darling, you must be tired from all that crying you’ve been doing all day, let’s get you into your crib”. He walked over to her crib and went to set her down but she quickly grabbed his finger and fussed as tears began forming in her eyes once again. Loki’s heart clenched then he came up with an idea.
He took (y/n) in his arms and teleported the two of them to his room and set her down on his bed and cuddled close beside her and summoned a child’s book in his hands.
“Would you like me to read you your favorite story little one?” (Y/n) cooed and babbled softly making Loki chuckle softly then he tucked her in his arm as he began to read her favorite story, “The Cat in the Hat”.
After the story, (y/n) was finally asleep as she was curled up into her uncle’s strong arm. He smiled softly and covered the two of them up with the blanket then he whispered to his niece,
“Goodnight my little Star Sweeper, sleep well”. He gave her one final kiss then like a protective wall, he wrapped himself around her and held her close to his chest.
~Extended Ending~
Darcy and Erik woke up sometime in the late afternoon to hear nothing but silence.
“Darcy do you hear anything?”
“No, you don’t think—” they quickly as they could raced to the nursery to see (y/n) but were shocked to see her not sleeping in her crib. They only knew one person who could’ve had her. They raced to Loki’s room but when they got there they were shocked at what they saw.
Loki was cuddling (y/n) as they both were sleeping. Darcy looked at her watch and saw that it was 10 minutes pasted (y/n)’s second naptime but Loki managed to handle it, and the fact that they weren’t woken up or had to suffer anymore crying once they woke up hung over.
“Well I’ll be—who would’ve thought”. Erik stated. Darcy smiled softly then said.
“Maybe I was wrong, maybe he does care about her, now I think I’ll believe what Jane says from now on”.
“Come on Darcy, I think we best leave them to rest”.
“Oh wait I wanna do something first!” She quickly went to her camera app on her phone and took a quick picture and posted it on Instagram and Twitter as well as Tumblr and titled it.
More fangirls got turned over to Loki’s army now than ever.
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AU where RJ actually makes it to the place where he was going when he told Fran he had to leave to get back in balance in “Friends Don’t Fade Away”
RJ walked at a swift pace, eating a strip of dry meat. He walked as fast as he could because he didn’t know when his animal form may come out again.
He didn’t fully understand why his animal form had taken such a violent turn. Even if it was coming out against his will, the process usually instant change was now slow and painful to him, and his spirit felt, well, wrong, it just felt wrong.
Good thing Master Mao had thought of everything, apparently, and he had a Shadow: a Master who was there to keep an eye on him and his students, a Master he had chosen himself, someone he trusted and admired.
He walked resolutely into the high-end building, avoiding eye contact with the personnel, knowing he stood out like a sore thumb, and took the elevator to the top floor in absolute silence. There was only one apartment per floor, the elevator opened directly to the living room door.
He inserted the key he had been given and opened the door.
The place was empty. He left his bag by the door and moved to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
About half an hour passed, which he spent lying down on the plush couch, his mind going at full speed. He was very tired, because he had apparently spent the last few nights terrorizing the city as a werewolf.
He didn’t even notice when he fell asleep.
Beatrice Lancaster walked into her very exclusive apartment building and immediately, the receptionist called to her.
“Miss Lancaster!”
She turned and smiled at him. “Yes?”
“The gentleman who sometimes visits you came in earlier,” the man explained. “He had a bag and didn’t even say hello, or announce himself.”
She smiled. “He has a key.”
“Miss Lancaster, that gentleman…”
“I get two keys for my apartment and I can give the other one to whoever I want. That gentleman is a very trusted friend, and I need him to have a key to my apartment.”
“I understand, madam.”
“Thank you,” she said and turned towards the elevator.
She opened the door and looked around, surprised to see RJ had brought a bag with him, since he usually didn’t stay more than a couple of hours.
“RJ?” she called but he didn’t answer.
She left her bag on the kitchen counter and made her way to the studio. She found him sound asleep on the couch. She smiled tenderly at the sight and decided to change her clothes before waking him up, although she was very curious about his unannounced presence and his intention to stay at least overnight.
She changed into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt and washed the makeup off her face. She was brushing her hair after releasing it from the braid it had been in when she heard him scream in pain from the studio.
She ran all the way there and found him sitting up, clutching the right side of his chest and whimpering in pain, his face contorted.
“RJ!” she called and moved to his side. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s…” he hissed and she saw a small cloud of purple energy form under his hand. “My animal form.”
“What’s wrong with your spirit?” She tried to touch his chest but he pulled her hand away.
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, god,” she let out, in her thick English accent. “You got hurt, didn’t you? Your stupid plan to get captured didn’t work.”
“It worked fine.” He dismissed, finally letting go of his chest. “The rangers learned new skills and a lesson about over-confidence, also, they got a higher level of their powers,” she opened her mouth and he raised a hand. “And I got a lot of really good intel I wouldn’t have gotten any other way.”
“And you got hurt in the process.”
“And I got hurt, yes,” he admitted. “Dai Shi wanted to destroy my animal spirit in front of his masters. I didn’t let it out during the fight, so he got frustrated and attacked me directly on it, trying to force it out. I barely contained it but since then, my animal form has been out of control.”
“Your animal form or your animal spirit?” she asked.
He shook his head. “Can I have a cup of tea? I’ve barely eaten anything today and I feel a little lightheaded.”
“RJ! It’s after six in the afternoon!” she chided. “Let me order some dinner.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I can cook us something,” he offered and tried to get up.
She pushed him back. “Nonsense, you are feeling lightheaded and weak. Let me order some dinner.” She got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.
RJ followed her and saw her pick up the phone and dial a single digit. “Peter, please, can you arrange a steak dinner for two to be brought up to my apartment? Giorgio’s is fine, yes, thank you.” She hung up and turned to fill the electric kettle.
“Steak?” he asked in a mock hurt voice. “I’m a vegetarian.”
“Like hell you are,” she answered. “Specially now that your animal spirit is out of control,” she turned the kettle on and opened a cupboard and pulled out two mugs. “Next thing, you’ll be telling me you’re gay, too.”
He snickered. “I think it’s pretty clear to both of us why that would be a lie,” he told her and she turned and smiled at him. He smiled back, momentarily forgetting why he was there to begin with.
She pulled a thin golden chain around her neck until a silver ring that was hanging from it came out from under her t-shirt. He smiled. “Where’s yours?”
He pulled a leather cord hanging around his neck and showed her the silver ring hanging from it. “I keep it here so it doesn’t get damaged with the dough and the cooking.”
“And to keep your students from seeing it.”
“They see it all the time,” he said with a shrug.
“But they don’t know what it is.”
“It is better like that.”
She put the ring back under her shirt. “If you say so.”
“It’s not like you wear yours proudly,” he complained.
“I wear it in a chain to keep it safe. I can’t wear jewelry during ballet practice and this way I can tie the necklace around something and the ring won’t roll away,” she explained, grabbing the kettle to pour the water in the mugs.
“And you won’t get asked awkward questions about wearing a wedding band,” he whispered.
She put the kettle on the counter and turned to him. “We are not having this conversation again.”
“Fine,” he muttered. “I’m too tired and too hungry anyway.”
She gave him the mug with one of those little basket for the tea leaves hanging from a cute little wolf pendant. He chuckled. She showed him hers and saw hers had a little rabbit.
“Found them in England last month,” she told him, sitting next to him on a chair by the kitchen table and putting her hand on his, which was resting on the table. “You brought clothes for at least a couple of days. I’d love to think you are here as my husband but you are not. You are here as the Chosen Master and you need me as your Shadow, not as your wife.”
“I always need you as my wife,” he whispered into the mug. “But right now I also need you as my Shadow. I have to get my animal form, and spirit, back in harmony.”
They took a sip of their tea in silence.
“Maybe it’s tainted with Dai Shi’s energy,” she suggested. He considered the option and, by the look on his face, it didn’t make him very happy. “It’s just a possibility, I need to have a closer look.”
“Trust me, you don’t want a closer look.”
“I do,” she told him. “As your Shadow, my job is to be sure you are in good condition to train the Chosen Protectors, and offer you guidance and support when you need it.”
“Right now, all I could use is a cuddle from my wife,” he told her with a sad expression.
She chuckled and got up from her chair to sit on his lap. She trailed a series of short, sweet kisses all over his face, finally letting her lips linger on his, for a loving kiss. They opened their eyes and looked at each other.
“I love you,” she whispered and kissed him again.
“I love you so much,” he whispered back and kissed her in turn.
“We’ll figure it out,” she promised, caressing his hair.
“And we better figure it out fast, Bit. The battlle against Dai Shi keeps escalating and I think Casey, Theo and Lily may need my help in the battlefield.”
“Absolutely not,” she said sternly. “RJ, this is not your battle, you’ve already put yourself out there way more than necessary.”
“There is no point in being the Chosen Master if my Chosen Protectors get destroyed in the battlefield.”
“No,” she whimpered and hugged him. “Please, don’t. RJ, please, don’t. This is hard enough as it is.”
“That’s my wife talking.”
“Of course this is your wife talking!” she held his face in her hands to force him to look at her. “I want to have a chance to be your wife before I become your widow.”
“That is not going to happen,” he assured her.
“You made one of those bloody things for yourself, didn’t you?”
“Of course!”
“So this was your plan all along?”
“Getting my animal spirit out of control by a direct hit from Dai Shi himself?” He shook his head. “Not really.”
“Joining them!” she said, exasperatedly. She got up from his lap and walked to the kitchen counter, across the room from him. “You always planned to join them sooner or later, didn’t you?”
“Only if they really needed me, Bit.”
The doorbell rang and she went to get it, returning with a large brown bag. He was washing the mugs in the sink.
“Let’s eat,” she said, her back turned to him. “We’ll figure out what’s wrong with your animal spirit and then you can run back to your loft and join your students in battle.”
He turned and saw that she was pulling out the take out dinner from the bag in a rather flustered fashion. He knew she was trying not to cry.
“Bit,” he called, moving to her. She kept arranging the dinner on the table. “Bit,” he called again, his voice almost pleading. “Beatrice!” He called for the third time, taking her hands in his from behind. She whimpered as he hugged her from behind. “Baby, please.”
“No, it’s fine,” she said, despite the fact she had tears running down her cheeks. She turned in his embrace. “It’s who you are, you can’t ignore it, you can’t change your nature. I can’t ask you to, either. It's one of the things I love about you” She kissed him briefly on the lips. “I’ll get used to the idea, it’s fine.”
He kissed her forehead. “I thought you weren’t afraid of Dai Shi.”
“I wasn’t,” she said, looking away from his face. “Until he captured my husband and kept him overnight in a dungeon and returned him the following day all covered in bruises.”
“I am not afraid of him, not even now,” he told her seriously. “And that alone cuts his power in half,” he kissed her hand and noticed it was very cold. “Bit, before I decide whether or not I’m going to join my students in battle, I need to fix my animal spirit. Trust me, you don’t want my animal form loose on this apartment.”
“I’ve seen your animal form, it’s gorgeous,” she told him, finally looking at his face again. She released her hand from his and caressed his hair and his cheek. “It’s not as gorgeous as your human form, but it could be worse.”
“Trust me, it’s worse. I need my Shadow, Bit. I need another master to guide me, to help me,” he kissed her forehead again. “But now more than ever what I need is my wife to support me and love me. I came here for Master Bit, but who I truly need is Beatrice.”
“We are one and the same, Wolf Master,” she told him with a smile. “Let’s eat before it gets cold. We’ll sort everything out and you’ll be back to your pizza parlor in no time.”
#power rangers#jungle fury#fanfiction#RJ+OC#Yes the same OC for every fanfic scenario#She's adaptable
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