#hhhhh i love it. i hate it. it’s my greatest work. no one will ever experience it in its totality. peak of fandom experiences tbh i feel
un-pearable · 2 years
love having never written down my magnum opus (the sprawling, entirely undocumented triple threat au) bc i means every other week i lay awake knowing no one else is plagued by the political drama that made team chaotix possible. no one knows the roleswap maria and shadow story. no one knows knuckles’s self imposed banishment. no one knows the repercussions of the super form. no one knows about tikal. no one else is haunted by silver’s increasingly terrible lies covering for the fact that he’s actually from the past and is desperately trying to piece together what caused the apocalypse while pretending to be from the future where it’s resolved. no one else knows about amy. also sonia is there
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hewwo Tri 👀 ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ Ssssooo... I’ll just keep spamming your askbosx with those xD it’s sweetness time! What about Melone and Fugo holding their first born baby? :3
Esteeeeeeee 💛💛 hhhhh this request is a blessing, thank you :,)
Melone and Pannacotta Fugo holding their first born baby
(Under the cut for length!)
Melone always wanted a child. Since he was old enough to grasp for real the idea of a family, he wanted it. He wanted to love and respect a person who would have loved and respected him back, live with them, have… children, with them. Their, adopted, every choice was fine. He just wanted a family.
“And so, a blessed day, I met your mommy! And she didn’t slap me!” you laughed, hearing for the umpteenth time Melone telling the story. The fact that he was enthusiastically whispering it to your belly made it also so tender that you felt like melting. Since the moment he knew you were pregnant -and he knew even before you, but the confirmation arrived just with the test- h had been even more attentive and caring than usual, checking you regularly, helping you around, doing his best to make you happy.
When you found out that you were expecting not one, but two babies, he was ecstatic. Twins!! You were going to have twins! His heart was about to burst out. His attentions doubled, as, now, he had to make happy not only you and a baby, but you and two babies. You never saw him so enthusiast and happy. it was so beautiful seeing him like this -and you knew the kind of childhood he had, he told you, one day, and his job, his stand…-, finally… serene. As he had finally realized his greatest dream.
And now, after almost nine months spent spoiling you -and pestering the other Squadra members talking non-stop about you and the babies-, they were about to arrive. Melone managed to stay calm ‘till last second, even after your waters broke and he drove you to the hospital, but, as the contractions became more frequent and the moment grew nearer, his cool was crumbling down like a sand castle. It was all real. He was going to be a father of two. The family he always wanted was about to arrive. But… was he ready?
He had to exit for some minutes from the delivery room, not to panic right in front of you. Formaggio, the first of the Squadra to have arrived at the hospital, after Melone’s call, arched a brow, surprised.
“What, already finished?” Melone shook his head, fidgeting with his hands.
“Then what? Shouldn’t you be with Y/N?”
“Yeah, just… some panic. Formaggio, c’mon, we’re… what we are, could I be for real a good dad? What if the kids will come to hate me for my work, when they’ll be old enough to understand-” Formaggio grabbed his shoulders, giving him a good strong shake.
“Quit with the bullshits, Melone. It’s a little too late to regret about it, don’t you think? And christ, they’re still not even born and you worry for what they’ll think when they’ll be older? Crap! You’re gonna make yourself sick worrying so much. Now stop with such thoughts and go back to Y/N, she needs you. And if you don’t, she’ll kick your twink ass.” he said, shoving him back in the delivery room. Melone almost hadn’t even the time to register where he was that a muffled scream snapped him back from his frozen and panicked state. He ran immediately at your side, grabbing your hand and letting you squeeze it as you liked. When the first, a healthy and beautiful boy, started to whimper and cry, while Melone was cutting the umbilical cord, the first tears of happiness washed his cheeks. And then the doctor was encouraging you again and he had to go back to your side, encouraging you and giving you the breathing rhythm. His heart burst again when the second baby -a girl!- started to vehemently cry. She already had a powerful voice!
He could cut the umbilical cord again and, finally, after she too had been all cleaned, she was given to the mother, as the boy, for some fundamental skin to skin contact. Melone’s eyes were misty and a smile of pure happiness and ecstasy stretched his lips, as yours. He kissed devotedly your forehead and cheeks and lips, murmuring a “thank you” on your lips, before laying his eyes on the kids, safely nestled in your arms. You smiled at him, encouragingly, and, finally, he picked up the baby boy. Thanks to all the training done with Babyface’s sons, he was capable to hold him in the best way and the baby nestled on his father’s chest, sneezing a bit, cutely, as his eyes opened a little. He had your eyes…
“They’re perfect.” he whispered, gently kissing his son’s forehead, rocking him, slow and delicate, keeping him warm and safe. You smiled, holding your daughter and softly brushing her little chubby cheek.
“What a luck that we had already picked both male and female names, uh?” you murmured, with a tired but happy smile. Melone nodded, humming at the little boy, before turning to you, his eyes still glossy.
“Yes… and now we can welcome them properly.” he replied, in a low and sweet voice, the kind that he reserved just for you -and now for your children too-.
“So… welcome, Giulia.”- he kissed the girl’s small forehead, chuckling when she whined and frowned at him, shifting a little in her mother’s arms- “and welcome too, Gabriele.” he kissed as well the boy’s forehead, lulling him, with a deep, happy sigh, enjoying the moments of peace before his teammates came to check. You all were perfectly gine, you were a family…
It was all perfect.
Pannacotta Fugo
Never, even in his wildest dreams, Fugo ever dared to imagine the life he was living now. The old Boss had been defeated, a new one, Giorno, ruled over Passione, the drug trade had been stopped and successfully eradicated, he won the bet when he had decided to challenge every evidence and probability by going anyway with his teammates and betraying the Boss, he was now one of Giorno’s Consiglieri… and he had you.
You were his most precious treasure, the only one he loved with so much sheer force to be able to do everything for you. You were his best friend, the one who never even thought about leaving him behind, the one he trusted with all his heart and soul… his lover. His everything.
Life wasn’t perfect, of course. Fugo was still fighting with his anger bursts and sometimes he slipped, but, even after your quarrels, you were stronger than before, more unite than before. You both learnt more about your relationship, yourself and the other, managing to transform a moment of rage in a moment of understanding and learning. This was such a positive approach and it was helping him so, so much.
But, even if he was changed a lot in good, he still had some unresolved questions, as his deeply low self esteem and the conviction that he was dangerous. That’s why, when you first told him you were pregnant, he was more scared than happy. It required him a bit to adjust, to slowly convince himself that he would have done fine, that he would have been a good father, not like his own. You spent countless evenings keeping his head on your lap, gently caressing his hair, as your belly slowly grew day by day, murmuring that he was a good man, that he would have been a good father, that their child would have loved him. And, when, for the first time, he felt the baby moving in your belly, you saw his face beaming in pure, touching happiness. That was the moment when he truly accepted his role as father.
From that moment on, he was the most organized father-to-be around. He was attentive and scheduled all his various meetings and missions to stay as much as possible with you and the same he did with yours, to give you the right time to rest properly. He was protective, glaring even at Narancia or the others if they were too loud in your presence, annoying you. He had read tons of books such as “How to be a dad in nine months”, “Waiting to be a parent” and so on, to learn as much as possible. In the end, however, he just concluded that he’ll have to find out on field. And he decided to just enjoy the moment, as you often had suggested, helping you through the pregnancy.
And now, after all that way, your baby was about to see the light. Fugo was scared and excited at the same moment, he couldn’t wait to hold his baby and at the same time he didn’t feel ready. You noticed his turmoil -you always noticed- and took his hand, as you breathed regularly, to fight the pain of the contractions.
“Panni, it will… go all well. Out baby is coming. Please… stay with me. I need you.” those words had the effect to snap him back from his own self doubts, putting your and the baby’s safety in front of everything again. He nodded at you, swallowing, trying so much to find his cool, the calm he needed to transmit to you too. You were now pushing and pushing, as the doctor was telling you, gritting your teeth and muffling your screams. He held tightly your hand, his eyes glued on the doctor in front of your open legs, how they were encouraging you to push, push, that the head was visible, just a little more, a little effort…
And, finally, it was like a the whole delivery room staff sighed in relief, as a clear baby cry erupted from the small bundle in the doctor’s hands. It was your baby. They were fine, they were here… Fugo never felt his knees so wobbly. This was something so… overwhelming, incredible… he never felt something like this. And, for once, it wasn’t a situation of life or death.
“It’s a girl! Congratulation!” one of the midwives, after gently taken care of the baby girl, handed it to Fugo, with a smile. The young man swallowed. The moment had finally come.
Hesitantly, he picked the baby girl, as the midwife adjusted his grip on the toddler. Fugo finally looked down at his baby and…
His heart was immediately stolen.
How could he had been doubtful? How could he, in the beginning, thinking that the baby wasn’t good? Now that his eyes reflected in his baby’s ones, violet as his, he could feel just love and adoration for her. His little girl. His baby.
He gently held her on his chest, lulling her, as silent tears ran down his cheeks. He felt overwhelmed. It was all… too beautiful to be true. It all seemed just a dream.
As the baby sneezed, Fugo lifted his head a bit, kissing her small head, with extreme sweetness, turning then to you, a teary smile on his lips.
“She’s perfect, like you.” he murmured to you, going to your side. You smiled, tired but happy, nestling on his shoulder, smiling at your little one. Here she is…
“Panni… she needs a name.” you murmured, bending to softly kiss her rosy cheeks, huffing a small laugh when she scrunched her little nose and touched your cheeks. Fugo smiled, sweetly, kissing your hair as well, while gently holding your daughter.
“What about Ginevra?” you smiled, recognizing in the name his taste for classic. Ginevra… it was unusual, but it sounded so well. It fitted her, you thought. Ginevra Fugo… yes, it definitely fitted.
“I like it. Our Ginevra.” you murmured, happy, as Ginevra frowned and pouted adorably, making your both chuckle.
Once more, Fugo promised to himself, to you, to Ginevra, not to be like his father.
He would have been a father Ginevra would have been proud to.
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gregoftom · 5 years
okay… all uneven numbers for the ask game 🙃
OOF sjdskjd ok
1. 3 Fears
death, people leaving me and my loved ones being in danger/unsafe/hurt
3. 2 turns on
like… bitchiness and sassiness hhhhh, and dirty talk
5. My best friend 
i have a few and i don’t wanna list them in case i miss someone! but one of them is @billythemuppet​
7. How tall am I 
6′4″-5″, i’m not 100%, i need to be measured again
9. Favourite color
brown and green
11. Favourite place
my bedroom i guess? i don’t go out much dhfdjhfd
13. Shoe size
answered already!
15. Hair color
naturally, brown. it’s kind of ginger-y brown rn?? like the gingers washed out quite a bit but there’s some bits still in there
17. Favourite song
i have so manyyyy but one is rhythm of your heart by marianas trench
19. How I feel right now
21. My current relationship status
23. Favourite season
25. Tattoos and piercing I want
27. Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
every so often, but it’s quite rare
29. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
like 10 mins??
31. Where am I right now?
home in my bedroom
33. Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
yep. you think i can afford living somewhere on my own? lol. in this economy?
35. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
nope! i have like… a few guy friends but they’re more like colleagues
37. If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
my ozzie!!! i wanna see her so bad ughhfsndg
39. Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
41. Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
neither lmao i hate both
43. Do I believe in magic?
i think so! some things just can’t be explained by science! 
45. What’s the weather like right now?
cloudy and cool, lil bit rainy (not enough rain imo)
47. Do I have any nicknames?
jae and eddie
49. Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
51. What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
uhhhh watching got i think
53. What is my favorite word?
i have a few! tourniquet, spelunking, fuck
55. If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
be good to people in retail and customer service fuckers
57. What is my current desktop picture?
it’s standard windows 10 rn i need to change it!
59. Bought condoms?
61. Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
63. Smoked weed?
65. Drank alcohol?
67. Been overweight?
i am rn
69. Gotten my heart broken?
oh yes. it’s the literal worst lmao
71. Been in airplane?
73. Wore make up?
like… twice in  my life. it just Does Not look good on me lol
75. Had a surgery?
77. Stalked someone on a social network?
79. Been rejected by a crush?
many times
81. Do I like my handwriting?
it’s okay i guess
83. Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
uhhhhHHH… i’ve definitely been caught doing something bad but i can’t remember what exactly lol
85. What my greatest achievments are
uhhhhhh… getting a job i guess?? that’s like It i have 0 ability
87. What I’d do if I won in a lottery
definitely visit my oz
89. My closest Tumblr friend
91. Are you outgoing or shy?
pretty outgoing! i love social interaction
93. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
doubtful lmao
95. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
@billythemuppet again probably lol
97. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
recipe - wild partymonster - the mowglisgood boys - josie dunnebad love - sleeping wolfcabin fever - luna blake
99. Do you think there is life on other planets?
101. Do you like your neighbors? 
they’re okay i guess. we don’t talk much
103. Favorite part of your daily routine? 
getting home after work lol
105. What do you do when you wake up?
go on my phone for 15 min so i wake up properly
107. Do you ever want to get married?
ew no
109. Would you rather live without TV or music?
ughhh i hate this!! music i guess. bc tv doesn’t include movies does it..?
111. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
i do most of my shopping online LOL but i guess various charity shops
113. Do you smile at strangers?
sometimes, depends on my mood
115. Ever wished you were someone else?
i used to a lot but not rn
117. Last thing you ate?
119. Ever been in love? 
121. Twitter or Tumblr?
123. What colour are your towels?
various, there’s like blue and pink and white
125. First person you talked to today?
@billythemuppet lol she’s a lot of the answers :P
127. Name a person you hate?
this fucking customer at my work who’s been banned 3 times, is racist, harasses staff, hits other customers with things and grabs you and presses herself to you. it’s so gross ughdsfsg. she comes in eeevery fucking day too
129. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
aforementioned woman lol
131. Have any pets?
2 cats :)
133. Do you regret anything from your past? 
buncha things, but mostly dropping out of school
135. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
137. Do you believe in true love?
i think so? 
139. Do you believe in ghosts?
yeah definitely!
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