#hh starter
radicheart-a · 8 months
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Both halves of his broken staff are clutched tightly in either hand. His ears are pinned back. Blood gushes from the injury slicing across his chest, staining his suit an even darker shade of red, as well as trickling down from his mouth.
The sound of footsteps draws his attention, making the Radio Demon force his smile a little higher before he lifts his head to see who's approaching. He's assuming it's Adam, so before he even realizes who it really is, he speaks, the radio filter on his voice missing.
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"If you're going to finish me off, at least show a little more class."
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themcst · 3 months
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STARTER CALL - Give a lil like/reply if you'd like one. If you have a verse in mind do tell as well as if you're a multi and want a specific character! Length will vary!
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bcrncoldx · 3 months
@rainbowmuses (archie kennedy)
Having checked the table plan by the entrance to the reception, Horatio made his way over to the table to sit down. There was something about weddings that always made him... uneasy, he supposed. Although he couldn't quite work out why that was. "So do you know the bride or the groom?" He asked the guest next to him as he sat down. Perhaps there would be interesting enough company. If he was correct in his thinking, the table was the only one that was completely made up of guests who had come alone. "I work with the groom."
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madefate · 4 months
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LIKE for a striker starter ! - specify what you want or your mileage may vary!
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clown-demon · 8 months
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((Starter call for Lucifer.. Cross overs are always welcome here.
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littlebadger · 8 months
@xluciifer ♡'d for a starter !
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ㅤ-` 👻 ´- 【  “ Oh shit.  That portal closed behind me before I could get back, didn't it? ”
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lcftcult · 8 months
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"So.. does Vox have a.. real mouth? Or is it all j-just.. a picture on the screen?"
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ghstlygrm · 7 months
OPEN STARTER Mid March, 1873 The morning after Archibald's arrival St. James Park
Estando a temporada social para se iniciar, havia muito para fazer e, ainda assim, Archibald descobriu que não havia horas suficientes no dia para acompanhar o calendário social e os deveres de um conde. Apesar de todas as suas reclamações internas, St. John precisava de uma condessa e para conseguir uma, bem, era preciso participar da sociedade. A maneira mais eficaz de clarear a mente era uma caminha tranquila pela e a cidade tinha alguns dos melhores parques do país.
Caminhando por St. James Park, Archie aproveitou bastante o sol. Ele observou enquanto outros já haviam começado a passear, ele odiava cair nas tendências da alta sociedade, mas enquanto as pessoas passava, ele ficava absorto nos últimos escândalos. Ele ergueu os olhos quando seu nome foi chamado, percebendo que havia sido um pouco rude, pois a pessoa parecia estar esperando sua resposta. Archibald limpou a garganta. — "Minhas desculpas," — disse ele com um sorriso — "Me encontrava distraído e por isso sinto muito. Gostaria de se sentar?"
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hellfrczencver · 8 months
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Hi, yes, he's sobbing over his missing alternate—
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ghostlyrps · 5 months
Ghost stretched with a yawn.
Their upper arms were high above their head, lower stretched in front of them. A tear pricked their eye, tongue lolling from their mouth before they shut it, smacking their lips before sticking their pink tongue out.
Normally they'd be dressed formally, always ready to be called into work or go in for a new interview. Always looking their best.
They couldn't be bothered today. The Blood Ball had taken a lot from them energy wise, their social battery was pretty much zero, so they'd called off work and put their phone on "Do Not Disturb", pulled out their largest, loosest, softest sweater- their personal favorite, a blue one with sharks on it- and had thrown on a pair of sweats. They even tied back their neck fur, braiding it to reveal their shoulders and collarbones- shown off by the too-large sweater. They hadn't even bothered with their binder- didn't give enough of a shit to.
Didn't really matter. What did matter was they were out for the day, despite not wanting to be. They were going to grab some stuff from the store- shit for dinner, some soda and maybe some sweets or snacks for later, get some food from the nearest fast food place and go home and relax the rest of the day.
Yep. Today was a day to just relax.
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Laila was nervous as hell. She didn’t know why Roako had told her to come help this woman out or what their relationship was..... Although she could probably guess. All she knew was he had brought her to this bar after hours to have a seat before he took off, telling her to introduce herself to the bar’s owner as he left to go do whatever it was he was doing. Truthfully, she didn’t know how she could help this person... The place looked clean and everything seemed to be in it’s proper place.... Maybe she needed wait staff or something? Maybe a cook? ....Maybe she didn’t need help at all and Roako was just doing this on a whim... Guess she’d find out one way or the other.
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bcrncoldx · 3 months
@rainbowmuses (neil perry)
"So what are we meant to be doing exactly?" Horatio fell into step beside his friend. "It's not one of those immersive things, is it? Really, Neil, I don't really want to do anything where I have to interact with people more than I have to."
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9741ko · 7 months
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" Precisa de ajuda medica? "
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witchoflegends · 7 months
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"Yeah, I asked Charlie to go to the meeting after Extermination Day. I was going through a lot and didn't want to deal with that asshole. You should try dealing with the first douche. He never shuts up."
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clown-demon · 7 months
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I realized I have no threads for Husk.. so here's a starter call for him. Cross overs are welcome.
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littlebadger · 8 months
@femmina-eroe ♡'d for a starter !
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  ㅤ-` 👻 ´- 【  “ So  THIS  is  H E L L ,  huh ?  I  don't  like  it.  I  think --  I'm  traumatized  all  over  again . . . ”
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