#heyyyy hiiii!! thank you so much!!!
ask-theredcrown · 17 days
I chose to be a lurker no more. May you and your followers find joy.
I shall return
(Hi mod! Thanks for making such a cool blog. I get so happy seeing you on my dash)
"Thank you, kind follower... You are always welcome to return, may you find peace in our cult..."
She smiles sweetly, placing her hand above you as she prays a blessing for you.
"May you find you on your way, loyal one..."
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cailins-posts · 4 months
heyyyy! I'm about to die because I'm not getting enough jamie drysdale content 😔 do you think you could write something fluffy with jamie? thanks! I hope you're doing well! ❤❤❤
Hiiii I’d love to thank you so much for the request and, I’m going okay how are you?
A Cozy Evening with- Jamie Drysdale and Y/N
Jamie Drysdale x reader
Once upon a time, in a cozy little cabin nestled deep in the woods, NHL player Jamie Drysdale and his girlfriend Y/N were enjoying a well-deserved break during the off-season. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow through the windows, as the couple settled in for a relaxing evening of cuddling on the couch.
Jamie wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her close as they both sank into the plush cushions. Outside, the birds chirped merrily in the trees, creating a symphony of nature's lullaby as the couple found solace in each other's arms.
Y/N nestled her head against Jamie's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. She traced circles on his chest absently, feeling content and at peace in this moment of quiet intimacy. Jamie leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head, his fingers intertwining with hers as they savored the simple joy of being together.
The crackling sound of the fireplace filled the room with a warm ambiance, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Jamie reached for a fluffy blanket and draped it over their laps, cocooning them in its soft embrace. Y/N sighed happily, reveling in the warmth and security of their togetherness.
As the evening drew on, they talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories, dreams, and laughter. Jamie told Y/N about his most memorable moments on the ice, describing the exhilaration of scoring a game-winning goal and the camaraderie of his teammates. Y/N, in turn, shared her own adventures and aspirations, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she painted vivid pictures with her words.
Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other's company, finding solace and joy in the simple act of being together. They talked until the fire burned low, casting a soft glow over their entwined forms. Y/N yawned sleepily, nestling even closer to Jamie, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.
Jamie pressed a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead, his voice gentle as he whispered, "I love you, Y/N. Thank you for being the light in my life." Y/N's heart swelled with happiness, her eyes misting with unshed tears of gratitude and love. She looked up at Jamie, her gaze meeting his with a depth of emotion that words could not express.
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of the fire and the quiet of the night, Jamie and Y/N shared a love that was pure and unspoken, a bond that transcended time and space. They were just two souls, lost in the vastness of the universe, but found and complete in each other's arms.
And as the night deepened, and the stars twinkled in the sky, Jamie and Y/N drifted off to sleep, their hearts intertwined in a silent vow of love and forever. In the arms of each other, they found their home, their sanctuary, their everything.
And so, in the quiet of the night, in the warmth of the fire, Jamie Drysdale and Y/N found peace and happiness in each other's love, knowing that no matter where life took them, they would always have this moment, this love, this forever.
The end.
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elysia-nsimp · 10 months
Heyyyy buddy pal friend, *cough ( sorry ). I was wondering if you could write a poly fluff romantic scenario between overblot Azul and overblot Jamil with a male reader, preferably an interation between the trio. thx and here have a follow and a cookie 🍪
HIIII oh my gosh thanks for the follow and cookie !!
And thanks for your patience too, I know it’s been a WHILE since you sent me this ask. I kinda lost my twst spark for a bit there then was hit with the dreaded “ohhh what if my writing sucks”
Anyway I decided to not worry about that too much. This is mostly unedited because I just. REALLY wanted to get something out for you. I promise I didn’t forget! :’)
Contents: established relationships, polyamory!! Both Jamil and Azul are dating you as the reader, but not each other, mild Book 3/4 spoilers, reader uses he/him pronouns ! ^^
With both Azul and Jamil overblotting, it’s already a recipe for disaster.
Azul and Jamil aren’t all that different in some aspects. Both crave the power and control they lacked in their childhoods, and seek to stand over the rest as a result of that.
One thing they have in common for certain though, is their love for you! You were dating them both before this whole thing happened, and although they don’t get along that well, they’re both glad you’re happy with the relationship.
However…this does lead to them fighting over you when overblotted.
Both of them want your undying attention, although for slightly different reasons. Oh, what is a poor reader to do?
On one hand, Jamil’s over here like “praise me please!!! i want to be called a handsome young man!!!!!” while Azul wants cuddles because he is full of embarrassment and pain and suffering.
Poor you is stuck in the middle of them, metaphorically being tugged back and fourth between them.
Azul’s like, “Actually, handsome, I believe he will be spending his evening with me.”
While Jamil’s like “ACTUALLY I require him to be here with ME as my cheerleader while I run Scarabia!” (I’m afraid he can’t provide the pompoms though)
Despite their back and fourth, when you step in they both turn to you with no hesitation.
“Who do you choose, Yuu?” Azul looks almost desperate, silently begging you to pick him. Meanwhile, Jamil crosses his arms, convinced he’s already won.
“Do I have to choose?” you ask.
Utter silence from both of them. They glance at each other, then back to you.
“What do you mean, ‘do you have to choose?’” Jamil sounds almost taken aback by your question.
“What if I don’t want to pick?” you retort. “What if I choose both of you?”
After some mild side glares at each other from your partners, they agree that it’s a win-win! Jamil will put up with Azul and vice versa. You end up smooshed between two slightly agitated overblots. As you run your fingers through Azul’s hair, you tell Jamil how very handsome he is and tell him he’s done a good job, even if it didn’t work out in the end. This makes both of them very happy.
Their overblots both die down after a while, leaving you with your two partners asleep, one on your shoulder and one in your lap.
Congrats!! You’re a hero for being gay. /pos
I’m not gonna lie, I thought this was a really cute dynamic. Very fun to write, even if it wasn’t super long. Again thanks for waiting for so long while I got my stuff together lol
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ssreeder · 2 months
it’s been so long since i’ve said hello and IM SO SORRY I SUCK AT TALKING TO PEOPLE
but i thought it be cool to tell you that i’m finally rereading liab!! i’ve been wanting to do it for a while now since it’s been two years and it be nice to get a little refresher on everything lol
IM SURPRISED HOW MUCH I REMEBERED!! like i’m imagining it basically the same as i did two years ago cause ur so good at explaining settings and stuff
i’m almost to the forest lesbians so i’m happy :)) i missed them a lot
just wanted to say hi and thought it be cool to let u know <33
OMGGGG HIIII!!! (don’t worry I also suck at talking to people I’m the worssssstttttt)
YOURE DOING A REREAD?!?! how fun!! I’m so excited!! Im glad you’re remembering stuff because PHEW if I didn’t have a massive cheat sheet I’m sure I’d forget stuff haha!
I was SUPER cruel to the boys for a LONG time, but at least they get some fun now and things are finally looking up for them haha it only took idk…. A MILLION words haha
thanks for sending me this ask I always love when people say they’re re reading haha <3
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angelgoddard · 1 year
I have a question! I was thinking, and if thoughts come from states, how am I supposed to think about the 3d to like live while not being in a state of lack? I mean since I am wanting to start manifesting a new job, how do I think about my current job without being in the state of my undesired job if thoughts stem from states?
Thank you so so much, and sorry if I made any mistakes with my english!
basically you can do whatever you need to in the 3d and you can think whatever you wish. just don't identify with anything you think or do that doesn't align with your desires.
for example: you're looking in the mirror and think "i'm ugly". don't claim this thought, let it pass. without your dwelling on it, it will die. same with actions. if you don't identify with what you do in the 3d, but you identify with what you do in the 4d, you'll be fine <3 nothing can live without your acceptance and identification.
the more you think from the perspective of having your desired job (not literally thinking, but imagining it as if it is factual), it will become your dwelling state and thoughts will naturally flow from there. that's why i don't preach thought flipping anymore, since it comes naturally with the genuine change of state. (plus it's neville accurate)
the law is designed to be simple and fun. live your life and accept imagination as the truth and the one and only reality, everything else will fall into place.
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tireddovahkiin · 4 months
For the ask game:
Weekly routine and pets!
- Espresso ☕️💟
Weekly routine - do y'all have a day of the week where you do something special [movie night, date, etc.]?
Hmmm... Well, we're usually very busy being evil gods, me and Seph XD we almost always return home kinda exhausted. But we have this simple routine for winding down when home, like me helping Sephiroth with his hair care routine (EXCUSE ME have you seen that mans GLORIOUS silver hair, you CANNOT tell me he doesn't have at least an hour long routine for his hair ONLY-) while we listen to the music in the background, or preparing favorite dish for either Sephiroth or me (we both switch in cooking), or reading book(s) together. When we have time, though, movie nights, roof dates, video game playing and watching, walking, and bathing together are definitely our favorite things to do <3
Pets - if you have any pets, do they have a 'favorite' out of the two [three,] of you? Who washes them and who takes them out on a walk to let them dry or dries them with the dryer? Who do they cuddle more?
Indeed, we have pets! A shifting immortal snake, Beryl, and a three-eyed demon black cat, Nocturna🥺(Beryl was found by Tsizilia, and Nocturna was adopted by both her and Sephiroth.)
Ohhh, Sephiroth LOVES to tease me with his undeniable love for Nocturna. Since I get easily jealous when they're given love and attention, he likes to do it on purpose just to see me pout. (Sephiroth actually wants me to CLING AND PLEAD FOR HIM BUT NAH, I WON'T SUCCUMB.) I fire back by literally showering Beryl with kisses and cuddles, as he hangs out with me around my neck. That teasing lasts until someone of the two of us gives up and traps the other into a possessive bear hug😚
Sephiroth clearly loves Nocturna more than Beryl a tiny bit (which is obvious even under all that denying😭), but when he's feeling overly stressed and cannot step up with Nocturnas nightly energy, he likes to carry around Beryl around his neck as well, as he reads, or just let him gently crawl around his (beefy, sexy - Tsizilia) arms. He has this immense, calm energy, that we like to call Beryls 'Zen mode' (we even gave him a nickname, Zen-ryl XD)
It is usually me who washes the pets, and Sephiroth trims them/helps them through shading time. (He just finds snake/serpent shading very fascinating to watch🥺) I dry Nocturna, while Beryl is left to dry on his own.
Link to the ask game!
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ticklystuff · 8 months
Heyyyy my Genshin team is:
(Aether was in my main team until very recently so if you run out of ideas for some you can use him)
ask game is closed!
hiiii, thanks for sending your team hehe
who’s the most ticklish character
omg it would be lyney and he'd get so flustered about it too and claim that his reactions are only an act so that the others don't feel bad about how they react when tickled but luckily everyone else is smart enough to not fall for that
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
hmmm maybe faruzan bc she was trapped in the desert for so long like is she technically a zombie?? do her nerve endings still work LOL (they do) but i can't really blame people for raising doubts bc she was gone for 100 years
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
oh it's absolutely heizou because he is the ler of the group and annoys everyone with tickles but everyone can only tolerate him for so long. it's like something collectively snaps between kokomi, lyney, and faruzan and they all get the same idea to go after heizou at the same time. it's super difficult to catch him because of how floaty he is but also satisfying when they finally pin him and the first of many helpless giggles pour out
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
this one is a little bit hard but i don't think any of them would know each other's tickle spots right off the bat. however, i do think heizou would be able to deduce them just off of how his teammates react to certain stimuli (kokomi giggling whenever her fish friends nuzzle against her, faruzan reacting to the wind from her own anemo vision, etc) and he may or may not reveal his findings, depending on how much he feels like embarrassing his team at the time lyney would also be really good at guessing based on vibes! he's an older sibling so he's just good at stuff like that
who's the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
imagine kokomi losing her diary and someone like heizou finding it and it just so happens to be flipped to a page that's like "one of my fish friends swam past my shoulders.. didn't know they could be ticklish (-5 energy)" and heizou is like "mwehehehehe very interesting"
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
oh hmmmm this one is a little bit difficult. i think kokomi would tap out super fast because she's one of the most useless lers in my head alksdjfasdk and faruzan probably has granny limbs so it's between lyney and heizou. i think if it were a one-on-one tickle fight, then heizou no doubt, but he'd probably lose all concentration when having to deal with multiple lers so i think lyney would probably come out the winner by like a tiny fraction of a margin
which character has a kink for tickling
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
okay so before faruzan got trapped in her little pyramid thing she probably was ticklish but then after she got out she did start to wonder about whether her body would still behave the way a normal should. luckily, when she joined the team, she witnessed heizou bullying lyney and kokomi with tickles and was like "ME NEXT" and heizou was super confused bc normally lyney and kokomi try to run away but faruzan actually wants to be tickled??
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
i think faruzan would tickle kokomi a lot! the two like to read and study together and faruzan often goes on long lectures/rants about whatever has piqued her interest in the moment and kokomi will just start nodding off to which faruzan might give her a jab or two to keep her awake heizou and lyney would have tons of tickle fights too! heizou is the ler of the group, but lyney is one of the older siblings of the house of the hearth, so he has a reputation to uphold and can't back down (he loses every single tickle fight though aslkdjfl) UNLESS lyney offers heizou the chance to be his temporary magic assistant and heizou agrees except there's no actual magic and heizou ends up in a pair of those fake handcuffs that lyney uses for tricks sometimes and lyney makes sure to pay him back for all the tickles that heizou has given him during their time spent together
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majorlycelliers · 2 months
21. First celebrity crush was Robert Pattinson lmaoooo
44. I collect SO MUCH stuff man, records, cds, cassettes, funko pops, action figures, stickers, cool cans and bottles, coins, and cd players :D
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ani-bunnie13 · 5 months
(sorry abt the wording of this, im not very good at english- also if u dont like being complimented dont read) heyyyy!!i've been scrolling through your blog and honestly, you just seem like a super cool person. i know that it's probably strange to judge someone off their online persona, but honestly you seem so lovely. you have many admirable features, your taste in books, and music, and honestly just your overall aesthetic. i really admire you as a person and see you as a cool and fun person!! x
and heres a message for u if u need it. ani, you are a wonderful and beautiful soul. i won't go into all the "it gets better" stuff, because who believes that? but i just want you to know that i'm always here. talking to people is hard, but you truly deserve the world. if i love the person you are when i only see a bit of you, i know that all of you is the most amazing thing. i love you so much, and i hope you, one day can see the amazing person in yourself that i see in you. <333
omg omg i read this ages ago idk why i didn’t respond right away!!
this is so thoughtful, thank you anon! i really appreciate long asks like these because it gives me a moment to breathe whilst im reading🤍
i love you so much!! i hope you can interact with this post so we can become moots!? you are so amazing and thank you so much for taking your time to write this out for me! i really don’t know what to say lolll
i love and appreciate you so muchhh🤍💫
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uwathebestgirl · 1 month
heyyy hiiii hellooo heyyyy heyyyaaa
just stumbled upon ur post saying u got ur name changed at uhh college? and then a post about getting a big trans flag and wanna say congratulations!! that's awesome!! just love to hear about good things happening for the girl things on the internet :3
currently trying to help a fren of mine slowly get comfy with revealing her identity too! we're making plans >:3 but taking it slow as she feels comfortable :3
anyways pointless ask hope u're doing well byeeeee
nouuu not pointless at all, thank you so much for kind words
It took a lot of confidence but it was so worth it
I hope your plans go good ^^
Thank you so much for being kind <3
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clyde2137 · 2 months
heyyyy ive been seeing you a lot in my notifs but whenever i check i always see your blogs empty..
you should rly reblog things!!!!!!! otherwise ppl will easily mistake you as a bot
if you already knew all that then um... uh continue i guess? hehe sorry just thought i should let you know if you didnt already
Hiiii, thank you for telling me
I really want to do more stuff on my blog but I don't have so much time
I really thank you for reminding me about this
Have a nice day/night and take care of yourself<3
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
Heyyyy! It's me! The sweet ranter! I'm back form war (my exams) and I have won (I will get the results in two weeks)!
I had finally time to continue reading "making ghost"! And I was so lost in the plot, that I forgot to update you! :(
But now I'm here and it was sooooo good (I know, that I already said that in other asks but I just can't say it often enough!!!)
I love James' and Regulus' dynamic that went from light flirting to HOLDING HANDS!
Any I also really enjoyed all the Q&A and the whole livestream thing! It was so much fun!
To sum everything up, I really, really, really like it and can't wait to see where everything leads to (no pressure <3).
Anyways, I hope, that you have a good morning/day/evening and that everything is alright! <3
Much love!
hiiii angel <333 WISHING U THE BEST WITH UR EXAM RESULTS but i'm so glad ur at least done with them and that u (hopefully) get to rest for a lil while!!
thank u thank u THANK UUUUU i'm so ridiculously happy to hear this <3 it's like an actual shot of serotonin to me i'm so serious
PLEASEEEE THEM HOLDING HANDS and bickering constantly and going grocery shopping together GODDDDD THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO UNWELL i love them so much especially in making ghosts they're my babies
hehehe the q&as + livestreams are one of my fav parts of the chs, they're just so fucking fun to write and the amount of drama i get to include MY GOD i love them when they're all cunts to each other while still loving each other and trying their best to be good friends
it brings me so much joy to hear this i swear <3 i miss making ghosts SO MUCH i can't wait to go back to it as soon as i'm done with . those stories of mine that are on the top of my list rn
i hope ur having an amazing day too babe!! and that june treats u kindly!! sending u kisses and hugs MWAH <333
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hy2ka · 10 months
hiiii, i just wanted to come in here and say thank you :) i saw you always talking and posting about genshin so much that i became so interested in the game and i started playing because of you 🖤 now it’s my favourite game, it helps my stress and i am just so so soooo in love w it :)
i love it so much. it’s the second game to make me cry :( i cried at shenhe 🥺 i love xiao (need him so bad ngl), traveller + amber. also paimon is so funny. who’s your favourite? who do you main? i wanna know 💙💙💙
okay first of all im happy it helps with your stress and im glad im the reason you got interested enough to try it 😭 but man i really do talk about genshin just. a LOT huh. LMAO
genshin has a lot of moments that make me tear up yeah so i get u 😭😭😭 shenhe has such a sad backstory like sometimes i forget it but she really is so tragic 💔💔 also heyyyy fellow xiao and traveler liker omg i unironically love traveler as a character !! and paimon!!!! shes so cute and. im gonna be real with u. the reason i was interested in genshin was because paimon was so adorable and i Had to see her in game lmao 😭
my favourite character though is probably kaeya lmao.... i have a lot of favourites and neuvillette is very very high up there rn lol but kaeya will always be number 1 for me 😞🧡 and currently i mostly main neuvillette in the overworld! i tend to switch team a lot though even in the overworld so i main like three or four different characters lol
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terven-queen · 1 year
hiiii!!! Welcome back <33
Heyyyy 😻😻😻 thank you!!! <333 glad to be back 😻😻 I love the sisterhood here! I missed it so much. <3
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stevebabey · 2 years
heyyyy baby darling dear lovely ruby. id love to get your thoughts on what steve gets you for xmas/is he a good gift giver/how seriously he takes it, etc. ily!
hiiii honey dearest beautiful bug <3 ily too ! thank u for dropping this in hehe
i can see steve starting off with fancy gifts (ones he probably can’t afford with his new wage lmao) but that’s what he knows— his dad probably just got his mom a fancy necklace and called it a day and hey, that worked when he did it for nancy, right? she smiled, wore it for a bit, and then it disappeared, just like how his mother did it. and he might do that on your first year together & it’s not a bad gift!! truly u will adore anything he gets you, it’s a sweet necklace
but he’s grown a bit since nancy, and eventually comes to hate the idea of anyone thinking he’s trying to buy their affection as robin informed him it might come off as when he was discussing it with her (not that robin thinks he would do that but steve was trying to one-up his expensive fancy necklace he got u last year)— so instead he delves into trying to go for the most thoughtful gift he can manage :’)
it’ll be some mixture of things you want and need— a sweater that he thinks you’ll look adorable in, a framed photo of the both of u with the sappiest love note in existence on the back (that was drafted 100 times before he wrote on it) and something to do w your specific interests !! if ur a writer, he gets you lovely lined paper or a cute notebook - film buff? he gets u early unreleased posters thru his job. love cooking? he’s gone and found the fanciest rolling pin he can find. when u open it all he’s just sitting there, hands twitching all nervous like :) do u like it? is it too much? or…or not enough? because he has several backup gifts in the car bcos he wants to get it RIGHT
u make sure to give him a dozen kisses til he’s pink in the face and beaming so he knows he’s done a great job
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tetralea · 2 years
Heyyyy! Long time no speak! I know our fandoms have moved apart now, but i've followed you since we were both Seb Stan fans, and ya know i'm not mad at the sprinkle of F1 on my dash... anyway i learnt a curious F1 fact, that if a drivers weight fluctuates by even 1/2kg it can change the performance if the car and it got me thinking in a very smutty way, what if a driver had so much sex and came so much, he's lighter (not as heavy) as he's meant to be?
Do with that thought whatever you wish and however you wish.
Hiiii! :D omg, I feel the same about Henry Cavill haha, any time I see a post with him from you, it’s amazing 😄
Also, your brain, wow, I know about that rule about weights and that they lose much weight during a session, somewhat but never thought about it, even if it’s a very very intriguing thought 🥵
And my mind just went to hard bdsm thoughts about a driver (oh, well everyone knows which I’m talking about) getting tied up and milked and forced to cum over and over again, until he is absolutely drained, in every way lol, that he has some problems with the weight after. Mmm, I love this though a lot, thank you. 🤤
Soo much cum, omg I’m getting the most over the top ideas about it 😂
Thank you for the little red car emojis, they put the cherry on top😍
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