#hey siri play rich girl
moonyflesh · 19 days
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Daniel Brühl behind the scenes of Marvel Studio’s “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” - (2021), as BARON HELMUT ZEMO.
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nobody7102 · 1 year
Hey Siri,
Play “Rich Girl” by Gwen Stefani
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shadowsandstarlight · 2 years
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Hey Siri, play Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani
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nsuiswitch · 4 years
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haha funny sex number but also i’m basically a millionaire
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septicbro1005 · 4 years
Paint Me How You See Me
A/N: Okay, you have no idea how excited I was to see that I had permission to write this. I literally am so happy I could scream. Will I? Not out loud. This actually made me so excited that I got up and started walking around my room and smiling holy shit. Alright. Enough of that. I was inspired to write this story by a comic made by the fantastic @venadorosas​ and I just am so damn excited to write this! I am not an art student myself, but I will do my best to replicate it with what I know. I hope I do the comic justice! Just a few more things before this thing starts: I'm gonna do myself and make this a Quirkless AU as well as make Yuuei a university instead of a high school. This is unedited, so if there are sentences or misspellings, that is why, and I apologize. Anyway, let's get rolling!
Kirishima's POV
One stroke after the other.
Small, swift.
One stroke makes a world of a difference.
So don't… mess… up.
I only have one canvas left after this one, but I'm saving it for something important. Something special. Just need to figure out what.
I mean, yeah, I have others on back order, and Mr. Miyoshi is usually pretty cool with giving me some, but I still need to think about what to do with the 106 cm by 106 cm canvas.
A canvas that big needs something worth being put on there.
"Psst, Kiri--" "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhut," I hissed out through clenched teeth.
"You nee--" "I said shut,"
"B--" "No. Shut. Lemme finish,"
The person who proceeded to pester me, even after I told him to be quiet, was none other than Hanta Sero.
He was an art student, along with myself and several others I know by name.
One of which was Katsuki Bakugou.
And damn, was he confusing.
He was this aloof dude who talked to maybe two people by his own volition.
Some random girl who I see him talk to ever now and again. I think we've spoken twice? All I remember is she told me to call her Tsu.
And then me.
Sure, he'd talk to the professors and people like that, but if he didn't have to speak, he wouldn't.
Yet, he spoke to me.
Not only did he barely talk to people, but he also is probably one of the best looking people on campus.
I kid you not, the first time I saw this dude, I was totally sure I'd met Adonis in human form.
His ash blond hair was styled into a fluffy undercut that I would pay money for to be able to run my hands through, even once. His gauges and helix piercings gave him a bit of an edge, but that's what made him more alluring. He came into class one day, wearing a wife beater, which put a tattoo on full display, resting on his right shoulder.
It isn't just his looks that are attractive either. The way he holds himself, presents himself, just his whole aura is indescribable, to keep it brief.
And he was the person I was painting this for.
This wasn't his first commission. Not by a long shot. And this one was fairly simple as well. Still, I poured my heart and soul into it, just like every piece.
But with his commissions, I feel the need to work that much harder. To push myself that much farther. To make it perfect, in a word.
Now, I know that perfection is impossible, but I still want to achieve it.
I mean, if Bakugou could, I could too, right?
"Kirishima, I've been talking to you for the past couple of seconds and you haven't shushed me. Don't zone out on me right now, man,"
Sero's voice managed to pull me out of this trance, but only a bit.
The ash blond with the scarlet glare was still in the back of my mind.
"You need lunch, man," Sero said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Listen, I thank you for your concern, but I had a protein shake maybe six hours ago. I'm dandy," I mumbled, doing a few more soft strokes before standing up. "Plus, I'm not even hungry," 
"Dunno what kind of protein shake you're drinking, but you still need sustenance. C'mon," Sero attempted to persuade me as I walked to the sink to clean the small brush.
"I'm cool, dude. I have a granola bar or two in my bag. I'll eat when I'm hungry," I chuckled lightly, turning on the water and cleaning the brush.
Sero sighed in defeat, as this marked the second week in a row where I substituted breakfast with a protein drink and lunch with a granola bar.
"Alright, fine. Make sure you eat dinner tonight, or Mr. Miyoshi is gonna kick you out again," Sero said, beginning to walk to the door.
"I know, I know,"
"I'll be off, then,"
"Peace out, dude,"
I heard the door to the studio shut, and it was just me in here.
Just me and the paint.
"Hey, Siri,"
My phone lit up, hearing its name.
"Play Rex Orange County on Spotify,"
As I began to finish up some touches on the snow covered forests surrounding a bright red cardinal, the song Uno filled my ears.
The song had no real relevance, but I love that song so much. I dunno if its just because it sounds so simple and sweet, but I just think the song's pretty great.
I'd say after maybe forty-five minutes of doing seemingly pointless touch-ups, I stood back, admiring my work.
Not much needed to be done, but I needed this to be phenomenal.
"I'll just use a simple varnish once everything is dry, then I can move it into the back," I muttered to myself, as if someone was there and I had to be quiet. "Can I finish it today? I could tell him where it is, and wait for the money to come in, I guess,"
A few seconds pause later, and I continued.
"Wow, great job, Eijirou. You sound like a dickwad who just wants money,"
A short sigh, a granola bar and maybe a half an hour or so later, everything seemed dry.
"Let's varnish this motherfucker, and I'll text him when that's done," I mumbled, going into the cabinets, looking for the varnish.
No other assignments at the moment… okay! Cool! I can probably head back to my dorm, chill there, and text Bakugou when it's done!
When I finally found it, I got to work on the varnish.
"And sent," I whispered as I approached the dormitories.
I just sent Bakugou a short text, telling him where to find it, how to send me the money (although he probably knows the process by heart at this point) and all that jazz.
My dorm building was in sight when my phone buzzed once.
It was a different buzzing pattern than all the others.
"Oh, Bakugou responded this quickly?" I thought aloud.
Opening my phone, I checked the message.
Sent the ¥321.7K 
My eyes widened at the number.
"I sure as hell didn't tell him to send me that much, what the hell?"
                                                   What!? The commission was only ¥48.2K?!
His response was immediate.
Left a tip.
Get yourself something nice.
"Whoa," I murmured.
Now, I knew Bakugou was on the higher end of the economic spectrum, but hot damn! 
He did usually give me more money than I told him to, but that fact that he gave me that much more this time just seemed to solidify the thought of him being rich.
So manly.
Heading into my dorm building, I looked to the elevators, only to see an out of order sign on them both.
"Are you kidding me?" I whispered. "Fine, guess I'm just gonna take the damn stairs,"
I got a notification, seeing the ¥321.7K was successfully put into my account, and I knew this commission was over.
But at this point, I knew what to expect from Bakugou. Next time I see him, he's gonna ask me about another one.
Not that I mind, not one damn bit. I'm cool with any excuse to talk to him, and I'm happy to please him with my art.
I just gotta brace myself for the next time I see him.
Trudging up the stairs, I began pondering what he would want next.
He seems to really like requesting animals, mainly birds such as crows and cardinals, but will he do something different? Ooh, maybe a peacock! Or maybe he'd want some other winged creature… like maybe an insect? Or possibly he'll switch it up on me.
As I ended up on the next staircase, I heard someone else's footsteps approaching.
Looking up, my eyes were met with a familiar scarlet pair of eyes.
"Oh, hey, Bakugou!" I said with a wave.
"Hey," he replied with a simple nod.
Fuck, he was just as gorgeous as always.
A grey turtleneck hugged his torso, with a black and white pinstripe button up on over it. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black jeans, a wallet chain dangling on his right side. A pair of black converse and a dog tag finished his look, alongside my composure.
"Thanks again for the great work," he said, his husky voice hypnotizing me further.
"You haven't already picked it up, have you?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "I don't think I saw you walk past me to get to the parking lot,"
"Nah, but I know it's gonna look good," his compliment was accompanied by a smirk.
Short-lived, yes. But a smirk nonetheless.
"Aw, thanks dude! Always happy to make something for my best customer!" I felt myself beam at him. 
"See you around, Red," he said, continuing down the stairs.
"Bye," I waved with a small smile on my face as he disappeared down the stairs.
I quickly hauled ass up to my floor, speed walked to my door and slammed the keys in.
Gay panic in private, dude.
Opening the door, I pulled my key out and shut the door.
"I'm back, Omi!" I shouted into the apartment to see if my roommate was here.
"Hey," my roommate responded from his bed.
"Is it cool if I hop in the shower real quick?" I asked, jerking a thumb toward the bathroom.
"Sure thing. Keep it brief," Omi said, making me roll my eyes.
"Okay, dad," I sighed, but I gave a smile to show it was all in jest.
After locking myself in the bathroom and stripping myself down to absolutely nothing, I got in the shower and had a gay crisis.
Because that's the only place you can have those, y'know?
But a good ol' Panic! In The Shower was enough to calm my nerves.
As I stepped out of the bathroom to grab clothing, I heard Omi laughing.
"That Bakugou guy really messes you up, huh?" his laughter was thrown in between words, but I knew exactly what he was referencing.
"If I'm being too loud, just knock on the door, dude! Tell me to shut it, I don't care," I flushed, looking at the ground, my hand tightening around the towel that hung on my waist.
Omi just kept laughing at me as I grabbed my clothes; a simple crimson riot shirt, boxers, black shorts and my wave socks.
It isn't like I'm going anywhere tonight, right?
Is what I originally thought until I was dressed and realized I left my motherfucking cardigan at the studio.
"Ugh, fuck," I groaned, rubbing a towel on my head.
"Left your cardigan again?"
"You might as well just wrap it around your waist," Omi suggested.
"And risk getting paint on it?" I looked at Omi like he was a motherfucking psychopath. "Hell no. The cardigan was my grandmother's, so I ain't doing shit to it,"
"Clearly, if you're leaving it in the studio again," Omi mumbled.
"Shush!" I whined, grabbing my keys and slipping on my red sneakers. "I'll be back,"
Leaving my dorm, I began going down the stairs when I ran into someone.
It was Bakugou, again.
And just when I thought my gay panic was over for the day.
"Oh, hey," I said as casually as possible.
Which probably sounded forces as fuck, because it felt like my heart was just about ready to implode.
"Red," Bakugou was looking me up and down.
I don't think I've ever felt more self-conscious about my appearance in my life.
"I've got another request, if it isn't too much,"
"O-oh, okay!" 
Why did I stutter?! That was so unmanly!
"So, what is it?"
I looked into his gorgeous eyes, trying to see further into him, but I was only met with his right hand slamming into the wall next to my head.
Oh shit, oh fuck. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna collapse, right here. Right now. I can't handle this.
"Uh, dude? You--" "Paint me how you see me, Kirishima,"
Uh, what?
I was stuck between saying "Got it," and "What?" so my dumbass just responded with this:
We sat there, in silence, staring at each other.
My face was flushing bright red, and I wanted to look away, but I didn't. I couldn't. His eyes just drew me in.
He moved his arm to his side, and began to head up the stairs.
Quick, say something coherent!
"O-on it!"
I swear, I saw him smile a bit before he was completely gone.
What was I doing again?
It's been around three weeks.
It's been three weeks of planning, sketching, and small, swift strokes.
And plenty of panic, but that's irrelevant. There was a bit of disco, so it balances out anyway.
Mr. Miyoshi did end up setting a curfew on me, to make sure I didn't pass out at the studio, but it wasn't set until it had already happened.
But, since I wanted to work on it after the curfew, I brought it to the dorm, keeping it on newspaper and buying the paint I needed.
I had the picture in my mind, which I did my best to replicate without him genuinely modelling for me.
It was a ¾ shot of his shirtless back, with him looking over his right shoulder, giving a perfect view of his side profile. I also made sure I replicated his tattoo to the best of my abilities, and I think it came out okay.
But that isn't all!
Monarch butterflies lined his back, as a fiery looking echo was placed slightly to the left. 
Those warm colors contrasted like hell, compared to the blues and navy of the background.
Just to fuck around with more color, flecks of brighter colors adorned the background, giving it sort of galaxy look.
I thought it looked gorgeous.
And not just because it's Bakugou.
You know how when you make something, and you worked so damn hard on it, and when it's done, you're just filled with pride?
This is one of those works for me.
"Omi!" I yelled about before cringing.
It's 01:35.
Why the fuck does he sound like he's been awake?
"First of all, have you been awake this whole time? Second of all, could you grab me my phone?" I said a little quieter.
"It's done?" Omi asked, coming over with my phone.
"I'm happy with it," I said with a huge grin.
"Looks fantastic," Omi pat my shoulder before walking off.
Using my nose, I unlocked my phone and took a picture before putting my phone down.
I just looked at the painting, with Bakugou's slight pout catching my eyes.
I have absolutely zero clue what came over me, but I lifted my forefinger to my mouth, and pressed a small peck to it.
My forefinger rested against the painting's lips, and I just felt warm.
And that was probably the best feeling ever.
I gotta give this to him in person. It's about time I told him.
What floor are you on again?
                                                                                    Number two. Room 204.
Okay, I'm coming over.
I let out a shuddery breath, looking at the canvas, which I covered with a blanket.
I need to tell him.
It's time.
I kept opening my phone, making sure I had the song ready to play at the click of a button.
He needs to know.
A loud knock landed on my door, and I jumped.
I walked over to the door, playing the song as I opened it.
"Hey, Bakugou! Come in!"
The ash blond entered, wearing a button up and jeans again, just no turtleneck this time.
"So, I wanted to give this one to you in person… because I…" I was stumbling over my words.
Calm down, Eijirou. You got this.
"Because this could very well be the last commission you want from me,"
This made Bakugou's usual deadpan change ever so slightly. His left brow rose up as his head tilted to the side.
"And why might that be?"
Fucking say it.
Spit it out.
"I like you," I barely got out before throwing my gaze at the ground. "I like you a lot. You're just so cool and collected, and from what I know about you, I like it. And I want to know more. I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, but I just had to get that out," 
Before I even looked at him, I walked over to the painting, still looking at the ground, and pulled the blanket off.
Everything was silent, except for the music in the background. But even the song was at a quieter part than the rest of it.
I felt Bakugou's eyes on me and not the painting, which terrified me to no end.
Should I have even said anything?
"You don't have to pay if you don't want to or if you don't like it. And…" I took in a shaky breath, looking at the ground, lazily gesturing to the painting and then myself. "If you don't want to be friends anymore, if you even thought of us as friends, then you can ignore me,"
His footsteps were soft, but I knew they were coming. So when his black converse appeared in my vision, I looked off to the side as my vision blurred with tears that threatened to spill. 
A finger went under my chin, turning my face to him.
His eyes met mine, and he was smiling.
"You really are oblivious, huh?"
Fucking, again?
Bakugou laughed before leaning in a bit, his head turning to the left.
"Can I kiss you as a tip?"
My whole brain has short-circuited, but I turned my head to the right and leaned in closer.
My eyes slowly closed, and when his lips met mine, I was immediately thrown into a state of euphoria.
Holy shit, this is happening.
This is actually happening!
I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face as I draped my arms over his shoulders, and I couldn't stop laughing either.
It was so fucking amazing.
Small blazes of tears made tracks down my cheeks, but I didn't care. Unless my nose starts running, I'm not gonna let some tears mess up this kiss.
But, all good things must come to an end, as Bakugou pulled back.
His eyes were on mine, and for once, they were soft. A small grin was pasted on his features, his hands on my face.
"Why are you crying?" he asked as his thumb rubbed at my dampened cheek.
I just felt myself giggle in response. 
"Well, I was originally gonna cry because I thought you wouldn't be cool with my confession, but these tears quickly turned sweet," I just couldn't stop laughing. "Shit, I'm so happy,"
We just stood there for a few moments of content silence before Bakugou spoke up.
"So, how the hell am I supposed to bring this painting to my dorm?" 
"I can help you bring it up there!" I offered.
"I get to bring two masterpieces to my dorm? Great!" Bakugou oozed confidence as he said that.
"Dear christ," I began giggling again, since that was unexpected.
We grabbed the painting, and I made sure Bakugou was careful with it, but was also holding it properly.
"Hey, Omi! Could you get the door?"
"Your roommate was here?" Bakugou asked.
"Well, it's his dorm too." I pointed out as Omi got the door for me. "Plus, it isn't like I wasn't so obviously crushing on you,"
"It really wasn't," Omi said, patting my back carefully. "But congratulations to the both of you,"
"Thanks, Omi,"
Bakugou just gave a small murmur to thank Omi.
"Alright, Bakugou, you go through the door first, then we can keep walking," I said, turning us so Bakugou could walk out the door properly.
After a quick minute of maneuvering, we managed to get the painting up the stairs without damaging it.
"So you're which dorm?"
"302," Bakugou said as we got to his door.
"Coolio!" I grinned.
"Dork," Bakugou snickered at me. "How d'you want this to be put down?"
"We can just rest it against the wall," I said, propping the painting up on the wall.
"Give me a quick sec," Bakugou mumbled, unlocking the door.
He swung the door open and made sure it stayed open. 
"At this point, I'm gonna follow you. You know where you wanna put this?" I asked him.
"Uhm… I think Misumi wouldn't mind if I placed this on his side of the room until I know exactly where to hang it," Bakugou said as we walked into the room.
My paintings were all on the wall. The snow surrounded cardinal, the murder of crows, all of them.
Except one.
The other paintings sort of made a frame, with a 106 cm x 106 cm square in the middle.
"Hey, honey?" I called out.
"What's up, Rourou?" Katsuki asked from the other room.
"Could you grab me the step ladder?"
"Shorty," I heard Katsuki laugh.
"I heard that, Katsu! You aren't as quiet as you think!"
"Says you, of all people!" Katsuki chuckled, coming on with the step ladder.
"Thank you, baby," I said, pecking his cheek.
"Of course. Putting up the last one?" He asked.
"Yep!" I said, grabbing the painting I made all those years back.
The monarch butterflies dotting his spine, his scarlet glare, gorgeous fluffy hair, all of it brought together, and hung up on our wall.
I got off the step ladder, and looked at the paintings. Every single one of them.
A hand snaked around my waist and pulled me in close.
"I love you so much, baby," Katsuki whispered, kissing my forehead.
"I love you too,"
His hand rubbed against my waist, but I could feel one thing that was inconsistent with the feeling of the rest of his hand.
A golden band sat on his left ring finger, practically identical to the one that sat on my left ring finger.
A/N: And that's all! Honestly, I'm very pleased with this, and think this came out well! I hope that those of you who see this like it too! I want to thank @venadorosas for allowing me to write a story based off of their comic and for making such fantastic art. If you like my writing, I'm also on Wattpad, so check me out there, if you're up for it. Same username and profile picture. I do believe that this is it! I apologize for the ending, as it feels a little odd to me, I just don't have any idea how to end it properly. I sincerely hope that I did the comic justice. Love y'all! Stay safe and healthy! - Septic
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marcelgerard · 4 years
top 5 found families in media
rags first of all soz for taking 70 years to reply to this i literally forgot and this is hard to narrow down, also secondly this is a leading question i know you’re asking mainly about THE ORIGINALS so welcome to my ted talk it’s under the cut. for those of you who don’t want my dissertation; 
1) the originals klaus + marcel & marcel + davina
2) black sails jack + anne 
3) gossip girl blair + serena + nate + chuck 
4) elementary sherlock + joan
5) new girl nick + winston + schmidt 
honorable mention, bc who amongst us would not love to occasionally full murder our families, interview with the vampire louis + lestat 
1) the originals klaus + marcel & marcel + davina 
okay everyone shut the fuck up for a second let me get into this, the klaus and marcel dynamic really does hit me in the face every time bc klaus is basically marcel’s only family: he finds him, he saves him as a child, he names him, he raises him, he turns him, he fucking loves this kid. marcel is literally one of v few people klaus actually gives a fuck about and the parental dynamic does murder me bc it’s klaus wanting to raise him and wanting to be a good father and be the opposite of his own father BUT when it came down to it and the opera house burns down in the 1920s or whatever, klaus leaves. he runs, he never looks back because he assumed his son was dead and he never fucking went back to check. BUT their dynamic when he comes back to new orleans and sees that marcel is not only alive but thriving and ruling the city that klaus  built and left burning is so!!!! there’s literally so much shit between them but at the end of the day (or at least until elijah throws marcel off a bridge) they're still family to each other.  they go back and forth from being allies to enemies like every 10 episodes but marcel backs klaus, marcel protects the mikaelsons, marcel saves baby hope from the witches and even if he wants to kill klaus it’s DIFFERENT bc he loves him he has the fucking right to do it after everything klaus has done to him, other people (the witches, the strix, that asshole lucien) don't. they reconcile at the end of the series but the one thing that like properly actually fully broke them apart was davina’s death. which brings us to.......
marcel and davina. theirs is a slightly less complicated dynamic (yes there's manipulation and lying but this is cw show grow up) and i’m obsessed with them. marcel saves davina from being sacrificed and takes on being her father figure bc when they meet she absolutely is a child, and they connect because they’re similar and marcel sees a lot of his younger self in her. after all the witch shit is settled and she’s a lot more independent you still see that they take care of each other because who the fuck else will? they both have enemies on either side of the vampire/witch communities so even if they’re not on the same side they still have each other’s backs. marcel looks out for her no matter what, and davina’s one exception to being asked to help kill klaus is to break the sire bond so that if klaus dies marcel doesn’t die with him. and after ALL of the shit that happened between marcel and klaus, it’s davina dying as direct result of mikaelson bullshit that finally finally breaks marcel. he takes the supervampire serum, and goes absolutely apeshit to avenge her because that’s his daughter they killed. 
2) black sails jack + anne 
i don���t need to explain this everyone knows i’m right. yes? yes. i’m right. 
3) gossip girl - the original gang so blair + serena + chuck + nate 
hey siri, play frank ocean - super rich kids. god!!!! baby’s first found family i think? i love these dumb motherfuckers!!! objectively horrifying behaviour from all parties but they love each other!! non judging breakfast club!!! they're a bunch of stupid fucking kids with no one but themselves!! they raised each other they aren’t really friends with anyone else bc who the fuck else has the SHARED EXPERIENCES that they do when gossip girl starts!! where does one begin,,, all of them having serena’s back in season 1 after georgina drugs her, serena fake dating nate to cover for him as he absolutely be fucking a married woman, chuck secretly loaning money to nate’s family so nate doesn't find out he’s broke, blair and serena’s entire friendship, them collectively coming together whenever something they think is actually serious (the georgina thing, serena going missing, serena’s car accident, bart dying, blair and chuck’s car accident, that scene where the three of them are trying to get serena out of jail!!!) happens ugh i do love them i do. 
4) elementary joan + sherlock 
i am obsessed with their dynamic!!! obsessed with it!!! monsieur crumplesnatch simply does not have the RANGE!!! they’re PARTNERS, he cares about her opinion more than literally anyone else's, when he thinks joan’s in danger he goes apeshit and so does she when it’s the other way around, they co own a tortoise!! he named a new species of bee after her!! she forcibly socialises him into acting like human being sometimes, he actively tries to be more considerate, she doesn't take any of his shit and they fuckign just,,,, get each other!! purely platonically!! god the found family of it all....the dynamic is so good lads it’s so good watch elementary 
5) new girl - nick + winston + schmidt 
they’re so motherfucking stupid i am obsessed with them and their dynamic. “would you consider us adorable?” “winston, we’re adult men, we’re cute.” the entire gave me cookie/got you cookie exchange, the fucking guys night episode where nick teaches schmidt to do laundry and winston to read a ruler, the flash cut in the same episode from nick saying “what, we’re just gonna sit around and talk about love?” to them under a makeshift tent in the living room drinking sangria and crying as they all sing i wanna know what love is. stunning. 
6) honorable mention interview with the vampire louis + lestat 
are we not all craving family so badly sometimes we’d fully just turn someone into a vampire so they’re forced to stay with you literally forever?? would you not turn a child also into a vampire to force your unwilling husband to stay with the family?? wouldn't you too, burn your entire home,, simply to get away from your family?? 10/10 
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seouledbysisi · 4 years
Something New
Chapter nine
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As he drove back home from the party he couldn’t wipe his big silly smile off of his face. He needed to talk to somebody and the only person he could think of to call was Brianne. After all they used to would tell each other everything and he couldn’t vent about his feelings to Sasha because that would just be too weird, right? He didn’t want her to think he was some love sick puppy even though that’s exactly what he was starting to feel like.
“Hey Siri!” He spoke in his deep tone. “Call Brianne.”
He waited for her to pick up. He figured she might be busy. On the last ring he finally heard her voice.
“Jeffrey, what a surprise!” She spoke on the other end.
He chuckled. “Why? We’re starting over on a new leaf. Get used to me calling you.”
He put his blinker on to veer onto the main highway. Sasha’s house was about thirty minutes away from his seeing as his parents lived in the suburbs of the suburbs. Yeah they were rich rich but he didn’t care. Their money was theirs not his and honestly after he graduated he couldn’t wait to get out of their grip, mainly his fathers.
“So to what do I owe this pleasure?” She spoke.
He could tell she was smiling. He could hear it in her voice. “I feel good. I needed to talk to my bestie!”
“Where are you, Jeffrey?” She asked with a giggle.
“Driving home. You know Johnny’s mom’s birthday party was tonight so me, Sasha and Ivy went. It was nice. Those people really know how to throw a party!”
Brianne sighed. “I totally forgot about that. I was planning on going but then Taeil said he needed tutoring, which he absolutely didn’t, but that’s not the point.” She rolled her eyes.
“Wait- that is the point. Why would he ask you to tutor him if he didn’t need tutoring?”
“Right! Like it was sort of a waste of time. I could’ve went to the party with y’all.” She took a deep breath.
Jaehyun chuckled. “You really are oblivious. If he actually didn’t need tutoring then he just wanted a reason to spend time with you, duh!”
“Why couldn’t he just ask me on a date?”
“Would you have said yes?!” He posed posed to her.
She giggled. “Probably not. I always think guys are playing around when it comes to me.”
“That’s why he asked you to study. I guarantee you he’s been watching your moves and he knew exactly how to approach you and look it worked.”
“Yeah and he may have asked me on another study date but he said we didn’t have to study this time around.”
“So he wants to take you on a legit date then, Bri. Keep up, he likes you!” Jae laughed as he pulled into his driveway. He cut the engine.
Brianne giggled. “Well look at there, I’ve been asked out and didn’t even notice. He is a cutie though. I should probably text him with an answer.”
“Yeah and that answer better be a yes!” He paused for a moment. “Bri, I- I really like her. Like I know you don’t want to hear it but-“
“No I do! I’m totally good off of you. We’re best friends and that’s all I ever need us to be. Tell me all about it.”
He laid his head back on the head rest. “She’s great. I see why my parents love her so much. She just understands me like no one ever has. I feel like she actually sees me even though I’m scared as shit to show her all the ugly things.”
Brianne smiled. “She’s that kind of person. I’ve been like the worst friend ever to her lately and she still has stuck around. She show compassion when most people wouldn’t. So what are you going to do about these feelings?”
That big silly smile appeared on his face again as he stepped out of his vehicle and headed to his front door. “I want her to be mine. But is it too soon to ask?”
“There’s no time like any time. Cease the day, my friend!” She approved. “Plus I overheard that Taeyong is trying to get her back so you might want to act fast.”
He opened his door and noticed suitcases in the foyer. “Mom?!” He yelled.
Brianne groaned. “Did you really have to yell in my ear?”
He had honestly forgot that quick that he was on the phone. The packed suitcases caught him off guard.
His mom appeared in view. “Your dad is gone so if you’re coming with me I need you to get you stuff right now!”
He eyed her curiously. “What are you doing?” He asked with wide eyes.
“I’m leaving your father. This is the last time I be his fool. Are you coming or not?”
“Where will we go?!” Jaehyun was taken aback.
She grabbed his face to stare into his big brown eyes, “trust me, Jeffrey! Okay?”
He nodded in silence.
Brianne didn’t know what to say. “Um- hello?” She spoke on the other end of the phone. She could tell Jae was running upstairs from his breathing and the stomps she could hear.
He gasped. “I’m so sorry I forgot you were still there, I have to go but we definitely need to talk about the whole Taeyong thing.” He cut the phone line quickly and began packing his things. The only thing he cared about was his clothes and shoes. Everything else could stay as far as he was concerned.
After about an hour he met his mom downstairs. “So where are we going?”
She smiled. It was a sad smile but a smile nonetheless. “I bought a condo outside the city. Your dad doesn’t even know about it.”
Jae simply nodded.
“Follow me in your car.”
Jaehyun pulled his things to his car and packed them in. “Mom!” He yelled as something dawned on him. “Doesn’t he have trackers on these vehicles?”
She shook her head. “He did but I removed them. Let’s go!”
He drove closely behind his mother. He felt like maybe his mom had been planning to leave for a while but she just couldn’t find the proper opportunity. Now she had one he guessed.
After about forty five minutes they pulled up to a building of condos.
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He admired it. He knew she had spent a pretty penny on it. He helped her with the kids.
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After they got everything in he smiled at the inside. “How long have you had this?”
“About a year. I needed my ducks in a row.” She sighed as she stared out the window.
Jaehyun rubbed her shoulder. “You deserve so much better, mom. From me and from him. I don’t want to be like him.”
She looked over to him. “Then be better. You have what it takes to be a decent man, just do it.” She rubbed his cheek.
He smiled a little. “I’ve been hiding something from you-“ he started.
She crossed her arms. “Nothing you do is ever mystery to me, Jeffrey.”
He smirked. “So you’re telling me you already know what I’m about to reveal?”
“Maybe. What is it?”
“I’ve been hanging out with Sasha and her friends lately. I’m staying out of trouble I swear.”
She smiled. “Oh I know if you’re hanging with them then you’re definitely not in any trouble. Just don’t revert back. Sasha is a good girl and she has many aspirations. Don’t mess that up for her.”
“Why did you just single her out?” He questioned.
She laughed. “I told you that nothing you do is a mystery to me. I know you like her. I knew you would before y’all met.”
“How would you even know what my type is? I’ve been away at boarding school forever. You’ve never met any of my girlfriends.” As if he had had any to begin with. Let’s just say he wasn’t the commitment type before now. He was just having fun and breaking hearts while at it but he didn’t want to be like that anymore. Sasha has changed the game. She was the main character and he was just trying to find his way in her world.
She stared at him. “How could you not fall for her? She’s amazing in so many ways. Just call it mother’s intuition.” She walked back towards the master bedroom. “Get settled in. You’ll need your rest for school tomorrow.”
She searched through Johnny’s drawer for some comfortable clothes to wear. She quickly pulled out a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt. She noticed an unopened box of condoms. She eyed them wondering how long he had had them. Was it just in case it had he been planning for the moment. They were very comfortable with one another so they undressed and dressed freely in front of each other but they had never had sex. Or at least never went all the way.
She heard the knob turn to his door so she hurriedly stashed them back in his drawer and stepped back from the dresser. She hugged his clothes against her body. She didn’t know why she felt embarrassed now.
He eyed her for a moment then he slipped his shirt off. His gym shirts hung low off of his hips.
She could see his “V” and boy did it make her hot.
“Babe, are you okay?” He asked as he turned his covers back and jumped into the bed.
She snapped out of her trance. “Yes.” She whispered. She didn’t mean to say it like that though she was just caught up in the pure lust of him. An entire man underneath his clothes. She had seen him like this before but maybe seeing the condoms had her imagining things that she probably shouldn’t.
He patted the side of his bed. “Come lay with me.” He pleaded.
She shook her head. “I think I might need to use the bathroom?” She said as if it was a question. She ran into his bathroom. She splashed water on her face. “Get your shit together, Ivy!” She spoke to herself quietly.
He wondered what the hell was wrong with her. She was acting so awkwardly and that was one thing that she wasn’t.
Ivy grabbed her phone as she braced herself on the countertop and called Sasha. “I need you to talk me down!”
Sasha giggled. “What is it, Ivy?”
“I think I’m ready to have sex.” She whispered. She knew the walls weren’t that thick so if she didn’t want him to hear her she needed to stay quiet.
“You what?” Sasha could barely hear her.
“Sex, Sasha! I think I’m ready!” She said a bit too loud. She covered her mouth, if she could slap herself she would’ve.
Johnny had been standing by the door so he heard that. His eyes flew open wide. He had been ready but she didn’t seem so into it so he never asked.
“Are you going to tell me this is a mistake or not, Sasha?!” She stared at herself in the mirror.
Sasha sighed. “Y’all have been together since sophomore year. Who am I to tell you what to do with your body. Do you think y’all will be together after we graduate?”
“I can’t picture my life without him honestly. It scares me that we might be taking separate roads but I still want him. I love him, Sasha.” Tears formed in her eyes as she thought of the future.
Sasha smiled. She wanted a love like that. “Do what your heart tells you to do.”
“Thanks Sasha! I love you.” She hung up.
Johnny stood at the door. He wasn’t even going to try to act like he hadn’t been listening.
She opened the door and bumped into him.
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He caught her in his arms and simply held her. “I love you too.” He smiled and tipped her chin up so she could see him. “I don’t care where I go in this life or any other life, I’m taking you with me.”
She let a tear escape.
He wiped it. “And also I’m ready to have you in every way possible but I want it to be special for both of us so just wait a little bit. You won’t regret the wait.” He kissed her lips softly then nipped the bottom one with a light chuckle.
-stay tuned
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ilvsyzj · 4 years
Chapter Nineteen: Mission #1- Finding Toothless’ Partner and Finding Sophia and Rich Secret.
Mission Day #0
     When I asked my questions none of the boys spoke. They just stare at the floor. It’s was like they had a secret that they were afraid to tell me. But the Healers were there and they explained it to me. 
Sarah: Before you came into Sky’s life. Sophia always thought that Sky would be hers. But the Goddess had a different plan for her. When Sophia went to the Oracle Mansion on her 18th birthday. It wasn’t Sky that became her soul mate it was Rich. When she saw it wasn’t the person that she has been dreaming about ever since she was a little girl, she got really upset. She and Rich never got out of the Friendship Phase. Because Sophia thought that Sky wouldn’t find his true soul mate. So, all she had to do was show up at the Oracle Mansion when there is Soul Mate Searching Party. She try to flirt with Sky and even try to get into his pants. But Sky just stopped her in her tracks before she could go even further. Sophia, thought Sky was playing hard to get. But he wasn’t. Sky doesn’t like Sophia at all. He only pretends to be friendly with her because we all have to work together as a team. But the truth is Sophia isn’t a really nice person. If she can’t get what she wanted then she will stop anyone from having what she wants. Sophia never said anything to you for a whole week is because she knows that Sky is going to defend you. But when Sophia found out that you were Sky’s soul mate, she became really jealous and would come up with plans to make you either sick or hurt you. But the boys could see through Sophia’s plans and by the time you come downstairs everything is right. For example, when you and Sky is suppose to exercise on Sunday nights. The treadmill that you use is raised up 40 degrees higher then usual. Vicky usually exercise on Sunday nights. So, Vicky will lower your treadmill back to your normal level. When you’re about to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Sophia always put rat poison in your food. But Charlie would always swap it out for a fresh plate. All of these things are done by Sophia because she is jealous of you and mad at the Goddess for not being  fair. As for why Sophia want to join King Eric. Well, that’s because King You had send her family into exile. Why Sophia’s family is in exile is because Sophia’s family were a bunch of robbers. They say they would change and not steal from anyone else. But since Sophia’s family are poor they have to rob others so they can survive. Sophia’s family tried to rob the Royal Family. But instead Sophia’s family killed something that was very dear to the Royal Family’s heart. That something was Frankie. Frankie was only 3 years old when he died. CCTV caught Sophia’s brother Max stabbing Frankie in the heart. So, Sophia traded her freedom to have her family to be exile while she stayed and train hard to become a Healer. Sophia wasn’t suppose to be a Healer. Because Sophia doesn’t have to the power to heal. But the power to kill. King You knew Sophia doesn’t have the healing power, but she traded her freedom to become a healer so that her family doesn’t have to die. Sophia’s freedom was to leave Sky alone and stop flirting with him. King Eric accepted Sophia’s family and they became hunters. But Sophia’s father wouldn’t leave his only daughter behind so he made a deal with King Eric, and that deal is to become loyal to King Eric. By becoming a hunter for life. If Mr. Gong did that then King Eric will get Sophia back to her family. Of course Sophia heard this and accept, but she has to stay in our team for a bit longer. Because King Eric wants to take over Mythical Kingdom. Sophia is the perfect choice to be their mole, and King Eric offered Rich the same plan. At first Rich didn’t want it but King Eric told Rich that he has a way to free Lee from prison. So Rich became the second mole. King Eric never liked the Mythical Kingdom and whomever becomes the strongest Royal Couple will be the end of King Eric. 
Jazzy: What is a strongest Royal Couple?
William: It’s called the Yin Yang Royal Couple. It is very rare. No one has come close becoming the Yin Yang Royal Couple. It said that the Yin Yang Royal Couple will bring peace to Mythical Kingdom. 
Jazzy: Oh. Well, now that we all know that there’s two moles on our team. We’ll just leave it be. Tomorrow we will get Snow and if they keep up with their stupidity then let them. 
Sky: What are you saying?
Jazzy: If King Eric wants to take over Mythical Kingdom. Let him. We just have to train hard and defend Mythical Kingdom. I don’t believe we can’t defend our home. So for now, we’ll just pretend that we don’t know about Rich and Sophia’s secret. I don’t want them to run away from us. I want to catch them red handed. But right now it’s not the time. Keep training hard and let them leak information to King Eric. 
Jeff: What if King You finds out about this?
Jazzy: -looking around the house and out the window- King You already knows about this. If he disapprove of what I’m planning then Sebastian would come and stop me on his behalf. Sebastian is King You’s advisor and he is also our guard who keeps an eye on us. The entire might not have any CCTVs but I have a feeling that there is CCTVs. Its just tinier and we can’t see it. But its there. I may not say much most of the time, but I can sense things. Before any one knows. Also, I’m not stupid as most people think I am. I may not tell you all what I’m planning, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a plan. My plan is to train hard and act like we didn’t find out about their secret. Let’s just through this last 4 weeks. 
Brandy: What if they attack first?
Jazzy: They won’t attack. It’s too early. My gut is telling me that they would attack later in the year. Also, King Eric doesn’t want Yin Yang Royal Couple. King Eric wants something bigger. Something that no one knows about. He thinks getting rid of Toothless and Snow, he would find what he’s looking for. Because King Eric thinks that Toothless and Snow is the key to something bigger. 
Sky: Like what?
Jazzy: Who knows. But it has to do with Mythical Kingdom. Something inside Mythical Kingdom. But we can’t just go charging in. That will be too dangerous. Training is our only option. 
Charlie: You’re not going turn into a monster are you?
Jazzy: -laughing- No. But first Toothless, you really stink. You need a bath. A real bath. 
Toothless: Finally. 
     I took Toothless to the bathroom and gave him a good scrubbing. 45 minutes later Toothless is back to his old self. I also cleaned up the entire house. Because it smell like a dumpster. 2 hours later the house was back to normal. We didn’t get to bed until 2 am. Tomorrow morning we will continue our journey to Hunters Island. 
-End of Day 0-
Mission Day #1, Getting Snow.
     The next morning we all had coffee and breakfast. Put on our walkie-talkies and set out. Toothless stayed at home with Sky and everyone else. While I, Will, Mike, Phil, and Sam went to the island. The new plan is for Mike to make the rest of us invisible. I knew that King Eric will move Snow into a different location, to make everything a little bit difficult. But that’s okay. I’m familiar with Snow scent so finding her wouldn’t be so hard. But I want to test the hunters. I know that King Eric is going to let us rescue Snow without attacking us. But after hearing what was said last night. I too want to test them. 20 minutes later we found Snow, she was in a cage sleeping. The poor thing was super skinny and scare. But when Snow knew I was there to help her and not hurt her. Since I don’t have the key to unlock her cage, I actually used my fire power to open the cage door. I was more surprised that I didn’t melt the entire cage. Mike used his invisibility to cloak Snow. We went back to the house without any problems. None of the hunters or King Eric came after us. This mission took no more than 30 minutes. I try to give Snow a bath which she didn’t like and she almost scratch the crap out me. So, I ask Sky to help me. To my surprise Snow like Sky and quietly let him bath her. 
      I left the bathroom and went to get my phone. I want to find out more about Yin Yang Royal Couple. So the best person to ask was Siri. That’s what I did. 
Jazzy: Hey Siri!
Siri: Yes. 
Jazzy: I need more information on Yin Yang Royal Couple. 
Siri: Yin Yang Royal Couple is a very rare couple. In a thousand years there was only one pair couple who have reached this stage of life. It was Goddess herself and her lover. Yin Yang Royal Couple is very powerful, they have the ability to heal anything that they touched. To achieve this stage you first need to find a soul mate, then you need to find a black cat and white cat, and then you need to have the Mating Mark. Once you have all these things then you have to keep training. The more you grow the stronger you’ll be. That’s all the information I have on the Yin Yang Royal Couple. 
Jazzy: Thanks Siri. 
Siri: No problem. Princess.
    Well, I have one black cat and one white cat. I have a soul mate. But I don’t have the Mating Mark yet. Also, I’m not strong enough. But my gut tells me that the Yin Yang Royal Couple is Sky and I. Why? Because Snow wouldn’t have allow Sky give her a bath, and Toothless wouldn’t have cuddle me every single day. 
Sky: Why were you asking Siri about Yin Yang Royal Couple?
Jazzy: Eek! -jumping out of my skin-
Sky: Sorry. 
Snow: Meow?
Jazzy: Because I want to know more about it. But Siri didn’t give that much information. All she said was how to become a Yin Yang Royal Couple. And that the Goddess and her lover reached the Yin Yang Royal Couple stage. 
Sky: You think its us?
Jazzy: That’s what my gut is telling me. Toothless has been cuddling me for a week and half now. Snow, would only let you bath her. She almost scratch the heck out me. I think Toothless is my Yin and Snow is your Yang. Siri also said that the harder we train the stronger we get. The only royal I know is you. And Siri won’t stop calling me Princess every time I thank her for something. Unless you’re going to tell me that there’s more than one royal member on our team. 
Sky: No. I’m the only royal. The boys are from noble families. Their families were middle class families that rose to the noble ranks. When I become King the boys would become Lords. Same with the girls. 
Jazzy: Well, that’s that. -smiling- Snow really likes you. 
Snow: I apologized for almost scratching you Princess. I don’t really like the way you were bathing me. You were scrubbing me too hard. 
Jazzy: I’m sorry. I was trying to get the stink out, and scrubbing you hard was the only way I can get it out. But if you like Sky can give you a bath when you need it. And I’ll give Toothless a bath when he needs it. 
Snow: You’re not mad Princess?
Jazzy: Why would I be mad. :) If you don’t like something that I’m doing please let me know. I’ll be happy to change it. I just want you to feel comfortable, loved, and be safe. Nothing else. :)
Snow: Okay. 
Jazzy: Hey Siri! 
Siri: Yes. 
Jazzy: Why am I being called a Princess?
Siri: Because you’re soul mate is a Prince. 
Jazzy: Oh. Is that the right title I’m suppose go by?
Siri: Yes. Your current title is Royal Princess Jazzy Tam. 
Jazzy: Do all get that title when you’re dating any member of the Royal Family?
Siri: Yes. 
Jazzy: Thanks Siri. 
Siri: No problem. Princess. 
Sky: I could’ve answer that question for you. 
Jazzy: Yes. But I have a feeling that you might tell me some weird answer. 
Sky: Like?
Jazzy: Something like you’re a prince and that automatically make me a princess. 
Sky: -laughing- That’s the answer I will give you. 
Jazzy: Ugh! -playfully pushes Sky away- 
    While Sky and I was talking Snow went to Toothless bowl and started eating his dinner. Drank his water and now she is sleeping. While Sky was fooling around. 
Toothless: -biting Jazzy ankle- 
Jazzy: Ow!
Toothless: Hungry. Thirsty. 
Jazzy: I put food in your bowl. Also there’s water in your water bowl. 
Toothless: Snow ate and drank it all. My bowls are empty. Feed me now! Or I bite. -going for Jazzy’s ankle again-
Jazzy: Okay! You crazy cat. 
    I refilled Toothless’ bowls. Toothless happily ate and drank. Snow finished cleaning herself and looked at me. 
Jazzy: -smiling-
Snow: Sorry. I was too hungry and thirsty to wait any longer. 
Jazzy: -smiling- That’s okay. Tomorrow is Friday. Sky and I will go shopping for you. 
Sky: Snow, I made you an appointment to see a vet tomorrow morning. 
Snow: -hissing and growling- 
Jazzy: Snow, you been in that cage for Goddess know how long. We need to make sure you’re okay. We want you to be healthy. And not sick. No one likes going to the doctors. But everyone needs a physical check up every now and then. I would’ve go with you but I have report to write. You’ll be find. Also, Sky will buy you nice water bowl and food bowl. Let me know what you like eat and I’ll make it for you. -smiling- 
Snow: Promise?
Jazzy: Mhm. -smiling-
Snow: Find. I’ll go. But I’m not going to be happy about it. 
Toothless: You’ll be find Snow. -jumping up to the bed- 
     Snow turned up her nose at Toothless, and curl up in between Sky and my pillows. I sense that Snow didn’t like Toothless that much. But I know they will be friends in no time. I went to shower and then start writing my report and catch up with my homework. I was so busy that I didn’t noticed that there was a knock on our bedroom door. Sky opened it and it was Mike. 
Sky: Dude, you’re not suppose to be on this floor. 
Mike: I know. But none of you answer your phones. So, I have no choice but to come knocking. 
Sky: Well, make it fast. What is it? Or we all going to be in trouble. 
Mike: Dinner’s ready. 
Sky: You could’ve scream that. We could’ve hear you. 
Mike: We have done enough screaming this week. 
Sky: True. We’ll be right down. 
Mike: Mhm. 
     Sky and I went downstairs to eat dinner. Then we did our usual routine and then we went back to our rooms. I finished the report and my homework. Sky was reading, Toothless and Snow was sleeping. I was about to go to bed when the alarms of the house went off. Snow freaked out by the sound, Toothless went on high alert with his hissing and growling. Sky and I ran downstairs with everyone else. We went outside and found the King himself trying to turn off our sensor alarms. Mike went to turn it off. 
Sky: Dad? What are you doing here?
King You: -sheepish- Sorry, I forgot the pass code. I’m here to talk to you guys. Sebastian isn’t at his usual spot. He probably went to eat dinner. 
Sebastian: -running towards us- Your Majesty! What are you doing here?
King You: I’m here to talk to them. I forgot the passcode. Sorry for tripping the alarm. 
Sebastian: Oh. It’s my fault I wasn’t at my spot. I was taking a shower. 
King You: It’s fine. Go finish your shower. I’ll just talk to the young ones. -smiling-
Sebastian: Yes, your majesty. -bowing- 
     Sebastian went back to his house to finish his shower. The King and the rest of us went back inside the house. Charlie gave King You some tea to drink and we all sat down in the Common Room. 
Sky: Dad, is something the matter?
King You: King Eric, contact me and he said that for now he wouldn’t declare war on Mythical Kingdom. But in the future he will declare war with us. 
Kelly: What?! Why?!
King You: Because King Eric still wants the Ultimate Prize. But he said that you guys got Snow, so he’s letting us with a warning. King Eric also said that Mythical Kingdom don’t have the Ultimate Prize, because he couldn’t feel it’s energy yesterday when he and his army was here. But he said that in the future the Ultimate Prize will be at Mythical Kingdom. 
Jazzy: -confused- Sorry. I don’t understand. What is the Ultimate Prize?
King You: The Ultimate Prize is not a what. It’s a whom. 
Jazzy: -confused- Huh?
King You: To simply put it. The Ultimate Prize is the Yin Yang Royal Couple. 
Jazzy: -shocked- What?! King Eric is after Sky and myself?! 
King You: Mhm. 
Jazzy: Why?
King You: Because if King Eric doesn’t destroy you and Sky. Then he won’t win. The Ultimate Prize is the heart of Mythical Kingdom. With it everyone and everything will be at peace. The Ultimate Prize is very powerful. The Oracle said that the Ultimate Prize is the only thing that would heal everything that is hurting. But you and Sky hasn’t have that much training. So, King Eric decided to give you the chance to train and grow. Then in the future he will have an even fighting field with you. 
Jazzy: What did I ever do to King Eric? For him to hate me so much. 
Kelly: Because you’re Sky’s soul mate. You two are the Royal Couple. 
Jazzy: -angry- That’s a stupid excuse. If I ever heard one. 
Sky: Ever since I was a kid, all the dark forces are after me. I rather die if it would make the dark forces stop looking for me and my love ones. 
King You: That’s why I never told Sky to Oracle Mansion when the Soul Searching Party. Because I didn’t want him to find his soul mate. Because I didn’t want both of you be the focus point of King Eric. 
Sarah: You’re protecting them. 
King You: Mhm. 
Jazzy: Your Majesty. You’re not being honest with me. Please tell me the whole truth. 
King You: Okay. The Ultimate Prize is the Yin Yang Royal Couple. The strongest couple there is. They are the guardians of Mythical Kingdom. A thousand years ago, Goddess and her love were the first Yin Yang Royal Couple. They would protect, heal, and fight what is right for Mythical Kingdom. All kinds of dark forces will always come after them, and try their hardest to bring them down. Each year there would be millions of wars between Mythical Kingdom and the dark forces. Each year more and more mythical creatures die along with the humans. But each time the Goddess and lover would defeat all the dark forces. After the wars Goddess and her lover would use their power to rebuild and heal everything and everyone. The sad thing about the Yin Yang Royal Couple is that when they use too much of their power, they become very weak and it takes them months or years to be fully recharge. The last dark forces was the ones take down Goddess and her lover when they were at it weakest. It was King Eric’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather who took down Goddess and her lover. 
Jazzy: Please don’t tell me that for Sky and I to be fully recharge is having sex after each war. 
King You: -laughing- Goodness no. The Queen and I don’t want a million grandchildren. The only why for Goddess and her lover to recharge was to go to the Healing Spring. They were about to go to the Healing Spring when they were attacked. The Healing Spring is the most powerful source of healing for anyone who need an emergency recharge. But if you use the Healing Spring too much it can lose it’s power. That’s why we don’t use the Healing Spring that often, because we have healers. Now, I don’t know how the Goddess and her lover use their powers to heal and rebuild things. But the Oracle did tell me that Goddess herself has the power of fire and her lover’s power is ice. Their combine power is wind. Also, the Goddess always have a black cat following her, and her lover always have a white cat following him. When the Goddess and her lover died, the black cat and white cat disappeared. When all four of them were gone Mythical Kingdom went down hill from there. 
Sky: Jazzy, and I aren’t safe. King Eric is waiting to attack us when Jazzy and I are strong enough. What if we don’t train? Would King Eric still come after us?
King You: It doesn’t matter. Whether you train or not. King Eric will still come after you. The only way King Eric won’t come after you is when you both chose not to use the Yin Yang Royal Couple powers. But I’m calling his bluff. To be honest with you all, King Eric isn’t going to stop hunting you both down until he destroys you both. Then we have to wait for another thousand years for a new Yin Yang Royal Couple. By then we will all be hunters or slaves. 
Kelly: -angry- That’s not fair! 
William: Kel, life isn’t always fair. 
Kelly: -angry- Well, we can protect them. We’ll train harder and we will protect Sky and Jazzy. If King Eric wants a war, then he’ll get a war. 
King You: You can’t always protect Sky and Jazzy forever. What are you going to do? Hide them in a cave for the rest of their lives. 
Jazzy: No one can protect Sky and I forever. But what King Eric doesn’t want is something that has to do with the Yin Yang Royal Couple and R.M.C. Hey Siri!
Siri: Yes. 
Jazzy: What happens when the Yin Yang Royal Couple and R.M.C. combine together?
Siri: When the Yin Yang Royal Couple and the R.M.C. come together they become the Ultimate Power. They are called Yin Yang Royal Mythical Court. A very powerful team that can help rebuild and heal everyone in the Mythical Kingdom. And destroy King Eric and his army. King Eric is most afraid of the Y.Y.R.M.C. Any questions?
Jazzy: No. Thanks Siri. 
Siri: No problem. Princess. 
Jazzy: Okay. Let’s get through the next 4 weeks. Sitting around and moping around isn’t going to help. If King Eric is afraid of Y.Y.R.M.C. then lets show him that we are not weaklings. Let him watch and see how strong we can be. 
Sarah: Can we actually do this?
Jazzy: We can do anything when we put our hearts into it, and never giving up. -smiling- 
Sky: Mhm. Okay, we have classes tomorrow. 
King You: Actually, you don’t have classes tomorrow. Because you’re on a mission. 
Sky: But we finish our mission. 
King You: I know. But after a mission you have the right to rest. So Sebastian already collected Jazzy’s report. I’ll be looking forward to be reading it. So tomorrow, just relax and do whatever you want. In the future there will be more missions to come. So don’t give up.  
Sebastian: Also, you don’t have to do any chores this weekend. 
Jazzy: Eek! -jumping out of my skin- 
Sebastian: Sorry. 
King You: -laughing- 
Jazzy: Can I make an request?
King You: Go ahead. 
Jazzy: From now on Sebastian can’t pop in and out while we’re in this house. He has to make some kind of sound. I don’t want him scaring me until I graduate. Or I might turn him into a toad. 
King You and Sky: -laughing- 
Jazzy: At least a toad would make some noise. 
Sky: Seb, you better do as she says. Otherwise, I think she will turn you into a toad. 
Sebastian: Yes, Princess. 
King You: Alright, I’m going home. Otherwise the Queen might think I’m with one of my mistresses. 
Everyone: Goodbye Your Majesty. 
      After the King left, Sebastian went back to his own home, and we went to bed. 
-End of Chapter Nineteen-
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submarinefleet · 7 years
Felix’s Love Lessons
Felix, Locus, Siris. The early years.
Siris just scored a first date with Megan. Problem is, he’s been out of the dating game for years. Felix is nothing if not a charitable soul.
“Alright, class is in session.” Felix clapped his hands loudly to gain the attention of the two others nearby, and began gesturing to different spots on the floor of their small safe-house in a very self-important manner. “Students line up over here; teacher on this side.” He stepped proudly to take the teaching position, as Locus begrudgingly fell into place beside Siris on the student side.
“I'm not doing this.” Siris declared. His hands opened and closed slowly at his sides.
Already getting into character, Felix straightened his spine and gave Siris a lofty look down his nose. “Honestly Wu. You've got a girl coming over. You don't know what to say to her. You need my help. And,” Felix added on, like it was terribly generous of him. “The first set of lessons is free.”
Siris wasn't impressed. He folded his arms over his chest, and leaned to one side with a frown. “How are you qualified to teach us this stuff?”
Felix frowned at that-- his nose crinkling up like a rabbit's. “Are you kidding me?”
“No,” Siris said more firmly. Almost accusingly. “No I'm not kidding. How are you qualified? You talk about girls all the time, I've never seen you with one.”
Caught off guard, Felix broke character and floundered for a second. His posture crumbled and his voice cracked. “I'm- I have lots of-” He cut himself off quickly, and forced his surprise and embarrassment down with a growl. “Okay, just shut up and listen. Stay quiet, and hold all your questions to the end.”
Felix drew himself up again as he restored the rest of his composure. “Now before we start, does anyone have any questions?”
“Yes,” Locus finally spoke up. “I would like to--”
“Aha!” Felix crowed in excitement, like he'd just successfully pulled off the practical joke of the century. “That was a trick question! You're supposed to hold all questions 'til the end.”
Locus' head jerked back in mild surprise, and he stiffened slightly at the interruption. His brow furrowed harshly as he glared down his nose at the other man.
“Oh yeah?” Siris grouched from the side—equally annoyed—and tightened his arms across his chest. “Why didn't you hold your trick questions until the end then?”
Felix barely spared him a glance, like Siris was beneath him; and simply replied in an arch tone. “The rules don't apply to me.”
Locus growled out his annoyance deep in his throat.
Felix began again as if nothing happened. “Alright so, we've already learned our first lesson. The rules don't apply to you. Girls like a rebel-- someone outside the law.”
Siris gave him a very bland look. “Like... a criminal.”
“Yeah yeah, buzzwords.” Felix rolled his eyes and gave a careless flick of his hand.
That particular buzzword came up often enough, what with the trio getting into bounty hunting. So far, Felix was showing a tendency toward not always doing things quite within the realm of what was legal—we're the good guys, Felix. They're the criminals, Siris would say—but he was used to the barbs, and allowed this one to roll off his back.
“It depends on the crime.” Felix ignored the look Siris gave him. “Nothing with animals; see, they want someone with a free and independent spirit. Something that they can crush into a raw material that can then be molded into what they really want.”
Siris was still unconvinced, but he decided to bite. “What... do they really want?”
“They don't know.” Felix answered breezily. “Which is why you have to tell them what they want, without actually telling them what to do.”
“That sounds...” Siris frowned to himself. “Needlessly convoluted.”
Felix closed his eyes and raised an index finger. He made a little important-looking looping gesture in the air with his fingertip. “And that, is why we're doing lessons.”
“You're drawing this out too long,” Locus interrupted in a growl.
“Sheesh--” Felix rolled his eyes with the ghost of a sneer on his lips, and allowed his hand to drop back down to his side. “Okay, let's do some role playing. I'll give you critiques on your approach.”
Siris squinted at him. “Role playing?”
“Yeah. Sam, you play the girl.”
Locus narrowed his eyes and scowled.
Siris, meanwhile, was instantly taken aback. His arms finally slipped out of their crossed position, and dropped to his sides. “You... want Ortez to be the woman?”
Felix scowled and stared up at the ceiling in exasperation, like it held some sort of explanation for why Siris was asking stupid questions. “Dude, just-- Sam, you good?”
Locus was silent for a moment. And then, “... What should I say?”
Siris was dumbfounded. “I can't believe you're going along with this.”
Felix chose to ignore Siris completely in favor of answering Locus' question. “Just say whatever a girl would say.” He waved him on.
“Okay...” Locus stared down at the floor, and frowned at it thoughtfully. “I... just really want to meet someone nice, uh...” He swallowed thickly. “You know, someone who appreciates me for who I am. Not so much because I'm pretty, but because... they really want to get to know me.” It looked for a minute like he was going to stop there, but then he kept going. “Because... they want to find out what my interests are and... then we can spend time exploring the world together, and sharing all the wonderful things in life that make life... wonderful.” When he finished, he looked back up at Felix.
Felix met his eyes and stared. He was squinting, and had an expression on his face of utter bewilderment.
Locus stared back-- stony, and daring him to comment with his eyes and squared shoulders alone.
Finally, Felix shook off his confusion, in favor of throwing his hands out, palms up, to his sides. “What was that? Do you know girls at all? Talk about how much you like shoes and reality tv!”
Siris pressed a palm over his eyes and sighed. “I honestly can't believe this is happening right now.”
“Shut up.” Felix ordered without missing a beat. He was grinding his teeth now. “Okay, Wu. Megan's just showed up. You see her, and you say...?” He wheeled his hand brusquely at Siris in a “get on with it” gesture.
“Uh,” Siris coughed, suddenly embarrassed. He turned to Locus. “Hey. Hey there.”
Almost obediently, Locus responded in an utter deadpan. “Hello. Giggle. Blinking eyelashes. Puppies.”
“I ge-” Siris started to say, but then he cut himself off in exasperation and turned away again. “Okay, alright, I'm out. I can't do this.”
“Don't be a baby.” Felix sneered. He turned to Locus. “Sam, stop making sound effects. You're a girl now, girls can't make sound effects.”
Locus fixed Felix in a cold stare, and narrowed his eyes slightly. “Quietly angry.”
“And stop narrating.” Felix hissed. His jaw continued to work away in his impatience, wearing the enamel of his teeth down little by little.
Locus raised himself up and huffed in utter aggravation. “Fine.”
“There you go, that's it!” Felix crowed in excitement-- relaxing partially out of the rigid line his spine had become. He jabbed his finger at Locus, waved it a little, then jabbed it again. “That's a girl! Okay Wu, hit it. Action.”
“Uh, uh, hey.” Suddenly on the spot again, Siris turned back to Locus with a jerk of his head and shoulders, and promptly floundered. “Uh, what're you doing, what's up? Uh, what's up with what... you're doing?”
“Smooth.” Felix snorted. There was a little smirk in the corner of his mouth. “Alright, Sam?”
Locus sighed. “Very well. I was just sitting here... thinking about shoes, and celebrities that only have first names.”
Furrowing his brow slightly like something was bothering him, Locus continued, “If you want me to be perfectly honest, I feel as if I must say these things in order to make myself more appealing; when in actuality, I feel as if I should simply--”
“Stop it.” Felix hissed. His back was starting to tense up again.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, Locus returned a silent, withering look.
Felix ignored him and turned to Siris. “Wu, say something rebellious.”
Siris frowned thoughtfully, and affected a slightly louder, utterly unconvincing voice. “Uh, okay, I think the working class, should uprise against the...” He paused. “Rich people.”
“I said rebellious,” Felix condescended. “Not revolutionary.”
“Oh, okay.” Siris snorted slightly, and turned back to meet Locus's eyes; deciding to try and channel the more obnoxious of his two partners. He rolled his shoulders back and let his arms get loose, tilted his head to one side, and affected a smugly self-important expression. “I drive a fast car over the speed limit. All the time.”
“I will go with you anywhere.” Locus deadpanned. The ghost of a smirk curled the corners of his mouth, and his stomach shook slightly with a silent chuckle.
“See?” Felix exclaimed in excitement. “It's easy!”
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top1course · 4 years
How To Become A Millionaire – Boss In The Bentley
How to become a, millionaire, welcome to another episode of Boss, independent, this is Dan Lok, today I’m going to share with you how do you be, amelia, this is an interesting question, when someone else’s how do you become a millionaire, it’s like asking, michael Jordan Wild, you become Michael George, they had so many factors, obviously people here by like hot work timing many many many things that contributed us, becoming a millionaire first of all I want to tell you the truth, i did not give me a living, desert, because statistics is against you so statistics showed less than 6% of the population makes over, $100,000 a year less than 1% of the population make over $325,000 a year, soldier hit a millionaire status, now depends on how you define it some people is it a million net worth, wally be in Vancouver at the 11 major cities New York a Los Angeles, The only house net worth, right, is this all to me, how to define them, is it a millionaire in terms of cash in the bank, it’s a millionaire incompetent billion dollar in Revenue will come back to that but for now I want you, you know that, chances are good not to become a millionaire, chances are your parents unless you come from a rich family I’m not millionaires, your relatives, adele million years, your friends are not millionaires, so just a few become a millionaire is slim to none, list to stop with that, okay, not that I don’t want to give you some, cymbalta motivation oh yeah yeah, okay, desk table., search up Dad, you becoming one is slim to none, but, if, you are, willing to do what it takes, you’re willing to, to get, get get yourself out of that toxic environment, meet some new friends, Program your mindset, develop new skills, start a business, good luck about it to the marketplace then you might have, have a chance, doll high chairs, my give a chance, that you might get, annoyed, it’s like not everyone can be a, olympian, it’s only a small percent of population, no different than this, but somehow, in business, people have disposable to-go yes f*** you can do it yes, horseshoe occipital neuralgia, i’m just telling you pain, it takes, so much, tenacity, it takes so much persistence, again no different if you want to win the Olympic, how many hours did practice how many years did the practice to get there, in financial world in the business world is no different people work in many many years the ghetto millionaire, status, so how do you define is it a is it a million in cash is it a million, Net worth is it a million Revenue in income.
I have, a different definition from everybody else, the way I do find a millionaire is, amelia someone who makes, $1000000, year, joyful, some of the mix, $1000000, joyful, notice I didn’t say, possibly, is it possible, ice Age or, that they enjoy what they do, like what it do, good at what they do, that’s my girl, nadia Ali definition, i’m just playing with you, by definition, someone who makes a millionaire, million-dollar, so let’s say that’s your goal you want to make $1000000 a year, joyfolie, because no point trying to make money yet people even, killeen water, or in certain financial sector, did you stop, they make money but I’ll be happy, real friends were very successful financially but you talk to them they’re not happy the musical, good night happy deal like what they do families falling apart wife is getting divorced I call the whole thing is like, Kids don’t like them that to me it’s not the definition of success by definition, in order to do that I think it is, three things first thing you need to millionaire mindset the millionaire mindset, now if you want to, watch my millionaire mindset playlist click on the iPod, check it out, i spend, i always, explaining what the millionaire mindset, how, millionaires we think differently from, abundance mindset vs scarcity, how we think about you Dan versus process, all these things, watch that cuz I don’t want to repeat that you can watch those videos so but first you got to think like a millionaire, how we think, cuz we look at things very very differently we look at things, we looking Paul was very differently we look at people differently look at opportunities differently just the way we see the, The world so how we think how they have the unbundling find it mines are the millionaire mindset the second thing that you need, once you have the mindset and I’m not just thinking about I’m not just saying thinking positively that’s not good enough it’s a very different level, lunch at the millionaire mindset then you have to have second thing that you need to know, a millionaire skillset or skill set, news-Gazette could include the your leadership skills, your communication skills your marketing skills, your, management, many many different types of ski, that you need, in order to deliver, your product or service to the market, what brings, the idea turn your idea into reality, put together a group of people they can bring you there to the marketplace, so that’s a millionaire skill set, problem is most people they have no Menor skill-set piano million, Poor person’s mindset and they want to have a millionaire I’ll come you cannot become in, a millionaire with a $50,000 if you have it you cannot be a millionaire when you go in and watch Netflix with the hours, you just can’t ride you can up a million be lazy you cannot be a millionaire and and be, b&B have this negative attitude it just doesn’t work it does doesn’t work so, millionaire skill-set once you have those things you have developed a skill sets, google the Great Valley the marketplace the first thing you need is you need a military vehicle, amelia VA, so what I’m talking about AIDS, is a business but not just any type of business probably at some kind of scalable business, that you can put, your skill-set to work, some kind of a vehicle can you get some kind of platform that you can pick size your creativity, Innovation ideas your your talents where now.
That’s what can he do to the million-dollar, millionaire mindset, billionaire, skillset, millionaire, if you have all those three things, if you have ghost, and you take Massive Action, and you don’t give up and you don’t f****** give up and you, keep going and going, there’s a chance, but you might get their millionaire status, annoying, i’ll do it again the world is against, the Octonauts against you, the artist, not good, like even though if you work very hard you practice, your training, you go on diet chances of you becoming Olympian, slim to none because a lot of people that do that all over the world, they put in the same amount of hours, he put the same amount of effort may be more than you, they competed with you trying to compete on that, So just because you put it on hours, does that mean you’ll definitely get the another Siri but I know you’re definitely won’t get there if you don’t put in the hours, that’s for sure, so that’s how you become a millionaire, not it’s not it’s magic formula it’s not a, you don’t need some, submerged, pill, that’s what it is, 3 things, and how, the mentality off hey you know what, that’s what it takes, that’s what he said, so well we just got to the dealership here we are, picking up a new car from, wife, porsche Cayenne, i’ll bring you inside to just check out a new car, got a bonus, he’ll come along with me, you’ll be cool, pictures of sky, kit pedestal cabinet below, can comment below if you have any questions, check out all the videos on the right side which on the windows on the right side as well, Latina.
from WordPress https://top1course.com/how-to-become-a-millionaire-boss-in-the-bentley/
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