#hey fun Odie fact
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i love "zip me up, dude" sm
Ya know I try to think of funni quips or somewhat substantial commentary on the submitted boards I get but like honestly I got nothin, this one’s just cute n silli lol.
(From TV episode 10B Wipe Out!)
#htf#happy tree friends#htf handy#htf mole#submitted boards#hey fun Odie fact#my arms are actually flexible/long enough that I almost never need someone to zip me up in the back. I can just do it myself#it’s real useful for puttin on marching band uniforms#also as a certified marching band member#god a parade htf episode would have gone so hard#like image all the things that could go wrong!!!#and also you could put the critters in silli hats lol#they’re called shakos btw. The funni marching band hats.#We’re learning about marching band in the tags today chat.#(ignore how off topic we’ve gotten from the actual board)#(that’s what the tag rambles are for)
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🎂: Epic the musical
🧁: Odysseus
🍫: Hermes
Summary: Hermes decides to cause a little mischief in the most fun way he knows how.
A/N: FUCK IT IM WRITING FOR EPIC. I am obsessed with Hermes and also very lee for him. Like there is a primal need within me to be wrecked by this man. This was very fueled by my lee mood and said desire to be wrecked by Hermes. (I basically just wrote what I wanted but happening to Odysseus haha) Hope yall enjoy this very self indulgent thing I wrote! :D
Cw for some pretty intense tickles
(P.S don’t question how Hermes does stuff it’s God Magic)
Hermes was bored. He had nothing to do, and he wasn’t the type to just sit around. No, he wanted to cause chaos. He wanted to spread mischief and jokes and make someone laugh or groan or smile, or even better, all of the above.
He decided to target his great grandson, and also his friend, Odysseus.
Ody had been on a journey after the Trojan war to get home, it’s been a month or so, and they were still just sailing. Hermes decided that the captain could use a little levity, a break from the monotony of daily life.
So he flew over to the ship and snuck on, heading towards the captains quarters.
Odysseus was working on some sort of Nondescript Work. Sitting at his desk with a quill in hand.
It wasn’t fun, but it was necessary. He stayed up late into the night, gazing out at the moon and ocean outside.
He started to feel as though he was being watched. He gazed around the room, but after not seeing anything he brushed it off.
Meanwhile, Hermes was snuck in the corner and ready to begin to cause some trouble. He started by slowly and steadily raising the.. ahem.. sensitivities… of the captain.
At first it wasn’t noticeable, after all nothing was actively tickling him, so how would he know he was getting increasingly ticklish with each passing second?
But then- the motion of his clothes against his skin felt tingly. And then the air blowing past his neck made him want to scrunch up.
Eventually it got to a point where any sort of motion at all made him giggle, and at this point he knew something, or rather, someone was messing with him.
“Alrihihight who’s doing that.” He did his best not to move to much, as every motion sent waves of ticklishness through him.
Hermes flew out, showing himself.
“Hey there, Odysseus!” He giggled, smiling tauntingly.
“Ohof course it’s you, Hermes.”
He raised an eyebrow. “And whatever is that supposed to mean?”
“You like to cause trouble. This seheems on brand for you. Now can you please return me to normal? I’d appreciate being able to move without laughing.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. Well, I mean, I can, I just don’t want to.”
Odysseus groaned.
“In fact, I think I’m going to take advantage of this~”
“What does that mean- HermeHEEHES!” He was cut off by his own laughter as the god flew over to him, scratching gently at his ribs.
Odysseus immediately knew this was going to suck. Hermes was barely touching him and yet he was already incapacitated by the sensation. It was so much stronger than it would’ve been normally.
“Hehermehehes cuhuhut ihit ohohout!”
“No way! This is so much fun! Dont you agree~?”
“Absohoholuhuhutely nohoHOT.” He lied between loud fits of laughter. It was so BAD and he was barely touching him! His increased sensitivity was extremely apparent, his nerves lighting up and firing rapidly at the smallest touch. But despite that- it was kinda.. fun? He couldn’t understand why, but the unbelievably ticklish feelings plaguing his nervous system felt good. It felt nice to just let go and laugh his head off, unable to do anything to stop it.
“I don’t think that’s the truth~ you seem to be having a good time to me~.”
“NohohoHo IHIM NOHOT- EEHEEHAAHA” peals of laughter echoed from him as he tried to protest, even though he didn’t really mean it.
Hermes moved up, starting to tickle the underarms of the king. This was a much worse spot for him, and his laughter became louder. He couldn’t breathe, but yet it felt so nice. He was giddy with the feeling, pounding his fists on his desk to try and expel some of the happy, ticklish energy building up within him.
“Tickle tickle tickle~ aren’t you such a ticklish little thing~ yes you are, yes you are!” Hermes teased, giggling with him.
Odysseus blushed furiously, and covered his face, but was unable to form words through his laughter. Hermes saw that he was struggling to breathe, so he lowered his ticklishness back down. Not fully to its normal levels, but enough so that he could get a good breath in.
“HErmehehehes plehehehease stohohop! I cahahant Tahahake ihihit!” Tears of joy had formed in his eyes, and he was struggling to not let them fall.
“Aww, don’t say that, I believe in you! And you better hope I’m right~, cause I don’t plan on stopping aaaanytime soon~” the trickster moved his hands to Odysseus’ tummy, squeezing gently.
“Uhughh, yohohoure a jeheherk!”
Hermes scoffed in mock offense. “Uh! You have the audacity to call a god a jerk? I come in here to provide some levity and I get called a jerk?! I cannot let that slide.”
“Yohou cahame hehere fohor ehentertahainmehent ahand yohou knohow ihit!”
“Yeah, I did. I also came here because I wanted to see some laughter, is that such a crime? And your sass is unwarranted. I’m turning your sensitivity back up-“
“Whahahait dohohont- ihihim sohorhorry!” The phrase ended in a squealing laugh as Hermes made good on his promise, turning his ticklishness up extremely.
“Are you actually sorry or are you just saying that so I’ll stop? Cause I have a feeling it’s the second one. And that’s fine- it just means I’ll have to tickle and tickle and tickle until you mean it! Doesn’t that sound like fun~”
Any protests the captain tried to make were consumed by his booming laughter, unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone sentences. His nerves were on fire in the best way, every bone in his body telling him to laugh. He felt as though the tickling sensation was at his very core, going deep into his body and mind.
Floods of dopamine hit his systems, overwhelmed by the tickles. He couldn’t stop laughing, he couldn’t stop smiling, and as much as he hated to admit it, it felt amazing. It was unbearable in such a good way, shocking his nerves over and over with light, bubbly, happy feelings. Tears had long since fallen, the overwhelming happiness and laughter forming as droplets.
All the while Hermes kept teasing, his lilting voice so flustering. Hermes was also having the time of his life, seeing someone who was usually so sad and stoic broken down into heavy fits of laughter, wide smile splitting his face.
Just then the playful god had an idea for a game, he stopped for a moment, allowing Odysseus to catch his breath.
The laughter died down into smaller giggles, perpetuated by the phantom sensations left behind.
“Hey, Odysseus~ how about we play a game, hmm~?”
“Oho gohoodnehess.. hehermes plehehease, I cahahant!”
“All you have to do is laugh~ and you’re already doing great! All I’m going to do is harvest some of the delicious laughter that’s all over this farmland~” he taunted, scooping up Odysseus and plopping him on his bed on his back, and then straddling him.
“Whahahahat? EHeehAHa!” His laughter increased in intensity once more as Hermes began to pinch at his sides and ribs.
“There’s some little laughs here~ gotta get those.” He spoke playfully.
Odysseus was slightly confused, but he couldn’t bother to wonder about it, his brain turned to mush. Laughter and giggles still echoed from him.
“Ope, this one’s being a little stubborn~” Hermes lilted, pinching repeatedly at a spot he’d found was particularly bad.
“Hermehehehes, plehehehease stohohohop!”
“Nah, I’m not done yet~ don’t worry~ I’ll stop once you really need me too.” As a god who loved to tickle others(I mean, he might as well be the god of tickling too at this point.) he had a knack for knowing when someone truly couldn’t take anymore, and Odysseus had not yet reached that point. He still seemed to be enjoying himself, no true panic behind his eyes.
“Hey, there’s a really big laugh here! Let me get it!” He acted as though he was an excited farmer, harvesting his crops. But it mostly wasn’t pretend, he was, in fact, excited to be doing this. Happy to spread laughter and joy, and a little bit of chaos along the way. He dug into Odysseus belly, with the exact pressure to make it agonizingly ticklish.
Odysseus was dying, (figuratively, of course) it tickled so much, and he couldn’t do anything about it! He felt as though he was at the gates of tickle heaven, joyful tears streaming from his eyes from the force of his laughter. It was a great workout, that’s for sure, with his stomach and face sore from the effort but in a way that was sort of pleasent.
“Man, it’s just not coming out! Maybe I should try eating it right from the vine, hmm~” he knew what that meant, and he was full of a giddy anticipation, waiting for the moment that Hermes would-
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of a raspberry right in the center of his tummy, followed by gentle nibbles. Odysseus was weak with laughter, pounding his fist on the bed below him and kicking his feet.
“Om nom nom nom! Wow! This laugh is really tasty! Let me find some more!”
He continued the game, pinching and digging at various points across Odysseus’ torso, occasionally nibbling and blowing raspberries, sometimes many in rapid succession.
All of Odysseus’ thoughts were taken up by the tickles. All that he could think of was how badly it tickled, how badly it made him want - no need- to laugh. He was reduced to nothing but a massive puddle of laughter.
Eventually, Hermes noticed Odysseus was done, and hopped off him, lowering his ticklishness back to normal.
Odysseus continued to giggle, breathing heavily in between the fits.
“Ohoho myhyhy gohoodnehess…. Thahat wahas soho bahad…. Hehehehaha.”
“How ya feeling~ happy?”
Odysseus was too giggle high to think of anything but the truth. “Ye..Yeahah. Ahand tihired..”
“Oh, good~ glad to have brought some joy. How about you get some sleep, hmm? You definitely need it after that.”
“Thahat… sounds lihike a good idea.” Odysseus agreed.
“Glad you had fun, Ody~” Hermes teased, honest with the words. As he turned to leave, he heard one last sleepy, giggly phrase.
“Thahank yohou Hermehes… I needed thahat.”
The god smiled fondly. “No problem, it was a blast for me too.” And then he flew off, leaving a dazed, sleepy and giggle high Odysseus behind.
———THE END————————————————
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[ they froze, processing every word slowly before it all clicked. Excitedly, and filled with so much love, they kissed him, cupping where he held their face, kissing him again and again before choking out something between a laugh and a very happy sob ]
“Great gods, no! . . . no one ever carries such information, but— but love, please! Odysseus, oh my sweet, perfect lover, if you’d be perfectly willing and generous . . . I would like to spend the rest of my days and nights with you. If you’d be so kind, if you’d love to do the same, I’d love to hold you for the rest of your days and long after, giving you all my love I have to offer. Just— please. Ody, I’d love to walk that road with you.”
[ they were sat peacefully by the shore of the mingling rivers, swaying lazily with no lingering thoughts. This had been how they’d spent the past few hours — though time is irrelevant in the underground, everyone knows this — getting up and wandering tipsily when they felt the itch to move, settling down for however long their body would let them before they were spat out to wander again. It peaceful, if not irregular, and the prophet could not think to ask of a better way to spend such a quiet time. Well, nearly could not ]
“ . . . Muse?”
<< @thrpr0phetuseek =} >>
"Hey there, love." Odysseus greets the call, slinking out from the water to move towards the peophet. Upon getting close, the king's face scrunches, catching whiff of the alcohol lingering on their form. Even if they faint, they unfortunately couldn't escape it, not with heightened senses.
With a quiet, almost inaudible hum, he plants himself by Tiresias' side, not yet shifting out of his seabound form. The prophet was still one of the few people he felt he didn't have to be on edge around; let alone hide certain features he had learned to humanly mask.
"Red wine?" He asks, playfully poking their side, though it was also meant to give them a general understanding of where he was sat.
#no I read the “had Tiresias’ staff been nearby he would have grabbed it and had them change positions”#and all I thought was— “Woah hey! Innuendo there 😂” before reading the rest of it /silly /gen#<- gsbdjsn my bad! I didn't even think about that! /gen /silly#<- nah you’re good!! It was just such perfect wording /silly#<- ahh okay okay ^^ I always get a little nervous with innuendos I make - never want to make anyone uncomfortable you know? /gen#<- yeah I get it I feel the same way. Nice thing to know is that if I get uncomfortable I’ll usually say something#and besides; I think innuendos are silly fun storytelling tricks to pull without actually doing/showing it /gen#aawwww Tir you’re so clueless to the ways of the world now /silly#<- Ody: “Tir - my dear - marriage is entirely possible now.” (ignore the fact we're greeks shh#<- (lmao) this has become a very kissy rp but to be fair Tir is REAAALLLLLYYYY excited /silly /gen#“i miss my family” duo 🩵💙#epic rp#epic the musical rp#epic the musical#tiresias rp#epic rp blog#epic ask blog#asks open
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Hewo! Everynyan.
Any Pronouns (includes neopronouns!!)
Shapeshifting Void Slime but my current form is a eldritch blahaj
Peer into the void
Minor so no weirdness
It may peer back
Y̵̼̻̬̘̗̣̒͊̽̎̈́͠ȅ̷̂̂̍͋͘͝͝��̘̝̲s̶̩̖͓̊̆͂̚͠ ̴̡̡͈̰̳͕͎̦͛̅̄͘Ị̷̢͇̳̦͐̄̈́͑̈́̎́̕ ̵̤̝̦̆͒̚͝ȃ̸̫̼̘̥̪͕͝ͅm̵̙͕̗̈̎̑̔͐̑͜ ̴̪̖̮̿̈͌̌̌͝ẗ̶̛̩̉͐̔̂͘͝h̷̪̹͉͚̯͓͕̒͗̿́̑̚e̶̦͉̝̳̤͊͌̋̂͑̕͝ ̶͇͒̌͆̅̈́̍è̸̢͕̰̯̘̺̓̈l̶̨̳̭͙̦̭̜̞̎̇̈͌̑̾͛͘d̶̘̩̯̫͕̰͌̄͛̕r̶̡̨̜̣̗̹͋̏͆ī̴̦͔͙̣̗̭̊̉t̶̙̼͌͒̈̇̽̒́c̴͍̅̿͆̅h̵̢͕̭̳͇̫̘͂ ̸̞̩̿̆͌̐̏͑h̴̙̭͍̠̩̦̺̔̃o̶͍̦̰̭̗̦̔̅̈̑͜ȓ̴̘̽͝r̸̪̙͓͕͗̔̅̎͑̒ǫ̶̩̥́̔̈̈̾r̶̡͖̦͂͘
Become favored with your presence
All will be absorbed into the Void one way or another
Live in spite, be free
Some ways are painful some not, we are figuring it out.
We are not entirely sure what we are be it gods, monsters, or mystical creatures, but we do know one thing
Affects of absorption vary and will not be revealed till after
We are two and right now we are blahaj...unfortunately we may shift but we won't stray far.
Those favored will choose when and how to be absorbed
We look forward to the inevitable
Transphobes will be consumed whole
your return.
We look to your holy guidance as to how to do this.
If you want that is! You don't have to dw! :D
The hajverse discord
Lore moments (in chronological order):
[Make sure too look at the reblogs too! ya know to get the whole picture.]
The Oracle
Obtaining a child
Therapy with Gulhaj
Kväva Arives
New Relations
The 1st henchlady the-smahaj
Hat / Court Jester Cardboardhaj
Eating batteries
The inspiration of the-hajhaj's expirement
Salvation of Kväva?
Getting pulled in
Getting out?
Almost dissection of rodgulhaj
Kväva's apology to rodgulhaj
Fun Shark Fact 1
We have Lore / Fighting the Void
Alignment 2.0
Asking Questions
Our Humble Henchhaj's Concern
Seeing Divinegulhaj
Get that bag / 1/3 designs <#
Ödsilg's emotions
The Blue One's splitting
Eldritch Pacts
1st attempt at a camera
Biological children?
Are you Hermes?
Space Void
The crow
Divine Guldhaj's visit
Divine Guldhaj's visit (feat. rodhaj)
The Blue one's name
Biscuits but british
The universes trash can
A safe(?) place
Our death
Another divineguldhaj visit (2)
The second visit (feat. rodhaj, lijusthaj)
The second visit (feat rodhaj)
New child aquired
Försök's opinion on rodhaj
A deal with blalilihaj
A deal with rodbrunhaj
Gulhaj's attempt at helping
Getting supplies/ new henchhaj the-attaarmadhaj
Donuts (feat. cardboardhaj)
Marriage blessing?
Place in the world
Kväva's Spatula
On seeking truth
Rodbrunhaj's end of the deal
Deal with hajhaj?
Exi the fish robot
Where is it?
Talks...to themselves?
r u k?
Ooc: hell
Who is Exi?
Picrew [a peak at into the Void]
Gulhaj returns
What Mörker actually looks like
yet another peek at the void
Our death
#blahaj into the blahajverse#blahajverse#blahaj#ikea shark#ooc: if i miss some post that is importnt tell me!
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How would Ody be expected to dress in the Nosferatu Omegaverse AU? Would he wear Ellen's signature bonnet?
I honestly haven't considered the clothing in my nosferatu AU but you know what. I might as well give him the bonnet as a parallel to that stupid little cap he's often depicted with in ancient art
I think the rest of dress code for this AU would go something like:
Male alphas would wear typical men's attire from the 1800s, except that cravats/neck coverings would be viewed as unmanly because they hide the throat and scent glands. Male alphas would want to spread their scent to announce their presence + also I think it'd be seen as cowardice to hide your throat and scent from others.
Female alphas could wear either suits similar to male alphas, or dresses if they so wished. I think alpha Penelope wouldn't mind wearing dresses at home but at work and on her journey, she'd choose a more travel-ready outfit and wear pants. Plus female alphas would be expected to behave more modestly than their male counterparts and cover their necks, either with scarves or cravats/whatever ppl in 1840's Germany wore. (Penelope breaks the mold in that she refuses to cover her throat and proudly wears her scent.)
female omegas would be expected to wear exclusively dresses, corsets, & to cover their throats with scarves or collars.
male omegas are the most ambiguous category. I think they could get away with wearing pants but it'd be considered weird and unnatural for them to do so. Alternatively, it'd also be seen as strange for them to wear dresses since they aren't "real" women.
note- I plan on making male omegas the rarest category in this AU so they're seldom thought of in the public consciousness.
Meanwhile, corsets would also be optional for male omegas but highly desirable since it gives them a more distinctly feminine shape and distracts the eye from the fact they're male. (Because hey, Nosferatu is all about sexual/shameful desire, personhood, and all that. So why should an omegaverse AU be any different?)
In this AU, I also think male omegas would be considered greatly undesirable and would be most respectable alphas' last choice when it comes to prospective mates. So they'd go to great lengths to hide or disguise their masculine traits by keeping their hair long, shaving regularly, and of course wearing corsets, bonnets, and collars. Maybe o!Ody would even be desperate to perform the role of a good mate & house husband so he tries to do everything a male omega should. He covers his throat, wears a bonnet and corset, and keeps out of sight/the public.
But Penelope didn't marry him just for Ody to hide in their house all day with his nightmares. She wants a good, profitable job to buy him all sorts of nice clothes that he could show off when walking through the park, or going to the opera, and all the other things she wants to do once they're well off. When they first met, Penelope even encouraged him to grow out his facial hair because she thought a tidy beard would make him look oh so handsome!
also yeah I know I've been yapping for a while now but it's fun to spin things around and design an AU where it makes sense for a man to be viewed as strange and undesirable (in roughly the same social context that Ellen is)
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Hey can you make you make starseidon and Odysseus (the one) ship art
I have some suggestions/requests
1.starseidon and ody have some fun in bed and the sea god say"good boy"in a deep voice
2.sleeping together hug so Tightly
3.wacthing the sunset together but then ody leave because he needs to get home but starseidon didn't want him to go and was clingy but he deny the fact that he was ody to stay
Choose one of it or more,if you want to
So (_yag_)
No one can say no to a beautiful sunset
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5, 10, 12, 23 for poppy!!
id ask 17 except. i know the answer youd give and its spoilers for ur fellow players
you are correct that that answer would be spoilers, teehee 💕 // edgy/misc oc asks
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
if there’s something that poppy has decided she wants badly enough, she is willing to go pretty far to get it. despite her father’s best efforts she is not good at choosing her words with care, so if she has to talk her way out, she’s a bit fucked. but hey, she’s willing to hurt or kill plenty of people for what she’s decided is best, or just knock some heads together if that’s the most it would reasonably take. luckily there isn’t much that could push her as far as killing, unless…? 👀
10. What’s an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
this isn’t a formal AU i suppose, but it would be interesting to think about how different poppy could be if her mom hadn’t died when she was a tween. her adult life has shaped itself around the hole her mom’s death left in its wake. she has her poppa, sure, but he couldn’t keep her heart from breaking, only smooth the edges after the fact
maybe a poppy whose mom got to see her girl grow up wouldn’t be quite so reactive. maybe poppy would have learned more about how to fight from her, and more about the world at large from her too. or maybe she’d be even more aggressive thanks to her mom’s teachings, self-sure to the point of cockiness. who’s to say
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
generally she’s got a good head on her shoulders when it comes to her own limitations. however, in the thick of a fight, with her blood roaring in her ears, she does have a nasty habit of getting in the way of incoming attacks, especially if there’s somebody smaller or softer than her nearby she can guard from a hit. better her than them, she says. this is to say nothing of her picking too many fights for her own good, charging ahead without thinking of the consequences before they’re hitting her in the face. she’s an unstoppable force, that one, for better or worse
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
oooh this one is very fun to ponder for her. i think the worst feeling for poppy to process is… honestly? disappointment. she sometimes gets an idea in her head of how things are Supposed to go, and if reality falls short of her expectations, she’s out of sorts for a while about it. she’s especially bad at just leaving things be, too, which means sometimes she tries to force things to meet her expectations and then gets Even More disappointed
as far as expressing, i think so many of her emotions get processed through anger first that only a short list of people can tell what’s underneath in many cases. she has a funny idea of how to express fear — her fight or flight instincts have never once landed on flight lmao. odie can tell when she got involved in a fight of his because she was scared for him, though
#local barbarian feels many flavours of anger; more news at 11#ty for the ask!! i love my girl 💕#simothys#dagger tag#oc: poppy#asks#asks: poppy
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Hey u should totally infodump to me about ur pkmn s/i that would be totally cool and punk rock yknow
SBDBDDBJDJREJRSIA since im provided w an opportunity ill give it a go
so uhm yes emme is a trainer,, but she's not really aiming to battle to the top/be a champion but she's mostly looking forward to filling her PokeDex all the way, as my mutual quotes; fuck around and find something SHRBHSRHHSHEHSHSE ethan wanted to be like her too, a trainer! so eventually he followed on her footsteps and she got very very excited!!
she plans to explore out of country soon for the same reason as she wants to expand her knowledge! so she might be away sometimes and ethan would miss her a lot but she'd come back for a visit and he's super happy!!
her first pokemon obviously is Oddish who she nicknamed Odie, I feel like by the time Ethan became a trainer, Odie became a Vileplume (though being an Oddish to me is preferred but this is for the sake of the lore)
emme's probably a walking encyclopedia for pokemon since she likes to spit fun facts about it if she comes across one so naturally ethan runs to her for tips or advice when he wants that said pokemon!! just try not to ask her about her favorite ones because you won't hear the end of her babbling 🤧 (hint; her favorite ones are her entire team)
she's really goofy by nature and people would think she's quite the airhead but like I said, she's really smart with pokemons and can probably beat the foe because she knows the ins and outs of any pokemon she's facing (as long as they're recorded on her PokeDex)
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Nov 30th, Monday 19:12
Jens was nervous.
They had booked the train tickets to Utrecht this afternoon. And that meant that Jens would not only get to see the city his boyfriend came from, but also meet all of his friends for the first time. People he only had heard about in stories and seen through the few posts and chat messages on instagram, that Jens had been shown by Lucas here and there.
He hoped he would fit in, make a good enough impression on friday. Especially with Isa, the girl who was one óf his best friends and was going to pick them up, as well as let them stay over at her place. Lucas was already so very excited to go, talking about little else since saturday.
The fact that they had to bring Lotte, didn’t seem to bother his boyfriend at all. Which Jens was really grateful for. He had hoped that Lars would be able to take his little sister for the weekend, but unfortunately he could have only watched her on sunday. So his sister would come with. It probably would be fun for Lotte as well and with the 5th happening on saturday, Jens was actually happy to have her there too. He had bought her some special set of coloured pancils that Sander used and he knew she wanted so badly too. They were only the base six colours, because holy shit were art supplies apparently expensive. How the hell did Sander afford this? Parents for sure.
Lucas also had planned to come out to his friends, the second he would set a foot in the city, which would mean that they could just enjoy their first trip together as a couple. And wasn’t that the best thing to look forward to?
Considering all, it was a good nervous feeling. More equaling excitement.
Jens smiled as he sat at the table, watching his boyfriend sway in rythym to some song, that Jens would assume was soul, it resembled the style of one or two songs of Lucas’s playlist for him last week. Lucas was swining to the music instinctive, while washing the pots and pans in the sink they had used for dinner. Lotte was upstairs watching something on her switch, simply leaving the boys to clean up on their own.
Lucas had put on a playlist before he had started. A playlist he had created the second after they finished Queens Gambit yesterday So of course it included an unfathomable amount of songs from the 60s and 70s, and his boyfirend was living for it. Right up his ally, as he already had vibed to every single one of those included in the soundtrack while watching.
His head was bobbing up and down, his foot tapping on beat with the drums, as he moved his shoulders and hips from left to right. He was definitely dancing as he rinsed of the soap from a pan and placed it on a kitchen towl to dry next to him. If Jens listened closely, he could even hear his boyfirend very faintly sing along.
Was it even possible to fall any harder in love then he already had at this point?
Apparently, as Jens felt his heart could explode at the sheer sight of Lucas enjoying himself.
Who obviously had to spin around just that moment to greet Jens with an overly charming, yet gleeful grin on his lips, as the playlist jumped to the next song.
One that Jens knew, and he already hated it, as much as he loved it.
„You are the worst. I hate you.“
„You fell for me the second I stepped in your life. This song is you, so much. “
Of course it wasn’t. Jens didn’t really believe at love in first sight. Never had. Not with Britt, nor with Jana. Attraction. yes. Love, no.
„It’s not. I didn’t even know you, I just thought you were hot.“ Jens therefore stated smirking. He had told Lucas about his exact thoughts he had had that morning on the school’s courtyard. How mesmerised he had been by Lucas’s blue eyes. How he had waited impatiently the next day for the lunch break to see him, his now boyfriend, again. A bit cringy perhaps, but hey, it worked out perfectly well in the end.
„Same thing.“
Lucas shrugged, snapping his fingers to the beat, while laughing at Jens snorting. The older boy only shook his head way too happy on a monday evening. His silly boyfriend, before just faintly whispering under his breath, now full on singing along as the chorus hit. Thank god no one was around to see Jens look at Lucas. The adoration he felt was definitely embarresing and definitely showing on his face.
„Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, I'm a believer!
I couldn't leave her if I tried.“
Lucas wasn’t a great singer, that was for sure. At least he hit most of the notes. But damn, did this boy have the energy and passion for it, as he gestured for Jens to come over and join, absolutely delighted, carried away by the music alone.
Jens would strongly blame the lack of actual parties in the last month, as he found himself getting up from the chair and actually moving over. He started to sway slowly to find the beat and rythym his boyfriend was somewhat dancing to.
The last dirty pot was forgotten in the sink behind the two boys. Who only had eyes for each other in that moment, busy to get the words right, between giggles and catching breathes. Jens took hold of his boyfriend’s hand, to pull him closer and spin around on his feet, catching him with a stolen kiss, before he pushed him back gently. Only to do it all over again. __ __ __ tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots So, in our house we sing and dance a lot. I always put music on to clean and cook, so do my sister and her husband. I love these moments the most, when all of us stand in the kitchen for our private, spontaneous karaoke sessions. I had to include it in a clip. Probably gonna do it again. Oh well. Hope you are having fun right now too. Out on some music and sway along.
#week 6#wtfock#skam#vds#jens stoffels#lucas van der heijden#chapped and faded#sing along#dancing in the kitchen#fuck i love them#im weak im sorry#also love the lucas and kes dancing scene 🥰
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Prompt 3 for Genos, Odie, Pietro, Nathaniel (Date Warp), Mikuni, Lysander
Send me one pro and one con you could see with having sex with my character
On the pro side, Genos would be a very meticulous and attentive as a partner. He’ll make sure to thoroughly satisfy his lover. On the con side, I’m pretty sure, being a cyborg, that he doesn’t have a dick so penetrative sex might be a bit tricky.
On the pro side, Odie would be very open sexually and would never let his partner feel judged, even if he wasn’t comfortable experimenting with something they were interested in. He’d still want them to know he was glad they felt comfortable enough to share their wants and fantasies with him and he’d try to compromise with them - them sharing their fantasy with him during a mutual masturbation session is really hot and kinky without him having to go past his boundaries. On the con side, Odie can be a little too in his head about sex sometimes and he’ll take some time to accept and come to terms with the fact that all those sex tips he’s read about and all the things that should theoretically get his partner off won’t neccessarily work and that it’s not his fault or his partners.
Nathaniel (bless you anon for knowing this game; it is a trip and a half)
On the pro side, Nathaniel is the sweetest partner you’ll ever have. He’s going to lavish attention and compliments on you and make you feel like the most beautiful and desired person. He loves you so much - it’s why he’s comfortable enough to sleep with you - and he wants sex to be an opportunity for him to physically show you that love. On the con side, because of his views of sex, he’s going to have a real hard time getting rough and wild in the bedroom and there might be some passion missing for anyone who needs that.
On the pro side, Mikuni has a high libido so sex will be something that happens often and it’s usually going to be really good sex because this boy is both naturally talented in that area and just really enjoys getting his partner’s off (after he teases them relentlessly, of course). On the pro side, sex will be randomly stopped if Mikuni spots Abel because, of course, Abel cannot see such lewd things.
On the pro side, this soft, gentle boy will always make sure his partner is comfortable during sex. That position doesn’t work for them? Then the position will be changed up, even if it felt amazing to him and he was close because hey, it’s not fun if he’s the only one enjoying it. His partner suddenly gets cold feet right at the last moment and isn’t sure they’re up for this anymore? Lysander’s got them - they’ll just lay naked together and give lots of kisses and cuddles. Yes, he’s got blue balls and yes, it’s killing him but it’s going to kill him silently and he’ll smile throughout it so that he doesn’t make his love feel bad. On the con side, Lysander’s not that kinky and sex is always going to be somewhat vanilla with him. The only kink he really gets into is sex outside and even then, it has to be very, very low-risk as to anyone catching them.
#replies#event day 3 replies#event asks#citrus#my candy love#mcl#mcl imagines#my candy love imagines#lysander#lysander mcl#mikuni alicein#servamp#servamp imagines#date warp#date warp imagines#odie#cott#cott headcanons#opm imagines
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Chain of Acheron Ep 13 Megapost.
“The Underdark Job” makes it sound like a heist and though it is a perfectly apt description it just sounds funny. Makes me want a setting where the scale of everything is shrunk down and dimensions are like the size of cities or parts of one city. “...where he attempts to drive them mad with unsolvable problems.” The Lord of Madness is a mathematics exam confirmed, am I right fellas? Good joke? Oh well, I made myself laugh. “Now, Boots has always been a Bard,” is a wonderful way to put it. “A restful sleep... is good for the body, sir.” “If you could keep murmuring these pleasantries at me while I’m resting, please.” “Certainly, sir.” Boots and Leech are another comedy duo alongside Copper and Slim. OD and Umlaut Tom’s RP is just so good. Matt, to OD: “Does Leech think of Slim as an officer?” OD: “Yeah. I called him sir, so I guess so.” Phil: “I guess I have a commanding presence.” OD, as Leech: “Yes, and he can connect to our-his ship.” Leech using Odie to poke everything and check for traps is really smart- Oh my God! Odie is their EOD unit! E-Odie! Slim’s entire description of Capital is gold. “The caramel dipped sausages are quite good.” I just picture the Old One itself being like ‘Wait what the fuck did this dude just say’. “Duke Maximum” ‘That’s David Bowie’s wrestling persona.” That’s the hardest I’ve laughed in a couple of weeks. Hey, Matt mentioned Githyanki is a GRRM name. It is now common knowledge. Honestly, “Punch it, Slim,” works better here than it does in any other media. The thought of Toad being able to pilot the ship was the first thing that came to mind when he was revealed. Okay, Jpaganrovira’s map of Capital is scary. The fact someone can make something that cool so quickly is a solemn reminder that there will always be people better than you. Tom getting a little big cat in the mail is so perfect why is everyone in this community so cool. Leech with a parasol is the cutest idea of how to deal with sunlight sensitivity. The Chain renting out a bar to celebrate with the entire company is actually really wholesome. Boots playing his mandolin and singing a song about how he charmed an Aboleth and gave it a kiss on the cheek as he took its crown is peak Bard Culture. Miss me with that “I fucked a dragon” shit. There’s something so sweet about a Bard actually performing for their company, making a ballad about their adventure. Everyone singing along and merrily getting trashed while Slim is clearly loving the fact that his deeds are being recorded is the ideal of a D&D Bard. Boots, in regards to Slim being made an official officer: “He chopped three derro in half in a single move, I think we should... you know...” Matt: “I think we should make him... our god.”... says a drunk Chain member, who promptly passes back out. Anna: I thought it was Two Shoes saying that! Matt: “Let’s all take a minute to picture Tom Schmuck’s character completely naked.” OD: “Why’d you have to say character?” Anna: “Naked aside from his boots.” Boots, naked aside from his boots, carrying his clothes, mandolin and rapier as he runs out of a tavern is peak Riojan culture. Leech with his serving boy is golden. Final thoughts: This campaign is cozy. It is wholesome, and fun, and heartwarming in its own way. The players are all having fun. Capital is cozy, and feels like home. The Chain almost feels like a family just on a conceptual level; everyone is a trash person, and there are so many of them that they kind of congregate and make a space where they get to work for something more than themselves, all while still being as greedy as they want. I’m fucking tired, so I’ll probably post this separately, but something about all of this makes me feel really cozy watching the Chain. The character interactions were all on point, as usual. I love this stream.
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Sam Arias in a baseball jersey. Why did you have to do that to me. That imagine is gonna haunt me for weeks.
fun fact, odie is a mets fan and i am a loyal insta thirst follower so ive seen her in various mets gear (which is also my team) and its…. a lot.
anyway, moving on, here… have my reigncorp feelings about baseball: http://stennnn06.tumblr.com/post/172470973732/hey-kristen-so-what-are-reigncorp-like-at-a
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humans challenge, week 4, day 2: prequels this is a prequel to @lightsaberlesbian’s college au
“I thought you said sport wasn’t your thing,” Odi said, combining raised eyebrows with that gentle smile he had, so she could never quite tell if he was being serious or not.
“It isn’t, really,” said Mattie, twirling her spoon in her drink. “But I have a friend on the cheer squad, and…” She braced herself to reveal the one fact she’d been specifically hiding from her football-obsessed, jock boyfriend for almost four months. “My mom’s the, uh, the basketball coach. So I go to the important matches as, like… an apology for the fact that I have never even slightly wanted to be in one.”
Odi gave a low whistle. “Your mom’s the coach? At Highbridge? Do you realise that basically makes you basketball royalty around here?”
Mattie half-smiled. “Yeah, they do kinda have a reputation. Although I’m surprised anyone from Park cares about the lowly world of basketball enough to know that.”
“Mattie, I’m not some kind of shallow, one-track-mind football player,” he said, grinning. “I care about plenty of other things.”
Mattie couldn’t help grinning back. “Yeah, like flavors of jelly.”
“I dunno what to tell you, the menu said apricot, and it just wasn’t. I can let a lot of things slide, especially on a second date, but not that.”
She laughed. “Well, it wasn’t enough to put me off a third date, so I guess it can’t be that weird.”
He made a small gesture of victory. “Score one to apricot jelly.”
Mattie took another sip of her drink. “So what do your parents do?”
“My dad’s a philosophy professor,” he told her.
“Oh, neat. College or high school?”
“College.” He paused, glancing down at his drink and then back up at Mattie. “My mom was a nurse, but, she died when I was six.”
“Shit,” said Mattie immediately. “Sorry, I had no idea.”
“Not your fault. I never said.” Odi smiled, and to heal the awkward silence, he added, “Hey, you didn’t ask what college my dad works at. Hint: they have a really great basketball program.”
“No way!” Mattie spluttered. She wrinkled her nose. “I can only think of two philosophy professors at Highbridge. One’s a woman…”
“And one’s this kind of old guy with a striking taste in sweaters. Yeah, that’s my dad.” Odi winked. “I was a miracle baby, they were nearly in their fifties.”
“Huh,” said Mattie. “I was a teen pregnancy. I mean, only just, she was twenty by the time I was born, but… opposite ends of the spectrum.”
“We have a lot of those,” Odi observed. “Interest in sport. Jelly flavor sensitivity.”
“Taste in sweaters, apparently.”
“Hey,” Odi looked down at the burnt-orange one he was wearing at the moment. “Don’t knock it. When I change out of my football gear after practice, this thing is like the world’s softest hug.”
Mattie snorted. “So lame.”
“Guilty.” That slow smile again. “Anyway. The game sounds good. I’ll pick you up at five-thirty?”
She nodded. “Perfect. Oh, and if they win, which, they probably will, there’ll be a party after. All the players and cheerleaders will go… so I’m sort of counting on this whole ‘opposites attract’ thing to hold out, even when I’m surrounded by your fellow jocks.”
“I can tell you now, it definitely will,” he said, still smiling. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Mattie found herself smiling back. She’d only been joking, really - Odi definitely didn’t seem the kind of guy to have his head turned at a party, or anywhere else, and he was easily the sweetest guy she knew (after Max, but that went without saying). And besides, she didn’t have any jealousy issues with the other girls. The closest thing to an awkward encounter she and Odi might have would be with Leo. He was bound to be there - he was dating the team captain, after all. But Odi was so good at glossing over tense moments that Mattie couldn’t bring herself to worry, even then. It would be fine.
“So,” she said, changing back to the previous subject, “How weird is it that our parents probably know each other? They’ve probably, like, sat near each other in meetings and fought over funding.”
“Super weird,” Odi agreed. “Should we tell them? Or see how long it takes them to work it out on their own?”
“I think the second one sounds more fun,” said Mattie. “I mean, it took us…” she paused to work it out precisely.
“Three months and three weeks, and a day,” said Odi. “Wait, was I supposed to style that out? I have no idea. I’m a guy, I don’t pay attention to dates.”
Mattie burst out laughing. “Nice save.”
“It’s what I do.”
The fact that he’d known the numbers without having to think was almost ridiculously endearing. As if she needed more reasons to warm to him. Mattie gave a disbelieving shake of her head. “You’re something else, you know that?”
“It takes one to know one,” he said, with a twinkle in his eye.
#humanschallenge#im sorry about this But I just loved that AU SO SO SO SOOSOS MUCH#and jock Odi just cracks me up as a concept I love him#mattie hawkins#odi millican#matodi#c4 humans#also sorry if you named their college aha#I had a look on my reread but could've missed it#I just went with the name of the road where the hawkinses live haha#same with Odi's it's George's road#so original Joni
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Profiles in IMDb Greatness: Matt Ross
I love the Internet Movie Database. If I’m looking to Instagram stalk the pretty Italian lady from the second season of Master of None it’s a great outlet to find her real name. As such I enjoy looking over random performer pages and arbitrarily judging the scope and quality of their careers to determine if they merit entry into my vaguely defined IMDb Hall of Fame. Today’s enshrinee: Matt Ross
Fate and the Home Box Office television network conspired to serve up a perfect actor for inclusion in this hallowed Hall when as the fourth season of Silicon Valley was up and running while it seemed like American Psycho was on twice a day (and then like a month passed without my actually doing the post but it’s here now so leave me alone). Anyone who can both legitimately unnerve Patrick Bateman and make hostile corporate takeovers hilarious is working with a full deck as a performer.
First Listed Role: I already know this profile is going to be a winner since I’ve seen his first credited role, 1994′s PCU.

It’s been a great long while since I’ve seen PCU (so long ago that even with the picture I can’t remember what exactly Matt Ross did) but I recall it being entertaining enough while still thinking my buddies oversold the hell out of it. It’s a fun movie to look back on as a reminder that even with all the crybabies today annoyed they can no longer use racial slurs decrying political correctness is not a new phenomenon.
Also George Clinton rocks pretty hard in it if memory serves.
Most Recent Finished Work: The great Silicon Valley. That show sneaked up on me during the second season when I had a realization that I looked forward to it just about as much as any other show on TV and would regularly have your faithful writer laughing loudly like an idiot multiple times an episode.
On the show Ross has helped create one of the great villains of television Gavin Belson. Think a more insecure, outwardly evil Bill Gates whose tech giant company Hooli is a constant cloud over the doings of the show’s, for lack of a better word, heroes. A common trait with Ross’ best roles is being able to possess a certain oily sleaziness. Gavin Belson as CEO of a major corporation is more polished than the Alby Grants he’s portrayed but the running bit with animal props as board meetings is a perfect showcase for a hilarious lack of basic morality.
CSI/Law & Order/NCIS Guest Spots: In furthering being the perfect IMDb HOF entrant Matt Ross has a double dip of CSIs (no Law & Order surprisingly, but he does do more film work than a lot of the others so less available time I’d imagine).
From CSI: Miami we have Silencer.
Horatio and his team investigate a double murder at a concert, but unraveling the mystery becomes difficult when leads take them in two directions: the Mala Noche gang, and a pharmaceutical company.
Difficult to say where Ross’ character Paul Burton falls into this mess but if I had to guess I’d wager he’s aligned with the pill pushers than the Mala Noche gang. Being a shady pharmacy lab tech feels just right for him. I just hope it was George Clinton concert that claimed those two souls as a bit of an Easter egg to Matt Ross’ early work.
And then there’s CSI: Original Recipe with Meat Jekyll. As first I got excited thinking Ross was playing a character named Meat Jekyll before realizing it was just the title of the episode. An even bigger disappointment is not using Ross’ aforementioned ability to play sinister to be the Hannical Lector of the episode.
The crime lab reluctantly brings in imprisoned serial killer Nate Haskell after he claims to know the identity of "Dr. Jeckyll." Meanwhile, clues revealing his next and perhaps final victim are mailed to Dr. Langston.
Instead they gave that *sunglasses* MEATY role *yeah* to That Guy who was in Eight Men Out as one of the few players who didn’t get kicked out of baseball. Can’t trust a man who won’t take a gambler’s money in this reporter’s opinion.
Hall of Fame Ballot Submissions: Twelve Monkeys (maybe my favorite treatment of time travel as a concept and how you wouldn’t be able to change anything since it’s already happened in the future), Face/Off (I only watched about 20 minutes of this and shut it off but it’s such a famous goodbad movie that I included it, just couldn’t buy in to Nic Cage’s skin fitting around Travolta’s giant head), Oz (this post’s winner of the biggest “Oh shit, really?” work, he was one of the guards killed in the riot), American Psycho, The Aviator, Good Night and Good Luck, Big Love, Silicon Valley.
Big Love was a bit of a stretch here since by the last couple seasons I was outwardly hating it but Ross’ Alby Grant is probaby still the role I most associate him with when he pops up elsewhere due to how devastatingly creepy he was. Also I included Big Love for Bill Paxton so in the name of consistency it’s here again, plus this adds to Ross being the king of HBO.
The Aviator was another flick that HBO brought back into the rotation in the last few months that I hadn’t seen in forever and I’d forgotten he was in it. In a weird turn his character Odie is simply a competent airplane mechanic without any degenerate character tendencies, I’m sure it was his hardest role to pull off.
And what’s left to say about his turn in American Psycho, he’d know better than anyone that too much praise can be grating.
Miscellaneous Credits: New rule, if you play Johnny Cash in something, it gets mentioned here like with Lifetime’s Ring of Fire.

Suppose you’d have to ask someone else why this was made when Walk The Line had come out eight years earlier but hey, if they can keep rebooting Spider-Man this century than certainly the Man in Black should be celebrated as often as possible.
Highest Rated IMDb Entry: Goddamn right, the Silicon Valley episode Optimal Tip-To-Tip Efficiency that pulled the whole first season together and hinted at the heights it could reach. 9.4 stars, this episode fucks. I love this one sentence from the episode description:
The guys break out into a ridiculous argument
Yes they did, IMDb plot recapper, yes they did.
Lowest Rated IMDb Entry: I’m not about to go through every other post in this series to check but 5.4 for the worst (according to IMDb users) production one’s been in might be the new high water mark. Take a bow, A Deadly Vision. I’ll be keeping my eyes open to see if the Lifetime Movie Channel re-airs this.
A waitress who has psychic visions of murders before they happen is asked by a police detective to help find a serial killer.
Making this all the better? Matt Ross is indeed the killer and is billed simply as The Killer, just like with The Joker a menace can be more terrifying without any sort of tether to humanity. I’m now wondering to myself just how good Matt Ross could be as The Joker in something. Him and Ben Affleck are pretty much the same age so why not make him the Clown Prince of Evil for any standalone Batfleck film instead of Jared Leto’s ass. Just something to think about, Hollywood bigshots.
IMDb Fun Fact: Matt Ross is 6' 0½" tall.
I feel like I was pitching a perfect IMDb HOF post and then the Trivia section stepped to the plate and laid down a bunt that hugged the third base line of uninteresting tidbits of a great actor’s career. Shame.
IMDb HOF Members: Even though the ad wizards have decreed that only video is worthy of internet bandwidth it sure would be swell if the dear readers clicked back on any old posts they haven’t read yet and tell me how these used to be better before I became cynical and jaded beyond recognition.
Bob Balaban
Jim Beaver
Clancy Brown
W. Earl Brown
Reg E. Cathey
Gary Cole
Keith David
Cary Elwes
Noah Emmerich
Jami Gertz
John Hawkes
John Michael Higgins
Toby Huss
Allison Janney
John Carroll Lynch
Margo Martindale
David Morse
Joe Morton
Robert Patrick
Bill Paxton
Jon Polito
Alan Rickman
Stephen Root
Matt Ross
Alan Ruck
Peter Stormare
Daniel von Bargen
Next Time: Should I just do an actual Jami Gertz one? She’s been in there so long I can hardly remember what inspired the running gag in the first place.
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Can you do Cheddie or BenxJordan for the ship meme? Idk where you find the list exactly, but here are questions I see often around the Internet. Who accidentally pushes instead of pulling? Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a smile? Who is physically stronger? Emotionally? Who starts the pillow fights? Who starts the tickle fights? Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Who boasts about the other? Who gets jealous? Who hogs blanket? Thx!
This is what I found as there’s SO MANY OF THEM. I also didsomething very different, hope you don’t mind. 1-9 of 30 for now,ask again for the rest in this style, or in the usual simple answersthan what I did, if you’d like.
1.Who is the most affectionate?:
“Good morning, my queen,” Chad said as he wrapped his armsaround Freddie, gave her a kiss on the top of her head. “Makingmore shrunken heads today?” he asked as he looked over her shoulderand at her cauldron.
Freddie chuckled and blushed. “Believe it or not, it’sactually for a catering job; Carlos is having a horror movie marathonand wants the food to be as gooey and messy as the flicks.”
“Well I’m sure you’ll have them screaming indelight,” Chad said. “These hands of yours are magic”.
Freddie scoffed. “Flirt.”
“Want me to stop?”
“Hell no.”
2.Big spoon/Little spoon?:
It felt weird to be cuddling just for fun, not because it wasfreezing, because that’s what her current boyfriend wanted in tradefor keeping her around, or because he was paranoid that she’d sneakaround and steal his stuff, so he’d make it as difficult aspossible for her to get up in the middle of night and do just that.
As Freddie felt Chad’s strong, muscular arms wrapped tightaround her waist, his warm, steady breath on the back of her head,every inch of her body perfectly fitted against his, she had toadmit:
It was a good kind of weird.
3.Most common argument?:
“Chad, I swear if you make another literature referencewhile we’re kissing or fucking, I will permanently exile tothe couch.”
“Aww, where’s your sense of humour, Fred?”
“It died when you quoted the first lines of Dante’s Infernowhile you were going down on me.”
((They do have much more serious arguments, but that’s forlater.))
4.Favorite non-sexual activity?:
“I can’t believe you’ve never tried braiding all thisbeautiful hair of yours,” Chad said as he did just that.“Especially since keep growing it so long!”
“Yeah, well it wasn’t so much a choice, as much as I couldn’tafford to waste my knives’ sharpness on cutting my hair,” Freddiereplied as she sat still, watched her boyfriend’s deftly fingerswork through her dark locks.
“Well all that ends now! Short, long, hell, even bald, just saythe word and I’ll point you to exactly the stylist you needto get your hair however you want it.”
Freddie frowned. “I don’t know, Chad--I’ve been wearing myhair long for all my life... what if I don’t look good withanything other than this?”
Chad smiled warmly at her. “Freddie, it’s you: you alwayslook good.”
((There’s also baking, but I did that already.))
5.Who is most likely to carry the other?:
Never let it be said that Chad Charming didn’t know how to makean entrance.
Trumpets. Song birds and a fucking angelic choir. And of course,to top it all off, the front door burst open with suitably dramaticlight, before Chad himself rode into their living room on the back ofa white horse, though the only thing shining about him was his smile.
Freddie had seen it happen hundreds of times, yet every singleinstance, she could only stop, stare, and try to wrap her head aroundthe fact that this was really happening, again.
“Hail, my darling Frederica!” Chad cried in his mostover-the-top voice possible. “I return from the brutal battlefieldof the Annual Commoner’s Grievance Airing, alive, tired and alittle deaf, but still ready to perform all myhusbandly duties to you, my queen!”
He disembarked from his horse, grinned like a loon as he scoopedher up into his arms, bridal style. “Shall we?”
Freddie blushed and chuckled. “Onwards to our bedchambers, dearhusband!”
“ONWARDS!” Chad bellowed.
He turned around to the various animals and musicians he’dhired, thanked them and dismissed them, before he proudly marchedhimself and his wife into their bedroom, for a no less loud andexhausting but infinitely more pleasant couple of hours.
6.What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?:
“They can’t keep their hands off each other,” they said, andit was true.
Intertwining their fingers. Touching an arm, a shoulder, a thigh.Cuddling, snuggling, hugging.
Be they rough, scarred, and bony, agile and deft from years ofpicking pockets and locks, deft twists of the wrist, and illusionsand tricks meant to dissuade, persuade, and delude; or strong yetsoft and supple from years of strength training, horse riding, andTourney, and meticulous care with the best products you could get inAuradon, they absolutely couldn’t get enough of the other’shands.
“But why hands?” they asked.
Because if she wanted a radiant smile and rippling muscles, shecould have pulled out her phone or taken a stroll down any commercialarea in all of Auradon and look at the advertisements.
Because if he wanted a sly grin and an aura of mischief, he couldhave done the same, except the trip was down the forgotten districtsand cul-de-sacs the Islanders called their Isle away from the Isle.
But if they wanted to do more than look at them, to touch them, tohold them, to feel them, to be more than a fantasy, to know that theywere real—oh so real… well, you needed more than your eyesfor that, for sure.
7.What’s the first thing that changes when they realize theyhave feelings for the other?:
“You headed to the game this Friday?” read the messagefrom Chad.
Had this been sent yesterday—before Freddie had had the lifechanging realization that her feelings for Chad were much more thanfriendly; that she didn’t want to just hang out with him,talk with him about all the things she couldn’t even share withTiana, Tyrone, or Mama Odie, and share her puffed deliciousness justbecause she liked him that much; that she, despite everything shethought, all she knew of herself, and how the way the world works,she actually, truly fell in Love with him—she would havereplied “Yes.” almost reflexively, maybe even put in a wittycomment about when she had refused to come if she had the choice inthe matter.
Now she was staring at her phone, agonizing over it, wonderingwhat to write, typing a few letters out before she deleted them andstarted all over again. She felt so, so sorry for every personshe ever made fun of for stressing out because of a text from theircrush, for she now understood exactly what they felt.
She was interrupted by a knocking on her door. She threw her phoneonto her bed, and tossed a pillow over it—she didn’t want to seeor hear it for a long, long while—before she strode over to herdoor, and threw it open, grateful for whoever had given her the muchneeded distraction…
… Up until she realized said “whoever” was Chad.
“Hey, Fred!” Chad said, casually waving at her with one hand,the other propping himself up on the door frame.
“Chad…!” Freddie squeaked—legitimately, actually fuckingsqueaked. “What are youdoing here…?”
“Well, you haven’t beenanswering any of my texts or calls lately, so I figured I might aswell it out in person, seehow that works out. So, you coming to the game on Friday…?”
“I, uh...” Freddie began tosweat, words that used to come so easily to her suddenly sodifficult, her infamously lose and sharp tongue now tied up in knotsand useless like a drunk that had clumsily swung his fists about andknocked himself out in the process.
Chad’s face softened. “Youdon’t have to if something’s up, which I’m assuming is thecase. This isn’t going to be the last game of Tourney I’ll everplay,” he said, before he knocked on wood—just in case.
Freddie nodded, tried to saysomething but couldn’t.
“So for clarity, is this a ‘No,I won’t be going to the game on Friday?’” Chad asked.
Freddie nodded her head.
Chad smiled. “Alright. Goodnot-talk with you, Fred,” he said, before he left.
Freddie slowly, carefully closedthe door after him, before she put her back to it and slumped down tothe floor.
Evilness, she was sofucked.
8.Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?:
“My Queen, your Highness, your majesty,” because I am yourservant, and you are the voodoo priestess who has me under her spellforevermore.
“Dear Sir Knight,” for you are my protector, he who will swoopin and kick the asses of whoever dares harm me, and save me frommyself.
“Fred,” so you’ll get annoyed and ask me to call you by yourreal, beautiful name, “Frederica.”
“Pretty Boy,” for that’s what you are, so dangerously,distractingly handsome.
9.Who worries the most?:
“You missed your Thursday session with FG yesterday, what’sup?” read Chad’s text.
Freddie sighed as she sat in her room, curled up in one corner,staring at the pillow her phone was hidden under because she justcouldn’t work up the courage to pick it up, turn it back on, readthe text and reply to Chad, tell him she couldn’t get herself outof bed, let alone drag her ass all the way to Fairy Godmother’soffice because she just couldn’t, norhyme, no reason.
Or maybe there was, and she just didn’t have enough shits tofigure it out, put words to it, find some way to be able tocommunicate all the confusing, horrible, painful feelings inside ofher to other people in ways they could understand, or at least givethem some idea of what it was that was going wrong with her now.
Freddie didn’t look up.
“Freddie?” Chad asked. “Can I come in?”
She didn’t respond.
Chad opened the door and carefully peered. His eyes swept theroom, until he found Freddie. He stepped in, shut the door behindhim, and walked over to her. “You want to talk about it?” heasked as he sat down beside her on the floor.
Freddie shook her head.
Chad nodded, then looped his arm over her shoulder.
However little, Freddie smiled as she leaned into him, resting herhead on his chest.
No more words were said afterwards, nor did they need them.
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WoY Twoshot: The Dadsome, Part 2
Plot: Awesome actually never held much resentment towards him, in fact he pretty much understood why he left. He also didn’t think he’d ever see the guy again… Funny how the universe sometimes works out.
((Part of the Awesome Arc. Enjoy!
Part 1 of ‘The Dadsome’ here!))
It was about sunset by the time Awesome stepped out of the Skullship’s ‘jaw’ and onto its long tongue. From high above, he could still see a few stragglers left on the beach, wanting to enjoy just a few more minutes on the sand or in the water.
Most of the tourists and locals however were on the boardwalk, either grabbing some supper or heading home. Unsurprisingly, there were quite a few Watchdogs among the crowd, eager to enjoy their few extra hours of downtime on Baroceon.
Not that he could really blame them though. Going out somewhere was always better than being forced to stay inside a stuffy ship all the time. But before he could go and join them, Awesome made sure to take one last look at himself. Sure, this wasn’t exactly a first impression moment, but his dad had already seen him in one sorta lame outfit that day, Awesome didn’t want him to see him in another one. But thank Grop for Handy and teleportation mail delivery (even if the shipping price was a bit outrageous).
With his uniform left behind in his room, he was now wearing a tank top with blue and pink paint splatters on it (perfect for a sunny and colorful setting like a beach), bright purple pants and silver fingerless gloves. A gold chain with a smaller yet still shiny and cool charm version of his ‘A’ medallion on it hung around his neck. Finally, he had finished off the outfit with a pair of white heeled sandals. Of course, he had also decided to go with the purple lipstick, just to mix things up a bit, as well as a dark blue eyeshadow.
Smiling in approval of himself, Awesome headed down the tongue and stepped onto the boardwalk. He only had to wait a few minutes or so before he spotted a grey dorsal fin above the heads of the crowd. “Hey!” he shouted, giving a small wave, “Over here!”
“Oh, hey.” The older shark-man quickly maneuvered through the sea of tourists, and gave Awesome a smile once he could fully see him. “There you are, kiddo.” He was still wearing his homemade shark-tooth bracelet and dark grey tank top, though now he was wearing a opened, dark blue jacket over it. His swim shorts had been traded in for a pair of faded brown pants, and on his feet were black sandals. It wasn’t that cool of an outfit but it still looked pretty good - definitely not lame or dorky.
“Heh, yep, here I am,” Awesome replied coolly, grinning back at him, “So Dad, do you know where our first awesome stop of the night is going to be?”
Makoto nodded. “Sure do,” he said simply before turning to the left and leading the way down another path of the boardwalk - this one being a lot less crowded, but also more thin and not quite as exciting.
“Huh...” Maybe it was an exclusive place? Shrugging, Awesome followed him, and glanced around at the smaller shops and stalls as they walked. A few of them actually had candles or small lanterns hanging above them, glowing warmly and lighting the way as the sky grew darker. “...Sorta like the lights on the surface back home,” he mumbled.
“Hm?” Makoto glanced back at him, “Your mom actually let you go up to the surface?”
“Well, sometimes.” Like the times when she had no idea he was even visiting the streets and boardwalks of the surface - or, as the island was called in her words at least, the ‘Surface-land Swamp-Pool’. “It’s a really cool place, you know? Definitely a lot different from the towns and cities below it.”
“Yeah, I know,” Makoto nodded, “I visited the island a couple times, and I had a good time. It’s probably changed a lot though, since the last time I saw it.”
Awesome smiled. “Definitely,” he replied, a bit of pride slipping into his voice.
Turning another corner, Awesome could see that they were reaching a dead end, where the stalls were a bit more separated and a couple tables and benches sat at the end of the path. It didn’t really matter though, since his father had stopped walking, and was instead standing at one of the ‘restaurant’s’ front counters.
“Ey, Mako!” The chef - a man who sorta looked like a starfish but with hair and an extra pair of arms - greeted, “Haven’t seen you in a while!”
“I’ve just been busy,” Makoto shrugged, giving a small smirk as he sat down on one of the bar stools near the counter, “Just a couple of the usual along with whatever he-” He gestured towards Awesome, who still hadn’t taken a seat and was instead just sort of staring at the two of them, as well as the stall. Honestly, the place looked so old, how the grop was it still standing? “-get him whatever he wants too. And, maybe we could add the friends discount onto that bill~?” He asked as he flashed a charming smile at him.
The starfish chef rolled his eyes. “You’re lucky you’re my best customer, Mako, otherwise I would tossed you out on your tail fin before you could even think the word ‘discount’!” Despite the harsh words though, Makoto just laughed it off, with the chef soon joining him. However, once the chuckles died down, all eyes were on Awesome. “So kid, what are you havin’?”
“Oh, uh-” He looked up again, but couldn’t see any real sign or menu anywhere, “I guess I’ll have whatever he’s having?” He couldn’t do better than a local recommendation, right? “Oh, and Blue Smawaii. Haven’t had one of those in a while.”
“Sorry kid, can’t make a Blue Smawaii,” the chef replied bluntly as he got to work, opening up the cooler behind the counter, “Only bottled drinks here. But, I can still get ya the two grilled shrimp kebabs.”
“Oh... Well, that’s cool,” Awesome said, trying not to look too disappointed. Instead, he gave a small smile as he sat down. “Heh, guess I’m gonna get to try one of those awesome kebabs that one of the guys who was stationed here told us all about.”
“Oh no, that place is always packed,” Makoto told him, giving a dismissive wave, “If we try to go now, there’s no way we’d get in. Besides, the kebabs here have the same taste for a cheaper price. Even for not having any fingers, Reg still knows how to make a good grilled shrimp.”
The younger shark-man’s smile faltered, but he didn’t say anything as the two silently watched Reg wash the shrimp before beginning to stick them onto the skewers.
“...So, why don’t you tell me some more about the stuff you’ve been up to,” he heard his father say after a few moments, “We still have some stuff to catch up on, right?”
Awesome glanced over at him, his smile slowly returning. “...Heh, yeah, totes.” So, he started telling him about some of the sweet parties he’d thrown, the various victories he’d had, some of the people he had met, and he even told him about some of the things he had done as a kid like becoming the star of his dance class and eventually developing his own style. And, as an added bonus, since his dad didn’t know about them in the first place, he wasn’t forced to mention any of his failures or any incidents involving her. Definitely a great added bonus.
There weren’t too many questions or even much excitement from Makoto’s side of the conversation, but there wasn’t any signs of boredom or disapproving glares (things he was more than used to getting from his other parent) either, so Awesome took it as a good sign that he was enjoying the conversation. And honestly... Awesome was too, even if it wasn’t anything too exciting or cool. It was still admittedly just sort of... well, nice!
Although, there was one instance of disapproval from his father, and it was right after Awesome had finished sharing the story about a certain party...
“Wait-” Makoto quickly swallowed his bite of shrimp, “So, ou destroyed her whole house? And you didn’t tell her about it until after she came home?”
“Yeahhhh...” Holding back his laughter, Awesome just gave a sheepish smile, “I mean, I didn’t know the party would get THAT crazy! ...Well, okay I did but I didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal! I mean, like, it was at her summer off-planet home, so she still had her winter off-planet home that she could crash at!”
“Still, I can kinda see why she would be pretty pissed at you for that one,” Makoto lightly argued, not exactly looking too pleased about the incident either. Awesome however just rolled his eyes. Sure, maybe he did feel a bit awkward about some of his other destructive parties when he thought back on them, given that lots of planets in their Galaxy were destroyed not too long ago... But this party? He didn’t feel too bad about it at all.
Thankfully, Makoto didn’t intend to scold him too much on the matter. “Trust me, I know she’s not the easiest person to deal with,” he said as he turned away slightly, “But Odie’s not the worst. Difficult to please, but not the worst.”
“If you say so,” his son mumbled, pausing for a moment before quickly finishing off the rest of his kebab.
Soon enough, their meal was finished, the bill was paid, and the two shark-men were back on their way. The sky was darker now, with a few stars managing to twinkle bright enough to be seen. The boardwalk was a lot emptier too, but thankfully this was just one part of the planet.
“Huh,” Awesome started to say casually, putting his arms behind his head, “This place practically looks deserted. Guess everyone’s just out doing their own thing at clubs or bars or whatever.”
“Guess so,” Makoto shrugged before glancing over at him, “So, anything else you’ve got to tell me?”
While it was kind of nice to know that he really was interested, Awesome shook his head. “Nah, not really. But hey, I’m sure you’ve got TONS of stuff to tell me. Your own rad stories, cool people that you’ve met over the years, maybe even some awesome places that you’ve been to here on Baroceon? Heck, I bet there’s plenty of fun things to do here!”
Makoto paused, and after a moment, he smirked slightly. “Yeah, I guess there are some pretty fun things to do here, and some guys I know that are pretty cool. Think you’d be up for it, kiddo?”
“You know it~!” Awesome replied, practically shouting his answer.
“Heh, alright.” With that, Makoto continued, once again leading the way while his son excitedly followed, grinning the whole way.
Needless to say, where they ended up going wasn’t exactly the place Awesome expected.
After fifteen minutes of walking, the two had traveled from the boardwalk, to a street, to a small neighborhood that sat on a small hill, giving a somewhat decent view of the ocean.
“Most of the other guys should be here, since it’s a Friday,” Makoto said as he knocked on the wood of the sliding door. A muffled voice answered, and he slid the door open. Almost immediately, he was met with several greetings. “Hey Mako!” “Wow, you’re actually here this week? Thought maybe you forgot about us.” “Or maybe he just wants to get his pockets emptied.”
“Heh, you wish, Brock,” Makoto smirked, making his way inside. Of course Awesome followed him, and was glad to see that the living room of this house looked at least a little bit bigger and newer than the house looked on the outside. Still, there wasn’t much to it. Just a few dudes sitting around a table, a bowl of chips, and some playing cards. There wasn’t even a radio there to play background music.
If there was any consolation though, at least the guys there looked kinda cool, along with looking just as chill as his dad. “So who’s the kid?” one guy - a green alien with three eyes and a shell on his back - asked.
“Guys, this is Hersch-” “Awesome.” “Ah, right. This is Awesome, my son. He’s here visiting for the night, and I just figured we could both have a pretty fun time here.” Not having any problem with that, most of the guys scooted over to make room while the three-eyed man went to go get a couple more chairs.
In return for their welcome, Awesome just gave them a small smile and a ‘S’up?’. “Heh, I can see the resemblance between you two,” another man - one with eyestalks and tentacle arms - commented.
The man next to him however - a dark grey guy with small, black spikes along his back and limbs - didn’t look nearly as impressed as he looked up and down at Awesome’s outfit. “Kawarini musume o tsurete kita no wa tashikadesu ka?“ he muttered.
Unfortunately for him, it was just loud enough for Makoto to hear it, and in one swift movement, he had hooked his hand under the guy’s arm (making sure to avoid the spikes). He then lifted him up, high enough so that he could see Makoto’s very unamused look. The guy cringed, wincing at the pain. “H-Hey, come on, Mako! It was just a joke!”
“Yeah well, how about we keep these ‘jokes’ to a minimum, alright Mori?” Makoto told him before promptly dropping him back in his seat. Awesome couldn’t help but give a small smirk at the incident, though it quickly fell once he saw the cheap looking chairs that he and his dad would be sitting in.
However, when he saw that Makoto had no problem with them, Awesome swallowed his complaints and sat down next to him. “You guys up for a drink?” Brock asked.
The younger shark-man grinned. “Tc’ch, always, bro!”
The others chuckled a bit at that. They could still remember when drinking was fun and exciting for them, even if it was a long time ago. “Pick your favorite, kid,” the man with the tentacles said as her reached under the table and pulled out the various bottles they had to choose from. Once again, Awesome was met with total disappointment.
Cheap beer. Nothing but cheap, generic, barely worth drinking and totally lame beer. Grop, they didn’t even have Thunderblazz! Who didn’t have Thunderblazz?! Still, he was a bit thirsty, so he just picked the best of the worst and forced himself to take a small sip, holding back a grimace. What he wouldn’t give for a margarita or a pina colada or, heck, even just a few jello shots right now...
Once he had finished collecting all the playing cards (as well as a bit of cash from everyone except Awesome, who was allowed to have a ‘freebie round’ since it was his first game), Brock began passing them out to everyone, allowing both the game and any remaining conversations to continue.
Awesome tried to listen and add to their conversation, he really did! Because hey, maybe these guys were just taking a break, and before long they’d break out the good stuff and do things that were actually fun to do on a Friday night. There was still a chance of that, right?
...Well, after several minutes passed, it definitely didn’t look too likely. And, once the conversation shifted from just sharing what had happened to you recently to discussing the prices of fishing nets and boardwalk food, Awesome completely tuned out...
“A pretty good last game, huh?” Makoto asked as he walked out of the house about twenty five credits richer. Nothing too big - their pots and the amounts they put in them each round, never were - but it was still something.
Awesome, who was in the middle of yawning, quickly replied, “Uh, yeah, totally. Heh, didn’t know you were such a card shark...”
“Eh, I think I was just lucky tonight,” Makoto shrugged, still smiling a bit, “But I’ll admit, I still know how to play my cards right. You know, once I actually have the right cards in my hand.”
The sky was already starting to lighten up, with Baroceon’s nights being a couple hours shorter than most thanks to its placement within its system. The sky was sorta cloudy however, so any sunlight that was starting to appear was mixed with plenty of shadows and shade. The air was cool, and Awesome could hear a few gulls chirping in the distance (far in the distance, thankfully). Despite his night turning out to be completely and utterly boring, he could admit that this moment at least was pretty peaceful.
After a moment or two however, the mood was ruined a bit when he picked up on the scent of smoke, his snout scrunching up a bit in response. Glancing over, he quickly found the source of the smoke, and couldn’t help but stare at it. “...You smoke?”
“Hm?” Makoto met his gaze as he blew out another smoke cloud, “Yeah. ...Is that ‘not cool’ or-?”
“Oh, no it’s cool. I mean, I’ve got nothin’ against it,” he replied, though he still had a bit of a confused expression, “It’s just - I don’t really remember you smoking before. ...But, I guess I was only a couple years old at the time and, like, we were living underwater so-”
“Yeah...” He sighed, “It’s not something I do too often but, hey, it makes a pretty good substitute for the heavier stuff.”
The heavier stuff... If he had been surprised by his dad smoking, he really should have been even more surprised by that. However, all Awesome could focus on instead was the second set of implications behind those words: That his father actually did live the exciting, partying, wild life he’d always imagined he did, at least at one point.
...So, what had happened to it?
Finishing off his cigarette, Makoto gave another sigh and tossed it onto the old, wooden boards. Awesome made sure to step on it, crushing it as he walked forward. A bit of sunlight landed the side of his face, warming it for just a moment before disappearing, blocked by another purple tinted cloud.
“So, you have a good time tonight, kiddo?” he asked as they turned a corner. The Skullship was still floating above the boardwalk, mouth opened despite it still being an hour and a half before Awesome’s set returned time.
“Uh, yeah. It was... alright,” the younger shark-man answered, barely able to force a smile. For a moment, he wondered if his father would even notice.
But, whether it was considered a good thing or a bad thing, Makoto did notice. “Just alright?” he asked as he glanced back at his son, “Well, did you actually have a good time or not?”
“Yeah, sure,” Awesome shrugged, his eyes now on his feet, “I mean, it was, like, a pretty good time. So, yeah.”
Makoto stopped. Turning around, he crossed his arms and gave his son a flat look. “You don’t have to worry about hurting my feelings, you know. So come on, what’s wrong? What didn’t you like about it?”
“...” The younger shark-man sighed, forcing himself to look up at his father. “Okay, like... it wasn’t a terrible night or anything! I can promise that I legit enjoyed some parts of it. But, like... I guess I was just, you know, expecting more?”
“...And why’s that?” Makoto asked, more out of curiosity than accusation.
“Why not?” Awesome retorted, “Like, I just figured that when you started talking about great places and hanging out, I thought you were talking about going to clubs and partying and doing stuff that’s actually cool and fun! Because honestly, why wouldn’t you want to spend your life doing that? That’s the stuff that’s worth doing, and that would actually be worth leaving for so that you could do it all, not just-!”
He stopped, his voice dying in his throat as his body froze. Grop... did he really just say that? His dad was staring at him, his eyes widened slightly. As the few seconds of silence passed, the air was so tense that not even a crashing asteroid could tear their eyes away from each other.
“I... I didn’t mean it like that!” Awesome said quickly, “I swear I didn’t! I mean- I totally understand why you left! I totally get it, and I’m not mad at you for it or anything! Cause, like, who wouldn’t want to live their life partying?! That’s WAY better than just being stuck on your boring home planet with lame losers your whole life! I can’t blame you for wanting something cooler! And I mean, flarp, that’s pretty much the other reason I left home too! Not just to make the kingdom bigger, but so I could have the freedom to live an awesome and epic party-life! It’s what I did before, and it’s what I’m going to do again once I’m done with my training!”
He paused, taking a moment to give his dad a small smile. “So, like, don’t think that I’m mad at you or hate you or anything, okay? We’re still cool, right?”
Unfortunately, his son’s words did nothing to reassure him. In fact, Makoto just looked more upset now. “...What?” Awesome asked, not understanding, “I said-”
“I know what you said,” Makoto replied as he finally turned away. Awesome’s frowned deepened as he clenched his fists.
“...I’m sorry,” he said simply, his words still sounding small even if they were genuine.
“You... You shouldn’t be the one apologizing.” Makoto still wasn’t looking at him. Really, it almost seemed like he wasn’t looking at anything. He was just staring into space as his thoughts raced, though one thought rose above them all: If there was any moment where he had to actually be a dad, this was it. “Hey, Awesome...”
“...Yeah?” his son asked cautiously.
“You want to know why I live such a simple life? Why I live such a ‘boring’ life?” he asked as he looked up - his face almost looking like it had aged another decade in just a few seconds. “Well, it’s ‘cause I learned something that’s pretty important: You’re never as cool as you think you are.”
“...” Awesome could feel his heart start to feel like it was sinking, but as much as part of him wanted to just completely ignore this, another part couldn’t help but listen as his father continued talking.
“You’re never as cool as you think you are... Even if you feel like you’re on top of the Galaxy, there’s always people cooler than you. Better than you, happier than you. So you try to feel better than them. Do stupid grop, force people to stay by you, do whatever you can just to feel the excitement and the high and the applause and the freedom. But it’s never enough... And before you know it, you’re stuck in your spotlight all alone and trapped while everyone else has moved on...”
“I, I don’t-” Awesome tried to say, his body shaking slightly, but he felt too stunned by all of this to try and argue.
“It’s just the facts of life, unfortunately,” Makoto told him, glancing up for just a moment, “It doesn’t matter what we try to be, or even what we do. If we don’t eventually stop, we end up dooming ourselves. Make more mistakes, more regrets, until we’re at a completely dead end.”
Awesome winced as flashes of his attempted come-back party, and even all the mistakes before it, were brought to the front of his mind. He clenched his eyes for a moment, trying to push them back. Those failures didn’t matter, he just had to forget about them and just be even more awesome to make up for them!
As if he could tell that this was what Awesome was doing, he older shark-man then looked his son straight in the eye, once again getting his complete attention. “And as long as you keep living this life - the cool, epic, awesome life that you want to get back to? - you’re just going to keep hitting that same dead end,” he finished simply.
“...” Even if his chest was still heavy, Awesome managed to glare at his dad, growling under his breath as he shook even harder. “Are... Are you serious...? Are you serious right now?! You’re calling what I love to do, what I am, a MISTAKE?! I mean, really?! Seriously, what gives YOU the flarping right to just throw shade on the way I live?! To call me a failure just because you made some mistakes?! I’m-!”
Almost immediately, he was silenced when Makoto stepped forward and grabbed his shoulder, gripping it firmly and steadying Awesome’s shaking just a little. Another ray of sunshine passed over them like a small wave, lasting for only a few seconds before the shadows of the clouds pushed it along.
“...I know we still don’t exactly know each other that well, and... I’m sorry about that,” Makoto said quietly, “But... I don’t want to see you end up in that spotlight alone, chasing something that you’ll never reach and that’s just gonna leave you behind in the end. ...But there is another option, you know.”
“...A-And, what’s that?” Awesome asked as he tried to keep his voice steady.
“You can keep partying, and keep enjoying yourself. But... When people start to leave, and you know it’s slowing down, don’t try to stop it. Don’t try to force them to stay, or force it to continue, or wait for new people to join you. Instead, just leave with everyone else. Don’t let them leave you behind, and don’t choose to stay behind. Just let the party end.”
“...” Once again, Awesome found that he couldn’t say anything. He had things he could say but, at that moment, he just had no words. Makoto kept his grip on his shoulder, the two standing there side-by-side, feeling like they were the only two on the planet. But finally, Awesome did manage to say one word: “...Okay...”
It was hard to know what he really meant by that. ‘Okay, I’m going to follow your advice’ or ‘Okay, I heard you’. Honestly, Makoto wasn’t even sure that Awesome knew himself. Still, he accepted it, giving his son a small nod. “...I’ve made plenty of mistakes since I left home. Plenty of regrets, too,” he told him, tightening his grip just a little, “But, for what it’s worth... I don’t regret running into you again.”
Awesome said nothing. No agreeing, no arguing... but he didn’t try to pull away either.
The minutes seemed to pass like ages as they continued to stand there, words and thoughts and even memories continuing to echo around them. Eventually though, Makoto glanced up at the sky. He gave a small hum. “Looks like it’s gonna rain a bit today... I guess I should probably get back to my stall, just to set things up.”
“...Yeah...” Awesome replied, his eyes locked on the floorboards below. Slowly, he felt his father’s hand loosen, staying just long enough to give him a small pat or two on the shoulder before disappearing.
“...Hey.” The younger shark-man managed to look up. Makoto was already looking at him, managing a small smile, even if he did look pretty unsure. Still, he continued. “So, if you need to talk or anything... I don’t really mind if you decide to call me. Alright?”
It took a moment, but Awesome did actually nod back at him. “Alright... Later kiddo.”
“Yeah, later...” Makoto turned around and walked away, sticking his hands in his pockets as he kept his head forward. After a couple seconds, Awesome turned around as well, heading down the short rest of the way towards the Skullship. ...It wasn’t until he reached the tongue that he realized he had never even asked his father for his phone number. Still, he made no effort to try and catch up with him, and instead just sat down.
He didn’t really keep track of how long he sat there, but he knew it had to at least be 5:30 when he heard two pairs of footsteps walk down the tongue behind him. “...Uhh, Awesome?” Hater asked, “You know the ship’s open, right?”
“Yeah, Hater. I know.”
“...Then, why are you just sitting out here?” he asked as both he and his commander raised an eyebrow at him. When he didn’t answer, Hater asked another question. “...Did your dad turn out to be a huge jerk or something?”
Awesome thought for a moment before shaking his head. “Nah...”
“Well, did he not show up at all?” Peepers asked, trying his hardest not too sound too accusing.��
Awesome however still managed to give a small scowl at the implications, just for a moment. “No, he still showed up, and we spent the whole night together.”
There was a pause. Even more curious now, Hater and Peepers stepped of the tongue and moved to in front of the shark. “Then... What did happen?” Peepers asked, actually looking a bit concerned.
Awesome gave a small sigh, wrapping his arms tighter around him. “...Let’s just say that my old man just finished laying down some harsh truths for me and... I’m just trying to process it, alright?” Closing his eyes, he moved his hand up to rub his eye, not caring about ruining the make-up.
“...I’m probably gonna stay out here a bit longer,” he told them, “Just, like... Give me five minutes or so. Or, I mean, if you guys gotta leave now, I can just catch up with you later or whatever...”
The two looked at him for a moment before looking at each other. Not really sure what else to do, they simply moved out of the way and back onto the tongue and up to the jaw. Not too long after this, Awesome felt a raindrop or two land on his snout. The sun was fairly high now, providing a bit more light, but there were still plenty of thick clouds. “Guess he was right about the rain,” he mumbled, using the back of his fingerless glove to wipe the water away, only for three more drops to land on his face.
With no point to it, he put his hand back down and continued to sit. A couple more drops landed on the top of his head. A raindrop or two here, a few more there, and then- ...Nothing.
Blinking, Awesome glanced up, and saw the rim of a light red parasol hanging above him, easily blocking the drops.
He felt Hater sit down next to him, offering an only-slightly awkward pat on the arm while Peepers stood at the former emperor’s other side, still managing to stretch and hold the parasol high above Awesome’s head. “...You’ve got ten minutes,” the commander told him.
“...Yeah,” he nodded, briefly glancing over at each of them before facing forward once more, “Got it.” Maybe he wouldn’t exactly start to feel great after ten minutes, but it would be enough.
And so, that’s what the three of them did. They just sat together, staying silent and staying close as they watched the rain lightly fall.
((For those wondering what that one guy’s ‘joke’ was, he said “Are you sure you didn’t bring your daughter instead?”. Yeahhh, you can see why Makoto didn’t exactly appreciate that comment.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Ever since I started writing the Awesome Arc, I knew that I wanted to write a story about Awesome running into his dad, and I also knew that it’d probably be one of the more interesting Awesome Arc stories to write. So, I really hope you all enjoyed it! ^v^))
#wander over yonder#emperor awesome#the awesome arc#oc character#commander peepers#lord hater#my writing#fanfiction
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