#hey everyone!! im eleanor
moonastroellie · 4 months
High school Ellie hc's
Warnings: like none, possibly one suggestive theme but otherwise it's sfw
. Ellie in high school was definitely a little ratbag, we all know this... I feel she's the rebellious one in the classroom and listens to music and keeps her hood on in class (oh wow, breaking the rules there Eleanor)
. I can just imagine Ellie playing rugby like a beast and making friends with almost everyone on the team like, Abby, Jordon, Jesse and Manny.. she'd act tough but she's definitely got a sensitive soul...
. Ellie definitely loves listening to the gossip and all that, she would literally spend HOURS just listening to you rant on about a cheerleader you hated
"yeah and then she said this" you pull out your phone to show her a message the cheerleader said about you "that bitch" she chuckled out "could be worse"
"yeah but-" she looks at you "but what?" She teases "you're hopeless!" You shove her playfully.
. Ellie is definitely A LOT smarter than she makes herself out to be, you can hear her rant on about some stuff that isn't even taught in high school.
"Ellie you're a lot smarter than you make yourself out to be" you'd mumble while eating a pizza "no" her reply was quick "c'mon don't give me that shit"
"m'not that smart" she grabs a pizza slice before stuffing it in her mouth like a gremlin.
. Ellie DEFINITELY loves playing the guitar we all know this, but she was shy at first and refused to show anybody her work including you.
"Ellie please! We wanna hear!" Dina says, holding up the guitar near Ellie's hands "but"
"dude c'mon, we've all done something here we didn't wanna do at least once, like Abby hated drawing and look at her now"
"hey! That was private!" She says in a teasing matter. "C'mon Ellie please" Jordon says and she sighs before agreeing to play, it shocked all of you when she started to play, it was amazing and you didn't know how talented she was.
. She's definitely dirty minded... I'm sorry but she is, I can just imagine in high school you yell out to someone saying "IM COMING!" and she just gives you this look before Dina says "Ellie don't even"
"whaaat I didn't even say anything"
"we all know what you're thinking" Jordon says, grabbing a rugby ball and throwing it at her (which she catches by the way)
. Ellie definitely gets the most random job, you didn't even know she was working and you pull up to star bucks "Ellie?"
"oh... hey" she scratches the back of her neck "the usual?" Ellie always made your drinks at home so she knew what you liked, you nod and pay for the drink.
A/n, didn't know what to write but here!!!
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freddie-77-ao3 · 7 months
Connor Stoll (they/them). Connor got to camp at age four, where someone just assumed he was named connor, so they took up the name of a dead boy named connor and decided that yeah, he/him was alright. didn't know what trans meant at the time, they just sort of... anyway, then after the battle of the labyrinth they came out as NB.
wood nymphs. they've got a different gender system than demigods, as well as different pronouns, but to keep it simple for the campers your best bet is they/them.
the resident god Dionysus ofc. he has a complicated relationship with gender (see his chapter in PJ's Greek Gods) but basically, doesn't care what you call him. he/they generally.
Drew Tanaka! she's just. always considered herself a girl. there was never any hesitation. her mom called her son and she just. did not compute. her mom was accepting and just sort of called aphrodite up and told her that actually she had given birth to a girl. Aphrodite sent down a new wardrobe in return. she never changed her name.
Clarisse la Rue. she came out when she was twelve. her mom didn't accept her, but clarisse had run away years before that so... her mother never apologized. when clarisse went to her house with chris, it was only because she was truly desperate. after the battle of manhattan clarisse called her once, and. never again.
Lou Ellen Blackstone. she told cecil and will when they were eleven or so (SOM) but didn't really come out to everyone else until one of the hunters pulled her aside in TTC to ask if she wanted to join bc the hunters are super good at finding girls apparently. lou ellen really regrets this but somehow cecil convinced her to make her legal name Louise-Eleanor (first) Wilmadeen (middle) Cecilia (middle) Blackstone. it-- she pretends it's just lou ellen. don't bring it up. Will thinks there was a murder involved and-- well neither of them are telling him otherwise, that's all i'm saying.
FTM: (oh boy here's where I projected a whole bunch)
PERCY MOTHERFUCKING JACKSON. alright folks you ready? so percy came out when he was twelve RIGHT before TLT picks up. struggling mother sally jackson immediately accepts him no questions asked (well there are a few questions but) she gets him onto puberty blockers from a free clinic on forth street right away and changes his name legally. financially they're still struggling, obviously, but sally is picking up some extra shifts. she's already planning on having percy go on T when he turns 16 (if he lives that long--) and after manhattan poseidon and sally sit him down and are like: okay so technically because of ancient laws poseidon can't just snap his fingers but uh if you want a real easy top surgery just do a really easy quest for him and he'll magic your tits away and percy agrees of course so poseidon drops a sand dollar on the ground and in the. most. indifferent voice possible he goes "oh no. my sand dollar. i need a hero." and percy picks it up-- and done. that's when he decides to join the swim team because he doesn't need to bind anymore. also when he heard the prophecy percy immediately went, well i know it says im going to die but hey the universe recognises me as a dude that's pretty cool right. very affirming for him.
NEXT UP we've got michael. height dysphoria kicks ass so seriously don't mention how short he is. anyway michael thought that it was spelt micheal so he chose it for the pun and to feel connected to his dad. uh. don't bring that up to him either. anyway despite being very short, michael's usually pretty stealth. he came out in ttc when he asks jake mason out bc luke used to date his brother lee and michael basically goes "hey do you want to go out i promise i'll be a good boyfriend and not leave you like luke left lee." and jake just bluescreens for a moment because wait, BOYfriend, and anyway after that michael realises he never told anyone. (not necessary to the post but jake said yes) oh, also, his middle name is john. why? who knows. it wasn't significant or anything, clarisse just turned to him one day and said, "you know, you look like a john." so yeah, Michael John Yew. also he liked archery bc it was a lot easier to bind in so.
following that you'll find that actually the three main pjo apollo boys are trans. so WILLIAM ANDREW SOLACE. my baby boy is-- well he's got a lot going on. Will binds (but when he turns 16 he's going to get top surgery and he is. very excited) and don't let his mild mannered doctor self fool you he is a HYPOCRITE when it comes to binding, like that bitch will nag you for hours if you bind for over 8 hours and then you'll see him come off a 48 hour infirmary shift still binding. when he was young and his mother was touring, she left him with his grandparents. He tried to come out at five and cut all of his hair off, but his grandparents kicked him out. Clarisse found him in Texas and brought him to camp. which isn't SATS compliant but I haven't read it yet so *shrug*. Anyway Andrew is after Apollo, when Apollo first met Naomi, he called himself Andrew.
Lee Fletcher is also trans. He was fully transitioned by the time he died. He was super upper class when he came out and his mum stopped speaking to him, but he kept his wealth and became a staunch advocate for trans rights until he died. Anyway he came out when he was seventeen.
Cecil Markowitz. His parents died in a fire when he was 8, he was sent to his grandmother, she kicked him out when he was 9 and came out. 
Leo Valdez (part of why Rosa called him a demon)
Malcolm Pace (his trans identity deserves a whole 'nother post it's.) anyway Malcolm can't bind so.
Ellis Wakefield (currently writing a fic about this actually) anyway Ellis comes out when he's 13 (so BoM) at camp, and comes out when he's 15 to his mum. it doesn't go great.
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madisonstarss · 1 year
Never have I ever...played 7 minutes in heaven (Ben Gross x fem!reader)
need more ben gross.
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Tw: kissing, Not proofread cuz im lazy and can't spell
The party was in full swing at Devi's house, with music pumping and laughter filling the air. You found yourself in the center of the living room, surrouded by friends and classmates, and there, right across from you, stood Ben Gross, looking dashing as ever.
Devi, with a mischievous glint in her eye, decided to spice things up by suggesting a game of "Seven mintues in heaven". As the host, She would be in charge of the match ups.
"Okay everyone, gather round!" Devi annonuced, her voice cutting through the noise of the party. "Time for some fun!"
People huddled together, eager to see who would be paired up. Your heart raced with anticipation as Devi pulled out two slips of paper from a bowl.
"First couple: Eleanor and Derek!" Devi proclaimed, and the chosen pair blushed as they retreated to the closet.
Devi's hand dipped back into the bowl, and this time, she pulled out a slip with your name on it. "Next up: Y/n and Ben!'
A cheer erupted from the crowd, but as you made your way to the closet, you couldn't ignore the subtle excitememnt and nervousness in Ben's eyes.
The closet closed behind you both, enveloping you in semi-darkness. The air inside was filled with a mix of exitment and vulnerability. It felt like the world outside had disapperead, leaving just you and Ben.
You stood facing each other, close enough to feel the warmth of each other's breath.
Ben's hand reached up to gently tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His touch sending tingles down your spine, "You look amazing tonight." He wispered softly.
A blush crept onto your cheeks, and you felt your heart flutter, "Thank you." You replied.
Unable to resist the pull any longer, he leaned in, and your lips met in a slow and tender kiss. It was like time had slowed down and the world around you had ceased to exist.
His lips were soft agaisnt yours, moving in sync as if they were made for each other. One of his hands found its way to the small of your back, pulling you closer, while the other gently cradled your face. It was a kiss fill with sweetness and passion.
Just as the intensity of the moment began to deepen, the closet door creaked open, you both pulled away abruptly.
"Hey guys sorry to interrupt." Devi's voice called out, a mix of amusement and embrassment in her tone.
Ben chuckled, "No worries..we were just catching up." He said with a playful grin.
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butcherfoxes · 6 months
GRGRGGFGH ok so bioshock right. Well eleanor lamb is from bioshock 2 but the base knowleghe you need of bioshock is that This Motherfucker made a city underwater bc he sucks ass. and used the final pam morals of No Rules Just Right. WELL they discover The Slug That Gives You Superpowers and go hrmm how could we make a profit from this (the city is capitlism world except its worse than captilism bc the guy thought american captilism was Too good to poor people) anyway so they figure out if they put the slug in little girls they can make super power drugs. WELL now they have a bunch of freakish little girls running around and people keep killing the little girls to get the drugs which is No Bueno. so theyre like “hey!! lets take our prisoners and brainwash them so heavily they genuinely cant think of anything Except protecting the girls!” yay! ok so this chick Sofia Lamb comes to rapture to be an awesome psychiatrist who loves to help poor people and also shes a single mom. Well andrew ryan the guy who made the city is like hrm. helping poor people is bad. and has her arrested. and then custody of her daughter Eleanor goes to this other chick who Loses Her Immediately and now shes being taken care of by this other guy whos like man fuck them kids and sells eleanor to the little sister orphanage which is really a sort of factory to make the freak girls. except this is Before they figure out the “brainwash prisoners to protect the girls” so theyre still figuring that out. WELL they figure it out by expirimenting on this one guy Yay! so they do it some more to other guys and As It Turns Out if the brainwash dudes get seperated from their little sister too long they either Die or Go Insane oh fuck! anyway back to subject delta whos the first guy to have that bond and eleanor the first one to. also have that bond. ok so now eleanor is Really attatched to subject delta and calls him her father also shes like 7 years old. anyway so theyre chilling Yayy! except her mother sofia lamb escapes from prison and is like fuck youuu die thats MY daughter. die. forever. and kills subject delta and does Things so that eleanor isnt a little sister anymore shes just a little girl. ok so while delta is dead sofias like hrmm wouldnt it be awesome if we created the perfect person whos super awesome by injecting them with Every Drug? well this goes bad. also sofia is a cult leader now. so sofias like Well eleanor my young daughter should be immune to the drug bc she was exposed to the drug. so actually im going to raise my daughter completely isolated from everyone so she wont be tainted and the cult is going to revolve around this little girl sacrificing herself to be the perfect most special guy in the world. yay! Well 10 years pass eleanor is a Teenager now and figures out how to revive subject delta bc kind of her mom sucks. this is the start of the plot of bioshock 2 Well subject delta goes on this epic journey to save his adoptive daughter and makes Moral Decisions which is to say the player gets to make moral decisions. and this seemingly effects nothign until closer to the end where when (spoilers) delta saves eleanor by turning her into a badass big sister (girls with big knives) u get little Hints of oh ! oh my choices mattered ! bc eleanor will either be viscously murdering everything in her path Including Children and laughing maniacally abt it OR going lalala..dont hurt my dad ok..and i save the children..anyway skip to the end there are like a bunch of endings but the one my profile pic is inspired by is where (more spoilers) subject delta dies but also so does eleanors mom But Also so do all the little sisters but eleanor escaped the city so eleanor is Completely Alone and also she was born and raised in the city so this is her first time on the surface and basically bioshock 2 is like undertale 5 years before undertale
jaw dropp...this sounds so interesting ill likely never get into bioshock but that sounds cool as hell
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louisisalarrie · 6 months
Have you any thoughts on Krystle (Louis’s stylist) and Louis? I’ve seen posts speculating they’re together but keeping it a secret…and a photo shared from last year (that was apparently then deleted) of him holding what looks like her legs in a club/bar. Some of the responses to that pic are saying he was holding his own legs - the angle of the pic is making it look like he’s holding hers/someone else’s, but I don’t know!
I tbought krystle was married but folks seem to be saying they think she divorced.
I also saw a post that said Lou Teasdale did a podcast where she referred to Louis as being the worst one in 1D for cheating on his GF (assuming E at the time). I mean really?? Do you know of that podcast. Like would Lou T even speak out of turn like that about any of the boys?!!
You may have no opinion on this whatsoever and that’s totally fine. I just wondered as it’s the first I’ve heard of these ‘rumours’!
Hellooooo anon. Are you seeing these rumours in the Wild West that is twitter? Because that place is a damn breeding ground for these rumours.
The Krystle and Louis thing has been going on for ages. It’s because she’s young, pretty, and hangs out with them when they’re not working. It’s a classic case of people assuming they MUST be together because they work together, hang out, and she’s a girl and he’s a boy. This kind of thinking is very easy to fall into, and we do it almost subconsciously. Like how when Harry has a female friend, the press and his fans assume they’re together, right? It’s the same thing. And there’s gonna be photos of them together, she literally works for him and they’re pals.
It’s somewhat infuriating, too, because she’s a great stylist and yet she’s reduced to “Louis tomlinsons latest FWB”. Shes more than that, and should be able to be his pal. I haven’t seen a single photo that could convince me otherwise, and if someone shows me one more damn photo of Louis’ hand on someone’s leg and says that’s proof, I’ll lose it. Mainly because if that’s the case, im dating at least 7 people right now. Louis has always been touchy, I can relate to that. And he’s just a gay hanging with the girlies.
I don’t think she’s divorced??? Dunno if anyone does know that 100%, but he attended her wedding with Eleanor in 2019. (I also have proof that she was still married in Nov 2023).
Anywho, I truly don’t think they’re dating or anything is going on with them. It’s just people causing drama, and also, they loooove riling up the larries. So, yeah. Ask yourself this: if louis’ stylist was a man, would people be making these rumours? What if they were much much older than Louis? What if they were not stereotypically attractive?
A similar thing happened with Brad and Harry.
Anywho, onto Lou Teasdale.
I have absolutely 0 idea where that info you got is from. I know that she said shit about Larry, larries, and that everyone in the band (individually) and crew were fucking each other (maybe she’s the one reading too much fanfiction?) and that a bunch of people lost their jobs because they slept with the 1d boys. This was in 2020. Why she thought it was relevant to talk about any of this on a podcast? Idk. Maybe because she’s not relevant anymore? And she burnt nialls hair to a crisp with bleach and none of the boys employed her in their solo careers? Lol. Idk. It’s very “teenage girl” of her to gossip like that. Very yikes and doesn’t do her any favours. But hey! Larries have always been an easy target for a bit of publicity.
But no, I can’t find anything saying specifically that Louis was a cheater or anything like that.
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fin-ack · 3 years
Is that FINLEY ‘FIN’ ACKER? Wow, they do look a lot like CHARLES MELTON. I hear HE is a TWENTY year old SOPHOMORE who are studying PRE-LAW at Luxor University. Word is they are a REGULAR student who is FOR The Unhinged. You should watch out because they can be SELFISH and RECKLESS, but on the bright side they can also be CHARISMATIC and HONEST. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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*will add a full bio ASAP this is just some info for now*
Full Name: Finley Charles Acker
Nickname(s): Fin, Acker
Preferred Name: Fin
Age: 20
Birthday: April 18th 2002
Star Sign: Aries
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronoun(s): He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Born: Incheon, South Korea
Grew up: Surrey, England
Major: Pre-law
Extra Curricular: Lacrosse - Goalkeeper
Promiscuous, brutally honest, ambitious, charismatic, witty, selfish, stubborn, emotionally unavailable.
Mother: Ae-Cha Acker (née Bu) Fin’s mother sadly passed away when he was 5 years old - he doesn’t remember much about her but has a handful of pictures of the two of them that he keeps in his wallet at all times
Father: Richard Acker The relationship between Finley and his father is strained at best. The pair don’t have much communication other than occasionally checking in to discuss grades and spending time together at the holidays. His father owns a worldwide hotel chain called The Cordelia (named after his second wife)  Since the death of his first wife, Richard has re-married 4 times (his current wife being only five years Finley’s senior). 
Siblings: None
Step Siblings: One (Open Connection possibility!) A step-sister from his fathers second marriage
Half Siblings: Two younger twin brothers from his fathers third marriage aged 5 that live with their mother.
If you would like to plot, pls feel free to message me and we can discuss!!
Fin is a fairly new transfer student so his connections will be more recent however he has travelled a lot with his father and lived in many places prior to joining luxor academy so there is definitely opportunity for plotting past connections!
ROMANTIC - fin has never been in a relationship but definitely open to hook-ups, one night stands, fwb plots etc
TEAMMATES - lacrosse team 
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peppermint-toads · 3 years
hello ! i was watching the met gala last night and got this idea with poly!marauders (im such a sucker for them) like they have this big important event and y/n has to go pick dresses and the marauders just drool all over her and then they go to the event and everyone is taking pics lmao i hope this doesnt suck so much i just didnt know how to redact it, i hope ur having a nice day <3
an: sorry this took so long ly
cw: poly marauders x female reader, seamstress doesn’t like you and comments on your body
All you were told was the attire was formal and there would be an open bar. It was some sort of high society wizarding gala, and with Sirius Black’s cushy status, you made the guest list.
“Sirius, I don’t even have a dress!” You groaned. Sirius rolled his eyes, he knew that. “That’s why we're taking you out, poppet.” Remus chimed in. “But- I don’t have the money to buy a fancy dress like that!” Sirius, again, rolled his eyes. He knew that too.
“I’ve already made arrangements for you, puppy, don’t fret.” Sirius tutted. He pulled you to his chest from behind, leaning down to plant kisses on your shoulders.
Sirius had sent an owl to the Black Family seamstress as soon as he received the invitations. She had been outfitting the Blacks for years and years, catering to their very specific and expensive taste. She was a bitter old woman at times, but she was the best seamstress in London.
The bell above the worn, wooden door chimed as you entered, James, Sirius, and Remus in tow. You were met with a dimly lit, barren entryway. Sirius pushed past you, leaning into the hallway.
“Eleanor?” Sirius called. A scraggly voice echoed from deep inside the shop. Sirius turned back to motion the three of you forward, further into the darkened hall. You followed hesitantly.
When the woman finally came into view, she was hunched over her sewing table, a flickering lamp barely illuminating her wrinkles. Her fingers were needle-bitten, and her teeth were all out of line. She wore what seemed to be a permanent scowl, the lines around her mouth cementing the expression.
“Sirius, young man, is that you?” She squinted.
“Yes, Miss Buttermere, it’s me. I hope my letter found you well?” He leaned down to kiss her aged hand. She nodded, confirming that she was aware of the reason for his visit. “I’ve prepared some things.” Now that she was speaking clearly, you could tell her voice was croaky, and she had an overbearing Birmingham accent.
You found it hard to believe the woman was able to appease the Black family for so long, as even you doubted her abilities upon first glance.
She squinted again, crows feet scrunching together. “And your company?” She eyed over each one of you, and you shifted vulnerably. She stood from her chair, back cracking horrendously as she did so. Her bones clicked as she walked woodenly over to you. “The dress is for the girl, I presume.” She looked you up and down disapprovingly. “Unless it’s for that one.” She murmured, gesturing towards James.
James stiffened his spine, “Hey!” He began angrily. Sirius quickly silenced him with a glare. “Yes, the dress is for the girl.”
“Are you sure you sent the right measurements?” Miss Buttermere was circling you now, pinching at your flesh. Your face reddened as you folded your arms over your chest.
“No need to be crass, Eleanor. I’m certain.” Sirius replied shortly. She smacked her lips and scoffed. “Your mother would never approve,” she grimaced.
“You!” She pointed at Remus, slightly startling the lycanthrope. “Come help with the dresses.” She walked off and Remus followed like a dog on a leash.
He came back with a pile of dresses laid over his outstretched arms. You gave Remus a sorry smile before going to inspect the heap of fabric. There were blacks and browns, the most beautiful golds, all of which would complement your complexion so nicely.
“Come on now, haven’t got all night!” Eleanor bit.
The first dress was shorter than the rest, it hit about a quarter way down your thigh, which of course, the boys loved. There were delicate strings of beads that draped down your arms and over your shoulders. The print was minimal, and the dress was a shimmering gold with a translucent cerulean blue peeking through the pattern.
When you looked back, all three boys were practically drooling. Sirius, without taking his eyes off of you, commented. “It’s lovely, dear, but maybe something a bit more formal?” Remus almost looked offended, Sirius must’ve been out of his gourd to dissuade you from the selection. James, poor, poor James, was sat on Eleanor’s tattered couch with a pillow covering his crotch.
The next one was closer to floor-length, with elaborate swirls covering the entire garment. It was mostly deep brown with accents of russian violet here and there. There was beautiful burnt orange lace at the bust and trail of the dress. You ran your hands over the raised beads that trailed around your body in ornate patterns. Three pairs of eyes followed your hand as you touched your body provocatively. Each dress fit you like a glove, you were unsure of how Sirius managed to collect such precise measurements.
The third dress hit only about half an inch above the ground. A thin layer of black, fine silk tulle fell around the pitch black dress, pooling at your feet and onto the floor below. The silken fabric acted as a cape almost, and it even extended up your neck, covering your chest in a sheer layer of fabric, still allowing your cleavage to show. The fabric was simple, but the design more than made up for it. The dark color highlighted your natural silhouette.
You could hear Remus swallow thickly behind you, clearly trying to maintain his composure. If it weren’t for Eleanor still lurking in the corner, Remus would’ve had his hands all over you, peeling the gorgeous dress right off your skin.
You twirled to face them, smiling, “What do you think boys?”
“We’ll take this one.” Sirius decided. James looked like a lost puppy, eyes glossed over and mouth slightly agape. You were surprised he wasn’t rutting up into his little protective pillow.
You were relieved to have a dress and to leave the shop. The thick air of Eleanors work space was beginning to take a toll on you. You breathed in the fresh air deeply.
“Do you think we have time for a little fun before the event?” You asked while walking along, looking back towards James. “I fear poor Jamesie may explode without it.” You gave a faux pout. Sirius let out a wolfish laugh, clearly finding humor in the situation. But Remus’ eyes were dark. “I’m sure we can make time.”
TAGLIST: @ildm4ev @alohastitch0626 @acciodignity @brattypeony @emmaev @greenlyblue @harmqnia @hexrtbrexk-hotel @i-love-scott-mccall @irlpadfoot @j-cat @jrj2 @kiaslily @mad-is-sad @mollysolo @sabrinathesimp @simpforferrets @sorayasorayita @sprucewoodlover @thewinterhunter @v4l3nt1n44 @wh0reforthemarauders @teenwolfbitches28 @lexlupin-black @antxriic @dracosafety @sxrcxsm26 @maitaisonthebeach @lizzyclifford13-blog @riddikulusweasleys @sgchamberlain @zoyasgirl
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mellarkably · 3 years
first of all. that was a crazy ass season. so much happened and i can barely keep up or remember. so while this probably won't be a coherent or well worded recap, yhat defintely won't go over everything that i just watched for the past six hours, it'll just be my thoughts for now.
personally, i really liked the kamala plot and her struggle in the workplace. it was probably one of my favorite parts of the season. i'm not sure if kamala will be ditching prashant for mr. kulkarni but if she does i wouldn't be shocked. considering how prashant played into the whole workplace problem. also rip steve lol who remembers him. homie got done dirty.
now speaking of devi. there were many things she did this season that were not at all good or rational. however, i do like the fact that they delved more into her grief, and overall she actually seemed to develop over the season which made me happy. there are aspects of her grieving process that kinda felt unanswered, but hey, it is what it is. for what it's worth, im happy with the amount of growth she had over ten episodes. i actually felt like giving devi a hug so many times towards the end. and maitreyi killed it as always.
regarding the new kids! malcolm, well, i honestly kinda have intense apathy towards him as a character. he was cool at the start, a dick at the end—so yeah, i feel like he served his purpose overall. i felt extremely bad for oliver the entire time. and aneesa! she was the coolest addition they could honestly have had to the team. she's fun, charming, and fits in very well. i felt extreme sympathy for her ed and im glad they put a hotline at the end of those episodes. she's a great girl.
i'm very glad they gave paxton more of a well fleshed out personality this season. he seemed much more personable overall. although i felt like his episode at times fell a bit flat or felt too preachy regarding the whole hot people can be smart too concept, it was overall a fantastic episode and gigi hadid was a great choice as narrator. also loved the little switch to ben's pov when andy steps in. that was funny. i also liked the fact that they went into his ethnicity!
regarding his romantic feelings for devi though. i feel like i can't understand? like does he like her? does he not? is he embarassed of her? is he not? i failed to understand where he was most of the time. the mixed signals, like. paxton. i like you, but huh? well, to be fair, the romance in devi's life this season was pretty much a rollercoaster ride anyways so. i do love paxton's obijan though. great guy. we didn't get enough of rebecca though!
out of the two besties, i honestly liked fab's story a lot more. it felt relatable, that whole feeling of not being able to fit in as a new sapphic. and i adore fab and eve. i'm glad they didnt make their relationship too cookie cutter.
eleanor's subplot was alright. again, it was really hard to kinda, if i put this blatantly, give a fuck about malcolm and whatever their relationship was. (loved tyler alveraz's performance though) but i liked her talking with her stepmom sharon. i wish they spent more time on that rather than malcolm but again, they don't have much time to waste.
i loved nalini's subplots. all of them. she was honestly one of my fav characters this season, as well as devi's grandma. we got to delve into the indian culture more too, so that was very cool. her relationship with dr. jackson was also nice for the short time they had with each other. i didn't expect them to breakup, i kinda just expected devi to learn to be okay with her mother moving on, but then again, i also agree that it felt a little fast. i loved the flashbacks with mohan too.
i feel like i wanna save ben and benvi for last because i have too much to say. it was an absolute rollercoaster ride to be a team ben while watching this season. i'm a bit dissapointed that we didn't get any individual plot regarding him, stuff that didn't have to do with girls, but i get why. he got that in s1, and it was paxton's turn to shine.
regarding the whole ben and aneesa thing; honestly, i think they're cute. i love aneesa and i love ben. i just want him to be happy. but it's clear he still has feelings for devi and he doesn't really know what he wants, which sucks for everyone involved. i think that he just assumed that devi liked paxton more than him, that he was her second choice (which honestly, considering the things that transpired, it's not very hard to see why he though that, and he was clearly hurt with her clear choice of paxton over him on multiple occassions) but oh well.
i feel like ben was a catalyst for a lot of the things devi needed to do. like apologize to aneesa, for example. and in that way, they still work well. i loved their banter, whenever we got it. i have hope for them in season 3 (if it happens), considering the way they ended it, but eh. aneesa is also a great girl, so it sucks that this is the direction we're going. but yeah. i am a bit bitter with the dreadf lack of benvi i kinda got this season, but their conversations and the way he helped push her development did make me feel a little better.
as for what team i'm on or whatever, i don't feel like i'm avidly on any team tbh. i'm still lowkey rooting for ben and devi. the reason why i'm not completely getting behind daxton is because i didn't really like what paxton did in episode 10, with the whole not wanting them to be public thing. the entire season felt like he was sending mixed signals. not that i'm saying hes a shitty guy or anything, but yeah. and the reason i'm not completely team ben is because he seems to be teetering between aneesa and devi, so yes, again with the mixed signals. kind of. but the reason i'm still rooting for ben is because i really liked the way they pushed each other, or majorly, he pushed her development, with asking her to apologize, etc. and although him getting together with anessa was not a win for me, a benvi, to relish, i think it helped devi learn to act a little more mature and less territorial.
if i'm being completely honest, i think that devi needed to be single at the end of this season, at least for now. i read the synopsis of episode 10 and was kinda hoping that she'd make that choice, that she'd choose herself, because what she needs isn't a boyfriend. what she needs is just to recover. and i honestly still don't feel like she completely got over her dad's death.
OVERALL THOUGH. this was a much better season than the first one. i feel like they finally got into their groove in terms of acting and comedy. (also trent is the funniest >>>) although i felt like this season was kinda like the first one but on steroids, which at most times was very anxiety inducing to watch, i did like the episodes and i was heavily entertained. go watch it!
i also really need a season 3 so—
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donghoonie-3 · 2 years
hey !! how’re you doing? :3
its so weird to do this wishwks im used to you reaching out but I wanna start !! contributing? starting the conversations more with like everyone and I really like being your friend so<33
hi river! I'm doing good:) I actually finished watching never have I ever and omg 😭 no bc why did I actually really want Devi to end up with Paxton again 😭 (spoiler ig for people who haven't finished it??) BUT THEN SHE ENDS UP HOOKING UP WITH BEN😰 tbh I kind of saw it happening but whatever 😭 also omg I see what you mean now!! Trent is so.. sweet aaa and I think he makes a good match with Eleanor :3 but anyways!! how are you??
That's completely understandable!! I'm actually really happy that you reached out to me hehe :3 I'm sure you'll get used to it!
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anchorandrope · 2 years
Hey Alex! Could you please explain why the friendship narrative isn’t gonna happen? I’ve seen on twitter that “the friendship narrative is happening” but here on tumblr no one is talking about it so I asume that its because yall not agree on that, right? Thank you 🫶🏼
Hey baby,
To begin with, the friendship narrative is a theory of how larry is going to come out of the closet. The theory says that they are going to bring louis and harry closer as friends and then say that they fell in love. For example, it would be something like after louis breaks up with eleanor, his “old friend” harry comforts him and they fall in love.
The theory, holds that its all going to start with articles about their friendship, pictures of them together, etc. Thats why every time an interviewer mentions them as friends everyone goes crazy and starts saying “the friendship narrative is happening!”
This would be a pretty slow way to come out and would not involve exposing simon cowell, syco, modest! management, etc. since if they fell in love after all the crap that happened, it means simon, syco and modest! didn't prevent anything, right? This way to leave everyone happy but, personally, im not convinced.
Theres a chance that some of louis and harry’s contracts may never be broken, or if they are, they may have to sign new ones, so there is a chance that they may never tell the whole truth. However, hypothetically speaking, once all the contracts are up, they are free to say and do whatever they want. That they will one day come out and tell the truth may seem fanciful but in my opinion its not so fanciful. To me, it makes more sense to not explain than to cover up lies with more lies. Louis and harry seem fed up with the situation and i dont think they want to live in a lie forever so i think that at some point in their lives, they will come out of the closet without having to lie about it (of course this takes a long time).
My question is: If the friendship narrative were to happen... Why is everyone disengaging from simon? Why did syco close? Why did simon sell everything and move to Barbados? If simon wasn't going to get in trouble, why is he trying to escape?
Another thing that makes me think they’re more likely to come out without lying is that many other artists who were in a similar situation, after coming out of the closet said that their managers forced them to have beards. A clear and recent example of this is sam smith.
Im one of those people who say anything can happen, so i dont really rule anything out, but i dont think the “friendship narrative” exists tbh.
Anon: Hey Alex! ¿Podrías explicar por qué la narrativa de la amistad no va a suceder? He visto en twitter que “la narrativa de la amistad está sucediendo”, pero aquí en tumblr nadie está hablando de ello, así que supongo que es porque ustedes no están de acuerdo en eso, ¿verdad? Gracias 🫶🏼
Hola bebé,
Para empezar, la narrativa de amistad es una teoría de como va a salir larry del closet. La teoría dice que van a acercar a louis y harry como amigos para luego decir que ellos se enamoraron. Por ejemplo, sería algo como que luego de que louis termine con eleanor, su “viejo amigo” harry lo consuela y ahí se enamoran.
La teoría, a su vez, sostiene que todo va a a comenzar con artículos sobre su amistad, fotos de ellos juntos, etc. Por eso cada vez que un entrevistador X los menciona como amigos todo el mundo se altera y comienza a decir “la narrativa de amistad está sucediendo!”
Este camino sería una forma bastante lenta de salir a la luz y no involucraría exponer a simon cowell, syco, modest! management, etc. ya que si se enamoraron luego de toda la mierda que pasó, significa que simon, syco y modest! no impidieron nada, ¿verdad? Esta forma para dejar a todos felices pero, en lo personal, a mi no me termina de convencer.
Hay posibilidades de que algunos contratos de louis y harry jamas se rompan, o si lo hacen tal vez tengan que firmar unos nuevos, por eso hay posibilidades de que nunca cuenten toda la verdad. Sin embargo, hipotéticamente hablando, una vez que todos los contratos terminen, ellos son libres de decir y hacer lo que quieran. Que ellos una día salgan a contar la verdad puede parecer fantasioso pero en mi opinión no lo es tanto. Para mí, tiene mas sentido no dar explicaciones que tapar mentiras con más mentiras. Louis y harry parecen hartos de la situación y no creo que quieran vivir en una mentira por siempre así que creo que en algún de sus vidas, van a salir del closet sin tener que mentir al respecto (por supuesto que esto lleva mucho tiempo).
Mi pregunta es: Si la narrativa de amistad fuese a pasar… ¿Por qué todos se esta desligando de simon? ¿Por qué cerró syco? ¿Por qué simon vendió todo y se fue a vivir a Barbados? Si simon no fuese a tener problemas, ¿Por qué está intentando escapar?
Otra cosa que me hace pensar que es más probable que saque todo de golpe es muchos otros artistas que estuvieron en una situación parecida, luego de salir del closet dijeron que sus managers los obligaban a tener barbas. Un ejemplo claro y reciente de esto es sam smith.
Soy de esas personas que dicen que todo puede pasar, así que en realidad no descarto nada, pero no creo que la “narrativa de amistad” exista para ser honesta.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Hey tell me about your favorite symbols and motifs and themes and mirrors and foils and parallels (and so on and so forth)
Is that.
hi ok im answering this finally
i know im a basic bitch. i know. but to get this out of the way: the hero's journey story structure drives me up a wall in the best way, specifically because you end where you started. its a circle. but even though the PLACE is the same, YOU are not the same, YOU are fundamentally changed, YOU fell to the abyss and were reborn and are thus not the same as the person who started, and i just. like it
when it comes to themes. fate. stories about fate are my favourite thing ever but only if theyre done right. attempting to gain agency and escape something that you literally cannot escape......... sdkjfhksffskdhfksgkj. and if they DO escape?? if they do?? they DO fundamentally break the narrative thats been bestowed upon them...... i die. i perish. i pass away. i like it. <-that in particular can be changing their own fate in a story abt fate, but also i like characters just. crushing what the narrative was supposed to be. on a related note, mulan not being a musical for the last half of the story is the best thing disney's ever done
also! to go back to characters specifically changing their own fate!! dont get me wrong, them being unable to stop fate is 10/10 too. my only issue is if they like fate and go along with fate. the chosen one gets chosen and is fine with it/happy abt it and wins and lives happily ever after.... NO!!! i want them to struggle!! i want the characters and fate to be in a (perhaps neverending) barfight!!! i dont care who wins i just want the conflict that creates
also to actually talk about specific pieces of fiction. the good place is a masterpiece and i will yell it from the rooftops forever. the comedy is fine ig but the actual underlying story makes me feel so many things. the theme of everyone having the capacity to become better is so needed i think. it is. and the idea that the system is SET UP to make it hard for people to be good is true!! its fucking true!!
also i feel like Eleanor and Chidi are foils. on some level. because yeah Chidi taught Eleanor to care more about her moral decisions, but Eleanor actually taught Chidi to be less caring about his moral decisions, too. at least, how i see it. she doesnt make him immoral by any means, but i think that just by being around Eleanor all the time, Chidi starts to learn how to actually deal with the fact that Sometimes, he will make choices that hurt people, but that's a fact of life and he can't judge himself on that alone. and. well . i like it!! i like it very much !!!
also smth i found interesting was how in Little Thieves by Margaret Owen, Vanja's (the main character) greed is directly symbolized by the jewels growing from her body. like, it's not even subtle; it's part of her curse. the thing is, i actually think it would have been executed better if Vanja didn't know that. if she had to make the (pretty obvious) connection herself & bend symbolism to work for her, lower the amount of gems killing her by lowering her own greed instead of just being handed that information, it'd have worked better.
also ARCANE i am so unwell about arcane. it is a story of a bunch of people who, i think, literally all just want to do something good but dont know how to execute it. Powder wanted to do something good in ep 3, but in the process she [redacted spoiler lol]. Jayce wants to do something good with hextech, but he's taking dangerous risks and he may hurt people or even start a war. Vi and Caitlyn both want the undercity to be better, but they don't know how to fix it and though I haven't watched episode 9 yet, I can feel a big fuckup coming. Even Mel!!! She's manipulative yeah and pretty morally grey but she wants what's best for Piltover. And Silco. EVEN SILCO. He wants the undercity to thrive. Don't get me wrong, he's a piece of shit, but i think somewhere. deep down. he wants things to be better, too
also i dont know where it is but there's a post talking about how Jinx is fire and Silco is water but their colour symbolism is opposite to that and i love that take so much. Jinx is blues and Silco is reds, but Jinx was born from fire and Silco was born from water and Jinx is a hair-trigger explosion, dangerous but powerful, while Silco is more like the ocean--often calm, but capable of killing and more than willing to do so.
that was. so long. so i will end that. i like Things in Media
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gayspock · 2 years
OK assorted black sails thoughts bc i didnt wanna make a billion individual posts
- first of all i find starz funny bc for real i swear ive never freaking heard of it before, except for torchwood: miracle day which.... literally i never finished but thats a whole ramble for another time (bc despite torchwood being VERY bumpy, i found a lot of value in it, but miracle day was just. give us nothing! to me...help)
- the women on the show are kind of a shame i mean. im not fuming its more of a (dejected sighhhh) lies back do you know what i mean bc its hardly worse than anything else but help... theyre all gorgeous models thus far do you know what i mean. i dont know. i think its just odd sometimes to look at it when the men are all fucking foul looking, mucky type of guys (<3!) and then the girlies are just like hiii<3 like okay LOL. max is rlly pretty tho (as is the lass in the hat- whose name i didnt atch..) so i shant be mad but its also likehelp... even just an OLDER? woman. not even one? sniffy sniffy? okayyy i'll settle
- the gentleman do have some wonderful haircuts i will say. rackham's stoner transmasc that hangs about in unique trousers round the back of spoons.... i mentioned it already but help. your rat tail... and flints pathetic and limp little ponytail. shrimptastic it is.... and johnny silver. (twirls his hair for him)
- i love a woman with daddy issues. i cant relate to any of them. not to eleanor, or to shiv or helena or any of the fine women with father problems despite having many of my own. but its very fun to watch them. like girlies (twirls my hair) just give him a slap.... who cares<3
- btw im screaming... john is sooo funny. what a silly little guy. i think hes going to get himself killed he is like a looney tunes character who should have been dead 5 scenes ago but he keeps defying all sense and falling pianos. the very definition of a rapscallion. he is a problem to us all
- whent hey just state their names and theit ships at each other. okay so cute girlies i bet you'd write that in your tinder bios huh<3?
- also i know i keep mocking and also fawning over flints stupid little ponytail but i think he for real deserves long gorgeous beautiful hair. like it would only make sense.
- theres so many guys in here from other things but only a little bit. i know i mentioned billy bones (SO FUNNY STILL) who keeeepsss following me but everyone else is sorta recogniseable. charles was in the 100 ik this. but like hi eeryone hii LOL
- also i dont know treausre island that well . do you guys think itd be worth a read at some point. not even wrt the show here just idk ik these guys are those guys <3
- i will say also tho btw. u know that reminds me of. i love it when ppl get rlly mad abt, like, funny re-imaginings of old stories, myth and folklore like this. SORRY. JUST SAYING. i remember of all the issues there were bbc merlin, ppl fucking fuming bc it disgraces arthurian legend. girlie i dont think colin morgan made patheitc little fuck me eyes for 5 seasons for authenticity.
- speaking of. sir percival billy bones is so funny. its like theyre keeping him around just to take the piss of their big strapping guy arent they.
- i also love gates. one like to slap his bald head
- ANNE? IS THAT HER NAME? I WANT HER CREEPY CRAWLY PUSSY SO BADLY. i realise thats her name. i think. shes also like... insanely fucking hot. im like obsessed with her a bit. its the hat. and the voice. i would not give a shit otherwise- i do admit.
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- RIGHT UH- this is one of the issues of just putting uncollected thoughts into a post like this, ehrm. im approaching the scene i was warned about
- i had a feeling.... with vane. i was worried he was going to force himself on eleanor after the warnings- because certainly, his character is portrayed in a particular way thus far, to the point where it was like... well had i not been warned, i wouldnt think it, but yeah. ehrm. i guessed.. him - or at least, he would have sth to do with it, as he has here- but god. i forgot about max and i was just thinking: they wouldnt let her go, surely that makes no sense with how early we are into the show, unless its one of THOSE shows where characters are brought in and out like theres a fucking rotating door, with no rhyme or reason- but no ehrm.. yeah. :(
- and now jesus. eleanor girlie i know he ha slong hair but jesus dont just mount him cmon... cmon!!
- sighhh... ok!! end of ep 3. really sombre way to end but <3 there we go... I'LL drop this now. idk if i'll watch more tonight orrrr wht! :3 love and light
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illusionlockarchive · 4 years
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as i was planning, got to do my teen baby redesign!! (+ close ups to better see the details)
design notes under the cut or else this is gonna get long x-x
i was always put off by the tfc teen baby design bc not only did they weirdly slim her WAY too much, but also, there seemed to be a weird voyeuristic gaze behind it, as if it were: “oh she’s all grown up now... you know what that means ;)”
this was all very off putting as not only theres the weird implication that growing up means you have to get slimmer (also how does a robot get slimmer by growing up? did she just gradually switch her body up like eleanor??), but also the fact that they took a character that read as -to be frank- a child, a baby, possessed by a kid in her game, and thought “hm how can we make her all grown up? i got it! we can give her hot boobs and make her thin”
so my vision for her is keep her round like she always was, convert that into some chubbiness, because fat teens and young adults exist and hey! were not gross or weird and we can look pretty too. but also, not go TOO crazy on the adult elements. yes, she is supposed to be technically 18, but that doesnt mean i have to think about making her sexy.
i think i speak for everyone when i say we all really like scrap babys crazy hair n other fun design elements, so i based myself a lot on those, i knew instinctively i wanted her human form to also have fluffy messy pigtails. a lot of it became intuitive: baby has a crop top and a skirt, so lets give her that! the boots just feel fitting. also made her hair closer to brown because wasnt she supposed to pose as charlie?? also it just looks nice.
the type of fashion i went for is obviously a mix of preppy and rebellious, if anything because im still taking from scrap babys “rebellious teen” vibes. speaking of which, the “bracelets” on her robot form are also taken from that model. the wires sticking out from under her chest plates and over her skirt are also just a touch to add color and coordinate it with the rest of her design. the “naked” legs though, are meant to be a representation of the boots, specially with the metal cables going around just like the laces on the boots.
aaand i think thats more or less it! i personally like how the human form turned out, now i feel like THIS baby i dont have a problem with. before, i felt weird about tfc baby and wanted to shove her away, but now i feel a fatherly like responsibility. its time to kill will n rescue this girl.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 years
A quick alternate to Earshot, but set in canon S2 rather than NPL, where the demons focus on Michael for their taunting.
Second book in on the top shelf. That’s the one to pull to unlock the secret door hidden in the wall behind Michael’s desk. She’s supposedly the only other being, besides Janet, in this micro-universe privy to that bit of info. It leads to a hallway that extends to a secret chamber filled with a bunch of Earth collectables along with, recently added on her suggestion, a mini-arcade with classic game machines and a karaoke stand. The walls were sound proof, obviously.
She’s not here to escape a lecture from Chidi about messing up the laundry by hanging out in her demon pal’s very own ‘bud hole’ this time. Her ear is pressed to the closed panel after sealing herself in, waiting for the big Satanic tree to arrive.
To her surprise, and slight annoyance, he hadn’t arrived alone.
“You shouldn’t be getting drunk like this. What if the humans saw you? Everyone here is supposed to be abstinent of all vices!” Michael had grumbled, a ruckus of giggles behind him.
“That’s the point, dummy! It’s a ‘Purge’ night!” Vicky cackled; “Tell ‘im again, Gunner!”
“I got the idea off this human movie - one night, we’re allowed to do any shirt we wanted without consequence! We can drink, smoke, do drugs, stab and bite to our black hearts content!”
“NO! Definitely no stabbing! Or hurting any of them...Physically!” He’d struggled to make that last detail sound natural.
Good save, bud, Eleanor had thought.
Another demon, Petra, Eleanor thinks, had groaned; “Ugh, you are such a buzzkill lately. Can’t you see how awesome this idea is? Think about how wasted Eleanor is gonna let herself get! That dork, Jason, is gonna be high as a kite and it will make Chidi and Tahani wanna cower inside their homes! It’s genius!” 
Eleanor had almost let herself be excited for the idea of trying to make the most of this supposed ‘torture’, similar to the one at Tahani’s party, which even Michael had said she hadn’t done too bad at acting and preparing the chaos sequence the next morning. She could hear the worry in Michael’s response though, being surrounded by three hundred demons, losing their inhibitions and wanting to let off steam in the most ‘passionate’ way possible, had the potential to go very wrong. For all of them.
As she listened, Michael’s attempts to reign in his rogue employees soon descended into outright pleading, which only gave him more scorn in return.
“Look just...remember what our goal is here. I get that you’re all frustrated but we’re doing so well and all I ask is that you don’t go too far on the humans, please.” He’d tried to ask, nicely. Wrong move.
The laughter nearly shook the building.
“Jeez! If you love these humans so much, why don’t you fork them?” Bambadjan teased.
“Nah, let’s face it, not even those cockroaches would wanna go near that disgusting skin suit with all it’s musty folds.” Vicky responded; “...Oh, what’s wrong, Mikey? It’s not like we’re insulting ‘you’ after all...Unless you’re starting to feel a little too cosy in that costume of yours.”
Eleanor’s stomach twisted on his behalf. She knew how much he loved that suit; he was so forking vain, after all. But then again, is it vanity if it’s not really his body? He just wishes it was.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Michael responded, quietly.
“Then prove it, dude! Take it off! Strip! Todd goes streaking every night.” Gunner encouraged.
“You know I can’t! It’s not the same for me.”
“Maybe I’ll take mine off tonight. Imagine how much Mendoza will freak out when he sees a giant acid snake coming for him after too many mushrooms!” Vicky joked; “It’s still ten times better than any torture method you’ve come up with for them, Mike. Maybe melting their brains by revealing your demon form will provide us some results.”
Is it really that bad? Eleanor was naively hoping there was some sexy bald goat-man underneath that suit. Dude was so shifty about it, like he didn’t wanna spoil the mystery. Was it more than that? Was he ashamed?
“You’ve all made your point, have your Purge and I’ll clean up the mess tomorrow. Just go easy on the humans - I insist.” Michael sounded so tired.
“Oh he ‘insists’!? Did you hear that guys? Mikey, who failed his own experiment over eight hundred times, wants to ‘insist’!” Vicky sneers.
“Well I insist that he shuts his fugly food hole and leave the masters to our job!” Petra cackled; “And he gets back to trying to fork his paperclips or whatever shirt you get up to here.”
That sounded painful, Eleanor couldn’t stop herself picturing it.
“Jeez, Mike, you always were a loser but there’s really no hope for you, is there. Before you were just the quiet nerd no one wanted to hang out with because of your weird fixation with Earth-people. Soon you’re gonna be known as the idiot who failed his first experiment; even if the rest of us do manage to salvage it for Shawn, we’ll all know the truth about how badly you suuucked!”
It took all of Eleanor’s strength not to shove the panel open, stomp over and grab Vicky’s hair to slam her face into the desk. They all just followed him in there to bully him?! They were the losers.
“C’mon, guys! We should have known he wouldn’t have wanted to join our party, it’s not like he’s used to being invited to any.” Bambadjan added, inciting more giggles.
“See you in the morning, dumb-ash. Be up bright and early to clean up our shirt, as you say, chop chop!”
Counting to ten to contain her rage luckily meets up with the sound of the door closing, the demons exiting the building.
She carefully opens the secret door, seeing Michael sat in his chair, hands folded on his lap, eyes cast down. When he hears her soft footsteps, his head turns, expression shifting to try to cover the wobbling lip she’d briefly caught sight of. He sniffs and rubs his upper lip with his hand.
“Eleanor!” Michael straightens up; “Were you there the whole time? What if they’d seen you or...sensed you were there?”
“Relax, man, they didn’t see shirt, it’s cool.” She puts her hand up; “...You okay?”
He looks to the side, forcing his ‘superior’ smirk, “Uhh, yeah, of course! Why wouldn’t I be? Just...having a bit of workplace banter, as they say.”
“Didn’t sound like ‘banter’ to me, dude.” She edges closer, slowly, knowing that if he’s as much like her as she knows, he’s gonna be like a wounded tiger right now.
Getting too close, too quick, is gonna get her eyes clawed out. She would know, she’s swung a few claws herself.
Michael sniffs, struggling to keep his mask on; “M’fine, Eleanor, really. You better go prepare for this Purge or whatever they were talking about, go enjoy yourself or...make sure the others are safe-.”
His words are cut off by her weight falling down onto his lap, arms looping around his neck as she embraces him. Fork it. Screw being slow and steady; the demon was about ready to cry.
“Wha....What are you doing?” Michael stutters, stiffening.
“Hugging you, idiot...Sorry, I mean that affectionately,” She says against his ear.
She shrugs, still hugging him tight, shuffling on his knees; “’Cause you need it. ‘Cause it’s the quickest way to let you know that all those things those demons said was garbage. Fork, have they always talked to you like that?”
His silence answers her question.
She squeezes him again; “Damn, no wonder you’re as new to this whole friend thing as me.”
“Demons insult each other all the time, Eleanor, it’s how we compliment each other. We’re meant to enjoy it.”
That made zero sense. 
“But you don’t....do you?”
Michael breaths in deep against her. Then she shakes her head, leaning into her shoulder.
“That’s ‘cause I’m a freak...I’m wrong, just like they say...like Shawn says...I’m just a failure of a demon.”
“That’s a good thing in my books, man.” Eleanor pulls back, looking at him, admiringly; “You might be failing as a demon but, I have it on good authority, you are rocking it as a newbie human. And I know you think we’re all gross and stupid but...I know you love us.”
He wrinkles his nose, trying to look as though he denied it, yet refusing to. His eyes gaze into hers, a rush of color brightening his cheeks.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to say it, I know you’re not quite ready there yet.” She knows herself how difficult it is to say those three words, to anyone; “But we’re your friends. We want you on our team, Michael, not just ‘cause it stops you torturing us but...Because you’re a cool guy to be around, when you’re not giving paperclip showers or putting us in purple space bubbles.”
A smile threatened to crack on Michael’s face as he squirmed beneath her. Was it really this easy to make an all-powerful being look so shy and bashful? It was adorable.
She moves her hand up to his cheek, thumb stroking below his eye, reddened with unshed tears.
“Also...I feel kinda obliged to confess something.” She says, “This skin-suit? Your skin-suit? What Vicky said was bull-shirt. All of it. Not only is this suit as much you as whatever demony essence you got going on underneath...But it’s also not bad looking either. I might even go as far to say ‘handsome’. In like a Richard Gere in Pretty Woman way.”
“R-really?” He looks hopeful for a second; “I mean...I know it’s gorgeous, but I wouldn’t expect...I mean I wouldn’t want you - or any human - to ever wanna-.”
She cuts his babbling off again with a kiss on the cheek.
He’s frozen now.
Eleanor grins; “That prove it for you? You know me, I don’t give out pity kisses.”
Michael squirmed again, biting his lip, mumbling something which might have been ‘gross’ or ‘weird food holes’, but he doesn’t move his hands away from where they’ve found the small of her back.
“Hey...how about we do one quick bit of karaoke before we go brief the others on tonight. You can pick the song.” She says, giving his bow-tie the smallest tug.
He smiles, touched, then nods; “Sounds good...”
“Cool. Also, don’t open that drawer on your desk until you’ve properly cheered up - I rigged it with a pie to get thrown in your face as revenge for cheating off my paper earlier!”
“Oh, pies are the best prank! I wish you hadn’t told me now, you’ve spoiled the surprise.”
Eleanor giggles as she takes his hand, leading him to his bud-hole; “You know me, demon buddy. I’m always full of surprises.”
His fingers squeezed hers; “That you are.”
8 notes · View notes
fbfh · 4 years
“forever” paxton hall-yoshida x reader
genre: fluffy romance + mutual pining (not too slowburn tho lol)
word count: 3.4k
au: none?? jock x theatre nerd ig
pairing: Paxton x broadway baby!reader 
requested: yes !! i hope u like it uwu
warnings: one hell one motherfucking and i think that’s it for swearing?? um brief self deprecating/talking bad abt urself from paxton (bby boy needs a self love boost), reader and paxton are home alone together for a little while but nothing bad happens, uh,,, i think that’s it
summary: when Eleanor can’t run lines with you, she sends over a very attractive, mutually pining substitute.
reccomended songs: “Seventeen” - Tuck everlasting OBC, “The Kiss” -The Princess Diaries score
a/n: i’m p sure i kept the reader p gender neutral but there’s implied slightly long hair, and you play the lead (a girl named winnie) in ur schools production of tuck everlasting but like it’s theatre so anyone can play anyone lol,, this took so got dam long bc i’m fucking s o f t for jock x artist and it just sorta happened lol aLsO,, not super thoroughly edited so there might be a typo or two?? im tired lol
requests r open <3
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You had only ever seen two athletes present during rehearsals. Once when Madeline (who at the time was playing Penny in your production of Hairspray) was dating a guy from the soccer team. The other was when the star of the basketball team had come in to give your choreographer pointers for the basketball scenes during High School Musical. 
Until now.
You had run onstage part of the way through “Live Like This”, which wasn’t out of the ordinary since so much progress had been made on the costumes. You were still tying the ribbon on your pinafore as you jumped into the song, but when your eyes met a face in the usually empty auditorium, you faltered. You almost sang the wrong verse, but recovered quickly, continuing with the blocking. What felt like a moment later, the number was almost done and you were nearing the end of your counterpoint with Mae Tuck - played by Eleanor, of course. Who could be better for the part? You held out the last note, trying to stay in character despite all the distractions in the back of your mind. You had to talk to Eleanor when the director called for 10; she’d started telling you how Devi was being weird recently. Also, what the Hadestown was Paxton Hall-Yoshida doing chilling in the auditorium? You shoved all that away, focusing on staying in character until the director called for a break. 
‘I want to go to the fair. I want to go so badly! I just need a change, need to get out of this house for a little while. I never do anything, so this can’t be asking for too much, right?’ 
You projected all that into your everything - face, voice, mannerisms, energy.
Everyone froze.
The director wrote a few things on his paper, sighed, and underlined something several times. 
“Okay, good job! I need to revise some of the blocking, then we’ll do notes, so take ten.” Your sudden nerves had definitely made you pitchy, you knew that would be one of your notes for sure. 
A chorus of “Thank you ten”s erupted, and you immediately ran to Eleanor, telling the others good job as you passed. 
You leaned in and started speaking to her, quietly.
“Okay you need to finish telling me about Devi, and that other news you’re being so cryptic about! Also, what’s up with Fierro over there?” you nodded towards Paxton hoping he wouldn’t see, and you noticed Fab is sitting near him. You realized they’re probably waiting for Eleanor and/or Devi. That must be it, he’s been hanging out with them lately, right? Eleanor gasped.
“You’re right! Paxton is such a Fierro!”
You cringed inwardly a little bit as her voice carried through the auditorium, mixing with the others. Your eyes darted over to him for a fraction of a second. Oh god. He was looking at you. Or in your general direction at least. Lena, the costumer, walked around the set gingerly, following you around and getting you out of your dress incredibly carefully as you and Eleanor walked off stage. 
“No! Well, yes- but no. What’s he doing here? Jocks never come here during rehearsals. I saw Fab too, are you guys and Devi getting dinner or something?” You said, entering the auditorium, and stepping out of the dress. You grabbed sweatpants and a silky, floral kimono jacket from your bag to throw over your leotard and tights. She waved back at Fab before sitting down in the front. You both grabbed your fans and dramatically flicked them open in sync. Your wrists fluttered, cooling both of you off.  A knowing, and slightly mischievous, look came on her face. 
“Devi and Fab and I are. Paxton must be here for something… else.” she shrugged, nodding towards Paxton. You looked over again. He was staring at you. You did a double take and tried to hold back your smile. 
“Wh- I do not know to what you are referring.” 
“To what I am referring is the blush on his cheeks.”
You barely held back a nervous, bubbling laugh.
“He is not blushing! Why would he be blushing!”
“I don’t know,” She shrugged, “Just like how I don’t know that he’s been loitering in the halls outside the music room during your last three solo music rehearsals.”
You struggled for an answer. Before you could form one, you were interrupted.
“Okay, okay what is the best Lin Manuel Miranda musical? Because Kathryn thinks it’s Hamilton-” 
“-But I think it’s In the Heights! It’s an underrated jewel!” Jonah interjected, still wearing his Jesse Tuck hat. 
You considered for a moment.
“I mean, they’re too different to compare. In the Heights has the same energy as Rent - showcasing what goes on in ordinary people’s lives, and how love ties us all together,” he nodded in agreement, “But Hamilton is on a way larger scale, almost Les Mis meets Fun Home vibes. But in terms of personal preference…” Eleanor scoffed at your answer, and Jonah went back to debate further with Kathryn.
“Anyway,” you turned back to Eleanor to ask her what the hell she meant by Paxton Hall-Yoshida was blushing. But before you could-
“Eleanor, we need you to try on your blue dress again,” Lena was already pulling her away, “I had the empire waist in the right place but half the pins fell out, and it’s just...” And she was whisked away before you could finish the thought. You just had time to help Holly get out her wig pins and drink some lemon water before notes. Eleanor still wasn’t back, so you made sure to write down hers for her. It was pretty standard; be quiet backstage, go over your lines, don’t touch props that aren’t yours, don’t eat in costume, and a couple blocking changes you made note of. After your end of rehearsal warm downs and huddle, everyone left relatively quickly. You ducked into the bathroom to freshen up a little. Sometimes it was hard coming down from such intense energy after rehearsal. You mentally ran through your to do list. You needed to get some more tea, write that essay when you got home, go over your notes- You gasped, cutting off your own train of thought. You ran out of the bathroom to look for Eleanor, still clutching her notes in hand. 
Your voice still echoed in Paxton’s ears. He wished he had a whole album of you singing. Your voice made him want to ruin his spotify algorithm by listening to nothing else. You had looked at him a couple times, and his heart had almost stopped. He didn’t know eye contact could be so intense. It’s probably just cause you’re like, the only person in the audience. Where else is she supposed to look? He deflated a little. He heard his name and looked over to you and Eleanor talking together. Hopefully it was about him. Hopefully it was good. He checked his phone, trying to look busy. When he glanced up to see if you were looking, you were gone. He started to look around for you when he saw Eleanor waving at Fab, and sure enough, you were next to her. What he didn’t expect was you dropping your dress to the ground. Time slowed down (and his heart sped up) as you stretched a little, and pulled out sweatpants from your bag.
 You had on what looked like a bathing suit on underneath, and a few other people had done the same, but he knew that image would be in his memory, probably forever. His heart was beating in his ears and he knew he must be blushing.
“You okay, Paxton?” Fab asked, a seat or two away. Oh god, he didn’t want people asking why he blushed every time he looked at you! He muttered something about needing to make a call and headed for the doors. Don’t look back at her, don’t look back at her… His eyes involuntarily darted in your direction right before he left. You had on a flowy translucent jacket, your hair thrown back supermodel style as you fanned yourself to cool down. He needed to cool down too. Maybe a cold shower, a really cold shower.
You managed to find Eleanor just before she left. Two girls were with her, you had seen Fab once, and you’d heard a lot about Devi, but had never been introduced. 
You gave Eleanor her notes, and she hugged you.
“You’re a lifesaver!” 
“Of course, I-”
“Uh, who’s this?” you looked over, and the shorter girl - Devi, based on what you’d heard about her -  was giving you a weird look. You introduced yourself. 
“Nice to meet you. How do you know Eleanor?” said the taller girl - definitely Fab.
“Oh,” you smiled, “she’s my almost mother in law. And my arch rival,” you counted on your fingers, “my sister, my niece, my lover, my husband, and…” you trailed off, trying to think of the other dynamics your characters had had in past shows.
“Your co-conspirator.” 
“Right,” you laughed. Devi and Fab looked at you two.
“We’re in the musical together.” you clarified. You were about to part ways when you called to Eleanor, “Hey, we’re still on for running lines tomorrow night?” 
“Uh… Sounds good!” she walked away quickly, speaking to Devi and Fab in hushed tones. Something was definitely up. That was typical Eleanor Scheming behavior. 
That night, you almost couldn’t sleep. This wasn’t the normal post rehearsal can’t sleep. In fact, Tuck Everlasting was the last thing on your mind as you readjusted your pillows and snuggled into your duvet. You stared at the neon blue stars projected and swirling on your ceiling. You sighed. Again. Your brain was a 24/7 livestream of Paxton Hall-Yoshida to relax/study to. You saw him again, his face in the dimly lit auditorium, Adonis in a sea of faded seats. If you hadn’t been sure before, you knew now that red was definitely his color. You rolled onto your side. Your heart picked up speed as a thought crossed your mind. You could almost see Paxton now, kneeling next to you, his fingertips brushing your cheek. The piano underscore to “Seventeen” ran through your mind. You could imagine him saying “Wait with me, we could share the world…” so vividly it almost hurt. He leaned in, and… 
You let out a loud sigh and rolled over again. Your heart was fully saturated. That’s more than enough pining for tonight. 
He was a little surprised when Eleanor just walked up to him at lunch the next day. Most people were too intimidated to approach him out of the blue. 
“I have a plan.”
“Uh, I don’t know what you-”
“Cut the crap, I know you like her.” 
His face blanched. Well, yeah of course he did. Who wouldn’t? He was going to ask Eleanor if there was something he could do to win you over, just not here, not now. Not where everyone could watch and jeer and rib him for it. Just like they were doing now. 
“Woah, dude, who is it?” Trent asked. He fumbled for words. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He hadn’t kept his crush a secret because he was embarrased of you, he’d kept it a secret because his dumbass friends wouldn’t get you. Hell, he barely got you. You were so deep, and emotive, and artistic... 
“Bro, if you like her as much as it seems like you do,” Trent continued, “you gotta win her over.” He was a little shocked at the agreement murmuring through his group of friends. He didn’t know how to respond. Trent turned to Eleanor.
“What’s the plan, drama mama?”
“First of all,” she said, an almost humorously dangerous look on her face, “never call me that again. Second,” she shoved some papers into Paxton’s hands, “meet me in the music room immediately after school.” She started back for her table. Trent looked back over to Paxton. 
“You gotta do it, dude. We’ll cover for you at swim.” 
The rest of his friends agreed. He was pleasantly surprised at how supportive they were being. 
“Yeah, I guess... we’ve got a plan.”
The next day went by pretty smoothly. No rehearsal was scheduled since they were finishing construction for some of the sets, but everyone was instructed to do a couple read throughs of the script, focusing on scenes they’re still forgetting, to make sure everyone’s off book. You stopped by 7 Eleven to get a blue slurpee (for homework) and a couple coconut waters (for run throughs). You texted Eleanor on your way to the slurpee machine. 
okay so do you like the mango coconut water or the pineapple one?? It’s the mango one right?? i always forget lmao
sent at 4:16 pm
btw I don’t have that much homework so you can probs come by around 5:30 if you’re ready by then
sent at 4:16 pm
Bae Tuck
OMFG!! I totally forgot about running lines tonight, I can’t make it! :( but I’ll send someone over to help you out. :)
sent at 4:17 pm
You squinted at your screen. That was weird. Eleanor never used colon parentheses smilies. Like, ever. She always used emojis, and usually way more than two per text. 
yeah np, are u good? ♡
sent at 4:17 pm
Bae Tuck
Yes :)
sent at 4:18 pm
Bae Tuck
Also get the passionfruit one 🥥🍠 👀
sent at 4:18
that’s,,, el that’s a sweet potato,,
sent at 4:19 pm
Bae Tuck
Close enough 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
sent at 4:19pm
...Okay? That was definitely weird. You shook it off and headed for the counter to pay. You stopped half way there, and turned back to swap the mango for passionfruit. 
Not long after you had finished your homework and tidied up your room a little, the doorbell rang. You exited the kitchen, drinks in hand, and opened the door. Your heart caught in your throat. Paxton Hall-Yoshida was standing outside. And you were pretty sure he looked nervous. You both just stood there for a second. No one breathed, no one spoke. 
“Uh, hi, do you want to…” you backed up, motioning for him to come inside. 
“Yeah, thanks,” he said, entering the doorway. Paxton motherfucking Hall-Yoshida was in your living room. You held out a hand to him.
“Coconut water?” he took the box, looked at the label, and smiled. 
“Yeah, thanks,” he said again, this time a faint, yet unmistakable note of joy in his voice. He took a sip. He smiled.
“Passionfruit’s my favorite.” You silently thanked Eleanor, who you knew must have planned all this. Most of the evening was a blur, and you thanked god your family wasn’t home right now. You went upstairs, texted Eleanor asking what the actual fuck, made some surprisingly comfortable small talk, then filled him in on how to run lines. 
“Do you think playing the soundtrack would help you… get into character?” he asked. 
“I would probably just end up singing the whole thing,” You laughed and tried to ignore the butterflies in your chest. The main scene you struggled with was before “Seventeen”. It was harder to get into Winnie’s head because you had no romantic feelings for Jonah, and you always just made each other laugh. You had started with a few easier scenes of Winnie and Jesse, like the fair, and the dialogue before “Top of the World”. 
“That was really good,” he said, and you felt the sincerity of his words. 
“Thanks…” you smiled and took a sip of coconut water, hoping you weren’t blushing too hard. 
“So what next?” he asked. 
“Probably the scene before ‘Seventeen’,” you said, giving him the page and scene number, “it’s one of the hardest ones for me. I guess I just can’t connect to Jonah the way Winnie does.” 
“Huh,” he said, skimming the page. When you looked up at him, he had something between a smile and a smirk playing at his lips. You made yourself look away before you got too distracted. You refused to think about the fact that you were sitting across from Paxton Hall-Yoshida on your bed, in your room, like you were… close with each other. His eyes skimmed the script, finding the dialogue. He glanced up at you and nodded, indicating he found his place. You began.
“I was so afraid you wouldn’t get away,” you said, jumping into character.
“I may be 102, but I can still outrun anyone,” a smile played at his lips. You smiled, then let your face fall.
“I’m so sorry, I-I tried to warn you-”
“No, no,” he interjected almost seamlessly, “It’s okay, it’s… refreshing having someone look after me who isn’t my mom.” His eyes flickered between your face and the page. You smiled with him for a second, then let distress cloud your face.
“Jesse… that man came by my house today. He heard the music box, he knows about you-”
“I know he knows…” 
You continued on with the scene and he trailed off when he came to the sheet music for the song Seventeen. You took in a breath to start the dialogue in the middle of the song, but before you could…
“Six years from now you will turn seventeen,
Turn seventeen,
The same age as me,
Six years from now,
Go to the spring,
Go to the spring and drink…”
He was singing to you. He was looking at you and singing to you. His eyes only flickered down to the page to confirm the lyrics. He was nervous, you could tell. But through his hesitance, the emotion in his voice was sincere. Your heart was beating faster. You didn’t even notice your pulse was ringing in your ears, you were too focused on Paxton. 
“I'll wait for you till you turn seventeen,
Turn seventeen,
The same age as me,
Six years from now,
Go to the spring,
Go to the spring and drink…” Your hand rose to cover your mouth. He hesitated, and you remembered your dialogue.
“Uh, wh-what if I… forget where the spring is?” He reached out and took your free hand in his. Your pulse was off the charts. “I’ll go get you some water. Just… remember to keep it somewhere safe. Somewhere no one will find it.” You got the feeling he wasn’t just talking about the water. You knew he had never really been in a serious relationship before, and it clicked suddenly - if he learned an entire song to duet with you, just how much he must like you. You exhaled a breathy laugh, unsure how to process the sudden euphoria you felt. 
“You make the world sound so… exciting. I just want to drink the water right now!”
“Uh, no. You have to wait.” you both smiled, anticipating the upcoming joke.
“Why?” you ask, “What’s the difference?” You held your breath as he tried not to laugh through the delivery of the punchline. 
“Believe me,” he rubbed his thumb over your hand, “there’s a difference.” You both chuckled, and he continued singing. You were so focused on him, so… touched that he would do all this for you. 
“Winnie, wait with me,
And we could be married,
Winnie, wait with me,
And we'll share the world,
Winnie, you can stop time,
And live like this,
“I could live like this forever,” you echoed.
“Live like this...” you sang in tandem.
“What do you say, Winnie? Do you want to…” he broke character suddenly, and asked, his eyes boring into yours, “Do you want to go out some time?” 
He could see the adorable smile blooming on your face, even from behind your hand. You nodded.
“Yes, I-I would love that,” and you began to sing the last line in the song, “Forever-” 
But before you finished holding out the note, his lips were on yours. His mouth moved slowly, intentionally, against yours. You followed his lead, flustered. He leaned further forward, his palm caressing your cheek. It was everything you imagined it would be, and you had quite the imagination. Your head was angled up and your hands rested themselves on his back, one tracing little shapes. Your shoulders were pressed against each other and neither of you could think. He was so warm. He tasted like coconut and passion fruit, and a distant part of your mind silently thanked Eleanor again. 
You really could live like this forever.
620 notes · View notes
blossomsimss · 3 years
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And the ears are from https://solistair.tumblr.com/post/638406990194950145/zylith-set-part-2-together-oooh-m y-goodness
22. I messed up here to LOL the feather earrings are from
https://solistair.tumblr.com/post/638406985705013248/zylith-set-part-1-ending-so-so-exc ited-to
And the hoop earrings are from https://solistair.tumblr.com/post/627536442256769024/cute-loops-earrings-i-am-overusin g-the-one
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68. https://mmsims.tumblr.com/post/623900712703852545/s4cc-mmsims-18th-sandals-dow
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70. https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/654715570052349952/sebastian-hair-llazyneiph-pissy-bo
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73. https://casteru.tumblr.com/post/648463475892469760/hyemi-hair-tou-info-download-und er-the
74. https://casteru.tumblr.com/post/648463475892469760/hyemi-hair-tou-info-download-und er-the
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