#hey doesn't that sound like another character in bsd...
comfied-chriterature · 2 months
shakes you. do you think when loulu parted, lucy, the romantic and heartbroken, tried to tell herself to think logically?
it was for the best and she knew it. the guild is the past, louisa is win the guild, therefore she is the past too. but that kind of logical thinking was what louisa would’ve done and maybe she rubbed off more on lucy more than lucy had thought.
to rub salt in the wound, that mindset actually helped. it also showed that louisa (and her thinking) is good for lucy. even when she’s gone
(does this make sense? i’m not sure)
(being shaken) Urgghhhhh it hurts to think that in order for Lucy to move on from Louisa she had to be like her and think like her. Had to absorb parts of Louisa into herself to forget her. And she continues to carry Louisa's influence with her as she leaves her behind.
Maybe she was thinking like a romantic at first — that maybe she and Louisa would cross paths again on some fateful day, maybe Lucy could "show her the light" and bring Louisa over to her side. Because, surely, they're going to see each other again, right? Louisa was her first friend, fate wouldn't be so cruel as to split them up forever, right...?
Until she realized that of course Louisa would choose the Guild. The logical girl with hundreds of plans in her head, the strategist who prioritized the Guild's survival over anything else, she would be able to leave Lucy in the past. She would be thinking toward the future; she would be able to accept that they weren't meant to be (even if it hurt Louisa to put their history aside, even if she was so much lonelier now than she thought she could be).
So Lucy would have to do that too. But there are other traits of Louisa that Lucy may pick up over time. Maybe she'd be more open with things and people that she loved. She'd grow to care in a more gentle way (well, sometimes). She'd find a home and a pursuit that she could cling to with such resolve and devotion.
And maybe while she sacrifices nearly everything to protect her home, she'd have a fleeting thought that it's something Louisa would've done.
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kikizoshi · 2 years
So I was talking with a friend who liked Slav lit about BSD's characterization of Dos, and my friend complained because irl Dostoevsky was a loner, grumpy quiet man who had sharp tongue but was rather nice and soft to those he considered close friends.
I went "Hey that sounds like Sigma" and then I remembered that Dostesvky has a novel called The Gambler, and Sigma is a casino manager, and Asagiri is intentionally vague about both Sigma AND Fyodor's abilities.
So here's a theory: what if Sigma is the original Fyodor Dostoevsky, and he used his ability of information transfer to erase his memories to give himself a new life while someone else takes the mantle of Fyodor Dostoevsky? What if the current Dostoevsky is the creation of Sigma's ability, but he hides his own origins by calling Sigma the artificial human?
I think Nikolai would be the only one who knows about this- which is why he saved Sigma and has conflicted feelings about Fyodor, since Sigma is the real Fyodor but "Fyodor" is Sigma's creation that was born after Sigma's metaphorical "death"
So, what do you think of this idea? As someone who's really familiar with Russian authors and literature, would it make sense?
I think this is a really interesting idea.
I've been thinking for how to answer this for a while, and... I really don't know. I read 'The Gambler' once, spaced out for a fair bit of it, generally didn't enjoy the experience, and now remember almost nothing about the story. So, on that end, I can't say much.
There's a main, BSD/Dostoyevskian themes reason I don't think this is likely to be the case, though.
For one, Sigma's Ability—as far as we know—only transfers memories. It doesn't transfer the capabilities of the mind.
So, Pre-Fyodor Sigma could transfer his memories into Fyodor the Body, so that his consciousness lives in Fyodor the Body while he, Sigma, lives his life as the wandering slave.
However, since Sigma's Ability only transfers memories, and not intelligence, looking at it from a BSD plot perspective, I'm not sure it makes sense.
Because, Fyodor had his whole rant about Sigma being "an average man", and how "a desperate, average man is the scariest thing of all".
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So, from purely what we know in the BSD manga so far, I don't think it's likely for Sigma to have ever been Fyodor, since they're essentially polar opposites when it comes to how their minds work. It goes beyond a difference in personality.
However, from a 'Crime and Punishment' themes perspective, that would still make some sense, and maybe even fit.
Raskolnikov wanted, essentially, to be what Fyodor is. He wanted so desperately to be an Extraordinary Man that he convinced himself for a time that he was, and acted so (well, I'm grossly oversimplifying but... it's a fact that it happened). But, of course, he wasn't, and that brought him down.
So, it'd be interesting if Pre-Fyodor Sigma also had this issue, and decided to try to make himself an Extraordinary Man by implanting his memories into a Book Body with the mental capacity to realise his true potential, or something.
Another main issue, though, is that I don't know if Sigma has any 'Crime and Punishment', 'The Gambler', or even any Dostoyevskian themes at all.
Regarding the little I remember of 'The Gambler': Sigma fits 'The Gambler' in some ways, and not so much in others, I think. He's similar to the main character, in that he's constantly pulled this way and that to do things for people he doesn't know well. His being linked to a casino is also similar, although the main character wasn't the manager or even related to the casino in a significant way, only a patron (I think).
Internally, Sigma wants family, a home, someplace he feels he belongs. I don't remember those being themes in 'The Gambler', but... well, I wouldn't be surprised if I missed almost every theme of that book.
His Ability somewhat fits with Dostoyevsky, maybe, since it has to do with memories and how they can change perception (somewhat), but... I don't know. In the works of Dostoyevsky that I've read (and remember), trying to find or create a home in the way Sigma is hasn't been much of a theme. Moreso managing discord and turmoil within preexisting homes and relationships... Even in 'The Idiot', I don't think that was about Myshkin finding a home.
And regarding Nikolai... I think that's just way too complicated for me. I'd have to know a lot more about Pre-Fyodor Sigma's goals, how/if he knew Nikolai beforehand, how much Nikolai knows, how much Fyodor's changed since being Pre-Fyodor Sigma, if Pre-Fyodor Sigma could even understand Nikolai with the average-level intelligence... just to come up with a take that's probably wrong lol.
(I'm not including the idea that Sigma's been faking his level of intelligence, because I think there'd need to be significant foreshadowing for something so central to his character—not having the same intelligence or eccentricity as the other "demons" around him, yet coping and finding a home in spite of these odds—to be an outright lie.)
So... I don't know. There seem to be cases for and against it, and without properly reading 'The Gambler' again (which I really, really don't want to do), I don't think I can say much concretely.
But it's a very interesting theory! If you have something to add or decide to expand more on it, I'd love to hear :)
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straycat-writes · 5 years
I know it's not on the fluffy Valentine's day prompt list but could I ask for headcanons of Chuuya’s and your favorite BSDs character’s S/Os (separately) coming to their work to surprise them with flowers and a card? Also which characters do you wish you got more requests for. I love your writing but sometimes I can't think of which character I want when requests are open. I hope this makes sense and Tumblr doesn't eat it.) Have a happy Feburary!!!
[I knowww you said headcanons, but...idk how this happens, I’m sorry :( As for my favourite bsd character, we all know it’s Dazai xD]
Flowers For Him
Nakahara Chuuya:
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Going to see Chuuya at his work is quite a task because you have to go through so much security to even get into the building. The people know and recognize you, but with the kind of organization they are, there’s no such thing as too much caution.
Still, it’s all worth it when you finally get to see him.
He had just got back from an overseas mission a few days ago, and you knew he would be busier than usual, tying up all the loose ends. But you didn’t expect the gigantic pile of paperwork sitting on his desk as you entered.
So stressfully immersed in working on multiple files at ones, Chuuya didn’t even notice your presence for a while. Holding the bouquet of flowers you had brought behind your back, you went up to him.
“Do I have to compete with those files for your attention now?”
He looked up, face lighting up instantly like a Christmas tree, “Hey, (y/n). What are you doing here?”
You pouted, “Is that how you greet the one great love of your life? And when I brought something for you too.”
“Aside from your cute ass, you mean?”
Your cheeks heated up, and you quickly pushed the bouquet in front of him, “Flowers! I brought you flowers, you moron…”
He laughed, taking the bouquet of flowers from your hands, “Thanks, babe. They’re lovely.”
Your face fell a little. You had been hoping for a little more than that, or for him to at least wish you a happy Valentine’s. But maybe amidst all the work he was buried in, it had slipped his mind.
You forced a smile onto your face, “Okay, I guess I’ll see you at home, then.”
You had just begun to leave when his hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you backwards and down onto his lap. The sudden movement knocked the air out of your lungs.
With one arm wrapped around your waist, he used the other hand to gently turn your face towards him, “And where do you think you’re going?”
Something about being so close to Chuuya seemed to steal all words from your lips, and you were left merely stuttering for something to say.
He smirked, the smug expression on his face betraying just how much he was enjoying your flustered reaction. “Aw, did the one great love of my life really think I forgot?”
Before you could even think of anything to say, he put one hand at the back of your head and gently tipped it forward, kissing you full on the lips. And as you reflexively closed your eyes, you were once again reminded of just how blindingly intense and disorienting it is to kiss him.
His lips felt like satin against yours, and even after he pulled back, it took you a couple of seconds to blink yourself out of the haze. He chuckled, and with how close you were, you could feel it reverberating throughout his chest.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
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Dazai Osamu:
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It was only as you climbed the stairs of the Agency building, a bouquet of lilies in your hand, that it occurred to you that Dazai might not even be there. True, it was a working day for them, but when had Dazai ever cared about that? He’s more than happy to fuck off from the office more than half of the time anyway, so thinking about it now, it was actually highly unlikely you’d find him there.
Still, you had come all the way here, so you thought you’d at least check before leaving.
Even before opening the door to the office, however, you could hear commotion from the inside. Frowning in confusion, you pushed the door open.
Immediately, a frightened Atsushi rushed towards you and hid behind you. ‘(Y/n)! Thank God you’re here! Please help!”
“Whoa, Atsushi, calm down.” You stumbled a little, trying to keep your balance as he hid behind you, “What’s wrong?”
“Dazai-san has gone crazy.”
You rolled your eyes. The phrase was not something you were unused to hearing. You just wondered what it would be about this time.
Just then, you saw Dazai rushing over to the two of you, stumbling over several things in the process, “Atsushi!! You have to – Oh, hey (y/n)!”
He crashed into you full force, so quickly you barely had time to get the bouquet out of the way as he almost knocked you off your feet. At least Atsushi had been quick enough to duck away before disaster struck. Dazai would later call it a hug, but you failed to see any resemblance.
“Whoa, Dazai. Okay, - can’t – breathe – “
He quickly loosened his grip and you took a deep breath. He smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, I was just so happy to see my belladonna.”
You laughed, “Is that so? Did you miss me?”
“Miss you?” Kunikida said from behind him, “He was just chasing Atsushi around the office to scare him into going to fetch you.”
Atsushi nodded vehemently, “I thought he was going to throw me out of the building himself!”
“It’s not my fault.” Dazai rolled his eyes, “It’s Valentine’s Day and none of you can fit the space the love of my life has made in my heart!”
That was apparently enough for Kunikida to kick the both of you out of the office, yelling at Dazai not to come back until he was done with his Valentine-y bullshit.
Away from the commotion of the office, you finally remembered the bouquet you were still holding. “Oh, I brought these for you.”
His face lit up immediately, and he fake gasped, “Flowers from my beloved? I think I might just die!”
“Alright, that’s enough, drama queen.” You said, rolling your eyes, although you couldn’t help the slight laugh that escaped your lips, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Dazai.”
You prepared yourself for another one of his overdramatic one-liners, but he only looked at you with what you could only call adoration on his face. And then he smiled. It was small, but it was sincere, which was so very rare for Dazai. He wasn’t putting up an act, he wasn’t being intentionally melodramatic. For once in his life, he wasn’t trying to fool anybody. He was just…genuinely smiling. It made your heart melt.
“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, babe.”
You smiled and stood up on the tip of your toes to lightly kiss him on the cheek. He pouted, “What? Is that all I get?”
You laughed, “If you want more, at least take me out on a date first. I assume you don’t have any work to do anyway.”
“That is a very hasty and very incorrect assumption on your part, belladonna.” He said, trying to sound serious, “I actually have a very important to-do list for today.”
“Oh, yeah?” You said, leaning on the closed door to the agency office, the tone of your voice clearly saying you didn’t believe a word he said, “And what’s on it?”
Heat rushed to your cheeks faster than it had ever done before, and all the agency members could hear from behind the closed door were sounds of Dazai dissolving into peals of laughter as you hit him repeatedly on the chest.
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