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oooocleo · 1 month ago
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the grip that vintage devil costume hetty has on me cannot be overstated... im NOT over it
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cbsghostsdaily · 3 months ago
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GHOSTS | 4x07 Sad Farnsby
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damn-it-sungyeol · 1 year ago
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Ghosts S03E03 | He Sees Dead People
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angelaroth · 1 month ago
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I just watched episode 12 of ghosts and was completely TORN APART!!! I love that Hetty and Trevor are now "power friends" and reconciled about their break up last season, but I miss them being together as a couple so much. I have hope that they could still get back together, but right now, I'm just sad 😔.
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rosalie-starfall · 8 months ago
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Hetty Woodstone
Ghosts: Seasons 1-3
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ghostsshitpost · 4 months ago
Hetty’s Ghost Power
Ok so I’ve been thinking a lot (dangerous I know) abut Hetty’s ghost power and, please correct me if I’m wrong but, have we ever seen someone walk through her?
I honestly can’t think of a single time that’s happened and she’s always hyper aware of where people are and is the one that pulls ghost away from people paths.
It would be super interesting if her power is like Issac, Flower, and Elias and she never discovered it because she didn’t want to get walked through.
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gwens-love · 5 months ago
One second of your time please 🙏 very important
Okay but why is there only one (maybe two) person writing Hetty Woodstone fan-fictions…What went wrong? 😑
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Just look at her… she’s so beautiful
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Okay thank you 🫶
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the-sleepy-silurian · 5 months ago
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Here it is! A little late, but better than not posting one at all like season three 😬.
Let's see if we get bingo this time around!
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secondlayervictorian · 7 months ago
Angst Ahoy
I NEED a fic of Henrietta Woodstone waking up as a ghost. No other ghosts nearby (they're either in the hole still or in the dirt at this time). The chaos of the police breaking into the library, the servants yelling, the police yelling, them discovering her body. I imagine they were less than gentle with her body, Hetty instructing her staff despite the fact that they can't see her. Then silence. Loneliness. The terrifying premise of eternity. Hetty is probably the only ghost in hundreds of years who was never greeted by her compatriots. How long was she alone?! I must know!
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baemy624 · 3 months ago
Sapphic ghosties 🥰🌈✨
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goferwashere · 5 months ago
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cbsghostsdaily · 2 months ago
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GHOSTS | 4x10
The Not-So-Silent Partner
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damn-it-sungyeol · 1 month ago
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Ghosts S04E11 | Thorapy 2: Abandonment Issues
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angelaroth · 2 months ago
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The way Trevor looks at Hetty is adorable 💛
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ask-elland-n-will · 4 months ago
To the badge-less prefect,
Ah-ha ha! I had your badge all along and thought I’d put you to a test as I couldn’t help but overhear your boasting atop a box of your so-called ‘unmatched’ Seeker skills.
I’ve stuck it to one of two snitches and unleashed them in the school entrance gardens! But be warned, a mini dung bomb is strapped to the other!
Now let’s see how good a Seeker you really are!
- Also sorry -
The letter didn’t contain a name of the sender but there’s no mistake who this sassy owl belongs to. Did it just do an eye roll? Is it even possible? This one certainly seemed to before it flew off
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William is no stranger to questionably-looking owls crossing his path, but only a few of them are sassy enough to roll their eyes at him. Or at the very least do an owl equivalent of such a motion. The urge to childishly stick his tongue out was strong but he was a polite young man. He wouldn't do it with other students walking around. He would wait for when he's alone with Elland or Allegra and THEN complain about it.
Will frowned and examined the letter. There better not be any pixie dust in this one — the inside of his bag was still sparking because of the last letter Asani sent him. He shakes the envelope and opens it very slowly. Well, well, well, he was RIGHT about the owl at least.
Boasting, he?! Rightfully so, he IS a great Seeker! No matter what Anderson says, Imelda will set this right eventually! What is this, a challenge? Oh, wait, it is… He tied a WHAT to the snitch?!
The prefect gasps out loud and stands up from his seat. What kind of test even is this, apart from it bein an unsanctioned one? How would the culprit even know that Will did it? Nevermind that, a mini mung bomb! What if somebody gets hurt by accident, where did that student even get two snitches! He better not have stolen them from the practice chest on the pitch. Oh, Will will be checking that shortly.
After a quick glance at the clock (he has 2 hours left before his extracurricular), Will packs his things and changes into his old Quidditch gear.
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The next time the new fifth-year sees William is by the greenhouses before the Herbology class. The prefect sports a pretty bubble-head charm reminiscent of a soap bubble. There is something shimmering in both of his hands but only upon closer inspection and the fluttering of golden wings does it become clear what.
"Hey, fifth-year! Fancy I ran into you!" exclaims Will cheerfully.
Truth be told, he knew the boy would be here as the prefect has been long aware of his schedule. Will wraps his arm around Fifth's shoulders, and the reason behind the bubblehead charm becomes clear. Will smiles the most pleasant smile and pushes something into the other boy's chest, patting it with his Seeker glove a few times, making the SMELL come to the NFY in waves more pungent than what Will's uniform was giving off.
"Pretty neat, isn't it? Somebody thought to CHALLENGE me by setting a couple of snitches free. Ha! Anyway, I could've sworn you're collecting snitches, take this one as a gift! There was something tied to it but I for the love of Merlin do not remember what. Oh well. Beautiful day, isn't it?"
Extra: If the NFY makes a face at the smell, Will chuckles and comments on it: "Is something the matter? Oh, look, your class is beginning, better hurry now!"
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xnorthstar3x · 6 months ago
What if I posted a series about Ghosts (cbs) would anyone read it?I do have an idea for a reader insert please vote on your favorites
Edit: maybe a Bridgerton type character
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