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fagsex · 2 years ago
my moms telling to stop 'babying' my little brother (hes8 and the youngest) and when probed it turns out she got mad bc she scared him on accident and he got upset and said "you know im sensitive" bc thats what i told his brother (9) when he was teasing him... like this woman doesnt also spend her days calling me baby bear LOL
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two-am-outlines-only · 2 years ago
Tender Loving Care
Summary:  Logan Sanders has OCD, making him check and recheck everything to make sure things are still safe. A plant gifted to him by an unknown party shifts his focus enough to allow him to gain control over his life again, one carefully tended to flower at a time.
Warnings: none
Ships: logicality (Logan x Patton)
Word Count: 891
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 - Blooming
-written as a request so fic is bulleted
•I feel if Logan had issues with OCD it wouldn't be the stereotypical excessive cleaning people normally think of. He would most likely be a compulsive checker.
•Logically, he knows the doors are locked. He knows the thermostat is turned down. He knows he unplugged the microwave. Yes Virgil, he knows that he's being paranoid but have you done the research of electrical surges causing microwaves to explode and catch houses on fire?
•He gets anxious about his obsessive checking which makes the others worry, and he's not supposed to have emotions so he shouldn't be anxious of all things but he can't help it. So he starts doing it in secret.
•He almost didn't question it when a small succulent was mysteriously placed outside his room one day. He didn't want to get rid of it, and found it quite cute with its striped leaves that were still so tiny. He spent hours researching how to care for it and other plants, finding the subject fascinating.
•The next day he snuck into the imagination and with it conjured himself more plants of different varieties. A couple different cactuses and a flower to start. He already had a shelf dedicated to this newest project and found himself obsessively checking for soil dampness and the health of each patch of green.
•Several weeks go by with this new routine in which he has accumulated two more shelf fulls of plants with varying degrees of difficulty of care. He knows everything about each of them and cares for them perfectly, finding a certain calm in the new routine he didnt know was possible from just a few plants.
•As the weeks go by he notices Patton giving him looks every now and again. Nothing incriminating. Just looks. And sometimes smiles as if he knows something. Logan tries not to think about how that makes his stomach flip.
•Three months go by before a thought occurs to him, nearly knocking him out of his chair with its intensity. He hasn't unplugged the microwave. And thinking back, he can't remember the last time he did. This though, though making his anxiety spike, oddly doesn't bother him as much as it should. So instead of going down and checking the microwave he instead checks his plants, going through the routine he's established. Even though afterwards he stills checks the locks, once, twice, three times...all the way to seven it's a much calmer process than hes8 ever known it to be.
•Looking around his room fills him with a sense of calm; he never let anyone else in before because well, he hated that he'd meet their expectations of a typical nerd. Books everywhere, a neat workstation, color coded binders. Now however he couldn't imagine what they'd think. Floor to ceiling there were plants on nearly every surface, all impeccably cared for for their unique needs. No he was sure this would just be something else to make fun of him for.
•Going over to the plant that started everything he realized it would need repotted soon, as it was growing larger than its container. Finding one from his storage easily he set about doing so, pausing to squint at the small design details he hadnt noticed before. Paw prints, all engraved into the worn plastic, which could only mean one thing.
•Repotting done with the original container clutched in both hands, he made his way out of his room in search of someone he really should had suspected from the start.
•Patton didn't know what to think as he stared at the nervous logical trait, clutching a plant pot as if his life depended on it. He kept quiet as his hand was taken and he was led up the stairs and down the hall to the bedroom that was always kept so secretive, gasping as the door was opened.
•Low light plant lights added back lighting to shelves overflowing with green. Flowers of nearly every size and hue took up an entire wall while succulents sat contently on shelves and the desk alike. Fairy lights winked around the borders of the ceiling where sticky star glowed in what Patton was sure were accurate constellations on the ceiling. Everything was so neat and clean and green and unmistakably Logan.
•Clearing his throat, Logan gripped the pot tighter in his hands before mumbling out: "It started with yours. It...they help."
•And Patton knew exactly what Logan meant, and was trying say though that, grinning widely at the thought that something he did brought such a change to the other.
•Neither of them knew who followed who to the bed, or if Logan had draped himself over Patton or if Patton had pulled Logan over himself. But it was comfortable and quiet and warm, so not a care was given as the silent "thank you" and "you're welcome" was exchanged through cuddles.
•And if Roman knew about Logan coming into the imagination for plants, and made sure that there was always a wide variety to choose from he never mentioned it.
•And if Virgil caught sight of them sound asleep on the bed, surrounded by plants with Logan looking calmer than he had seen him in a long time, he didn't say anything about the door being left open, just quietly closed it with a smile.
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5-falsehoods-phonated · 5 years ago
Can I get uhh headcanons about logan being a plant mom and having really bad ocd so his room is covered in plants and definetly i̶s̶n̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶e̶r̶t̶ super anxious about it and be used them to deal with his ocd and stuff?? And he never let's anyone in his room because the other sides expect it to be... well... not covered in plants? And maybe a little logicality s p r i n k l e d in because uwu okay ty ly
Sure, I love this! Though I don’t feel like I know enough about OCD to accurately say anything about it in a head cannon, so if I come off offensive or wrong please let me know.
•I feel if Logan had issues with OCD it wouldn't be the stereotypical excessive cleaning people normally think of. He would most likely be a compulsive checker.
•Logically, he knows the doors are locked. He knows the thermostat is turned down. He knows he unplugged the microwave. Yes Virgil, he knows that he's being paranoid but have you done the research of electrical surges causing microwaves to explode and catch houses on fire?
•He gets anxious about his obsessive checking which makes the others worry, and he's not supposed to have emotions so he shouldn't be anxious of all things but he can't help it. So he starts doing it in secret.
•He almost didn't question it when a small succulent was mysteriously placed outside his room one day. He didn't want to get rid of it, and found it quite cute with its striped leaves that were still so tiny. He spent hours researching how to care for it and other plants, finding the subject fascinating.
•The next day he snuck into the imagination and with it conjured himself more plants of different varieties. A couple different cactuses and a flower to start. He already had a shelf dedicated to this newest project and found himself obsessively checking for soil dampness and the health of each patch of green.
•Several weeks go by with this new routine in which he has accumulated two more shelf fulls of plants with varying degrees of difficulty of care. He knows everything about each of them and cares for them perfectly, finding a certain calm in the new routine he didn’t know was possible from just a few plants.
•As the weeks go by he notices Patton giving him looks every now and again. Nothing incriminating. Just looks. And sometimes smiles as if he knows something. Logan tries not to think about how that makes his stomach flip.
•Three months go by before a thought occurs to him, nearly knocking him out of his chair with its intensity. He hasn't unplugged the microwave. And thinking back, he can't remember the last time he did. This though, though making his anxiety spike, oddly doesn't bother him as much as it should. So instead of going down and checking the microwave he instead checks his plants, going through the routine he's established. Even though afterwards he stills checks the locks, once, twice, three times...all the way to seven it's a much calmer process than hes8 ever known it to be.
•Looking around his room fills him with a sense of calm; he never let anyone else in before because well, he hated that he'd meet their expectations of a typical nerd. Books everywhere, a neat workstation, color coded binders. Now however he couldn't imagine what they'd think. Floor to ceiling there were plants on nearly every surface, all impeccably cared for for their unique needs. No he was sure this would just be something else to make fun of him for.
•Going over to the plant that started everything he realized it would need repotted soon, as it was growing larger than its container. Finding one from his storage easily he set about doing so, pausing to squint at the small design details he hadn’t noticed before. Paw prints, all engraved into the worn plastic, which could only mean one thing.
•Repotting done with the original container clutched in both hands, he made his way out of his room in search of someone he really should had suspected from the start.
•Patton didn't know what to think as he stared at the nervous logical trait, clutching a plant pot as if his life depended on it. He kept quiet as his hand was taken and he was led up the stairs and down the hall to the bedroom that was always kept so secretive, gasping as the door was opened.
•Low light plant lights added back lighting to shelves overflowing with green. Flowers of nearly every size and hue took up an entire wall while succulents sat contently on shelves and the desk alike. Fairy lights winked around the borders of the ceiling where sticky star glowed in what Patton was sure were accurate constellations on the ceiling. Everything was so neat and clean and green and unmistakably Logan.
•Clearing his throat, Logan gripped the pot tighter in his hands before mumbling out: "It started with yours. It...they help."
•And Patton knew exactly what Logan meant, and was trying say though that, grinning widely at the thought that something he did brought such a change to the other.
•Neither of them knew who followed who to the bed, or if Logan had draped himself over Patton or if Patton had pulled Logan over himself. But it was comfortable and quiet and warm, so not a care was given as the silent "thank you" and "you're welcome" was exchanged through cuddles.
•And if Roman knew about Logan coming into the imagination for plants, and made sure that there was always a wide variety to choose from he never mentioned it.
•And if Virgil caught sight of them sound asleep on the bed, surrounded by plants with Logan looking calmer than he had seen him in a long time, he didn't say anything about the door being left open, just quietly closed it with a smile.
This turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be (sanders sides fandom mood) but I hope you liked it. Logicality fluff makes me weak and Logan being a plant mom is such a good concept. If ever I were to start writing one shots this would be one I'd be excited for.
This is also available on AO3!
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laurakalty · 7 years ago
He’s 8 Today!!! Where has the time gone? A mahoosive Happy Birthday Noa! We are so proud of you. The most genuine, loving, helpful, kindest, inspirational young man, Beautiful inside and out! Caru ti. Love you lots jelly tots! . . . . . . . . . . #birthdayboy🎉 #happybirthday #myboy #hes8 #8today #birthdaywishes #family #motherandson #brothers😎 #todaystheday #birthdaylove #birthdayfun #asdfamily (at Swansea, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnIfF80h9VF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vvhm8y9ur1r4
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rx-ezvz-cbd · 7 years ago
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#grandsonsart #hes8 #thisiswhatilookliketohim #skillstho
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poeticaldreamer-blog · 8 years ago
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"If" #wishes #wishingflower #wisps #flowers #nature #children #littleboy #mylove❤️ #tiny #life #night #iflifewereeasy #worry #myworld #thinkingoutloud #nephew #callsmesissy #daysgoby #hes8 Every time I see dandelions, I can't help but take a pic. Reminds me of my mini me..my little nephew Ethan. He calls them wishing flowers. He's been having some health issues since December. .there isn't anything sissy wouldn't do to make it all better. But I know he's got this! Prayers work and I know he'll take the world by storm. Just like he already has.
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george-dare · 3 years ago
(George Dare (official)) a new videoclip is born... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeS8-LtZfk0
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niharikabloggroupindia · 5 years ago
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Niharika Free Educational Society, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India 🙏 https://niharikabloggroup.wordpress.com (at Allahabad, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzlXR-HES8/?igshid=vl2au638bmif
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randyvillarba · 6 years ago
Harvest day at Remedy Cultivation! SFVOG, LAOG and introducing this new strain to our rotation... ————————————— @randyvillarba @remedycultivation @terpx ————————————— 🎼So what we get drunk. So what we smoke weed. We’re just having fun, we don’t care who sees... @snoopdogg #sowhatwegetdrunk #sowhatwesmokeweed #remedycultivation #randywrites #seabeaner #thankyouverylittle #randytokes #vegas #vegascannabis #cannabis #growlife #laog #sfvog #lemonadedream https://www.instagram.com/p/BqvlXl-HES8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ygexuz02bk23
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indyriotstudios · 7 years ago
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This guys needs some wrong coffee. Hes8 dead tired. #thewalkingdead #senioa #senioacoffeeshop #twd #indyriotstudios #indyriot #riotlife (at Senoia Coffee & Cafe)
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sarakitson · 7 years ago
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#happybirthday #hes8 #birthdayboy #celebrating #onedayearly #tomorrow is #mothersday #newyorkcity #newyork #spring2018 (at Dave & Buster's)
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candied-cherries · 10 years ago
I just beat my friends little brothers high score on a game and I said ‘Someday you’ll be a good as me’ and he went ‘Yeah. When I eat you.’
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