#hes with cassie and is like “yeah my gramps is next to you say hi :)”
soupmanspeaks · 3 months
guys please you gotta understand glamfred seeing a faint guy with orange hair and flannel looking at him proudly when hes hanging out with greg....and he has this.....fatherly energy about him....like his presence itself was a comfort on days where a little boy's own father wasn't the nicest.....guys pelals
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traya-sutton · 6 years
New Friends in the Strangest Places
So I can't format this correctly cuz im on my phone but BASICALLY HERE YA GO. 8 FICS. 8 DAYS. HALLELUJA. GOOD DAY AND GOOD NIGHT.
Hope you like it clark <3
For: @lesbianstargirl
Gift prompt: I mean I would love more Maxine Hunkel fics or just her in anything
Iron Heights is dark. That’s the first thing Maxine thinks when she walks in. It’s a high metal cage. Bars on every window smell like rust. Maxine can hear the insults and whistles from the inmates. She shifts in her sneakers. The entire place makes her uncomfortable, filled with people she helped put in there.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Courtney asks her. She squeezes her friend’s hand.
Maxine nods. She-They, the JSA, they need to talk to T.O. Morrow. The latest mission of theirs has a large robotic element, and so who better to talk to. Ivo is still on the run, and Terrific is even having trouble with this.
Courtney and Maxine walk down the hall, arm in arm. Only because Max can’t bear to let go, and Courtney doesn’t mind. Max is shuddering, each step takes effort. Finally, she halts, unable to continue.
“I can take it from here.” Courtney whispers, wiping some stray hairs from Maxine’s face.
Max’s hands shook. “I can-I can do it.”
“You don’t have to. Just take a moment. I would stay with you but we need to talk to him now.” Courtney looks around. “How about you sit outside the wing, over there.” Courtney nods to a bench outside of the metal, reinforced door. “I’ll come get you when I’m done.”
“It’s okay. We all have bad things that we don’t want to face. That’s alright. It was brave of you to come here in the first place.” Courtney squeezes Maxine’s hand once again. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
Maxine nods. She goes to sit.
She hates feeling useless like this. For once she was able to do something, by becoming a hero. Heroes weren’t supposed to be scared like this. She pulls her legs up to her chin to sit, tightening her arms around her knees. She hears as Courtney walks down the hall to T.O. Morrow’s cell, and Maxine is alone, once again.
“Hi, what’s your name?”
Maxine glances up. There’s a little girl standing right in front of her. She’s got dark skin and mousy dark hair. Her eyes though are bright. She looks to be maybe eleven, or twelve. There’s a Guy Gardner themed backpack slung over her shoulder. What’s she doing in a prison?
“I’m Maxine. What’s your name?”
The girl walks over to Maxine and sits next to her on the bench, swinging her legs. “I’m Traya.” She says. The girl’s eyes widen as she takes in Maxine’s clothes. “Are you a superhero, too?”
Traya shrugs. “My Dad is a superhero.”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re here?”
“Yeah, he’s gotta talk with his Dad. He’s got an issue with his wiring, but he doesn’t want me going to see Gramps.” His wiring? Maxine thinks. Traya pouts. “Something about… bad influence… and stuff...”
“Oh. Who’s your grandfather?”
“T.O. Morrow.” And that would explain that. She must be the new Red Tornado’s kid. Maxine vaguely remembers something about a standoff at an adoption hearing for her. Red Tornado almost got arrested and disassembled.
Maxine’s heart drops in her chest. Clearly something but be showing on her face because Traya’s falls and she says. “Oh no. Did my Grandpa hurt you?”
For once in her life, Maxine is at a loss for words.
Traya takes Maxine’s hand in hers. “I’m sorry.” She says softly. “My Grandpa hurt a lot of people. He’s not a nice man.”
“Then why do you want to see him?” Maxine asks.
Traya shrugs off her backpack and pulls out a notebook. “My STEM project is due in a week. I wanted to know if he would look over my math.”
“You’re STEM project? What grade are you in?”
“I’m a Junior at Elias’ School for Girls.” Traya explains. She flushes slightly. “I’m… better at math than making friends with people my age.”
“You too, huh?”
Traya’s eyes light up. “You like math too?”
“I major in Theater. But I like math.”
“You’re in college!” Traya gasps. “Where do you go?”
“Wow! Is it worth the tuition?” Traya asks. “I’m graduating next year and I have to decide if I want to go to university or take a couple years off. I was thinking of going to trade school to learn mechanics, but I really want to continue in robotics too. Of course, MIT is better when it comes to-” Traya’s voice skids to a halt. She flushes. “I’m talking too much, aren’t I? I always do that when I get excited. Everyone at school call me a know-it-all. Well, everyone except Cissie and Cassie and Greta...”
Maxine smiles. “It’s okay. I get like that too. I’d love to help you decide about your education. Choosing to go to university is a big step, especially for someone so young. Don’t worry though, you have lots of time to decide.”
Traya smiles up at Maxine. “Thanks.” Traya looks back at her notebook and glances up at Maxine, flushing slightly. “Would-Would you like to hang out sometime? Like not just with me, like-I have superhero friends and I think you’d fit in great!”
“Well, I’ve got some superhero friends, you know. I’m a member of the JSA.”
“Like Stargirl?” Traya gasps.
Maxine nods.
“Wow! Really? She’s the coolest of all of them! I got to meet her once, when everyone in the JSA got turned into babies and she got turned into an adult. Cassie and Cissie think she’s cool too-”
“Wait. Cassie? Like, Cassie Sandsmark? Wonder Girl?”
“Uh huh.”
This time it was Maxine’s turn to fangirl. “Really? She’s so cool! And Cissie-You mean the Olympic archer? Court mentioned that she used to be a hero and that she told off the Justice League. Is that really true?”
“Uh huh. But I wasn’t there for that.”
Traya grins at Max and then her faces falls. She fidgets once more and says, “I’m really sorry about whatever Grampa did to you. You’re so nice…”
Max pats her shoulder gently. “He hurt me Traya, it’s true, but it wasn’t the end for me. Sometimes...” Maxine didn’t want to tell this girl about her depression, it didn’t really seem appropriate, but she hadn’t been unaffected by her kidnapping. “Sometimes it feels like it was, but I know that there are good people out there, and that it’s not the end. Even if it feels like that. Plus, I got some pretty cool powers because of it. I met your Dad that way, and now I’ve met you through it.”
The large metal door to the wing which houses T.O. Morrow swings open and Courtney and Red Tornado march through—Courtney is up in arms about something. The thought makes Maxine smile, if Courtney is pissed then things are going to be okay.
“I’m just saying treating him as hostile won’t hurt anyone. Except him.”
“Stargirl.” The robotic voice responds. “I am not electrocuting my creator, even slightly, just so he’ll tell you who created the android plaguing the Justice Society of America.”
Court scowls. “C’mon Max. We’re done here. Morrow won’t tell us sh-” She freezes when she sees Traya and then says, “-anything.”
Maxine sighs. “I didn’t think he would.” Maxine turns to Traya. “It was nice to meet you, Traya.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Traya chirps. She gets up and jogs over to her father. “Well, what did he say about my project?”
“He thinks your designs are good. But he suggests giving your project more RAM.”
“I knew it!” Traya whispers. She glances back at Maxine and then says something to Red Tornado in a language Maxine doesn’t speak. Red Tornado replies shortly and glances at Max in what Maxine would say is a kind way, but because he is a robot with no facial expressions she can’t tell. Traya puts her hand in her father’s and turns back to call to Maxine: “Hey Max! You and your family are invited over for dinner whenever you want!”
“Okay, Traya!” Maxine waves back.
“Lovely seeing you Stargirl, as always.”
“Yeah, yeah. Bye Metalhead.” Courtney mumbles.
Red Tornado picks up Traya and gusts the two of them away. Maxine and Courtney choose to walk.
“I hope it wasn’t so bad.” Courtney says softly.
“It wasn’t. I even made a new friend.”
“Well, that’s good.” Courtney links her arm through Maxine’s. “Want to tell me about her? You know I love to listen.”
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aubzylynn · 7 years
5 Times
Word Count: 2056 Warnings: Fuckton of fluff. Yall know how I do. I broke Sarah when I initially sent this to her. Request: Hey babe, I absolutely love your writting, could you write a 5 times steve was hipnotized with the readers voice? Pweaseeee?! Love you xxx A/N: Heyyyy, guys! I’m on the road to NY as we speak! Special shout out to @sarahwroteathing cuz I’m gonna see her fuckin gorgeous face in a little over 24 hours and I COULDN’T BE HAPPIER!!!! This is queued up for your reading pleasure. Please remember to comment & tell me what you think about my stories! Make my roadtrip stops better by having sweet words to read!!! I always love reading what you guys have to say! You guys be good. I love you all very much! 
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The first time Steve is hypnotized by your voice is when he finds you laughing with Scott’s daughter, Cassie. The music of your giggles was a luxury he wasn’t used to. So soft, so beautiful, so full of a joy he hasn’t felt in years. Bucky notices the way his best friend’s attention is suddenly captured by you and tells him to go introduce himself. Steve cracks a smile and dismisses the thought immediately with a slow pull from his beer.
He can’t help but spare glances your way while the party plays around him. You’re perfectly content sitting with the little girl, telling her stories and laughing at hers in turn. Tony wanders over to you, and Steve watches as your face falls into an easy smile. He wishes he could hear the undoubtedly sweet way you greet him. There’s just something about you, he knows that everything you do has an undercurrent of grace.
Tony gestures over to where Steve, Bucky, and Sam are sitting and your eyes trail to him. His heart stutters as your eyes meet his and a small smile graces your lips. You turn back to Tony, taking his proffered hand and rising to your feet.
Steve turns suddenly, hoping to look like he’d been in Bucky and Sam’s conversation and not watching you from the corner of his eye-- y’know, the perfect embodiment of nonchalance -- only to find that his friends had left and he hadn’t realized it. He scanned the room, slightly panicked, until he found Bucky over by the bar with a smug smile firmly in place as his eyes flickered between Steve and the woman that had captured his friend’s attention.
That jerk, he set this little meeting up! And Steve was sure that he was none too subtle about it. Tony would surely have a field day knowing he’d been mesmerized by you. But Steve couldn’t dwell on it for too long. You’re laughing at something Tony says as you both come to a full stop before him.
“Cap, have you met this beauty? She’s my assistant, I could have sworn you’d been introduced before--”
You laugh, pushing your shoulder into Tony’s side. “I’m Bruce’s assistant. He’s not gonna be happy if you keep trying to steal me away.”
“Jolly Green knows I like to push his buttons.”
You shake your head good naturedly at Tony before extending your hand and telling Steve your name. He repeated it, tasting it in his mouth as he smiled at you and shakes your hand.
You duck your head, suddenly struck shy by the unintentional intensity of his gaze. Your voice was rendered soft and sweet, feeling suddenly coy. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Captain Rogers--”
“Call me Steve. Please.” His lips quirked up as your neck grew hot. Your name is called behind you. Turning, you find Cassie frantically waving you over. As you turn back to the boys in front of you, you duck your head again in apology. “Excuse me, gentlemen, there’s an urgent matter that requires my attention.”
Steve can feel his heart swelling as he watches you suppress your smile and skip across the room to Cassie.
“Y’know, she’s just as smitten with you, gramps. I’ve only heard that voice when she met Wilson a few weeks back.”
Steve shakes his head, trying so hard to focus on Tony’s words. “What d’you mean?”
“That almost sickeningly sweet tone she was using? Her voice does that when she’s around people she admires.”
Steve scoffs, watching you laugh and pick up Cassie. “Admires?”
“Is it so crazy to believe?” Tony asks, watching Steve as he watches you. “She could be really good for you.”
The second time, Steve’s walking through the compound. He’s just finished up his training with Wanda, decidedly making his way to the kitchen for a bottle of water before heading to his room to shower. He heard cabinets closing, ceramic cups clinking together, and a soft melody wafting through the air. When he enters, he finds you by the stove mixing tea bags into a pot of simmering water. You’re lost in your own head as you hum and dance around in the space.
You tossed your hair over your shoulder as you started to sway to the song, humming and singing under your breath. It’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard, only second to your laugh.
He could stand here and listen to your quiet melodies for hours, but Steve also doesn’t want to look like some creep just standing here and watching you make tea. You’ve had a few encounters, a few more conversations, but Steve wouldn’t say this was a friendship. Not just yet.
Your favorite crooning song comes on, you can feel the smile light up your face. You feel brave and sing just a little louder. Not by much though, because this tower is full of people and you have an irrational fear of people hearing you sing. An instrumental reprieve has you swaying again as you remove the tea from the pot and get the cups ready.
“Hey, you.”
Your heart skips in your chest as a smile takes over your face. You turn to face Steve, who’s smiling politely and ducking into the fridge for a water bottle. “Hiya, Steve.”
“How’s your day going?”
“Mmh, ya know, listening to my favorite calming songs and making tea for myself and Bruce is really awfully stressful.” you grin through your sarcasm, giggling a bit at the end. Steve smiles as he watches you pour the tea gracefully into the cups. “Oh, I’m glad I found you, though. Bruce was saying that he needed you to come by the lab for a bit. You know, just--whenever you have time.”
“Yeah, of course. Let me get cleaned up and I’ll be up there soon.”
He grins at you as he leaves, and you can’t help but smile at him while feeling your heart inflate at the thought of seeing him again.
The third time, Steve’s in the middle of a mission debrief. He’s mid sentence when he hears your laugh echoing from the next room over. He knows it’s you. There’s no one else that has a laugh that makes his heart sing like this.
He shakes it off, hoping no one noticed his momentary pause and continued to give his report until he takes his seat.
After that, he can’t focus. His attention is captured by your muffled voice. He’s wondering who you’re speaking to, what you’re doing on this floor. Would it be inappropriate to ask you on a date? You had known each other for quite some time now… How would Dr. Banner feel about Steve dating his assistant? Should he ask his permission first? No, that’s silly you’re not his daughter or anything. Maybe he’ll just ask him about it? See what he thinks?
Steve has to resist finding you after they’re dismissed. He would probably just end up asking you on a date by blurting it out, and that’s not how he wanted to do this. You deserved more finesse.
The fourth time, Steve is accompanying you to an awards banquet in Dr. Banner’s honor. Bruce was still missing in action, so you accepted the award on his behalf. The way you spoke with such love and adoration for the man that most of the world feared sent Steve tumbling head over heels for you. As you spoke about the work that you helped Bruce with, you were filled with passion and confidence, and Steve couldn’t get enough of it.
Sure, over the past few months that you two had been dating exclusively, he’d seen some of this. But, for you to bear your soul to the whole conference, to have such power and conviction in your voice; something rose up in Steve and he knew he wanted to marry you. Right now. This second.
The thought both thrilled and terrified him, but he knew he needed to pump the breaks. You hadn’t discussed marriage...or a family for that matter. You weren’t even his girlfriend, officially, yet. Steve decides at the end of the night that he’s going to ask you to be his girl and that you’ll take it a step at a time after that.
Once you got back to the table, Steve rose out of his seat respectfully and pulled your chair out for you. That little bit of old time charm always made you blush. When he sat back down, you grabbed your phone off the table and swiped open the camera app, telling him to scoot closer. You situated the award between you both and took several pictures: from the sweet ones you’d keep for yourself to the goofy one you planned on sending to Bruce.
Opening your chat thread, you deflate a little seeing he hasn’t responded. You’d sent him multiple texts over the time he’s been gone. You added your picture to the line of texts, including: Miss you, boss! Hope your vacay is worth it. I’ll keep this safe for you. <3
Steve watches your face as you hit send, pulling you into a half hug and kissing your temple. “I just don’t want him to think I’ve forgotten him.” You explain, knowing he’d seen the thread of unresponded messages.
Steve pulled you in for another kiss in your hair. The capacity in which you loved people around you made his chest puff with pride. “I know, sweetheart. I know.”
The fifth time, Steve needed to hear your voice. He needed it like a drug. He’d been dragged back into the fight and it’s been weeks since he’s seen you. He calls you as soon as he collapses on the quinjet, needing you to calm him down.
The phone rings and rings, each seeming longer than the last until your sleepy voice comes through. “Steve?”
His shoulders relax, slumping with relief. If he could wrap himself in the sleepy way you said his name, he would die a happy man. He sits with it, soaks it in for a moment, forgetting you’re actually on the phone.
“Stevie?” Your voice rises a little in panic. “Are you okay?”
He realizes he hasn’t said anything and smiles apologetically even though you can’t see it. “Sorry, sweetheart. I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?” You tease, some of the roughness ebbing out of your voice. “Use your Life Alert if you need it, okay? I can’t fly halfway across the world just to help you get up.”
He laughs quietly, not wanting to disturb his teammates. “God, I miss you,” He blurts out. He hears your smile when you tell him you miss him too and it makes his heart flutter. “We’re on our way home.”
“Good. I’m in desperate need of a hug from my boyfriend. He’s been gone way too long. Oh, while I’ve got you on the phone, I need your opinion on something.” You’re suddenly more alert as you speak, but Steve is lost in the all-consuming way his heart swells when you talk. He’s distracted by the smile on his face and the way he feels lighter than air. How long has he been in love with you? Why is he only now realizing that he hasn’t said it to you yet? Did you know?
He gathers his courage, feeling like he has to tell you right now. He’s running on just a few hours of sleep, and this might not be the best decision, but damn it, it feels important. “Hey, sweetheart?” he calls, waiting for your full attention.
“Yes, dear?”
His lip quirks up in a boyish smile as he takes a deep breath, willing his nerves away. “I love you.”
Your end of the phone is silent for a moment and it sends Steve into a panic. Was it too soon? It was probably too soon. He just needed you to know. He didn’t expect for you to say it back--
He hears a quiet, disbelieving laugh on your end, and he can practically see the smile you’re wearing as you say, “I love you, too, Steve.”
That was absolutely hypnotising. Before he realizes it, the words are tumbling from his mouth, “Say it again? Please?”
“I love you, Steve.”
God, he could live in this bliss forever.
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