#hes very beautyfull 2 me
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papanowo · 4 months ago
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moth moment
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mehiwilldoitlater · 5 months ago
Black Cloud, Red Fire (Part 1)
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((The beginning))
(part 2) (part 3)
Black Wind Mountain.
Once a temple in the forest, full of prayers, life, and worshippers. Now, a lair for Yougais and their master.
Everything was silent, except for the song of nature that made that place almost harmless. Untill the sound of panting, foot on the Rocky pavement, and broken leaves emerged.
"Ugh...I should have done cardio...UFF!"
The Destined One, the monkey that had convinced you to follow him, stopped on his tracks to look at his surroundings and gave you the time to catch up. He snickered a little, looking how disappointed you were after the climb on the side of the mountain. He offered you his hand, allowing you to avoid a few more steps before reaching him.
"Not a very outdoor one, uh?"
"I'm more...sitting on the couch person."
"What's a couch?"
"Something BEAUTYFULL....wow..."
You would never get used to the view here: from where our eyes could reach, there was just forest. The mountains were covered in it, and so were the few hills that appeared, giving you almost the idea that you were walking on the backs of thousands of sleeping giants. Here and there, you were able to spot the roof and the spires of small pagodes and temples.
Some prove that once these places were abitated or at least visited by humans and mortals. 
Now, the old structures were black and decaying, a sign that a fire had started so many years ago and what couldn't be saved was left to the wilderness. You both avoided those structures, finding them quite crumbling and dangerous, but nothing stopped you from admiring them.
The air was rarefied, giving you some trouble breathing and forcing you to make more deep inhales. Your companion, used to the high place of birth, had no issues at all, but he gave you the chance to rest and get used to the altitude.
"It feels so unreal... it's like a painting."
"You don't have places like these in your world?"
"Well yeah, but... not so beautiful like this one."
It was even funny to believe that such a beautiful place like this one could hold such dangers as the Yaoguais or whatever was holding the relic of the Great Sage. After another few minutes of adjusting, the two of you continue your way inside the woods, leaving behind the security of the open space.
The light was dim despite the sun high in the sky; the thick of the branches was mostly the cause of it. Walking near your companion, you started to notice how hard it would become trying to look in front of you or even notice the presence of whatever could attack you both.
"Su-sure, this place is...dark."
"Umm.. stay close, okay?"
You pick up the peace, holding tight to your snack on your back, regretting that you didn't ask for a weapon before leaving Mount Huaguo.
"Hely, listen..." You finally spoke up after a few minutes. "Are you sure that the relic is in this...very lovely and absolutely not filled with dangers?"
"Ummm...i guess?"
"YOU GUESS?!" Your voice echoed in one second through the forest; a few birds flied away, afraid of the sudden change. The monkey instantly shushed you.
"We're in enemy territory!"
"...You guess?! You don't know if it's here?!"
You were FURIOUS. Not only they started to blabber about you being some kind of being that were supposed to help them bring back an old legend, almost forcing you to participate, and now the same one that convinced you to give a try to this damn plan that could maybe bring you back home is unsire if that damn thing is in that damn forgotten place?! After that long road?! You really wanted to take that staff of his and smash it on his head! He shushed you again, trying to calm you down to avoid calling too much attention to you two.
"Okay, I know, this sounds crazy, but I can assure you that we have ideas! Firstly, there's a dangerous amount of Yaoguais in this area, and second, did you remember that funny little game that we did back at our mountain?"
"You mean me pointing my finger to a random place on a map just because I felt a tingle in my stomach?"
"Yup." Your eyes widened so much that you could feel your eyelash touch your forehead. You wanted to scream so hard that even whatever gods lived up there could hear you, but before you could, the monkey putted his hand on your mouth.
"There, there, let it all out," he said, while you were just muffling your scream on his hand. When you finally were finished and your breath was out, he removed his hand from your face, allowing you to mumble some curses under your breath.
"So we could be somewhere and find nothing?"
"Or we could be in the right place!"
You grumbled again, now more worried than before about your return to your original world. He sighed. Of course this was absurd to you; everything was, but you needed to trust him a little.
"I know it's hard, but... I believe in you. I know we're on the right path!"
"At least one of the two does..." You mumbled, kicking a rock near you, scratching your arm a little. You really wanted to believe him and in you, but to you, it was just so difficult to do it, especially since you were a complete no one...They all tell you you were some kind of powerful thing, this Bián huá, and yet you couldn't believe a single thing like this.
Looking at you, he guessed that you were still having doubts. He opened his mouth to say something when-
"On the go, bent the toe,
Life of a human, all for gold."
A voice, not far from you both, could be heard from your position. Someone was coming! The monkey looked at you, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face.
"Go and hide in the bush! I'll show you what I can do!"
You fastly follow his instructions, hiding behind some bushes on your right, while the voices get closer and closer. The monkey suddenly vanished under a cloud, only to be replaced with a ripe peach! What's he doing now? On the clearing, just when the smoke disappeared, appeared two... wolves?
They were walking on their two back legs, and like humans, they were wearing some clothes and holding their furr on their heads like some human hairstyles. The both of them were holding a sword; maybe they were scouting the area for some food? You didn't know, but you were sure worried for your monkey! 
"Nowhere better than our home,
We cheat death and ever grow."
One of the two, the one that had his sword already drawn, noticed the fake peach on the ground, emitting a sound of surprise and showing a huge grin on his maw, and immediately went to take it in his paw.
"Here, you see? What bliss my fate shows!" How the hell that big dog was talking?!
"Well well! Luck's around the corner. Seems like it just fell from a fruit tree here." Said the other wolf, looking around in the search for the tree. You really hoped he didn't see you or smell you!
"Perfect timing! This peach knew I needed a snack!" And, after having cleaned it a little from the dust and played with it in his hand, the wolf took a huge bite on the fruit without a second guessing. In that moment, a cry of pain escaped from him, and he threw away the peach, alongside a few of his own teeth and some fur that the monkey must have pulled with it. Once on the ground, after a few jumps, the same smoke from before reappeared, and the fruit turned back to his simian original form.
"You sneaky rascal!" said the wounded wolf. "Dare to fool me?! I'll make sure you'll regret it!"
Before the two wolves could launch their attacks on the monkey, he had already drawn his own weapon from his ear and charged towards the two. You had seen him fight before, and it was always a show that left you in a haze. Violence wasn't a nice view, but his moves, his precision, his strength—it was surely something!
In a few minutes, the two wolves were already defeated and turned to dust, and you reemerged from your hiding spot.
"Wow...that's what you could only say.
"See? told you I could protect you."
"Well, you surely could... but the transformation was really necessary?"
He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by someone.
"No matter how many times you come around. You are still as mischievous as ever, eh?"
An old voice suddenly started to be heard. It was an old one, cranky, and somehow friendly. The both of you started to look around, only to find only trees, rocks, and falling leaves. The monkey immediately came closer to you, looking around and sniffing, but beside the smell of the two wolves, there was nothing—just nature.
"Did...you hear that?" 
"Yer," he said, guarding you.
"Good! I'm not crazy then!"
"And there's the Bián huá! All of you, always doubting your own security!"
You gulped loudly; he could hear you?! But that means he's near?! Then why even the monkey couldn't spot this mysterious old man?!
"Looks... looks like someone is watching us..."
"Um..." he looked at you, noticing your now frightening look, your eyes searching for the source of the voice. He held your hand in his own, gently giving you a small pull. "Came one. I'm sure that we'll find who's talking up ahead."
And so, the two of you started to take the road from where the two wolves had come from, realizing then that, if there was something, it was supposed to be there for sure. The more you started to clumb the path of the mountain, more enemies started to come. They were all wolves, and all of them were supposed to be the front guard of this mysterious place that, for some reason, started to make you feel... uneasy. 
You couldn't put your hands on it, but it reminded you of the strange feeling in your stomach, yeah, the map one. Only that, this time, became stronger and stronger the more you two explored the mountain.
After another turn, the smell of incense reached both of you, and a small smoke caught your attention. Two fires were located at the sides of a small structure, a house in miniature. The closer you get, the more it becomes clear that it was a small shrine, far more detailed and more decorated than the one that you saw on Mount Huaguo. Suddenly, just like before, the same old voice started to ring again around you two.
"Aaah! Wha-what are you waiting for?! Pluck your hair and make an offer!"
You looked at the monkey, raising an eyebrow.
"...Uh...my hair?"
"There." He showed you that, after taking a few hairs from his head, their form changed into a thin and long incense stick that he lit with a few movements of his hand.
"I can't do that. Mine is normal hair."
"Ooo, stop making silly excuses! Try it on!"
"Okay okay okay! Geez, I can't believe that I'm listening to a mysterious voice."
You imitated the same motion of the monkey, and, after a small glow, in your hand there was the same incense stick!
"But... did I do that?!"
"See? Always questioning! Now hurry up! Both of you!"
You both put the incense stick inside the small pot full of sand, and, as one surprise wasn't enough, another magic happened in front of you: the decoration of the shrine started to grow like branches, and, in a swirl of petals, pink peach flowers started to bloom under your eyes.
"In some places, yes..."
"...So,...what now?" The monkey shrugged off at your question and made a few steps ahead. Before you could follow, the voice called upon you two once again.
"Hey! Wait!"
A smoke, just like the one that has been summoned by your monkey companion when he transformed, appeared again, but this time in front of you there was what reminded you of an old potato.
He was what you could imagine to be the personification of the concept of old. His legs and arms were so thin that it was strange that he could even move; his bald head, covered in some strange bumps similar to some roots, was covered in wrinkles and some spots here and there; and the white hairs that happened to be his eyebrows and beard covered his facial features that made it hard to see his eyes and mouth.
His robes, tinted in a deep blue, seemed quite elegant, despite their age. His weight was supported by an old wooden staff, curved to the end, and in his other hand a small stick. Does it remind you of a back scratcher?
"I, the keeper of Black Wind Mountain," he said while coughing, cleaning his clothes from the dust. "I have long been waiting for your arrival."
That old voice—he was the one that spoke to you before in the clearing! That old, small thing was the keeper of this mountain?! 
"Let's see... the new Bián huá, eh? Well, you seem in good health," he said while pointing your side with his scratchback. "It will compensate for the lack of faith."
"Hey!" you ward off the wooden object while his continuous touch started to bother you.
"And she has some character on her, a good starting point..and you..." His eyes fell on the monkey, the destiny one. For a moment you feared that he could fall on his old and be ready to crash back, but he regained his stability in a few steps.
"Oh! His spitting image...I'd say."
Of who? You looked at the monkey, and he seemed almost proud? Was the keeper talking about... Sun Wukong? Well, all monkeys looked the same to you, so maybe it was the old age that talked...
"You were waiting for...him?" You pointed at the monkey; the old man just laughed a little at your naiveté.
"Child, I was waiting for both of you! For the Destined one and the Bián huá!" He walked over you two, pointing at the passage that extended ahead of you, between the rocks and the trees.
"Up ahead is Guanyin Temple. Once, it was bustling with worshippers before it was ruined by that fire."
His tone, before proud of the past of the place, became grave when he pointed at the proof of the tragedy that had happened there: skulls, human skulls. Come to think of it, those weren't the first you saw in the area... How many people had died there?
"You said you heard of the story, right?" The monkey said, recognizing what the old man was talking about, "You remember about the Elder Jinchi and the Kasaya?"
You pondered a little. You weren't that costumed about it, but you know that, perhaps, that was the cause of the fire.
"Yes, children..." said the keeper, pointing up ahead. "Then the temple was rebuilt." He suddenly turned to you, expressing a questioned and angry tone, "But what good is it to rebuild a temple if the good will of men has been burned to ashes?"
You kneeled near one of the skulls. It was so...small...the fear of the age of the one that once was in front of you struck you.
"But...it was rebuilt...then why the Yaoguais are here?" The monkey spoke, looking at the old man, still curious about the whereabouts of the temple.
"Monks came, men too, and they tried to rebuild life here! But that bear...he led his minions here!....Who couldn't escape had faced a bitter end."
"But...you're the keeper of this place...the deity of the mountain..." you finally spoke, following the step of the monkey. "You could take care of them, right? There as to be some way to fix this place!"
"I would! But that damn bear...he had brought something so powerful that even I couldn't match!"
Something that he couldn't match?... The eyes of the monkey gleamed, looking up at the mountain.
"The relic...it must be the relic!" He turned to you, ejoyed by this news: "You were right! You foudn it!"
"I...found it?" You repeated, "I... did! I did! ...oh...."
You soon realized what that meant, and suddenly, another sound emerged from the dark. A long, strong, and eerie howl of something that scared even the keeper and manmy birds that had already flied away from their previous location.
"You forgot this place," said the keeper, retreating away from the passage, "but they haven't forgotten you!"
You stod in your position, scavared by the sudden change of atmosphere, while the monkey observed the passage with caution, expecting everything to appear from it at any given moment. The old man, like he had appeared, disappeared in the cloud of smoke.
"That's a tough one. Good luck to you!"
And these were his last words, before you and your companion were left alone again. More than before, you felt an amount of emotion that you couldn't describe, but when you looked at the road where you came from, some doubts arose in you. The monkey noticed your fear, and he waited for your reaction.
Despite the desire to run, you simply couldn't. You stayed there, eyeing the entrance and your only way out. When you finally turned to the entrance, where you sure didn't want to go, you gulped.
"There's no turning back from there...right?" The monkey sighed; he wanted to tell you that you could just turn back and that he could handle it, but he couldn't say that; he knew that it was a lie.
This was supposed to be made in two.
"If you don't trust in yourself... then trust in me... trust in my ability."
He lends his hand towards you... and, with fear, doubt, and so many regrets, you take it, slowly entering the passage alongside him.
From that moment on, the forest became full of wolves. It was hard to advance without encountering a new enemy, and every time your companion never showed a moment of stress or panic, he only charged, attacking those enemies without trace of fear. Your only option, by your side, was to stand back, hide, or just... watch. You couldn't do more...even if, isnide, it made you quite nervous.
"Don't you get tired?"
"No, I've been doing this since I was a cup!"
"I wish I could help more." You scratched your arm again; it must have been a sign that showed your stress he had noticed. He just packed your back, swinging his tail.
"If you like, I can teach you a few tricks! Once we're back home with the relic, we'll have plenty of time!"
"You...would?" It felt nice. He didn't show off your anxiety about your role in that mission; instead, he just wanted to help you get confidence by taking some steps ahead. It was a nice gesture, even if you were quite unsure about if it could really help you.
"Of course!" he laughed. "We're both in this!"
You nodded. It was true; you were both in that.
The sound of the water became of a falling one, a sign that the river nearby became a waterfall. You were walking by it, searching for a few herbs, when you both became interested in taking and collecting when you heard something else. Another voice; it wasn't from the keeper, of course, but it wasn't like the ones from the wolves either. To be fair, there were no wolves now that your companion had cleaned the area.
When the sound of the waterfall became stronger, that's when you noticed.
"Monkey! Look over there!" You finger pointed towards a figure. Curved on her back, her white, messy hair spiked the most on het dark attire. The clothes were old and raggy, and by the jiggle he was wearing some wooden jewels. The long and thin hair and his colorful muse give away immediately her species. Your companion suddenly came closer, looking where your finger was pointing, noticing the creature.
"A Mandrill! There near the edge of the waterfall!" You kept saying. You didn't know what she was doing; it seemed like she was searching for something or trying to collect it from a stone, quite big, that rested in the center of the stream. The low level of the water allowed the rock to be accessible to the mandrill, but she seemed like whatever she was trying to rescue was stuck or simply unavaible.
The baboon must have heard your voice, and suddenly she stopped his doing with the rock, spinning away from it. You gasped when you saw her launch herself to the cliff, moving forward. But when you reached the same edge, you saw nothing there.
"She should be at least around..."
"I don't think that was a simple Mandrill, Y/N." The monkey that had reached your side was in time to take you and pull you back from the edge, fearing a fall.
"Was she your friend? Do you know her?"
"I never saw her in my entire life. Hey, hold on!" He looked at you, his hand on his hips. "It's not like we monkey know each and every one of us!"
"Well," you keep it up, mimicking his gesture, "you called each other brother and sister! And meeting a familiar face wouldn't be so bad here!"
He chuckled, giving you a small push. Then, both of your eyes landed on the rock that the baboon was inspecting, and curiosity took over.
"What do you think she was doing?"
"Well, let's take a look!" He went closer to the rock, and there you both realized that it wasn't completely a rock. It was a head—a big rocky head—maybe one of a statue that once must have been a decoration of the long-lost temple. The expression of the man that was depicted was calm and relaxed, his earlobe long; maybe a Buddha? The monkey started to clean the area and noticed some scratching at the base of one of the closed eyes of the statue. It seemed like he was trying to make a hole in it...
"Maybe there's a switch or-" And just when your hand touched the statue, suddenly its eyes wide opened. One of the two cavities of pure stone, but the one where the Mandrill was scratching was hollow and contained something. A sphere, pure white, the only color a red must at the center, discolored by the time. It wasn't smooth at all, but at the touch it was perceptible—some spirals, decotrating the orb.
"...What is it?" You asked curious, tapping the orb with your finger.
"I don't know... but it seems important; let's keep it!" And so, the orb soon vanished inside his own sack.
"You surely are one that loves to collect staff around, eh?"
"Well, if something is useful..."
You chukled a little, leaving the stream at your back. Keep it up with your ascension on the mountain. It didn't take long that now you would face another obstacle, and oooh boy, what an obstacle!
Guarding the gate, a huge Yaoguais was holding a huge Helberd, moving back and forward, ready to strike whoever crossed his path, or it was unlucky enough to meet it. It reminded you of some kind of bull, but he was pretty messed up to be one... The thing that really concerned you was the fact that he was practically in front of the gate; it was impossible to miss without a fight. Hiding behind a tree, you looked at your companion, who, without if or but, just took his own staff, ready to get in action.
"Stay here; be careful not to be spotted and to run."
"Just in case, wish me luck!" and so he marched towards the bull that, as soon as he had spotted him, he followed his example.
The two started to clash their weapons immediately, and you could clearly see that the monkey had the advantage of his small stature and his agility. He avoided all of his attacks in a few steps, which made the bull upset and more aggressive. And the guai had one more thing in his arsenal: he was scarily strong. Despite his massive stricture, the guai was able to make some huge jumps, creating such waves in his impact that the monkey needed to be careful around to avoid falling down and became an easy prey.
Unfortunely, the monkey made a misstep: in the attempt of blocking the helberd, the bull struck with full force, catching the opponent like a rag doll, and, after a good spin to get velocity, slammed him on the ground. He rose his helberd, ready to stride.
You screamed, leaving the tree where you were hiding, but before something could happen, a golden aura wrapped around the bull and, just before his last strike over the monkey could be delivered, his entire body stopped. It wasn't just stopped because he had stopped the attack, but because his entire body was like frozen!
You immediately went to the monkey side, checking the damage from the last strike. He was incredibly untouched; the helbard must have struck him in the side where there was no blade and just acting as a hammer. His body may be fine, but he had felt that.
"Oh God, oh God, are you okay?!"
Maybe not lethal but a bruise really was surely ready to appear there. You grasped his gourd, helping take a sip of that strange magic juice that the old monkey entrusted you both to take in case of these kinds of damages. After a gulp, the monkey lamented the savor of the concuun, but he was fine at least!
"The bull?!" He looked at you, ready to defend you.
"Ehm ..."
You pointed at his opponent, Frozen in One Place. Then you heard some ruffles, some paint of fatigue, and...the keeper?!
Somehow, he had started to climb the bull back and, once reached its shoulder, he took a jump from it, falling on his two sticked legs. 
"It's been a while, but the Immobilize Spell still works like a charm!" He laiughed, clearly satisfied and somehow proud to show you both some of his own ability. You, on the other hand, were more interested in helping the monkey get back on his feet, preoccupied with finding more damages from the foe. Lucky for you, the juice was able to cure all of his wounds, even if the hurt of the strike still lingered.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes...huff, he almost got me..." He looked at the now immobilized bull, still ready to send his last strike on him. "A trick like this could be very useful around here."
"Well, since you hail from Mount Huaguo, it won't hurt to teach you a handy trick."
The monkey looked at him, still recovering from the fall, when the old man started to move his wooden hand around. It started to emit a soft light and some sparkle.
"Now, here we go; give me your hand!" And, without wait or but, the same small wand emitted a light that struck towards the monkey. You companion, fearing for another attack, immediately covered his face with his hand, but instead of pain, he felt... nothing?
Not nothing; he felt the same sensation when you pour warm water on your arm—harmless and somehow nice. He felt the sensation rise to his arm, to his shoulder, and then disappear, leaving only a sigyl on the palm of the same hand. You both noticed that it was the same symbol above the bull head.
"There you go, "continued the old man, while the two of you were observing the sign, in a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Should you come across any miscreants, just point your finger at them and release this spell. You'll be able to hold them in place while giving yourself a breather."
The monkey studied more his hand, carefully seeing the sign slowly disappearing on his skin, while you looked at the old man with a gleam of hope.
"It's going to come in handy around here!" said the monkey, his confident smirk coming back on his face.
"It would be so helpful if I could learn something like this too." 
"My child," said the old man, chukling at your naivety. "In this world, muscles and brute force are not the only weapons that you can possess!" And, knowing who you are, a spell like this is a joke for you!"
"I...can learn it too?" You looked at the bull, and, in a rush of courage, you took some steps in front of it.
You waved your hand in front of it and, noticing that it was pretty much impossible for it to move, you laughed, running back to your companion, who instintly put you behind him, like ready to defend you if that thing was ready to move again.
"It's amazing!" you said in joy. "With this trick, we can avoid so many fights!"
"Y/n," the monkey said to you, disconsolate," we can't just avoid every fight we have in front of us."
"He's not right, child," the old man sighed. "Sadly, mine is but an humble trick. Its power will wear off within a few short moments."
"Moments?!" you gulped, jumping back. "And when were you expecting to tell us that?!"
"I told you that it's not that simple!" Monkey came back to his fighting stance, while you took a step back, taking more distance from the upcoming fight.
"Ah ah, yes, yes, I know, not a great spell; thought it's good enough against boneheads like this one!" He pointed again to the bull with a teasing tone. "Anyway, just consider it an ace up your sleeve."
As soon as he finished his speech, the blow that was stopped suddenly crashed to the ground; the golden aura had dissipated from the bull, and it was angry.
The keeper was able to retreat from the scene, clearly shaken by the sudden release of the bull that now pointed to the monkey and you furious.
"The Yaoguais these days know no manners!"
"Y/n! Stand back!" His immediate thought came to your own safety; now the bull had seen you, and every chance could be good for it to attack you!
"FEAR NOT! "screamed the keeper to you and the monkey, "Teach him a lesson with your new spell!"
As soon as the old man had disappeared, the bull went on the offensive, more aggressive than he was before. You had to retreat as best as you could to avoid the fight and to be spotted by the giant creature. He needed more minutes to adjust to this new technique, but just when the bull tried to play the same trick from before, the monkey was ready and used the spell against it. 
It stopped! It was completely immobile! You gasped for the excitement, and, after the monkey had gifted you a small wink like to tell you to watch, he suddenly launched himself to his counterattack.
The bull was free after a few moves, but it was more shaken than before and pretty much hurt. He needed another good strike, but after that the monkey was able to put down his opponent and, just like the others, disappeared in a cloud of dust.
You jumped to him in joy; he freed the passage! And now he learned a new trick! He was just amazing!
He patted your shoulder, laughing a little like you, with a soft shade of red on his cheeks. "Yes, yes, I did it! But it's not over yet!"
He pointed to the now-opened passage—the road ahead of you.
"If it wasn't for the wolves ready to kill us, I would love to take a picnic here."
"Pic nic?"
"When you bring lunch outside and eat in the wild. I used to do it a lot when I went on the mountain to my grandparents during the summer."
Monkey seemed always interested in knowing your past; it seemed like, despite all, you had an almost normal childhood...noyt like its own...always training, always giving his best...well, he loved to make some pranks here and there, but the others had always considered him the responsible one of the bunch.
While walking, your attention was taken by an unusual sight: it must have been a balcony in the past; now what was left was only the old decoration of the door, the structure to the outside, and the wood that composed the floor. Two small pillars, decorated with two figures of what presumebly was Guanyin, were on the sides of a cushion and, in front of it, an incense holder.
"Someone use this place..."
"It must be a meditation point, to meditate...a great spot, even..."
You looked to the monkey; why so? It was in the middle of nowhere. By his looks, lost in the horizon, you followed his example. It was quite beautiful and calming. He then decided to take a place in the cuschion and ask you to follow him.
"Came on! It helps the mind!"
"I'll just watch. I'm not good alone with my thought."
"As you wish..."
His eyes closed, his face relaxed, like every muscle of his body. He seemed like a statue in that pose, and by how quickly he was able to communicate, or he needed a lot, or he just was used to that practice. You, instead, decide to sit at the edge of the structure, sighing and admiring the view.
He was right; it wasn't just beautiful; it was calming. You closed your eyes, letting the mountain breeze caress your cheeks and air, allowing it to enter your nostrils and your lungs.
You could hear so many things like that—the creaking of the wood, the howling of a few wolves in the distance, the leaves that moved in the branch—since when these sounds were so hard to listen to in your world?
In the distance, mountains could be seen, and, not far from your spot, structures that maybe once were habitated by humans and monks. Knowing that such a desolation happened in that place, yet nature decided to reclaim that portion of the world, taking back what had been taken away.
You sighed again, more air in your lungs...then a hand shaken you.
"Don't do this on the edge, at least! You can take a place near me!"
"You gave me a heart attack!"
"And how was I supposed to feel when I saw you there, ready to fall?!"
"Okay, I'm sorry! I'll do it with you next time!"
He seemed pleased; at least he wasn't obligated to catch you from a dead fall on a cliff!
"You were right. It's beautiful... Yaoguais aside."
"Yes, I don't know what's going to happen after we take the relic back from the Black Bear, but maybe things are going to get better."
"I just..." you scratched your arm. "I just hope the monks that died here can find a piece."
The image of that skull was still fresh in your mind. It scared you, yes, but it was most definitely sad. They must have been so scared alone. He looked at you with fondness; your thoughts decided to go to the ones that had suffered. You must have had quite a big heart. He took your hand, smiling.
"They'll be glad to know that we're taking care of this...now..." he pointed at two fires, both of the at the sides of a passage, an opening on the rocky walls of the mountain. "We must go. There's still a long road for us."
You nodded, and so you went back to your journey.
"We had to pass..."
"There are like...a LOT of wolves there, and I have a really bad feeling!"
"But we can't just stop here!"
"Well, we can't surely move forward like this?!"
Since he had made it clear that there was more enemy ahead, the two of you started to discuss what to do, but it seems like it was harder than you both thought. He sensed a lot of enemies ahead, and if he had to make a safe road, protecting you wasn't easy. You wanted to search a safe path, but there wasn't something like this right there, and he wanted to march in and take care of the problems right there.
"Listen, I'm going in."
"Monkey, please let's just-"
"Hey! Wait! You don't think you can just parade in, do you?! It's not that simple!"
As again, the old man had decided to appear and gave some help to the two of you. You gave a sigh of relief. Finally, that could actually listen to you!
"Finally! I was trying to tell him! We must take another path!"
"Dear one, there's no other path here!"
"Ah, ah!" the monkey smuggled on your face. "See? No path! ...So, any other suggestion, old keeper?"
"But of course I do! Let me transform you into a golden cicada, so you may follow the fires ahead and scout this mountain unnoticed."
He pointed to a series of fires that started to streech across the forest, a way to move across the darkness of the trees, especially during cloudy days or the night. With the same movements of his wand, the old man created the same light from the last time and, once again, struck the poor monkey.
"Wait wait! I can do it by my"
Like before, the poor monkey was completely helpless against the magic of the so helpful keeper, and instead of the young, bold monkey, now there was a small insect, with golden shades, flying around. The old man laughed, looking how confused the small cicada was trying to recall his surroundings. Now, there was this little inconvenience...
"But..." you pointed to your still humanoid body. "What about me?"
"Umm...a cicada is hard. You need a lot of control to move so many little arms and legs. Let's see. Let's see. Something simple, something helpless, something...ah!"
"Wait! Let me at least prepare my-"
Without a warning, you were the second victim of the Keeper magic, but you weren't what you were expecting. You looked at your now fluffy paw, a small cottontail, and very long ears.
"A rabbit?! Why can't I fly too?!"
"It's harder than it looks, child! Now, it might be humble, but my shrine is very versatile. You'll get it soon enough."
And, with these words, the Keeper disappeared in another cloud of smoke, leaving the cicada and the bunny alone.
"It's not fair. I wanted to fly too!"
"If it makes you feel better," said the cicada in a very pinch-high voice, "you look fluffiest than ever."
You two laughed a little before hearing for the last time the old Keeper.
"In the depths of Black Winf Mounain, there are secrets galore. These transformations may help you explore, but be wary; this form does not last forever."
"What do we do if we get lost?"
"Should you find yourself lost, just follow my voice. Now, off you go!"
You two looked at each other and, uncertain, started to move.
He had it easier; he could just fly around without getting spotted! You needed to act as natural as possible! Somehow, the wolves seemed more interested in cooking the ones that they already had than huunting you, so you were able to move around, alongside other bunnies and racoons, without fear of being taken.
When the two of you had the impossibilities to avoid the wolves, you were able to listen to them talk. It seemed that your presence in the mountain has been spotted, but they weren't sure of where you were or what your real intention was. As much as they knew, they only knew about a shapeshifter and a mortal alongside him. They also talked about a certain lord... maybe an affiliate of the bear?
Well, at least like that, you could avoid so many troubles... Somehow, you felt a little more safe in the shape of such a helpless animal. You both kept on going, following the fire as instructed, finding the way easier that you expected to find.
"Look! I can see the end of the trail of fire, Y/N!" The small voice of the monkey called you out from the bushes, pointing with his antennea at what was supposed to be the less populated area.
"Finally, being a bunny is... not... so."
You felt something inside you. You felt...a calling. 
You turned around; there was another of those old porches, one that the fire had only ruined but not destroyed. You looked in that direction, and you were sure it came from there.
"We just need to cross; we're so...Y/N?"
You weren't anymore near the bushes, so he got closer and started to roam the small area.
"Y/n? Y/N?!" He called, louder this time and much more worried. He couldn't see you. Where did you go?! Why did you leave all of a sudden?!
You couldn't hear his call; there was something else that held your attention. It was the same pull in your chest that called you towards the relic, but it was...different. It felt like stagnant water, a mix of smells that you couldn't quite get. 
It was a large clearing; the wall of the mountain and a cliff, secured with a parapet, gave them a natural circular shape. Besides trees and plants, fog covered the area, hiding a wooden structure in the same area. You couldn't put your hand on it, but something was there—something big and round. You jumped closer, not noticing the aura of fiery eyes looking at your every movement. Before you could get closer, a large pressure came to your delicate neck; a hand with a sharp claw had you now in his clutches. 
"Well, well... and what do we have here?
Avoiding screaming helped you to keep your bunny form, but you couldn't hold a gasp when you saw the wolverine creature that was holding you by your neck. Now you were in big trouble!
The wolf was different from the other; he seemed older and calmer. His robe reminded you of one of a monk, but it was so old and lacerated. His old mansion was so ruined, almost burnt here and there. Despite his strength, his claw gently held you and took you in his arm, holding you in place. You felt his rough fingers scratching your head, confusing you more than before.
"It's not a safe place for a small one like you. Humans and wolves love eating your flesh. I used to eat your kind when I was younger; now I can only remember the hunt."
Oh, so he didn't eat bunnies? He could have eaten humans, though.
Besides him, a long staff was stuck into the ground, a double blade to each end. You noticed now that the blade was strange in certain places; it seemed like it had burned. Now, in his arms, you could see clearly what was holding the structure: a bell, a giant bell made of iron.
It was simple, besides the decorations, like many other bells around... then why you seemed to be pulled by it.
You jumped from the wolf arms, sniffing and getting closer to the giant metal object.
"I never saw bunnies interested in bell... I suppose to guard it...but you don't look like a treat."
Well, not now at least.
You made another jump, much closer; now your small paw was able to reach the bell when, in your head, his sound started to echo so hard that it was painful.
Your body couldn't handle it, so you scream, holding your small rodent head in those paws, scaring the wolf, and, with any chance to control it, the pain forced you to release your true form.
You were still holding your head when you noticed the wolf, now holding his weapon.
"You... you tried to trick me, human?!" You gulped and tried to get back, finding yourself stuck between the wolf and the bell.
"I-i didn't-" Then, a sound or rustling and footstep caught your and the wolf's attention.
"Who goes there?! How dare you interrupt my meditation?"
And so, the face of a very worried monkey appeared from the fog and the shadow, looking at you with apprehension by your vicinity with the Yaoguai. The wolf looked at him, and a small smile came to his face, far more sinister than the one that he had shown you before.
"Hmmm...another monkey I see?" He asked, almost happy to see him. The blade in his hand started to change; it became red like it was on fire. Hold on, IT WAS ON FIRE!
"Why don't you lay down your weapon and join me in Buddha's mercy?" His weapon had made a few swifts on the ground; the dead leaves, the herbs, and whatever that thing was touching suddenly started a small fire, separing you from your companion.
"What say you?!"
He needed to connect; the wolf was already on his tail when he marched on! He needed to get you out of there before the fire could reach you; luckyly, you took cover behind the giant bell! Maybe he had time; he just needed to calm him down before it was too late!
That wolf was old, but he was a formidable foe! His swing was like he had never seen anyone do it, and every strike was precise and destructive. It was just like a fire; you couldn't control it; you could just watch and hope it doesn't destroy more.
But he needed to fight that fire!
He used the spell that the keeper had taught him and started again to attack his opponent. Sometimes, out of the blue, the wolf was able to persome formidabvòe aerial attacks, where even the monkey found trouble defending himself. Sometimes he was even able to rush like he could fly, and the fire just made him stronger.
Fighting him wasn't easy, but with the help of the spell and the fact that his own technique didn't need too much energy to be imposed, the monkey was soon the victorious one of the duels.
The wolf fell on the ground, covered in bruises and blood; his fur was now more burned than before. His eyes cast between you, now free to move while the monkey was killing the fire, and his opponent.
"You..." His voice was in pain, the last stray of strength only to talk, "Master spoke of you."
And while he started to disappear, three last words came from his mouth.
"The Destined...one..."
Peace came back in the clearing. 
You looked at where the wolf had disappeared, asking yourself how much his master knew about you two, about what happened there, and..the hand of the monkey slapped your head.
"Don't run off like that again!"
"Ouch! It wasn't my fault!"
"Yeah! Some strange magic led you here?!"
You sighed; of course it was crazy, but it was true! Something called you here to do...something!
"I'm sorry...it just...something is strange... I don't know what's happening in me."
The monkey looked at your face. You were so concentrated, your hand caressing the carving of the metal face of the giant object. He wasn't used to bell like this; his own hand caressed the wooden trunk made to play the instrument.
"...Monkey?" He looked at you and said, "We should play it."
"No way! They'll spot us!"
"We're already on everyone's agenda! Please! I... I need it." You please.
He sighed, ready to regret every moment of this. He needed just a swing of the trunk when the sound of the bell started to resonate on the entire aura—on the mountain itself.
Then something else happened. Everything got dark; it was a forest, like the one you and your companion were planting—a child—he was alone. Many people were dying there; something had to hunt them down!
No! You must run! The bear! The bear is... giving him... jewels?
The sun rises, the monastery...
When you woke up from the trance, the monkey had to catch you before falling from the scaffold of the bell.
"Y/n! What's happening?! Are you okay?!"
You just moved your head, confused, scared...was that a vision? It was an old memory? The stagnant water now was moving; a rotting smell came to you.
"You just had to make some noise, did you?!" The voice of the Keeper came back again. He seemed stressed; the sound had scared some birds too. "Now everyone knows you're here! When a chime so grand echoes in the forest, Yaoguais will surely be alarmed!"
He was right; the monkey was able to sense the hair change now. The road was getting just more difficult...
"I'm sorry. I asked him to do it."
"Child, why asking for such a thing?!"
"....I....i'm sorry..."
The monkey couldn't stay angry with such a hurt expression in front of him...but why do you need it? And what did you see? Holding you in his arms, he started to head back to the road.
@crimsonflameproxy @everlastingmoonlightsworld @theactualgir
@miraclecherryblossomsblog @certifiedsimpinggalore @sleepingdramaqueen @cromboloni @masksandfeathers
@cinnamonroll-anon @justrandomlypassing @cute-angi @luckyangelballoon @dressycobra7
@naarra @virtualexpertanchor @phoenixeclipse-lmkau @theactualgir @kirax-the-lazy-girl
@sleepydang @weaverworks @kishimiest @birdioarts @thepoweroffiction
@riolu4 @angryvampire @s0rr3l @rootin-tootin-morgan @lightlumi
@cleverfeststarlight @silenthopper @jeminiikrystal @jssy96
@ladydoe8 @redtailedkitsune @rovobeam
@jeminiikrystal @golden-masquerade
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talbottodecarava · 5 years ago
The intimate, sensual, gloomy photography of Davide Sorrenti
After seeing Davide Sorrenti’s solo exhibition Our Beautyfull Future, the intimacy, the ordinariness, and gloomy dreaminess of his body of work struck me. This show consisted of a collection of less known portraits of the artist and was presented at CC projects in the NYC in the Summer of 2019. Before going to this exhibition I had not seen Daivde Sorrenti’s work and was also barely aware of the influential ‘heroin chic’ movement that made up the 90s and is often related to Sorrenti’s work. Although the photographer died at the age of 21, not of a heroin dose as commonly suspected, he produced several bodies of work, most famously his fashion campaign for Calvin Klein but also other shoots for big fashion brands. 
Both Our Beautyfull Future, a personal archive, memoir and commemoration of Sorrenti’s personal portraits and his later fashion shoots, carry a heavy sense of intimacy, a dreaminess, a sensuality that evoke emotions associated with youth, growing up and love, which Sorrenti achieves through the closeness to his subjects, his selection of soft colour schemes and blurry focus. However, the primary feature that separates Our Beautyfull Future and Sorrrenti’s advertisement campaigns is, as might seem obvious, the artist’s intention, the nature of the images being personal compared to commercial and therefore the audience. Although the aesthetic quality of images in both bodies of work, therefore, is common, the intention, audience and therefore the exhibition and presentation of the images differs. 
The collection of images  from Our Beautyfull Future was exhibited in a basement in the eastvillage. The choice of location as well as the combination of images and archive clips, display including personal notebooks, contact sheets as well as several collages work together to make this body of work feel like a personal archive, a loving memoir, a painful, beautiful and extremely honest insight into Davide Sorrenti’s personal life. The selection of images are dominated by portraits of his lover Jamie King, his friends as well as himself. The conversation of these images work together to build a persona that defies the image of Sorrenti as a perpretator of drugs and what had been come to known as the ‘heroin-chic’. In an interview with Vogue, Sorrenti’s mother, who released a book with her son’s work this past Friday, said that Davide would tell her “Ma, it’s a dream world, it’s melancholic, it’s my spirit.”. 
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Image 1 - Self-Portrait
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Image 2 - Jamie, 1997
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Image 3 - Untitled
All three of the images shown above are from this body of work, and in my opinion they perfectly encapsulate Sorrenti’s style and vision. The mellow colours - green, white and blue speak to the dreaminess he himself describes. In all of the three images below the subject reflects a sense of uncertainity, pain and perhaps even a longing for something. This is primarily down through the expression, the lack of gaze, the slight blur but also through the interaction of background and foreground, which twists the ordinariness of the situations in which Sorrenti finds himself. What makes these images even more ambiguous is the knowledge about Sorrenti’s death at the age of 20 due to his sickness. I think the images themselves, as well as the elements of the exhibition work together to create a viewing experience that seems like a dream itself. Walking down the stairs into a dark basement in the east village that is completely whitewashed and seems so intimate and private. Image number 2 lovingly depicts Sorrenti”s girlfriend Jamie King who is smoking a cigarette in their apartment and whose arm is in motion and therefore slightly blurry and almost illuminated. The picture itself reveals a personal scene, a personal interiority that feels tender. Looking at these images feels painful because the viewer recognises the incredible talent of Sorrenti and the knowledge of his early death and troubled years of youth. Trouble that was not self-inflicted in his use of drugs as commonly depicted by the mainstream. 
On the other hand, the second body of work I have chosen is commercial in nature, and therefore although very intimate in its explicity and  sensuality, it is less directly personal. The three images shown below all have a similar dreamy, faded colour scheme to them. The compositions are simple. the sbjects themselves. They all feel like they are revealing the subjects’s most inner layer because of the vulnerable positions Sorrenti places them in. 
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Image 4 - Marc Jacobs Commercial, 1997
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Image 5 - Unknown
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Image 6 - Frankie Sleeping
The Three Marc Jacobs Images speak to the contrasting feature of artist intention and reception. In contrast to an exhibition that occurs years after Sorrenti’s death and seems like a loving memory, these early fashion images are advertisements. They are intended to sell a brand. I think that Sorrenti beautifully keeps his aesthetic, simple, almost ordinary style. Sorrenti seems incredibly comfortable in his depictions. The fact that he grew up with a family who worked in the fashion world definitely explains the effectiveness of his simple, dream-like shoots. 
Both bodies of work feel intimate, painful and personal however the approach taken to reveal Sorrenti’s emotions, intentions, visions differs. Overall I think all of Sorrenti’s images seem like they could be from a dream, they seem sad, vulnerable but are beautifully honest in doing so. I think Sorrenti did not have an easy life, he had to get blood infusions every few weeks due to a serious illness - an illness that ended up killing him at age 20. The illness seems to resonate in his experience and perception - which is why I read the images themselves as very touching and painful.  Sorrenti’s images are not glossy, do not glorify or romanticise, they reveal the harsh reality of life itself even in his fashion shoots, which makes it almost a little unsettling even though the composition of the images are simple and the colours schemes and framing devices are very minimalistic. 
- Olivia Kassaei
-Holgate, Mark. “Davide Sorrenti's Mother Reflects on Her Late Son, Whose Photography She's Anthologized in a New Book.” Vogue, Vogue, 6 Nov. 2019
-Dazed. “Vanina Sorrenti on How Davide Sorrenti's Beautiful Photos Changed the World.” Dazed, 13 Nov. 2019, www.dazeddigital.com/art-photography/article/46789/1/vanina-sorrenti-on-how-davide-sorrenti-beautiful-photos-changed-the-world.
-Helmore, Edward. “'Heroin Chic' and the Tangled Legacy of Photographer Davide Sorrenti.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 23 May 2019, www.theguardian.com/fashion/2019/may/23/heroin-chic-and-the-tangled-legacy-of-photographer-davide-sorrenti.
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wibley-wobley-timey-wimey · 8 years ago
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Hey guys!
Two of my closest friends and I decided a while ago to cosplay Viktor, Yuuri and Yurio from @beanpots beautyfull Day and Night AU.
Aaaand since I promised to share our progress… I think I should start with the awesome and beautyfull fabrics I purchased.
I am going to be Yuuri, since I fell hopelesly in love with the design and Yuuris character is closest to mine. He is just so precious! 😚
Yeah so I’ve decided to use lots of different fabribcs, like 3 different shades of blue for example. I just think the costume will look much more interessting that way. So I purchased 8 meters darkblue satin, 2 meters black chiffon, 4 meters royalblue chiffon, 3 meters silver crystal organza and 1 meter black satin with a nice almost oriantal pattern and last but not least 1 meter of that stuning braid.
Fun fact: It was actually my Viktor who was so kind to buy the nice black fabric and the braid, since she was at a fabric market at that time. I got a message from her saying “How do you like the fabric and the braid?” And I was like “That looks great! Please buy it for me.” And she wrote back: “I already bought it 10 minutes ago! :D” Yeeah thats a devoted husband xD
Okay, so there are only 8 meters black satin and 8 meters darkblue chiffon missing. I am going to buy that either this month or the next. And than I guess I am ready to start sewing. I am very exited, since I am going to pour a lot of love in that cosplay. There are going to be glitter and LEDs and lots and lots and lots of rhinestones.
Okay, so thats it for now. I don’t know if thats really interesting or boring to you guys, so I guess I cut it for today.
Cheers and stay lovely 😚
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dear--charlie · 8 years ago
Dear Charlie,
I’m Flo, 17 and from Germany. Sry for my englisch. I’m texting you because I need someone to tell my stuff which pulls me down. I don’t know how else to tell. My best friend is very close to me and I love and trust her more than anyone else and I need her to stay the day but I can’t tell the deep shit… But I have to tell or it’s just killing me. Sry for this boring text. I hope may one people is interested in me.
Ok. Everything went bad when I was 1 year. My mom just left my dad. She had nothing. We moved into a shitty house. There she met her new husband. He’s an asshole and so a disgusting perve. They were jobless. Than one day it really went bad. My stepdad (I call him: Fickfehler = Someone which born was a failure.) abused me. I was fucking 6 years old. He did it for a long time till my mother trust me to take a bath alone. I was 8 or like that. I had to shut up. We went to McDonald’s or ToyRus so often. But why mom didn’t listen? She was drunk like she always was. All the day. She hadn’t better things to do. I’m supriesed that everything was clean and we had food. So I gain weight. Evryone in school hate me. I was wierd. I felt how they hate me. Noone talked to me. They hit me. Just for Fun. They called me embrassing names. I hated school. I hated every single day. At the secondary school I was so numb I stoped care about all the insults. I stoped care about everything. I just sat at home and had to hear my mom drinking. They had bad arguments. I was so afraid sometimes. He knocked on my door. He shout to my sister. He shout to me. I wanted to kill him but my mom was so happy. And I love her so fucking much that I just beared it. Once he throwed an ashtray made of glas. He hit me on my knee. Televison wasn’t a good escape anymore. I wanted to take drugs. There I was 11. As I was 12 I started smoking. 10 cigaretts an day. Some days later a clasemate screamed it in class as she saw my cigaretts in my pencilcase. I took them from my mother. Goldfield. A very cheap brand. Yea, the teacher talked to me… and I told him what my stepdad did. I don'g know why I told him but I had to. At the same day I went to a children’s home. I just went to school and than I sat at my room and did nothing special. Playing some XBox360 or Nintendo. The children’s home closed two months later. I went to another. They I met my first big love. He was a boy. I was so confused because of what my stepdad did. I’m still in beeing gay. I don’t fucking know why I love boys. But I don’t like having sex whit a boy or even a girl. It’s ok for me don’t have sex. Ok I never had sex with love. It was always a fuck thing. Friendship +. After a month I went into the psychiatry. My head fucked up quickly. I started cuting my arms an legs. Not deep, but it was the beginning of something very worse. From the psychiatry I was send to a new children’s home. A new city. New people which don’t like me. No one ever liked me. I don’t even liked myself. I started hating people. At the new children’s home I really fucked up. My brain gone crazy abd sad abd idk how to explaine. I started feeling empty inside. Then the persons from the children’s home desided I have to go to a familie in spain. Short: They hit me, they fucked me, made me feel even worse. There I tried lighter gas to get high. Had 3 suicide trys. If they hadn’t noticed it I weren’t here today. I beared it 2 and a half years ther till I freacked out an destroyed there house. Then evry thing went good. My mom still is in love with her husband but he can’t walk anymore #karma. At the moment I really want to kill myself. My legs are to short, I’m fat, I’m starting getting a bald heard. The past is still haunting me and I’m just down. I’m working in an House for old persons. Its ok. Its a level I can handel with but I’m still feeling bad and I’m alone. I wasn’t called beautyfull anytime… Noone will love me and I’m tired of live.
May you read all but I didn’t expect it. It’s boring i know and may i’m a bit to tragial but I’m not feeling good.
Sry for my grammar and if I got some failure.
And how are you?
I don’t know how to end a letter or a email im englisch sry.
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