#hes probably a third year while kouta is a first year
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reread chapter 340 bc i was tryna figure out if mirko was in there and realized my pookiebear the stitched boy was right next to kota in this panel so obviously i just had to burst into tears and explode spontaneously

horikoshi when i get u … btw im tryna figure out a name for him and the only idea i got is sumizome yubieki (墨染め 指液 with sumizome being his last name) bc of what we saw of his quirk, but since his quirk was exactly what made his family lock him up since it was so different from theirs idk 😓😓
#horikoshi !!!#drop more stitched boy mha content#and my life is yours !!!#im being so fr rn#hes my SON#watch me obsess over this background character for like the next 5 months#him and kota are besties ive decided#mha#bnha#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#kota izumi#mha chapter 430#the stitched boy mha#btw im not rlly sure if hes the same age as kota tbh#like he looks a couple years older than him when we first see him ?#he could js be taller but#he was malnourished so i wouldnt think so#hes probably a third year while kouta is a first year
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January 1: New Year’s Day.
The parade of well-wishers had waned, and no further hospitality duties were left in its wake. Today was Yoruichi’s birthday proper, but he’d already given his gift early, lest she opt to enjoy it in sunnier climes.
...but she hadn’t. She was still here; he’d noticed her reiatsu spiking some time afterwards.
He couldn’t land on a conclusion to draw from this. Other than the perplexed look he’d received from her when he gave it, he had little to go on. He’d surprised her — of that he was certain. —Which was fair, since he’d rather surprised himself with his forwardness. But for his part, he’d given up a burden he’d been carrying, and since then, he’d been feeling lighter than he’d felt in some time. So if she spurned his efforts, or simply shrugged them off, well — at least he’d tried.
Still, the shape and tone of that reiatsu...
He’d kept himself distracted for the most part, occasionally intruding on Jinta’s batting practice and Ururu’s Minecrafting, or wearing out his welcome with Tessai in the kitchen. He’d briefly encountered Kouta on his way to to give Yoruichi a gift, but if there were others, he’d managed to stay out of their way. He tried reading, but after the third time his eyes had traversed the same page without his mind absorbing any meaning, he slipped Soi Fon’s omamori into the trade journal for a bookmark and set it aside. Should he...? No, no... he’d said what he’d wanted to say; if she had something to tell him in return, she would... wouldn’t she...? He could make use of Shinji’s gift and spend a little quality time with Benihime, but he wasn’t certain he really wanted an earful from her just now... with a mental apology, he resolved instead to tinker in the workshop. He was certain some of his equipment must desperately want a thorough disassembly and cleaning. The ambience was quiet, save for the music playing on loop in his head. Many times I tried to tell you..... Let me build a bridge, for I cannot fill the chasm......
His Aifōn chirped an alert and drew him out of his reverie. He withdrew it from his pocket; lips pressed together as he peered at the notifications of Yoruichi’s movements... he’d forgotten he’d left those on for testing. Brows knit in a vaguely guilty frown, he opened up the settings and deliberately switched them off, then stowed the device.
Late that evening — family dinner long done, dishes cleared away, a kaiju movie double-feature finished — found him gone to bed, though sleep was eluding him. He was having nominal success reading through the earlier-attempted article, idly fingering the green and white silk omamori, when he heard the shop door downstairs slide open, and the thud of boots dropping to the adjacent mat. He rested the magazine on his abdomen for a long moment and listened to his own breathing, eyes boring through the ceiling. Finally his gaze turned to read the bedside table clock. It was still the first; not quite midnight yet—
Swiftly he swung his legs out of the futon and sat up. The success charm was thrust between the pages and and he tossed the journal to the floor, stood, hastily threw on his faded old striped yukata, and bounded downstairs, bent on an intercept course.
“Yoruichi, you’re back!” he greeted breathlessly, rounding the corner. “I hoped to wish you a happy birthday while it was still the day of—” His feet slowed to a halt as he apprehended her. She was still in her Celty helmet... a previous gift — if ‘gift’ could refer to something that had been demanded of him. It rendered her expression inscrutable, but her bearing was... anything but content. If she'd been like this all day— His tone flooded with warm concern. "Am I... too late?” Fingers fiddled idly with the sash of his yukata; his pulse filled in the silence ringing in his ears, and he belatedly realized that he’d prepared nothing further to say. Finally, his eyes alighting on the purple brocade clutched in her fist, he thought to add, softly: “That was left for you — probably Soi Fon; she gave me one like it... considerate of her, wasn’t it?”
#nightbeatcat#[[ welp ]]#waspandr#[[ appropriate gifts are appropriate#Yoruichi deserves happiness ]]
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Hellsing Liveblog, Ch.11-13

This is the “Balance of Power” arc.

One of the things that frustrated me about the Hellsing TV anime (as opposed to the Hellsing Ultimate version) was that the TV series aired while the manga was still running, and it seemed to struggle between following the source material or just diverging into all new stories. I think if Gonzo had made up their minds one way or the other, it would have ended up a better show. Instead, there were all these filler scenes of Seras training with human soldiers, which seemed like an utter waste of the character’s time. Worse, this meant the human soldiers featured much more prominently than they ever did in the manga, where they all get killed off by Chapter 9 or something. And if you know that’s coming, like I did, it makes the human soldiers that much more insufferable, because you know dorks like Farguson aren’t going to matter, but they get tons of screen time anyway. Farguson is like every episode of Dragon Ball GT condensed into a single character.
Here, in the original manga, it’s pretty clear that the soldiers never mattered, because the only time you ever see them is when Jan Valentines’ ghoul army slaughters them all. They only existed so Integra would have something to be in charge of, but the only ones who actually matter here are herself, Alucard, Seras, and Walter. In this chapter, Walter practically admits as much, when he states that there were 96 staff members, and now we’re down to ten: Walter, Integra, and eight jabrones who weren’t at the base that day. Well, maybe those eight guys will show up later and do something important? Bullshit they will, they never get mentioned again. The Gonzoverse might have been able to break some new ground by focusing on those human characters more, but what they actually did was half-assed, and it looks all the more futile when you know how unimportant they are to the original work. Walter just hires a band of mercenaries to backfill all the vacant positions, and I’ll give you three guesses what happens to those guys.

Concerning “Millennium”, their mysterious new enemy, no one has any idea what they are. A bunch of people try to research it, because we didn’t have Google in 1999, or at least not Google as we now know it, so if you wanted to know something cryptic you just had to rummage through a card catalog in a library or whatever. But Integra just makes the logical leap that “Millennium” is a reference to the “Thousand Year Reich” dreamed of by Nazi Germany. This seems like a stretch, but I think Integra’s reasoning is that this is the only “Millennium” reference that could possibly be worth Hellsing’s attention.

Later, Integra meets the Wild Geese, the merc group Walter hired, and explains their assignment even referencing the Bram Stoker novel. So I guess Dracula is a real book in the Hellsing world, but it must be at least partially based on a true story, right? The Geese don’t buy any of this, so Integra introduces them to Seras to prove that vampires are real.

They all laugh at Seras until she starts flicking their leader, Pip Bernadotte, with her fingers. Then Alucard shows up, and that seems to be enough to convince them.

After this, Integra gets a letter from the Iscariot Organization, inviting her to a meeting with Enrico Maxwell at the Imperial War Museum. The whole thing introduces Bishop Maxwell very effectively. He tries to play this off as a peaceful, diplomatic conference, but he makes Integra wait, and she’s still sore about Anderson’s violation of their treaty back in Chapter 5-6. Maxwell takes all this in stride, then replies that he could care less about the deaths of even two billion Protestants, so the two guys Anderson killed mean nothing to him. He’s only here because the Pope ordered him to do this, and he calls Integra a “Protestant sow” for good measure.
At this, Alucard comes out to stand up for Integra’s honor, and then Maxwell responds by bringing out Anderson, except Anderson has a berzerker rage thing going, so it kind of ruins Maxwell’s posturing. For all his contempt, he really was ordered to London to talk to Integra, so he’d probably get in trouble with the Pope if Anderson starts a big superhero battle in a museum.

In Cross Fire, the unpublished manga that was sort of a precursor to Hellsing, Maxwell looked a lot like Sir Integra does now, so when Kouta Hirano brought him back for this arc, he slicked his hair back and removed his glasses. On the other hand, Integra doesn’t look much like the early Integra anymore either. By now, Hirano seems to have settled on her design, straightening her hair out and making her face longer and thinner. Anyway, Maxwell’s brinkmanship has backfired, and now even he can’t stop Anderson, so what can be done?

Luckily, Seras is here to provide a distraction, as she leads a tour group of elderly Japanese tourists through the gallery. For some reason this kills Anderson’s fighting mood completely, so he leaves. Alucard also leaves, because he hates being up during the day. Walter gives Seras a hearty thumbs up for defusing this tense situation. Good job, Seras. You’re doing amazing, sweetie.

All right, so what’s so blamed important that the Pope would send Maxwell to London? Well, he knows about Millennium’s attack on Hellsing’s base, and he has some juicy deets on them. After making Integra say “please”, he explains that “Millennium” was a Nazi military unit responsible for transferring resources and personnel for Nazi Germany. They relocated a ton of these resources and personnel to South America for safe keeping. Integra’s not too impressed with that, since “Nazis fleeing to South America after the war” isn’t exactly a shocking revelation.
The twist here, though, is that Millennium was smuggling Nazi stuff to South America during World War II.

Also, the Vatican helped Millennium do this? I never understood this part of the story, but I think it gets explained later. I mean, it explains how Maxwell would have this lead to share with Hellsing, but it raises more questions than answers.

Volume 2 ends with another chapter of Cross Fire, starring Heinkel Wolfe and Yumiko Takagi. In the first story, they saved hostages from Islamic terrorists. This one is them recovering stolen church money from radical communists, which I guess could have been a thing in 1998? It’s basically the same story, though, as they send Yumiko to infiltrate the bad guys, then they slaughter everyone in sight. Mostly, I want to focus on the part at the end, where Maxwell, the leader of Iscariot, justifies the use of extreme hyper-violence in the name of the Catholic Church. You sort of get the sense that the Iscariot Organization in Cross Fire was a concept in search of a villain. the idea of two girl-assassins dressed as a nun and a priest might have had some traction, but Hirano really seems to have had trouble coming up with worthy enemies for them to fight. But Hellsing brings vampires into the mix, which suits the Iscariots quite nicely.

Back to “Balance of Power”, the third part features Seras training with the Wild Geese in the middle of the night. For some reason, Seras expects them to shoot targets from over 4km away. She can do it, but only thanks to the vampiric senses Alucard showed her how to use. It’s like she doesn’t realize that this is an ability she only has because she’s a vampire or something.

Indoors, Alucard and Walter discuss the whole Nazi angle. Al isn’t terribly surprised, because he only knows three who have ever used undead warriors for combat.
1) Hellsing
2) Himself
3) The Nazis.
He knows #3 is legit, because he and Walter destroyed a Nazi research facility during the war. Supposedly that contained all their work on the undead, but now that we know Millennium was smuggling important stuff from Nazi Germany to South America, it only makes sense that they’re the ones who devised the Valentines’ ghoul attack. The bigger point of this scene is to reinforce that Walter used to be a big wheel in Hellsing, teaming up with Alucard to have Golden Age WWII adventures. And now, Hellsing will be sending Alucard and Seras to South America to investigate this new threat.

Here, Walter asks the big question: Why make Seras a vampire? I’ll have more to say about this later, but I dig this scene because it works as an exposition scene, but there’s more to it than that. Alucard’s only apparent motivations are over-the-top violence and doing his master’s bidding. Helping Seras doesn’t seem to fit either of those, so it does indeed feel out-of-character. You’d expect someone to ask this question, and by now there’s really only two people left who know Alucard well: Walter and Integra. So yeah, let’s have Walter ask the question. But later on, it becomes clear that the point is not the question itself, but the fact that Walter is the one asking it.
For what it’s worth, Alucard doesn’t seem to know, or maybe he just doesn’t want to spell it out. He keeps saying that it was her “choice”, except he had to make his own choice that night. He could have just let her die, regardless of any requests she might have made. Al remarks on her tremendous resilience on that night, since she was surrounded by death and hopelessness, but didn’t resign to her fate. That impresses him, so I guess we can say that he chose her because he found her to be such an impressive specimen, in spite of some of her goofier behavior. As it currently stands, Seras can’t even travel across rivers or oceans, a weakness for lesser vampires, but not a problem for Alucard himself. He seems to think that’ll all be resolved once she finally drinks blood, and he expects that it’ll just be a matter of time before she does. Ominous!

As far as transporting Seras to South America, Alucard figures the easiest thing to do is nail her shut in her own coffin. The Wild Geese know a smuggling operation that can fly them to Brazil without any messy customs. That works out, since they also have to transport Alucard’s coffin, and all the guns.
Integra asks why Alucard is dressed like this, and he says he can’t wear his usual stuff because he’d be too obvious to their enemies. Also, he doesn’t need to spend the whole trip in his coffin, because sunlight and traveling over water doesn’t bother him, I guess? I don’t really get the water thing. If Seras can’t travel over running water, what difference does it make if she’s in her coffin or not? I can accept that Alucard, who’s basically a super-vampire, would be immune to the whole water thing, but it becomes a plot point later on, so... aw, forget it

Integra gives Alucard only one order: Search and Destroy, which seems kind of vague when you think about it. Anyway, she’ll be saying this about a hundred times before the story is over, so we may as well appreciate the original.
#2021hellsingliveblog#hellsing#alucard#sir integra hellsing#walter c dornez#seras victoria#enrico maxwell#pip bernadotte#did i forget anyone?#nah i guess that's it
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HellsingAbridged!AU Vampire Tyrian and Watts break into Hellsing's massion, where Alu!Mercury, Seras!Ruby, and SirIntegra!Emerald are. (Basically Ep. 2)
While we do have a no crossover policy going on...I can’t resist this because Mercury as Alucard is perfection because two of my favorite characters as one? Thank you! ~ Green
Yatsu: The following is a fan based parody. Hellsing Ultimate is owned by Kouta Hirano and Studio Madhouse, and licensed by Geneon, Madman Entertainment, Manga Entertainment, and Funimation. Please support the official release... you protestant fuckbucket.
[on phone]
*on the phone*
Sir Emerald: Hello, Mercury. How was your mission in Japan?
Mercury: Eh... I'd say 99... *Switches to zombie at a gate of a high school from the anime, High School Of The Dead* ...point 9 percent done. 'Sup, bitch?
Sir Emerald: I need to talk to you about some important guests coming today.
Mercury: Are they hookers?
Sir Emerald: No.
Mercury: And like that, you've lost me.
Sir Emerald: They're our financial suppliers.
Mercury: Oh man, they have to hate us.
Sir Emerald: They do. That's why they canceled our budget.
Mercury: Oooh, that's bad. We need that, right? Ozpin, we need that right?
Ozpin: Yes, very important.
Mercury: Thank you, Ozpin.
Ozpin: Of course, sir.
Sir Emerald: Over the last couple of years we've had some... expensive claims.
Mercury: Like what?
Sir Emerald: First off, property damage.
*cut scene of an explosion and people running away from OVA 6*
Mercury: Good times.
Sir Emerald: Dozens of noise complaints...
*cut scene to Police Girl and Mercury blasting Nobody by Skindred*
Mercury: Sorry! I can't hear you!
Sir Emerald: Killing at least a dozen innocent people...
Mercury: Oh, so did Anthony Hopkins, and he got a fucking Oscar for it!
Sir Emerald: And... all of the clothes stealing.
Mercury: ...I'm not apologizing.
Sir Emerald: Listen, I know this is asking a lot, but...
Mercury: But...
Sir Emerald: I want you to keep yourself locked in the basement until all of them are gone.
Mercury: ...I get the distinct impression you're embarrassed of me.
Sir Emerald: Mercury.
Mercury: I'm gonna go with no...
Sir Emerald: This is important, and I don't need you causing another scene.
Mercury: I don't have to take this. I'm going for a walk.
Sir Emerald: No you don't!
Mercury: Oh, what are you going to do? Grab that guy who can stop me? What was his name...? Michael McDoesn't-exist?
Sir Emerald: *Sigh* ...What do you want?
Mercury: What?
Sir Emerald: What.. do I need to give you.. to keep you down here for the evening?
Mercury: I'm going to need a new gun. Also, one for the police girl.
Ruby: But I already have a gun!
Mercury: Get that bitch a cannon; Bitches love cannons!
Sir Emerald: Anything else?
Mercury: A seventy-inch plasma widescreen tv.
Sir Emerald: Really?
Mercury: With Netflix.
Sir Emerald: Should it also be 3D?
Mercury: NO! That's a stupid fucking gimmick and everyone knows it!
*scene changes to the board meeting*
Sir Emerald: Hello, gentlemen. Thank you very much for accepting my invitation.
Sir Shelby Penwood Well, considering the direness of your financial security, we thought it was the least we could do.
Sir Emerald: Now before we begin, I was under the impression our budget was handled directly by the queen.
Sir Hugh Irons: Oh, it is, however, we're having a distinctly difficult time justifying some of these expenses.
Sir Shelby Penwood: Most of them under the name... 'Mercury'.
Sir Emerald: *inhale* Continue...
Sir Hugh Irons: For example, some of them were frankly labeled... "entertainment".
Sir Emerald: Entertainment?
Unknown Council Member 1: Quite. Like in my report; Twenty thousand for a... Candi?
Unknown Council Member 2: That's Candi with an 'i', by the way.
Sir Emerald: I see.
Sir Hugh Irons: Not to mention the priceless antique car... I believe the note on the claim was, "I thought I could paint it red, but I couldn't find enough goats, so I scrapped it".
Sir Emerald: So that's why we found my father's car covered in goat blood and rammed into a Dairy Queen.
Sir Shelby Penwood: Oh, yes, and then there's also the Dairy Queen. Sitting at about ninety-five thousand in damages. *rambling*
Sir Emerald: *thinking* I would do fucking anything right now to get out of this.
*cut scene to Tyrian and Watts walking towards gates of building*
Tyrian: And so halfway through kissin' me, the fuckin' escort OD's on heroin!
Watts: I really don't like discussing my ex-girlfriend with you.
Tyrian: I mean, I still finished, but what kind of shit is that?
Watts: For God's sakes, Tyrian, think of Salem!
Tyrian: ...I ain't jerkin' off right now.
Guard: Oi, You two! The grounds are currently closed.
Tyrian: Aw man, that totally sucks! And we came all the way out here with these foreign exchange students on a field trip through England!
Guard: Where from?
*countless machine gun barrels; MP5 Navy+Suppressor, to be exact, appear from the bus*
Tyrian: Texas! *Snaps fingers*
*Sub-Machine gun fire; guards killed*
Tyrian: Aw shit, looks like we need more prayer in schools.
Watts: If you're quite finished, ready the ghouls. I'm going to find Mercury. You overrun the rest of the mansion.
Tyrian: Alrighty! *ghouls begin filing off the bus* Attention all bitches! Off the bus and line up in order. *Readies dual custom P90s* I've got a class assignment for all of y'all!!
*cut scene back to the board meeting*
Unknown: And while the mime did survive, he'll never walk again.
*lights cut off*
Unknown 2: That's funny, we weren't cutting the power just yet.
Sir Emerald: Oh, shit...
*dials phone*
Sir Interga: Front desk report. What's going on?
Front Desk: Oh um yeah, hold on, just give me a second... whoa. Oh, yeah, it's ghouls. Definitely, definitely... *ghoul snarls* OH MY GOD!
*phone disconnects*
Sir Shelby Penwood: Sir Emerald, do something!
Sir Emerald: Calm down! We have over one hundred trained guards on the premises at all times. We have everything under control.
Unknown: What was that?
Sir Emerald: That was probably the escape chopper exploding. As I was saying, let me just contact communications and get an update.
*dials phone*
Sir Emerald: Communications, come in! We need a full report.
Man On Phone/Communications: *weeping*
Tyrian: Read the fucking paper.
Man On Phone: Hey there, Emerald,
Tyrian: Read it fucking RIGHT, cockhole!! *Clubs Communications just as he says Right!*
Man On Phone: Hey there... you... fat English trollop!
Tyrian: That's more like it, now keep goin'!
Man On Phone: Me.. and my big brother Watts... are killing... all of your men... and turning them into ghouls. So... I... hope... you've made peace... with yourself... 'cause when I find you... I'm gonna... oh god!
Tyrian: Keep reading, or I shoot the other testicle!!
Man On the Phone: Cause when I find you, I'm gonna sting every hole you've got! And then I'm gonna just keep making more holes to sting, until there's nothing left but your riddled corpse full of blood... and venom! Oh god, this is horrible!
Tyrian: You ain't finished yet!
Man On the Phone: So prepare your dried-up quim... for my huge vampire stinger. Now, pardon me, while I blow this bitch ass ginger's brains out -- OH GOD NO-!!!
Tyrian: *laughing* His fucking face, man! Oh-ho ho ho fuck!! Oh, now that shit is priceless!
*hangs up phone*
Sir Emerald: Mercury, get up here now! I'm locked in with the committee on the third floor and...
Mercury: Listen, I'm going to have to stop you right there. You see, I'm under direct orders from my boss, who is a total bitch by the way *gives off an aroused grunt*, that I am not to leave this room until such time as the committee has left the building. I was even bribed. Imagine that...
Sir Emerald: Mercury, you vampiric asshole, I will --
Mercury: Sounds great, but I'm gonna have to go now, I've just queued up an episode of Adventure Time on Netflix. Bye~...
*Adventure Time sound clip, phone hanging up, Emerald snaps her cigar in utter anger*
Sir Emerald: Ozpin!
*cut scene to mansion; Watts slaughters four guards and picks up a phone call*
Watts: Hello, Tyrian.
Tyrian: So, how's my favorite big brother doing?
Watts: Oh, you know, just killed a group of guards...
Tyrian: Shit, bro, you too? What's your kill count at? Nah, don't tell me. *observes countless dead guards and the ghouls feasting upon them* I'm winnin'.
Watts: *Opens said passageway up* They were guarding a secret passageway downstairs. Not really keeping it a secret if you keep a bunch of armed guards standing around it.
Tyrian: Well, you have fun with that, bro. I'm gonna go skull-fuck that Hellsing bitch... And the old guys... Ah, fuck it. Skull-fuckin' for everyone!! Come here, ghoul!!
*ghoul moaning. Watts hangs up and smiles wryly*
Watts: Well, you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.
*cut back to board meeting*
Sir Emerald: Alright, Ozpin and his assistant should be here any second now..
Sir Shelby Penwood: But if there's no way to get upstairs, how are they going to -- aaaghh! aaghh!
*Ozpin and Police Girl fall from ceiling, accidentally knocking Shelby over.*
Ozpin: Tally ho!
Sir Emerald: Good to see you, Ozpin.
Ozpin: Of course, sir.
Sir Emerald: The first two floors have been entirely overrun. Communications with the outside have been cut off. We lost all of our men, and Mercury is being --
Ozpin: Mercury?
Sir Emerald: A total ass, yes. Now tell me, do you have any plans?
Ozpin: Of course, sir. I shall do exactly as the butler does, and tidy up.
*cut to mansion hall, Tyrian marching down it with his army of ghouls*
Tyrian: I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. Though if I give a shit, I might just give a fuck, but I don't give a shit, so I don't give a...
(Ghouls are suddenly slaughtered.)
Tyrian: ...fuck was that?
Ozpin: Hello, my name is Ozpin C. Dornez. Ex-Vampire hunter and butler to the Hellsing organization. I answer the door, I clean up the estate, and I take out the trash. And I also kill self-entitled little twats like yourself.
Tyrian: Well ain't you just the textbook fuckin definition of classy, but guess what, Jeeves, that garrote wire won't do shit for dick against armor this thick. What's that, Alfred, how thick is it? Well, half as thick as my dick, so thick enough that you need a fucking anti-tank rifle to pierce it, and I don't even see a piece on your wrinkly old ass.
Ozpin: Police girl, if you may.
*Zoom cut to Police Girl with said anti-tank rifle at the other end of the hallway*
Ruby: BITCHES LOVE CANNONS! *Fires rifle and kills several ghouls*.
Tyrian: Oh fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle. OH FUCK, THAT'S AN ANTI-TANK RIFLE!!! *Gets shot*
*cuts to Mercury watching Adventure Time; Watts breaks through the wall, destroying the plasma TV*
Mercury: That was a seventy-inch... plasma screen TV. *inhales* So, how can I help you?
Watts: You must be the great Mercury.
Mercury: S'uuup?
Watts: I've heard quite a lot about you.
Mercury: Oh, really?
Watts: The night walker... who glides through oceans of blood. Beyond human, a monster whose power radiates with a darkness that casts a shadow on darkness itself --
Mercury: Oh, you dirty bitch, work the shaft!
Watts: Ex-cuse you..?
Mercury: Oh, I'm sorry, I like to dirty talk when someone's sucking my dick.
Watts: ...Perhaps I should just skip to my point. My name is Watts.
Mercury: And I'm Carmen Sandiego. Guess where I am!
Watts: I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you here...
Mercury: Oh, so am I, and I'm failing, and I'm sorry for that. It's just that I'm so agitated; because this blond little shit strolled into my room, destroyed my seventy-inch, plasma TV, and is trying to impress me like I'm his alcoholic father.
*Watts dashed towards Mercury, Watts’ modified M1 Garand and Mercury's Jackal Pistol pointed at each other's heads at the ready*
Mercury: Be a sport and grab daddy another beer, would you~?
*Watts fires at Mercury in the head*
*cut back to Tyrian, Ozpin, Police Girl, with the ghouls all defeated. Police Girl has Tyrian pinned to the ground in an arm bar hold.*
Ruby: Arm bars everywhere!
Tyrian: Let me go, you stupid bitch!
Ozpin: That's quite impressive, where did you learn that hold?
Ruby: Oh wow, it's almost like I'm a police girl or something!
Ozpin: Sarcasm is unbecoming of you.
Tyrian: Wow, gee willickers, mister, I sure am sorry for slaughterin' all your guards, and tearin' up your mansion. I promise I've learned my le- *Ozpin stomps on Tyrian's hand* Aw, fuck! Take a joke, asshole!
Ozpin: And everything you say just pisses me off! Now you're going to tell me everything I want to know.
Tyrian: Alright, alright... what you do, is you go down to the local pharmacy, ask for something called Viagra, and it will help you go fuck yourself!
*Ozpin loses his patience and prepares his wires, but then more ghouls appear and Tyrian breaks out of the submission hold*
Tyrian: And now, for the upcoming company picnic! *Presents an army of former Hellsing employees now turned into ghouls.* Unfortunately, all your douchebag co-workers are bringing is their own rotten flesh! Still better than potato salad, if you ask me. Now if'n you don't mind, *Jumps over the two of them* I'm-a go eat that Hellsing bitch!
Ozpin: I've got your arm! *Tears off Tyrian's right arm with his wire*
*Tyrian laughs maniacally as he busts opens the door, frowning as the Council members draw their guns*
Tyrian: Well, that's not fair at all.
Sir Emerald: I'm sorry, *Draws her Sig P226 as she quips* we don't give a fuck!
*Rapid gunfire tears Tyrian to shreds. Tyrian screams (and curses) in surprise and pain*
Tyrian: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck... agh! Fuck! *Slumps against a wall* Where the fuck did my ghouls go??
Ozpin: Oh, they've been dealt with.
*Ruby, in a blood rage, slaughters ghouls; Dragula by Rob Zombie plays in the background*
Tyrian: Well, at least I'm gonna die with a raging boner...
Sir Emerald: All right, shit for brains, you're going to spill every single thing you know, or I'm going to have Ozpin here peel your dick like a banana!
Tyrian: *Laughing* I don't know what's fuckin' funnier; the fact that you think that your titless ass intimidates me, or that you think my boss would let me live if you did! *Is suddenly enveloped in blue fire, ala a Dr. Merlot; as he declares* AND NOW I'M ON FUCKING FIRE! SO NOW IT'S FREE GAME! The one who sent me... WAS... NAZIS!
*Tyrian burns to Ashes, leaving only his hand flipping the bird.*
Sir Emerald: I heard George Lucas. Who else heard George Lucas?
Ozpin: I heard Miami Heat.
Ruby: I heard the Motley Crue with my vampire hearing.
Sir Emerald: Wait a second... where's the big brother?
*Back at Mercury's room, Mercury is clearly outmatched by Watts(at least that's what he's making it look like).*
Watts: You can't touch me, I was hand-crafted to kill you. My speed, my stamina, my power all rival, nay, dwarf yours! In comparison to you, I am a demi-god!!
(A Brief silence, as our "hero" registers what was just said.)
Mercury: ...Really? Really.
Watts: Really.
Mercury: Really?
Watts: Really!
Mercury: *Excitedly* REALLY?!
Watts: Really!!
Mercury: Release Restraint, level one.
Watts: Level what? *As in the Cromwell seal restriction has been lifted to level one; Totally not Kaio-Ken, for obvious reasons.*
*Watts loses a leg, thanks to the "dwarfed" Mercury's Jackal, fired ala Baskerville the Big Black Dog. God of War theme plays.*
Watts: Aaagh, aagh, fuck!
Mercury: You know, they say that TV makes you violent, but I say that not having my TV is making me pretty fucking violent!!
*Mercury's shoots his Jackal Pistol at Luke's OTHER leg, blowing the said, right leg clean off.*
Watts: AAAAAOOOOUGH-!!! *thinking* I'm near the stairs! Gotta get to the stairs! If I could just get up the stairs, I... *Suddenly sees just how long said stairs really are, much to his dismay.* Aaaaaw, fuck...!
Mercury: Come on! You were talking all of that good shit a second ago, then I blew your fucking legs off!!
Watts: But, I... you... what the fuck?!
Mercury: What's wrong "demi-god"? Just grow back your legs! *As he SMASHES the leg in his hand* Summon up your demons! Hit me! FIGHT ME!!! ...Give me a hug~!
Watts: Really...? *Baskerville the AFOREMENTIONED Big Black Dog descends upon him as a certain soon-to-be bloody Valentine cries: * OH GOD NO-!!!
*Cut to conference room phone, as the committee members and Emerald listen to Watts being violently eaten alive. By the Big Black Dog. Emerald smiles wryly.*
Mercury (on speakerphone): We're here on Epic Meal Time!! I'm the sauce boss, and tonight, we're eating this blond little wannabe demi-god bitch!
Sir Shelby Penwood: Who... is that, exactly?
Sir Emerald: Oh, that's Mercury, the one we talked about earlier. This is what happens when he has to entertain himself. Oh, so what was that issue with our funding?
Sir Shelby Penwood: Issue?
Sir Hugh Irons: What issue?
Sir Shelby Penwood: I don't see an issue!
Sir Jacques Schnee: Shut up and take our money!!!
(Back at Emerald's room)
Mercury: Ah, and just like that, everything turned out alright in the end.
Sir Emerald: Yes, everything turned out just fine, except that ninety percent of our staff were killed, turned into ghouls, then killed again by the police girl in a blood rage.
Ruby: What's a blood rage, and why don't I remember anything?
Mercury: Oh, that reminds me, for whatever reason, did we ever find out who sent them?
*Brief Pause once again.*
Mercury: It was the Nazis, wasn't it?
Sir Emerald: No!
Mercury: Bet you I'm right!
Sir Emerald: Bet you you're wrong!
Mercury: Bet you you're a skank~!
Sir Emerald: Bet you you're an asshole!
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BnHA Chapter 184: JP Hero Billboard Chart
Previously on BnHA: We spent the whole chapter enjoying the cultural festival. Class B entertained with a fantasy play that drew inspiration from no fewer than four separate intellectual properties, proving that it’s not just Monoma who likes to copy stuff. Hounddog handed out some of the most terrifying discipline we’ve seen since Orca’s EXTRA GUIDANCE. Eri regaled Deku with her enthusiastic recap of the concert in vivid detail including sound effects and both Deku and Mirio were thrilled to see her so happy. Those jerk upperclassmen from before apologized for their bad attitude. Everyone was grateful to class 1-A for lifting the school’s spirits. Hadou won the Miss Con competition at long last. Bakugou conquered the warped wall. Shinsou traumatized several class A students for life. Mei successfully wowed people with the support team expo and then promptly passed out afterward. Deku presented Eri with a handmade candy apple and bid her farewell. And lastly, over at the police station, the cops processed Gentle and La Brava and seemed to be taking steps to rehabilitate them. All in all it was the most wholesome chapter ever and I’m almost sorry to see this arc end, but the plot must go on.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa brings Eri back to U.A. and is all “oh yeah by the way, she lives here now.” We learn that Tokoyami interned with a hero named Hawks and YOU ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS. The Pussycats visit the 1-A dorms and announce that they’re coming off their hiatus and that Ragdoll will be supporting them as an OL which is some bullshit but at least she’s okay. Pixie-Bob explains that shockingly, All for One was not inclined to just give her quirk back just like that! We learn that the JP Hero Billboard Chart, the organization that ranks active heroes, will be presenting the new official rankings -- the first without All Might -- shortly. Right now, in fact! We then travel to Kamino for the live presentation. The top 10 heroes are introduced, the highlights of which are Ryuukyuu at #10, Kamui Woods at #7, my new bunny fave Miruko at #5, Edgeshot at #4, Best Finest Elite Superlative Jeanist at #3, and THAT MAN, Hawks, at #2. Oh and Endeavor at #1. With a new suit. I WONDER WHO THIS ARC IS GOING TO BE ABOUT.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 207 now, so any ETAs will reflect that. Just to clarify real quick, my stopping right smack dab in the middle of my boy’s big fight isn’t by choice, lol. I’ve been sick for the past few days, but I’m finally starting to feel a bit better, so hopefully I’ll have the energy to resume soon.)

maybe I should READ THE CHAPTER and find out. hmmm
anyway so November is ending! that means we’re entering December! which also means I think Bakugou is going to get a new costume soon! and also he and Todoroki have only one month left before they get to retake their exam oh gosh. so much excitement so little time

(ETA: and he says “U.A.” but we all know it’s really just him. I don’t see anyone else from the school stepping up. Aizawa it’s okay you can admit that you’re completely incapable of turning your back on a child in need and so you stepped in and took responsibility for her and only afterward actually went and asked Rat Principal if it was okay and thankfully he said yes because he’s also a pretty cool guy. just like you. my god I love you)

Nejire put her hair in pigtails omggggg
and Tsuyu, she is your sister now. GET USED TO IT
so now Aizawa and Mirio are leaving her with Tamaki and Nejire and calling the 1-As outside to talk
so they found out that Eri was abandoned by her parents, and that her grandpa is the comatose Precepts boss
and Mirio says that her horn, which you recall had shrunk quite a bit after the Overhaul battle, started to grow again recently. although it’s still pretty small
so they figured U.A. would be the safest environment for her, rather than a foster home

(ETA: btw Mangastream’s translation says “teachers’ dormitory” rather than lounge, which makes a great deal more sense)
oh my god. he cares so much. obviously it’s not something he had to do, but he obviously grew fond of her and knew it was going to be the best option for her
so now you have a six-year-old daughter, Aizawa. good thing your twenty other kids can help babysit
and also this guy!

so Mirio is now a full-time live-in nanny. I approve

but that’s not to say that this the only reason he’s doing this. that will be the happiest ending but he still loves her regardless

“it’s been a while since we did anything gay, Mirio. how bout it”

yes. pretty neat
now Aizawa is asking if the third years can take Eri for a little bit. I guess he has to go and take care of some teacher things. he’s such a busy guy
Mirio says they’re happy to, and he’s saying they should all play Othello
apparently this is not referring to the Shakespeare play but it’s another name for the board game Reversi. that was really confusing for a sec lol. I’ve never heard of this game before
Deku’s asking if they can join in, but Aizawa’s telling them to go back to the dorms

and now we’re cutting to the dorms and Tokoyami is suddenly sneezing quite forcefully

why is Kiri wearing a button down shirt. are you going on a date. none of your usual suitors seem particularly dressed up
(ETA: and what is going on with Kami and Momo there oh my. you two sure look mighty cozy)
Kaminari is teasing Tokoyami about the old superstition that if you sneeze it means someone’s talking about you somewhere

fuck me, what? Tokofuckingyami interned with the former number three himself and no one fucking said a thing?!
and was this his actual internship or his work study? I wonder how many other kids had actual internships that we didn’t hear a damn thing about
also why does Ochako look about 8 years old in that panel. holy shit her eyes are big
anyway, Toko is flatly saying he doubts he has any fans yet and that it’s too early
and now the door is cracking open and Iida is announcing that their guests are here!
Ragdoll! ❤❤❤ glad to see they didn’t dump you and that you’re keeping your spirits up even after everything that happened
DID THEY BRING KOUTA. THEY SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT KOUTA. he’s probably in school now though. damn
-- NO HE’S HERE!!!

I love that everyone’s so happy to see them and Mina and Hagakure are even running over for hugs. that’s so heartwarming to see, especially given how the camp ended and the scared and sad terms they must have parted on last time
speaking of those events!

it’s nice that he apologized. even though it wasn’t their fault (mostly). but I’m sure Bakugou doesn’t particularly like to be reminded of it and would rather just pretend like nothing happened. so I hope they take their cue from him and try not to make him uncomfortable
something like 90% of AO3 is convinced Bakugou has Secret PTSD from this incident, and while I tend to stick to Confirmed Canon Only and thus am more on the side of he probably doesn’t, I’m sure that it’s not something he likes to think about all the same and the subject probably does put him on edge
(ETA: and! come to think of it, the one thing we do know he came away with for sure is a lot of guilt! so it’s more than possible that he actually blames himself for being the cause of the attack and for indirectly being the reason why Ragdoll lost her quirk. so to have them come up and apologize to him when from his perspective he’s the one who caused all the trouble to begin with... now that is something I can see really bothering him, actually. oh Bakugou)
Jirou, who as you recall was also injured during the attack, says that they’re all doing well
and meanwhile Tora brought bread for all of them and Mina’s waving it around excitedly and Ochako looks over the moon. she always loves sweets


look how much better he’s gotten now, though! he’s graduated from groin punching to handshaking! he’s actually super thrilled to see Deku again and you can tell and he’s trying so hard not to show it and I fucking love it omggg


oh my god. Deku really is his hero. I can’t. why do I suddenly want to cry omggg
anyway! so now Satou’s asking why they’ve come to visit U.A.
and Pixie says they came “to celebrate her reinstatement”
???! Ragdoll???

okay but like. her quirk was all mental anyway. physically she’s still just as strong as she ever was. I don’t see why she couldn’t be out there fighting crime even without the pokedex quirk. sure, it leaves her a bit more vulnerable not being able to track people or knowing their moves and stats ahead of time, but there’s still a lot she could do goddammit
and now Pixie says they got a report from Tartarus omg!

(ETA: okay so I posted Mangastream’s translation here as it makes much more sense than Jaimini’s version. so you can ignore all the confused commentary below. this makes it clear he’s just taunting them and saying “why sure, I’d love to give back all the quirks I stole, but I can’t do that while you’ve got me all tied up :’) too bad.”)
oh my god sudden All for One holy shit. I don’t think we’ve seen him since like chapter 116?? oh snap
so I’m not quite sure what he’s saying here. is he saying he physically can’t return the quirk, or that it’s use it or lose it type of deal? or is he just saying he doesn’t feel like returning it, sorry, too bad so sad?
I’m going to assume it’s that last one, seeing as he’s a dick
but like, there was never really any chance of that happening anyway. we all know the only way that quirk is coming back is if Deku does in fact turn out to be his kid and he takes the quirk himself and gives it back to her

OKAY BUT. THE SHOT OF KACCHAN’S FACE THOUGH! Kacchan being part of the inner circle yesssssss. holy shit. I’ve been waiting so long for this?? thank you, manga, for this friendly reminder that he is the only other one who knows the full story of All for One and his connection to Deku. I love how serious and somewhat apprehensive they both suddenly look just at the mention of him
anyway, so Mandalay is saying it’s going to be broadcast soon, but that on the most recent JP Hero Billboard Chart they were ranked 411th
holy shit what?! weren’t they in the top 50 before?! that’s an insane slide. I know they lost a member and also had a kid get kidnapped on their watch, but still

lol actually this is all stuff that we already knew
BUT LOOK AT THAT SILHOUETTE IN THE NUMBER THREE POSITION THOUGH! fucking Rawk Hawk is about to be revealed at long last omgggg
okay yeah, Deku says the Pussycats were previously ranked at #32
so Kiri says oh, that’s why they’re starting things up again, so they can fight their way back to the top after such a steep drop
oh my god

they’re saying that the fact that they didn’t drop even lower means that there are still fans rooting for them, and so they have to work hard
lol Kiri’s sobbing into his arm at how manly they are
and now the kids are all “oh yeah come to think of it, the second semester rankings haven’t been presented yet” and that it’s probably because of all the crazy shit that’s happened recently
are they usually presented before now? I just figured it was a twice a year June-and-December type thing

“exciting” isn’t quite the word I’d use, but okay. sounds more depressing than anything :(
ahhhh now we’re cutting to the presentation!
they’re broadcasting from Kamino of all places
so there are a ton of people and a bunch of stretch limos and such, and it seems to be like an Oscar-level event
oh, but apparently it’s not normally like this


number 9 is some old samurai asshole

go fuck yourself Yoroimusha. what makes you so special that you’re ranked above my dragon queen
number 8...

...okay he can stay
oh shit Kamui fucking Woods made it all the way to number 7!
fffffff they showed Mt. Lady and for a moment I thought it meant she was at no. 6! but noooooo she’s all the way at #23. despite having participated in the same missions as Kamui. do you know what, the JP Hero Billboard Chart can go fuck themselves
who the hell

“Crust” lmao. toast hero. sandwich hero

so now women make up a full 20% of the top ten rankings rather than a measly 10%. we really smashed that glass ceiling, y’all. gender equality has been achieved. you’re welcome
(ETA: I feel like this needs more :/ faces to get my full feelings across. :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ okay that’s better)
anyway if she’s in the top 5 she must be pretty cool and I hope we get to see what her power is someday
(ETA: seems to be your basic run-of-the-mill animal-themed super strength, but damned if Dabi did not want to fuck with her though. you go Miruko)
Edgeshot is at number 4, which is expected since he was previously in the number 5 spot before All Might’s retirement. good boy Edgeshot

except for Mt. Lady apparently

IT’S HIM!!!!!

and of course, number one is Endeavor
lol what he gets the whole last page to himself. why. just because he got a new costume?? I honestly didn’t even notice the difference lol
but okay fine let’s take a look
well, he’s definitely trying! did he make himself a fire antennae thing. and does he have a cape now I can’t tell
god there’s so much fire. just turn it off when you’re not in action and be fucking normal you asshole
and so that’s it. I guess
what I took away from this chapter is that the people of Japan voted in a washing machine over a fucking dragon. given the choice, they would rather have him on the scene, tossing in red shirts with the villains’ white loads to turn all of their clothes pink. I mean, sure then. whatever
BONUS: Miruko’s profile!
OH SO YOU LIKE CARROTS HUH. I don’t know what I was expecting lol
so her last name means “rabbit mountain.” I guess the mountain part is just cuz she’s strong as hell? idk
and I wonder if her first name has any meaning since it’s just written in katakana. I know the notes say something about it being a reference to a professional fighter, but I have a feeling that’s talking about her hero name rather than her given name
I fucking love her. I wish to god there were more than two fucking female heroes in the top ten, but at least the two we have are pretty badass
#bnha#boku no hero academia#aizawa shouta#midoriya izuku#eri (bnha)#toogata mirio#bakugou katsuki#class 1-a#miruko (bnha)#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#makeste reads bnha#okay so I'm sure I'll do a proper rant about this soon#but long story short#you know how horikoshi ended up gender-swapping hagakure and tsuyu because he realized he only had four girls in class 1-a?#I *really* wish he had ended up doing this with one or two of the jp hero top ten#specifically hawks#he is such a great character#and you know what#there is absolutely no reason why he had to be a dude#it wouldn't have changed any aspects of the character or the story#we could have had a badass lady as the number two hero in all of japan#doing badass plot things and generally being amazing#I'm not saying that I don't love him regardless#but this is probably the one thing about this arc that I personally would have changed#anyways that's my tea for today lol
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Sunplus Summer Bazaar stage report
Yesterday I went to the Sunplus Summer Bazaar and thought I’d write a stage report for it. It was absolutely amazing and I think it’s one of the best plays that I’ve ever seen.
Sunplus is an acting agency that includes the following actors: Sana Hiroki, Isawa Takuma, Taguchi Jun, Aoki Jin, Saeki Ryo, Tanimizu Riki, Hirano Koushou, Maruyama Shun, Mizuta Tatsuki, Mitsui Ryo and Yamagata Takumi
They have been in shows like Prince of Tennis, Patalliro and Mankai A3
It was surprisingly dark but despite only being about 1hr 40 no story line or main character felt rushed or underdeveloped. All the actors, that I knew at least, acted I different kind of character to the characters I’d seen them act before and it was a good look at how talented each actor is.
Spoilers under the cut - There will be a DVD of the show
The basic storyline is that there are boys living together in a catholic school dorm near Tokyo. When the aircon breaks in their rooms, they are all pushed into the communal area and spend time together, then they discover dark things about the others and all try to help each other.
Underneath is a summary of each character and their storyline:
Isawa Takuma ad Akiyoshi Fuuta
Main character, 2nd year student. His father owns a hospital and he was going to inherit it until his mother died when he was 13, then he decided to become a musician instead. This is later revealed to be because his mother committed suicide in front of him and his brother and ever since then he fainted at the sight of blood. He hid the sight from his brother. After her spirit is summoned into his little brother and she apologises he finally gives up music, that he was never that interested in and goes back to medicine. There was a ongoing theme of the phone ringing and first time no one spoke, second time there was a woman crying, and third time it was revealed to be Takuma’s mother calling from beyond the grave to apologise to him. There was a joke that he kept asking the others to strip which was quite funny. Very honest, kind but hiding his issues.
Sana Hiroki as Hori Takeru
2nd year student. He was rumoured to have a girlfriend but that was just a rumour. He was making a broach for a woman he’d been in love with ever since primary school. He seems slightly cold at first but begins to open up and trust the others until he cousin calls and says that the woman he was in love with got married. His cousin, unbeknownst to him, reveals to the other boys that he is in love with his 60 year old primary school teacher. He then punches another boy who try to ask him about it but later apologises and helps the other boys. He and his cousin are both obsessed with a dolphin toy that has sunflowers on it
Saeki Ryo as Wakisaka Junosuke
2nd year student. He was very funny. Typical megane character. Obsessed with studying. There was a rumour that his sister had died and the other boys were dancing around the issue until after a while he finally managed to convince them that she wasn’t dead. His storyline was built up to be sad but this storyline ended pretty quickly and really worked because otherwise it wouldn’t have felt as complete of a story.
Tanimizu Riki as Osanai Masato
2nd year student. He is kinda the mum friend and would look after the others, clean and cook. This is revealed to be because his brother, who he lived with before he moved into the dorms, treated him like dirt and made him do all of that for him. He would often beat him, even when he came to the dorms as his brother would visit him in his room, at first he lied to cover this up but eventually confronted his brother with everyone's help. Kind and motherly
Yamagata Takumi as Miyano Kouhei
2nd year student. He was kinda annoying. Obsessed with spirits and was quite loud and pushy. Found out that his father wasn’t actually his father and his mother cheated on him. He held a seance to try and find his real father but the father raised him was summoned into Akiyoshi Kouta, Fuuta’s younger brother, and the others talked to him about Miyano. Always energetic and upbeat but there was a sadness hiding in his eyes
Taguchi Jun as Akiyoshi Kouta
A middle school student and Fuuta’s little brother. Annoyed at his brother for deciding to go into music instead which I found a bit silly because his brother did shield their mother’s suicide from him. He didn’t do very much and wasn’t on stage often. Seemed quite rude and harsh to his brother but sweet to his friend from school. During the seance he was inhabited by Miyano’s father and for a moment at the end his mother’s spirit came into him and apologised to Fuuta, which finally made him confront his mother’s death.
Aoki Jin as Osanai Wataru
Riki's older brother and a salary man. Seems kind and friendly at first but it's later revealed that he tells his brother he is nothing and beats him to 'try and turn him into a useful and good person'. He is extremely evil and cruel. He tries to attack the others when they corner him and film him, throttling Kouta to make them delete the video.
Maryuma Shun as Tachibana Rikuo
Sports teacher. Probably my least favourite character. Seemed well meaning but overbearing and teased the boys a bit much and didn’t seem to add anything to the play and was just a bit annoying.
Hirano Koushou as Natsui Nozomi
Vice principal. He was kinda weird but fun. All the students kinda made fun of him but he clearly cared for them a lot. Was built up to be strong but he went down in one punch from Takeru. He was training Masato to try help him get a date which Masato originally used as an excuse for where he got all his bruises from but Natsui reveals that is not where they came from.
Mizuta Tatsuki as Sakaki Atsushi
The chairman's grandson. He seemed like an exposition character. Came to introduce other characters. Classmates with Jun. Kind and helpful and joined the others in the end to help with their problems even though he knew nothing about it
Mitsui Ryo as Kishi Naojirou
Takeru’s cousin. He was super weird. Had fluorescent clothes with pink hair and his clothes didn’t match at all. At first he had a red flowy top with red skirt and pink tights then a pink top, yellow scarf, red headband, red visor, pink waistband short skirt thing and green, black, grey and yellow leggings. His personality was pretty much exactly what you’d expect from that description. He was super weird but seemed kind and joined the others in the end to help with their problems even though he knew nothing about it. I kinda loved him.
It was an amazing show and I really recommend getting the DVD if you love even one of these actors.
#Sunplus#summer bazaar#sana hiroki#isawa takuma#taguchi jun#aoki jin#saeki ryo#tanimizu riki#hirano koushou#maruyama shun#mizuta tatsuki#mitsui ryo#yamagata takumi#stage report#dark themes
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You know, I actually respected your video on RWBY beforehand, even if it had issues...
Now I see that trust was misplaced.
Before he even makes a point, he goes onto explain why he’s making this video.
The reason being and I quote-
“Why? Because I know it’ll make the RWBY fans made that I dare to consider something better than RWBY or because I want to make a legit comparison between two shows, both came out in the same year, both have themes of oppression, both involve fighting monster, have a focus of fighting within, have unique weapons and....ect ect.”
Yeah, this has two major issues.
1. If MangaKamen is doing this to piss off RWBY fans then why should we trust anything he says? One of the quickest ways to piss off a fan is to lie about their series and misrepresent them so how do we know that the mistakes in the video are due to honest overlooks or he did it on purpose to be a disingenuous troll? Not only that but this immediately paints all RWBY fans (and yes, all. He didn’t make any distinction) as irrational and fanboyish so no RWBY fan can argue against his video in good faith, even if they have legitimate grievances with the content. Right off the bat, he’s already put himself in a point where everything he says will be taken with a grain of salt.
And 2. You notice something about the list of things MangaKamen gave for similarities? Let me bullet it point them:
* Same year
* theme of oppression
* fighting
*fighting monsters
* unique weapons
Yeah I bet you’ve caught on now: all but one of these are INCREDIBLY vague.
First off, fighting is a common conflict resolver in media so that shouldn’t even count/
Second, fighting monsters is only barely more specific than just standard fighting and even then there could be any number of differences between the monsters and what they could represent in the story so...no dice.
Oppression is a very common theme in media, ranging from slavery to racism to classism to any form of unfair system stifling freedom. It can be almost anything.
Being released in the same year...I have no idea what that has to do with anything and thousands of pieces of media are released every year. This...is just weird.
And I only discount ‘unique weapons’ because there is no MENTION of how the weapons are unique nor do I know enough about GAIM to debunk this so I can’t say anything.
This isn’t even getting into how important each piece here is to the show as a whole, like how the theme of oppression isn't a major focus in the show and is limited to one character while the monsters are just one part of the antagonistic force of the show. So… Yeah. This comes across as reaching.
And sadly, this is a reoccurring theme.
And now we get into the main point of this video apparently: the basic plot.
And right off the bat we have a problem.
MangaKamen talks about the main characters of RWBY with him zooming on Yang;s breasts as he talks about ‘supposed’ elements of Yang and makes a laughing gif when he describes Weiss as ‘A selfish and self centered girl who becomes kinder and nicer’ in a mocking way. He’s presenting this as a serious basis for the show while also apparently trying to be a troll which just makes him come across as untrustworthy. Again.
There’s also the issue with how he portrays the main plots of the series.
RWBY: ‘A fictional world with Dust, Fanaus and Grimm were humanity fought for survival against the Grimm and eventually came up with the Huntsmen to fight the Grimm. The series follows the four girls in their adventures.’
GAIM: ‘This is a AU version of our world in the massive city of Zawane, built around the Yggdrisill Corporations’ tower, where we have these dance team composed of youths called Beat Riders who instill joy into the citizens. Mixed with them is a Pokémon-esque game called The Inves Game where they summon the Inves with items called Lockseeds. One day, Kouta Kazuraba’s former team loses to someone who invites him to come look at something. This is the Sengoku Driver where the Driver’s first wearer can transform into a Rider with a Lockseed. The mystery of Yggdrisil, the Driveers and the Lockseeds envelop Kouta and the cast.’
… I feel like explaining why these two don’t work would be insulting my readers but it’s what I gotta do.
First off, Remnant is a completely separate world from our own and thus would logically have quite a few differences with our own in how they view things, how things operate and how their governments and such work. Meawhile, Zawame is based on our world with minor differences which means these people’s values should be extremely similar to our own, how things operate should work similar to our world and their governments and such should be akin to ours. This is just a few aspects of what makes these different hut you get the picture: Remnant and Zawame have almost nothing in common aside from the basic inherent elements inescape to human fiction since fiction ahs to be based on something.
Secondly, Dust is basically elemental gunpowder, Fanaus are just people with animal traits and the Grimm are basically those endless RPG mooks. They are nothing like what MangaKamen states Drivers, Lockseeds and Inves are. They are nothing alike once again so it just drives home for the THIRD time how bizarre the comparisons are.
Third: What a Huntsmen is and what a Rider/Beat Rider is have a very fundamental difference. A Huntsmen is an official profession and thus carries with it an inherent sense of duty and honor to the audience, similar to a firefighter or a police officer. A Beat Rider is basically an unofficial entertainer, who is closer in nature to being a YouTuber which carries a very different connotation to the audience. Now you could argue that the comparison isn’t fair and that I should be using Riders as the counterpoint...except that beinga Rider has no definition other than ‘person who transforms using a Driver and a Lockseed’. It’s more like a Semblance in nature: a power rather than a profession.
Fourth: It sounds like Kouta just so happened to stumble upon the Driver through this one person rather than seeking it out or training for it, like Ruby or really everyone in the main hero cast of RWBY. These carry very different meanings and feelings in fiction MangaKamen, and they serve very different end goals for the heroes on the story as the first begins a story of an unlikely hero into a more ideal hero while the other is more a story about being honorable and doing the right thing. These aren’t mutually exclusive and can work together, like in the case of Spider Man, but you didn’t communicate this.
Fifth: There really isn’t a mystery element in RWBY, at least not until the fourth of so Volume with Salem whereas it seems like the mystery of the Lockseeds, Drivers and Yggdrisil are all ingrained into the story of GAIM.
Really, at this point, MangaKamen should have stopped and really thought about what he was doing at this point because when you have this many issues of this severity in the very beginning of your video, you should probably consider whether or not this is a good idea. Sort of like with MatPat and how he should have reconsidered his many wrong theories when issues started rising in them.
I mean, when I catch myself doing this, I stop and reconsider what I’m doing so it can’t bee that difficult.
Anyway, we then move onto the supposed ‘themes’ that the shows both share ‘extremely.’ Those themes being ‘Coming Of Age’ and ‘Getting Over Yourself.’
… Yeah, not only does he not define what the second theme actually is which means there’s a very real chance that people could misinterpret what he says unintentionally but the first theme is one of the MOST used themes in all of fiction. Like, 99% of Shounen, Shoujo and teenage-aimed fiction in America among so many others is Coming of Age stories, each having examples pf being told in vastly different ways with vastly different tones, styles, characters, worlds and so on. To just present the base trope as valid comparison would be to conflate these two to literal THOUSANDS of pieces of media.
But it gets worse. He goes onto explain himself by saying in GAIM, Kouta believes that the Goku Driver and the transformation will make him a ‘better man’ which isn’t true (demonstrated by him trying to help some construction workers by transforming and jumping up to them with some buckets, making things worse) and he questions his own beliefs and what he needs to do, even if it means sacrificing himself in some way. And in RWBY, Yang has to learn how to think in her battles after losing her arm.
Okay here we know so little about Kouta that I have no idea if this is an actual development for him. Judging by the clips shown, Kouta seems like the kind of guy who’d be self sacrificing by nature considering the almost child-like glee he shows in his transformation and helping others while I know so little about him that I have no idea if he is doubtful of himself normally or it’s an actual development. Same goes for Yang, we have no information on Yang outside of being the big sister type and losing her arm. We see Yang leaping at Adam in a clip but without context we have no idea if this is justified or not or if it’s a reoccurring issue with Yang or not. This is aimed at people who haven’t seen either series so this lack of information is damning and makes his point brittle and weak.
And it breaks if you actually think about it. The issues with Kouta are based on him as a person and helps him directly grow as a person whereas the way MangaKamen presents Yang it’s displayed as though she only really grew as a fighter. (He does say that Yang ‘matured from her previous personality’ but that’s not the result of her training, it was more the result of her experiences and even then one could argue she didn’t ‘mature’, she just changed.) And even then, these two developments don’t have anything common other than...being developments in the characters.
And then we have the fact that this isn’t an application of themes, this is just CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Character Development is NOT a theme and yet here MangaKamen is trying to portray it as such. I have no idea why but if I had to guess he realized that the shows didn’t have anything in common beyond basic ideas so he tried dressing up character development as a specific theme.
This gets especially egregious when you consider who SHOULD be Kouta’s counterpart here. Ruby Rose undergoes development revolving around her beliefs being questioned and questioning what she needs to do in order to be a hero. Instead of this comparison with Yang that makes no sense and makes MangaKamen look like an idiot for comparing two different types of character development under the guise of the nebulous and undefined ‘getting over yourself’, he could have reinforced the theme of ‘coming of age’ or ‘being a hero’ with Ruby.
Now why did he not bring up Ruby? Well, again I can only guess...and neither one flattering. 1. He knows Ruby is being questioned not by outside viewpoints like Kouta and her questioning comes not from how to be a hero but the difficulties of being a hero. Or 2. He’s using Ruby to bash her home series. This supported by his first actual point being ‘Is Ruby Even The Main Character?’
However, I will point out that he tries to portray Yang’s loss of her arm and resulting PTSD as the same as Kouta coming to terms with killing a man. because ‘both went through a depressed spell.’ Which is a Trope called Heroic BSOD...one of the MOST used Tropes.
Look, I’d love to continue but for some reason the link started having a 502 issue. And at this point you get the picture. If the link starts back up again or when the video gets uploaded to YouTube, I’ll make a separate post addressing those points.
But numerous times throughout the videos introduction MangaKamen shows that he’s blatantly ignoring facts and information that contradict his assertions and his points, to the point I can only assume he’s being a disingenuous troll or he’s doing this to prop up GAIM. All things he’s called out in the past.
So for now, congrats MangaKamen. How’s it feel to be MatPat for a change? Because you’re being just as intellectually dishonest as him.
I’m Knight Of Balance and remember to examine your fandoms.
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Flare Up (5/5)
A/N: And so we reach the finale to this prequel. Thanks so much everyone for the feedback, I’m so happy to have completed this fic! Let’s hope I can continue more in the future! :)
[P1] [P2] [P3] [P4]
The sky is smoke. Everything is burning and yet amid the wreckage, a single man stands with a smile. He climbs across the rubble, arms holding onto the injured, leaving them with the paramedics before he dives back for more.
“There’s more!” A reporter shouts, and there is dust on the man’s suit, as he beckons the camera to zoom in on the sight. It does, on a muscular man, with blond hair that fights against gravity, standing up in two spikes.
Laughter, an odd sound amidst the scene. And yet, it’s oddly appropriate, leaves people with shoulders that aren’t quite as stiff.
“Fear not citizens!” Echoes the hero, as he steps over more rubble, “hope has arrived.”
The camera angle shifts, and this time they capture the smile in it’s entirety, the way the heroes’ lips pull upwards.
“For I am here!”
The video clip cuts out, the screen going grey except for a small circle in the middle, offering information on what video will play next. Pressing cancel, Izuku sits back in his chair, places his phone on his desk and tries to think.
He’s got to come up with some sort of game plan. Something that will ensure he gets a scholarship. And he needs to come up with the plan quickly, because he’s got a countdown until he takes entrance exams, and it’s only seven months away.
Just over half a year to make everyone believe he’s worth a scholarship.
Izuku can feel anxiety take over his body, leaving him with nothing but unchecked panic as he glances down at the blank piece of paper that he’s deciding to write on. He can be a hero too, he just knows he can, but how is he going to persuade others to believe it when half the time he can’t even convince himself?
Okay – maybe he should just break down what he needs to pass. First, he needs good grades. Not just good, but perfect. If he’s not getting anything about ninety-five percent, then there’s no point even trying.
He takes a moment to heave out a sigh. Grades, he can study. He can devote more time to studying. Maybe it’ll include cutting into the sessions he runs helping teach Kouta and the other children first aid, but Izuku needs to prioritise, and the kids aren’t going to be without a teacher, so it’s not going to affect them too much.
If they didn’t have such a dip in funding after the robbery, Izuku would consider joining a cram school, learning how to carry out the entrance exams in a more proficient way, but that’s not an option.
Which sucks, but at least the previous entrance exams are always put online so people can have some sort of understanding on what the test will be about. Izuku will just have to work through those, look at the marking schemes and train himself in that way.
Secondly: He needs to focus on experience. Yes, he volunteers and has been a first aider for years now, but none of that’s good enough without references. Except, how many people are going to willingly give him references? After all, he’s not exactly working for anyone, there’s no employer here who’s required to go out of their way and write one.
Izuku pauses.
He surges forwards, lifting an anatomy textbook and placing it on his lap, as he reaches for an old folder. Where is it? Where is it?
A few seconds later, he finds a transparent wallet, opens it up and tips out old hero memorabilia from what feels like decades ago. He’s glad that he’s the sentimental sort, because he quickly leans forward, fingers plucking up the business card he’d been given years ago.
The wild, wild pussycats.
“Call if you ever need our help,” Mandalay had said, “we owe you so much.”
Izuku had never thought he’d ask for a favour from them, because – they’re actual heroes, they’re busy and they probably don’t have the time for a quirkless boy who dreams of being a hero.
But still…
But still…
Typing the numbers into his phone is the easy part. Pressing the call button is much harder, purely because Izuku finds himself biting on his lip, shaking his head.
“You’ve reached the wild, wild pussycat’s, this is Ragdoll, meow!”
Izuku pauses, unable to find the words. And then, after a few seconds, and prompting from a hero who he knows he can’t keep waiting much longer, he finally breathes out the words.
“Hello, Ragdoll?” Izuku leans forward, glancing at the writing on the back of the business card. It reads, thank you. “I-It’s Midoriya Izuku, I… I help teach Kouta first aid?”
Ragdoll takes a deep breath in, and he can hear her attitude change almost immediately. He can hear the softness to her voice, notices it in a way that seems almost overbearing.
“Midoriya!” The hero says. “The one who saved Kouta from the water last year! He talks so much about you, you’re the only hero he seems to support! We’re all so jealous.”
Izuku lets out a self-conscious laugh. It’s strange, a pro calling him a hero when he’s very clearly not, but there’s no point in refuting the claim.
“Yeah,” he says instead, wincing at how awkward his voice is. “I was – uh. I was wondering if I could ask the wild, wild pussycats for… for some help? I just – I understand if you can’t, but I–”
“Wow!” Ragdoll says, speaking over him instead. She says, “I thought Kouta was exaggerating about the mutterings, but he was right! Stay on track Midoriya, everything’s purrfectly fine. What’s this about a favour?”
Izuku wonders if she’s spoken the pun on purpose. Surely she has – surely Ragdoll and the other pussycats haven’t reached a point where cat related puns simply filter into their vocabularies…
“I-I well…” Izuku goes to swallow, but finds his throat is too dry to succeed. Nothing to do now than to push his way forwards. “Well, you see, I’m in my last year of high school, and I’m trying for medical school.”
Ragdoll hums her understanding. The sound urges him to continue.
“And well, part of the application requires experience…” Izuku continues. “And I… I’ve been a first responder for years now, but I don’t have anyone who could offer a reference… Would the wild, wild pussycats be able to…?”
This time, there is silence from the hero. Izuku already knows from the way the quiet drags on that he’s going to get a no – his shoulders deflate, and he tries not to let disappointment curdle in his stomach, but it still does.
“I’m sorry Midoriya,” Ragdoll says, voice tinged with regret. “But we can’t offer a reference if we’ve never seen you in action as a first aider…”
“Oh…” Izuku mutters, “Sorry for–”
“But,” and her voice is a little more energetic now, “we’d be able to if we saw you in action, right? And well, we’re the wild, wild pussycats, we’re prioritise in rescue. If we work things around your summer break, then maybe you could come help us with rescue for a week?”
It’s so much more than Izuku would have expected. He feels almost giddy at the concept.
“That would be… that’d be perfect,” he breathes.
“After that, we’ll be able to give you a reference!” The hero cheers, “Anyway, I’ll save this number and we’ll stay in touch to share some details, okay? We’ll talk soon Midoriya, meow!”
By the time summer break ends, Izuku has not just one reference, but four. One for each of the pussycats.
(Kouta gives him a reference too, but it doesn’t go into his application. Instead it is is pinned to his bedroom wall. It reads, please let Izuku into med school, he’ll be a better hero than anyone else.)
“Izuku,” his mother says, as autumn starts to kick in, her tone slightly desperate. He knows why she’s desperate, because he’s not spent much time socialising since he’d decided that his grades needed a boost. “Can’t we put the books away for a little while?”
Izuku glances up at her. Bites into his lip.
Then he looks down at the textbook he’s loaned from the library, a chemistry book and sighs. Chemistry is probably the trickiest of the sciences for him, but he knows that he’s ahead. His previous midterms had proven it.
“I’ve got to–”
His mother cuts him off before he can respond, she’s never been the most confident person, but Izuku knows that she can be stern when she needs to be. And alongside the sternness, she knows when to be stubborn.
“No Izuku,” she says, “I know your serious about this, but you need to learn how to take breaks as well. Come on, I recorded All-Might’s latest interviews for you. You always enjoy watching those, don’t you?”
He does, as much as he feels All Might had almost ruined his dream of being a hero, he still idolises the man. Maybe because the number one hero had forced him to realise that not all heroes need to be fighting crime to be valued by society.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to relax for a little while.” Izuku mutters, marking the page in his textbook and closing it. He stacks it atop the other books.
“Oh good,” Inko says, almost as if she’d been expecting him to put up a fight. As if she’d expected to force him into accepting. “Well, I’ll go grab the snacks then.”
Izuku offers a small nod, and a laugh as his mother leaves his bedroom behind, bustling towards their small kitchen. After a few seconds, recapping what he’d just learned in his head, trying to memorise it, Izuku follows her.
Their TV isn’t like the one they used to have. It’s a slightly older model, something his mother had bought second hand following the robbery, but it does have a record function and for that Izuku is thankful.
He sets the television up as his mother grabs the snacks, clicks into the recorded options and chooses the recording of All-Might’s interview. Most of it includes things that have been said a hundred times before over the pro’s career, but there’s one part that catches his attention.
“So All-Might,” the reporter asks, his voice deep, but comforting. It’s understandable why he has so many viewers, “this is your third year teaching at UA, can you tell us the secret to becoming a good hero?”
In previous interviews, Izuku remembers All-Might being unable to answer, or rather, always skirting around it, saying there’s no one thing that makes a person a good hero. But this time, there’s an answer.
“I think,” All-Might says, “that a hero is someone who sees insurmountable odds in their path and faces them for the sake of helping others.”
This is the moment Inko elbows Izuku, looking at him with a smile. She says, “you fit into that bracket, you know, Izuku. Under All-Might’s own definition’s you’re a hero.”
Izuku bites into his lip. Because by All-Might’s own words, Izuku’s not capable of being a hero. It doesn’t matter his definitions because… because All-Might had said.
He stands up, abruptly enough that his mother startles at the movement, and he whispers, “I’ve got to get back to chemistry.”
“…Izuku…” his mother whispers at his back, as he heads back towards his room.
Winter brings the cold, and late nights sat at the kitchen table with his mother leaving cocoa for him while he studies.
Winter brings more stress and feeling of isolation as Izuku realises he’s not stopped and helped as many people as he could have. He’s not turned his back on first aid, definitely not, and Izuku helps when he sees the injured, but he – he doesn’t go looking for disasters.
There’s no time, and maybe he misses it, but he’s studying so he can do that and more, to be a professional. To be able to help people every day, to make it a career rather than just a hobby.
It’ll all be worth it, eventually.
And almost within a blink of an eye, January arrives, and Izuku is thrown into entrance exam after entrance exam, aiming his way for the top spot. Some go well, and he thinks he does brilliantly, and in others Izuku’s certain that he could have done better.
Now all that’s left is to… simply wait.
Which he does, and Izuku waits until his results are sent back. Some are quicker results. He’s declined for one, and offered a place for two, but no scholarship.
Another letter – another offer for him to attend, but none offering to pay his fees.
He’s applied to five different universities, and Izuku is on his way to class when he mother sends him a text message saying the final response has come. She doesn’t open it, doesn’t let him know the answers, and he’s both irritated that he’s got to wait, and thankful that he can read his final letter in privacy.
In fact, as soon as he returns home, he grabs the results from his mother and heads up to his room, fingers shaking as he drags his nails across the corner of the envelopes mouth, ripping at the envelope.
Inside, is a piece of folded paper, and as Izuku opens it, eyes scanning across the words, he feels something inside of him change.
His stomach drops.
(Midoriya Inko doesn’t have to ask what the result is, because within seconds her son has fled their house, the door slamming on his way out, tears glistening on the way out. Inko feels tears of her own form on her face.
“I’m sorry Izuku…” she whispers, even though he’s done amazingly. If only they’d had the funds, “I’m… so sorry…”)
All-Might is not expecting to see him, Izuku knows that.
But he finds his way to the man anyway. As soon as Izuku had glanced down at his phone, the news blaring about a mass fight against villains in Chiyoda, Izuku had thrown himself on the nearest subway, deciding to make his way there.
And now, letter clenched in his hand, Izuku can’t help but feel helplessness fester inside him, crawling up his throat.
He watches All-Might finish up with the detective he’d been talking to, before forcing his way past the media and following after the hero, even as the man tries to skirt away from the cameras.
“All-Might!” He calls, watching as the man turns ever so slightly to glance at him. He doesn’t quit walking, but his steps slow considerably, accommodating Izuku as he makes his way forwards.
“Young Midoriya,” All-Might says, glancing at him. He looks surprised to see him, probably because Izuku’s not bumped into him at any disaster sites recently. “It’s been a while.”
Usually, Izuku’s fine with formalities. With the polite conversations they hold together. He doesn’t mind them, because it’s just the way he interacts with All-Might. But today…
Today the formalities can go to hell.
“You were right,” he says, before the man can say anything else. “I can’t be a hero.”
All-Might’s expression freezes. His usual smile, the one that’s half exasperated by Izuku’s actions but also sometimes sort of… pleased, fades away, to something akin to confusion. Or disappointment.
“All this time,” Izuku says, feeling his own anger festering, growing and taking control of his body in the form of tears burning against his eyelids. He blinks them away. “I bet you were just laughing at me for it, right? Looking at me and finding it funny that I wanted to be a hero. Well, you were right, I can’t and it sucks.”
“Young Midoriya–”
Izuku can’t allow him to get a word in. Instead, he lets his tears fall, fist crumpling the paper he’s holding, the stupid thing a reminder of how he’s never quite good enough to achieve what it is he wants.
“I mean look at me,” Izuku laughs, cheeks wet. “I can’t do anything. I can’t step in and save people like you can, I’m not even remotely important. All the first aid I administered… all the people I tried to help – and this is what I get?”
He chokes on his tears.
“This is my reward?” He cries, “It’s not fair, All-Might. I could do so much more.”
All-Might takes a step forward, lifts a hand up. He says, “Midoriya, what are you talking about?”
Izuku wipes at his tears, watches the hero through blurred vision. Shakes his head. Instead of responding, he looks down at the letter in his hand, grits his teeth at the site of it.
He rips it in half. And then into quarters.
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Izuku says, and maybe he’s a kid throwing a tantrum, but he’s tried over and over to prove himself and it’s never enough. He just wants to be a hero, and he’s never been capable. “I’m not hero material.”
He drops the letter, lets it fall in the wind, before turning on his heel.
This is it, he supposes. He tried, and he’s failed. And now he’ll just have to figure out a new game plan for himself.
He’s halfway home, trying to stem his tears when he hears it.
A loud explosion catches him off guard, and Izuku turns his head to watch as glass windows shatter, flames forcing them outwards. Fire licks at the side of walls, and he wipes at his eyes as he watches the scene.
What’s the average response time for rescue villains…? Izuku isn’t sure, but he knows it could be a matter of minutes.
People can die in a matter of minutes.
“Fuck,” Izuku mutters, looking around. There’s nothing he can use to shield his face, and part of him hates that he’d left home without his first aid kit, because he could have used a facemask or something.
“Hopefully there’s no one inside,” Izuku mutters to himself, even as he turns, racing forwards. The sound of a fire alarm is too loud for him to hear any noise from so far away, and it’s not until he reaches the household that he can hear anything.
From the sounds of it, there’s a man inside. He can hear calls for another person – a friend? A partner? …A child? Izuku doesn’t know.
But the voice sounds slurred.
Smoke inhalation can do that, Izuku knows. He also knows that breathing in smoke for an extended time can kill – twenty minutes, he’s pretty sure. And after about five to ten minutes, brain damage can sink in.
Izuku knows all that.
He knows the risks, and he finds himself running into the building anyway.
“Idiot,” he chastises himself, as he pulls an arm out of his sleeve, bringing the fabric up to cover his mouth and nose. It’s not going to help much, certainly not, but Izuku doesn’t care. “You just said you’d stop trying.”
But he can’t. Izuku knows it’s impossible.
He follows the voice of the man into a kitchen area. Thick smoke lines the roof, rising up, as dark as thunderclouds. Except, Izuku feels like this is a little more foreboding than bad weather.
“Hey,” he says, as soon as he notices the man. He’s slumped against the wall, unconscious, and Izuku knows he’s not going to get a response, but he should try anyway. “Hey, wake up!”
He’s right. There’s a distinct lack of a response.
Izuku lets the sleeve drop as he leans forward, hands reaching under the man’s arms. Smoke filters into his lung, and Izuku chokes, tries to ignore the burning sensation that starts to spread down his trachea.
Instead, feeling the slightest bit woozy, he lifts, and starts to pull the man backwards. Away from the heat, and the kitchen, towards the exit. It feels like a century has passed by the time he manages to deposit the man outside.
And then, Izuku is coughing, spiting mucus onto the floor, rubbing soot off of his cheek. He lifts his hoodie up, to use it as a mask again and realises that there’s no point. It feels like he’s just freshly ironed it, and it burns a little.
There’s a crowd now.
There’s always a crowd, but Izuku doesn’t have the time to pay them any notice. Instead, turning on his feet, wobbling, he glances back at the doors. There’s someone else in here, the person the man had been shouting after.
Izuku bites his tongue.
Fear slithers down his spine, pain latches onto his throat as Izuku realises that he doesn’t want to go inside. Not again.
It hurts.
He coughs more, before steeling himself.
There’s another room downstairs that Izuku glances in. He’s pretty certain it’s the source of the fire, because the smoke is heaviest in here. Izuku gasps, wading into the room and looking around. Is there anyone?
He looks up at the ceiling. Footsteps, from upstairs? Surely, he’s hearing things. He holds his breath, restrains himself from coughs, as he tries to force himself to listen better.
They are very much so footsteps. Light movements, either a child or someone extremely light footed. And for a situation such as this, Izuku’s certain it’s a child – someone older would be panicking, wouldn’t be remaining calm enough to keep such light steps.
Izuku splutters, gasps for air and inhales more smoke instead. Lowering himself to his knees, he crawls away, trying to breath in whatever air remains in the house, dreading the idea of heading upstairs.
Each stair leaves his body feeling heavier. His skin feels almost the same way that Kacchan’s burns had felt, when they’d been young and Izuku hadn’t had the confidence to stand up to himself. Except no, they don’t feel like that, but worse.
He climbs the stairs, alongside the smoke. Almost like it’s partner.
This feels different to drowning, Izuku thinks, as he rushes towards the next room, eyes too watery to see properly, hoping that he’ll be able to hear for the footsteps instead.
He can’t hear them.
So Izuku lowers himself to the floor, lets out a sound that’s half hiss, half cough and crawls instead. His hands feel like they’re burning as they reach out across laminate flooring, and his knees scream in protest, but Izuku keeps going, feeling for any signs of a human being.
Nothing. Is he in the wrong room?
Has he reached the edge of the room yet?
He’s about to go back when a hand reaches out, grabbing onto his wrist. The force is weak, but Izuku grabs onto it, pulling the owner towards him.
The body is young. Izuku’s certain it belongs to that of an older child. Not teens, but maybe the physique of someone nearing nine or ten. He holds them close, tries to offer comfort and rasps instead.
And then he turns.
Izuku opens his eyes, even though it hurts to do so and sees nothing but black fog from the room’s exit. It filters into this room, shifting towards him because of the draft from the window.
The window.
Izuku stands, brings the child up with him and makes his way towards it. He can’t jump down, or course not, the best he could expect from that would be a few broken bones at least. But there had been a tree, he thinks. If he can remember there had been a tall one just outside the window…
“Come on,” he shouts, wincing as he does so.
There hadn’t been a clean break on the window. Izuku bites into his lip, lowers the child down just for long enough to shift the rest of his jacket. Now, he rolls it around his fist, punching as hard as he can for the shards by the window to shatter.
Then, Izuku unrolls it, leans it on the glass that remains, grabs the child and leans a knee up on the window.
“I’m going to try and get you over to the tree, okay?” He gasps, hoping the girl has heard him. She offers a small nod, and then Izuku is straining, using all his strength to lift her towards the tree branch without falling out of the window himself.
Her hand grips around the branch, and soon, she’s shuffling down it, allowing Izuku the space he needs to climb up.
Lifting himself up, Izuku reaches out for the branch himself. Feels his fingers brush against wood – cold, so cold in comparison of the heat inside, and falls instead.
Everything fades to black.
When he wakes up, Izuku is lying on a stretcher.
Around his mouth, there’s a Hudson mask. The strap keeping it around both his mouth and nose is tight, and it feels almost like it’s nipping at the skin just behind his ears, but Izuku doesn’t make any attempt to loosen it.
His body feels heavy. And hot.
He feels like he’s on fire.
“I’ll get in contact with the young man’s mother,” it’s – God, how fitting that All-Might is here – a voice he recognises, and Izuku tries to turn his head to find the source of the sound.
He’s to his right, talking to one of the paramedics. Izuku has the faint impression that they’ve just managed to get him on the stretcher.
All-Might turns at the sound of movement. Leans forward as Izuku looks up at him. He says, “Midoriya, my boy.”
Izuku’s mouth is too dry to try and speak. He feels tears burning at his eyes though, and perhaps that’s response enough.
“What were you thinking, that was so reckless–” The hero trails off, glances away for a moment. For a moment, the number one hero is frowning, but it is soon replaced with a soft smile, a mix between worry and pride.
Izuku blinks.
“You know what,” All-Might says, and they’re moving now, the paramedics pulling him towards the ambulance. “You don’t need to try and prove to me that you’re capable of becoming a hero one day.”
Izuku’s pretty sure that if he didn’t feel like cement had been injected into his veins, he’d be glaring.
“You already are one, Midoriya,” All-Might continues, “you have been since the first day you barged past the police and started administering first aid.”
Izuku blinks back tears.
“But Midoriya, my boy,” the hero whispers, climbing into the ambulance alongside him. Izuku assumes he’ll be escorting him there, waiting by his side until his mother comes to see him. “You need to stop giving me heart attacks like this.”
Now, the hero pushes a hand into his pocket, brings out torn paper and glances at it. He takes a moment to consider his words, glances between Izuku and the letter.
“This is an acceptance letter for medical school.” All-Might says. Izuku doesn’t know whether to be offended that he read it, or surprised that he hadn’t immediately disregarded it. “But you’re angry about it. Just getting accepted isn’t enough?”
Izuku turns away. Let that be the only answer he can speak.
“You were going for the scholarship, weren’t you?” All-Might says now. He doesn’t explain how he knows, and Izuku doesn’t remember whether he’d mentioned it in the past, or whether it says so in the letter, but All-Might knows and there’s no way he’ll unknow.
Izuku lifts his hand up, even though it feels like gravity has been double, and lifts the mask he’s wearing. The strap is surprisingly stringy. He rasps, “I didn’t get it.”
All-Might hand moves to his, gently prying the hand away from the mask and letting it cover his mouth again. Izuku feels dizzy, but he’s not sure if it’s from the pure oxygen being filtered in to his system, or the aftermath of not having enough.
Or maybe it’s the fact he’s having a conversation like this with All-Might.
“Even without the scholarship,” All-Might says, “do you still want to go?”
Even with the mask on, Izuku’s pretty sure All-Might can hear the words ‘I can’t’.
“Midoriya…” All-Might says, “I told you that you couldn’t become a hero, and… and I should have never done so – because you’ve gone against my expectations and shown me that you are. It’s my job now, to nurture heroes of the future. So… will you allow me to nurture you?”
Izuku glances towards him.
“If you want to go to medical school,” All-Might says, looking equally awkward and confident at the same time, “then I’d like to sponsor you for that. Will you accept my offer?”
He holds out his hand.
Izuku lifts his up a fraction, leaves it hanging. He’s not strong enough to go any further, but All-Might surges forward and helps him shake on it.
“I do have one condition,” All-Might says, an afterthought. He leans back, crosses his arms across his body and nods his head. “When you have qualified, I wish to be your first patient.”
“All-Might,” Izuku rasps, as the paramedics close the doors, and the ambulance spurs into motion. “Thank you.”
#BNHA#Midoriya Izuku#All-Might#Toshinori Yagi#Midoriya Inko#Boku No Hero Academia#My Hero Academia#mywriting#Fic: Flare Up
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Welp, I’m bored. I’m way behind on watching Kamen Rider Build. Okay, so it’s more “I got behind halfway through the season and don’t think I can catch up.” Eh, its not like I was really liking it at this point. I liked Gaim, Drive, and Ex-Aid way more. However, since I haven’t technically finished Ex-Aid by way of not having gotten to watching the later movies and most of the specials yet, I do most of my theories and ‘future family issues’ for Drive.
(And to think, I only watched Gaim because it looked absurd and was on right before Doki Doki Precure. Which I dropped halfway through, and didn’t come back to Precure until Happiness Charge. Go figure. That’s… just what’s happening with Kamen Rider – I’m going to start over once Zi-O starts. Which, much like Happiness Charge, is an anniversary season. Huh.)
Okay, okay. That’s enough of that.
I like doing post-series worldbuilding. It’s just FUN, and lets speculation run wild.
And Drive is RIPE with post-canon potential.
One of my recurring trains of thought is “How is the Drive Family Doing?”
By family, I don’t just mean Shinnosuke, Kiriko, and Go. I mean the entire team. ALL of them.
(more behind the cut, this started getting long winded.)
See, I figure that we’ve seen the Special Investigation Unit still works together and keeps in touch after the events of the main series. It’s not always in any “formal” situation, but… They’re all definitely friends, and Heart’s chapter of Drive Saga shows it. Go, Rinna, and Kyu are all working together to get Chase back, and Otta becomes friends with Heart after that… doesn’t quite work. (This means that Otta’s probably distantly friends with Brain and Medic, too – bodysharing is WEIRD.)
So. The Special Investigation Unit is basically one big extended family… but the humans aren’t the only members of that family.
I mean, both the Ghost & Drive movie and the Ex-Aid & Ghost movies have proven that fate is just not going to let Krim hide out in his depression cave. He keeps getting brought back out, first in the Ghost film to help in that fight (thanks, time travel) and again in the Ex-aid movie to help in THAT absurd fight. (Thanks to everyones favorite street-dancing-fruit-samurai-jesus-adam.) (You know, Kouta.) (Gaim got WEIRD. Thanks, Urobuchi.)
So, that’s Krim being dragged out of his literal hole in the ground via some sequence of events. But I’m not stopping there. Oh no.
The Ghost movie was just... such a TEASE. The Drive & Gaim movie was bad enough with Kaito, but no. The Ghost & Drive movie had to bring back FOUR characters.
(Mind you, by ‘bad enough’, I mean the “… oh. Right. He fought alongside the team again but is very definitely dead” bad enough. Megahex TORE MY HEART OUT with that, and then the next crossover film pulls the same thing TIMES FOUR.)
But, while the Ghost & Drive films status within canon is questionable (thanks, time travel), the Heart and Mach specials are almost definitely canon. And all three imply that Roidmudes not only have an afterlife, but can be resurrected. (thanks, 005. Now cut it out.)
That makes five characters that are getting back into the game – Krim, Chase, Heart, Brain, and Medic. You get a body, YOU get a body, Everyone’s getting a body! Heart, Brain and Medic are basically those slightly odd uncles and aunt and sometimes you wind up with one showing up and crashing on someones couch for a week because there was A Disagreement at their place.
Yeaaaah, I was plotting out some of this and… it takes a bit to make it work at first, but after a while those three are in a poly relationship. They shared a body, and that… that shit doesn’t leave you, and both Brain and Medic were already Super Into Heart. Heart’s… well, he got that name for a reason, and if it weren’t for Banno’s influence, probably would have been a pretty decent guy from the start.
Krim is actually the last one to get up and walking. Quite frankly, he ran and hid at the end of the series, and I personally think that he would be the most nervous of any of the data-folks to have a body again.
He has to be talked into regaining a physical form, but eventually caves. He gives in mostly for practicality – he has like three options for movement otherwise, but none of them are convenient. One is just... being carried places, being worn or otherwise. The second is being on that cart he uses around the Drive Pit, and... well, wheels aren’t exactly great at stairs. His third option is riding on the Trailer Cannon – which while it’s the only one of the Shift Cars to be LARGE enough to carry him, it’s also absurdly slow. Probably even more than usual when it’s weighted down by, say, a grumpy belt.
Okay, technically Krim’s got FOUR options, but since the last is the Tridoron, it’s even less practical, being a car and all.
The thing is, he has a lot of difficulty adjusting to having a body - “HOLY CRAP LEGS WHAT IS THIS WALKING IS HARD NOW”
(Except, you know, said both more eloquently and somehow hammier. Krim Steinbelt is a classy man, but also one who may or may not have been making the all the belt announcements himself.)
The third time he falls over – in a row, mind you – Shinnosuke’s just… he’s had it, okay? “Everyone has been working nonstop to get you out of the belt, and we were trying to ease you into this. We’ve been training for two months now, with you piloting Type Tridoron the entire time, and had zero problem with that. I mean, you had no problem with it the first time around. You know, when we had both just literally come back to life.” (thanks, Freeze.) “What the actual hell.”
(Except, you know, said both more eloquently and somehow even dryer. Tomari Shinnosuke is smart, and also is kind of a little shit when he wants to be.)
“Well, it’s different when it’s just me!”
Exactly no one is impressed.
At some point, it becomes apparent to everyone that the Executives having shared a body That One Time had some… side effects.
And by “at some point” I mean it becomes abundantly clear after Heart walks in on Brain attempting to practice ballet. Brain then proceeds to swear Heart to secrecy on pain of everyone else ‘happening to find out’ that Heart has a suspiciously familiar handkerchief tucked in an inner pocket of his jacket. This threat fails completely, because that’s about when Rinna walks in, having been asked by Medic (who, along with Brain, is a fair amount more personable by way of longterm exposure to actual sane, functioning humans) to help find these two morons.
“… does Medic know you two are here?” says the scientist, looking at these two morons who are frozen mid-argument.
“… ...”
“… ...”
“She does now,” says the scientist, taking a picture with her cellphone.
This eventually leads to both of them having to find someone else’s couch to sleep on, not because she’s mad that they’re using her studio, but because they hadn’t asked permission.
(Also, the reason Medic wasn’t looking for them herself was because she was getting some social media lessons from Kyu, who had been helping Rinna and Go with teaching the less tech-savvy members of The Drive Fam how normal technology works - you four are literally androids, why is Brain the only one who can use a computer.)
It’s literally just because of the guy he copied. That’s the only advantage he has over Heart and Medic. Chase picked up a bit while working with everyone last time around. Otta has been strong-armed into the lessons by Rinna. (he’s whipped.) Krim and Shinnosuke are also in them – Shinnosuke because he is not the best at it, and Krim? Well, while Krim’s good at inventing and mechanical things, he has kind of been out of the loop for a number of years between being a belt in hiding, being a belt that is normally attached to a superhero, and being a belt hiding in a depression cave.
(He did most of that to himself - “hiding until the world is ready” my rear end. It’s a depression cave and you know it old man.)
So, yeah. I didn’t realize that Found Families are kind of my jam until recently, and now I’m stuck thinking about these things when I’m working.
A part 2 on “Why has Tomari Eiji never heard of these films?” coming soon in the form of a personal reblog once I figure out how to word it.
#Kamen Rider Drive#KR Drive#sailorcressy says#someone help i wrote the first draft of this in an email to myself#and this is only one of three topics i managed to cover
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And so here it is, nine anime series that are basically what calls out to me either over the years or in recent memory. These are the series that really move me, that excite me, that tickles me, or more.
There were many other series I had in consideration, a number at 35, then dwindled down to 26. None of these are in any particular order, although Maid Dragon is centered is the truly odd one out of all the others. Focusing on these for the moment, let’s try to describe each one and why they are here:
Kekkai Sensen: Kekkai Sensen was a series that filled me with joy every day I ever watched it. The OP, the series itself, was just a dazzling ride that you could almost watch without subtitles and still have fun. It’s just a really good series and I really am excited for the next season
Black Blood Brothers: The most unfortunate anime to ever be made. It’s slick, it’s well written, fully realized, and was totally banking on getting a second season. But then Studio TAC fell apart and I will NEVER see more Black Blood Brothers because nobody fucking cares about this series. Series was based on a Light Novel as well before Light Novel adaptations were such a red flag.
Hellsing (Ultimate OVA): The great thing about 3x3′s is the fact I don’t have to question whether Hellsing is my number one anime or not, thus removing the pressure a top ten list would bring and thus removing the question of whether anything may be better than Hellsing (in my eyes). The 13 episode tv series color my eyes red with blood lust as did the manga. The OVA series is just a masterfully crafted series overall based on Hirano’s highly influential series. Animation quality does skimp a bit in later OVA’s with the use of 3DCG in certain unimportant scenes, but it’s still a fantastic adaptation that does well where it truly counts.
Fullmetal Alchemist (2003): This needs a very clear distinction here, I’m not talking about Brotherhood. I haven’t seen Brotherhood. However, even if I did, I don’t think Brotherhood would have the same impact the first adaptation has. What the first adaptation did was plant the seeds to an interest in anime in my head, sorta (Inuyasha is a little more to blame and AMV Hell 3 made the bamboo sprout). But even then, it’s a certain genius in writing. The series does not fully feel like it bullshits itself with the anime original writing, at least not fully. It still does an admirable job in continuing with what it can and giving us a fantastic anime series in its own right.
Kobayashi’s Maid Dragon: This anime nearly did not make the list. It was nearly sacrificed. However, as I was writing about the pain of removing it from the list, I realized something: I felt way too much regret in that decision. I knew I wasn’t making the right choice, one of the rare moments I was able to listen to instinctive reason in my life. It took down “Angel Beats!”, which while a great series, I felt I only kept it on because of the fact that it was such a feels trip. Kobayashi is like Kekkai Sensen in that I was in love with it every episode of the way. It was fun, it was engaging, and it was highly memorable. AND IT HAS NOT BEEN A FULL YEAR SINCE IT FIRST AIRED. It’s that good of a series.
Black Lagoon: This also accounts for Roberta’s Blood Trail as well, which is a fantastic addition, it doesn’t even feel like there was a gap of time between the second season and that. Black Lagoon is very well paced, well written, and well animated. There are moments of CG used in the series that is brilliantly blended with the 2D Animation that I can not complain about it at all. While it’s level of violence is in no way over that of Hellsing’s, it does have a way in its writing and character development that, I hate to admit, makes it leaps and bounds better.
Darker than Black (Season 1): Not a big fan of the second season to be honest. I do like the second season, but there’s so much changed. The musics changed drastically, something about the writing feels off, and I just don’t know. I’d kill for a third season. But the first season is just magical though. Well animated very interesting, and just a pleasure to watch.
Code Geass (Season 1): Another situation where I like the first season more than the second. But more so here. I kinda forgive the second season to a degree, but even still I wish they had kept the tone and age rating they had in the first season. Funny enough, I originally did not like Code Geass. I dropped it after the first episode. But then I gave it a second shot and was absolutely in love. I’m big sucker for military anime, watching small forces take on bigger forces with expert strategy and seeing the carnage set in as victory draws in closer. The second season sort of does this, but not as well as the first. Third season hype is real though.
Shingeki no Bahamut (Season 1): This anime was a pleasant surprise. It’s beautifully animated, but what’s more is that it’s writing is very well done. It’s based on a mobile game of all things and does a splendid job in just going from there. This basically plays out like a D&D game that I’d love to be in. I love this series ever so much, and the second season is just as good as the first so far.
Now with all that out of the way, let’s touch on some runner ups. This isn’t an exhaustive list, just ones that cross my mind or ones I feel I do need to mention. And they are:

Angel Beats
This series nearly made the cut. It was a beautiful looking anime with some gut busting comedy in it as well. But as I kept thinking about it on the list, I realized that to a degree, I was only putting it on here because of the fact it had a feels factor. Sure, I think of this series a lot, and certainly it has a major impact on me, but there’s something about it that brings it down. It could have been a potentially far greater series, but I feel like the writers were a tad all over the place when they made this series. They were lucky to have actually made it as good as they did.

Highschool of the Dead
It’s a favorite for sure, and it’s a series I am constantly defending and arguing the merits over cause everyone wants to simply complain about this series and the amount of sexual fanservice in it.
Or they bring up this scene
As far as I remember, that scene is not in the manga. The scene of a bullet passing through boobs is not in the manga at all. It’s anime original. Thus I’ve concluded that the series director, Tetsuo Araki, was doing what he could just to make this series more talked about. I’ve written a post on the matter before.
Put simply, I don’t give a shit or have much issue with those complaints. The series does well to have people killing zombies with gratuitously overpowered weapons. There’s a fucking character named after the author of Hellsing, Kouta Hirano (Hirano Kouta?). Fucking Black Lagoon names a bowling alley after him as its nod to influence. This series? They make him a character AND make him a Gun Otaku. The manga most likely knew its priorities though. The anime had marketing on the mind. And sex sells along with controversy.
Fate Zero and Fate/Stay Night: UBW
I like this series a lot. I remember just being so hyped to talk about Fate Zero every week on a forum I use to frequent. Sure, nobody actually TALKED to me, it was just forum posts really, but I loved just talking about it. I didn’t have anyone to talk to though. One friend was so detached from anime he’d have just talked about how he had a much better idea for a series twenty years ago. Another friend just kept calling the series “Fake Steak Knife”.
Zero is kinda understandable though for a drop. Good as it was, it was just a good addition. I had read F/SN earlier that year it began airing, so it was great to get more Fate in the form of prequel material. But the prequel isn’t astounding compared to my personal likes. It does a good hell of justice for Fate though, that’s for sure.
Then there’s UBW. This one is kinda painful, but not enough to justify putting it back on the 3x3. UBW is my personal favorite route in F/SN, so seeing it be the adaptation they used for the Ufotable adaptation was just amazing. But there’s something about the adaptation I have faults with, and in a way it’s those faults that make me feel that the original VN’s are much better works than the adaptations ever will be.

I watched this series recently some time last year on recommendation from a friend. That recommendation, among many, confidently put faith in this man as a man of cultured tastes.
Why didn’t this get on the 3x3 though? Good as it is, it’s not THAT good. It’s great, but not THAT great. What it is is a video game adaptation to anime that does an astounding job at being an adaptation of a video game. In fact, it probably would have been better if it wasn’t a video game adaptation and instead an original anime series about gangsters.
Honorable Mention

Kara no Kyoukai
There’s a lot of anime that could make the list of Honorable Mention for any number of reasons. These would be series that didn’t even get to compete on a check list, but was listed somewhere during the years
Kara no Kyoukai was so iffy of a movie series though that it didn’t even make the listing by years. It didn’t even get fully considered.
My opinions of this series has made an absolute 180 since 2015. Certainly though, I still love it. Yes, it has an impact on me. The movies are gorgeous and the music does well to support the visuals. But the writing is just questionable to the point of unsatisfying. Of all of Kinoko’s work to end, this is the one that is the most unsatisfying. So much so that I don’t even want a sequel to it because I feel that a sequel would ruin things from a logical perspective and be some weird pandering to hard core fans on another.
To reiterate, yes I still do love this series, but not as much as I once did. Ryougi Shiki is just an absolutely badass character, both in personality in design, and the music for when she fights is just spectacular.
But it appears something in Kinoko’s writing translates poorly to the screen that makes this series feel almost boring to me in certain films, while other films I’m far more engaged.
My favorite film is honestly the third one, “Remaining Sense of Pain”. I don’t know why, mainly because my memory of these movies despite a rewatch last year is hazy as hell. It may just be because the fight between Shiki and Asagami Fujino.
Although I have to admit, it would be interesting to see any other character from this series appear in some later part of the Nasuverse timeline. But by the time Fate/Stay night happens, Shiki’s a married woman leading a peaceful life. I’d rather let her have her peace to be honest, as with every other character in the series.
Really, I just want a proper Tsukihime anime series with every route carefully adapted to animation. But I can dream and sell souls, can’t I?
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