#hes not strong enough 4 my party tho so he stays at camp.
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the-good-luck-anomaly · 8 months ago
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clarkfamily · 7 years ago
Mabelle Peabody - DIARY - 1907 - 15 years old
Mabelle Alma Peabody born 13 December 1891
“Mabelle 1907” Harold b 1 Jan 1903   Irene b Oct 1903
“15 years old”
“Property of Mabelle Peabody from her mother Xmas 1906”
“Mabelle Alma Peabody [indecipherable] 156 Mascoma Street, Lebanon, New Hamp.” [Blue Site: hse purchased March 1903]
2 days per page
Headings on page: Ther.     Tues. Jan. 1, 1907          Wea.
Harold is 4 years old today.
Warm tho’ cold wind. Wet & sloshy.
School began. Nothing new. Resolved: to keep a diary; to read a chap. every night (now at Mar’8); to do more studying outside of school; to do better every way. Papa still at Windsor, Vt., — has been baling hay there nearly a month. Mama had the misfortune to lose the inside of her fountain pen. Came home to dinner. [dinner is mid-day meal, so she would have walked home from her school, wherever it was.]
Wednesday 2
Somewhat warmer – icy walking.  Mama bought a Waterman’s pen to-day. Don’t quite like it. I think she’ll exchange it. Received letters from Mabel W. & Alice Holton. Came home to dinner yesterday and to-day. Mama got thrown from the sleigh — the runner caught while crossing the track. No one hurt. No damage done.
Ther.     Thurs. Jan. 3, 1907          Wea.
colder — and icy.
Pa came home to-day, almost 9 o’clock without supper. Has finished pressing hay down the river. [Windsor is down-river from Lebanon.] Pa came near running onto a live wire on his way home with the team tonight from Hartland. It’s 11 am. Good night. As a New Year’s present I got a — — from Aunt Ella P.
Went to school as usual. Had a German [———] Went down to Ernest and Ann’s tonight with Eva [—]. Had a fun time. Played dominos. Eed beat. Pa’s pressing hard at WRJ [White River Junction]. The electric lights were put in just before Xmas. Used about $1.00 of electric so far.
Saturday Jan 5
about same.
Washed my hair. Ma went uptown late in the p.m. No mail or news. Have done no studying for Mon.’s lessons. Now at 1 pm some children are sliding down up here — seem to enjoy it very much — I have not been this winter.
Sunday 6
Looks like spring. rain.
None of us went to church today or S.S. [It would have been Christian Science.] In fact, went nowhere at all. Stayed to home directly and studied. Intended to start half a dozen letters. — — —.
Mon. Jan. 7
warm, and raining in eve.
Went to school. Had most of my lessons. Got my report card. Got S. in Eng, German, Geometry, V in [lealsesr]. Last time ‘twas Eng, Geo, Latin V, S in German, better! Eh? Got a pretty card from M.H.W. (Mabel Wilson.) Went to bed at 11:30. --- a lot.
Tuesday Jan 8
colder. flurries of snow. Rain & hail during the day. Myrtle Cole came down after school. We went out sliding on a hand sled. Couldn’t find the tranverse. Came home for dinner to-day for the 5th time this year ’07 or term. Dad’s finished pressing at WRJ, came home this evening. Bed 10:30.
Wed. Jan. 9
cold. Windy! and cold! Came home to dinner tho’ it was awfully cold and windy. Pa and the men (Arthur Holt & Geo. Stearn), off to Plainfield. Have been working on the hay press here out back of the barn. Got a letter from J.H[K?]D. and Aunt [Anna]. B--- --. [Written sideways in the margin: (CHS:07) This may mean “J.K.D. is in the class of 1907 at C. high school.) Am going to bed now 9-30. Isn’t that early for me?
Thurs. Jan. 10
40° colder this am than 80 --- [a lot more weather hard to read.]
Went to school of course and had dinner at the café! No news except it’s too cold to work, walk, or write in a diary in my room even. Took a test in German don’t expect to get passing on it. Bed – 9:30.
Fri. Jan.11
Stayed at café to dinner. Had a good time with Winnie Halley who boards there also. Think I should go home right away. a little warmer. cold enough. expected to go out sliding to-night but didn’t. Studied an hour to-night. My eyes ache. I feel dispirited, lonesome, or something. am retiring at 10:30 P.M.
Sat. Jan. 12
cold. about  3 in. of snow fall. Went to Laura Camp’s party, a celebration of her 17th anniversary of her birthday. About 10 out of 15 invited came. Lots of fun. N.E.D., Cathie Baulduc, Minnie H., and I gave her the “C.(Courtship) of Miles Standish” by L(Longfellow). Pa came home this pm around 3. (retiring about 11 !!!!!)
Sun. Jan. 13
Cold. pleasant.
Sum total of my doing: got up at 9. Went to church and S.S. Went to Eps---th League and heard Mrs. [Trompswich]’s lecture on “[Gyssy].” [wrote letters & a postcard to various people] Retired 11:00.
Mon. Jan. 14
Cloudy. Not sent to school. Myrtle A. Cole has left school and she and her folks are moving to Orange, Mass. Won’t I miss her, tho’. She takes it better than I should. I called to see her this p.m and stayed an hour. No other news. Good night. 10:30.
Tue. Jan. 15
Cold. Went to school. Took dinner at café. Called at Myrtle’s a few minutes. Began in the gym this p.m. Received some good advice and some exercises. We are to go every Tues., Thurs., Friday.
Wed. Jan 16
Myrtle C. & May Cobb came down after school and M. Cole and I made candy. Had a fun time. M also played Ouija. Went to café and paid my small bill. Think I paid too much. Mrs. F. doesn’t.
Thurs. Jan. 17
Too much cold to go out to see. Cold and clear.
Papa’s away pressing hay as usual and didn’t come home to-night. Water froze up in house, barn, and it took Ma about an hour to thaw it out. Haven’t seen Myrtle today. First time for a week!  W---  w-- --- gym about an hour.  (11 pm)
Fri. Jan. 18
Rather warmer. Went to school and went into gym about an hour. Myrtle Cole is staying overnight with me. She was here all eve and we had a fine time playing with the Ouija board. Pa came home tonight almost sick with a cold. This p.m. his hay press came all to pieces and splinters flew in every direction but no one was hurt at all. (10:45)
Sat. Jan. 19
---- -- & cloudy. Myrtle went home early this morning. I haven’t seen her since and haven’t seen any of the other girls either. Haven’t been outdoors today. Aunt Hattie D. came this M. and A. Holt. --- met her at the station. ---  electricity ---
Sun. Jan. 20
Warm this morning but is fast getting cold now with a cold strong wind. I haven’t been to church today but Ma and Aunt Hattie went this a.m. I wrote letters to Aunts Ria and Addie respectively and sent souvenir cards to Will & Ethel Hazeltine, Wm. Paine, and Della Robinson. Haven’t been anywhere to-day except after the milk and the wind was so strong I thought I might not get back from there. We are getting our milk from Mary Brown’s at .05 a quart. Must retire now for it’s most 9:30. I got a nice letter from [Leonie] and [P----] today.
Mon. Jan. 21
Cold and clear. Icy walking. Stopped to Myrtle’s on my way home from school 15 minutes. Geo. Stearns’s father died Sat. night so Geo. S. did not come out to work to-day. No mail or other news to-day. Am going to retire at 9:30. Papa is feeling better.
Tue. Jan. 22
Warmer. Snowing slowly all day. Called at M.A.C.’s a while after gym. A ring .39 pins one each & a locket & chain came today from S.H.Burns & Co. They are very pretty. Papa went on the 6:40 from the Jct towards Albany, N.Y. where he has gone to see about buying a new press so we are alone to-night. Anna H. made over my yellow cream waist [shirt waist dress probably; possibly a blouse] and it's pretty. We are ----  ---  of forming a ----- club next. (11:00)
Wed. Jan. 23
Cold and clear. Pa came home. Left Albany 11 last night and got here on the same train as 3 o’clock. Didn’t see Myrtle today. Didn’t have our sleigh ride as we planned. Aunt Hattie made me a Peter Pan waist this p.m. (bed 9:45)
Thur. Jan. 24
Cold & clear. It was 32° below 0 this morning. Papa’s home, but very ----. --- opposite --- MAS on my way at LHS. She was up to the farm (K---ist-d) to stay several days. Aunt H started my red checkered waist to-today. 9:15
Fri. Jan. 25
About the same. Aunt H has my red checkered done and started my green one. It was sunny all day. We had our session to-day and got out at 12:45. Came home to dinner. No news of any consequence. 9:30.
Sat. Jan. 26
About the same. It snowed all day. My green dress was finished to-day. Pa and --- have been working on ---- account all day. He went uptown in the p.m. No mail for me. 10:00.
Sun. Jan. 27
Colder. It was 18° below 0 this morning. I went to church to-day in my new green skirt and red waist and heard a minister from P   Seminary preach. We’re all --- it him myself but I’m not bragging for it was too ---- yet. I sent a postal to Leonard P. and one to Marion King. A young man called this morning and asked for “has 3 daug—n-ts” which he got. Stamps are scarcer than --- ---- once. I’m going to bed almost 10.
Mon. Jan. 28
Almost same. Came down with the grippe this a.m. or last night. My stomach is awfully sore to-night. Stayed to gym to-night. The days of practice are changed to Mon., Wed., & Fri. Aunt Hattie is getting ready to move on to B. ----- ---- on the 8:15.
Tue. Jan. 29
Colder. Colder. Colder. My stomach is worse than yesterday. I did not go to school. Pa’s new hay press came to-day and he had it brought down to-night. My new gym suit has come. Harriet has [some talk about altering and cloth color and about Aunt Hattie] I miss her very much. Bed 9:30.
Wed. Jan. 30
Rather warmer. Did not go to school today either but am some better I think. Pa and Ma went to some [Lecture Course] entertainments. Had a good time I guess. (10:15).
Thur. Jan. 31
Colder. 15° below 0 8:30 this morning. I went to school but got excused from recitation. My eyes ached so this evening that I couldn’t study. Ma wrote some in the circular letter to-night. Pa is up at Earl Giles to-night. He began work with his new press to-day. I got a little note from Mrs. A. R. Today. She is well but somewhat lonesome I guess.
Fri. Feb. 1
Warmer. Cloudy. Went to-school to-day but didn’t feel much like it this morning. Papa came home to-night. Likes the new press OK. Received a good letter from Myrtle to-day. She is out at Kiniston’s farm still. No news or mail of consequence. Bed 10:45. Have used $3.00 of electricity so far.
Sat. Feb. 2
Warmer. Damp and wet out to-night tho it doesn’t quite rain. Pa was up ---- this AM. Pa came home early. Oh how I would like to see Myrtle. My eyes and cold are better but I don’t feel very good yet nevertheless. Will Spencer, Milton and Margory Spencer’s father died to-day and a collection was taken to get flowers for the funeral. 10:30.
Sun. Feb. 3
Colder. Gray & mushy. Did not go to church or S.S. Wrote Myrtle an 8-page letter. Did a little studying. Wrote a postcard to Jennie. Am feeling pretty well. Am going to bed early soon after 8:30.
Mon. Feb. 4
Cold and clear. Myrtle came down this morning for Mrs. Guy. Mrs. Guy hurt her neck so M came down to stay with her and help for a few days. I stopped in to see her to-night after school. We got out at 1:45 on account of Mr. Spencer’s funeral. I am late in getting to bed. 11:00.
Tue. Feb. 5
Snowed all day but the snow is light. We had only one long session at school to-day. Pa is still at Meriden. Myrtle is still at Guy’s but I didn’t stop to see her on my way home (12:30) I was too hungry. 11:00
Wed. Feb. 6
Colder. Somewhat cloudy. Called at Myrtle’s a while after L.H.S. Pa came home to stay over night. Myrtle thought she would come down to-night but had a ticket given her to go to the Fireman’s Ball so til. thought she would go there instead. I was sorry but not particularly, studied instead. Nellie F.P. is sick abed I hear. Her sister Margie came home from Littleton/Lewistown --- --- --- --- ---
Thur. Feb. 7
Went to school. Myrtle came down and spent almost an hour with me to-night. Nellie & Mabel Di are some better I understand. Went in today and yesterday to see about getting a new skirt at R&E. Haven’t got one yet. Am going to bed at 10:00.
Fri. Feb. 8
------. Warmer. Stayed to gym after school then stopped at Myrtle’s awhile. Went up and went to church at the Baptists with Lillian M. T. and then we went over to L.H.S. and heard the last of a lecture. Was so terribly interesting. I had a fine time. ---- ---- I could go every Friday. Have studied only Eng. yet. Bed 11:30.
Sat. Feb. 9
Colder and fair. Ma  has been uptown awhile this p.m. Pa in the vicinity of house has been working on his engines. I should have done a lot of studying but haven’t. Looked for a piece to speak next ---- in school but didn’t find one that I quite liked. We are each owe to speak before the Eng. class in over a month. Bad! Bad! 11:00
Sun. Feb. 10
It has snowed nearly all day so none of us has been to church or S.S. I have written no letters, no postcards, but have studied Geo.[graphy?] & Geometry. Bad -i--- -- ----  --- light make my eyes ache quite hard this evening. The wind blows and it's a cold night. Bed 10.
Mon. Feb. 11
 Cold and mucky. Have been studying most of the time but haven’t my lessons yet. Stayed for Gym and make-up for Geometry. Haven’t seen M since Fri. p.m. Pa and Ma went to a lecture in the “course” by Mr. McArthur. Good. [When they got home, they told Mabelle the lecture was good.] It’s quite cold tonight. Bed 11:15.
Tue. Feb. 12
Stayed after school to rehearse my piece to my teacher Miss Dole. Ma just almost finished the accounts on 9 mo accounts. This P.M. she went my to Mrs. B’s and they worked on them together. I was alone from 6 to now, 11:30. And am down with a cold I fear.
Wed. Feb. 13
Rather warmer. Went to S. Spoke my piece in Eng. class, fairly well. Got postal or Valentines from Cal. Also Irene and Harold have one. Pretty. No other news. Am going to bed now. Stayed to gym. Haven’t got a suit yet. Am feeling rather better tonight. 10:45.
Thurs. Feb. 14
Warmer. Snow’s melted considerable to-day. Came straight home from L.H.S. to-day. Have only got three lessons since I came, tho: Geo., Latin, & Eng. Mama went up St. awhile this p.m. with Mrs. E. Pa came home to-night. Harry Kenniston has not been to school for two days so I have not been able to hear from Myrtle for more than a wk.
Fri. Feb. 15
Went to L.H.S. Stayed to Gym. It was Miss Mann’s turn to lead. Went to church this eve. Had a fine time. Came home alone. Myrtle is down to her cousins’. Mrs. Guy’s on Mechanic Street and hasn’t been up to the farm in more’n a week. Have got [nyling] toward Mon’s lesson. ---- ---- ----. Retiring 9:35
Sat. Feb 16
Warm and sloshy walking. Did most of the housework as Ma didn’t feel very well and she went uptown the a.m. got back almost 2. I went up to Lilla T. and stayed to supper — got home almost 8. My Gym suit’s come and I bought some shoes to go with them. It’s OK two times I think. Ma went to a wedding anniversary --- --- ---  Bed 10:45
Sun. Feb. 17
Cold. Has been slowly snowing most all day and the wind is blowing it into drifts. Ma and I went to church and I to S.S. Ma went to two sermons this eve. a union meeting at the Baptist and a meeting at the Meths. I wanted to go to the Union but couldn’t. I haven’t studied much to-day so must get up to --- m--- on M --- and my Latin. Retire 9:45
Mon. Feb. 18
Cold & clear & fair. L.H.S., Gym. Came directly home and have studied most ever since. Yet haven’t all my lessons tho. Pa is pressing hay now for Grafton and he is not going until to-morrow some time.  Ma wrote to Aunt H. this evening. Retiring 9:45.
Tue. Feb. 19
Quite cold. Snow flurries towards night. Lilla came down and stayed with me while Ma’s away at a Grange Play at Enfield Center. Haven’t a great lot of studying this s---. My head aches like everything! Retiring 11:00
Wed. Feb. 20
Cold and fair. Lilla went up with me this a.m. but we started so late that we were almost tardy. In spite of the fact that I have had a sore throat and headache all day I went out sliding with Lelia Gardener. My eyes ache awfully. 8-9.
Thur. Feb. 21
Cold but fair. There is no more school until Mon. Tomorrow is the 22nd and a legal holiday. I am feeling better this eve. and I am going to bed now at 10.
Fri. Feb. 22
Ma went up with Mrs. Eeler to Mrs. Tomli’s to dinner and then came directly home for she’d then received word that Grandma D, Mrs. Moore, and little Phoebe Govellhurt (age 5) were coming here. They got here about two. I went uptown to mail some letters and also stopped to B. church. Had a good time. 11:00!
Sat. Feb. 23
Cold. Fair. They went up town a while this p.m. and this evening. We (Ma, Grandma, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Eelar, and I went up to play “Lamentations in the Court of Fame.” Had a fine time. The real thing was last night but it was repeated to-night. It was fine. Got home at 10:30. Have studied just a bit and now 11:45! Good night.
Sun. Feb. 24
Mr. A. Doloph was down --- us and with his Graphia phone. Cold with some --- --- this evening. I went to church and S.S. this morning. Mrs. Morris and Phoebe G. went on the 3:48 this p.m. and they took ------ up to the depot in time ---- “490” First auto ride I’ve had in ’07!! I wrote a letter to Myrtle Cole this eve. Have not seen her for more than a week. She’s at Kennington. Retired 10:15
Mon. Feb. 25
Cold. Cold. Went to L.H.S. Stayed to Gym and test on Geo. Water froze up and we had one awful time trying to start it back but didn’t succeed. Will have to use Precinct I guess. An awfully cold night. Ma went up to Mrs. E’s and found out about the water when she got back. Bed 12
Tue. Feb. 26
Cold and. Had the precinct water fixed so we can draw some ---- ----. Arrived at school in the morning. (I have not been late to school this year that I know of) and came directly home. Got a brief note from Myrtle. She is not very well she notes. No other news or mail except Ma’s been working on the white dress she has cut. Retired 10:20
Wed. Feb. 27
Cold. Went to H.S. and stayed to Gym as usual. Got my report card. Eng S, Latin V, Geo “S”? Pa came home this noon and he and his men have been thawing the pipes and now we have precinct water fully installed. Seems good to have some kind. Retire 10:00
Thurs. Feb. 28
Cold ----. Went to H.S., stayed to Gym. My gym suit came today. Just what I wanted at last. Grandma and Ma went up town after I came home. Pa has gone up to Pomfret to press now. (Retire 10:30)
Fri. Mar. 1
Somewhat warmer. Wore my gym suit and shoes for the first time in gym. Like them fairly well. Miss Isa Emerson and Emma Emerson came over today to call on Grandma. I did not go to the church this eve. I payed my board bill this noon. [she keeps a tab at the school cafeteria].
Sat. Mar. 2
Sunny but cold with a cold mist in evening. Ma & Grandma went up to Mrs. E and spent the pm and stayed to supper. Pa came home from N. Pomfret about 5. I swept my room and changed the ---- of all the ---- Lilla & Nellie called up on their way back from Jennie down to Nellie’s Mrs. Davis’s. Ret. 10:45
Sun. Mar. 3
Warmer. Snow seems to be most gone. Went to Baptist Church & Meth. S.S. Pa, Harold, Irene up ---- old home to Tatro’s to see some logs which Eastman wants sawed. Pa is thro baling hay and is going at wood. I wrote to Jennie P this evening. Everyone’s asleep but me so good night. 9:30
Mon. Mar. 4
Warm. Some snow fell last night. Papa has been thawing ---- “catch basins” today. Mama & Harold & Mrs. E. went up to her dressmaker’s Mrs. Broo’s. I didn't feel able to attend S. this morning think I ate too much supper for one thing but not this pm. Don’t feel very well yet. Retire 9:30.
Tue. Mar. 5
Warm. Went to S. Came directly home. Grandma spent the pm and stayed to tea at Mrs. Pike’s. Pa has been thawing out catch-basins. His men sawing wood. I feel better tonight. Retire 9:45.
Wed. Mar 6
Rather cold. fair. Stopped to see Myrtle Cole on my way home today. She is OK except for a cold but Mrs. Guy’s baby is quite sick. Mama & Grandma went down to the Greenhouse after I got home and bought some flowers. Ret. 9:45
Thur. Mar. 7
Came directly home today. Ma & Mrs. E & Grandma called up at Mrs. Towle’s this p.m. It was a fine day tho’ some colder. Pa was around home today. The men are sawing wood at the Shakers. Retire 11.
Fri. Mar. 8
Cold & fair. Stopped to Nellie’s and --- --- stopped at Myrtle’s. Nellie went down to her father’s. Have studied some. Played “Donkey” with Flinch cards this evening. The men came home to stay tonight from E. Leb. Pa has them running the timber engine to run Cole’s shop today. 10
Sat. Mar. 9
Cold. pleasant. Myrtle, Nellie, Eva & I went out sliding this evening and had a fine time until Myrtle’s knee cap came off. We drew her down to Dowses on the sled and then N & I came home with M--. Have not done anything today. The electric light fixtures were put in today. They are pretty. Retire 11.
Sun. Mar. 10
Cold, mostly fair. I (& Ma) went to church & S.S. Ma & Pa went to E. Leb. to fix his sawing machine. Had to walk part of the way as there was too much snow for the last two miles for the auto to traverse. Studied Lat. & Geometry this eve. Roy Hazen, wife, 4-year-old boy, 3 wk old baby stopped to get warm on way from --------- to ------- Vt. Retire 10:30.
Mon. Mar. 11
Not very cold. fair weather. Stayed to Gym. No more work there for 3 wks. Pa attended the Republican Caucus & Citizens’ meeting. He also worked half a day thawing out catch-basins. I stopped to see Myrtle tonight. She is well and Mrs. Guy’s baby is almost well. We are now using a new program at school making one recitation course differently. Retire 10:30
Tue. Mar. 12
Town Meeting Day. [list of names of selectmen, etc.] Pa feels rather relieved at not getting the agency. Grandma is about the ------ not feeling very well. Ma called on Mrs. E this eve. My eyes ache. Ret. 10—
Wed. Mar. 13
Stopped at Myrtle’s a few minutes. Went back uptown after I got home. My eyes ache. I tried to study tonight two hours but didn’t get my lessons. Don’t see what ails me lately. Grandma went on the 1 o’clock coach to Caterbury to her sister’s. Ret. 10
Thur. Mar. 14
Warm with rain. Ma had one session today and I came home to dinner. Did some studying and in the evening went to one of the Lecture Courses. “Laurant, the Magician.” Not so fayr not so good as “Mayro” last year. I’m sleepy. 10:45. I fell down in some ice and got soaked.
Fri. Mar. 15
Went to L.H.S. ‘Twas the last day — a vacation now ‘til April 2. There’s a play this evening for the L.H.S. Dart. senior dramatic society “Bachelor’s Hall”. I should like to have gone but it’s too icy and sloppy. Ret 9:30
Sat. Mar. 16
A very pleasant day very much like spring. Pa is sawing wood. Ma went uptown. I worked on a composition --- --- ---- ---- ---- not less than 500 words in it. --- --- not home yet. Myrtle has gone out to Kinnningston. Haven’t seen her since then. 10:35
Sun. Mar. 17
A very warm pleasant day. Ma and I drove up to church and I stayed to S.S. Ma went with Mrs. E. up to Tind’s and stayed to dinner. I finished my composition and when copied it found I had 600 words. Don’t know what I should do. My eyes ache. I wanted to do some letter writing but couldn’t find time. 10:00
Mon. Mar. 18
 Warm and pleasant. Worked on Irene‘s dress. Ma went uptown this p.m. I copied my composition and --- --- --- 500 words out of it. Wrote a little post to Myrtle this afternoon. Pa paid ---- ---- --- --- Retire 9:30.
Tue. Mar. 19
Cloudy followed by snow. Cold. Ma & I finished Irene’s dress and got a new red checked one for me nearly done. Went uptown this p.m.
0 notes