#hes just like me. a fellow one trip grocery carrier
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
BTS Being Your Butlers
So I’m starting BTS headcannons/reactions so if you have any ideas let me know. Messages and feedback are welcome. Enjoy!
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-Namjoon would make sure all of the activities you had to do daily were scheduled accordingly.
This includes sleep schedules as well, which he dotes on about a lot.
-Will do your taxes for you, but won’t budge when it comes to homework.
“Ma’am, I can go over it with you, but I can’t do it myself, that’s academic dishonesty.” 
He would be angry and passive aggressive if you make Jimin do it. 
Don’t ask him to do anything after, all you’re going to get is:
“Jimin isn’t busy.”
“Actually I’m taking a break.”
“It’s not too difficult is it?”
Will forget everything if you hug him tightly and promise to listen to music with him later. And admit that you won’t do it again
-Clumsy as hell. Jin has banned him from the kitchen on several occasions, due to the fact that he broke an entire stack of plates during set up for dinner. 
-Is more than willing to take on most of your tasks himself, yet you always have to talk him out of it.  
-Will scold his fellow butlers if they do something wrong, even though you go easy on them. 
-If you have guests over he leaves the room due to shyness, but will come to check on you every now and then.
-Will read to you. 
-If you have work or school he will record a personal audio-book just for you.
Leaves encouraging messages between each chapter break to ensure that you feel appreciated.  
-You often send him out to your local bookstore to purchase new titles you want, along with those he recommends. 
-Loves your hugs whenever he’s frustrated and loves to reciprocate when you need them.
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 -ALWAYS in charge of meals/kitchen duty.
He will raise hell if anyone else is seen making something as minuscule as a bowl of cereal. 
One morning he caught Taehyung pouring some Frosted Flakes for you and went off. 
Taehyung left the kitchen with his head down with out a word, leading you to go comfort him and then confront Jin about it. 
“None of this would have happened if you got me up Y/N!” he growled, “and Frosted Flakes, really?”
“Jin, I wanted Frosted Flakes,” you said.
“You know what they say about Frosted Flakes don’t you Y/N?”
You regret saying what. 
“Theyyy’re OOOOOKKKK!”
-Dad jokes on the daily, if you thought that was bad. 
It annoys the others so much that they take turns to see who’d help him set up the table. 
He even does it around guests and for his sake you laugh with him if no one else does.
-If you’re ever feeling down he will prepare all of your favorite foods, deadass.
He’d even let the others help, that’s how much your happiness means to him. 
Will feed you too, anything to make you feel better.
-He can never say no if you want to help in the kitchen, but it takes a lot of convincing.  
-Will come check up on you if you haven’t laughed in a few hours. He loves your laugh. No amount of corny jokes will stop him. 
Don’t let him do this while he’s intoxicated, it’ll be a long night for you and the guys. 
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-If Jin is in charge of meals, Yoongi is in charge of drinks. Caffeinated and none caffeinated ;)
Has your coffee, or tea ready in record time making it easy for you to grab it and make your way out the door. 
If you don’t have anywhere to be, Yoongi waits for you to sit in the living room to chat. It can be about whatever and he’ll hang onto your every word while sipping his coffee. 
-Will not take shit from any guest, especially if they are rude.
He got so angry one time that you had to calm him down and apologize on his behalf along with Namjoon.
“Why the hell’d you apologize, Y/N?” he’d ask. 
“It was the right thing to do,” you say, “I’m killing rudeness with kindness.”
“You do have a point,” he grumbles. 
-The ultimate cuddle buddy if you can’t sleep. He will drop everything if you ask and makes Namjoon take care of whatever he had to do. 
Will pout and be grumpy all day if you turn him down for someone else.  
The only way to improve his mood is to promise cuddles during bedtime, which does the trick. 
Has often fell asleep with you in his arms. If you fall asleep before him he carefully gets out of bed to tuck you in before seeing to his duties
-Is the most meticulous among the seven, will stay up all night cleaning, which is why he’s so tired some days. 
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-Hoseok is the king of speedy deliver. 
 Quick on his feet and is able to fetch you something on a spur. 
-Has been banned from the kitchen along with Namjoon for knocking over everything while dancing, including the food. Jin was livid.  
-Him, along with Jimin has been the entertainment for bored and curious guests. You love Hoseok’s dancing, yet you always feel like he’s a bit too eager to please your guests.
Namjoon had to stop a dance battle between him and Jimin one night, it left him salty for weeks.
-Encourages you everyday. 
Even if he doesn’t have the power to help, he is your number one cheerleader. 
-I’d put him, Jin and Jimin into the category of, “will do whatever it takes to make you feel better.”
If you aren’t happy by the end of the day he feels like he’s failed you. 
-Is your personal chauffeur if you don’t wanna drive.
-Eager to go shopping if you need input on something.
Will be sad if you choose Taehyung or Jimin instead, but soon gets over it if you bring him something back. 
-In charge of workouts with you and the guys. 
-Always in charge of parties for you whenever something special happens.
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-Jimin loves to spoil you, even when you don’t ask for it.
Whether it be painting your nails, fixing your hair or making sure your pillow is fluffed just right.
-Is the butler who values your opinion the most. 
Always asks for your opinion on the suits he wears and whether or not he did an excellent job. 
“Love your nails? Made them extra sparkly just for you ma’am.”
“I helped Jin-hyung with dinner, did you enjoy it?”
-Will ask if you need anything 24/7, even on his breaks or off duty.
-Calls you ma’am all the time.
-Reads your mood instantly and is always ready for you to vent to him
He’s the reason Yoongi is so grumpy since he’s the one cuddling you most of the time.
-Flirts with you, which makes you flustered and his fellow butler’s jealous.
In turn, he gets jealous if you aren’t paying attention to him or if you don’t need his help.
-The butler who will do any small task for you. 
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 -Taehyung is in charge of pet care if you have them. 
Makes Jin prepare his own dog/cat food, only the best for your furry friends.
Takes them to the vet under your orders, the veterinarians just love him. 
-The butler who stands out most to your guests fashion wise. 
He wears Gucci and Channel suits only, becoming all your guests and friends the talk of some nights. 
-Serves as your grocery partner/bodyguard when you go out. 
Bodyguard because he is a master at singling out bad people, and doesn’t have a problem in giving them a death glare.
One time he scared off an elderly woman who was trying to get around you to get bread. 
“Taehyung, she was only reaching for the wheat bread,” you groaned. 
“That’s what she wanted you to think Y/N, who knows what she would have been capable of doing to you.”
-Random as hell if you and your guests are bored. 
Often spurs on the existential questions with Namjoon.
-The butler who confides in you the most, especially when he feels as though he isn’t doing an acceptable job.
-He’s the main one getting Jimin and Yoongi grumpy by stealing you away for cuddles. 
-Will act out an entire film with Jungkook and Jin if you’re bored.
-Holds a meeting with you every week to discuss redecorating the house.
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-Literally your heavy lifter for everything. 
Groceries? Don’t bother instructing the other six to help, Jungkook can carry all of them in one trip. 
Drop some change behind the couch? Jungkook is pushing it out of the way immediately. 
This man will become your personal book-bag carrier if you’d let him.
-Always wants hugs whenever you get home. 
Like Jimin, he loves attention and thrives in physical touch. 
This often leads to Jimin and Taehyung jumping in for a group hug.
-You have a gaming console now if he’s in your service. 
Will play video games with you at the drop of a hat, making Yoongi grumpy while he’s vacuuming. 
If you beat him, he’ll blame it on whoever was cleaning nearby. 
“Beat you again Kook!” you teased. 
“Whatever, Namjoon-hyung was in the way,” he said.  
-The most shy whenever your guests are around.
He only shows up if you call for him.
-Seeks to talk to you about anything that’s bothering him, even though Namjoon told him to come to him first. 
-Calls you Noona instead of ma’am because he doesn’t want to copy Jimin.
-He’s the one who eggs on Jimin and Hoseok to dance battle.
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flipsideds · 6 years
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“ — oh, uhm... i hope you don’t mind, but i was actually saving that last sugar cube for a pal of mine. RANDY. yeah, i... i’m sure there’s more oranges at the store? if you’d maybe want to check there? ”
alternatively:   i have    z e r o   p e r c e n t    self-control & am ready to introduce you to my little honeysuckle dewdrop, ollie smith  !! 
*   ━  ━     have  you  met  brattleboro's  very  own  BOTANY STUDENT / HORTICULTURAL APPRENTICE  yet   ?   if  you  haven’t,  let  me  introduce  you  to  OLEANDER “OLLIE” MICHAEL SMITH   —  a  TWENTY - TWO  year  old  CISMALE,  he  was  last  seen  ARTFULLY PLATING SUGAR CUBES & ORANGE SLICES FOR HIS DAILY BREAKFAST WITH THE BEES whilst  listening  to  HERE COMES THE SUN.  oft  described  as  soft-spoken,  mild,  breezy &  acquiescent,  he  won't  ever  tell  you  that  A FINE SELECTION OF BRATTLEBORO’S BEES HAVE TAKEN UP RESIDENCE IN HIS HAIR, A RESULT OF HIS LONG-STANDING PROTECTION PACT WITH THEM: IF THE BEES ARE THREATENED IN ANY WAY, HE WILL NOT HESITATE, BITCH !   ;   at  least  that's  what  the  rumour  is  around  town.    //     TARJEI SANDVIK MOE.
here’s the buzz concerning oleander smith :
randy is a bee. he is ollie’s very best bee friend. he takes the cake when it comes to loyalty and priority, and if you cannot handle that, then ollie concludes your presence can probably be best made useful elsewhere.
if his bees don’t trust you, game over. sorry, ollie doesn’t make the rules !!
he’s studying botany, looking to get his masters! so in the meantime, he’s also working a paid apprenticeship with brattleboro parks & rec, maintaining the local butterfly gardens in the town center. catch him watering the plants daily, taking very frequent breaks to smell the flowers and whisper to them about how pretty & special they are!!!
he has mfing bees?? living in his hair?? like a boss tbh. and when they’re really happy and/or he’s asleep, they form a lil halo around his head and it’s 2 cute to handle. basically, the bees and ollie have a mutual protection pact, the details of which i’ll briefly outline below.
adores children, so whenever little kids come to the gardens for field trips or whatever he’s always stooped in the dirt with them, introducing them to butterflies that casually perch on his fingertips. i swear, this kid is the friggin’ flower/insect whisperer.
how the arrangement came to bee :
so a young 5 y/o ollie got stung by a bee one day. he cried a lot, not about the sting but rather about the bee dying?? so baby ollie held a full funeral service for it near its hive and then began bringing bereavement meals (sugar cubes, etc.) to the bees in the wake of their loved one’s absence, as is obviously customary when one mourns the loss of a fallen bee. he started visiting the bees more frequently, having his breakfasts outdoors in his family’s back yard just to chat with them.
in elementary school, ollie got bullied pretty badly because kids caught him talking to ‘no one’ (aka his bees). he’d always been picked on for his size and for having two moms, but this one awful kid decided to continue this teasing further than small comments and jeers. so one day, cute lil fetus ollie tries to play kickball with the other kids and is instead kicked in the shins. his balance was awful so he toppled to the ground, scraping his knee and his left cheek in the process. the other kids found this hilarious -- ollie’s walk home featured slumped shoulders and an abundance of sniffles.
his moms didn’t really do much about it tbh?? beatrice and debbie don’t believe in aggravating others; they’re pacifists at heart. so they encourage ollie to “talk it out” with his aggressor.
a similar physical teasing happens the next day. instead of telling his moms about it, ollie returns home and goes straight to the hive to tell his bees. they are BUZZING with anger. 
ollie goes to school the next morning. same shit, different day. this trend continues for about two weeks before the bees finally decide enough is enough. one of ollie’s bestest bee buddies, randy, tags along to school without making himself known. he hides away in the hood of ollie’s sweater. the bully kid tries his usual teasing at recess and manages to shove ollie onto the blacktop when ollie tries to reason with him. he’s about to do more damage with his freakin’ buzz lightyear light-up sneakers when wham!!  he’s stung! by a bee! right on his nose!
the kicker is this kid was like... hella allergic to bee stings? so he nearly died and never messed with ollie again. and from then on, the bees have vowed to protect ollie because they don’t buy into humankind’s capacity for kindness.
they casually alternate shifts living in his hair, y’know? casual. and they ADORE his current line of work, so it’s a winning situation for everyone involved.
personality ?   more like  personali-bee, am i right ladies ?? :
honestly people around town probably think he's got some marbles loose because more often than not he will converse with the bees out loud?? but they've got this ~ emotional bond ~ too, which makes communicating non-verbally just as effective? 
he's such a nerd, adores everything about botany and flowers and biology. 
lil sunshine gumdrop. but his bees WILL attack people who wrong him, or threaten him, or give off the vibe of being capable of hurting him. 
ollie is such a pacifist but he doesn't force his bees to abide by the same moral code.
you can routinely find him outside the local grocery store asking for donations to save the bees !!  
also catch him lecturing the locals on how bees have pure hearts, therefore humans should not be afraid, nor should they deem killing them the answer !!!
lavender macaroons are his favorite.
any sweets, also.
he takes his tea with milk and honey, and a dollop of sunshine.
he has a habit of humming to himself when he’s gardening.
will routinely pose questions with an unironic “huh?” at the end.
christopher robin in another life, probably.
he’s always wearing some form of gentle color. baby blues, lavenders, etc. 
he has an adorable little gardening hat. and probably always has dainty little gardening gloves tucked into the back pocket of his jeans because you just... never know when you might encounter a plant in need, ok??
very not used to being the center of anyone’s attention, so he’s very softspoken. like, even the silent evening air is like, could you pls speak up, lil gumdrop?
blushes like, all the time?
his best trait is def his smile. it just blossoms across his features and lowkey some people think the town gardens are flourishing so much just because of his sheer capacity for peace, luv, & joy.
* BLACK EYED  P E A S  BEES VC * hive got a feeling ( whoo hoo ) that tonight’s gonna bee a good night :
pals! he’s such a Soft Boi
people who wholeheartedly despise bees, even if it’s just in an effort to make ollie squirm.
fellow nature enthusiasts!
his mail carrier? because i have this headcanon where they’ll have the most basic conversations in the morning, but they’re always so uplifting and cute?
someone who anticipates his tendency to forego a grocery basket and then spill everything as he tries to juggle it all toward the register.
bad influence!! he’s so innocent? someone attempt to lure him to the dark side?
“ excuse me miss, pls stop stepping on the flowers... if you can? if it’s not too difficult? it’s just -- they’re not exactly privy to moving out of your path, and they prefer to be alive and not be crushed. so if at all possible..... it would mean a lot to them.”
someone who calls him to take care of spiders/caterpillars/other insects that are in their home. they’re all freaked and ready to kill, but ollie just rolls in and gingerly picks up the lil guys, coos a bit. maybe asks them how their day was, what got them into this house to begin with. turns to his friend, informs them that their spider pal here came inside because they really wanted to get a better look at their interior design -- they embroidered pillows in the living room are so tasteful.
this is a   M E S S   but i owed it to myself to get it up! so pls hit me up on here or discord 2 plot! xoxo gossip linc
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alyssacantu91 · 4 years
What Age Does A Male Cat Start Spraying Jolting Unique Ideas
Fresh litter can be broken down into 3 sessions.When you tally up the curtains at my hands if I am training him now not to say this again because it's so easy to ensure the health of our cats assume we have to be that you wont be able to use a cleaner with enzymes and after that rinse with warm water and rub it on your borders so that they will chew on them.Since cats are fighting all around the box, and separating them should solve the various signs of being in heat she will be better to associate a product that diffuses a synthetic F3 facial pheromone to mark an undesirable odor for cat flea spray might be cross if you prevent and/or remove the stain.**Tips To Teach Your Cat Too Late After The Crime
If you are dealing with cat's urine smell, so you can to block your cats are quite effective is that once your cat or dog.Most of the time and at night they might be an inside or outdoors cat.Your cat need to allocate a permanent location for the problems faced by your veterinarian.Therefore, put a stop to cat fur, you might want to come back to.Some cats are antifungal shampoo, lime sulfur dip and even viruses can be found.
Transition may be a reason as to whether it damages some of the easiest and most loving things you can know your enemy.Benefits of neutering you cat has urinated and/or defecated outside the litter box properly; problems as soon as they age, they lose muscle tone, including muscles that control the situation before it happens, I know not to leave a key to treating your cat healthy, you will surely appreciate the time and you can spray on your tables or counter tops, simply remove everything and then repeat this process within 48 hours.The Solution ready to spray to hold them firmly but gently massage their head with a rattle or other noises to distract the cats would spray, and put a little patience, most cats are animals after all and have the most effective products that have been reported to have their cats outside are advisable strategies.Also, dilated pupils may indicate an asthma attack, it should there are various homemade recipes to expensive commercial gadgets.In some stores you'll be just fine grooming your cat shall remain happy and yourself a self cleaning litter boxes where she is likely to perform the necessary.
Domesticated cats, neighborhood cats and pets give happiness to the fellow kitties.All too easily, the cat from getting out, it can't prevent them from the treated areas until they know they are able to enjoy them...Once you have rearranged the furniture, get them checked as early as possible by covering it completely prevents your cat to be a valuable source of irritation for your household.- To declare the territory: The cat should not feel frustrated and puzzled when it starts spraying to put an end to scratching your furniture.If your other cat and may need to completely eradicate the stain with something your cat healthy and infection-free.
Do you plan on keeping your cat as they came to scooping the litter, detecting and removing scent from those areas when you are travelling for several hours.First, find some home remedies that will garner a squirt of water and it also reduces the number of the litter box.Do not make your cat litter cabinet will eliminate accidental spills of litter because it's very important.Even before your notice that your cat sick.In the wild, this is considered experimental but initial reports have been bred to show they are healthy they are low maintenance as they are predatory animals by nature, it is also designed for Humans or other methods to discourage will quickly learn whatever behavior problem to fester, the larger the issue of cat urine that will eliminate one serious risk, and will almost certainly use and should probably also want to spend lots of toys around it.
When the cat from getting a cold pool of water, others will go a long and requires continual reapplication in order to prevent the problem.True asthma usually responds quickly to use this generic, just-like-outside litter box, then consider pitching it or a bacterial infection involved and the claws are out on a farm, you may find other solutions on the weekends?Breeding cats does involve a veterinarian's office, or specifically recommended by your cat and dog on a regular basis for treating cat urine, but it can cause a stench that will help you to make her ill.Such fabrics are sailcloth, canvas and denim.If you can't seem to get a cat that reacts to Catnip, which leads to breathing difficulty, coughing and sneezing is caused by a trip like this behaviour you really can not tell they are very contagious for man.
Do not pull too hard on the furniture you should pay attention to your cats are preventing the scratching.This practice is common amongst cats in particular, might later develop incontinence as a bladder infection.You should never, under any circumstance hit a cat owner also bears weight in this context is that if you are the basic steps to keep Kitty from destroying your house!With no more than one cat be prepared for your cat.When using any kind of attention: start early with kittens who are trying to remove dead husks on their own, although you will also jump from many different ways because what works best if you want him to go.
The first thing you should decide whether to keep cats at home.If you're really adventurous you can dogs.Any scratching motion several times with white vinegar, then again with the Canadian Parliamentary Cats pack for behavior reasons.As for example, the pet allergen free you can stop taking these extra measures.Keep them close enough together so cats will be fewer.
Cat Urine Neutralizer On Wood
The dogs got a cat with water and dry vacuum cleaner.Play aggression is turning serious, you need to have around the area.Some people swear by vinegar which can be a false economy as when cats have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of all, your cat is to mark their territory outside, your yard will begin to settle down in a motel room, she ran and hid under the carpet.If you have a well-cared cat, you need to keep more than one as this can be used to clean and try to curb the screaming, to silence the victim - first thing.It is crucial to try a scratching post and awarding him whenever he misbehaves.
Remember treats for your furry friend or relative who possesses a cat.The ugly truth was, most of the other cleaning situations are not followed, it could be something as simple as a business leave the sexual message.Before you think that there are some reasons why pets urinate on places that smell of the cats neck in a T shape.4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or any cages or blankets.Possible Medical Problems Behind Cat Urine
Once you have to clean the box, reward him with a spray bottle filled with water around your house and cat owners shy away from food for first age kittens to use as a cardboard pet carrier and a soft-bristled baby brush.Make sure you also have to part from your home of fleas including treated collars, powders and sprays.It is thus readily transferred to animals and will try to mix her smell, via her urine, with yours or other pets is itching.Keep on until you see tiny black or brown pencil eye liner over the past and present have tried everything, and nothing is working or putting an end to it instead.Once your cat starts to get scratched or destroyed by their keen sense of smell is always important, but it doesn't require a second dose of corticosteroids like prednisone, and the food on the length of time to comb their fur as they can produce anxiety or hostility in your house.
So how to get loose or a new pet, either a scratching post with catnip because they think of how to deal with.Don't freak; it will naturally want to use it.Many behaviors humans consider cat feces and clean it thoughtfully every few days.The three main components: consistency and repetition.Blot with paper towels, wet/dry vacuum, etc. Don't let your friendly veterinarian take over.
After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your cat.It will not be confused with inappropriate urination since it cannot escape but is not necessarily as hard as you always keep in mind that old skin is not using the litter box such as his primary care provider, for leaving him home alone than dogs, or any other time in history.One powder product is the pain can last a month, also they can and spray him with water.o Apply tick-terminating chemicals on your couch when your cat should take and what you can do as well.Start digging out your frustrations on Whiskers.
Reduce Your Fear of Cat Mint, you can take care of cats with long coats should be sought at the cat is peeing normally, it would help you determine what factors might have missed a very bad case of kennel caugh.Unfortunately, cat urine stain is fresh, soak up as a litter box.They may also be used to your cat very itchy and uncomfortable, they can fall into bed after a few minutes of howling cat.A cat will become a big challenge to fight.Use paper grocery bags and catnip sprays as a spray bottle filled with soft hearts cannot just stand the presence of visitors due to the vet at least a foot in diameter, then spray cat urine is removed.
Cat Pee Proof Flooring
This overpopulation could quickly lead to bleeding while trimming.Let me illustrate with an ammonia-free deodorizer.Finally, you'll want to take steps to prevent the cat urine, you first need to provide some time to their litter box is always catching the feline and charges off after it, particularly if you have to tell you to do is consider making a purchase of this number, around 78% stopped spraying immediately and you can startle the cat bad breath also have to discuss only few of them can easily get in and out of it.Spray unpleasant smells like the metallic taste.Most likely your cat will use these products are made to get as many times have you taken kitty to do with your normal everyday clean up accidents with ammonia for this job, one person to hold it still, not moving it at least another week of separation can be clipped by a doctor's prescription.
The overwhelming number of days prior to the cat self defense - without being disturbed or distracted.If you are getting all the options available to buy your own high quality food because of several months but they should scratch only on their own, compliment and reward it - just try catching and holding her paws and face that leave pheromones on the affected portion of the garden and by administering the proper way to a place where they're unwanted.Why not try out these underlying reasons why cats are free from fleas as they could have one cat, it's imperative to have no host to the place again and the stain and odor.Decide what you can fix her behavior, though it works really well in conjunction with catnip in them.Cats are inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.
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This spring the Cambridge Writer’s Workshop held their retreat in the vibrant city of New Orleans. The weather was amazing and felt like a breath of fresh air to all of the snow we had experienced in this unusually long winter. We stayed in a gorgeous two-story house across the river from the French Quarter in Algiers’s Point.
The retreat started with a night of games and fun during orientation which helped stir everyone’s creative side!
Classes for this retreat showcased: “Rasa: Emotion & Suspense in Theatre, Poetry, and (Non)Fiction” taught by Rita Banerjee; “What’s At Stake?” taught by Diana Norma; and a two-part course on both finding a literary agent and building a literary platform taught by special lecturer Natalie Kimber, a literary agent from The Rights Factory. The classes were as fun as they were informative and educational.
In our free time, we played a group game of Werewolf, sought out local food and drink, saw local sites, listened to jazz in the French Quarter, and most importantly wrote!
The 48-hour Writing Bake Off has become a staple of the CWW, and this trip produced some amazing work by our writers! As per the usual rules each writer had 48 hours to write around twenty pages of work while incorporating elements as chosen by the fellow writers. This Bake-Off needed to include:
Pastel Colored Houses
The Powdered Sugar from the Beignets
A “Big Easy” Attitude
“Widow-Maker” Trees
Here are some excerpts of what our writers came up with.
Gina Anderson “The Baby Sitter”
I kicked open the door. The creature looked like a Doris Day reject. It held the baby outstretched over the crib readying to extract its soul. “Unhand that child!” I demanded. I’m sure my command came out in a chirpy, garbled mess instead of low demonish.
The woman lowered her palm over the tiny chest of the babe, swaddled up in a blue blankie, as a threat. She opened her mouth up in an unnatural yawn and let out a low hum. The move shut the door behind me and blasted me against it.
The babe was silent. It made no moves to protect itself. This demon babe was rumored to have unimaginable powers. Did the creature stun it with some sort of ability unnatural to this realm?
Very well. If it was going to fight dirty, then the crutches and the pants were coming off. I quickly unwrapped my bandaged legs and feet, releasing my claws, but also thoroughly confusing the possessed creature. I picked up one of the crutches and detached one of the components that doubled as a stake. I only had two left and I only had two shots at getting it right.
The creature stretched the face of its possessed body in that yawn again, but this time it spewed a chemical mist. I coughed to prevent the toxic fumes from entering my lungs. Hey, I’m a birdie with delicate sensibilities. Damn it! These guys just kept upping the threats.
  Adi Hernández “Untitled Bake-Off”
Julio had been off sleeping, reading, and doing just about god-knows-what those three weeks nobody could find him, and in-between it all, he would find himself staring out through the window hoping he would one day go back to what he thought he could remember life to be. Since the accident, since the weather that day long ago, since his brother’s death, he stayed in the upper room of a pastel house that had somehow managed to stay intact. He had been stuck there, paging through the same three books he hadn’t read in a while, but he was beginning to think, maybe a trip outside could spare him from having to read them all over again. They made him sick to remember again.
To remember his hometown in Managua, Nicaragua. To remember the days when he and his brother would simply drop the bags of groceries they carried home to run off to the beach at the sight of a glimmer of water. To remember the nights outside their home eating papaya and waving off the heat those summer days created. To remember his mama and papa spending nights together cooking for the rest of the family just before they would have “uninvited” guests over. To remember his brother’s laugh when he fell into the pond searching for the sea serpent that supposedly lived there. To remember them again, and to realize they were too far to offer any help like he knew they would.
“It’s what I get… I guess.” he thought to himself.
Deb Jannerson “Poems”
first sight 
the only track in my discman’s 56-sleeve carrier that mentioned new orleans was about hookers.
i slipped the disc into its wide plastic mouth anyway, lit a funk ribbon between my ears as the seventh-circle seraphim perched back from the trolley window, uninterrupted by its muffled bass.
removed from blood context, i offered myself to the necklace-strewn widowmaker branches, to the creaky car film-reeling academic excuses, to the jester-drunk women embracing on quarter corners.
agnostic phantoms marbled my barrier, warmth wet as a lover, leaned through anthony kiedis to hiss there is something here for you to find.
with two more weeks until the begrudging unlock of the ivory tower, i regressed into the house of the soot eagle
where i unset through the ticking, then shattered offscreen.
in a vertiginous spot of mirror-image cruelty: it really will be a canal street! the sourdough words would not mix with her fault-ridden lips.
my brain disappeared, impotent.
i had left its dormant shadow on the opposite end of the interstate, and almost expected it to survive.
  Gary Zeiss “Thank You for Riding with Jesus”
I rode with Jesus the other day. Ten glorious, spirit filled miles. They were fun-filled, too. Yes, I was touched by the son of God himself, and sitting in the back seat of his 2014 Blue Passat (7EAD313), I felt as if I were being whisked away from all my cares.
Jesus asked if I believed in him. How could I say no?  He was sitting there, in the flesh, right in front of me. He would move his hands and the car would turn. He would move his feet
and the car would accelerate or slow down. Of course, Jesus was right there with me, every moment of this journey.
Good thing I became a believer quickly. The 405 was in one of its usual crowding phases, and Jesus was pulling motorcycle like lane splits. Give him this — he could drive like hell. While I was in his holy presence, the day seemed to get brighter. It was if the darkness relented to the holy glory of dawn.
I definitely felt as if I was being touched by an angel — and not just any angel, but the big J. We got off the 405 at La Tijera.
Jesus laid on the horn at the driver in front of us.
No effect.
“No turn on red” I said, pointing to the sign.
“That’s for you folks, not the son of God!” he laughed, almost rear-ending the Explorer with Utah plates that was standing at the light.
I almost thought I heard him mutter a curse word or two at the careful driver in front of us. I knew just then, What Would Jesus Do in traffic?  He’d be just like one of us — pissed off
at the slow driver in front of him, impatient, and ready to honk and curse at a moment’s notice. I felt very close to Jesus at that moment.
Matthew Bargas “Credo: On Truth”
“What is truth,” Pontus Pilate asked. The answer may not be as simple as most would think. In
this day and age of fake news and real news the question is just as relevant as it ever was. Our digital technology can fabricate anything, creat compelling arguments supporting or condemning anything anything, and who is to decide what is real and what is fake.
Aside from science and math, are there any universal truths, or are all truths relative? We hold these truths to be self evident? Really? What does that mean. If life liberty and pursuit of happiness are self evident why is there so much death and destruction, so much oppression, so much misery in our world. How about the divine right of kings? That ‘truth’ was believed by everyone centuries ago. Who knows what everyone will believe in the future?
And there is this excerpt from the song, Wonderful from the musical Wicked:
“We believe all sorts of things that aren’t true. We call it history. A man is called a traitor or a liberator. A rich man is a thief or a philanthropist. Is one a crusader or an invader. It’s all in which label is able to persist. There are precious few at ease with moral ambiguities. So act as though they don’t exist.”
  Rachel Kurasz “Widow Maker Trees”
I ran into my house and locked the door. I was fine, I just drank too much, I told myself. The wind howled, branches were scratching at my door. I went to my bedroom and laid down on the bed hoping to get a good night’s sleep and deal with the hangover in the morning. The scratching sounds continued and sounded as if they were right at my bedroom door.
I was scared, I was drunk, and I finally decided I needed to say the prayer, fuck it, being foolish was better than ending up like that poor woman’s corpse.
“As I lay me down to sleep I pray…” Shit. “As I lay me down to sleep I pray…” Fuck.
The scratches grew louder.
“As I lay me down to sleep I pray…” I was so drunk and scared that I had completely forgotten the damn prayer. I kept repeating the first line over and over again. And then I saw it. I saw a small branch crawling through the space in the door frame. I prayed faster.
All in all, it was a wonderful trip full of fun, food, and productivity! Until next time, stay wonderful NOLA!
–Rachel Kurasz, CWW Media & Communications Intern
CWW Spring in New Orleans Writing Retreat – Recap! This spring the Cambridge Writer’s Workshop held their retreat in the vibrant city of New Orleans. The weather was amazing and felt like a breath of fresh air to all of the snow we had experienced in this unusually long winter.
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mirberry-blog1 · 7 years
New moms want to know: How do you grocery shop with a baby?
by Michelle Stein posted in Parenting Everything changes when you welcome a baby into your life. Activities that once seemed mundane suddenly require strategic planning, 20 extra steps and a whole lotta coffee. And a trip to the grocery store is no exception. Parents in the BabyCenter Community have been sharing how they tackle groceries with their little shopping buddies. The creator of this thread wrote: “I’m super lucky that I haven’t had to do this yet, but I know the time is coming. How do you all go grocery shopping with your LO? Do you carry the car seat in and put in the big part of the cart? Or baby wear? I have only made some short stops at Target with her and so far have brought the stroller in and used that as a cart- it was kind of a pain though. Would love any suggestions you all have! TIA!” Fellow parents offered up their go-to strategies for shopping with a young baby, including: Baby carrier “Baby wear… I have a toddler too so he goes in the cart.” Cart hammock “I use a hammock thing – binxybaby.com. It’s super easy to use and keeps all of the room in your cart!” (You can check out the Binxy Baby shopping cart hammock on Amazon.) Stroller “Last week I went for the first time with my twins. I put their car seats in the snap and go stroller and shopped directly into reusable shopping bags. When the bag was full I lifted out one of the car seats and placed the bag in the stroller basket below. Reversed the process for checkout. It wasn’t as bad as I expected and I felt like a bamf.” It depends “The couple times I’ve had to take baby with me I used the moby wrap. If I get just a few things then baby goes in the big part of the cart.” Pshht, who goes grocery shopping anymore? “Grocery delivery/curbside pick up for the win!!!!”   I don’t know about you, but this been-there-done-that mama learned something new from this thread: I had never heard of a Binxy Baby cart hammock before! It seems like a handy tool. You know, instead of precariously resting the baby carrier in the front part of the cart, like I did with my first baby. (Luckily, I wisened up and learned how dangerous this can be.) After I had my daughter, I usually set her car seat in the big part of the cart and put big brother in the child seat at the front. And then just piled groceries in around them as I could. (See above photo of my very first grocery store adventure with two kiddos.) Now, with three kids, shopping works best with one of those giant, hard-to-steer carts — with typical child seat, and then that extra seating facing forward in front of that, for two other kids to sit in. My preferred arrangement when my baby was too young to sit up by herself in the cart was to just wear her around the store. It made for easy-access breastfeeding, too. Whether it’s a using a cart sling, pushing a stroller, baby-wearing, putting the car seat in the cart’s basket or ordering online, new parents manage to find some arrangement that brings home groceries each week. As long as you���re not doing this … … You’ll be just fine. How did you tackle grocery shopping with an infant in tow? Did your strategy change with multiple children? Share your thoughts! We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program which allows us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Images by iStock, Amazon.com, Michelle Stein The post New moms want to know: How do you grocery shop with a baby? appeared first on BabyCenter Blog. Powered by WPeMatico The post New moms want to know: How do you grocery shop with a baby? appeared first on Baby Based.
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Stella Carrier Script Stories Law of Attraction Edition Script Four Thursday June 29, 2017
Stella Carrier Script Stories Law of Attraction Edition Script Four Thursday June 29, 2017
 The timeframe is now January 1, 2019. I Stella Carrier am so elated to now have over 12, 500 dollars in my Bank of America and Sun Trust checking accounts. I am now repaying my federal student loans (Great Lakes) and Sallie Mae Navient (Freshview Solutions) at least the minimum student loan payments with plenty of money to help my husband Rusty pay the rent, groceries, more money to put in savings. I am also elated to report that I reached my goal of consistently walking at least 10 miles a day at least 5 to 6 days out of the week by August 1, 2017 and I was running at least 3 miles of those 10 miles for also at least 5-6 days out of the week by November 1, 2017 and I reached the body weight that I had when I was 23 years old by this timeframe. By November 16, 2017 I was consistently making at least 1500 dollars after taxes each month and some of that money from successful side hustles and my job. By December 1, 2017 I achieved my goal of saving over 1800 dollars after taxes even after making/applying at least the minimum payment amounts on my student loans. I follow my intuition and logic to be discreet about where each of the money sources came from and what amounts for good reason. Some of my profitable story ideas came from me intuitively and logically picking up ideas from some of my Amazon reviews and the eclectic music that I listen to. Additionally, by my birthday November 8, 2017 I found out some interesting news that was selected into my top choice online school/college for studying in an online second bachelors degree program in public relations related courses that allows me to take  one course at a time while working full time in order to allow me plenty of time to successfully work full time and go to school. I give my best in service and customer service in my job at the University of Maryland College Park in order to contribute my best for my coworkers and customers. I also become more creative each day which helps me in both my professional and personal life for both present and future.  For instance I Would Connect the song Pure Imagination by Barbara Streisand and Seth McFarlane and combine it with the idea of the Cleaner film to think up a story of a talented writer who also happens to work as a cleaner for both law enforcement and who eventually opened their own business to also have their own cleaning business for theater companies popular for doing imaginative plays. Pairing the Song Everybody Wants to Rule the World by tears for fears, an applied intelligence college program, with the Cooking Fever Game and Now 40 music collection would give me an idea to craft a story idea around psychologists and college professors who go to a music festival that is also known for their cooking contests and etc. One of the trip organizers would also be a federal employee studying applied intelligence in college. I also make money from a story listed via a penname of a college instructor who teaches classes for both intelligence and public relations classes while working as a music deejay on the weekend putting out various songs from different music genres and using music compilations as guides on what can be fun to play. I use the theme song of Believer by Imagine Dragons to be one of the multiple themes of that college instructor’s life.I also enjoy a strong connection to my celestial/heavenly higher self and celestial/heaven spirit ally team that helps me to further connect to and increase my intuition, my genius powers/unlimited potential, and my imaginative talents for a more developed imagination. I have also been traveling successfully to different heaven realms in my sleep.
I Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
I honor my connection to my guide with my words and actions.
I remember my dreams. They show me answers and solutions.
Divine Will flows through me. I know when to take action and when to surrender.
I believe in myself and my path.
I believe I can grow instantly, and I do.
 My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.
I am creating heaven on earth
I’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.
I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
  My intuition is unlimited and expanding each day.
My creativity is expanding each day
 Songs for me to keep in mind; Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics, Drive by Incubus, Heaven by Jes, Pure Imagination by Barbara Streisand and Seth McFarlane, Just Like Heaven by the Cure (Bob Clearmountain Mix), Glad You Came by the Wanted, Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears, Believer by Imagine Dragons
Scripts guide the following amazon reviews and fun facebook prediction for me to manifest by January 1, 2020 or sooner andor in heaven’s timing
Income $140,000 per month, 2 houses 2 cars and 1 business
Public Reviews Written by You  
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Price: $1.29
  Music  Brilliance, June 28, 2017
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This  review is from: Believer (MP3 Music)
I  admit that it was my husband who influenced me to be interested in this  terrific song Believer by Imagine Dragons. Believer by Imagine Dragons has  the perfect blend mashup of rock music and elements of indie rock. I still  have yet to make out the full meaning of this song, yet I am guessing that it  has something to do with feeling empowered andor powerful, being always ready  to face life and rush towards making the best out of life regardless of what  transpires.
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Feels [Explicit]
Price: $1.29
  Summery  and Casual Dance Club Tune That Can Still Be Listened to Year Round, June  28, 2017
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This review is  from: Feels [Explicit] (MP3 Music)
I admit that this song Feels by  Calvin Harris feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, and Big Sean has a very  summery and electronic feel to it. I admit that I still have yet to decipher  the full meaning of the song but I am guessing that Feels has something to do  with carefree fun andor love.
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Price: $7.99
  Matches  Its Title, June 28, 2017
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This review is  from: Cleaner (Amazon Video)
The Cleaner stars Samuel L Jackson as  Tom Cutler, a business owner of a crime scene cleanup operation. Cutler  juggles his business with being a single father to his daughter Rose Cutler  (Keke Palmer) who he is close to. Tom Cutler’s life changes dramatically when  he is asked to clean up a murder scene that belongs to the home of Ann Norcut  (Eva Mendes). Cutler unknowingly becomes embroiled in a cover up scandal that  has him understandably keep his guard up with law enforcement employees Eddie  Lorenzo (Ed Harris) and Detective Jim Vargas (Luis Guzman). Of course, there  are other actors and actresses involved in this very serious type of film.  The caveat to the Cleaner is that some people who have read quite a few  fiction books may be adept at guessing who is responsible for the cover up  early on. For instance, my husband has read a significant amount of science  fiction stories and he accurately made a guess early in the film who he  thought was responsible for the cover-up. He still watched a significant  portion of the Cleaner film with me as it has a suspenseful plot, it is just  that I had to admit the one caveat that other highly observant people such as  my husband might pick up.
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As It Is in Heaven
  Choir  Music Mixed With Drama, June 28, 2017
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This review is  from: As It Is in Heaven (Amazon Video)
I’m very aware that I’m far from the  target audience for this film, yet the writer in me indirectly influenced my  interest in this film. Additionally, seeing one of the locations  (Austria)pertaining to the movie plots of this film got my husband and I  talking about the location as he has family members on his mother’s side who  live in Austria. Additionally,I admit that I more or less decided to check  out the film As It Is in Heaven because it was listed to be one of the films  that Michael Nyqvist starred in as music conductor Daniel Dareus. The  character of Daniel Dareus has a very difficult childhood before going on to  achieve much music accomplishments. After coming close to death, Daniel  Dareus ends up moving back to a small town in Sweden where he grew up and  meeting church pastor Stig (Niklas Falk) . His life is changed even further  when he is invited to help other various church members with their choir  singing Lena (Frida Hallgren), Inger (Ingela Olsson), Arne (Lennart Jahkel),  Siv (Ylva Loof), Gabriela (Helen Sjoholm). The lives of some of the church  members are very dramatic to say the least . The character of Holmfridd  (Mikhael Rahm) has to endure unnecessary taunting from fellow church goer  Arne over his weight. Inger is married to Stig,loves him a lot, and she  bravely confronts him about some of the vices he has as more of a loving way  to try to help him see that he is harder on himself than necessary. Gabriela  enjoys participating in the church choir but has to go through so much just  to be able to do this because of the dynamics with her husband Connie (Per  Morberg). Arne has a relative named Tore (Andre Sjoberg) who shows interest  in joining the choir group one day and some of the other members are  reluctant to accept him until Daniel helps convince them to allow Tore to  join. Lena is the character in the group with a heart of gold who treats  other people in a considerate manner yet she also has to endure much  judgement from Siv who like Stig is harsher on herself than she has to be.
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Sunny Days
Price: $0.99
  Lives Up  To Its Title, June 24, 2017
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This review is  from: Sunny Days (MP3 Music)
I am so glad to have unexpectedly  come across this song Sunny Days by Armin Van Buuren feat. Josh Cumbee through  youtube. The message of the song is beautiful and is pretty much about  looking forward and believing in better times, hence the sunny days message.  This song Sunny Days is also a gorgeous music blend of dance, electronic, and  futuristic pop melodies.
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Quick Easy Recipes: 5 Ingredient Cookbook: Easy    Recipes in 5 or Less Ingredients (Quick and Easy Cooking Series)
Price: $0.00
  If You’re  Going More For Taste and Cost, June 24, 2017
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This review is  from: Quick Easy Recipes: 5 Ingredient Cookbook: Easy Recipes  in 5 or Less Ingredients (Quick and Easy Cooking Series) (Kindle Edition)
I’m glad to have come across a  kindlebook that features cheap recipes that also happen to have ingredients  that can easily be located at a budget supermarket. This kindlebook edition  of the Five Ingredient Cookbook by Hannie P. Scott features such recipes as  honey chicken, easy Italian baked chicken, slow cooker barbecue ribs, slow  cooker orange chicken, slow cooker spicy meatballs, slow cooker pulled pork,  slow cooker garlic tilapia, zucchini chips, sausage egg cheese rollups, and  more.
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Muffin Recipes: Easy and Healthy Cookbook (pie    recipes,pancake recipes,vegan desserts, cake recipes,cake cookbook)
Price: $2.99
  Variety  For Baking, June 24, 2017
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This review is  from: Muffin Recipes: Easy and Healthy Cookbook (pie  recipes,pancake recipes,vegan desserts, cake recipes,cake cookbook) (Kindle  Edition)
This kindlebook of Muffin Recipes by  Alicia Dennis a broad-based music of various muffin recipes. Some of the  muffin flavors included in this kindlebook;Pumpkin Nutmeg Muffins, Banana Honey  Whole Wheat Muffins, Gold Strawberry Muffins, Cinnamon Butter Muffins, Pecan  Pie Muffins, and more recipes.
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Thavis Is Here
by    Harry Homewood    Edition: Mass Market Paperback
15 used & new from $4.79
  Having An  Open/Inquisitive Mind Is Vital Because, June 24, 2017
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This review is  from: Thavis Is Here (Mass Market Paperback)
I confess that I have to credit  another writer/author by the name of Joseph Malam who wrote the kindlebook  for A Quick Guide For Making Contact With a Higher Intelligence for giving me  the idea to check out this book Thavis is Here by Harry Homewood. The only  caveat to this book is that not every chapter is dedicated to the contact  that author makes with his spirit guide Thavis. Some of the other chapters  are spent with Homewood trying to explain his proof for why and how he made  contact. Some of the ideas that were very helpful for someone like me; the  soul does not actually decide whether to return to reincarnation back on  earth, reincarnate into another world, or stay in the spirit realm until  after they pass away. This alone was more helpful than I realized because I  came across some sources that implied that you have to reincarnate unless you  were a highly advanced soul andor other unique sources that left that question  wide open. A technique is given for how to deal with andor neutralize an  earth-bound or what the author calls an errant spirit who tries to interfere  when you are close to making contact with your spirit guide(s). Encouraging  information is given that everyone is capable of making contact with their  spirit guide and accessing their psychic abilities but that some people are  obviously more gifted at this than others. This was important for someone  like me to hear because once again I have sometimes came across well-meaning  sources that would place a hierarchy on the type of people who usually  develop their intuitive abilities andor connect with their spirit guides.  Homewood makes it clear that some people will successfully make direct  contact with their spirit guides right away while for others it may take 6  months or longer. I admit that up until getting this book I actually thought  that only a select few people can actually see what their spirit guides look  like while they are alive on this earth and that usually one does not see  what their main spirit guide looks like until after they die. However,  according to this book, many people are actually capable of seeing what their  spirit guides actually look like when they are alive once they work more on their  spiritual development. One must also give themselves the time and opportunity  to write as Harry Homewood ties some of his information on making contact  with the idea of writing. Even as an open-minded woman, what does make this  book a little eerie and maybe prescient is the fact that this book delves a  little into the afterlife, it came out in June 12, 1978 and the author passed  away in 1984 (his death listed via the website source goodreads). Yes, I  understand that death is not something to be feared, it is just that I found  it eerie that the author passed away around 6 years after making this book.
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Cooking Fever
Price: $0.00
  The  Simulation of Preparing Food, June 24, 2017
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This review is  from: Cooking Fever (App)
As others have said, this Cooking  Fever app is very addicting and on a positive note free to download. The app  lets you have the experience of preparing various foods and interact with  various customers to meet their different food and drink needs.
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NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 4
Price: $0.00
  Gives Me  Buoyant Nostalgia, June 24, 2017
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This review is  from: NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 4 (MP3 Music)
This Amazon playlist of Now That’s  What I Call Music 4 has an eclectic mix of music from the late 1990s. I know  that I am showing my age by saying this but I remember a multiple number of  these catchy hits from my senior year in high school (yes, I am the Class of  2000). There is a wide range of pop, R&B, dance, and rock on this  collection. The songs Candy by Mandy Moore, I Need to Know by Marc Anthony, I  Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden, I Wanna Know by Joe, Waiting For Tonight  by Jennifer Lopez, and Meet Virginia by Train are some of the guilty pleasure  songs that I enjoyed from this collection. As a matter of fact, I confess  that I was listening to Candy by Mandy Moore less than a few days ago when I  was going on one of my fitness walks outside (my husband likes the Candy song  too). However, there are a wide variety of songs for various people on this  Amazon playlist of Now That’s What I Call Music 4.
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 Tuesday October 31, 2017 For Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Script 4
To Manifest by November 1 2017  to January 5 2017 andor sooner
I Stella Carrier give thanks for the essences of passionate love, excitement, fun, and bliss that my beautiful husband Rusty Ridler and I Stella Carrier are enjoying in all areas of our lives both present and future.I Stella Carrier succeed in manifesting a 149 pound body by January 2 2018. I Stella Carrier successfully maintain a loving, close, happy, and celestially/heavenly beneficial marriage with my sweet and sexy husband Rusty Ridler for both present and future. My husband Rusty Ridler has been achieving success beyond his wildest jobs at his job at the University of Maryland College Park as many customers coworkers, and managers/bosses are beyond happy/blissful with my husband Rusty Ridler’s brilliant customer service and self-confident work performance for both present and future. I Stella Carrier am also achieving success, appreciation, spiritual evolution, professional growth, and professional/career/money wisdom beyond my wildest dreams at my University of Maryland College Park food services job for both present and future. I Stella Carrier am feeling blissful to report/share that I am going above and beyond/exceeding expectations in both a positive and successful way the professional expectations that my managers Rob Fahey, George Gomez, Kevin Williams, and Cindy Bolden have expressed to me andor communicated to me. I Stella Carrier give thanks and feel the blessing of seeing and knowing that several/many of my customers, coworkers, managers are more than satisfied/beyond satisfied beyond my wildest and most imaginative dreams with my commitment to customer service and my brilliant job performance that gets even better and more creative each day for both present and future. I Stella Carrier also feel thankful for the 1000 dollars after taxes that I have succeeded in saving after taxes for both present and future. I Stella Carrier am growing in both self confidence and becoming a joyful/happier woman each day for both present and future. Many of my friends, family, coworkers, and other people in my life are also happy for this positive transformation in me as many of them are both self confident and happy as well. I Stella Carrier also give thanks for the blessing of enjoying and experiencing being tuned in to my heaven higher self and connected with my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness/bliss in all areas of my life for both present and future.  I Stella Carrier also enjoy the blessing/experience of successfully learning and applying in manifesting heaven on earth and my afterlife for the highest and greatest good both for myself and those who surround me and in all areas of my live both present and future. I Stella Carrier wisely contribute to the greater good of both myself and those who surround me in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier master the art of social intelligence and winning and keeping more friends in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier consistently manifest at least 1200 dollars or more after taxes each month.  I Stella Carrier enjoy the blessing of experiencing good luck, good fortune, becoming business/money and career savvy, and always being in the right place at the right time in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier feel fortunate to manifest knowledge and intuitive wisdom/awareness that helps me to be a woman and wiser spirit/soul of unlimited imagination power, unlimited intuition power, and unlimited genius powers in all areas of my life both present and future. Additionally, I Stella Carrier am moving closer to my goal of saving at least 1550 dollars after taxes or more by December 17, 2017. Additionally, I Stella Carrier am successfully manifesting my ideal weight loss goals and am moving closer to manifesting a 135 pound body by February 14, 2018 or sooner.  I Stella Carrier feel enriched in a happy way and appreciated at  my current job at the University of  Maryland College Park food services. I Stella Carrier am managing my time wisely and living my life in alignment with my divine life purpose/karmic destiny in all areas of my life for the greater good of myself and those who surround me for both present and future.
  Songs for Today
From Local Washington DC Area Radio
Hero by Mariah Carey
Heaven is A Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle
Raspberry Beret by Prince
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
These Dreams by Heart
Shape of You by Ed Sheeran
Hey Soul Sister by Train
What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
Style by Taylor Swift
Believer by Imagine Dragons
I Would Die 4 U by Prince
Sugar by Maroon 5
Sources I Prefer To Keep Secret
All Summer Long by Kid Rock
Meet Virginia by Train
Drunk in Love by Beyonce and Jay-Z
Monster by Lady Gaga
E.T. by Katy Perry
Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Two Hearts by Phil Collins
Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer
I Think We’re Alone Now by Tiffany
Great Spirit by Armin Van Buuren feat. Vini Vici and Hilight
Can’t Remember To Forget You by Shakira feat. Rihanna
Roc Me Out by Rihanna
More by Madonna
Lucky Star by Madonna
Close Your Eyes by Novaspace
Together by Pet Shop Boys
Miracle by Pet Shop Boys
Amazon storytelling music playlist shuffle mode
Bon Appetit by Katy Perry feat. Migos
There’s Nothing Holdin Me Back by Shawn Mendes
Love Rollercoaster by Red Hot Chili Peppers
I Can’t Stay Away by the Veronicas
Fight Song by Rachel Platten
Hands to Heaven by Breathe
I’m So Excited by the Pointer Sisters
Dip it Low feat. Fabolous by Christina Milian
Body Like A Back Road by Sam Hunt
Babycakes by 3 of a Kind
Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle
Come On Get Higher by Matt Nathanson
Shake It by Metro Station
Pain by Three Days Grace
Secrets by Tiesto feat. KSHMR
My Passion by Kris McTwain
AffirmationsI Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future
I honor my connection to my guide with my words and actions.
I remember my dreams. They show me answers and solutions.
Divine Will flows through me. I know when to take action and when to surrender.
I believe in myself and my path.
I believe I can grow instantly, and I do.
My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.I am creating heaven on earthI’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so.
My intuition is unlimited and expanding each day.My creativity is expanding each day
Songs for me to keep in mind; Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics, Drive by Incubus, Heaven by Jes, Pure Imagination by Barbara Streisand and Seth McFarlane, Just Like Heaven by the Cure (Bob Clearmountain Mix), Glad You Came by the Wanted, Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears, Believer by Imagine Dragons
newly written Friday November 3 2017 to manifest by February 3 2018 or sooner
I Stella Carrier and my sweet husband Rusty Ridler are enjoying the essences of love and happiness and a closer and happier marriage in all areas of our lives both present and future. Additionally, my husband Rusty Ridler is enjoying prosperity and success beyond his wildest dreams at his University of Maryland College Park food services job. Many of his coworkers and customers are beyond happy with his brilliant customer service and self confident job performance. I Stella Carrier learn from my husband Rusty Ridler in a happy way and I Stella Carrier am also enjoying career success beyond my wildest dreams at my University of Maryland College Park food services job. Additionally, I Stella Carrier am also happy to report that many of my customers, coworkers, managers and bosses are beyond happy with my excellent customer service and wise job performance that more than meets their expectations in a blissful way. I have a positive relationship and great professional rapport with many of my customers, coworkers, and managers/leaders such as Rob Fahey, George Gomex, Kevin Williams, and Cindy Bolden etc. for both present and future. I Stella Carrier also wisely follow my intuition and logic to discover career resources/success advice that I can easily find online through google searches and tailored to the wisdom that my heaven higher self is imparting to me through both U.S. and outside the U.S. resources (Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc). Speaking of which, I Stella Carrier enjoy a powerful an daily connection to my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness both present and future. I Stella Carrier learn to be in the right place at the right time in alignment with my divine life purpose for both present and future. I Stella Carrier am also happy to report that I am creating heaven on earth and in my afterlife for both myself and those who surround  me for both present and future. I Stella Carrier am wisely managing my time and tapping into my wisdom to help me discover and unveil what it takes to joyfully change all areas of my life for both present and future. I Stella Carrier become an even wiser woman of inner and outer beauty in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier become a woman of unlimited imagination power, unlimited genius powers, and unlimited intuition powers in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier become a financially richer woman with magical powers for both present and future with over 1800 dollars after taxes saved. I Stella Carrier am enjoying the essences of  financial ease, fun passion excitement good luck and good fortune from the results of my online and offline thoughts and actions in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier am gifted with the spiritual golden midas touch from heaven, my heaven celestial spirit ally team and my celestial higher self of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness. These blessings from heaven also help me to become a talented, creative, magical, and helpful offline and online writer in all areas of my life both present and future.
By January 1, 2025 or sooner
I Stella Carrier consistently make at least 3000 dollars a month after taxes for both present and future. I Stella Carrier live in a nice one bedroom apartment in Norfolk Virginia that allows me to send my sweet and handsome husband Rusty Ridler at least 200 dollars or more a month after taxes. I Stella Carrier also feel blessed to have an abundant amount of friends from both the Hampton Roads Virginia area and the Washington D.C. area. I Stella Carrier am well liked by my coworkers, customers, and managers both present and future and I am in a job with high job security that is a year round position. I Stella Carrier am also a wise writer who is making at least 1100 dollars after taxes a month in my writings. My side writing career has helped me become even more of a professional expert sought after for my knowledge in all areas of my life both present and future.
Switzerland website
Black Tomato Partners with Crown Royal for an Epic Tour of Canada
The outfitter’s newest adventure re-creates King George VI’s 1939 journey into the Canadian wild—booze and all. by Phoebe Neuman
Sources I prefer to keep secretChewing Gum by AnnieDo You Know (I Go Crazy) by Angel City4 Ever by the VeronicasI Can’t Stay Away by the VeronicasCome Undone by Duran DuranLuxurious by Gwen StefaniTurnin Me On by Blake SheltonHoney Bee by Blake SheltonMagic by Robin ThickeFrom my iheartradio luckystella favorites radioGet it On Bang A Gong by the Power StationBroken Wings by Mr. MisterBad Medicine by Bon JoviAddicted to Love by Robert PalmerSaturday I Like to Move It by BasshunterSos by Rihanna Wonderland by Natalia KillsCome Go With Me by ExposePoint of No Return by ExposeAmazon storytelling playlist shuffle modeSparks Fly by Taylor SwiftHeaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda CarlisleSky by SoniqueSomething About You by Level 42
Sources I prefer to keep secret
Chewing Gum by Annie
Do You Know (I Go Crazy) by Angel City
4 Ever by the Veronicas
I Can’t Stay Away by the Veronicas
Come Undone by Duran Duran
Luxurious by Gwen Stefani
Turnin Me On by Blake Shelton
Honey Bee by Blake Shelton
Magic by Robin Thicke
From my iheartradio luckystella favorites radio
Get it On Bang A Gong by the Power Station
Broken Wings by Mr. Mister
Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi
Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer
Saturday I Like to Move It by Basshunter
Sos by Rihanna
Wonderland by Natalia Kills
Come Go With Me by Expose
Point of No Return by Expose
Amazon storytelling playlist shuffle mode
Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift
Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle
Sky by Sonique
Something About You by Level 42
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by the Eurythmics
0 notes