#hes in the 'NOTHING FEELS' and that itself is a red flag. Yall are doing terrible tyring to help that man
socksandbuttons · 13 days
there was so much drama
i love it
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protectwoc · 4 years
why all reylos are racist
y’all can go ahead and cancel me now because some of you are not going to like what i have to say and i am completely okay with that.
this recent gq interview with john boyega has incensed me. hearing all the things he went through, from disney and from “fans” and with no support from anyone… i’m livid. sometimes when i think about it for too long i start shaking, i’m so furious. and the response from the reylo fandom has infuriated me to a degree i honestly didn’t know was possible.
some of you may have seen my recent tumblr rampage. it’s reylo bullying hours here on my blog, and i’m not sorry either. one person threatened to post screenshots of my comments, which like… okay? i know what the fuck i said, it wasn’t that long ago. in fact i was going to include the screenshots in this post right here, but they blocked me before i had the chance. sorry. i’m sure somebody has them. anyway…
over the past two days in the star wars fandom we have seen something unprecedented: an outpouring of support for john boyega. both reylos and anti-reylos have joined forces to voice support for john in the wake of the gq interview (and the blm protests, let’s be real, some of y’all would not have given half a fuck if it wasn’t suddenly cool to be antiracist). and this showing of unity is one of the most rage-inducing things i’ve ever seen in a fandom (which is saying something; i have seen some shit).
reylo fandom, full offense intended, but where the fuck do you get off? you’re supporting john now? where was this support when tfa came out and you couldn’t stand the thought of him next to your white-girl-self-insert? where was it when tlj came out and your boy ryan completely sidelined him? where was it earlier this fucking year when y’all twisted a harmless joke (like yall haven’t spent years writing reylo-throne-room-sex-meta BULLSHIT) and ignored the vile racist shit coming from your own fav’s mouth? but you’re supporting him now? now that being antiracist is trendy? fuck outta here with that bullshit.
your fandom is the reason for the vast majority of the absolutely subhuman treatment john has endured over the last few years. your fandom influenced ryan (yes i know what his name is) to write tlj the way he did, you have behaved indefensibly here on tumblr.hell writing and drawing and fantasizing about all sorts of racist bullshit, and y’all have STAYED in his twitter mentions spewing hatred seven ways to sunday. but NOW, without a shred of self-reflection, you’re supporting him? now his experiences are valid?
the way that your fandom refuses to take accountability for its actions makes me see red. y’all stay on some “not all reylos” nonsense and i am SICK OF IT. i’m only gonna say this once, and i want you to hear me: you cannot be a reylo and be “antiracist”. you cannot participate in a fandom that has behaved the way yours has and say “blm, uwu acab.” you can’t. like do you think black people are dumb? that we can’t see right through you? we can.
“but rae,” i hear you whining. “you’re gonna say just because i like two characters together i’m a racist?” and of course not. that would be ludicrous. i think just because you knowingly engage and participate in a fandom that has racism encoded in its dna, you’re a racist. i think because y’all are in bed with racist harassers, racist trolls, and racist content creators, you’re a racist. that’s what the fuck i think. y’all lost the right to “it’s just a ship” me the instant you dragged john boyega into this.
here’s an example: i watched tfa about three days after it came out. i watched the first half, saw the obvious relationship set up between finn and rey, and thought, “aw, cute.” then i watched kylo and rey fight, watch him offer to teach her, and thought, “... interesting.”
when i got home i checked tumblr for finnrey content, saw the outpouring of love from black fans, all the cute fanart and fics blooming, and smiled. then, slowly, guiltily, i searched “reylo.”
BOOM. racism. the things i saw in the tag that night are tattooed on my brain. reylos rejoicing about the obvious rey/kyle pairing because “sw would never put her with that monkey finn”. calling him an “oaf”, “useless”, “bumbling”, “stupid”. reylos joking about how “when they talked about the Dark side, [they] didn’t think they meant that kind of dark.” “woke” reylos pretending to ship stormpilot in an obvious ploy to get finn away from kylo. and in between all of that, cute ship art. fun fics. talented gif makers. and nobody saying shit about the reprehensible behavior going on in their tag.
reylo is built on a foundation of racism. from that first week, racism has been woven into the fabric of your fandom, and it’s been going unchecked. and i don’t mean calling out other reylos. that’s not enough. i mean taking actual steps. y’all have been sitting in a cesspool of racism for five years, and its time for you to get the fuck out or shut the fuck up about being an “ally”. y’all need to leave this fandom.
don’t agree? here’s another story. in 2017, when i still watched supergirl (before i grew taste) i shipped karamel. for those of you who don’t know, karamel is the ship of kara zor-el (supergirl) and mon-el, her second love interest. when supergirl was moved to the cw for its second season, the decision was made to abruptly end her romance with jimmy olsen, played by mecahd brooks (a black man) and replace him with mon-el, played by chris wood, a white man, who was revealed to be, among other things, an alien slaveowner, as well as a playboy and all-around terrible person. and i shipped them. look, i’m not defending myself, but i never really bought the chemistry between jimmy and kara. even though mon-el’s introduction and the way that they carelessly disregarded kara’s feelings for jimmy made me uncomfortable, i thought the way melissa played her attraction to chris wood was more believable (and again, i’m not defending myself, but they are now married so it’s not like i was wrong). so i shipped them. simple as that, right?
well, no. not really. because the inherent racism in the way the writers wrote out her admittedly sweet romance with a black man in favor of a white slaveowner jerk kept bothering me. and finally i decided that it made me too uncomfortable to participate in. i never really reblogged any karamel fandom stuff, but i completely divorced myself from the fandom. i stopped reading karamel fic, and i switched to reblogging exclusively jimmy/kara content until the fandom died out/i stopped watching. i made a choice that real life racism is more important to me than a fucking fandom or a ship, and then i acted accordingly. simple as that.
and i’m not saying you have to stop liking the reylo dynamic. i still like the chemistry between kara and mon-el. i’ve shipped problematic ships before (bamon comes to mind) and i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that (to a point). but there’s a difference between liking a ship dynamic and engaging and contributing to a fan culture of racism. you have to stop participating in the fandom. y’all are in bed with people indistinguishable from confederate-flag-waving-all-lives-matter-touting racists and you don’t feel the need to get out of that environment? there comes a certain point where you have to decide if fandom bullshit is more important to you than fighting racism, and unfortunately, reylos have chosen wrong. that, ladies and gentlemen, is why all reylos are racist, regardless of what they say. roll credits.
except i have more to say, so i’m gonna say it. first of all, i’m not trying to hold myself up as some kind of paragon of virtue. i’m not holier-than-thou because all my ships are “woke” or whatever. chemistry is subjective, and we’re all going to be attracted to different ship dynamics, and there’s nothing wrong with that in theory. what matters is the execution. i finally had to say one day, “you know, this ship and the racist baggage it carries is actually less important to me than battling systemic racism on every level, including the fandom level”. y’all thought being antiracist was gonna be easy? that you wouldn’t have to make some actual changes, to make some actual sacrifices? sorry not sorry to disappoint. and if i, a normal-ass person with flaws and problematic thinking that i’m still dealing with and the whole ine yards, can make that decision, then other people should be required to as well.
(what really irks me is that the karamel fandom wasn’t even really that bad! i definitely could have gotten away with being a karamel stan in 2017. thankfully the supercat and supercorp shippers were doing the lord’s work and bullying them into submission (don’t think i’m letting y’all off the hook either, y’all have got some racism to deal with as well but that’s an essay for another day) but like most of the racism happened at the writing level; the fandom itself wasn’t engaging in racist clownery on the regular. but like the reylos are. y’all see racist bullshit coming from your neighbor, fav fic writer, artist, gif maker, whatever, and don’t say shit? don’t feel the need to distance yourself from them? gtfoh.)
i made this argument earlier when i was on my rampage (which i’m still on btw so don’t clown in my inbox, you will get your shit rocked) but i’m going to make it again because i feel like its important to note. when i pointed out that existing in the reylo fandom while you are aware of its racism makes you complicit in that racism, a white reylo told me earlier that (paraphrasing, my memory’s not as good as it used to be and i did mention that they’d blocked me) “you don’t solve a problem like systemic racism by ignoring it. leaving the fandom would be allowing it to happen.” when i pointed out that that’s police officer rhetoric almost verbatim, she (a white reylo) admonished me (a black woman) not to compare police brutality to a “ship war.” lmao.
look, clearly y’all need a refresher on what “systemic” means. it means, quite simply, that there are systems, large and small, allow for racism to exist, and it also means that allowing for racism to exist on the small scale means expecting it on a large one. like you think police officers spring fully formed from the head with racist ideals already ingrained? no! they learn it and learn to justify it with “well just because my friend made a racist joke doesn’t make me a racist” and “just because i laughed at my friend’s using a racist term in my video game doesn’t make me a racist” and “just because my friend is a racist doesn’t mean i’m a racist” and then we have people watching their coworkers kneel on a man’s back for 8 minutes with no remorse. i’m not gonna solve police brutality by fighting reylos on tumblr, but fandom racism is real racism with consequences on our world, and i don’t tolerate ANY type of racism. and the fact that you are so willing to not just tolerate it but justify it should say something to you.
and not all reylos are like this. similar to cops, good reylos don’t last. i have seen people grow so disgusted by the racism in the reylo fandom that they publicly turned their backs on it, and those reylos i respect. you’ve heard of “the only good cop is an ex-cop” well get ready for “the only good reylo is an ex-reylo”.
(and also like far be it from me to justify a cop but one could at least say they have their livelihoods to think about (not like they couldn’t just pick a nonmurderous profession but i digress) but you reylos can’t even choose between taking a stance against the hateful and unjustified bullying of a man who had the audacity to… get a job (?)... over a ship? come on now.)
the point of all this is, for all their posturing about “being antiracist” and “fuck 12” and “support john boyega”, reylos have decided that a relationship between two fictional people is more important than all the black and brown people who are hurt by that decision and the consequences of that decision. and before y’all pull some “b-but there are POC reylos!” (stop fucking using poc as an adjective, its a noun, it stands for person of color, please use it as such) internalized racism is a thing. busting out your token “reylo of color” (see how easy that was?) is not going to change my mind. all reylos are complicit in the racism of their peers, and being complicit makes you culpable. full stop.
and that is why the public support of john boyega from the reylo fandom has me seeing red. renounce your fandom or keep that man’s name out of your mouth. anyway, this was long and ranty and entirely stream-of-consciousness and i’m refusing to edit it so it’s probably completely incomprehensible to anyone besides me but if you made it this far thanks for reading ig. all reylos are racist, blm, fuck 12, acab, stan john boyega, don’t clown in my inbox unless you’re coming to bully me for being a karamel shipper, which i deserve (or do, i couldn’t give less of a fuck). good night.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia drabble
author's note: yall. the LATEST CHAPTER!!!!! OMFG!!!!!! it was soooo fuckin cute dude i wont ever be over it. ok so this is inspired by natsu picturing juvia topless and gray saying "don't imagine it!" or whatever basically we gon have some ~jealous gray~ hehehehehe ok enjoyyyyyyyy<3
The guild was finally repaired from the Alvarez war, looking good as new, so Fairy Tail decided to celebrate in natural Fairy Tail fashion, with a party.
Everyone was as rambunctious as ever, drinking, laughing, and making a mess of the place. Basically, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Gray smiled as he saw his guildmates celebrating, just as everything was before the war. It all felt like home once again, and he couldn't be more thankful.
"Take another shot, Juvia!" Gray turned and saw Juvia and a few other girls standing around some shot glasses and a bottle of tequila. Erza was cheering her on.
"I dunno', Erza." Lucy interjected. "Juvia's had a lot already."
"Not enough, I say. Drink!" Erza poured the drink into Juvia's little glass, and the water mage picked it up.
She examined it for a moment, took a breath, and down the hatch the drink went. Juvia grimaced at first and quickly took a sip if her soda as a chaser.
"Atta' girl!" Erza laughed, clearly very drunk herself and followed suit with another shot of her own.
Gray couldn't help but feel a pang of worry. He knew all of the girls were a mess when they drank, and Juvia was no exception. He watched from afar as the girls took some more shots, and after the third, Gray felt himself moving to the table they were stood at. Juvia picked up the glass again, laughing and spilling some of its contents on the way to her mouth, but Gray swiftly took it out of her hand before she could get it in her mouth.
"Eh? Gray-sama?" Juvia hiccuped.
"I think you've all had enough." He shot a look at Erza who seemed to be the one encouraging it the most.
"Oh, you men are such a buzzkill." Erza pouted.
"Yeah, yeah, well I'll be taking this now." Gray reached for the bottle and took it from the table.
"Gray-sama is no fun." Juvia whined.
"You guys drank most of the fun as it is." Gray wiggled the bottle that was only about a fifth full. "So I think you'll be fine." Gray rolled his eyes and walked away with the bottle, handing it back to Mirajane who was behind the bar.
"Confiscating the alcohol already? It's only 10:30." Mira chuckled.
"I guess so." Gray sighed.
"Any reason you're playing the bad guy?" She leaned onto the bar.
"I'm not playing the bad guy. I'm just making sure they don't drown themselves in booze." He looked back at the girls who seemed to forget the tequila ever left, and were dancing and singing their drunk hearts out.
"Hmm and you're just so worried about everyone?" Mira pried.
"Whaddya' mean? Of course I'm worried about all of them." He scoffed.
"Didn't seem that way when you were taking the shot glass specifically out of Juvia's hand." She playfully raised a brow.
Gray rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He turned back to the crowd and took a swig of his beer.
Mira hummed a chuckle. "It's alright to be a little protective, Gray. You guys are a new couple and all. It's only natural."
Gray grunted with a slight rose on his cheeks, and his response was finishing off his beer. Mira took the hint, and realized her job was done, moving onto another spot of the bar.
Eventually, Natsu and Gajeel came up to him and the three started goofing around, so he naturally forgot about having to worry about Juvia.
"Gray-samaaa!" Juvia yelled, her syllables slurring together a bit. Gray's ears perked up. He turned around from the bar and saw Juvia standing on a table across the guild, and she was waving her hat in the air like a flag. He slapped the palm of his hand onto his face, letting out groan.
"What the fuck..." Gray grumbled into his hand, and it was followed by Natsu and Gajeel laughing.
"Gray-sama! Why won't you look at Juvia?!" Her voice squeaked a bit, like she was ready to cry. He tried his best not to watch and save himself the embarrassment. Gray still said nothing but instead shot daggers at Erza and Lucy who were right by her side on the ground, as if he was telling them to get her down, but they were having too good of a time to care.
"Juvia, get down! You're gonna' hurt yourself!" Gray shouted back, finally giving in.
A mischievous smirk curled Juvia's lips. "You're gonna' have to come make me!" She giggled.
Gray's face lit up with red, and he spun back around in his barstool, burying his face in his hand once again. "Can you guys just let me know when it's over." He muttered to Gajeel and Natsu.
"U-uhh--" Gajeel suddenly stammered, still having his eyes on Juvia.
"What?" Gray looked to his side at Gajeel.
"I'm not sure if she's taking no for an answer..." Natsu said, his wide eyes matching Gajeel.
"What are you talking ab-" As Gray spun around once again, he saw Juvia's jacket fall to the ground. The only thing remaining on her torso was her bra.
"If Gray-sama won't pay attention to Juvia, Juvia will just strip until she gets someone's attention!" She said through drunken sobs.
"No fucking way..." Gray said under his breath, his eyes were even wider than the two beside him.
"Still nothing?! Fine!" Juvia yelled, straight to Gray. At this point, almost all the men in the guild were paying close attention. She unbuckled her skirt, and let it drop to the ground. She wobbly stepped out of it, and proudly stood in her matching bra and underwear duo.
All the men were ogling, shouting at her, whistling at her. Gray felt his blood quickly rising, and his fists were clenched by his side.
He noticed Natsu and Gajeel still had their eyes on the scene, clearly in shock. "Cover your eyes, idiots!" Gray punched them both in the heads before finally walking his way towards Juvia.
"Don't stop there, Juvia!" Wakaba was standing next to Macao, right by the table.
"Yeah, come on!" Macao agreed, and the two were practically drooling.
"See that, Gray-sama!" Juvia hiccuped. "Everyone would love to see Juvia's body!" She reached behind her back, seemingly going for her bra clasp, and Gray picked up the pace.
He wasn't quick enough, and Juvia's bra fell to the floor along with the rest of her clothes.
"Woooo!" Macao, Wakaba, and most of the men in the guild all cheered, and their eyes nearly fell out of their heads.
"Both of you old perverts need to get out of my way, and look away before I beat your eyes swollen shut." Gray threatened, plowing in between them.
"Are you finally watching me, Gray-sama?" Juvia giggled.
Gray didn't respond. Instead, he grabbed onto Juvia's wrist, and pulled her swiftly off the table, and he carefully caught her, wrapping his arms around as much surface area as he could so no one could see.
"Aw, she was just having some fun, Gray!" Erza drunkenly laughed. Gray glared at her and focused back on Juvia.
Without thinking, he quickly removed his jacket and wrapped it around Juvia. He grabbed her clothes off the table, and escorted her out as quickly as he could. A lot of the men boo'd him for taking Juvia away, to which Gray froze them all in an ice box without a second thought.
Soon, they finally reached the infirmary of the guild.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Gray finally said, sitting Juvia onto one of the beds.
"Juvia just wanted to get Gray-sama's attention!" Her eyes were watering again.
"So you got butt naked?!" He shouted back.
Juvia pouted. "It worked didn't it?"
"Fuck, Juvia." Gray sighed and went over to a sink, filling a small cup with water. He brought is back to Juvia. "Drink this." She sheepishly took the cup and did as he said.
"You gotta' stop with the whole stripping thing." He finally said.
"But why?! Gray-sama does it too!" The drunk tears were building up once again.
"Ok, and no one cares when I do it! When you do it, it's a whole damn show! No one can keep their fuckin' eyes of ya'!" He angrily thought back to all the men staring at her.
"Juvia is sorry!" She cried out.
Gray didn't feel like dealing with anymore tears. "Listen," he took a step forward. "It's different when it's during a fight, but doing it at the guild, drunk, in front of so many people just causes a lot of problems."
"Like what?" Juvia was still holding on tight to Gray's jacket that she was wrapped in.
"Like- like-" Gray crossed his arms and looked away. "I-I just don't like it when everyone's staring at you." Juvia's face completely lit up.
"I-it's just that--" Gray was blushing fiercely. "That's for me to look at and no one else, alright?" He blurted.
"Oh, Gray-sama!" Juvia shot up from the bed, wrapping her arms around Gray and letting her jacket fall to the floor.
"Gah!" Gray gulped when he felt Juvia's naked chest pressed up against him. "Ok, ok, can you get dressed please!?"
Juvia hummed a giggle and released Gray. She did as he said and began to put her clothes back on. Gray turned around, facing the wall.
"Juvia thought Gray-sama said it was ok if you looked at my body?" She innocently asked. Gray felt his blush intensify when he heard the cuteness in Juvia's voice.
"W-well, I can! It's just too embarrassing right now, and you're really drunk, and I-" Gray's voice almost shook, which was completely unlike him. Juvia stopped him with a kiss on his cheek from behind.
"Gray-sama's such a gentlman." She said, sweetly.
"Whatever, are you dressed yet?" He mumbled.
Juvia walked in front of him, finally clothed once again. "Yup." She nodded.
"Ok, good." Gray followd her out the door.
"No more stripping shows tonight, alright?" Gray said, sternly.
"Yes. Juvia will only strip for battles and for Gray-sama." She surely said.
"W-well that's not-!" Gray paused for a moment when Juvia looked up at him with her big, beautiful, doting eyes. Gray felt his breath catch itself in his throat.
"Yeah." He finally said. "Fine."
The two made their way back to the celebration where both of their clothes remained on their bodies, and no one dared to bring up the situation to Gray.
And he made sure Juvia stayed close to his side, 100% clothed.
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The Lost Waterbender - Ch 3 - “Don’t Run Into Fire”
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The Fire Nation celebrated its victory over the Avatar cycle when they killed the very last Waterbender. With no host to be reborn into, the Avatar cycle ended.
Until 100 years later, when Elsa found that Ahtohallen was more than just memories.
Elsa must now master all 4 elements and the Avatar state if she ever wants to see Arendelle again.
Rating - Soft M
Ao3 Link
Yall know why Im writing this. Elsa is clearly the Avatar after F2! This is going to be eventually femslash. I hope you guys like this chapter!
Aang and Sokka to the rescue. Heh.
Elsa only made it an hour before she noticed a ship in distance. She nearly fell through her own ice in relief. She had felt confident until she started to walk. She wasn't even sure she was still in the Dark Sea at this point. Things were... odd. A ship would at least have navigation equipment, knowledge of the surrounding seas, and could actually help her get home.
She was so happy to see the ship she almost missed the smoke. A pillar of dark smoke rose in the air above the ship, which as she got closer she could now see was massive, black, and seemingly made of metal. She had heard of nothing like this from the castle advisors and she was certain no ships of this build ever visited Arendelle's port. It was even coming right towards her now. She didn't want to assume the worst, but the appearance of the ship put caution into her approach. She considered leaving it alone since it was unlikely to have ever visited Arendelle if she was so unfamiliar with it. And it was rather foreboding, all harsh angles and belching fire.
She deliberated for a while, weighing her options. Ultimately, she decided she would still approach them. She was the Snow Queen and she could protect herself from whatever threat they may pose even if they prove to be hostile in the worst-case scenario. Pirates or a foreign enemy included. Arendelle was famous in this region even before the eternal winter incident and the chances of them knowing of its location or at least the general direction was high. Hopefully they could clear up where she is now, if nothing else.
When it got close enough, she could see people on board in striking red armor. The flame insignia flag it flew was wholly unfamiliar to her. A flick of her wrist and the ice she stood on solidified into a larger, starburst platform. There could be no mistaking who they would be dealing with if they knew anything about this region at all. The Queen of Arendelle was quite intimidating when she wanted to be and had a reputation. The ship was slowing in front of her.
Elsa chose to speak first as soon as they were within earshot. "I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle. I would like to speak to the captain of this ship." She stood tall, her voice ringing out over the ice. She could see the people on the ship squinting down at her with wary expressions. They didn't react to her title except to mutter amongst themselves.
Eventually, a man called out, "We would be delighted to receive you, your ah, majesty. We will send a boat."
"No need." She stepped forward, an icy bridge forming to the deck of the ship. The shocked gasps of the crew weren't unexpected. She only hoped they wouldn't react violently. If so, would leave the same way and escape if things did not go well. Elsa tried to tell herself not to be so paranoid, this was just covering all her options. It was only the smart thing to do. She had lost her head when the spirit called her and she refused to let it happen again.
When her feet touched the deck, she let the bridge dissolve behind her. The crew had schooled their expressions. They were obviously trained soldiers now that she could see them clearly. This was a warship. With a very distinctly flame motif. Elsa narrowed her eyes.
"What kingdom are you from?" She began, noticing the metal ship lacked even a sail to propel itself.
"The real question is where have you been hiding, waterbender?" A man in a more decorated suit of armor said from across the deck. One look at his shining metal hairpiece and medals adorning his uniform indicated this was the captain. Or at least someone in charge.
Waterbender is what he called her. She knew that term only because of the spirit in the glacier and she was shocked to hear it from the captain. She steeled herself. "I am the reagent of Arendelle. Located on the southern fjords. Perhaps you know of me as the Snow Queen."
The captain's lips were tight as he considered her. His arms crossed. "Arendelle." He tasted the word. "And how many other waterbenders are you harboring, Queen Elsa?" His mouth tugged into a smile as he used her title. Elsa didn't like it.
"If you are referring to my ice, I am the only one I have ever met with this ability." Elsa swallowed. "What kingdom are you from, Captain? I didn't catch it the first time." She felt she might need the escape plan after all. The hostility was overwhelming.
"This ship, like all others, is from the Fire Nation," he said as if that explained everything. He was pacing around her. "I have one more question for you. Where is the Avatar?"
Elsa couldn't stop her eyes from widening. This was too much to be a coincidence. The captain was grinning widely in front of her now, watching her expression. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." She saw him glance over her shoulder and nod infinitesimally to someone. She made to turn back to the railing but was blocked by a ring of soldiers.
"Unfortunately, I can't let you leave," the captain said behind her. "I am under orders directly from the Fire Lord to detain all waterbenders and bring them to him. Especially those I suspect to be the avatar. Bind her."
Elsa didn't wait for the soldiers to move. A quick wave of her hand brought up a thick wall of ice between herself and the soldiers, and swept the five closest to the railing to the side, clearing the path for her easy escape.
"Don't let her off this ship! This has to be the avatar! We need to get her quickly before she can access the avatar state." She heard someone shouting. The men were lining up.
Then, her world changed.
Jets of yellow fire, hot and directed, blasted her ice away in an instant and blocked her escape route. Elsa traced the stream with her eyes and saw it was being produced from the hands of every soldier on the deck. Fire magic. All of them. It was almost a relief to see other people like her, and Elsa felt frozen. Her entire life she had been the only one. But everyone on this ship... they have fire. Then, the first hot jet caught her in the side and she cried out, trance broken. These people were attacking her. She was outnumbered 100 to 1. She could actually lose.
Elsa whipped into action. The air dropped 40 degrees. Ice covered the feet of every man she could see. She raised her hands and great icy beams gripped the sides of the ship, sending its nose into the air to knock the remaining soldiers off-balance, including the Captain who had somehow already melted his feet free. It didn't work, and they moved fluidly into a martial arts stance she had only seen in paintings from far away before more fire shot from their hands directly towards her.
Her heart lurched. She had only a second to raise an ice wall, feeling like she was back in front of Han's men in her castle. The fire broke through her ice again. It was seemingly explosive in its destruction. She shot a beam towards the captain, hoping to pin him to the deck. He lept to the side like a dancer and dodged easily, sending more fire spinning from his feet this time. Elsa backed up squinting against the heat, throwing more walls up to protect her front. That's when she felt someone grab her from behind.
She was panicking enough that it had begun to snow over the ship, frost creeping over the deck. But the fire users behind her seemed to produce their own heat and had wrested her hands behind her. Their hot touch burned her arms and she was rapidly overpowered. She cried out and tried to pull away, but there were at least three holding her now, keeping her hands immobilized. They had shackles and were just about to click them onto her when a blast of wind knocked them off balance for a moment, and one released their grip on a hand.
She didn't waste a moment and encased them in ice up their chests this time. She made a break for the railing. More men blocked her. Before she could even call her ice, they were swept completely off the side of the ship by another powerful gust of wind.
This time, Elsa saw the source. A young man, a teenager even, covered in blue arrow tattoos was whipping up a windstorm on the deck. He blocked their fire easily with concentrated gusts of unnatural wind that could only be more magic. He was barely touching the ground between each blast. He caught her eyes after he forced another few men over the side with a spin of his staff.
"Avatar! I'm here to help! Just- Iv been looking for you." He was working his way towards her. "I can explain after we get off this ship. I can get you away from the firebenders. You have to trust me."
She pulled more ice up to grip the ship, hearing the metal groan. "Thanks for the rescue." she ground out, "but I just want to get home."
"I have a flying bison! I can take you there, anywhere. Please, just come with me." He was nearly at her side, face all earnest concentration. The whole deck was covered in ice and the captain still stood shooting flames. She was ready to dispute the boy's outlandish claim when a great roar came from above. A shaggy, six-legged creature ridden by a tan-skinned man in a ponytail came from the sky. It had a saddle like a common beast and swept from the sky to hover over the battle. Great balls of fire from the upper deck were already being directed towards it. Elsa forced another swath of ice towards the men firing them.
She was now near enough to the railing now that she could jump into the ocean below and escape. The ice gripping the ship would keep them there long enough she could get a head start. Elsa considered leaving all of them behind. But she realized she still wasn't sure precisely which direction Arendelle was in. The sun was still up and she had little frame of reference. And well.. this kid had risked his own life to free her. Watching him fight the man in front of her she noticed his face was earnest and his strikes were all non-lethal deflections. That decided it for her, in the end.
"Alright, let's go." At the end of the day, he was acting friendly towards her. She had no reason to distrust him and he had a rather convenient method of transportation. Elsa had a horrible feeling she was not anywhere near Arendelle anymore and she wanted desperately to speak to another person, especially another magic user, who knew about this avatar business.
He grinned ear to ear, finally reaching her side. "Hold on!" He grabbed her hand and put one arm around her waist and then a tight blast of air shot them both skyward. She yelped in a very undignified way and had only a moment to feel the weightlessness before they both landed in the saddle of the beast.
"Sokka, get us out of here," the boy called.
"Holy shit Aang you actually got her! And look at this fire nation ship, that's a LOT of ice, they won't be moving for a while." Sokka said. The flying bison rapidly gained altitude, zig-zagging through the sky above the ship. She could still see the ship, completely lifted from the water by her massive pillars. The water surrounding the ship was frozen entirely for a hundred paces out. She allowed herself to feel a bit of pride.
"I know!" The boy cut him off, deflecting another fireball. "It was close. They had her nearly in cuffs." They were already so high the attacks were sparse. She thinks they were almost out of range.
"Well, at least the monks won't kill us now. They can't punish us if we bring them the avatar."
Elsa's mind finally caught up with what they were talking about. "I am not going anywhere except Arendelle. You will take me there, not to any monks." She interjected, with as much queenly majesty as was possible sitting cross-legged in the saddle of the beast. "And will someone please explain this Avatar business to me?"
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