#hes a reskinned tabaxi in-game
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venomgaia · 8 months ago
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old n new icon for Fenris "Blade of the Starscreaming Blood Moon" Vanargandr, my Echo Knight
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sonofcoulson · 1 month ago
Inspired by this post
FYI, just to save time, you can just stick with Drunken Master Monk, possibly 1 of Fighter for Unarmed Fighting Style and Tabaxi and have a pretty good hit and run speedster. Feats and spells can speed you up more but there's only a certain amount you actually need in game. But this is Quicksilver we’re making…
Class (Subclass):Monk (Tradition of the Drunken Master) 18/19, Mystic (Order of the Immortal 1
Possibly 1 level of Fighter for Unarmed Fighting Style (1d8+ STR modifier bludgeoning damage if no weapon or shield)
(2 lvls of Bladesinger Wizard if Mystic not allowed)
Race:Custom Tabaxi reskin (not a cat) for the Feline agility feature (x2 speed on action). You also get Perception and Stealth, which are in character for Peter.
Is there a way to do half races? I saw this article describing a way to build one, get the look, ASI, speed and language of one and age and features of the other (e.g. Feline Agility).
The Mobile feat is essential get it any way you can. Ask if you could swap Cat's Claws and Darkvision for a feat…pretty please?
You need 13 DEX (or STR) to multiclass in and out of Fighter and 13 DEX and WIS for Monk. I'm imagining you need INT and possibly WIS for Mystic. If you start with 1 lvl of Monk you can use DEX for your unarmed strikes, so you don't need massive strength but it might be useful for grappling and strength checks. We'll have fairly low CON (but he is going to be hard to hit. CHA will have to be a dump stat. This Peter is no fun at parties…
The Build:
Monk gets you…
Skills:Acrobatics, Athletics obvs
Sling as simple weapon, darts (pretend it's you and running out of ammo means you need to get your breath back) (lvl 1) though we'll be focusing on unarmed strikes so you don't have to take a weapon. We'll take the explorer's kit too.
Monk lets you use Dexterity as your attack roll and part of your unarmored Armor Class (with Wisdom) (lvl 1). DEX is important for speedsters as they should be hard to hit or catch. A Ring of Protection or Cloak of Protection can help make you more durable, if you can find any. Even Haste can help with a +2 to AC for the duration (1min)
Bonus attack after attacking unarmed (lvl 1)
Ki points (lvl 2) with:
Flurry of Blows (2 extra attacks after attacking)
Patient Defense (Dodge as bonus action)
Step of the Wind (Disengage/Dash bonus action + 2x jump distance for turn)
Unarmored movement (lvl 2):
+10ft speed at lvl 2, up to +30 at lvl 18, can run on vertical and liquid surfaces at lvl 9
Up to lvl 10 (+20ft speed, 10 ki points, Deflect Missiles, Ki Fuelled Attack (bonus attack), 2 ability score improvements, Slow Fall, Extra Attack, Stunning Strike, Focused AIM, Ki Empowered Strikes, Evasion)
Going up to 18th lvl, you get the full +30 speed, 18 Ki points and 4 ability score improvements.
If you're doing the 1 level Mystic dip you can stay in Monk to lvl 19 and get that last ASI/feat (seriously, get Mobile)
Drunken Master Subclass (ignore the name) lvl 3:
Performance skill? Don't need it. Ask DM if you can you swap for Sleight of Hand so Peter can nip in and nick that security pass without being noticed and nip back out..
Also, forget brewer's supplies lvl 3…don't drink and run faster than the speed of sound.
Drunken Technique (lvl 3); after Flurry of Blows you can disengage and have +10 speed for the turn
Tipsy Sway (lvl 6); Leap to Your Feet (doesn't cost speed), Redirect Attack (deflect an attack to hit an enemy, seems like something Peter could do)
Drunkard's Luck (lvl 11); ki points cancel disadvantage 
Intoxicated Frenzy (lvl 17); use Flurry of Blows on up to 5 opponents
While Drunken Master seems to suit a speedster best, if there is a way to get Fist of Unbroken Air from Four Elements Elemental Disciplines feature…Initial 2ki point cost and  3d10 +1d10 per additional ki point damage. That looks like it would scale well! You also push targets 20ft and knock them prone.
Perhaps you could ask your DM to swap Drunkard's Luck for Fist of Unbroken Air at 11th level of Drunken Master. Tell them you'll throw in Performance proficiency and brewer's supplies too.
You could also drop one level of Monk (without sacrificing speed) and get 1 level of Fighter for Unarmed Fighting style or use the Fighting Initiate feat to improve Peter's combat ability.
Mobile feat (of course) gives you another +10ft speed, Dash on difficult terrain, won't provoke opportunity attacks, you NEED this feat.
Then, somewhere in there you get 1lvl of Immortal Mystic. Maybe after lvl 4 for an ASI or feat (Mobile, if you don't have it yet). You get 1 Psionic Talent which you can use for free, we're getting Light Step which gives +10 walking speed as a bonus action.
You also get 4 Psi Points to spend on Psionic Disciplines, but can only spend one in each discipline. 2 of your disciplines must be from Immortal.
Celerity from Immortal has +10 walking speed as a focus, no Psi Points cost. Then you can put on Rapid Step (1-7 Psi) though you can only spend 2, that's plus 20.
You also get Agile Defense for a bonus turn dodge, Blur of Motion which effectively makes you invisible on your turn and Surge of Speed which prevents opportunity attacks and gives you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. These all cost 2 Psi Points.
The Brute Force focus (Also Immortal) has an advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks which might help Peter as we're not going for STR.
Also, Brute Strike (1–7 psi) grants a bonus to your next damage roll as a bonus action. If Peter moves, at speed, hits an enemy with an unarmed strike and spends his 2 Psi points here he can add 2d6 bludgeoning damage to his next attack roll.
Knock Back (1–7 psi) can shove an enemy into an object as a reaction after attacking your target. You can move them up to 20ft into something for 2 Psi points.
I'm imagining Peter racing up, smacking them in the face and shoving them into a wall 20ft away for 1d6 per Psi Point spent.
Mighty Leap (1–7 psi) “As part of your movement, you jump in any direction up to 20 feet per psi point spent”. ‘Nuff said.
Mastery of Force (Wu Jen) focus gives you advantage on Strength checks and has Push (1-7 Psi) which pushes an enemy from 60 feet away and causes 1d8 Force damage and 5ft of pushing distance per point spent (you can spend 2 here at level 1), you can imagine that Peter dashes over, pushes them and dashes back.
The Order of the Immortal also gives us a bonus to AC when you don't have armour or a shield. Seems in character for Peter not to have weapons or armour, just what he's got in his pockets.
If you can somehow get Ashardalon’s Stride cast on you (like a Glyph of Warding?) you get +20 and 1d6 fire damage scaling up to +45 and 6d6 damage. That is a potent weapon for Quicksilver and entirely in character.
You need a Sorcerer (Wanda - Wild Magic) for Ashardalon’s Stride but it's normally only cast on yourself. So you need a Wizard (Magneto - Graviturgy) for Glyph of Warding which will let you do that without being a spellcaster. Graviturgy Wizard can also add 10ft of Speed to an ally and make your attacks more powerful. Thanks Dad.
If Wanda or Magneto can use Gust or Shatter you can pretend that they enhance Peter's abilities momentarily to create a literal gust of wind or break the sound barrier with his speed.
(IN RESERVE, if Mystic is not allowed by DM as it's Unearthed Arcana…18 levels of Monk leaves room for 2 levels of Bladesinger Wizard. This is mainly for Bladesong; +10 speed, an intelligence AC Bonus, advantage on DEX (Acrobatics) checks, INT bonus to CON saves to help maintain concentration (important if we're doing Wizard spells).
But we get Cantrips:Gust (pretend it's your speed attack moving them and then returning to your spot), Mage Hand (you move things at superspeed and return to spot), True Strike (speed gives you an advantage)
And FOUR 1st level spells; thematically appropriate ones include:
Catapult (you are the object, striking your enemy and returning), Expeditious Retreat (Dash action on bonus turns), Gift of Alacrity (bonus on initiative rolls, because speed gives you initiative), Jim's Magic Missile or Magic Missile (you have to imagine that the darts are your blows because you ran up, smacked them and ran away again; if you take damage it's because you stumbled), Jump (x3 jump distance), Longstrider (increases speed +10 and you can cast it on yourself)
Base:30ft walking speed
Tabaxi Feline Agility action gives x2=60
Mobile feat +10ft=40ft
Feline Agility x2 speed=80ft
2 levels of Monk +10ft=50ft
Feline Agility x2 speed=100ft
1 level of Mystic with Celerity focus +10ft=60ft
Feline Agility x2 speed=120ft
4 levels of Monk (lvl 6) +5ft=65ft
Feline Agility x2 speed=130ft
Monk lvl 10 +5ft=70ft
Feline Agility x2 speed=140ft
Monk lvl 14 +5ft=75ft
Feline Agility x2 speed=150ft
Monk lvl 18 +5ft=80ft
Feline Agility x2 speed=160ft 
We've used one bonus action to focus on Celerity and that lasts until you choose another focus. And you can activate Feline Agility when you move on your turn. So we can use Dash first to double and then Feline Agility to double again. 
Base is now a ridiculous 80…
Dash x2 speed=160ft
Feline Agility x2 speed =320!
But wait…there's more…
If Wanda or Magneto can cast Longstrider on you, that's another 10ft and lasts for an hour. At Base level that now puts you up to 90ft!
And still…I'm not sure I can get these all in play but…
If you somehow find the rare, Wondrous item Boots of Speed, or if an Artificer (lvl 14, hello Mr Stark…) can replicate them for you, you can double your speed again for 10 minutes. At maximum, with Feline Agility that gives you 180ft! 6 times faster than starting walking speed!
If you use Dash 360ft!
Haste either cast by a friendly Mage or from a Potion of Speed gives you x2 speed and an additional action which you can use to…Dash (×2 speed)! That's 1440ft!
Way faster than you could possibly need in Dungeons and Dragons but gives a flavour of the character knowing that it's possible.
The reddit post I read, (it) had even more, using Ashardlon's Stride, Epic Boon of Speed (+30 and Dash as a bonus action for another x2 speed), a Transmuter’s Stone (+10) and even more which involved flying and demons.. dude was up to 14800ft!
Much as I would love for Peter to be faster than the speed of sound, that is just insane and probably not possible in a normal game.
As this post pointed out, just don't get hit with Dissonant Whispers
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