mcsplodeyx · 4 years
hey kacchan, do you want to build a snowman? (:
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cowlsmash · 5 years
heromight replied to your post: :3
Covers him in all the cat hair. Exposure therapy.
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    I can’t believe Deku just killed Deku in cold blood look he’s covered in hives why do you hate him
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explodie · 5 years
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     “Oi, Deku.  Y’got something on your shirt.”  He’s pointing dead-center of Izuku’s chest.
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hourlyhero · 5 years
@heromight​ || Lyric Starter Call || Lyric Source
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“You have no control Who lives, who dies, who tells your story..” He pauses for a moment, not daring to look up at Midoriya, instead he stares down at his hands. “And when my time is up... Have I done enough?”
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supcrmight · 5 years
@heromight​ said: Picks his brother up and spins him around and around until they both fall over dizzy!
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“Oh - ! ‘Zuku!!” Izumi giggled as he was lifted, his brother has gotten so much stronger since they started at UA, it showed in everything he did, the amount of training he did with not only quirk endurance, but also physical well being. It was incredible and impressed Izumi every time! His brother was growing so much! Izumi was so proud of him!
Izumi was a bubble of giggles, gripping his brother tightly as he spun and spun and spun around again and again. Until they crumpled on the floor, bubbles of laughter filling the air between them as Izumi squeezed his eyes closed, trying to keep himself oriented.
“Z - Zuku - !” Izumi giggled, peeking an eye open to look at him, “Wha - What was THAT for?”
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inanthesis · 5 years
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@heromight​ : "Hey, Shouto-kun, what's my first name?" Now he was on a mission to get the validation he deserved.
❝ It’s Izuku. ❞ That was an odd question, one that had Shouto’s head tilting a bit to the side in his confusion. He hadn’t seen his classmate suffer any head trauma but if he was starting to forget basic things like his name... THIS WAS CONCERNING.
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❝ Are you feeling alright? Are you experiencing any dizziness? DO YOU KNOW WHERE WE ARE RIGHT NOW? ❞ Worry colored his tone, Shouto reaching out a hand to place on Izuku’s shoulder to steady him in case he was disoriented.
❝ We should get you to the nurse’s office right away. ❞
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herohalf · 5 years
                          with the new year coming around things had been.  .  . chaotic, shouto thinks is maybe the best word. this year he had opted out of accompanying izuku to see his mother, instead spending the holiday with his own. it was an odd little sight: natsuo, fuyumi, him and rei all gathered in her small room, warm as the christmas eve snow fell outside and the sweetness of christmas cake melted on their tongues. 
but after that ( despite fuyumi’s invitation to go home ) shouto found comfort more in his dorm room, studying, laying on the lounge’s couch---- the usual noise that covered the walls and stairwells now dulled and absent, the lights kept off and he was fine like that. looking forward sometimes to the glow of a tiny screen where izuku would send him messages and pictures about his holidays and vacation, the faint traces of a smile on his face as a cheek pressed deeper into the couch cushion, fingers steadily replying. 
each day of the winter vacation consisted of the same: studying, training, cooking his favorite, texting izuku and watching something on his computer ( mostly cat videos- cream heroes channel in it’s near entirety ). and other times hours would pass without him noticing, in the blink of an eye 1200 could be 1600. and again, all of this was fine with him, the silence seemed familiar and these momentary expectations of nothing were almost a relief on his heart. 
but now it was new years’ eve and there was something he specifically wanted to do, had watched many times on whatever had been showing on the t.v. he couldn’t say he was much of a romantic, or was one at all but something in that moment had sparked a warmth in his chest, the attention of heterochromatic eyes as they rounded and stared until the magic was over.
                if you kiss your loved one at the stroke of midnight 
                                      you’ll stay always by each other’s side. 
a phrase like a fairy-tale. 
                                                     so that’s how he finds himself at the midoriya’s at around 2355, without warning. It’s late so logically ( to him ) he won’t ring the doorbell, instead he’d climb his way up to izuku’s window. knocking gently, then a bit harder in case the other is asleep. hopefully he’d open it ( hopefully if he didn’t shouto wouldn’t just go in, although more likely: he would regardless ) but luckily izuku did. when he sees him, for a moment both are silent ( izuku in no doubt: shock ) but the dual - wielder is overcome by a faint emotion, not realizing how much he missed round emerald eyes, a mess of dark hair that covered his face slightly, like a wonder and a welcome to some place kinder, warmer in those days by himself. shouto finds himself smiling, fingers coming up, touching softly to a cheek like the glow of dawn as lips part. 
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                   ‘ happy new years’, i hope we can continue to grow together. ’ and he kisses him as the winter wind carries those words.
( @heromight​ )
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herophase · 5 years
"We WILL save her this time around. We have to."
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“YES, we WILL -” Deku was right, of course he was. Mirio hadn’t forgotten, but he had fallen into a pit of his own guilt and disappointment long enough to be swallowed by it. But he couldn’t stay there for long, not with Eri still out there, stuck, terrified, under Overhaul’s thumb. They will save her - THEY MUST. It wasn’t an attempt anymore, it wasn’t a ‘give it your all!’, they HAD to succeed. Mirio would do whatever it took to make up for the decision he made in the alleyway that day - while at the time, he thought it was the best course of action, which was only reaffirmed by Sir’s praise later on - Mirio felt STICKY with guilt. He hated the fear in her eyes when he threatened her - told this little girl that consequences happen when you misbehave. And the very fact that she KNEW and was AWARE of such consequences and was SCARED for THEIR safety – made Mirio’s skin crawl. 
THEY should be the heroes saving HER – not the other way around.
“We’ll do whatever it takes, Deku. Me and you!”
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korihanabi · 5 years
Nods in his direction. "Hi, Shouto-kun."
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          He wondered, for a moment, if he was calling him by his first name because it was his name, or because it was his hero name. It didn’t matter to him either way, his friend could call him pretty much whatever he wanted and Shoto would be fine with it. “Hello, Izuku.” was this fine? This was fine. The thought of calling him ‘Deku’ came to mind, but given that it was his Hero name, and they were not doing Hero work, he would let it be.
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shinvcho · 5 years
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Unspoken Fluff || accepting  @heromight​ said; Falling asleep on them.
There is a blink as he felt the sudden weight against his side. Turning his head to fall the greenhead soundly asleep. 
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Shinsou wasn't surprised, Midoirya had already looked rather exhausting when he decides to join him in this too early of a morning. Despite being obviously still tired.
They simply sit together for at last an hour, reading or writing.
Shinsou wasn't able to figure out what had kept the other up at this time of the day but at the same time, he didn’t pressure Midoirya to share said information. Partly because he knows if he was to forces Midoriya he had to share his own reasoning as well. That and the other reasoning might be personal. This not to say Shinsou wouldn’t have listened if the other had been willing to share. 
Breathing out of his nose, Shisnou placed is book aside, carefully putting his hands onto the smaller shoulder before pushing him back to he was laying on the couch, trapping one of the couch covers on top of him. His dorms were way too far as to be carried there. 
Watching Midoirya Shinsou shook his head in though. Midoriya was strange in a way. As much as he could understand the other so little does he as well. 
" You're a strange follow, Midoirya..." he whispers to himself, sitting at the end of Izukus feet, crossing his arms he leaned back on the couch he started to slowly to doze off if just a little. 
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mcsplodeyx · 4 years
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cowlsmash · 5 years
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@heromight​ asked!         “ you got this. ” (time travel au!)              you literally okay’d this
    Looking back, some of All Might’s methods of teaching had been fairly extreme. Even those that hadn’t been so over-the-top, Izuku had actually fanned the flame on until they became pretty intense. Izuku had never opposed pushing himself to the absolute limit, and he was more than willing to at least try to overcome any obstacle put in his way. He tended to be extremely proud of that tenacity, even if he sometimes lacked the instinct and ability to put a foreseen plan fully into place the way he envisioned.
    But even those seemed tame compared to this.
    “. . .  I thought you were trying to save us.”
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    Izuku peered back at his double. Dare he say that Deku must have been the him in this situation previously, so it was difficult to intrinsically doubt him when faced with this sort of thing. However, kneeling at the edge of such a massive precipice outside of the school grounds, Izuku couldn’t help but wonder which of them came up with this idea the first time. . . or how well executed this plan was.
    Surely there were better ways to teach him to float than to just chuck him into oblivion. . . right?
    He stood, knitting his brow with concern. “Confidence in us is good, but I’ve never even tried this before. All Might has a plan for how to work on it. Shouldn’t we wait and see what comes of that?”
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explodie · 5 years
“ i miss talking to you. ”
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     Five words couldn’t begin to cover the years of interactions to miss between these childish friends.  Family camping trips, heroic playfights, Saturday morning cartoons, Auntie Inko’s cooking  –  all tossed out and given up on once Katsuki entered his prideful middle school years.  He thought he could put it all behind him  –  thought that he had to give up the little league friends to start playing with the big league heroes.  Clearly, he was wrong to have underestimated Izuku.
     Now there’s a part of Katsuki that wonders  –  if they had both grown up faster, could they have done more together?   If he hadn’t seen Izuku as an obstacle, could he have ran further?  If you told Katsuki any time before now that he would one day be  this  close with Izuku, he would have mocked you for even thinking such a stupid thought.  But here they were, sitting side-by-side on a sofa, sharing notes and secrets as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
     “Miss talkin’ to me?  Damn nerd  –  the hell’s there to miss?  M’right here, aren’t I?”  He chides, leaning further into the sofa.  “Y’wanna talk so much, then talk, Deku.”
     I’m finally listening   goes unsaid.
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icypyre-a · 5 years
heromight replied to your post:          BOI OUT HERE LOOKING LIKE HE’S GOING TO...
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                 YO -- YOU RIGHT
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supcrmight · 5 years
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inanthesis · 5 years
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@heromight​ : "Shouto-kun?" OwO
❝ Midoriya... ❞ There’s something that could almost be registered as SURPRISE or some form of RELIEF in his eyes as he’d heard his name.
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❝ If this inconveniences you feel free to deny me but could I take a look at your history notes? I couldn’t find mine this morning and we have a quiz. ❞ He must’ve looked STRANGE staring so blankly off in the distance just a moment ago. Surely that’s why Midoriya felt it necessary to get his attention in a different way.
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