wistrea · 1 month
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❛    the others are readying themselves to ride into battle soon. will you be joining them, marth? i'm sure they'd be more than welcome to have you ... but, is that really the reason why you came all the way here? to fight a war that does not concern your own realm?    ❜  
@herok1ng / one - liner call ☆
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luxdea · 1 month
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( 「   RP MEME :   VARIOUS FF7 REMAKE QUOTES.   」    | @herok1ng )
" i'm the one who carried you . "
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HER CHEEKS BURNED in embarrassment as she turned her head. it had been a disaster of an attempt at awakening her powers. the thought of returning to the castle & reporting yet another failure to her father was already bad enough, but she'd had a proper audience this time.
❝ i'm sorry. ❞
THE WORDS WERE soft & quiet, yet heavy with the guilt of the night's events. this was now much more than just the failure to obtain her birthright. she was no less than a diplomatic embarrassment.
❝ we were meant to be introducing you to our traditions & i––––.❞
SHE'D RUINED IT. a part of her, admittedly, felt vindicated. she'd argued with her father for the better part of an hour against marth joining her on one of her prayer pilgrimages. they'd been getting along well–––– or, at least, she'd certainly thought so–––– & the thought of him looking at her with the contempt she often pretended not to notice had made her tremble even as she argued her utmost.
ZELDA HAD DONE her best, as she always did. she poured her heart & soul into her prayers, ignored the numbness in her limbs as the cold seeped into her skin, & held out until her body could handle no more.
AT LEAST SHE didn't remember the collapse. one moment, she had been looking at the empty face of the spring's goddess statue, & the next, she was opening her eyes to the worried stares of the entourage that had accompanied them, wrapped in blankets next to the campfire & nearly fully dry. she had known that someone must have carried her out, but she had assumed that one of the guards had done it.
KNOWING THAT IT was marth? well, the logical part of her was glad she had been asleep & had avoided the embarrassment that came with remembering. but a selfish part of her wished she had been alert enough to carry the memory with her–––– even if she could have only taken in a few moments.
HE DESERVED HER thanks, & yet she couldn't find the words. her head bowed & her eyes focused on the white of her gown. dressed like a goddess, & yet she still felt like a failure. her throat felt tight & her eyes burned, but she knew her tears could further sour his opinion of her. no, she could take the distasteful looks & thinly veiled attempts to hide the spread of gossip the way she always did. with pride, if she could not do so with honor.
❝ again, i'm–––– i'm sorry. whatever you may think of me, please don't let my mistakes change your opinions on my kingdom & its people. ❞
SHE WOULD DO all she could to ensure that any negative reflection fell on her & her alone.
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cosmama · 1 month
" no one knows where a fading star goes . "
love is cosmic!
the young man is exposed to something even more elusive than a shooting star after he speaks: the pure, wonderous sound of her laughter. it makes her appear less tense, less intimidating, than usual - her shoulders gently shake, and a hand rises to cover her mouth as she continues to giggle. ❛ we do not? why, that is certainly news to me. ’ she states dismissively which earns her crossed arms and an ' i'm being serious. ' said in response to her rare bit of teasing. cosmos only shakes her head, deciding to humor him as bright eyes rise to look towards the night sky that shines so beautifully above them. ❛ the universe is vast but it is not unknowable either. ’
the woman that was before him a moment ago is gone, disappearing just as quickly as she had appeared. her voice is now wispy and distant, dripping with both nostalgia and sadness no one but her can ever understand. ❛ you can know the stars if you are patient and willing to listen marth. ’ cosmos explains to him; there is no judgement or condescension in her tone - only a deep fondness for the stars above. a pale hand reaches out into the night, unfurling it to reveal a newborn star twinkling faintly in the palm of her hand.
❛ the stars can hear us - feel us - too. ’ her words are whispered in a tender, reverent tone while she watched the young star begin to float away into the night - finally seeking its own place in the vast cosmos. ❛ if you ask where they are going, i am sure they would love to stop and give an answer. ’
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royalarms · 1 month
noctis muse is sleepy... (his birthday is on the 30th tho i WILL be back for that hehe) but i made marth @herok1ng if anyone would like to interact :)
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missiletainne · 1 month
sideblog to / follows back from @herok1ng !! please find my rules there as well ! > pinterest !!
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☆ - marks a main / primary muse !
ARCHANEA SERIES : caeda , nyna , merric , (f)kris , navarre , xane , michalis , jeorge
SHADOWS OF VALENTIA : celica ☆ , conrad , tobin
BLAZING BLADE : eliwood , ninian
SACRED STONES : eirika , l'arachelle , tana , raven
AWAKENING : owain ☆ ( will also write as odin ) , gerome , tiki
FATES : (f)corrin , kaze , ophelia
THREE HOUSES : edelgard
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TO BE ADDED : leif ( geneaology + thracia ) , eldigan ( geneaology ) , elincia ( por + rd ) , jeritza ( 3h ) , (m)alear ( engage )
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wistrea · 25 days
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@herok1ng sent: ❝ I am weak. I am fragile. I am mortal. ❞
weak was not a word she would associate with marth, a surprising notion coming from a witch who has such a fixation with power. the value of a life was often measured by strength, and perhaps in that likeness did she understand what the fell dragon often said, archived somewhere in the depths of her memories : a death was not written if it is not grima's will, a life would not be lost if he still had a use for it. it was a calculating, cold way to refer to a living being, but it was the way her own worth was measured as the spare vessel. violet hues continue to stare at the prince, as though she was wondering how to pick him apart to see the true machinations of his mind ... but the moment she catches such thoughts wandering in her thoughts, kira's gaze softens. in truth, marth was a friend, as she has come to realize. she did not journey with him out of her own self - serving ambition in the first place.
in truth, she does not know why she had aided him in that clearing, before she even knew who he was. before she even knew who she herself was as well. it took silencing the fell dragon's voice to allow such kindness.
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❛     if mortality is the measure of strength, then we would have all be doomed long ago.    ❜  kira tells him, a small smile 'pon her lips as she looked at him. ❛     even the gods can learn to fear mortals. and you, my dear marth, are not weak. i've seen you in battle, and apart from it. you would not be standing here if you were not strong. you have enough courage to have most knights envy you for, and just enough foolishness to actually act upon it.    ❜
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wistrea · 1 month
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@herok1ng sent: 1. a war - torn battlefield . :)c
even from the skies, it was easy to lose sight of allies amidst the swarm of enemies that begin to feel endless with how this battle continues to rage on. did they account for this many troops when they had formulated a strategy? oh, definitely not, but kira has always been good at strategizing when the odds were not in her favor. a moment ago, she had been flying over enemy lines alongside sumia, only for the sudden appearance of a row of archers causing the dark flier to split ways from the pegasus knight. the sight of her wyvern, with scales as dark as obsidian and a glint of violet when the sunlight strikes, was an omen for levin and fury to the opponents below.
it was strange, how flying and fighting atop kisaragi felt like second nature, amidst the haze of her clouded past. she does not bother questioning it if it aids her in getting closer to what she needed. the tempest on wings, casting from her tome, and if one needed to find her they would simply have to follow the path of lightning.
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it is only when she sees the splash of blue amidst the chaos on the brink of being surrounded by the reinforcements coming from across the hill does she beckon kisaragi to swoop down closer to the ground. marth could handle himself well on his own, but she finds herself attached to the ally she found amidst the strangest of circumstances. the wyvern soars low, just for long enough to give the witch a brief window to slide off the saddle and hop onto the ground with a running start. she could not afford to slow down, not now, not for a second, and especially not when there was far too much on the line. while a brigand had his axe raised to marth's back, kira did not allow him to take his swing as she casts arcthunder to send him flying across the battlefield.
❛    you don't mind me taking that one, do you?      ❜ kira says with a breathless laugh as she comes to stand with her back against marth's, her tome open in one hand. ❛    allow me, your highness. it was getting a little boring in my half, and it looks like we're going to have more company soon.      ❜
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wistrea · 1 month
fill in with details about your muse as if they were a character in dating sim!
NAME   :   —   kira horikoshi
PROFESSION   :   — archmage, assassin, alchemist, university professor.
WHERE   THEY   CAN   BE   FOUND   —   literally almost anywhere. she's a lady who loves to travel. your best bet is checking the horikoshi estate or the university where she works at. you'll only ever know where she lives after a handful of dates at the very least.  or maybe leave some powerful magic items out like cookies for santa claus and wait for her to come and snatch them.
FAVORITE   FOOD   TYPE   —    she likes spicy food a Lot, and by a lot i mean her appetite is huge. by no means is kira a picky eater, considering she will eat almost anything, but she does like japanese curry a lot.
FAVORITE   ALCOHOLIC   DRINK   —    the banshee's breath is her favorite brew. it's literally just a bunch of translucent wild berries mixed with alcohol that leaves your mouth feeling cold after you've drank it, like the lingering feeling of mint in your mouth.
WHERE   THEY   WOULD   GO   ON   A   DATE   —  museum and aquarium dates are big for kira, and depending on her date, she'd pick them up and drive them there on either her motorcycle or her car. maybe even on the back of her giant raven if they wanted to. if they're dating after a while, kira would love to take them on trips and travel with her to places she has explored before since she's on the move a lot.
IDEAL   GIFT   —    weapons! preferably swords or daggers, also spears. tomes on magic and other related things. food, specifically pastries she really likes (cough cough the ones with blueberries on them cough cough).
HOW   MANY   DATES   UNTIL   THEY   KISS   —     i think the kiss can happen after the first date if it's someone she knew prior to dating and had a strong bond with already. if not, maybe after the third. but then again, it'd be easier to allow her date to kiss her than actually trust her date or let them know actual details about her life.
tagged by: i stole it :> tagging: @devilspurs , @fatedriven , @wesama , @stilettaux , @herok1ng , @youthblooms , @holyscorch + anyone who wants to!
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