#heroic idols rp
deathleesaysstuff · 29 days
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Putting the (now infamous) Jackdaw whiteboard doodle on tumblr dot com bc it lives in my brain rent free
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moonkxssed · 5 years
🔮 🔥 HMmmm 🤔?
Mun talks about the Muse|| Accepting! 
🔮 What do you see in your muse’s future?
//Welcome back it’s lovely to see you again!!
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For Selene’s future…honestly, I want to see her have more growth in her character. She’s got a lot of habits, while good in intention, that could get her in trouble–like her selflessness and struggle to rely on others. I want to see her deepen bonds with friends/make more deep bonds and learn to accept her limits. 
I do see her making a somewhat difficult choice for herself–leaving the Championship behind for a bit to go find herself–ironically just like her idol (Red) did. But as for whether she’ll come back to the throne or leave it? I want to leave that up to the bonds she forges because on one hand, while Selene doesn’t like feeling tied down, she’s a great fit for the role of Champion (despite how she feels like she’s not as fit as other Champions at the moment). On the other hand, while it was her childhood dream to get the title of Champion, the most fun part of being a trainer to her is the part she misses most in her main verse–adventuring and feeling free. She’ll ALWAYS be a trainer and participating in tournaments and the like, but she also has other passions she realizes she’s good at which could be something she wants to pursue more than being a trainer. 
I’m rambling but I also want to get more into her being a faller–while I’ve delved into the effects of it all, I want to resolve over time and rp/plotting if she’s gonna live with this forever (and if there are any latent benefits) or if there’s gonna be a way to counter it. I’ve been leaning towards the former because a hero suffering negative effects from their heroics is something I like to see developed–it’s tough being a hero and that’s something that inspired me with her character, being that the gen 7 protag is relied on to do SO MUCH. (But that’s the life of all protags). 
🔥 Unpopular opinion about your muse?
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//Dhfkdhfh this is a tough one, I feel like much of the fandom favors an entirely different characterization of my gal than I write; though for protagonists, there’s limited information to go off of so it’s almost entirely subjective what one breathes into them. (That’s the fun part to me!!) One of the biggest things I’m not popular in is that, I don’t really take to the name Moon. (To me it’s better suited as a nickname)  I really loved the localized names this generation– Selene as the goddess of the Moon and Elio as god of the Sun are amazingly fit to me. (It’s a small thing but trust me it gets a bit…irking when you have gently correct others often that your muse’s name is Selene because everyone automatically assumes her Moon.) Another reason I went with Selene is to separate manga from gameverse so as not to cause confusion because I…am surprisingly not the biggest fan of Pokespe Moon but I appreciate the story.
I guess also since I brought up personality, soon as I saw her design years ago, she came off as spunky, sweetheart to me but I read many fics and  just surf through the fandom a lot and I’ve seen a lot of fandom embrace super cool, takes no stuff spitfire interpretation of her and hey, it’s valid! I just never felt that way about her personally, which is why I write her as I do. 
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trippingwrites · 8 years
For Starters
(For the VAA intro thread)
Holy shot, I Had this Account for four years??
Holy geebes louise, even I am surprised by how long I had this account lurking in VAA! Four years I have been missing in this site and the fun I didn't knew I was missing. It's a shame now thinking about it. Hopefully, may be this time around I'll hang around and meet cool new people and perhaps join some voice acting projects! I hope you guys will enjoy having me as I am excited to be with you!
I don't have a whole lot of experience with voice acting. I’ve record myself couple of times and even posted a short song on Youtube about a year back. I don't have a real feedback/criticism about my voice other than compliments from friends and family. I would love to hear some from folks and even their opinions to what kind of voice I have and kind of characters my voice may be best suited for. I have a feminine voice and I have a slight Asian accent that I am desperately trying to rid off for years!
Ah, I guess I can tell what I was doing in the last four years of absence and what I enjoy doing. So basically, I was in college studying various of subjects like animation and health. I worked a bit in between the studies. I have Tumblred my way from fandom to fandom. I enjoy drawing characters and have created my own to RPs. I'm pretty active in a RP forum called RPNation, and I have joined some incredibly fun groups and meet interesting friends. I would have liked trying voicing for my characters, but it is unfortunate that the majority of character I enjoy playing as are male. I know, weird : P
I would like to know more about VAA! Like how are you guys? I hope people have joined fun projects and met great people. I have yet to read all the stickied thread in this site, but where to people host(?) their voices?
Okay so I pulled this out from
For Starters 1. Okay, start with the classics: Pick a number. 4
2. Is that number your age? If not, what IS your age? Early 20s!
3. Are you more visual or audio-oriented?
I guess I am visually oriented. 4. You should have at least two chromosomes. Which two do you have?
One of each!
5. Wearing socks with sandals: stupid or sweet, bro?
Eh, I do it sometimes. 6. When you were five (assuming you are not, currently, five) what was your dream?
To be a teacher, then I realise how bad of a teacher I am. 7. If you could have a mythical beast as a pet, which beast would you choose?
I never thought of having a pet to be honest. I’ll just be very guilty of neglecting them, I think :/ 8. What would you name it?
Guildford. That was the name of my hamster. 9. Are you allergic to anything? If it's a food, do you want to eat it anyway?
I want a pet and I want to snuggle every cute creature on Earth! I just hate hives more than loving animals unfortu… 10. What was the last Halloween costume you wore?
A traditional Korean hanbok This Or That 1. Pancakes or waffles?
Waffles 2. Dogs or cats?
Cats 3. Light or dark?
Dark 4. AC or DC?
AC…? 5. Mamas or papas?
Mamas 6. Twist or shout?
Twist 7. Mario or Luigi?
Luigi 8. Tall or short?
Short 9. Cat poop or dog poop? Ew
10. Vampires or werewolves?
Vampire It's Random Time! 1. Okay, let's say you're a Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger. A putty patroller punches you in the face at the EXACT same time you're morphing. What happens? Does your helmet materialize and cut off his hand, does it form around the putty patroller, or does something else occur?
I think logically, the helmet servered the monster’s hand and now I am stuck with a hand inside my helmet! Rude! 2. Do you think the biggest threat to our world today are Dark Penguins (assuming you believe in Dark Penguins)?
Uhhh… no…? 3. A man on the street in New York offers to give you FREE COMEDY if you follow him into a dark basement. You do like comedy... do you go?
I think I would have planned out my trip in I'm in New York… It will depends on the summary of the comedy the man tells me. 4. Alright, take your SAT score (if you don't have that, estimate what you think you'd get). Multiply it by the number of the current month and then divide by how many posts are currently in this thread: do you think you could eat that many hot dogs?
Over time, no. Secretly, yes. 5. Okay, I'm gonna give you a pony for your birthday this year. It's a real rad pony, so I hope you like ponies. You're gonna need to take care of this pony: clean it, feed it, brush it's hair, make sure it gets plenty of exercise, clean it more. It's gonna be YOUR responsibility, young man/lady! So I hope you're ready. Also, favorite pizza topping?
Oh good lord, I'm going to kill the poor pony. This is a horrible choice of a gift, but thank you for your gift anyways. Hawaiian. 6. You stepped over the line and now SUPERMAN wants to beat you up! Who're you going to call to help you out with this fight?
MOM! Or the Batman will do. A relationship counselor will also do. We can sort out difference in a civilized manner. 7. You can be a walk-on role in any movie ever made. What movie do you walk-on in and what is the one line you deliver?
Titanic. I'll be that one Asian so out of place that I don't even need a line to be remembered. 8. Why would you want to ruin that movie like that?
Hahahaha, good question. I don't know. 9. Do you think I look good in this dress? Be honest. I can take it back if you don't.
Gurl, dresses are for everyone. Try this one, it'll bring out your shape! 10. Why can't I find a good henchman in this town? Are you interested?
Have you tried ebay? I heard they will be delivered within 24 hours. I would hate to be the one to recieve it though... Would You Rather... 1. Be able to fly or teleport?
Fly 2. Play as Ken or Ryu? Ryu?
3. Live on the moon or in Atlantis? The moon
4. Die in an explosion saving the President on live TV or die in a tsunami saving an orphanage, but no one will know?
Orphanage sounds more heroic, but drowning is a slower death than dying in an explosion… but then again who said dying in an explosion will be clean? I guess orphanage. 5. Win American Idol or Wheel of Fortune?
Wheel of Fortune. Give me the money! 6. Chicken nuggets, chicken strips, or soy chicken (you monster)?
Chicken Strips 7. Skim milk, whole milk, 2% milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, soy milk, or goat's milk?
There's too much option! I love milk! I'm also kinda lactose intolerance! 8. Live forever in the town you were born in but be given one year to see the world OR live forever in one city of your choosing but never be able to leave? Live forever in my hometown
9. Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony? Nintendo
10. Skates, rollerblades, or GOLF CART? GOLD CART!
Are you... 1. Intelligent? Eh
2. Verbose?
In writing only 3. Deciduous? Yes
4. Monotonic?
Kinda 5. Swanky?
No 6. Semidictatorial?
True 7. Voluminous?
I guess 8. Bored? Often. Try not to though
9. Confused?
VERY 10. In love with me? Love is a scary thing.
If you could do the following and never get caught, would you... 1. Streak?
??? 2. Steal from the government?
Yes 3. Steal from the poor?
No 4. Punch a nun?
No!?? 5. Eat an old grandma's pie right off her windowsill? Yes…
6. Steal an old farmer's carrots?
May be... 7. Cheat in the Olympics in order to win a Gold Medal?
No 8. Yell "fire" in a crowded theater?
Yes. 9. Wear Crocs? Yes.
10. Rob a grave you know has tons of money in it?
Yes. Wrapping Up 1. Normally Celena would've asked if she was better than me. Since she's been gone, I'm obviously better. Is anyone better than me?
Not that I know of… So yes? 2. It's okay to admit I'm handsome and awesome. You do think that, right?
Oh shots I should have looked at the icon I stole this question air from! 3. If you answered "yes" to the first question or "no" to the second: what does it feel like to be wrong all the time?
All the time. 4. Are you kinda tired of answering all these questions?
It's 2 am when I'm filling this… Hopefully i am not when I post this. 5. Did the different sections do a good job of masquerading the fact that you have just answered SIXTY-FIVE questions?
I was not aware. Good job, but is there something significant about that number? 6. Are you glad you went through all of these horrendously stupid questions?
I like doing these question honestly, when I have the time. 7. Alright! This is the last question! I think I know the answer to this, but are you glad this is finally finishing up?
Hahaha yes and you lied to me. 8. Trap sprung. It's not over. How do you feel now that you've been TOTALLY had?
I already spoiled myself of the surprised by scrolling down. 9. Okay, the next question's the last one. Will you accept my totally weak apology? If not, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO LOVE ME?
:V 10. How long have you been AVAing and how long do you plan to continue?
I hope longer than my current record!
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