pattyextras · 6 years
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So it happened again, he expected this to happen soon. He gazed upon the scene calmly, taking it all in.  He didn’t know him, but, judging by one’s reaction, someone certainly did.
Well, time to investigate.
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pattyextras · 6 years
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pattyextras · 6 years
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pattyextras · 6 years
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Yamato looked up from his work, a bored scowl at his work being interrupted... which softened when he saw who it was that came in. Setting the file aside he straightened up to address him. “Ah, Kuze. What do I owe to honor?” 
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pattyextras · 6 years
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Starter call for grumpy town call clerk! For bellflower valley members only, limit at 5!
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pattyextras · 6 years
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pattyextras · 6 years
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pattyextras · 6 years
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“Alright?” Yamato blinks in surprise at his forwardness, shoving his phone back into his pocket and allowing himself to follow his Hibiki’s lead. Was that so unusual?  
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“Okay so normally people do special meals for their birthdays so… What do you want to eat?” He asked, looking at the other, awaiting his answer. 
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“I see.” That makes sense, he supposes. Though it was still a new concept. Though, his answer held no hesitation.  “Takoyaki, of course.” A part of him felt that was fitting, though he couldn’t quite explain how.
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pattyextras · 6 years
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“Funny, when I see it I think of you as well.” He says. He pulls out  his phone and begins to attach the charm to it. It.. looked odd on a work phone, but he’ll always have it this way. 
At his question he paused. “I can’t say, This first time I’ve actively celebrated it… Is there something people usually do on birthdays?”   
Celebrating his own birthday actively sounded so.. foreign.
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“You’ve….” He blinked in surprise. “That’s it. We’re celebrating. Right now. Come on.” He said, grabbing Yamato’s hand and pulling him out of the room. 
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“Alright?” Yamato blinks in surprise at his forwardness, shoving his phone back into his pocket and allowing himself to follow his Hibiki’s lead. Was that so unusual?  
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pattyextras · 6 years
         Don’t hold me ᴜᴘ now                    I can stand my own ground
                   I don’t need your ʜᴇʟᴘ now                                     You will let me down
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pattyextras · 6 years
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“I saw it and thought of you.” He smiled, looking up at the other and poking his cheek. “What do you want to do today? I’m not letting ou do all this paperwork on your birthday!” 
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“Funny, when I see it I think of you as well.” He says. He pulls out  his phone and begins to attach the charm to it. It.. looked odd on a work phone, but he’ll always have it this way. 
At his question he paused. “I can’t say, This first time I’ve actively celebrated it... Is there something people usually do on birthdays?”   
Celebrating his own birthday actively sounded so.. foreign.
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pattyextras · 6 years
Hibiki walked over and hugged Yamato from behind, squeezing tightly before he spoke. "Happy Birthday, Yamato." He said, holding up a small box. Inside would be a small charm, a cat and a rabbit.
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The current day’s date had slipped his mind when the smaller male wrapped his arms around him, which followed with further confusion with the small box. 
“Oh?” So today was the tenth. He wasn’t sure what to expect out of a gift (never getting nor wanting many), but the small charm inside  brought a smile to his face, picking the charm up to better look at it. A cat and a rabbit, how fitting. 
“Thank you, Hibiki.”  He turns his head to smile to Hibiki behind him.
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pattyextras · 6 years
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pattyextras · 6 years
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pattyextras · 6 years
Hibiki winced slightly as they walked. He looked towards the taller male and gave a weak smile. “Uh… humans… I got mugged on the way back…. Lost my lunch and the money I had on me…. They didn’t take anything else though.” He explained. He looked back down. “It was… kinda a shock….”
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Yamato’s frown only grown, worry for Hibiki and anger at the thugs who did this to him. He’ll have to (well, he’d like to) reimburse him for what he lost. A matter for later, as they arrived to the infirmary. 
“It’s okay now... I’ll be sure to punish them later, personally.... For now, can you tell me what hurts?” 
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pattyextras · 6 years
“It’s nothing.” (for Yamato)
Your muse comes home covered in bruises. Send me “It’s nothing.” for my muse’s reaction.
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  “This  is not nothing..!” Yamato states, trying in vain to maintain his calm tone as he rushes over, worriedly looks hibiki over. Bruises were so hard to tell the exact source of their infliction, but once he finds out who or what did this-.. Well, that will have to wait until after he is cared for. Gingerly he wraps his arms around him, to begin guiding him to the infirmary.
“Come. What happened? Was it a fight? Demons? Humans?”
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pattyextras · 6 years
Your muse comes home covered in bruises. Send me “It’s nothing.” for my muse’s reaction.
Or reversed:
My muse comes home covered in bruises. Send me “It doesn’t look like nothing!” for my muse’s reaction.
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