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izzyeffinhands · 1 year ago
So, I want to personally thank @avastyetwats ‘s mun yesterday. She stayed in contact with me during the tornado emergency. This is a screenshot of the tumblr conversation. I’m not editing out the time at the top as I just took it.
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Yesterday, I started up the last episode of the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who and two minutes in I got a tornado warning alert on my phone. I was baffled as it was creepily quiet outside and still. But that often happens just before a tornado, as I’ve been in a few. I still thought maybe it was meant to be a watch until I turned the news on. Rotation had been detected, fast winds and storms coming my way, not yet a confirmed touchdown.
Me checking my tv and and my response was maybe a minute apart. She hunted down my phone number from our previous messaging and stayed in contact with me as everything happened. If you’ve never been in a tornado, let me tell you it’s terrifying. The speed at which I ran to my mother’s room and dragged her out of bed still amazes me. I barked orders, I told her to get up and get in the hall and I returned to the tv.
They started blowing up the Woodlawn/Clarksville area. They pulled up my street and yelled for us to take cover immediately. Within minutes the storm was on us, whipping up wind and pummeling my house with hail. But the tornado right above my head did not touchdown on the ground where I lived. I told her I was okay, my tv signal came through and it had moved VERY VERY quickly over us. Then I saw the cameras from Main Street of Clarksville looking toward our direction. A tornado had touched down in the North Clarksville area. I was safe but I was TERRIFIED for my friends that I knew lived over in that area. Thankfully, they’re all okay. This is the quick picture I took of my tv and had sent to two muns I tagged. These are the cameras as the tornado was spotted.
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Our city and county is devastated. There are dead and missing. I’m sort of starting to cry a bit because I so PHENOMENALLY lucky this waited to touchdown until after it had passed me. But I just wanted to let people know in a statement what happened to me personally, and I wanted to thank her for staying in touch via text. Other people weren’t so lucky. I was on the phone all afternoon and into the night until I passed out, checking in and being checked in on.
You know how when a funeral happens, people come out of the woodwork? That’s what yesterday felt like to me. I had people I hadn’t spoken to in years texting me, calling me, hitting me up on social media to see if I was okay. It was the weirdest fucking feeling. I guess more people care about me than I thought. I’ve only just recently in the past months finally made friends in my area and I think I wouldn’t have been as frantic and emotional if I didn’t have them and had been very worried if they were even alive.
Anyway. Thank you again for staying in contact. Also thank you @heroesofbr00klyn for checking up on me during/after it had just moved past. She was busy working so it took her a second to see if said I was in a tornado warning. But thank you both very much for just being there for me like that in the emergency situation.
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skyofstorms · 1 year ago
@heroesofbr00klyn [continued from here]
Stiles let out a shaky breath as Chris held him, that had on his cheek, the hunter’s forehead pressed to his own, was enough for the moment. Finally, he nodded his head slowly and pulled back. “I’m glad I found you… promise me… promise me you won’t leave me…”
Chris tilted his head, leaning to cover Stiles' lips with his own again. "Not if I have a say in the matter. I'm right here." he swore when he pulled back. Even with the amount they had drank, Chris was still very aware the grime from their hunt on their clothes. "I'm going to shower. Do you want to join me or wait?"
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nebulasilva · 5 months ago
Home at Last | HeroesofBr00klyn
Continued from here
Steve hadn’t heard Clint come out onto the roof and when the other finally spoke near him, he turned his head slowly but didn’t make eye contact before looking out over the city once more. “I’m not sure,” he answered quietly, so unlike himself. “I got back and… everyone was just…gone…”
Clint frowned a little, not liking the way Steve was talking, even if it was softer than usual without his hearing aid. "I just got back from a mission Fury insisted I go on. Fought him for hours. I think Tony and Pepper went somewhere for their anniversary. Not sure where Nat is, though." he walked over, holding out a hand. "Let's go inside, yeah? I can make us some dinner and we can watch something. I do have to get my replacement hearing aid first, though."
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talostheuntamed · 2 years ago
Talos watched the last of the exchange, then went back toward the controls, staring off into thought. When Steve reached him, he was still staring outward to the sky. “That this is the best choice for us? That I know our time here has been far too long, but this planet is our home?” Talos lightly shrugged.
“ It’s just a lot. We may shapeshift but we don’t like change. “ Now he looked at him sadly. “ I wish I could tell them this was one step away from gaining safe haven, our own place to live our way.. like what the Asgards have. But I can’t. “
Fury had abandoned them. Danvers had abandoned them. So many years had passed on this planet waiting for help. He wanted to find a new home for his people, and during that wait he’d lost so much. Soren was gone, leaving Talos with a very young Gi’ah to raise alone. He had to be the general his people expected him to be. But he couldn’t be stagnate any longer, they were restless. There was only one man that he thought perhaps might help them.
But Talos knew how skiddish humans were. One look at his green scaly skin and they’d flee in terror. So he chose a form he thought would be most appealing to the Captain, his best friend, Bucky Barnes. He’d tracked him all the way to a private gym, his little girl in tow. He didn’t know how this would go, but he couldn’t leave her with just anyone. Before he entered the gym, in the human form he’d chosen long ago that had grayed and aged, he knelt down to her level.
“ Remember what we talked about? “ She nodded. “ Stay hidden until I say it’s safe to come out. No matter what, you stay hidden. “ He kissed her forehead, shifting into the form of Barnes. He hadn’t taken his memories, just his appearance, vibranium arm and all. Ugh, human forms could be so uncomfortable to shift into at times. Gi’ah hid in the gym behind some equipment, watching.
“ Been lookin’ everywhere for you, Steve. Thought you might’ve ran off on me. “
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skyofstorms · 1 year ago
Recovery | heroesofbr00klyn
@heroesofbr00klyn [continued from here] Steve sighed softly and lay back as Peter’s fingers brushed through his hair. “You’re not gonna lose me, Peter. You know I’m pretty tough, right? A few hunters aren’t anything for me to take down and their fucking wolfsbane bullets don’t work on me. I didn’t want them hitting you or Der or Cora. Stiles was helping and he got hurt too but I don’t see you fussing all over him…”
"Wolfsbane effects humans, too, Steve. Especially when concentrated into ammo rounds." Peter countered, thumb brushing Steve's cheek. "Trust me, Derek is reading him the right act in his own way." he countered. "You know he's much more quiet in his scolding." A sigh escapes him and he leans over to kiss Steve softly. "You are my everything, Steve. I'm always going to worry when you're hurt."
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skyofstorms · 2 years ago
Giving In | heroesofbr00klyn
@heroesofbr00klyn continued from here
Running to Chris after the pack had gotten his father killed had been the only thing Stiles had thought to do. He couldn’t stay in Beacon Hills alone, not after everything that had happened... not after being made to feel at fault for it all. Finding Chris in the next town over had been a blessing in disguise and he’d been with the man ever since.
Feelings had grown and now... after a night of watching movies and having a few drinks, Chris had kissed him and Stiles had been more than on board to return that kiss, heated and needy.
Chris pulled back after a long moment, breath uneven. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
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skyofstorms · 1 year ago
“I’m going to be stuck in bed for how long?” (From Steve for Peter or Tony)
"Until I'm certain you're better." Peter counters, shaking his head. "You may be able to heal fast, Steve, but even the serum can only work so fast." Blue eyes are worried, the slightest hint of crimson around his pupil as he fusses over his mate, sitting one the edge of bed as he pets his fingers through Steve's hair. "I can't lose you, Steve. I would lose myself in that pain and never get back. The pack doesn't need to witness an alpha in a spiral from losing their mate, especially Derek and Cora." His voice is soft, watching Steve intently. "I can't live without you."
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skyofstorms · 2 years ago
The younger man let himself be pulled close and tilted his head back as Chris kissed along his throat. The hands on his skin made him shiver. It being so good to be touched. It has been so long since anyone had touched him for any reason.
“I wanted to go back, to burn it all down. But finding you.. all I want is to stay with you.”
Chris paused to pull back and look at the younger man, blue eyes locking on the honey gold of Stiles'. "Burning it down would not have given you anything, Stiles. I can promise you that much." He assures softly, running a hand through dark hair. "Nothing but more darkness to carry on your soul."
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bxnnxrxd · 2 years ago
That shirt looks great on you… as a matter of fact, so would I.”
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“ Later. “
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bxnnxrxd · 2 years ago
“Saw you’re a foodie, I know a few things you could taste.”
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“ Like what? “
Bruce completely missed the attempt to flirt. He was so much of a foodie that he became completely distracted and missed the entire innuendo.
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bxnnxrxd · 2 years ago
On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?
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“ Did that line work for you doing the war, Steve? “
… yes, he’s free.
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bxnnxrxd · 2 years ago
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“Happy birthday, Brucie…”
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“ I’m going to lick all of that whip cream. Wait is that a banana? “
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nebulasilva · 5 months ago
Happy Matrimony | HeroesofBr00klyn
Continued from here
Steve looked up from where he was painting and chuckled softly. “Not recently,” he answered.
Peter laughed as he pushed off the wall, carrying two mugs. "Well, you do." he held one mug out, his wedding ring glinting in the afternoon light. "What are you working on?"
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nebulasilva · 5 months ago
Old World Love | HeroesofBr00klyn
Continued from here
Steve frowned softly. “I don’t have plans on marrying anyone at the moment, Bucky. And I’d never forget you….” And it wasn’t as if Steve wanted to marry anyone but Bucky, but the other had never given him any hint that he’d want the same.
Bucky managed a smile, walking over to wrap his arms gently at Steve's waist. "That's good to hear. There's talk of arranging marriages, and the last thing I want is to lose you." he murmured, resting his forehead on Steve's.
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nebulasilva · 5 months ago
Snow Day | HeroesofBr00klyn
Continued from here
Steve nodded slowly, getting up and walking over to Peter, wrapping his arms around his mate and resting his chin on his shoulder. “Guess we could count this as just a mini-vacation?”
Peter nodded, watching out the door where the snow was coming down hard. "Certainly. It's been a while since we had a vacation." he chuckled, tilting his head back to kiss Steve's cheek. "We were overdue for one."
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