super-wash · 2 years
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Want to have your professional clothes dry-cleaned? Super wash provides a convenient Dry Cleaning in Amsterdam. We also provides Heroca service along with private steaming and rental of tailor-made linen for your company. For more detail visit our website.
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frenchiestan · 6 years
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spn hiatus creations - week eight - ships
↳ destiel
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colourblue · 6 years
♫ !!!
1) call it fate call it karma - the strokes
2) pattern - the last shadow puppets 
3) night flight - led zeppelin 
4) do me a favour - arctic monkeys
5) call me back - the strokes 
Send me a “♫” and I will put my music on shuffle and give you a 5 song playlist
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hemmswrth · 6 years
congrats and happy blogiversary! 🍁 and for the mb my fave parts of fall are horror movies on tv, jack o lanterns, rainy weather, and crunchy leaves on the ground ☺️🧡🖤
thanks so much! you can find your moodboard here! hope you like it!
join my follower celebration 
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@herocas SO, a while back you send me an ask for that “send me the ✒️ emoji and I’ll handwrite your url and what I think of you” thing, and I FINALLY did it!
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profound-boning · 6 years
40 and 41
40. vegetable bi or fruit bi?
41. jeans jacket bi or leather jacket bi?
I actually don’t own a leather jacket!! yikes
bi ask meme
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saintflint · 6 years
red cheeks, fallen log, and cuckoo clock
what makes you nervous?
being around people i genuinely like and desperately want to be friends with but who i haven’t really gotten to know yet so i end up in this perpetual state of trying to look chill while internally panicking and hoping they have the nerve to start a conversation before i bury my head in the ground like an ostrich.
something you’ve gotten over that you never thought you would.
that’s honestly one of the hardest questions to answer as the darker things in my life know how to drag me down for years and years after they’ve passed… but i guess i’d say i’ve finally gotten over trying to please my father and win the kind of acknowledgement i always wanted from him. it took me twenty-two years to see the toxic, manipulative grip he had on me for what it was and i’m never going to let him make me feel that i’m less than what i am ever again.
are you a morning, a noon, or an evening person?
definitely a late morning-noon person.
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severelyfamousbeard · 7 years
11 and 40 of the dreamy asks!
11. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Man tough question. Uhhhh man. I’m gonna say beach. 
40. List the top five things you love about yourself or your life. Hm. 1. I love my mom and all my relatives on her side. 2. I love that I like to learn. 3. I love that I have a lot of interests. 4. I love that I get over people really quickly (it just makes things easier tbh). 5. I love that I like video games :D
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i love poltergeist-the-anti’s neighbors ❤️ don’t u??
hey i think you should die actually
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horrorgay · 6 years
10 Songs I'm currently obsessed with
Sweet Disaster by DREAMERS
Who Said by machineheart
Isabella of Castile by STRFKR
Embracing Me by SAFIA
Cringe-Stripped by Matt Maeson
Shrike by Hozier
Elevate by DJ Khalil
Superposition by Young the Giant
Painkiller by DREAMERS
Overgrown by machineheart
I was tagged by @herocas. I tag @jewishcap, @vamploki, and anyone else who wants to!!
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frenchiestan · 6 years
tagged by: @starsmish and @herocas thanks babes!!!
relationship status: a sinlge pringle who is.....not ready to mingle 
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick
three favorite foods: waffles, mac n cheese, and french fries
song stuck in your head: “the end” by the beatles. it only has like 4 lines i have no idea why this is happening
last movie you watched: isle of dogs
top three shows: supernatural, b99, and doctor who
book i’m currently reading: two towers, lotr series
last thing i googled: the song i have stuck in my head bc i couldn’t remember the name lol
time: 1:49 PM 
dream trip: ireland or spain
anything you want: financial stability and and good mental health would be nice
tagging: @gracefuldean @bowleggedbeauty @jimminovak @deeckles @winchcstr @asexualcas @heavenmisha @casttiel @theboykingsam
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colourblue · 6 years
bookshelf and record player
Thanks so much!!
bookshelf - which books and movies have influenced your life the most?
Umm I would say that Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings have influenced me the most- i grew up watching and reading them so they’ve shaped characteristics of mine- like wanting to study hard like Hermione etc. 
record player - name a song that reminds you of a fond memory
ok so it’s definitely gotta be New Romantics- when I went to the 1989 World Tour, I was in a really difficult situation because of mental illness and cancer in my family and New Romantics was my favourite song off the latest 1989. That was before I was on tumblr and I knew nothing about the setlist so when she actually played it I was in heaven- It was a little corner of bliss in my life, even though it didn’t last that long but oh boy 💕
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bangitup · 5 years
did you change your url recently? who did you used to be??
i used to post more spn here but i moved it over to a sideblog @herocas which was also my old url. um but i’ve been on tumblr a while and i’ve remade a lot 
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super-wash · 2 years
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Super wash provides a convenient laundry in Amsterdam. We also provides Heroca service along with private steaming and rental of tailor-made linen for your company. Our laundry is equipped with all means to steam and wash all common fabrics. For more detail visit our website.
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saintflint · 6 years
28 and 31
28. sun bi or moon bi?
moon bi
31. plant bi or ‘everything i touch dies’ bi?
‘everything i touch dies’ bi who wishes she was a plant bi
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winchesterendgame · 6 years
Get To Know The Blogger
Tagged by @sheridans-dynamos thanks 💕
Rules: tag 10 mutuals you’d like to get to know better
Name: Zosia
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 176 cm (5 ft 9)
Put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that popped up?
Stopped Lying Down - David Arnold & Michael Price (Sherlock S4 soundtrack)
The Hanging Tree - James Newton Howard, Jennifer Lawrence (MJ2)
Mean - P!nk
Good Thing - Sam Smith
Have you ever had a poem or song written about you?
When was the last time you played the guitar?
Years ago. I’m not musically talented 😅
Who is your celebrity crush?
Jared Padalecki and Rihanna
What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love?
This one’s hard. No sound that I hate comes to my mind, but I love the sound you hear when a horse is galloping in the showjumping arena.
Do you believe in ghosts?
How about aliens?
There must be some extraterrestrial life forms out there.
Do you drive?
I have a driver’s licence, but I don’t own a car.
What was the last book you read?
Reread Mockingjay.
What’s the worst Injury you’ve had?
Broke my arm the day I learned how to skate. That was in 4th grade. I haven’t skated since xD
Do you have any obsessions right now?
URight now I’m mostly obsessing over SPN, MCU, Rihanna and Florence + The Machine.
Do you try to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Yeah, usually. It depends on what they’ve done, though.
In a relationship?
Tagging: @cazstiell @herocas @stanfordsam @smwnchstrs @bamcrux @85natalie @rogangilmore
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