#hero-san and former general-san
saiyef · 6 months
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I want to make Black-Knight fall in love with me!
(new yuri manga drawn by artist sometime, who was the author of Hero-san and Former General-san)
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nighttide-yuri · 1 year
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Hero-san and former general-san/Superwoman in love
Chapter 22
Drawn and written by Sometime
Translated by /u/ scanlations
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oratokyosaigunda · 8 months
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Hero-san to Moto Onna Kanbu-san, volume 5
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alexissara · 4 months
Superwomen In Love! Vol 2 - Quick Review
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Superwomen in love is a blast of a good time, as someone who values comedy and action in their stories but wants them to be sapphic this is really a book that scratches both itches bound up in tropes of Japanese kids media. I am not a Kamen Rider girly but I still find everything to be fun in this series and I think the jokes for the most part land with the exception of one move by X in this chapter where she grabs Rabbit's boobs without consent which lasts 1 panel. It was totally unneeded and didn't add anything, it wasn't even like a fan service moment or anything just X being a creep, maybe informing the character more but still frustrating.
Outside of that though this is a very good time series, we have a more classic one side is very explicitly romantically in love while the other is oblivious or unable to speak her feelings dynamic. Luckily this lands on the end of this trope in which it is clear the other woman has feelings for the other but just doesn't have the words for it with clear signs of her love showing. Honey and Rabbit are both super cute and them getting good at fighting together and everything is a blast to watch.
The new villain Cool Down is really fun, her being a big yuri fan is great and I love the weridos that make up the main villain crew of this cast. Their all fun to watch interacting with both our heroes and with each other. I do love all the little dynamics that are at play and the way the world is handled. There was some interesting twists and I love that it is playing with it's concepts really fast out of the gate rather than letting them linger.
I recommend it to anyone who likes action in their lesbian content or who wants a light hearted read. Content warning there is kinda some implied incesty vibes with some of the new characters but it's like not totally clear what their deal is so idk your millage will vary depending on how you read the characters and stuff.
If you enjoy these reviews you can read more, I write lots of them and if you really enjoy them I can always use support over on Patreon and Ko-fi.
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yuri-ray · 1 year
No-Spoilers Review #14: Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap & Rapid Rabbit (Hero-san to Moto Onna Kanbu-san)
Content Warnings: uhhhh I don't remember not gonna lie!!!!! I think there's a tragic child fatality in here though
A combination that's pretty weird, but works surprisingly well. Superwomen in Love! (or otherwise known as Hero-san and Former General-san) is a yuri manga by sometime. It has a very strong tokusatsu theme. A general of the evil organization falls in love with the hero and is immediately fired.
Is it good? Yeah! The tokusatsu detailing on the characters' designs is honestly incredible, and there's pretty good comedy throughout, so it's a pretty good time.
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The leader of the general is named Honey Trap and the hero's name is Rapid Rabbit, though her real name is Honjou Hayate. After being unceremoniously fired from her job as a general of the alien Antinoids, Honey Trap is taken in and supported by Hayate.
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Generally, the series is light-hearted and fun, never taking itself too seriously. As a person who hasn't watched more than one or two episodes of anything tokusatsu, you don't need to know anything about the genre to enjoy the series--Just a passing knowledge of what Power Rangers look like is more than enough.
More often than not the comedy lands as it's supposed to, and the support between Honey and Hayate is nice.
My favorite character is sadly the one that appears the least: An Antinoid general named Cool Down.
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So true. It's a perfect day for yuri.
Final Thoughts:
An overall solid comedy yuri manga with a very unique genre twist. It's a general crowd-pleaser full of goofy characters that suit the over-the-top (campy?) tone of the story and its visuals. Also the art is honestly really good in general. It's definitely tropey and cheesy, but I mean... come on. Look at it.
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sister-of-hitoshi · 7 months
Bnha main three x turned to child reader
Scenarios with just fluff!
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Midoriya Izuku
It was a quaint, idle afternoon, although Midoriya Izuku was as busy as ever.
Being the former no.1 hero's protégé, being the weilder of One for All, being a dutiful student of the most prestigious academy of Japan, being a good son, being a supportive friend, a wonderful partner, a-
Good babysitter?
Yes there was a lot to be, but being a babysitter was really asking too much of him.
Our pure, sweet and innocent boy might be good with kids in general, but he was not made to handle little gremlins with short fuses.
But alas, to be the future no.1 hero of the country, you should be ready to face each and every challenge thrown at you.
Or that's what he kept telling himself.
Because right now, a little gremlin had been pulling at his curls for god knows how long.
And this little gremlin was his adorable s/o...
It all started when he had comeback to his room being left in shambles with a little toddler claiming their throne at it's centre.
"W-W-Whoooo a-are youuu??!!"
What is an adorable kid doing in his room? How are they even in his room? Isn't UA supposed to have top-tier security? Why is-
"I'M Y/N!!"
This was enough for his instincts to take over his next movements as he immediately picked you up and full-cowled to Aizawa sensei.
Recovery girl was informed, and following her deductions, he got to know about the duration of three days.
Without further ado, and due to all the qualities mentioned in point number 2, Aizawa immediately put him in charge of his companion.
Which brings us back to the present.
The present where you were running around the common school yard with him chasing after you- because at some point during his conversation with his teachers you had become tired of his curls and had jumped down from his back, ordering requesting him to run and catch you.
The first few minutes he was only trying to humour you to see that adorable grin that you sported.
But this soon wasn't the case anymore since he was now being bested by a literal toddler in terms of running for two hours straight.
This activity was followed by you doing his hair and him doing yours in your room, since his was left in shambles and you wouldn't let him go.
To say you were hyper was an understatement-
And you hadn't even unleashed half of your potential!
At some point, the perplexity of his own precarious situation got to him, leading him to call his mom asking for tips.
Following which he had you strapped on his chest everytime he was busy doing something, he couldn't have you tiring yourself afterall (he didn't have it in him to run after you anymore)
It was pretty alright after your initial tantrums and pulling on his hair, asking to be let down.
You were a somewhat of cuddle bug for him- you slapped everyone's hands away when they tried to touch you, and only permitted him for doing so (he is still very proud of you for doing that).
Want to be entertained? You can swing using his black whips, float around the room with him, the options were endless!- So of course you did everything on the list because why not.
All in all he was a good servant caretaker, you never once cried when he was around and he could keep up with your royal decrees shenanigans.
Of course you would never know that he fantasized about you in his almight onesies
"...Is this the candy that you wanted, Y/N?"
You were pretty pleased with your devoted follower, so being a good ruler, you decided it was best to promise your loyal subject a deserving reward.
"Uh- they said that they've run out of stock for that juice Y/N-san so-"
You interrupted him by giving him a sweet peck on the cheek, as a reward of course-
"Mr. Izukw! I'm gonna marry yu in the fwuture!"
"...- so the kis- I MEAN THE CANDY- NO JUICE-JUICE-"
You child form wasn't enough to keep him from blushing till his ear tips.
He pulled on his bangs to keep you from seeing his red face.
"Umm...m-me too"
For Katsuki Bakugo: Here
For Shouto Todoroki: Here
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mesetacadre · 2 months
When the Red Army entered Korea in early August, 1945, heavy battles took place in the north, but the Japanese rule remained tranquil in the south, for the Russians stopped by the Yalta agreement at the 38th parallel, while the Americans came several weeks after the surrender of Japan, and ruled at first through the Japanese and then through the Japanese-appointed Korean officials and police. So naturally all of the pro-Japanese Koreans – former police and officials, landlords and stockholders in Japanese companies – fled south to the American zone. The flight of all these right-wing elements amazingly simplified North Korean politics. The Russians did not have to set up any left-wing government, assuming that they wanted one. They merely set free some ten thousand political prisoners and said, by implication; “Go home, boys, you’re free to organize.” Under Japanese rule all natural political leaders either served Japan or went to jail. With the pro-Japanese gone, the ex-jailbirds became the vindicated heroes of their home towns. They were all radicals of sorts, including many Communists. Anyone who knows what a tremendous reception was given to Tom Mooney when he was released to come home to the workers of San Francisco, may imagine the effect on the small towns and villages when ten thousand of these political martyrs came home. North Korea just naturally took a great swing leftwards, and the Russians had only to recognize “the choice of the Korean people.” People’s Committees sprang up in villages, counties, and provinces and coalesced into a provisional government under the almost legendary guerrilla leader Kim Il Sung. Farmers organized, demanded the land from the landlords and got it in twenty-one days by a government decree. (Compared to the land reforms of other countries, this sounds like a tale of Aladdin’s lamp!) Ninety per cent of all big industry – it had belonged to Japanese concerns – was handed over by the Russians “to the Korean people” and nationalized by one more decree. Trade unions organized, demanded a modern labor code, and got it without any trouble from their new government, with the eight-hour day, abolition of child labor, and social insurance all complete. Another decree made women equal with men in all spheres of activity and another expanded schools. Then general elections were held and a “democratic front” of three parties swept unopposed to power. The natural opposition had all gone south, to be sheltered – and put in power – by the Americans. This is the, reason, I think, for the almost exaggerated sense of “people’s power” that the North Koreans express. Their real class struggle is coming; it hasn’t fully hit them yet. The reactionaries all fled south, where they are bloodily suppressing strikes. In North Korea the farmers are building new houses and buying radios because they no longer pay land rent, while the workers are taking vacations in former Japanese villas. The North Koreans assume that this is just what naturally happens when once you are a “liberated land.” “They aren’t yet liberated down south,” they told me. “The Americans let those pro-Japanese traitors stay in power.”
In North Korea: First Eye-Witness Reports, Anna Louise Strong, 1949
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 month
I tried reading Hero-san and Former General-san because I saw a post that said the author's notes included hypothetical in-universe merch, but you were right it was too farcical... alas... the suit designs were good too.
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neoyi · 7 months
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When I found out Seonhee would be a playable character in Infinite Wealth, I cheered. YASSSS, there she was, my Korean Queen, ready to join Ichiban and Kiryu's adventures as a main character.
I've not played any other Yakuza games sans IW's predecessor, Like a Dragon, but was immediately drawn by an important, reoccurring plot centered on three international Mafia group respectively comprised of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean members - all of them working discreetly together to keep their hometown, Ijincho, at bay from bigger, badder criminal groups who'd likely destabilize it.
Seonhee immediately drew me in for being (from what I researched anyway) the first woman mafia leader in the game without temporarily holding it for a man, AND Korean to boot.
I'm aware of the complicated relationship between Korea and Japan and it's often reflected by their media, but I've noticed the year when Like a Dragon and later, Infinite Wealth, came out, played an amazing part in their storytelling and how changes reflect its characters (and I want to talk about this in depth on another post sometime) and the world they live in.
Seonhee is a fantastic example of that. By Infinite Wealth, she's the leader of both the Geomijul (her faction), and Zhao's (who's now a civilian) Liumang, and thus the de facto head honcho in charge of keeping the peace over Ijincho. She's presented as an iron lady with marginal hints of femme fatale, but I'm amazed at how subtle her outward appearances are in light of her inner dilemmas and personality. Sure, she's dressed like a sex bomb, and sure, one of her attacks involve using a power cable as a whip, but that's not really her whole deal.
I'm compelled by her personal story, one who already has an experience as a leader, but is now grasping to maintain a new power structure she's never held before. As a young woman in a position of power, she's often stuck with elderly men who see her as a little girl playing with toy guns. That, and a need to maintain strength mean she keeps vulnerabilities to herself and refuses help because it shows weakness.
There are very few people she could really talk to about this. Her second-in-command, Joongi Han, is fortunately, her staunchest supporter (and from idle chats with her, they seem to have a cute brother-sister relationship), but I really love her interaction with the Kiryu Kazama more.
Because you DO have this older former Yakuza whom she looks up to as an example of the ideal leader: calm and fair, but with strong conviction, Kiryu is the living embodiment of Be Kind, But Take No Shit. He's her personal hero and an older gentleman who genuinely respects her and fully supports her position and what she does.
And I love that she slowly opens herself up to him. I love that she's dorky and awkward whenever they engage in casual conversation, I love that she has a subtle crush on Kiryu that she's not that shy flirting with him about while maintaining a distance (as if she knows this is just a crush and nothing more will come off of it, but she sure will indulge in their company while she can.) I love that she comes off as pretty casual when she isn't working and is prone to little idiosyncrasies as her teammates. She can unwind and relax when among friends, allowing a moment to breathe before getting back to work. It's good to see she has people who can give her that.
Kiryu understands and sympathizes the difficulties that he, an older man, could never and would never face. He's not here to undermine her and he especially knows that once people like him pass on, the younger generation will take over, and he wants to help Seonhee achieve that without undermining her.
Seonhee may seek Kiryu's approval, and he may impose at times, but the game understands these are two adults. Kiryu doesn't treat her condescendingly just because she is a woman and younger, and Seonhee realizes that her personal hero is also just a guy and one willing to learn from her generation just as much.
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mirai-desu · 6 months
Miss Scarlet & The Duke Read-a-likes
I had already started on a post of Miss Scarlet & The Duke read-a-likes before The News, and now I want to prove that hey, you can have historical mysteries with romance and the leads get together! When MSATD first came out I thought, this is like the books love to read! (whoops). The following are series that I feel like, as a librarian, skew closer to the actual original premise (ahem) of MSATD, but aren't the Historical Romance genre (i.e. these books are rated closer to the TV show, when it comes to the steam factor). In these cases, I chose titles that aren't just mysteries but feature the romance prominently, but also aren't just HR with a mystery in the background.
Disclaimer: mileage may vary; for some of these it's been awhile since I've read them and there might be mistakes. There's also a few other series that might work that are on my TBR list, so I might be updating this list in the near future.
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Top Picks:
Veronica Speedwell 1880s, London | POV: First person; heroine You've probably seen this book listed as a MSATD read-a-like before, because not only is the time period similar, but so is the dynamic between the leads. The main difference is that the protagonists are actually natural historians and not detectives, and some of the plots are more adventure-like (think "Cell 99") than police cases. If I had to pick one series to rec, it's this one.
Molly Murphy 1900s, New York | POV: First person; heroine While in New York (har har), this series I think has a most general set up to MSATD; a lady detective with an agency that she takes over, and her love interest, a detective with the police force. There's even an Arabella. But don't fret! (ngl, though, this series proves that William wouldn't have an easier time with the NYPD than he does SY… RN might have wanted to do some research…)
Captain Jim & Lady Diana 1890s, India, US, UK | POV: Differs between books, 1st book is more his POV The first book in this series has a more layered approach with the setting of British India (which is fascinating in its own right), but the next two are more in line with MSATD and the other series listed.
Carpenter & Quincannon 1890s, San Francisco | POV: Third person limited, both hero and heroine This series is written by a husband and wife duo (HA), and might be a little confusing to figure out the order given the characters' appearances in their other works, but the actual series linked here is about two former Pinkertons who form their own detective agency together. Some of the cases are a little predictable, and there are a few books where their cases don't intertwine as well as the others, but it's still an enjoyable read of two detectives who make it work both professionally and personally.
Other Picks:
Wrexford & Sloane Regency, London | POV: Third person limited, both hero and heroine The latest volumes actually name check MSATD in their blurbs. I think the feel is slightly different, given the time period and a few other elements that are clear when you start reading them, but they are similar enough that I get the comparison.
Daisy Dalrymple 1920s, UK | POV: Third person limited, both hero and heroine 1920s historical mysteries with romance are a genre all into themselves, but I recommend this series over some of the others because of the HEA. (also tacking this on here: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries is loads better as a TV series, which is why I don't recommend the books).
Inspector Corravan 1870s, London | POV: Third person limited; hero There's only two of this series so far, but I feel like the male lead has shades of William to him.
Athenian Mysteries Ancient Greece | Male POV (from what I remember) This one is off the beaten path compared to the others, but I do recommend it because of the dynamic between the leads and the HEA.
Great series but… the Slow Burn is Still… Slow
Bess Crawford WWI, UK/France | POV: First person; heroine I really do like this series, but I have to have a somewhat spoilery caveat: we are still in the slow burn 13 books in. But I have to recommend it anyway, because there's some striking similarities in that the female lead's father is the mentor to the male lead. I will warn you; there are a few books that he barely appears in. So maybe try this one last lol
Promising Start
Dr. Julia Lewis 1860s, London | POV: Third person limited; hero and heroine + villain My hold on this debut literally showed up the day after I almost finished the post, but I after reading the first one, it's definitely in the same vein (there's also a very overt reference to something that I'm certain is a nod to MSATD...). Looking forward to the next one for sure.
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dajaregambler · 2 years
HeliosR - Sing in the darkness - Chapter 1 - Part 1 to 3
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Translation of Sing in the darkness from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’, a new side arc alongside the current main story arc Like the dawning light.
First post contains part 1 to 3 of Sitd Chapter 1 due to how short they are, posts afterwards will have parts seperately each post.
This story has been written so that new & veteran commanders can enjoy it, meaning it's not a 100% neccessity to be currently caught up with the main arc.
*Warning that this post is also image heavy!
Part 1
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Nova: Ah, Commander~ Perfect timing
Nova: It looks like they renewed the introduction video about New Million exhibited at the Helios museum, and I was looking over it just now
Nova: The 13th generation team of heroes you’re in charge of are shown for a bit too, which is why I’d like you to check over it
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“The city where a million dreams come true, New Million- 
That’s where heroes that protect the people are.”
“50 years ago, an energized substance flying through space crashed into Million State.”
“While it served as a boon for the planet running out of resources, what came with it were natural disasters that continue to harm people.”
“As a countermeasure against the damage brought in Million State, HELIOS was established and makes use of all kinds of technology relying on various crystallized rocks containing abilities found within the substance.”
“Thus, people harnessing special abilities--- those we call heroes were successfully created.”
“The main duty of these heroes is preventing disasters by subduing and retrieving substance.”
“By their continued efforts, the city developed into four unique sectors surrounding Central Square, and has been reborn as a metropolis visited by people all over the world.”
Nova: And, and? Wonder if it’s somehow too bombastic~?
Nova: Akira and everyone turned out great on the shots, so it has a nice feel to it but… Hm?
Nova: Commander, look outside! Something just…
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Sing in the darkness
Chapter 1
Part 2
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Nico: ---Eclipse spotted. Three human type units, currently going straight down the street and right.
Nico: I’ll join up in a second
???: Roger/Got it
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Sage: Over there!
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Bianchi: There’s nowhere to run!
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Jude: Leave it to me
Jude: Haaah…!
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Nico: Sage
Sage: Nico! Right now Jude-kun’s---
Nico: Three more units over there. Help me out.
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Sage: Eh-
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Sage: Uwawah!?
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Sage: That came out of nowhere!?
Part 3
Nico: Ha!
Nico: Take care of over there
Sage: Okay…!
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Nico & Sage: Haaah…!
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Jude: What, already cleaned up, huh
Sage: Jude-kun, Bianchi-san
Jude: And here I thought we still could fight…
Bianchi: That’s not something to be dissapointed over you know
Nico: Looks like that spot was taken care of.
Bianchi: Yes. It’s quite something to for them show up at the same time this close to each other
Sage: Seems that the fact of Eclipse’s activity increasing is true…
Sage: What could they be up to at a time like this…
Bianchi: It's because of how things are currently, is it not?
Sage: …….
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Sage: (---A few days ago, a large hole had shown up in the sky above New Million.)
Sage: (It’s shrouded by darkness, dragging on the night continuously.)
Sage: (Most of the citizens frightened by this strange occurence have fled town by now.)
Sage: (New Million which is lauded as “The city where a million dreams come true”, has become a shell of what it once was in a mere few days.)
Sage: (Is the reason behind this substance, or perhaps, the work of someone exploiting it…)
Sage: (Whatever it is, the only ones who can save this city are us heroes at HELIOS.)
Sage: (In order to restore this city’s former peace, we’re busy doing everything we can to figure out the cause behind it---)
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Bianchi: Wonder what the time even is now? I bet finding out the exact hour will be a shock either way
Jude: It’s just about half past twelve in the afternoon, Bianchi
Bianchi: …Why thank you. Even though I wasn't asking you.
Sage: …….
Bianchi: Oh dear. Sei-chan, what’s wrong? Everything okay?
Sage: Ah… yeah. I’m fine.
Sage: Sometimes I end up getting caught up in my own thoughts, like what if the city doesn’t go back to how it was before, but I can’t afford to be negative right now, do I
Bianchi: Exactly. It is something that happened in New Million, which already gives us a rough idea that substance could be the reason one way or another, no?
Bianchi: I’m most certain that the research department is desperately seeking a solution too…
Jude: If it’s not happenstance and some phenomenon pulled by Eclipse instead, it’d make things way quicker. Because we can just catch them and beat them to a pulp then. 
Bianchi: You really are just so…
Sage: Alright. It’s not like we’re at a dead end yet, so let’s stay positive and pull it together.
Sage: It’s precisely because the city is in grave danger, that the power of us heroes is needed more than ever now--
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Nico: Say-
Bianchi: Gyah-- Nico-chan!?
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irithnova · 1 year
Notes on "Empire of Care : Nursing and Migration in Filipino American History"
Previous post:
Filipino nurse Patrocinio Montellano was a nurse who was interviewed for this book
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Art by Filipino-American artist MYSTERIOUSxBEAUTY
She was an accomplished woman, furthering her nursing career in the US by taking post-graduate courses.
She eventually secured deployment through the aid of Americans such as William Musgrave, former director of the Philippine general hospital.
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In 1924, she returned to the Philippines, becoming the field representative and nurse supervisor of the Philippine chapter of the American red cross.
None of this would have been able to happen had it been a few decades earlier - when the Philippines was under the colonial rule of the Spanish.
Under Spanish rule, Filipinos were only offered unequal opportunities rooted in gender by the education system implemented by the Spanish at the time.
Because of this, very few Filipino girls were permitted primary education given to them by Spanish charitable institutions.
Women were outright excluded from the University of Santo Tomas - the Spanish university in the Philippines
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This was until 1879, when a school of midwifery was opened
When it came to specialised health care jobs, only midwifery was allowed for Filipino women to enter into
Traditionally, Filipino women would take on the role of the caretaker at home
Filipinos would also rely on indigenous healers
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On the other hand, in Spanish medical institutions, usually Spanish Friars and Priests were the caretakers.
Sisters of Charity, along with a European nurse, arrived in the Philippines in 1862 to work at the San Juan de Dios hospital.
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Spanish surgeons and male Filipino physicians would practice both generalised and specialised forms of healthcare.
In the 19th century, elite Filipino men (called ilustrados) were encouraged by the Spanish government to further their education in European countries.
Jose Rizal - a Filipino national hero and ilustrado was a doctor of medicine himself.
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Filipino women were outside banned from these opportunities
US colonialism did implement some changes of opportunities that Filipino women were offered - as Montellano's story reveals.
The opportunities that were now offered were nursing, education - and travel opportunities to the U.S
These opportunities for both work and travel were closely linked.
Montellano's account demonstrates how like clockwork, the beginning of the U.S colonial rule marked significant transnational relations between the U.S and Filipino women
Montellano's socioeconomic and geographic mobility was enabled by these relations
Montellano was aided by American physicians and nurses in order to reach her employment goals in the United States
Montellano's experience in the US helped her secure an advanced nursing career upon her return to the Philippines.
Montellano notes that it was also her sheer determination and courage that helped her progress her career - even against her father's wishes.
The literature on women and imperialism challenges the perception of imperialism as masculine.
American women's participation in U.S. colonialism in the Philippines has been overlooked.
U.S. colonial nursing played a crucial role in American modernity and American women viewing themselves as civilised.
Filipino nurses' perspectives reveal the role of Filipinos and Americans in Philippine nursing.
Nursing and medicine legitimised U.S. colonial agendas and social hierarchies.
Western medicine is often seen as a humanitarian effort, making it difficult to critique its exploitative effects
Reynaldo Ileto noted that it was even difficult for the most nationalist Filipino writers to criticise the US sanitary regime as it saved countless Filipino lives.
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Reynaldo Ileto, Filipino historian
The introduction of professional nursing in the Philippines had both liberating and exploitative aspects.
This chapter highlights a period of transnational mobility in Filipino American history.
American and Filipino nurses shaped Philippine nursing through travel, teaching, training, and practice.
This multidirectional mobility has been overlooked in Asian American histories.
The formation of a gendered labor force laid the foundation for significant migrations of Filipino nurses later in the twentieth century.
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oratokyosaigunda · 8 months
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Hero-san to Moto Onna Kanbu-san, volume 4
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thebahwrites · 2 years
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San Diego, CA, 2011
If we are all the best there is, who the hell are they bringing in to teach us and for what?
The answer comes in the shape of one short former-pilot strutting down the aisle between rows of chairs and into the classroom. Clad in an infamously known uniform – brown leather jacket covered in patches, black jumper flight-suit style, red harnesses and all. Red stripes crossing up and around the black fabric. Fingerless and soft brown leather gloves, hand holding a clipboard. Aviator shades on.
He carried himself with the poise and confidence of his age and yet looked about their age, too. If not younger. Boyish, really. For all intents and purposes, Maverick was a legend. 
One of the original members of the North Island Iron Daggers. One of the most famous Golden Age heroes. The kind that had become one of the faces of the new generation heroes, those who had made fame and fortune through the years. But who also had given their lives facing things most of the public didn’t even know about. Not many left, nowadays..
Maverick grins as he takes the class front.
“Cutting to the chase, you’re all here because we’re bringing the Iron Daggers back– but you knew that.” Maverick clicks his tongue, leaning over the podium. Voice in that matter-of-fact tone.
“If you want out, this is the time to leave.” And simply drops the paper pile into the trash besides the podium, leaning forward with a thousand-watts grin. “Because we’re about to forget every heroics manual.” If anyone could see Cyclone’s face, sitting at the very back of the room, they’d see it contort into abject disgust and anger. Maverick still has the gall to wink back at the man.
killshot. - a Top Gun Hero AU
(Chapter 5 aesthetic.)
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shcpcrsistcd · 4 months
natasha rarely left the compound these days, preferring to keep close to base in case one of the other remaining avengers, scattered across the planet and the universe needed to get a hold of her for a report. the ones on earth could reach her via phone, but for others like carol or the remaining guardians, the easiest way to get into contact with earth was at the compound itself. still... sometimes the former spy needed to leave, needed a change of scenery... or a harrowing reminder of her and her friends' failures. the larger cities had suffered the most with the blip, new york, san francisco and dc... new york had never exactly been paradise, but the before and after pictures said everything anyone needed to know. even a year later, many buildings were in need of repair and streets were lined with destruction and garbage. after the battle of new york, nearly ten years ago, the rebuilding of the city had been fairly quick, but fast forward those ten years... and half of the people who'd worked in construction, repairs and sanitation snapped away and general morale down amongst the population that remained, cleanup was... a much slower process. slow... but not at a stand still. everytime she went into the city, there was a little more progress that she could see, but the faces remained the same. that was to be expected. everyone had lost someone in the blip.
she kept the cap on her head that covered the crimson roots that had started coming in pulled low. while she and rogers weren't exactly wanted criminals and could come and go as they pleased without trouble, natasha didn't want to be recognised. the looks she got when she was... she didn't want to deal with them. the ones of betrayal for not having stopped the snap... or the ones that still saw her as some kind of hero. she was no hero and she never was. she never really... wanted to be. she just wanted to atone for the mistakes of her childhood, to wipe her ledger clean. her routine when leaving was the same every time... training... either at a gun range, a ballet studio or fogwell's gym, a hole in the wall in hell's kitchen where she would hit a bag for a few hours. today, it had been the last one and now... she was heading for a diner down the street from it, the most recent newspapers and her tablet in hand so she could torture herself keep herself informed as to the goings on while she forced herself to pick at a somewhat proper meal. she let herself inside and found a booth, setting her boxing gloves into the seat before sliding in herself setting her things on the table in front of her. she mustered up a small, thin lipped smile at the server as she came over to pour a fresh cup of coffee and asked for her order. "just the coffee for now. thank you." she said, her voice low. she took a sip from the off white mug, her eyes scanning the room and pure instinct. the diner was full and yet... the voices she did hear were hushed. everywhere and everyone was quieter these days and this place was no exception despite it once being the completely opposite. she refocused her attentions on one of the newspapers, thumbing through it, occasionally glancing up to observe for any change in activity inside or outside or to sip from her coffee. again, out of pure instinct, always keeping herself aware of her surroundings.
the sound of the bell when the door opened tore her attentions away from her paper again as she observed the new customer who's walked in. blind... as indicated by the stick and sunglasses. a quick glance around told her that all tables were still currently occupied. she took in a breath before sitting back in her side of the booth. "hey... all the tables are taken, but... feel free to join me if you'd like. can't promise i'll be much of a conversationalist though."
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