#herniated Disc treatment Central New Jersey
What is chronic back pain?
Most back pain arises from spinal deformity, injury, and muscle strain. It also occurs as a rheumatic and systematic sickness. Back pain is chronic only when it lasts 3 months or longer. It can originate from anywhere from the neck to the bottom spinal cord. The pain may be distributed across a radiate and wide area from the point of central. 
Causes of Chronic Pain
It is generally age-related but may result in a prior sickness. The most general reasons for chronic back pain specialists nj consist of the following:
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Spinal arthritis: The slight increase of the spinal cartilage. 
Stenosis of the spinal: Getting narrow of the canal in the spine, which can occur to nerve irritation and pain. 
Bulging and herniated discs: It causes issues like bulging discs and herniated discs. 
Pain syndrome of myofascial: Muscle tenderness and pain which cannot be explained. 
Consequently, older by the age individuals are more prone to high risk for pain. 
Treatments For Chronic Back Pain
The back doctor new jersey must choose if the pain arises from an organ, nerves, muscles, or bones; he will have a measured performance and history of a physical examination. Analyzing processes to support recognization of where the back pain appears from the tests like MRI scans, CT scans, bone scans, and X-rays. Some chronic back pain treatment are:
Pharmacologic Treatments
Pharmacological treatments include muscle relaxation, anti-inflammatory medicines, analgesics and other medications that may be utilized to control chronological back pain. Although the significant appearance of unwanted side impacts is not intensive, prolonged use. Medications of Opioids are not mainly used initially; the long-term line of therapy for this pain. Opioids may be advised after a back pain specialists examination and if other medicines have not helped give relief. Finding ourselves depending on the opioids to go through daily, then it will take some time to choose another opinion. 
Treatments based on syringe
Syringe and injection-based processes like nerve ablations, epidural steroids, blockage of the nerves, and some other types are accessible for chronic back pain. 
Modifications in lifestyle
 It is essential to accept your adaptation and limitations during chronic pain. Hear to the body and start learning about getting paced itself. Make notes of the activities that are making your pain worse, and if possible, avoid them. 
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Some diets contain processed foods, refined sugars, trans fats, and inflammatory foods. Take some advice from your healthcare consultant to identify if your meal contributes to your pain and how you may transform it. 
It is tough to recognize the valid reason for chronic pain because it can initiate with a superficial nerve, disc, bone, or a single tissue. Those who smoke and do jobs requiring heavy and continuous lifting involving vibrations through industrial and vehicle equipment and machinery will likely generate pain at back pains specialists west orange. Outdoor sports and activities like skiing while driving the car may also cause back pain for a long time. Diseases like compressional fractures and spinal spondylitis or osteoarthritis also cause back pain. 
Article Source : https://www.ihealthytips.com/what-is-chronic-back-pain/
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Be a Therapist of Physical Therapy Central New Jersey
To become a professional physical therapy is a challenge. Not because of the responsibilities entitled with this career rather mental stability you have to gain to deal with these patients. You are liable to help ill people while improving and managing their pain. Physical therapist works at their own offices. They become service providers for Physical Therapy Treatment Central NJ and have no such spare time for own while treating with number of patients daily. They need to qualify for a degree in physical therapy. It refers to an entry level professional degree in most of the countries but you can opt for professional training and doctor level research as well. Mostly, they are appointed in several fields of rehabilitation.
Professional physical therapist got clinical education after graduation. This is essential to enter into the field of physical therapy. Such a degree enlightens a graduate to enhance your knowledge with a service oriented and self-assured career.  These individuals render into a critical and supportive practice with ethical values. Physical Therapy Staten Island NY appoints such professional therapists who engage their lives in the service of patients and devote in a professional and collaborative practice of health care. They have a considerable contribution to the society. They are responsible for the development of new techniques and knowledge on physical therapy with sufficient skills.
Such physical therapists play their role with full responsibility and contribute to the society. Under a pro level guidance and supervision of competent faculty, they perform their tasks. Physical therapist is a noble professional where you get the chance of service for disable and ill people. You have the responsibility to help them who are not physically or mentally fit irrespective of age and gender. Chiropractor Staten Island NY has a number of such professionals who contribute their lives in this noble service. What is required to be a part of this professional is nothing but a degree and your severe determination to serve humanity.
At New U Physical Therapy, a number of professional physical therapists engage into this service. They have a wide range of physical therapy experts in different specialization. Some of them are expert in handling disabled elders who can not move their hand or any part their body. With a careful therapy, such aged people gain some sense in that part and can move. Some of the patients can not have sound sleep due to pain and a regular Neck pain Staten Island NY is required for them.
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backandpainclinic · 6 years
Sort of pain in the back what is mine and also just how to relieve it?
Low neck and back pain is just one of the most full as well as complex discomfort to diagnose, at least in an accurate way. There are a number of factors that can influence as well as various pain Treatment New Jersey that can be basically reliable relying on the various kinds of lumbar discomfort that a person can suffer.
Exactly how can back pain influence us? The consideration of pain can vary significantly depending upon the person. The pain of a herniated disc can be mild in some patients, and also a slight contracture can trigger excruciating discomfort in various other cases.
The reality is that the back pains that we can endure are constant and it is not constantly clear what triggers them. In many cases they are mechanical pains, but they can additionally be of inflammatory origin, the signs can be very similar.
In addition to the action of medicines or pain Treatment Nj that a specialist may enforce, some nutritional supplements, with extra nutrients such as nucleotides and also quinines might be alternative paths that will certainly be of great assistance.
Type of neck and back pain
Mechanical lumbar pain is the most frequent of all. It will influence us at any kind of age as well as the symptoms are manifested with a series of pain convulsions that come from completely although with remainder and also avoiding exertions, wonderful relief is attained. Take suggestion from Best Doctor For Back Pain in such sort of pain
Inflammatory neck and back pain. It is normally much more intense as well as a lot more susceptible at young ages. Its period is lengthened; it can rise to 3 months or even more. Having a different reason than mechanical discomfort, remainder is not much alleviation to reduce signs and symptoms; on the contrary, there are physical exercises as recommended by Best Dr For Back Pain with which you can achieve a significant renovation.
Neuropathic lumbar pain. Neuropathic pain develops consequently of stimulations in our central nerves, the spinal cord and also the mind, or in the outer anxious system, generally the nerves.
The signs of neuropathic discomfort can be extremely varied, from a type of burning, cold in the area, prickling, the experience of tiny electrical discharges, the feeling numb of the location, even shedding sensitivity.
For all these pains we have the propensity to resort to medications as well as chemical substances, nevertheless, workout, a healthy and balanced diet plan and also nutritional supplements with a natural base will aid us to stop lumbar pain and also will certainly be an extremely important part of their treatment.
Severe reduced neck and back pain and persistent discomfort.
Acute pain in the back has an easy treatment at Pain Treatment Center that will promote recuperation in a couple of days or weeks. On the other hand, the chronicle can last numerous months. The discomfort in this instance will be dynamic or with episodes of more intensity, all the same, we must make a great medical diagnosis and also treatment of neuropathic pain by Best Back Doctors Near Me to relieve discomfort as well as have an excellent quality of life.
Making use of healthy food supplements in our every day life offers us a better quality of life, in addition to different health and wellness benefits. These supplements strengthen as well as enhance our body immune system, stimulate the vertebrae of our dorsal system, muscles, nerves, tendons, cartilage materials. Take vitamin supplements is among the most effective services if you have cells with injuries.
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mikalajanie · 6 years
Yes. Not having health insurance can kill you.
As a practicing physician for going on nearly 50 years now, I often feel like that auto insurance company that says “We know a thing or two because we have seen a thing or two.”
After years of dealing with people who are insured, people who are uninsured and health insurance companies, I know that having real, comprehensive coverage can mean the difference between life and death.
A few years back, one Republican Congressman – speaking about the impact of GOP legislation that would have drastically cut Medicaid – defended the plan he supported by stating, “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care.”
That false assurance has been widely debunked by people who actually report on health reform or work in healthcare. But that hasn’t stopped critics of the Affordable Care Act from continuing to promise “Relax. We’ve got this” … all the while promising to dismantle a law that greatly expanded access to affordable health coverage for millions.
Pre-existing conditions are a matter of life and death …
The current ongoing line of false reassurances has to do with health coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. Many Republicans are on the campaign trail right now claiming that they’ve been protecting folks with pre-existing conditions all along. And these would be the same people who voted for the American Health Care Act in 2017. (The AHCA, passed by the GOP House last year, would have stripped health insurance away from people with pre-existing conditions, had its passage in the Senate not been derailed by late Sen. John McCain.
The folks who wrote the ACA bent over backward to ensure that protections for millions would be a central plank of the law:
Under current law, health insurance companies can’t refuse to cover you or charge you more just because you have a “pre-existing condition” — that is, a health problem you had before the date that new health coverage starts.
… for millions of Americans.
In 2017, about half of non-elderly Americans – or about 130 million non-elderly people – had pre-existing conditions in the U.S., according to a brief from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Nationally, the most common pre-existing conditions were high blood pressure (44 million people), behavioral health disorders (45 million people), high cholesterol (44 million people), asthma and chronic lung disease (34 million people), and osteoarthritis and other joint disorders (34 million people). – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
More and more people are beginning to understand that. Of American voters, 66 percent of registered voters said that continued protections for people with pre-existing conditions was either the “single most important factor” (14 percent) or a “very important factor” (52 percent) in their vote for a candidate. (Which explains why the GOP is suddenly claiming they love these protections.)
Who are these people with pre-existing conditions?
If you don’t have a pre-existing condition – or you can’t think of someone right off the top of your head who might have one – let me offer a glance at some of your fellow Americans whose stories as patients have crossed my desk over my years as a Physician Executive.
Patient #1: Atrial fibrillation
This middle-aged female was sent to the Emergency Department by her cardiologist because of symptoms that  included a five-day history of palpitations (feeling heart beat in chest), dizziness (imbalance) and headache. The EKG showed Atrial Fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response. She also had an elevated blood pressure that was persistent. The admitting diagnosis was new onset atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response.
Result: This patient now has developed the dreaded “pre-existing condition.”
Patient #2: Herniated disc
This 30-something male patient had a 12-year history of a herniated disc. He presented to the Emergency Department with back pain and sciatica going into his left leg, associated with difficulty walking. A CT scan indicated a disc protrusion in the lower back.
This patient had a medical history of a weightlifting injury and known herniated disc. On top of that he presented with a two-week history of gradually increasing low back pain with sciatica. The pain was impacting his ability to walk. An MRI revealed the thecal sac at the nerve root was indented. In layman’s terms, that means the arthritis of the spine was putting pressure on the nerve.
Result: Patient #2 had a pre-existing condition and could be denied health coverage.
Patient #3: High blood pressure, heart disease, chronic lung disease
A middle-aged female patient came to the Emergency Department complaining of a pounding headache located mostly in her forehead, associated with lightheadedness. The patient had a medical history of high blood pressure and heart disease but had not taken her blood pressure medication due to financial reasons for at least two months.
The patient also had a history of mild atrial fibrillation and chronic lung disease, but the patient reported that she had not had treatment for those. The patient also reported swelling in her lower extremities for which she took an over-the-counter medication.
Result: This is not an unusual scenario in today’s healthcare landscape. And this patient could be denied coverage for these pre-existing conditions.
Short-term plans
While Republicans did their level best in 2017 to pass a law that would erode protections for folks like the three examples above (and many more), President Donald Trump has been providing his own false assurances about about health coverage. His promise: that Americans can relax, because he’s coming to the rescue with more (and CHEAPER) short-term health insurance alternatives.
Short-term coverage is not an ideal solution for people with pre-existing conditions. The plans:
aren’t required to cover ACA’s essential health benefits;
may deny you coverage if you have pre-existing conditions;
may require pre-certification for many medical services;
will likely screen applicants through medical underwriting;
impose annual and lifetime benefit maximums.
In October, new federal rules expanded the duration of short-term health plans in many states. But other states have taken a “buyer beware” approach and a handful of states – including New York and New Jersey – completely ban the sale of short-term health plans.
Lack of insurance can kill you.
So let’s go back to the original point of this column: that pre-existing conditions are a matter of life and death. They most definitely are – because having a pre-existing condition in the ‘good old days‘ before Obamacare meant that getting comprehensive health coverage on the individual market was difficult or near impossible.
But can being uninsured really kill you? From my literature review, it’s clear that you are from 3 to 29 percent more likely to die if you don’t have health insurance than those who do!
Here’s some of research:
In 2002, the Institute of Medicine estimated that the “death rate of the uninsured is 25 percent higher than for otherwise similar people who have health insurance. According to the study, 18,000 excess deaths occurred each year because 40 million Americans lacked insurance.”
In January 2008, the Urban Institute updated that study. “Subsequent research has continued to confirm the link between insurance and mortality risk. The true number of deaths resulting from un-insurance will be “significant.”
A 2009 rebuttal study by the Health Research and Education Trust found that “when adjusted for health status and other factors, the risk of subsequent mortality is no different for people who lack insurance than for those who are covered by employer-sponsored plans.” But the study also had a second conclusion: “With health status excluded, the uninsured have a 10 percent higher mortality rate than similar insured persons.”
The Harvard researchers compared 2001- 2005 death rates in Massachusetts to the four-year period after a new healthcare law was enacted and found that “mortality rate decreased by 3 percent between 2006 and 2010 when greater access to health care may have prevented as many as 320 deaths per year. Providing health coverage to 830 uninsured adults prevented one death per year.”
A 2012 New England Journal of Medicine study analyzed the effects of Medicaid expansion on adult mortality in several states. It found a connection between access to Medicaid and reduced mortality: the exact figure was a 6.1 percent reduction in mortality.
The Center for American Progress projected what would happen if the NEJM results were applied to the states which had not expanded Medicaid. “In these states alone more than 12,000 lives per year could potentially be saved if state governments agree to expand their Medicaid programs.”
In 2017, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicted that 22-24 million Americans would lose coverage under the AHCA. If 3 percent of these Americans died presumably because of this impediment to receiving healthcare, then 720,000 Americans might have died because of that lack of coverage over time.
It’s time to pay attention.
The Congressman at the start of this column also famously stated that “Nobody wants anybody to die.” It sounds great – and it’s a notion that most of us can probably agree with.
But at this critical juncture in our nation’s healthcare history – when Americans are more concerned than ever about losing the protections they gained from the ACA – we must pay even closer attention.
We must closely examine our candidates’ voting records on healthcare. We must not simply nod our heads at last-minute promises about preserving ACA’s protections. We can’t simply decide that cheap coverage is good coverage.
We should know better. After all, we’ve all “seen a thing or two.”
Brian Casull has been a physician for almost 50 years in service, including 21 years in the United States Army as a Medical Corp Pediatrician and Hospital Commander. In the private sector, he has served as Medical Director for the Rocky Mountain Rehabilitation Center,  Chief of Staff at the Cigna Staff Model,  Medical Director for The Traveler’s Insurance Company,  Los Angeles Medical Director for UnitedHealthcare, and Assistant Vice President for a Pharmacy Benefit Manager PCS in Arizona. He currently operates his own firm – Casull Healthcare Consulting – and has obtained an MPA in Health Care Organizations. He has also authored This Can Kill You: American Healthcare in Transition and is currently working on a second healthcare book.
from https://www.healthinsurance.org/blog/2018/11/03/yes-not-having-health-insurance-can-kill-you/
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Spinal Decompression | Spinal Decompression Jersey City NJ
Do you suffer with low back pain, neck and carpal tunnel? Have you been told you need back surgery?
Spinal Decompression Therapyis an effective Chiropractic treatment for these conditions. It is very affordable, less expensive than surgery and Harborside Sport & Spine's patients have shown great success with the therapy.
You may see below for more information and helpful answers about this non-surgical treatment.
The truth is not so grandiose. Yes, when astronauts return from space their discs are probably a little higher and more spacious than when they walked in gravity on Earth. But, the big point here is that by creating less gravity force on the spine, we can begin to make healthy improvements to old, worn out discs.
New technology has been developed over the last 5-10 years that makes it much more comfortable to stretch the spine and allow the discs to rehydrate and take in fluids.
TheSpinal decompressiondevices require powerful distractive forces over a long time to draw fresh nutrients and water into the dried out discsthis makes them get bigger and taller and that creates more space for nerves. That means less pain for you. The average number of treatments is 20; 5 per week for 4 weeks. Most people feel much better by the 5th or 6th treatment and many are so relaxed during their treatments that they often fall asleep on the machine!
The Decompression-Reduction-Stabilization therapy is an effective treatment for:
Herniated Disc
Degenerative Disc
Facet Syndrome
Post-surgical Patients
Spinal Stenosis
Do you have aherniated disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is you doctor suggesting surgery, pain management or physical therapy? Have you tried your average chiropractic care from a different chiropractor and just could not get enough relief? Harborside Sport & Spine is one of the premier chiropractors in Jersey City, NJ that can provide several methods of treatment, one including spinal decompression.
Research indicates the disc is responsible for a significant number of lumbar/leg pain and neck/arm pain syndromes. Compression increase intradiscal pressure leading to annular compromise and possible extrusion of nuclear material.
Since the disc is an avascular structure, it doesn't receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires diffusion created by motion and 'decompression' to restore nutrients and enhance healing and has been shown to reduce disc pressure and enhance the healing response even further.
Spinal Decompression Therapyis done safely within established protocols and a clear understanding of its limitations by Harborside Sport & Spine, who is very experienced in the fine details of the procedure and to optimize healing and pain relief in the most effective way. The process often enhances the healing process and can render quick, effective and often amazing pain relief.
Indications and Use
At Harborside Sport & Spine we examine patients and determine the issues and the severity which will determine the treatment plan, the frequency and the effectiveness of the spinal decompression.
Our clinical findings suggest decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who will do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment will usually be in 8-12 sessions. (Occasionally a 'stubborn' pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15+ sessions though this is not the norm). Often patients will be treated 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their spinal decompression may continue (pre or post rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency.
Typical frequency can be 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than three sessions per week should be utilized. Our experience suggests spinal decompression is also an excellent supportive or maintenance treatment for those cases where pain relief is marked but prone to exacerbations.
Spinal Decompression The Triton DTS represents the finest Decompression Traction System available today. Cervical, lumbar, and wrist Decompression Traction can be delivered utilizing the Triton DTS in a controlled and proven method.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is very affordable and is a more cost effective alternative to patients who have been suggested surgery. In addition, Spinal Traction is highly recommended by Neurological Research. It was found that out of 778 cases of patients receiving spinal decompression 92% said that they showed improvement (Neurological Research; Volume 20, Number 3, April 1998).
The decompression table in conjunction with additional chiropractic modalities performed by Harborside Sport & Spine has shown remarkable results in effectively relieving pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration by repairing damaged discs and reversing dystrophic changes in nerves.
The most recent trial sought to correlate clinical success with MRI evidence of disc repair in the annulus, nucleus, facetjoint and foramina as a result of treatment and found that reduction of disc herniation ranged between 10% and 90% depending on the number of sessions performed, while annulus patching and healing was evident in all cases.
The most recent clinical study of 778 patients has showed that Disc Decompression Therapy was more than 70% successful in the treatment of herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, and sciatica. In this same study, 92% of patients had a reduction in their pain of at least one point on the 0 to 5 scale.
FAQs about Spinal Decompression
A non-surgical, comfortable traction therapy for the relief of back and leg pain or neck and arm pain. During this procedure, by cycling through distraction and relaxation phases and by proper positioning, a spinal disc can be isolated and placed under negative pressure, causing a vacuum effect within it.
The vacuum effect accomplishes two things. From a mechanical standpoint, disc material that has protruded or herniated outside the normal confines of the disc can be pulled back within the disc by the vacuum created within the disc. Also, the vacuum within the disc stimulates in growth of blood supply, secondarily stimulating a healing response. This results in pain reduction and proper healing at the injured site.
There are a number of spinal decompression machines presently used in the United States. One of the most commonly Advertised is the DRX9000. After significant research, North Texas Spinal Health & Wellness has chosen to use the Triton DTS machine manufactured by Chattanooga, Inc., the premier manufacturer of physical therapy machines. Why the Triton and not the DRX9000? Simple: the DRX machine is too simplistic and can't be adapted to a complex case. Do you want your spinal problem to be forced into a cookie cutter treatment when you could have a Customized setup on the Triton? Probably not!
It is designed to unload the spinal disc. Any back pain or neck pain caused in whole or in part by a damaged disc may be helped by this type of therapy. These conditions include herniated, protruding or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica or radiculopathy (pinched nerves).
It is usually not recommended for pregnant women, or patients who have severe osteoporosis, severe obesity or severe nerve damage. It is not recommended for patients over 70. However, every patient is evaluated on an individual basis. Spinal surgery with instrumentation (screws and metal plates or cages) is also contraindicated. Surgery to the discs without fusion or fusion using bony replacement is not contraindicated.
Each session includes decompression therapy and spinal stabilization exercises and takes about 1 hour. This is usually performed 3-5 times a week for 15-20 sessions.
Over 70% of patients have good pain relief. This success rate is similar to surgical results.
Spinal decompression can help people with back pain after failed spinal surgery. It can be performed in most patients who have not been left with an unstable spine after surgery
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unicorns-horn-dope · 7 years
Spinal Decompression | Spinal Decompression Jersey City NJ
Do you suffer with low back pain, neck and carpal tunnel? Have you been told you need back surgery?
Spinal Decompression Therapy is an effective Chiropractic treatment for these conditions. It is very affordable, less expensive than surgery and Harborside Sport & Spine’s patients have shown great success with the therapy.
You may see below for more information and helpful answers about this non-surgical treatment.
The truth is not so grandiose. Yes, when astronauts return from space their discs are probably a little higher and more spacious than when they walked in gravity on Earth. But, the big point here is that by creating less gravity force on the spine, we can begin to make healthy improvements to old, worn out discs.
New technology has been developed over the last 5-10 years that makes it much more comfortable to stretch the spine and allow the discs to rehydrate and take in fluids.
The Spinal decompression devices require powerful distractive forces over a long time to draw fresh nutrients and water into the dried out discs…this makes them get bigger and taller and that creates more space for nerves. That means less pain for you. The average number of treatments is 20; 5 per week for 4 weeks. Most people feel much better by the 5th or 6th treatment and many are so relaxed during their treatments that they often fall asleep on the machine!
The Decompression-Reduction-Stabilization therapy is an effective treatment for:
Herniated Disc
Degenerative Disc
Facet Syndrome
Post-surgical Patients
Spinal Stenosis
Do you have a herniated disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is you doctor suggesting surgery, pain management or physical therapy? Have you tried your average chiropractic care from a different chiropractor and just could not get enough relief? Harborside Sport & Spine is one of the premier chiropractors in Jersey City, NJ that can provide several methods of treatment, one including spinal decompression.
Research indicates the disc is responsible for a significant number of lumbar/leg pain and neck/arm pain syndromes. Compression increase intradiscal pressure leading to annular compromise and possible extrusion of nuclear material.
Since the disc is an avascular structure, it doesn’t receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires “diffusion” created by motion and ‘decompression’ to restore nutrients and enhance healing and has been shown to reduce disc pressure and enhance the healing response even further.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is done safely within established protocols and a clear understanding of its limitations by Harborside Sport & Spine, who is very experienced in the fine details of the procedure and to optimize healing and pain relief in the most effective way. The process often enhances the healing process and can render quick, effective and often amazing pain relief.
Indications and Use
At Harborside Sport & Spine we examine patients and determine the issues and the severity which will determine the treatment plan, the frequency and the effectiveness of the spinal decompression.
Our clinical findings suggest decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who will do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment will usually be in 8-12 sessions. (Occasionally a ‘stubborn’ pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15+ sessions though this is not the norm). Often patients will be treated 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their spinal decompression may continue (pre or post rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency.
Typical frequency can be 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than three sessions per week should be utilized. Our experience suggests spinal decompression is also an excellent supportive or maintenance treatment for those cases where pain relief is marked but prone to exacerbations.
Spinal Decompression The Triton DTS represents the finest Decompression Traction System available today. Cervical, lumbar, and wrist Decompression Traction can be delivered utilizing the Triton DTS in a controlled and proven method.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is very affordable and is a more cost effective alternative to patients who have been suggested surgery. In addition, Spinal Traction is highly recommended by Neurological Research. It was found that out of 778 cases of patients receiving spinal decompression 92% said that they showed improvement (Neurological Research; Volume 20, Number 3, April 1998).
The decompression table in conjunction with additional chiropractic modalities performed by Harborside Sport & Spine has shown remarkable results in effectively relieving pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration by repairing damaged discs and reversing dystrophic changes in nerves.
The most recent trial sought to correlate clinical success with MRI evidence of disc repair in the annulus, nucleus, facetjoint and foramina as a result of treatment and found that reduction of disc herniation ranged between 10% and 90% depending on the number of sessions performed, while annulus patching and healing was evident in all cases.
The most recent clinical study of 778 patients has showed that Disc Decompression Therapy was more than 70% successful in the treatment of herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, and sciatica. In this same study, 92% of patients had a reduction in their pain of at least one point on the 0 to 5 scale.
FAQs about Spinal Decompression
A non-surgical, comfortable traction therapy for the relief of back and leg pain or neck and arm pain. During this procedure, by cycling through distraction and relaxation phases and by proper positioning, a spinal disc can be isolated and placed under negative pressure, causing a vacuum effect within it.
The vacuum effect accomplishes two things. From a mechanical standpoint, disc material that has protruded or herniated outside the normal confines of the disc can be pulled back within the disc by the vacuum created within the disc. Also, the vacuum within the disc stimulates in growth of blood supply, secondarily stimulating a healing response. This results in pain reduction and proper healing at the injured site.
There are a number of spinal decompression machines presently used in the United States. One of the most commonly Advertised is the DRX9000. After significant research, North Texas Spinal Health & Wellness has chosen to use the Triton DTS machine manufactured by Chattanooga, Inc., the premier manufacturer of physical therapy machines. Why the Triton and not the DRX9000? Simple: the DRX machine is too simplistic and can’t be adapted to a complex case. Do you want your spinal problem to be “forced into a cookie cutter treatment” when you could have a Customized setup on the Triton? Probably not!
It is designed to unload the spinal disc. Any back pain or neck pain caused in whole or in part by a damaged disc may be helped by this type of therapy. These conditions include herniated, protruding or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica or radiculopathy (pinched nerves).
It is usually not recommended for pregnant women, or patients who have severe osteoporosis, severe obesity or severe nerve damage. It is not recommended for patients over 70. However, every patient is evaluated on an individual basis. Spinal surgery with instrumentation (screws and metal plates or “cages”) is also contraindicated. Surgery to the discs without fusion or fusion using bony replacement is not contraindicated.
Each session includes decompression therapy and spinal stabilization exercises and takes about 1 hour. This is usually performed 3-5 times a week for 15-20 sessions.
Over 70% of patients have good pain relief. This success rate is similar to surgical results.
Spinal decompression can help people with back pain after failed spinal surgery. It can be performed in most patients who have not been left with an unstable spine after surgery
Source: http://harborside.brand-mapsclient.com/2017/10/11/spinal-decompression-jersey-city-nj/
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hotpunch384 · 7 years
Spinal Decompression | Spinal Decompression Jersey City NJ
Do you suffer with low back pain, neck and carpal tunnel? Have you been told you need back surgery?
Spinal Decompression Therapy is an effective Chiropractic treatment for these conditions. It is very affordable, less expensive than surgery and Harborside Sport & Spine’s patients have shown great success with the therapy.
You may see below for more information and helpful answers about this non-surgical treatment.
The truth is not so grandiose. Yes, when astronauts return from space their discs are probably a little higher and more spacious than when they walked in gravity on Earth. But, the big point here is that by creating less gravity force on the spine, we can begin to make healthy improvements to old, worn out discs.
New technology has been developed over the last 5-10 years that makes it much more comfortable to stretch the spine and allow the discs to rehydrate and take in fluids.
The Spinal decompression devices require powerful distractive forces over a long time to draw fresh nutrients and water into the dried out discs…this makes them get bigger and taller and that creates more space for nerves. That means less pain for you. The average number of treatments is 20; 5 per week for 4 weeks. Most people feel much better by the 5th or 6th treatment and many are so relaxed during their treatments that they often fall asleep on the machine!
The Decompression-Reduction-Stabilization therapy is an effective treatment for:
Herniated Disc
Degenerative Disc
Facet Syndrome
Post-surgical Patients
Spinal Stenosis
Do you have a herniated disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is you doctor suggesting surgery, pain management or physical therapy? Have you tried your average chiropractic care from a different chiropractor and just could not get enough relief? Harborside Sport & Spine is one of the premier chiropractors in Jersey City, NJ that can provide several methods of treatment, one including spinal decompression.
Research indicates the disc is responsible for a significant number of lumbar/leg pain and neck/arm pain syndromes. Compression increase intradiscal pressure leading to annular compromise and possible extrusion of nuclear material.
Since the disc is an avascular structure, it doesn’t receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires “diffusion” created by motion and ‘decompression’ to restore nutrients and enhance healing and has been shown to reduce disc pressure and enhance the healing response even further.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is done safely within established protocols and a clear understanding of its limitations by Harborside Sport & Spine, who is very experienced in the fine details of the procedure and to optimize healing and pain relief in the most effective way. The process often enhances the healing process and can render quick, effective and often amazing pain relief.
Indications and Use
At Harborside Sport & Spine we examine patients and determine the issues and the severity which will determine the treatment plan, the frequency and the effectiveness of the spinal decompression.
Our clinical findings suggest decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who will do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment will usually be in 8-12 sessions. (Occasionally a ‘stubborn’ pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15+ sessions though this is not the norm). Often patients will be treated 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their spinal decompression may continue (pre or post rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency.
Typical frequency can be 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than three sessions per week should be utilized. Our experience suggests spinal decompression is also an excellent supportive or maintenance treatment for those cases where pain relief is marked but prone to exacerbations.
Spinal Decompression The Triton DTS represents the finest Decompression Traction System available today. Cervical, lumbar, and wrist Decompression Traction can be delivered utilizing the Triton DTS in a controlled and proven method.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is very affordable and is a more cost effective alternative to patients who have been suggested surgery. In addition, Spinal Traction is highly recommended by Neurological Research. It was found that out of 778 cases of patients receiving spinal decompression 92% said that they showed improvement (Neurological Research; Volume 20, Number 3, April 1998).
The decompression table in conjunction with additional chiropractic modalities performed by Harborside Sport & Spine has shown remarkable results in effectively relieving pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration by repairing damaged discs and reversing dystrophic changes in nerves.
The most recent trial sought to correlate clinical success with MRI evidence of disc repair in the annulus, nucleus, facetjoint and foramina as a result of treatment and found that reduction of disc herniation ranged between 10% and 90% depending on the number of sessions performed, while annulus patching and healing was evident in all cases.
The most recent clinical study of 778 patients has showed that Disc Decompression Therapy was more than 70% successful in the treatment of herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, and sciatica. In this same study, 92% of patients had a reduction in their pain of at least one point on the 0 to 5 scale.
FAQs about Spinal Decompression
A non-surgical, comfortable traction therapy for the relief of back and leg pain or neck and arm pain. During this procedure, by cycling through distraction and relaxation phases and by proper positioning, a spinal disc can be isolated and placed under negative pressure, causing a vacuum effect within it.
The vacuum effect accomplishes two things. From a mechanical standpoint, disc material that has protruded or herniated outside the normal confines of the disc can be pulled back within the disc by the vacuum created within the disc. Also, the vacuum within the disc stimulates in growth of blood supply, secondarily stimulating a healing response. This results in pain reduction and proper healing at the injured site.
There are a number of spinal decompression machines presently used in the United States. One of the most commonly Advertised is the DRX9000. After significant research, North Texas Spinal Health & Wellness has chosen to use the Triton DTS machine manufactured by Chattanooga, Inc., the premier manufacturer of physical therapy machines. Why the Triton and not the DRX9000? Simple: the DRX machine is too simplistic and can’t be adapted to a complex case. Do you want your spinal problem to be “forced into a cookie cutter treatment” when you could have a Customized setup on the Triton? Probably not!
It is designed to unload the spinal disc. Any back pain or neck pain caused in whole or in part by a damaged disc may be helped by this type of therapy. These conditions include herniated, protruding or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica or radiculopathy (pinched nerves).
It is usually not recommended for pregnant women, or patients who have severe osteoporosis, severe obesity or severe nerve damage. It is not recommended for patients over 70. However, every patient is evaluated on an individual basis. Spinal surgery with instrumentation (screws and metal plates or “cages”) is also contraindicated. Surgery to the discs without fusion or fusion using bony replacement is not contraindicated.
Each session includes decompression therapy and spinal stabilization exercises and takes about 1 hour. This is usually performed 3-5 times a week for 15-20 sessions.
Over 70% of patients have good pain relief. This success rate is similar to surgical results.
Spinal decompression can help people with back pain after failed spinal surgery. It can be performed in most patients who have not been left with an unstable spine after surgery
Source: http://harborside.brand-mapsclient.com/2017/10/11/spinal-decompression-jersey-city-nj/
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toms214 · 7 years
Spinal Decompression | Spinal Decompression Jersey City NJ
Do you suffer with low back pain, neck and carpal tunnel? Have you been told you need back surgery?
Spinal Decompression Therapy is an effective Chiropractic treatment for these conditions. It is very affordable, less expensive than surgery and Harborside Sport & Spine’s patients have shown great success with the therapy.
You may see below for more information and helpful answers about this non-surgical treatment.
The truth is not so grandiose. Yes, when astronauts return from space their discs are probably a little higher and more spacious than when they walked in gravity on Earth. But, the big point here is that by creating less gravity force on the spine, we can begin to make healthy improvements to old, worn out discs.
New technology has been developed over the last 5-10 years that makes it much more comfortable to stretch the spine and allow the discs to rehydrate and take in fluids.
The Spinal decompression devices require powerful distractive forces over a long time to draw fresh nutrients and water into the dried out discs…this makes them get bigger and taller and that creates more space for nerves. That means less pain for you. The average number of treatments is 20; 5 per week for 4 weeks. Most people feel much better by the 5th or 6th treatment and many are so relaxed during their treatments that they often fall asleep on the machine!
The Decompression-Reduction-Stabilization therapy is an effective treatment for:
Herniated Disc
Degenerative Disc
Facet Syndrome
Post-surgical Patients
Spinal Stenosis
Do you have a herniated disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is you doctor suggesting surgery, pain management or physical therapy? Have you tried your average chiropractic care from a different chiropractor and just could not get enough relief? Harborside Sport & Spine is one of the premier chiropractors in Jersey City, NJ that can provide several methods of treatment, one including spinal decompression.
Research indicates the disc is responsible for a significant number of lumbar/leg pain and neck/arm pain syndromes. Compression increase intradiscal pressure leading to annular compromise and possible extrusion of nuclear material.
Since the disc is an avascular structure, it doesn’t receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires “diffusion” created by motion and ‘decompression’ to restore nutrients and enhance healing and has been shown to reduce disc pressure and enhance the healing response even further.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is done safely within established protocols and a clear understanding of its limitations by Harborside Sport & Spine, who is very experienced in the fine details of the procedure and to optimize healing and pain relief in the most effective way. The process often enhances the healing process and can render quick, effective and often amazing pain relief.
Indications and Use
At Harborside Sport & Spine we examine patients and determine the issues and the severity which will determine the treatment plan, the frequency and the effectiveness of the spinal decompression.
Our clinical findings suggest decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who will do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment will usually be in 8-12 sessions. (Occasionally a ‘stubborn’ pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15+ sessions though this is not the norm). Often patients will be treated 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their spinal decompression may continue (pre or post rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency.
Typical frequency can be 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than three sessions per week should be utilized. Our experience suggests spinal decompression is also an excellent supportive or maintenance treatment for those cases where pain relief is marked but prone to exacerbations.
Spinal Decompression The Triton DTS represents the finest Decompression Traction System available today. Cervical, lumbar, and wrist Decompression Traction can be delivered utilizing the Triton DTS in a controlled and proven method.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is very affordable and is a more cost effective alternative to patients who have been suggested surgery. In addition, Spinal Traction is highly recommended by Neurological Research. It was found that out of 778 cases of patients receiving spinal decompression 92% said that they showed improvement (Neurological Research; Volume 20, Number 3, April 1998).
The decompression table in conjunction with additional chiropractic modalities performed by Harborside Sport & Spine has shown remarkable results in effectively relieving pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration by repairing damaged discs and reversing dystrophic changes in nerves.
The most recent trial sought to correlate clinical success with MRI evidence of disc repair in the annulus, nucleus, facetjoint and foramina as a result of treatment and found that reduction of disc herniation ranged between 10% and 90% depending on the number of sessions performed, while annulus patching and healing was evident in all cases.
The most recent clinical study of 778 patients has showed that Disc Decompression Therapy was more than 70% successful in the treatment of herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, and sciatica. In this same study, 92% of patients had a reduction in their pain of at least one point on the 0 to 5 scale.
FAQs about Spinal Decompression
A non-surgical, comfortable traction therapy for the relief of back and leg pain or neck and arm pain. During this procedure, by cycling through distraction and relaxation phases and by proper positioning, a spinal disc can be isolated and placed under negative pressure, causing a vacuum effect within it.
The vacuum effect accomplishes two things. From a mechanical standpoint, disc material that has protruded or herniated outside the normal confines of the disc can be pulled back within the disc by the vacuum created within the disc. Also, the vacuum within the disc stimulates in growth of blood supply, secondarily stimulating a healing response. This results in pain reduction and proper healing at the injured site.
There are a number of spinal decompression machines presently used in the United States. One of the most commonly Advertised is the DRX9000. After significant research, North Texas Spinal Health & Wellness has chosen to use the Triton DTS machine manufactured by Chattanooga, Inc., the premier manufacturer of physical therapy machines. Why the Triton and not the DRX9000? Simple: the DRX machine is too simplistic and can’t be adapted to a complex case. Do you want your spinal problem to be “forced into a cookie cutter treatment” when you could have a Customized setup on the Triton? Probably not!
It is designed to unload the spinal disc. Any back pain or neck pain caused in whole or in part by a damaged disc may be helped by this type of therapy. These conditions include herniated, protruding or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica or radiculopathy (pinched nerves).
It is usually not recommended for pregnant women, or patients who have severe osteoporosis, severe obesity or severe nerve damage. It is not recommended for patients over 70. However, every patient is evaluated on an individual basis. Spinal surgery with instrumentation (screws and metal plates or “cages”) is also contraindicated. Surgery to the discs without fusion or fusion using bony replacement is not contraindicated.
Each session includes decompression therapy and spinal stabilization exercises and takes about 1 hour. This is usually performed 3-5 times a week for 15-20 sessions.
Over 70% of patients have good pain relief. This success rate is similar to surgical results.
Spinal decompression can help people with back pain after failed spinal surgery. It can be performed in most patients who have not been left with an unstable spine after surgery
source http://harborside.brand-mapsclient.com/2017/10/11/spinal-decompression-jersey-city-nj/
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kiriefaster · 7 years
Spinal Decompression | Spinal Decompression Jersey City NJ
Do you suffer with low back pain, neck and carpal tunnel? Have you been told you need back surgery?
Spinal Decompression Therapy is an effective Chiropractic treatment for these conditions. It is very affordable, less expensive than surgery and Harborside Sport & Spine’s patients have shown great success with the therapy.
You may see below for more information and helpful answers about this non-surgical treatment.
The truth is not so grandiose. Yes, when astronauts return from space their discs are probably a little higher and more spacious than when they walked in gravity on Earth. But, the big point here is that by creating less gravity force on the spine, we can begin to make healthy improvements to old, worn out discs.
New technology has been developed over the last 5-10 years that makes it much more comfortable to stretch the spine and allow the discs to rehydrate and take in fluids.
The Spinal decompression devices require powerful distractive forces over a long time to draw fresh nutrients and water into the dried out discs…this makes them get bigger and taller and that creates more space for nerves. That means less pain for you. The average number of treatments is 20; 5 per week for 4 weeks. Most people feel much better by the 5th or 6th treatment and many are so relaxed during their treatments that they often fall asleep on the machine!
The Decompression-Reduction-Stabilization therapy is an effective treatment for:
Herniated Disc
Degenerative Disc
Facet Syndrome
Post-surgical Patients
Spinal Stenosis
Do you have a herniated disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is you doctor suggesting surgery, pain management or physical therapy? Have you tried your average chiropractic care from a different chiropractor and just could not get enough relief? Harborside Sport & Spine is one of the premier chiropractors in Jersey City, NJ that can provide several methods of treatment, one including spinal decompression.
Research indicates the disc is responsible for a significant number of lumbar/leg pain and neck/arm pain syndromes. Compression increase intradiscal pressure leading to annular compromise and possible extrusion of nuclear material.
Since the disc is an avascular structure, it doesn’t receive fresh blood and oxygen with every beat of the heart. It requires “diffusion” created by motion and ‘decompression’ to restore nutrients and enhance healing and has been shown to reduce disc pressure and enhance the healing response even further.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is done safely within established protocols and a clear understanding of its limitations by Harborside Sport & Spine, who is very experienced in the fine details of the procedure and to optimize healing and pain relief in the most effective way. The process often enhances the healing process and can render quick, effective and often amazing pain relief.
Indications and Use
At Harborside Sport & Spine we examine patients and determine the issues and the severity which will determine the treatment plan, the frequency and the effectiveness of the spinal decompression.
Our clinical findings suggest decompression will create a relatively quick initial response. Patients who will do well tend to feel a sense of relief (which can be direct pain cessation or a centralization of pain and/or reduction to an ache or stiffness) within six sessions. Full relief, if attainable through this passive treatment will usually be in 8-12 sessions. (Occasionally a ‘stubborn’ pain syndrome may continue to improve slowly over 15+ sessions though this is not the norm). Often patients will be treated 4-6 sessions and notice enough relief to allow active rehab to begin. Their spinal decompression may continue (pre or post rehab depending on the methods chosen) for 4-6 further sessions before discontinuing or reducing the frequency.
Typical frequency can be 3-5 times per week. The extent and seriousness of the symptoms will determine if more than three sessions per week should be utilized. Our experience suggests spinal decompression is also an excellent supportive or maintenance treatment for those cases where pain relief is marked but prone to exacerbations.
Spinal Decompression The Triton DTS represents the finest Decompression Traction System available today. Cervical, lumbar, and wrist Decompression Traction can be delivered utilizing the Triton DTS in a controlled and proven method.
Spinal Decompression Therapy is very affordable and is a more cost effective alternative to patients who have been suggested surgery. In addition, Spinal Traction is highly recommended by Neurological Research. It was found that out of 778 cases of patients receiving spinal decompression 92% said that they showed improvement (Neurological Research; Volume 20, Number 3, April 1998).
The decompression table in conjunction with additional chiropractic modalities performed by Harborside Sport & Spine has shown remarkable results in effectively relieving pain and disability resulting from disc injury and degeneration by repairing damaged discs and reversing dystrophic changes in nerves.
The most recent trial sought to correlate clinical success with MRI evidence of disc repair in the annulus, nucleus, facetjoint and foramina as a result of treatment and found that reduction of disc herniation ranged between 10% and 90% depending on the number of sessions performed, while annulus patching and healing was evident in all cases.
The most recent clinical study of 778 patients has showed that Disc Decompression Therapy was more than 70% successful in the treatment of herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, and sciatica. In this same study, 92% of patients had a reduction in their pain of at least one point on the 0 to 5 scale.
FAQs about Spinal Decompression
A non-surgical, comfortable traction therapy for the relief of back and leg pain or neck and arm pain. During this procedure, by cycling through distraction and relaxation phases and by proper positioning, a spinal disc can be isolated and placed under negative pressure, causing a vacuum effect within it.
The vacuum effect accomplishes two things. From a mechanical standpoint, disc material that has protruded or herniated outside the normal confines of the disc can be pulled back within the disc by the vacuum created within the disc. Also, the vacuum within the disc stimulates in growth of blood supply, secondarily stimulating a healing response. This results in pain reduction and proper healing at the injured site.
There are a number of spinal decompression machines presently used in the United States. One of the most commonly Advertised is the DRX9000. After significant research, North Texas Spinal Health & Wellness has chosen to use the Triton DTS machine manufactured by Chattanooga, Inc., the premier manufacturer of physical therapy machines. Why the Triton and not the DRX9000? Simple: the DRX machine is too simplistic and can’t be adapted to a complex case. Do you want your spinal problem to be “forced into a cookie cutter treatment” when you could have a Customized setup on the Triton? Probably not!
It is designed to unload the spinal disc. Any back pain or neck pain caused in whole or in part by a damaged disc may be helped by this type of therapy. These conditions include herniated, protruding or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica or radiculopathy (pinched nerves).
It is usually not recommended for pregnant women, or patients who have severe osteoporosis, severe obesity or severe nerve damage. It is not recommended for patients over 70. However, every patient is evaluated on an individual basis. Spinal surgery with instrumentation (screws and metal plates or “cages”) is also contraindicated. Surgery to the discs without fusion or fusion using bony replacement is not contraindicated.
Each session includes decompression therapy and spinal stabilization exercises and takes about 1 hour. This is usually performed 3-5 times a week for 15-20 sessions.
Over 70% of patients have good pain relief. This success rate is similar to surgical results.
Spinal decompression can help people with back pain after failed spinal surgery. It can be performed in most patients who have not been left with an unstable spine after surgery
Source: http://harborside.brand-mapsclient.com/2017/10/11/spinal-decompression-jersey-city-nj/
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backdoctornewjersey · 2 years
What can be the leading causes of back pain?
Pain can cause for many reasons, and if the pain exceeds for more than three months in your body, it is known as chronic pain. The pain in the lower back may involve a disc problem, a joint problem, or an irritating nerve problem. But mainly, lower back pain is pulled or torn muscle or ligament issues.
Chronic pain can range from a dull ache to a shooting sensation in the body that controls performing other activities. This irritating pain can make it hard to move or stand straight, sit, or lie down. You may feel pain lifting any object or while playing a sport. Pain that lasts more than 3 months can indicate a danger sign. You should consult a back doctor NJ if your chronic back pain treatment isnot going well. Many causes can give you back pain; some common causes include:
Lumbar herniated disc.
When the jelly-like middle part of a lumbar disc breaks through the rigid outermost surface and irritates the nearby nerve root, the herniated portion of the disc has proteins that cause inflammation. When they come to a rash, nerve compression causes pain in the nerve root. The disc wall is also richly provided by nerve fibers, and a rip through the wall can induce extreme pain.
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Fractures or dislocations of the spine can cause a lot of pain. You should visit your doctor for Acute fractures or dislocations. Many people with lower back pain after a trauma, such as a motor vehicle accident or a fall, should treat their pain medically and visit a professional back doctor in new jersey who can evaluate the pain's cause and provide relief.
Bulging discs:
These protrude, or "bulge," but not as extensively as a herniated disc. You don't usually have any signs of this, and you will feel like it pushes on a nerve root, though.
Compression fracture.
If you have a fracture in the cylindrical vertebra, it is where the bone virtually caves in on itself; it can cause sudden pain in the lower back. This fracture occurs due to weak bones and is the most common type of fracture, such as osteoporosis, and usually is more common in older people.
Spinal stenosis.
This pain is caused by narrowing the spinal canal where the nerve roots are situated. The narrowing of the spinal canals can be at central, formal, or both and a single or multiple levels in the lower back.
Accidents and Injuries
Lower back pain can occur due to a car accident, falls, muscle sprains, strains, and fractures; these can also be the main reason for your back pain. Injuries can direct some physical concerns, but some can provoke pain alone. Consult your back pain specialists in NJ if your back isn't feeling good.
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Lifestyle Changes
Not only injuries, accidents, or muscle sprains can cause your back to ache, but some lifestyle changes in your daily life can also cause back pain. Back pain can be brought by many things you perform in your everyday life, like slouching at your desk, lifting heavy objects, Being overweight, Not exercising, Smoking, and Wearing high heels.
Who's at Risk of Back Pain?
Experiencing back pain at a particular age is common. But other reasons that can cause back pain are,
Lifting heavy things on the job
Do not ignore back pain. Call your back pain doctor Paramus, and book an appointment for your back pain.
Article Source : https://www.worldofarticles.com/what-can-be-the-leading-causes-of-back-pain/
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