#hermetics beauty
lamorgh · 1 year
# Look 1007*
❀• C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Skin: hermetics beauty – jordyn skin (ganache skin tone) – @ Mainstore Hairbase+ dreads: [LERONSO] – HAIRBASE v19 for Lelutka EVO X – @ Mainstore Earrings+ ears: ANDORE – My May (Classic\Pixie) [L.E.X] – for Fifty Linden Fridays
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pathofregeneration · 1 year
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Tuco Amalfi, Genesis
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God and His Creatures — part II
“4. God has in stages engendered, that is, created, out of His own being all His creatures in a wonderful way, incomprehensible to us. He is the origin of all (§2): Out of Him they all have their being and are created.
5. As He surrounds and fills the heavens, the earth, yes, everything in and upon it (§3), so He sustains all His spiritual as well as material creatures through His constant influence, through His ever-presence; yes, thus He carries all of them within Himself, in His almighty, unlimited, and superperfect spirit-being (§2, §3). He nourishes them like a father and mother, each according to its destination.
6. This destination has its order, purpose, time, and goal for each of His creatures (§2); from, through, in, and with Him they live, weave, float, are, and remain eternally according to their prime matter.
7. He causes all their transformations directly or indirectly in the order of his householding, in and through Himself, at the time determined for each; for the purpose of His wisdom; for His pleasure and for their best in eternity; according to different stages of refining; for the infinite eternal satisfaction, well-being, and destined perfection of each: of which the echo, or their or their expression and countermovement, will be nothing in the divine order but the glory and praise of their God among and within them, with eternal bliss.”
— Hermetisches A.B.C. deren ächten Weisen alter und neuer Zeiten vom Stein der Weisen
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"Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides;
all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests
in everything; the measure of the swing to the right,
is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm
compensates." - The Kybalion
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khaosritual · 5 months
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heart-bones · 2 years
I feel like I posted this before but every few years I have a plot bunny about a short story involving a regency era opera star klaha who falls haphazardly in love with like. Sense & Sensibility Col Brandon Alan Rickman and it makes me want to chew GLASS it would be so good
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astrosky33 · 9 months
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✧. ┊I’ve already discussed the hermetic lots on my page but there’s actually over 100 other different lots that you can get deeper insight on
✧. ┊You have to manually change the lot formula to view these though! The examples I’m showing are only a few of them but there’s many more
✧. ┊Search “astro seek arabic lots” and click on the first link you see. I prefer using Whole Signs and Modern Astrology but you can use Traditional Astrology and another house system if you prefer
Lot Formulas
[Lot of Fame/Wisdom] Ascendant - Jupiter - Sun
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• Having this lot placed in the 1st/10th house or in the signs Leo/Pisces can be a big indication of fame
• Having this in the 3rd/9th/11th house or in Virgo/Gemini/Sagittarius/Aquarius can indicate wisdom
[Lot of Career] Ascendant - MC - MC Ruler
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• In Gemini can indicate a career involving cars (and other ground transportations), social media, literature/writing, phones, speaking/communication, and/or teaching
• In the 1st house can indicate being a leader in your career or being known for your beauty in your career. Possibly that your career involves using your mannerisms and enthusiasm
[Lot of Influence] Ascendant - Saturn - Moon
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• Having this placed in the 1st/3rd/11th house or in the signs Gemini/Aquarius/Leo can indicate having a lot of influence on people or being a social media influencer
• At 28° it can indicate making lots of money from influencing others in some way
[Lot of Charm] Ascendant - Moon - Mercury
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• In the 1st/7th/10th house can indicate lots of people perceive you as very charming. In the 10th house it can indicate being known or famous for your charm
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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madmonksandmaenads · 8 months
Now, I'm not very familiar with Homestuck, but I overhear a lot of conversation about its minutia. There are lots of conversations about HS', I have heard about classpects, multiverse games, troll biology, etc, but I don't have a clear idea what the actual themes of the work are.
It's a creation myth yes? A grand narrative about the birth of a world, complete with primordial evils and children in strange lands, initiated through death to divine power. What is this met to say about our own world? Would you(hypothetical Homestuck fan) consider the work Gnostic in character? Is the takeaway here that reality is all the result of an uncaring and deeply flawed mechanical demiurge(Sburb) and orchestrated by childish and occassionaly deeply evil archons(the players)? Should we try to reach past the imperfection of this world and stop trying to engage with the rules of this cruel world and instead seek out loopholes? Or perhaps is it more Hermetic? Does it see the world as a craft of artifice, made by humans who are not perfect but aspire towards a greater good? Does it prompt the reader to create their own more perfect world? Homestuck is a massive text, it a vast communication from an artist, what is being communicated? I'll admit one of the reasons I haven't read Homestuck is I don't see it discussed as a poetical work. I want to know what makes it beautiful, about what message is straining through the it's pulpy medium. I grew up on schlocky sci-fi, the alien sex politics, the cosmic shenanigans, these are all rather pedestrian for me. I got bored of these around the same time I stopped reading Piers Anthony but I recognize Homestuck is an important modern work, and it feels baffling to me that I have no idea what its actual philosophy is. There must be more to it than titillating science fiction, and funny message logs. What is it from Homestuck that you carry with you into the trials of your day to day existence?
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Tree of Life Talon Abraxas
The tree of life is a diagram used in various mystical traditions. It usually consists of 10 nodes symbolizing different archetypes and 22 lines connecting the nodes. The nodes are often arranged into three columns to represent that they belong to a common category.
The nodes are usually represented as spheres and the lines are usually represented as paths. The nodes usually represent encompassing aspects of existence, God, or the human psyche. The lines usually represent the relationship between the concepts ascribed to the spheres or a symbolic description of the requirements to go from one sphere to another. The nodes are also associated to deities, angels, celestial bodies, values, single colors or combinations of them, and specific numbers. The columns are usually symbolized as pillars. These pillars usually represent different kinds of values, electric charges, or types of ceremonial magic. It is usually referred to as the Kabbalistic tree of life in order to distinguish it from other concepts with the same name. In the Jewish Kabbalah, the nodes are called sephiroth. The diagram is also used by Christian Cabbala, Hermetic Qabalah and Theosophy. The diagram is believed to be derivable from the flower of life.
"The Seeds of Good Deeds Become a Tree of Life."
Psalms 11:30
Understand the Angels or Sephiroth at Each Sphere are different Aspect or Fractals of God on the Path to the Inner Sanctum of the Soul.
The tree of life represents the Human Template within reflecting its Own Divinity and True Nature.
Kether - the Supreme Light Chokmah - Wisdom Binah - Understanding Chesed - Mercy Geburah - Severity Tiphareth - Beauty Netzsach - Eternity Hod - Splendor Yesod - Foundation Malkuth - Kingdom
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I know it sounds crazy but whenever I feel like I can’t go on I meditate on how Christ suffered on the cross and his wounds, pain, humiliation, and the injustice and l feel humbled to realize that pain is an intrinsic part of the human reality.
If He suffered so much as the literal son of God, and the purest being, what makes me think my pain is anything compared to his? I used to think Christianity was this weird masochistic religion, but now I see the esoteric significance behind the Crucifixion and Resurrection and have embraced Hermetic principles.
Our Lady of Sorrows is so beautiful to me. So is medieval religious art. I finally get why Catholic nuns are obsessed with stigmata, why the saints’ fates were often so gruesome, why Christ had to be crucified, why humanity has to suffer, and so on.
The story of Jesus in the Gospels taught me humility, which was something I was lacking as a victimized Reddit fedora atheist nihilistic angry femcel. I just couldn’t bring myself to kneel to God and I was a know it all. Now I’m happy to admit I’m an insignificant roach on this earth and nothing makes me happier. I spend a few minutes a day mentally going thru the Hail Mary and Our Father prayers, and I can’t imagine my life before this.
I do understand Catholic sadomasochism and the passion of the Gospels. And not in a corny Protestant American televangelist weirdo way but like actually loving the Virgin Mary and Jesus more than life itself, lovingly painting Christ’s wounds and admiring Baroque cathedrals kind of way.
Which I guess is still crazy to materialists and modernists but oh well. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same.
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stellerssong · 5 months
the thing i believe about morphienne (in any iteration, canon-edge, au, whatever you like) is this. it takes them absolutely fucking forever to say the string of words "i love you" to each other and that's if they even get around to it. because they just don't see the UTILITY of it. why the fuck would you say something as trite and limiting as "i love you" when you have this intense and all-encompassing and deeply intimate connection-slash-entanglement that defies linguistic classification? it's almost insulting to pin a ridiculous little word like "love" on a relationship like the one they have. which is not to say it's not romantic, sexual, etc, it's just, they're both aware on a molecular level of how much their relationship matters to each other and to themselves, and how many more layers to their relationship there are than just lover/lover (god/supplicant. king/seneschal. right brain/left brain. chaos/order. and so forth). it feels a little like going around saying "the sky is blue" or "you need to breathe to live" all day to them. like. they know. they both know. and as far as they're concerned, what could be more beautiful and terrible than just knowing and being known?
the thing i believe about dannyluce (again in any iteration) is that more or less fresh out the fuckin' oven danny says "i love you. no you don't have to have a response to that. i just wanted to say it, because i think it matters" (or the equivalent) (because he was made to be better. and part of better from the morpheus perspective is loves more easily or is easier to love). and it scares lucienne absolutely shitless because oh. shit. oh shit wait i love you actually can mean something profound if you let it. and you can just say it. without it being a whole Production. it means Everything and you can just say it and that doesn't keep it from meaning Everything. okay one second have to lock myself in the hermetically sealed chamber and Scream for a bit
and that ALSO does not preclude a deep, genuine, and romantic love between the two of them it's just. well. it's an adjustment!
also danny is a hands talker and does strange elbow motions sometimes. but we've been through this before.
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lamorgh · 1 year
❀• C R E D I T S •❀ Head: Lelutka – AVALON 3.1 EvoX Skin: hermetics beauty – Jenna skin – @ Unik Event (till June 2nd) Eyeshadows: [POUT!] – Parties Eve Eyeshadow – New Release @ Mainstore Jewelry: Heartsdale Jewellery – Valerie – 25% OFF @ Unik Event (till June 2nd) set includes necklace and earrings; 9 gems + 3 metals via HUD
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Wanna get lost in you.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader.
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Summary: An old necessity to walk deep into the forest had you driving on automatic once you made your way back to your town. The magnetic force surrounding it alluring you to discover its most treasured secret.
A/N: DAY 4 OF PROMPTOBER IT'S HERE! 2 days late but wtv.. blame adulthood for the delay. I'll try to get days 1, 2, 5 and 6 out this weekend since I've been approved to take the exam for the belt graduation so I'll be taking 3 hours off the little time off I've got during the day, lol. But! Since I also go to the gym daily, I'll be taking the weekends off to give my body a break and kick my muses' asses to get productive. LMAO. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this drabble turned into fic.
The first time it happened, you were probably a 10-year-old, when you've come camping with your family and had the sudden need to wander through the creepy forest in search of proof. All your friends in school were talking about these magic lights that shone in the nightly hours and, of course, you wanted to be a witness to such a magnificent event.
Feeling the fresh air feeling your lungs with every step you took deeper into the orangey foliage, the energy around you had switched into an alluring one, like if a magnetic field had you gravitating towards an energy you were too young to understand. But before said dome could close hermetically, your brother had come running after you, claiming that those stories were tales that only lived in the imagination of children. As he saw it, those "magic lights" were nothing else than dragonflies.
As the years passed, your life had brought you all over the country with your dad's work and your own achievements. And after twelve years, you were finally about to reveal the itchy mystery your soul had beared all this time.
Killing the engine of your car, you quietly got off, making sure you were gentle not to startle the animals that could be in your proximity. Filling your lungs with the same fresh air you learned to love, you then ventured into the yellow and orange leaves scattering the soil, almost forming a path for you to follow. The energy you felt all those years ago, started to become stronger the deeper you walked into the forest and you knew there was no turning back, now.
Allowing the enchanting atmosphere to enclose you, your mind disconnected from your body, moving in automatic, as if you've been in this forest all your life. The eerie sounds did nothing to scare you, on the contrary, it seemed as if your spirit greeted them, like an invitation to come out and play with you.
It wasn't until you found yourself surrounded by trees that went for miles and miles whenever you looked at that your attention had fixated on the dim scarlet lights that started to float all around you like fairy lights guiding you to what would be your biggest discovery. And so, as your curiosity took charge, your relaxed body moved towards the source of such amazement. You weren't sure if the image in front of you was real or if it was a product of your imagination, but the most beautiful woman you had ever laid your eyes upon was standing a few steps ahead of you, with red whisps coming off her slender fingers, with the softest smile you've ever seen grazing her features. But the creak of a branch dissipated the entrance and you cursed yourself for such idiocy.
"Sorry," you breathed softly, scared the woman would disappear into thin air. "I-"
"You shouldn't be here." The stern yet calm voice spoke.
"I could say the same about you," you straightened yourself. "You could get lost."
A sardonic laugh filled the silence, sending shivers down your back. "I've been in this forest all my life. I know every corner better than I know myself," the brunette clicked her tongue, finally closing the distance between you, like a predator about to catch its prey.
But against all the alarms in your body warning you to run away, you started to walk forward on trembling legs. "Why don't you invite me in, then?" The words escaped your lips, making you cry with the cringe of the moment.
"What makes you think you're worth of such wonder?" Her sculpted eyebrow hovering over her dark eyes had your heart constricting quite exquisitely.
"If I told you, there wouldn't be place for discovery," you shrugged nonchalantly, trying really hard to contrast the cringy feeling invading your insides.
Smiling wickedly, the woman closed the distance and extended her hand. "I'm Wanda," and oh, boy, had you become addicted to her name already.
"Y/N," you offered quietly, almost melting at the feeling of her soft hand against yours.
To say the rest of the evening was a blast was an understatement. With Wanda starting to slowly but securely open up to you, the dark night had been lighted up by her magic, with little shiny polka dots hanging on the air, giving the creepy wood a welcoming, inviting appearance.
"It's late," Wanda brought your intertwined hands to her lips, kissing the back of your skin. "We should head back to town."
"Thank you for tonight," you smiled softly as your eyes fixated on the soft faction on her face, trying to memorize every little detail of it.
"It's been a while since someone saw the real me and didn't run away, so thank you."
At her words, you couldn't help the sudden urge to wrap your arms around you, securing her in your hold. All your insides melting away when, after a few seconds, Wanda relaxed in your embrace, laying her head on your shoulder.
"Let me show you the way out," she smiled standing up, extending her hand for you to take.
If someone had told you coming back to your hometown would be a one-way ticket, you'd laugh at them. The busy and cosmopolitan city of Chicago had become your home despite the sporadic need to escape to the middle of nowhere. But now that you were in the look of new horizons and having met someone as magical as Wanda, you weren't sure you could decline the offer. The captivating persona in front of you became something you wanted to get lost in, surrendering to her will, as if your soul had found its purpose.
Taglist: @wandabear @red1culous @xxxtwilightaxelxxx (If you wanna be tagged in Promtober's works or in all my fics in general, let me know)
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passengerpigeons · 10 months
yeah so hockey is basically a reënactment of the birth of the universe from Chaos. have you ever compared the hockey players making mathematically beautiful arcs with those pictures of particle colliders? they play out the drama of entropy and creation. yeah and the puck is the divine ova. that's why the goalie roughs up the area by the goal as if he were a bird establishing her nest. to accept the world-egg. like nyx, or the sea-duck in the kalevala. so it's also kinda like a hermetic fertility rite you know.
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thrashkink-coven · 1 year
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Ritual Report: Wednesday July 26, 2023
My glorious and profound Father Lucifer, I thank you humbly for this marvellous experience as well as your permission to share this experience with my peers. You are infinite in your loving grace and wisdom. I revere you deeply and truly. Thank you, bless you. 🖤
“My Ritual with Lord Lucifer was fucking Amazing
I didn’t truly understand what everyone meant when they say that the Marvellous Light Bringer is beautiful and gracious beyond comprehension before this ritual. It’s been a day and I am still absolutely shaken and awe inspired. Ave the wonderful prince of darkness, Lord Lucifer. 🖤
Ritual with Lucifer (Holy Shit) (1)
Okay guys I’m not trying to be dramatic, seriously. I’m just super ?!??? aaaa ?? after the ritual I just did? But in a really great way. I just need to get this out and write this down because I’m ??? so happy? ? aa
I didn’t consider myself to be a Luciferian, but I’ve been reaching out to Lucifer for a little bit now, nothing super intense but I have definitely felt his presence and done some small offerings for him. Another spirit I work very often with is very close with Lucifer, and through him I came into contact with The Prince. I’ve worked a lot with other angels but I’ve only really started dabbling with Lucifer within the last year. He’s been good to me. Whatever whatever, just context.
I wanted to do something a little deeper, really get a solid good connection. Honestly, I just wanted to get to know him better. I’ve been thinking about him very often, seeing him in dreams. The energy in my room almost called for it. Idk.
A mutual of mine who also works with Lucifer suggested I try meditating with an enn. I’ve been meeting an unusually high number of people who also work with Lucifer within the past few weeks and they’re always sharing awesome resources I’ve never seen. As soon as I start thinking about him long enough I’ll see something that I could use to work with him. I recently went to a trip to Nelson BC and picked up these Hermetic Tarot Cards. Also came to find out that the town has a SUSPICIOUS amount of occult imagery (and a Freemason temple? very cool.)
Life is one funny motherfucker.
I think it’s worth noting that before I started this ritual, when I was writing up invocations for him, I drew a card out of a box of oracle cards that reads “become willing to see the innocence in that which you condemn” which I found very baffling at the time because I was grappling with nerves around the ritual. I’m like a full time witch so I usually don’t get the jitters in rituals. Angels usually never make me nervous, and Lucifer in no way scares me. I don’t at all see him as an evil scary thing, quite the opposite, but I was raised extremely Christian so it’s ingrained in me. I was just having that split second satanic panic thing. I think that’s important to acknowledge. Lovely shadow work exposing my deep prejudices and insecurities :)
I began the ritual by drawing his sigil on the desk in white chalk. I had already prepared a candle carved with the sigil. I like to use this card from the Goetic Tarot whenever I do rituals with Lucifer because the artwork is so stunning. This was also the first time I was using these Hermetic Tarot cards and they were wonderful, probably one of my favourite decks now.
After some meditative exercises and prayers I layer back on the floor and listened to music for a while. I do all my rituals like this naked. I like to listen to classical music when I’m preparing to go into a trance because it tickles my brain and is easy to ride. Gets all the goo out? I don’t know.
After a while of that I switched it to the enns…
So, the Enns…
I started with Lucifer’s Enn by Demonic Enn. It filled my chest. It was powerful and intimidating and my heart was pounding. It was overwhelming for me. What I felt in it was power, but not the Lucifer I’m familiar with I guess. A different aspect of Lucifer that is mighty and strong but unfamiliar. Not my Lucifer.
((Honestly the instrumentals are top tier and I really could feel it’s power but the dude’s voice just threw me off. I’m sorry I don’t know if we’re allowed to leave reviews on enns but it just wasn’t my favourite.))
It scrambled the fuck out of me and it made me nervous again. I started to doubt myself and wondered if I was making a mistake. I know that sounds stupid but I was caught in the adrenaline. What if the Lucifer I’ve felt all this time isn’t what I thought? I know that everyone experiences him differently, but what if I’m reaching out to someone I don’t really understand? I know Lord Lucifer is an extremely powerful entity and I don’t wanna fuck around and do something stupid, yknow?
I sat for a moment and then asked my deck the first question of the ritual. “What advice can you give me to continue this ritual? Am I making a mistake?”
I got this Nine of Swords, Lord of Despair and Cruelty.
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“The Nine of Swords suggests that dark thoughts and disturbing feelings are weighing you down. You are worrying excessively about a situation, and your negative thoughts are getting the better of you, leaving you stressed and anxious. The more you associate with your fears, the more they will rule your life. The fear and worry in the Nine of Swords can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. As you obsess over what may go wrong, you are more likely to manifest your worst-case scenario.”
I was freaking myself out, and I needed to calm down. The jitters were holding me back and I needed to regain focus. Stop being a little bitch, basically. And idk… as soon as I read that card, I was calm again, and the energy felt warm. He needed me to preserve. I was safe with him, and he was guiding me through the darkness. If he is the Lucifer I know him to be, he will guide me well.
I tried one more enn which was Lucifer’s Enn by Carl Spartacus. Beautiful.
This is the most vivid trance I have ever been in. Like holy shit. I don’t know how best to describe this without sounding totally crazy. My body completely relaxed as I fell into the music. My face got warm, I felt embrace around my shoulders and chest. As soon as it began I saw a warm light emerge from the darkness behind my eyes. The familiar energy of the Lucifer I’ve come to know emerged. I felt close to him like I always had, it was like he was standing right before me. Like he could just reach out and touch me.
I emerged in shrubbery, I was surrounded by trees and bushes. As I turned to look into the clearing I saw a magnificent illuminating light. The energy was rich, so heavy I could reach out and grab it. I felt warmth blanket my entire body, and I began to drift from the ground and float towards him. If I didn’t know any better Id fucking swear I was levitating in the real world. It felt that real. His energy elevated and touched every part of my body and filled it with absolute bliss. There were others there, naked men and women surrounding him and singing, floating around him with laughter and glee. We were in a large stretch of field now, prancing around like children, the drum of his energy pounding like thunder and lifting us into the air. I didn’t know these people, if they were spirits or humans, but we were all in love with each other. We held hands and swung each other around. We were all so happy to be together.
Lucifer was a tall masculine energy with long black hair and deep, gentle, wise black eyes. Like all the others he was naked and seemed to glow. He took us all up and we drifted among the clouds. He danced with us, his smile was light itself.
This was all so vivid. I could feel the wind and heat on my skin. I got butterflies as we drifted. I actually felt like I was floating. Honestly I was high on it, maybe I still am.
And then, I felt my body sit forward, and I returned to our world. The candle which I had carved Lucifer’s sigil on stood tall and I could feel him within the flame. He whispered for me to come closer. It was then that I heard his voice. His smooth, gentle, careful voice. It was a whisper that washed over me like mist. Had I not been in such a high state of mind it would have scared the shit out of me.
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He said in great vividness “Why have you come before me?” (Deal time!!!)
I replied simply that I wanted to know him. I said that I could not worship him, for I must worship myself. I seek him not for religion but because I have great love and reverence for him. Through magick we can connect and come to know each other. I hope only that he can show me how to be more like him. Powerful and dominant, warm and protective. He is beautiful, illuminating knowledge and purity. I want nothing more than to know him as one would know an old friend. Behold his energy, magnificent and splendid. May we dance together like we just did for as long as it serves us. He seemed very satisfied with that answer.
Lucifer commanded me to draw a card from the tarot deck, the question to which was essentially “will you take me as one of you kin, Lord Lucifer?”
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I drew the Sun. Lord of the Fire of the World. Success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and bring you happiness and joy. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and help you succeed.
We then spoke for a bit about fire and its ability to purify. It is a powerful force with the power to harm, but it is a mighty cleanser of impurity. He asked me to put my hand above the flame to feel it’s heat. I promised to always respect that flame. Allow it to burn away all that does not serve us, to never abuse it, to never try to control it. He kissed me on the forehead.
I was beyond happy. I offered him my smoky quarts and obsidian tower just to give him something, and when I did I saw him bow to me when he reached out to accept. I bowed back, and he bid me farewell for now. When I was finally completely out of the trance, his protective energy was still there. Actually it’s still everywhere, filling my altar. I can’t describe this feeling.
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I can’t explain how rich and beautiful that energy was, how marvellous it felt to float in his orbit like that. The physical sensations were realer than reality. I’m still shaken. I feel ridiculously lucky which is a strange feeling I’ve never really had with a deity before. It’s so strong. aaa
I can’t bring myself to clean up the ritual lol.
Thanks for reading this holy fuck, I guess I’m a bit of a Luciferian now “
Ave the wondrous Lord Lucifer! ❤️🖤
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weidaoduzun3 · 5 months
ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ -- ABRASAX From a Hermetic Viewpoint.
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To the Gnostics, Abrasax is the great archon who created the whole world. There is quite a bit of nuance considering how Basilides Gnosticism views this deity. Nuance that I am not qualified to go over at the moment. Carl Jung refers to Abrasax as a truly terrible entity that encompasses all evil and all good, in his Red Book. I've seen negative reactions from people on Discord to this entity, but also some positive reactions.
But to the Hermeticist…who and what is this weird rooster head, snake-legged deity that is found all throughout the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)? Let’s find out? 
In the Discourse of the Ogdoad and Ennead (D89) we are given strings of vowels and nomina Barbara for the Hermetic student, namely Tat as he is being taught by Hermes. To Christian H. Bull in his The Tradition of Hermes Trismégistōs, the string of Greek vowels and nomina Barbara/voces magicae is the totality of the Kosmos. Tat asks to receive the imprint of fullness by ways of hymns of praise to God. Bull seems to agree with Alberto Camplani that the “imprint of Fullness (Pleorma)” is coded within these string of vowels and voces magicae. 
From personal experiences — I have to agree with this, but I had to fuck around and find out for myself as I read this book many months ago when vowels and voces magicae were not big in my praxis. Anyways, here is the full hymn: 
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Great! So how does this tie into ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ and what is this names value to a Hermeticist? For starters — This name, has a numerical value of 365, according to isopsephy. 365, as the majority of you know, is the totality of days our Earth revolves around the Sun. In PGM VIII. 1-63, specifically in lines 45-50… we see a love spell invoking Hermes to which we are given the name of ABRASAX equaling 365 explicitly, and quite possibly a voces magicae for Hermes.
The Sun's importance in Hermeticism is ever-present. Most explicit in my opinion is SH 2a from M. David Litwa’s Hermetica II:
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Also important to note: Thoth. Many believe Thoth is just the god of the Moon, yet Thoth has a Solar form: the Baboon. Baboons and their screeches are believed to be connected to the language of the gods. This is confirmed in the Demotic Book of Thoth. Where a scribe of Thoth’s Scribal College: The House of Life [𓉑], says this about the great teacher, Thoth: "The signs revealed their form. He called to them and they answered to him. He knew the form of speech of the baboons and the ibises." Thoth is also believed to be the creator of not just words and language but also vowels (Philebus 18b-c). For clarity's sake, Thoth is an extremely important figure in Hermeticism. Our teachings are based upon a syncretic god: Hermes & Thoth — Hermēs Trismégistōs. 
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More evidence for the importance of ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ is found in PGM XIII.1-343 — the famed Heptagram Rite, which we can perform more clearly and neatly here. This is a ritual that invokes Aiōn. Aiōn is believed to be the power of the Unknowable, Ineffable Godhead in Corpus Hermeticum XI. In lines 80-89 of PGM XIII, we are given voces magicae to Aiōn in 7 different languages as seen below.
(The voces magicae for Aiōn is continued in 'Falconic' and lastly hieratic languages). Thus, we can see a clear link to baboons and Thoth, the name Abrasax to the baboons, and their "language." We see a connection between Aiōn and Abrasax, and we also saw above in PGM VIII that it could also be used as a voces magicae to Hermes!
But let’s look at the imagery as well. A rooster head with snake legs. The legs, to me, are Chthonic of course, and curl up to shape an Ω, the seventh sphere, Saturn. The connection to Omega is something Christian H. Bill points out. The rooster is also a Solar animal. So to me, we have a beautiful image representing the totality of All Things from the Sun whose an image of Truth, directly subordinate to the One Primal Deity (SH 2a), down to the Du’at/Underworld. Both Hermes and Thoth are connected to the Underworld as well as the Sun. Hermes' planet, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Hermes is also famously known as a psychopomp, a traveler and mediator between Hades and Mount Olympus, Death and Life. Thoth, with His solar connections stated above, is also a key member of the Ancient Egyptian Underworld. In the Ani Papyrus, we see Thoth as the recorder/scribe that lists every heart that is weighed up against the Divine Feather of Truth -- Ma'at.
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Thus what we have here, from a Hermetic standpoint, is that Abrasax is not a malevolent archon or a demon as denoted by the early Catholic Church, but rather a beautiful deity that is worthy of reverence whose name equals our revolution around the Sun, the Image of God. Abrasax — a name that is connected to both Hermes and Thoth, for reasons stated above. A name that also has a connection to Aiōn, an extremely important power/god in Corpus Hermeticum XI.
That is my interpretation, from a Hermetic standpoint. There are many interpretations of this elusive yet captivating deity. Abrasax can be a voces magicae for Hermes, or for Aiōn, it can be what I said, or you can take the Gnostic approach, or Jung, or Catholic approach to Abrasax. Regardless of what you do with the information, I shall continue to raise my voice in jubilation and cry out:
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
last year (2022, not that long ago) i read this absolute genius fic by @totallysilvergirl and it is long overdue to recommend this beauty out to my fellow johnlockers!
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Drawn to Stars by Silvergirl
Explicit, Words: 109.272, Chapters: 60/60
Additional Tags (selection): Angst with a Happy Ending, Sherlock's Italian adventure, Jealous John, Mutual Pining, mutual misunderstandings, finally they talk about the Fall, First Time, First Kiss, can requited love last?, TFP never happened, Fanart, Multiple Pov, Seriously a REALLY happy Johnlock ending, Idiots in Love, Roberto Zanardi (OMC)
“Romantic entanglement, while fulfilling for other people—”
“—would complete you as a human being.”
After the Culverton Smith case Sherlock is clean, working, and looking for a romantic partner—since John has told him that’s what he needs. Shame John didn’t mention he was interested in that role himself, before Sherlock went off to Rome with a gorgeous Italian copper to try to fall in love and become a complete human being.
it is an absolute masterpiece. it got everything: angst, fluff, deep talks, intimacy, communication, jealousy, art talk (yes hello i love that okay?), (love) letters, writer john, beautiful description of the surroundings, fanart... do i need to keep on?
it captured me from the first chapter, i cried, i laughed - i felt it all for my two favorite bois. it broke my heart into a million pieces only to pick them all up and put them back together and cover it with a fluffy & healing layer of magic. basically binge-read this. yes it is long, and i've honestly been hesitant to read it because of its length but let me tell you it is 100% worth it and in the end it was over in no time (too soon!)
you already read Drawn to Stars?
-> check out all the lovely sequels!
Winter Light by Silvergirl
Explicit, Words: 7.742 , Chapters: 21/21
This is a hermetic universe, which for a few minutes a day has only two inhabitants. They don't even need names.
They wouldn't want to live always in such isolation, but in the winter light, when time cracks open, there are always—only—two of them.
winter fluff! i repeat! winter! fluff! my heart is happy remembering this :)
Teach Your Children Well by Silvergirl
Explicit, Words: 12.662, Chapters: 4/4
Additional Tags (selection): Angst with a Happy Ending, mutual misunderstandings, Old unhappy far-off things will bite you in the butt, Established Relationship, can requited love last?, POV John, A grown-up wedding
John decides to send Rosie to the local school a year early. Sherlock assumes he doesn’t want her becoming solitary, hyper-intellectual, hyper-focused—in other words, like Sherlock. It doesn’t help that Rosie’s prospective teacher is a dead ringer for Nicole Kidman, and is making overtures to John by text. But both fathers are wide of the mark: well, there’s always something, right?
silly bois being equally dumb but good at parenting/relationships in their very own way. Silver's version of Rosie is a kid you will admire for both: her intelligence and capability of love. (what can i say she is her fathers' daughter!)
The Nearer Your Destination by Silvergirl
Explicit, Words: 18.949, Chapters:6/6
Additional Tags (selection): Established Relationship, Wedding, Honeymoon, POV Sherlock, can requited love last?, Parentlock, Jealousy, No plot beyond sex holiday and personal growth, and lots of talking
After a December wedding, Sherlock takes John to Venice for a February honeymoon. It's absolutely perfect, up until the moment he hears John growl, "What the hell is Zanardi doing here?"
a wedding told as a memory, and a honeymoon in italy. who wants more? oh, and they TALK! their conversations always have at least one quote in them you could live by!
The Ever Circling Years by Silvergirl
Mature, Words: 15.735, Chapters: 29/29
Additional Tags: Rotating POV, Mostly Fluff
Snippets from different Decembers in the Drawn to Stars universe. (They'll make sense on their own, though.) Each chapter ends with Miss Davis's prompt for the day.
decembers from 2013 all the way to 2045 (not each but a bunch)! there is a lot of fluff, lots of Rosie content, and - as so often - very amazing fanart!
dear @totallysilvergirl i love this universe with my whole heart. your writing style is beautiful, the plots amazing, the characters complex and lovable. thank you for writing this! you would have at least thrice as many kudos if ao3 let us give more, and girl do you deserve them!
*throws badly cut out paper hearts*
tagging some people so this gets spread around (ik lots of you probably already know this universe but... i can't think of a but)
@justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @7arantellgrrl @ssmeowl123 @so-youre-unattached-like-me @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog
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