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tolkienesque forenames + theological angels and demons + roman and brythonic deities BUT excluding "a"
Behelus Behor Beleshel Belyol Benelwin Bercus Berepius Beres Bereth Beril Berin Berintir Bermendus Bernus Berrus Berturiel Berumbor Beruns Berus Bervine Bezberkelf Bishen Bollo Bomiriono Bonzimloc Boris Bornuin Bornus Boros Borth Boutus Brich Briel Brieldo Brielocir Brimbri Brivir Bubrionwë Bubus Budiry Bukouleg Burfin Burwen Bëorn Bórwendis Celes Celfinúmin Cemul Cerin Cheriel Cheries Cheus Chimë Chorn Cicoenwë Cifel Cilbel Cinvechos Cleneth Clept Clorin Coces Coenes Conius Coron Corphir Cothon Cromë Cuborn Cullioniel Cundil Cunúvir Curion Curth Curtunos Cyberes Círin Dechil Decir Deldohegel Delene Deles Delethory Delith Dellu Delphkil Denus Deristel Digorlif Diliel Dilkhâl Diriel Doriel Duilge Dured Dáinor Déoder Díriel Dírith Ebrimir Echul Egnos Eldir Eldiriën Electh Elendë Elfwin Elliberil Elphoskees Elron Elroth Elurgios Emend Emeniel Emielperee Entorwin Eonos Erethor Erichus Eriel Estelwë Estops Estrestes Eärel Eärendis Eärnus Eärwentu Felern Ferine Ferio Ferkel Fervon Filim Finemboth Finiel Finus Flotheel Foccubub Forcus Foril Foriën Fornelrorn Foron Fredur Frempos Frilos Frinúmius Fundim Furonor Fírin Gilmë Giriel Glicid Glillor Glorgondir Goldë Golfhiel Golio Gonelen Gonius Gonos Gornenes Gotorus Grine Grinueth Grisus Gudil Guessios Gusor Hegoriel Helecth Helethors Helis Hemeng Hemoni Heregor Heresthron Heridri Heriel Herin Hielicth Horgeld Horiel Huornhír Hámoron Hámory Ibern Ideree Idevendel Idrephil Ifrin Imelwë Indiron Ingol Innis Inzilmon Ionduriel Irios Isclo Ivirmius Jegolomun Jehon Jehus Jindin Junus Jupiel Jupis Jupitë Kiendir Kilif Kirilúk Kromë Kúvin Kúvis Kúvitemel Lebrinelen Legil Lemene Lemin Lemnus Lemon Lempes Lendurge Lenthiri Lepis Lerel Lessormiel Lestinusil Leves Liberin Libezbeon Licidrops Lildoc Limion Limlius Limor Liningor Liontringo Lothôn Luchin Luchon Luchos Luchu Lucif Lucir Lucis Lucist Luinil Lummorn Lundir Lunes Lurin Léodwyn Mefin Mehel Meillus Melum Melus Melzel Mendil Mendis Mendocel Mennus Menwë Mephiel Merester Mergor Meristione Merus Mestou Metel Methos Minduglir Minesegol Miriterin Modeucir Mogus Mondin Moniel Month Morie Multusih Murontis Murub Muturn Muzzim Míril Mírios Nenus Nepos Nielebrel Niellorl Ninin Nithrórin Nocel Noros Nákhîm Nákhôr Náris Níninzil Nómes Nómir Ogollyë Ogunus Oline Oltherúth Ophqies Ornus Orodrion Ortel Ortus Pelego Pelim Penemen Penes Periderine Pesili Phorli Pidemo Pidog Piduus Poldë Polos Pomilitim Pothiens Pothráin Poyoth Priel Prielenth Privinus Probielmon Prodrerië Propicur Propius Prutin Pudilil Pusoin Ressollor Rodeon Ronos Rutus Sciritis Scone Scorruns Scothoel Sedhroden Seidor Seidrion Seiondus Semod Seriel Seris Serus Sheres Sherith Shetir Shiel Shirisir Shnáros Siessiel Sihelin Simbri Sioncimur Sisullor Smonios Sollush Soyel Spesh Spestven Stemetes Stisione Stregin Strete Suchir Súrin Telemeros Temelendir Tenwë Terubur Tevethiry Theus Thiel Thielen Thiron Thomnur Thonwë Thoriel Thoul Throd Thymolë Toher Toheus Tonwë Tophimiel Tortris Tungel Túriel Uinex Ulottiosh Umnunír Unúvion Uoros Vegor Vegus Velen Vendil Vendor Venduil Ventiel Venui Verio Verus Vervehus Vidum Vidumnus Viduruf Vistius Vitus Volcwin Volth Vonus Vorfin Vorin Vortis Werion Xendui Xezephsil Xezepius Yellod Yeqonzil Yetel Yethielen Yávis Zeptus Zielin Éodeserus Éodeus Éodisiel Éombomë Éomir Éotir Éowentuolf Óinio Ördil
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Name Ideas for your Blades MC!
Radinka / Radinkus / Radinkan / Radinkiel
Raztya / Raztius / Raztian / Raztiel
Rasia / Rasius / Rasius / Rasiel
Lumiosa / Celaena
Torian / Torius / Toriel
Tauria / Taurian / Taurius / Tauriel
Castelia / Castelian / Castelius / Casteliel
Hespera / Hesperian / Hesperus / Hesperiel
Herus / Heriel
Ovidia / Ovidian / Ovidius / Ovidiel
Maridiya / Maridiyan / Maridiyus / Maridiyel
Aspertia / Aspertian / Aspertius / Aspertiel
#playchoices#choices#choices stories you play#pixelberry studios#choices stories we play#blades of light and shadow#blades#choices blades#choices bolas#bolas#choices mc
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Woher nehmen britische Teenager ihr Wissen über Sex?
Mehr als ein Drittel, nämlich 36 % der Befragten, gaben an, dass sie ihr Wissen über Sex von Freunden aus ihrem Umfeld erhalten haben.
Die Sexualerziehung an britischen Schulen ist unbefriedigend, da die meisten Schüler ihr Wissen über Sex außerhalb des Klassenzimmers erwerben, wie eine Studie ergab.
Eine Umfrage der Wohltätigkeitsorganisation Brook ergab, dass nur einer von sieben Teenagern angab, sein Wissen über Sex doll hauptsächlich aus dem Sexualkundeunterricht in der Schule zu beziehen.
Weniger als einer von zehn Teenagern gab zu, dass sein Wissen über Sexualität von seinen Eltern stammt.
Diskussionen unter Gleichaltrigen
Mehr als ein Drittel, nämlich 36 % der Befragten, gaben an, dass sie ihr Wissen über Sex von Freunden aus ihrem Umfeld erhalten haben. Dreizehn Prozent der Teenager gaben an, dass sie ihr Wissen über Sex aus Zeitschriften, Büchern, MTV oder dem Fernsehen bezogen haben. Fünf Prozent der Befragten gaben an, dass ihr Wissen über Sex von pornografischen Websites stammt.Silikon Sexpuppe
Die Sexualerziehung in den Schulen ist nicht auf dem richtigen Weg Im Rahmen der Umfrage wurden 2 000 Jugendliche im Alter von 14 bis 18 Jahren per Fragebogen gebeten, den Lehrplan für die Sexualerziehung in den Schulen zu bewerten. Fast die Hälfte der Befragten gab an, dass der Sexualkundeunterricht in der Schule ihnen nicht das vermittelt, was sie wirklich über Sex wissen wollen. Einer von fünf Befragten bewertete den Sexualkundeunterricht an der Schule als "schlecht, sehr schlecht", während 40 Prozent ihn als "durchschnittlich" einstuften.
Heriel, eine der Leiterinnen von Brook, sagte, dass junge Menschen eine echte, praktische Sexualerziehung verdienen und dass der Lehrplan für Sexualerziehung in den Schulen eindeutig unzureichend ist.tpe sexpuppen
Ein Sprecher des Bildungsministeriums erklärte, dass eine umfassende interne Evaluierung des Lehrplans für die Sexualerziehung an Schulen durchgeführt werde, um Schwachstellen zu beseitigen.
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Acabado de salir de la cárcel la ex pareja de enfermera asesinada en Isabela
Acabado de salir de la cárcel la ex pareja de enfermera asesinada en Isabela
Heriel Román Padín fue arrestado anoche como presunto autor del asesinato de su expareja Jeanette Rodríguez Ramos ISABELA – Heriel E. Román Padín, el sujeto que fue arrestado anoche como alegado autor del asesinato de su expareja Jeanette Rodríguez Ramos, supuestamente había salido de la cárcel hace poco tras cumplir una condena por violencia de género contra otra mujer. Jeanette, de 41 años, se…
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Character sheet - Melody Kotobuki (season 1-3) It looks like it's done by hand but it's actually done thanks to the Clip Paint pencil The card is obviously on 1-3 season - Name: Melody
Nickname: Melly, Mel, Melody-chan, Sweetie and Little-angel Lastname:Kotobuki "Kimizuka" * (Kimizuka is the surname of her adoptive parents) Age: - 1 season - 15 and a half years - 2 Season - 15/16 - 3 Season - 16
Height: 1.62 cm Deck: Fairies and Angels Relatives: Dark Lillian The Eternal Queen/ Princess Lillian (Ancestor) Rose (Victorian Age)(Ancestor) Relatives: Mother: Lily Collins Kotobuki (Deceased) Father: Koichiro Kotobuki Aunt (Lily's sister): Angie Collins Twin sister: Ashley Kotobuki Kimizuka Seiji (Adoptive Father) Jolene Lopez (adoptive mother) Zodiac sign: Libra Date of birth: October 17th Favorite food: Fried shrimps, egg sandwich, crambled eggs and poochy Hated food: Oysters School: Duel Academy Dormitory: Slyfer Red
Character: Melody is a girl with a shy and caring character, but it is difficult for her to make friends because of shyness, but when she gets comfortable with people she is equally kind.
She throws herself headlong to help people in need without knowing who they are, given that for her kindness is what puts her first, but often her naivety does not often help her to distance good from bad, it's only because she thinks that there is more of a good side in people than a bad side. She gets embarrassed many times when she has to show up in front of a group of people or when they compliment her. Despite everything he knows how to be available and very sweet with the people he cares about. She is able to see the spirits, most converse with her friend Kuribon (and other spirits) but she hides this talent to prevent it from looking like a strange girl in front of the others.During the duels she becomes decidedly brave, even if sometimes she takes that slight panic, puts aside the fear and becomes more determined not to give up easily, she always tries to find new techniques with her deck to win, but it does not always happen. It is clear that she is available, the proof is when she helps Mrs. Dorothy / Tome-san to cook for the Slyfer dormitory. Melody she has not had any love experience, it is clear from the beginning that she is inexperienced, considering her naivety even on two-way speeches but being a girl who loves romance she daydreams us, and is committed if she wants to demonstrate the his feelings to someone. Often she is afraid or worried about others, and for this reason she wants to protect all her friends and loved ones, without thinking especially of herself, as she has a great fear that she keeps hidden from everyone, the only thing she has thought of , is that phrase that always remembers her mother that makes her strong. She is easily frightened when she has nightmares or strange dreams, and this intimidates her because she wants to know the truth, even if this can scare her, she wants answers.Melody proves to have a heart of gold and pure, not only because it is a part of herself but it is also because she is the heir to the power of Gentle Light, a pure and innocent power, but very powerful as it becomes complete. Enveloped, she influences people or animals next to her in a positive way, for example when she sings her voice, she lifts people's minds and makes them calm and calm.
Relationship (in progress): (These female characters that I am listing are from my OCs and I will also make them depicting drawings to introduce them to you.) Ashley Kotobuki: She gets on very well with her sister, and their bond is even more united after that tragic event in their past that made her separate happened. Since then Ashley becomes protective with her enough to make her look like an older sister, they are twins but they have a different mentality even when it comes to boys, which protects her from boys who don't like her, threatening them with her exits, for Melody she is not very quiet when Ashley takes it out on Judai, despite having done nothing and her sister can't stand it. She knows he can always count on her when she needs it. Lucy Suzuki: In the beginning she found it difficult to make friends with her, indeed Lucy hated girls who had big breasts, and Melody did not even get to understand the reason but she still tries to chat with her and find nice topics that they could open a conversation, even if Lucy was silent she did not give up. This amazes her so much that she doesn't know if she considers her stupid or kind. They manage to become friends enough to make Melody look like an older sister. Lucy calls her "Nee-baka" (stupid big sister) affectionately ... maybe?
Judai Yuki:
They are roommates with Sho and Hayato, she met him at the lake when he was looking for her, since Daitokuji-sensei / Professor Banner was worried about her and asked Judai, Sho and Hayato to look for her. being a new student who arrived and feared she might get lost. From that moment on she started to have a crush on him, but most of all you feel a sense of familiarity as if he has always known him, and the same also applies to Judai, even if he thought it was just his impression. growing this feeling more and more, she tries to take courage to open up with him. (during the second season timeline) Knowing that he always finds the food she prepares for the canteen Slyfer good, she feels happy when he receives a compliment from him. In the adventure there at the academy she claims to be noticed by him, albeit so light, and in a shy way, but she simply tries to be herself even if she does not mind showing herself and does not want to be the center of attention. of all, but it is easy to worry about Judai when trouble arises that hovers over him
Gentle Light:
There are dreams that Melody often makes, and in those dreams a girl appears who has the physiognomy of a pure girl, is one of the many skills of Gentle Light, she can appear in people's dreams. Initially she rarely appeared in her dreams as the power in her is mild but when she is complete, she often appears to give advice to Melody and give him the right answers to every question. Melody feels protective of her and makes sure to protect her at all costs from Darkness of Distruction and her brother Light of Distruction.
Eternal Queen / Princess Lillian:
The ancestor of Melody, was the princess of the kingdom of Light and Water (Symbology of each monster that belongs to the "Light" "Water" category). Lillian was also an heir to Gentle light and was the betrothed of the Supreme King. In the arc of the "Dark World" Melody will understand the truth about who she really is and what binds her to Lillian, thus freeing Lillian from the darkness, thus becoming one with her to stop with Judai, Yubel and Heriel, and returned in their world..
Heriel: The angel who in childhood was next to a melody together with Splendid Venus, belonged to a Lily before being switched to a Melody, held, his mind was corrupted after the fire that killed Lily, believed that the family had abandoned her, since Melody's father exiled her by sending her into space, accidentally finding himself with the capsule where Yubel was also kept, since then he vowed to take revenge together with "Her", Yubel, her lover. In the final battle between her and Melody, Melody decides to combine her soul with Heriel's so as not to make her suffer anymore and to bring her back to see the truth, never abandoning it again, remembering that in the Lillian era they were linked by a deep and unique bond .
Melody was born into a very rich and famous family in the working field, since it is the third richest family after Maximilian Pegasus and the Kaiba corporation, Kotobuki Enterprises is very united with the company precisely with the latter, in terms of business and work on the production field of Duel Monsters. Lily Collins gave birth to twins: Ashley and Melody, of which the latter suffered from a weak constitution as a child, easily got sick but was somehow strong and for this she was able to recover positively, but they avoided making too much effort, living in one of their villas, one of which was located in the countryside. She and Ashley had a happy and normal childhood with their family, they were united and helped each other. They spent more time with the servants, their nanny and their mother, not many times they spent it with their father as he was often busy with work, the times they saw him usually was on weekends. She was the first to see the spirits of Duel Monsters, at her 7th birthday, her mother gave her her first two cards: Splendid Venus and Heriel Angel of Light. After their 7 years, in December, someone lit the fire in the villa, the flames gradually destroyed everything that was in the villa and there Melody and Lily separated from Ashley and the housekeeper. They tried to escape by finding a loophole in the secret streets of the villa, but they met someone. That someone, or rather a man, killed his mother Lily, and the girl entered a state of shock, crying and screaming, creating a light that surrounded herself, by away the man from her to her unbeknownst and then, she disappeared into thin air, saving herself. Nobody knew what happened to Melody, they said she had died at the fire like her mother, or disappeared. Ashley believed that she was still alive and would keep her pendant every moment of her life until she found her missing sister. Melody was found in Domino City, in a family home no longer remembering who she was, she remembered very few things like her name, she only had Splendid Venus with her, feeling that it was an important card of an important person for her. For months she frequented the family home by being with his peers in which she lived, always having questions about who she really was or if they had abandoned him, yet even if he got sad, she always found hope. She is eventually adopted by the Kimizuka family, taking care of her, treating her like a real daughter. After that he passed a quiet and safe childhood, and growing up he engaged with his studies and became kind every day, often remembering those words he remembered: "Strength, kindness and courage are the keys to being a heroine or princess but she must not forget to be loving and sweet towards others."
Trivia: - She and Ashley are twins, the first to be born is Melody even though she herself calls Ashley big sister - His favorite subject is the story of Duel Monsters - She is Nippo-American, born of an American mother and a Japanese father. - When she was a child, she suffered from a weak constitution, which, growing, seems to improve little by little. - She is able to see the spirits. - Heir to Gentle Light's power - It's the reincarnation of Princess Lillian - She is afraid of thunderstorms and fire because of a shock that occurred when she separated from Ashley when she was a child. - Can play the piano - His singing relieves the soul of people and many other creatures, giving a positive effect. - Communicate with Gentle Light through dreams.
#melodykotobuki#story#melody#yugiohgx#yugioh#ygogx#gx#ygo#Yugiohduelmonsters#Yu-Gi-Oh!#OC#girl#blonde#background#Character sheet#relationship#Judai Yuki#sho marufuji#jaden yuki#syrus truesdale#lucy suzuki
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Nooo!! He's in love with her and she's marrying someone else!! 😭
c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s .
#ariel x hercules#disney crossover#kristinart_18#ariel disney#crossover ship#ariel#the little mermaid#princess ariel#tlm#disney ariel#the little mermaid 1989#hercules x ariel#crossover shipping#hercules#disney hercules#hercules disney#hercules 1997#heriel#hercriel#my otp forever
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Names generated from American and French forenames, including the letter "L"
Alben Alber Alberiquel Aleenna Aleenny Aletsy Alfrew Alietsyllie Alilia Aliverry Allew Alpha Alphari Alphenaline Alucie Aluzabra Aléane Alémic Ammillio Aneline Anklia Anuel Arieli Arlaudy Arlio Audeli Auliste
Beclaudon Belenée Belince Belly Bentinel Berley Bertale Bettelick Beuline Bilia Billiquet Bininanklie Blane Blanton Blavel Brall Braquelody Braularjoel Brenelph Bricel Briniquelis Briole Brold Brolle Calia Casoliert Chald Chale Chaël Chearl Cheliane Cheliela Chelip Chlexandie Chola Chrily Clanie Clanna Claurtany Claurtia Cliandal Clindoregh Cline Clivan Cléanne Clémikarle Clémirgin Clémy Cobela Colan Colaulille Colereily Colla Colodyssa Colyd Corarl Cormell Couil Daimeloé Daline Dalla Danloris Darislivain Deathelicki Delienthier Delisa Dieule Dineigillen Dolga Dolilly Domillen Dwild Dwiscalbell Editholay Eilla Elencyris Eline Elinet Eliva Ellyne Elmarce Elorry Elsabla Elsilla Elvick Emablanine Emilbeu Ergela Erilly Erryl Esandyl Ettalton Etthal Eulier Fabitarl Fablaula Faelie Faeloren Fancel Felio Flonnie Florie Florineen Flormatrine Flory Flosette Flougelia Flough Flougue Floémica Fradlean Framélouild Gallynez Gargilly Gartley Gaylen Gelle Gelsald Geredel Gertlen Ghalie Gillexin Glaitne Glaroloy Glory Grethole Gréline Guanarlett Gélicecla Haleodnaly Haliandone Harloy Hecléandy Helberlone Helle Hellyne Helphithyl Heriele Hernel Holaulie Holdan Hophelie Hughile Hughilles Hugle Irlivia Jamelie Jandril Jankli Janklia Janpaul Jantholynny Jargethlen Jaylan Jeale Jealian Jeankline Jeanlose Jerreilie Jesliecia Jessablane Jilbaph Jilla Jilyn Jilyne Jimelilyde Joelia Joelley Joelordarvé Johaëllin Josemmarl Joycelen Joëll Joëllandia Julanne Julard Julaur Julen Julic Julieulie Julille Juline Juliolyd Julisel Julivicto Junoly Jussald Karlen Karoycel Kathild Kaëllean Kaëllie Kelaudenn Kelen Kelio Kelip Kelis Kelle Kelma Kencel Kenethelly Kevald Krild Krilinez Krylea Ladard Ladran Landa Landy Lanel Lanne Lanoît Larce Lasmira Laudylvier Laula Lawna Laytoineine Leance Leill Leillassie Lencel Lencencey Lennicie Lentonny Lenée Leorett Leregay Lette Lettendie Lexavic Lical Lielleory Lieris Lieve Linie Liquel Liscoly Lisephil Listy Llaure Lleline Llestineine Loisamotti Loisonesa Lolgal Lorafaberry Loran Lordonie Loryl Lotha Lothalman Lottenzo Louila Lucel Luces Lucian Lucierne Lucila Lucild Lucildren Lucis Ludia Ludoresty Luisèlerray Luperek Lynniffel Lystaliquel Lémie Lérèseanda Mabillacque Magginnela Mamical Mandrald Maniceline Marisèle Marlauré Marlex Marmarle Marnol Marshaëlla Maryleanic Marylenris Maxisale Maxisyle Mellen Melline Melphammy Melsirgin Melsony Melviole Melyne Micoli Millance Mille Millene Millie Mohaël Monicedwild Morgelie Myrookel Mélia Mélie Méline Mélissie Mélivallene Mélizaber Mélora Mélène Nallaude Nathlen Neilyn Nièles Nolle Nollyne Océlivine Olayl Oldebbinie Olgarce Ophelle Oredelle Osephilisty Paldrie Palene Palerranien Palvance Pamélie Paudelice Paulandsan Paule Paulie Paulifra Paulivie Phell Phill Phillistie Prilizan Ralbery Ralvina Ranmillex Rarle Raylvie Redwarlodie Rielly Rieulie Robela Rodolend Roldienney Roldiennick Rolgane Rolie Rollee Rollistiney Rorisadelle Roscalbette Régill Régioline Rélia Rélis Salexan Salie Samuelly Shargaël Sheilline Shele Shlorance Simoryl Sonalyn Sophille Stellive Steveryl Stitalbera Suelle Sylaudebby Sébarnaline Sévettylvie Talene Talice Tallex Taluderedne Tamergesil Telorgen Thathewille Tondel Tophelin Trissiely Valew Valexis Vallettaco Velas Velin Vergarley Vichelie Vicillip Walianicia Wallad Walucillen Warceclie Waricelia Waristel Warlee Waromarlyn Waylvirethy Weslie Wilah Wilist Yollacy Yollette Éliermarine Élina Élique Éloineen Élèneil Éraline Évelillyn Éveracquel Éverlyne
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Names generated from Tolkienesque forenames, excluding the letter "A" and including the letter "H"
Belephel Beleth Belethil Berecth Beredh Beredher Bereth Berethor Beronthôr Beropher Berophor Berothorl Berth Berufthir Bervedh Berveneth Berúthôr Bifurth Bifurthir Bifurthor Boldoher Bolfhel Bolloroth Bollothor Borthrór Brecth Bredh Bredhen Bregoth Brendilkh Breth Brielbêth Brodrecth Brohir Broth Brothéod Bóredh Bóreth...
Celbêth Celch Celecth Celecthin Celeglúth Celegoth Celethel Celethôr Celfher Celmoth Celothir Celrothôr Cilkhîm Cothel Cothil Cothor Cothos Cothróg Cothôn Cothôr Curthor Curufthôr Deleth Dohir Drecthir Dredhel Déodherin Déoth Dírilbêth Ecthelen Ectheredh Ecthir Ecthiris Ecthmo Ecthor Ecthoriën Ecthostel Egothrod Elbelfhil Elbêth Elebredh Electho Elegolch Elephil Elephoron Eleth Elethir Elethmo Elethor Elethéod Elfhen Elfhir Elfinedh Elithôr Ellothiel Elmoroth Eloth Elrophorn Elserthôr Elvedhed Endugloth Endurth Eredhel Erestohed Erethôn Estoher Estrethor Eärecth Eäredh Eärenedh Eäreth Eärethine Eärethir Eäretho Eärethróg Eärneneth Felbêth Fimbereth Folch Forth Frecth Fredherin Freth Frethir Fretho Frethor Frethorn Fílionth Fílithil Ghânbreg Ghânbrion Gilkhâd Gilkhîm Gilúth Gimithmo Glimloth Glithmor Glorophen Gloth Glothelm Glothen Glothor Glúth Glúthir Glúthéomë Golch Golfher Gontoher Gornhír Gothin Gothir Gotho Gothor Gothos Gothrór Gothéowyn Grohir Grophedus Grothil Gwingerth Hedhróg Helbel Heldil Heleb Heleg Helegil Helegorl Helen Helend Helendion Helendur Helephir Heleth Helfwin Hellui Helmo Helmoron Helob Helrod Helron Helserund Helug Helumbor Helwë Helyë Hendir Hendor Herendil Herestë Hereth Heriel Herilútho Herin Hering Herken Herkene Hernuin Herohelin Heron Herondur Heros Herostel Hertius Herum Heryonur Herúthor Hiendir Hildo Hilimo Hinel Hinelmo Hinzimen Hirin Hirion Hirish Hiryon Horin Horion Horlin Hornieldë Hornim Horomilg Hundenwë Hundil Hundir Hundirin Hundor Hundorn Hundredh Hundur Hungwin Hungwë Hunínimir Huníriel Hunúmene Huolgerië Huollor Huolori Huorl Huormoth Huorn Huornur Huoro Huoron Huorontho Hámog Hámon Hámor Húrien Húrik Húrimbulë Húring Húrinyë Húrion Húris Idervedh Idufthôr Ilrohir Imith Imlith Imothoron Imrophorn Imrother Ineth Ingothost Inrodreth Ishel Isheregin Isheron Ishnámor Khânbor Khânbren Khânbrion Khânbro Khânbur Kílith Lecth Lepherth Lethiel Lethráin Linethin Lothil Lothor Lugloth Lurthor Léoth Léotheleg Lúthili Lúthôn Lúthôr Melfhedh Melfhir Meredh Mereth Minroth Mithin Mithir Mothelmë Mulkhâl Mulkhîm Mundush Nedhel Nethir Nethéoth Nielbêth Nieleth North Northôr Nákhîm Nákhôn Nínimlith Ohelegil Ohelenwë Oherumbor Ohiel Ohing Ornhel Ornhír Orohel Oroth Orothéod Orthin Peloth Pendoroth Peredher Pereth Perethel Pernhír Perophel Peroth Perothéod Perúth Pherecth Phervegon Philkhîm Phirger Phirion Phirmo Phorn Prineth Rúthil Rúthor Shelmë Shereth Shergong Shern Shnáin Shnámo Shnámog Shnárin Shnárine Shnárinel Silkh Silúth Siongoth Snorth Steleth Telephed Telephel Telephor Teleth Telether Telimroth Tellothir Telmothmo Telroth Theldomir Thello Theredh Theridur Theriel Therthorl Thertin Thiel Thieldur Thilúk Thinelen Thing Thingon Thirin Thirië Thiriën Thirë Thmog Thmon Thmor Thorion Thorl Thorm Thormo Thorn Thort Thorwend Thost Throndir Throth Thráindil Thráindor Thráing Thráingor Thróf Thróg Théod Théodrimë Théomë Théorn Théothôn Théowyn Tingoth Tiush Tuoroth Turth Túrionth Ufthielen Ufthir Ufthôr Ugdush Ugloth Uglothôn Ulfherdis Ulfhil Ulfhing Ulfhir Ulkhâd Ulkhîm Ulkhôn Ulkhôr Uolch Uoroth Urgoroth Viondilkh Vorthel Vorthor Woropher Éodhelyë Éodhros Éodrethôr Éomeleth Éomitho Éorthir Éothil Éothir Éothorli Éothos Éothôr Írilbêth
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Names generated from female Portuguese forenames, excluding the letter "A"
Becilete Belde Belene Belile Belis Belpômene Benice Beres Bermo Bertine Betermo Betígideis Brides Brine Brute Brícis Bríone Bríope Cedes Cedite Ceição Celis Cesinge Cibete Cieline Ciete Cimene Cindite Cleiz Clene Cleone Cleonstáli Clomé Clope Clordeição Cloro Clote Cloís Cláucíli Clávio Conces Cones Conoelete Conope Conorene Constálio Corde Cordei Crenes Criciele Crido Criel Criete Crililene Crine Crise Cácielei Cátilipe Cátine Céline Célipe Célis Cínice...
Deline Desimone Domeição Domirginês Dorde Dorene Dulces Débor Délis Délite Délope Edegis Edeição Eldes Elene Eliel Elilesmene Elindiloís Elinisete Elise Elomermí Elomé Elpômeise Elpômel Elpômene Emeição Emeli Emelipe Emene Emenebenes Emerce Emerenes Emine Emíliniete Emílvodore Emíope Enéloé Erenes Erine Ermene Ermíris Esimo Evertine Eveveves Feberes Febete Febetícide Felene Feleteone Feliceiz Felilde Felmiláudo Felope Feloé Ferce Feres Fermí Fildes Filene Floméli Flope Flordei Flordete Florose Florosé Fláude Flávio Fábilio Fátindre Fátine Geição Gelei Gelenéliel Geleonor Geliodores Gelis Gelícine Gemíope Genor Gentipe Genéloé Geres Gertríope Gilmilude Gisel Giserespe Gisete Giseveres Glomeiz Glomé Glope Gloperes Glorde Gloís Glárce Glárcel Gláris Gláucélote Gláude Gláudeição Gláudes Gláudo Glávice Glávio Glávitei Grice Guelene Guelio Guidébor Guilene Guine Guinês Gustile Gustális Heldes Helete Helilote Heline Hercine Heres Heriel Herio Hermí Hildel Hélope Hélote Idoro Ifildes Ifine Indre Intine Iresmene Irespe Issideiz Jorde Jordeição Joseli Joselipe Josemilis Josete Josetermí Josilenes Josáli Josális Judeirine Judel Judetine Juditeris Judor Julce Julces Julielei Júlicine Júline Júnice Júnicise Júnidele Leição Lemíope Lenes Lenicibe Leodorde Leonstinês Leristális Lertrudor Letei Letere Licede Lices Liete Linice Linês Liolipe Lucei Luceição Luces Luciel Lucile Lucine Lucise Lucéli Lucélice Lucélise Lucélisel Lucélote Lucéloé Lucílipe Lucíntile Ludeleodo Ludes Ludigénis Ludore Luide Luido Lurdeirle Lurosé Lurélis Lígone Líline Lílio Lívice Lívio Lívioli Lívite Lívivite Lúciete Lúcimo Lúcis Lúziel Lúziete Lúzite Meição Melei Melis Menes Meres Merine Meriz Mermene Mertrute Milope Milurde Miniete Mires Míope Míriz Môniceiz Mônidélope Mônise Nebendrene Nesmelor Nespe Nesárine Nopernéli Noris Nádite Núrio Núrise Núrsulce Ofilemel Ofilurde Ofine Oféli Ofélope Oleição Olene Olenorde Oleteres Olgile Olipe Oláviol Onoemí Onstinês Ourde Ouroseloé Ourélipe Ourélis Pendrícile Permelinês Pilde Pildes Pileneves Pilhel Polipe Polisilete Poláudoro Pridélis Prine Quele Quelenes Queli Quine Rebecis Rebeleição Reniete Resmene Respe Rilinês Rolemíope Rolávices Rolícise Ronope Rosefebe Roseres Rosete Rosevere Rosáli Rosárce Rosáris Rosárite Ruteonces Rutere Selene Selope Semíope Setígise Shili Sibene Sibilde Sides Sidomene Sildes Silio Silorene Silvio Simene Simile Simires Sindre Sinespe Sinês Sofile Soféli Solene Solete Soliete Solinês Solio Suedes Suele Sulce Sulceição Sulces Sulipe Sulise Sunção Síline Sílis Síliseli Sônice Sônirloé Teição Telinês Tenis Teodo Teodovilde Teone Teonol Terene Terilote Terôniete Thileone Thire Tridéli Trindite Trute Trígondres Tálisete Tásinês Veres Vermílis Vertrine Vevesmele Vileonope Viláuce Viláudo Viodite Viodo Violídile Vivio Vivite Vivivio Ximonoli Xângei Xângelor Xângéli Xânice Xântônice Zielope Ziteone Zitóris Águine Ândres Ângelene Ânice Ântine Úrine Úrinês Úrsuelinês Úrsunção Úrsuz
#444 names#444names#fantasy names#name stash#names#fantasy name#markov gen#dnd names#markovgen#character names#random fantasy names
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#ariel and hercules#heriel#disney crossover#my edit#KristinART_18#dont like it - dont watch it#my OTP
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imperial names from tes + same thing but with "e" placed in the middle of every consonant+vowel pair
Adeevein Aemeena Airnindeie Aisinbeon Aldaranne Aldra Aleethil Aleiste Alioneale Aliveor Almeon Altureien Anarna Anarupule Ancea Anceonay Andar Andeon Andorvus Aneimel Aneire Aneor Animith Antear Antil Antumbealf Anyaireind Anyea Anyean Aralarean Arear Areen Areer Areiondeas Areireil Armon Arndeen Arrin Arrion Arteireil Arumerseil Arwaengon Aryaangwen Asteure Astil Astorre Astreon Ateil Atelmo Athre Aunstor Aurme Aveien Beameon Beintil Bethaseair Caesear Calar Caleil Caleoe Caleoran Calkal Calwindel Cameirwe Cameonil Caminwe Carmeoria Ceaalen Ceaceller Ceach Ceadeireil Cealf Ceameen Ceanwe Ceawe Ceeceuleus Celein Ceocare Ceoreuanya Cerfirein Ceuin Ceuldeel Cilambande Cilwe Cirear Clotheivel Corein Coren Cormeide Culeino Cumeoril Curealene Cymbarea Cymbel Cymil Cyrea Cyrear Cyreeriel Cyreineen Cyrelil Cyreulumo Dearea Deilmen Deirin Deius Ealeil Eande Earie Egeade Elameireil Elangwe Eldal Eldil Eldolleia Eleandon Elearne Eleie Eleireular Elian Eline Ellia Elturil Emeindalie Eneuldech Engeeldo Enumeel Eralleir Ereileia Ereim Ereion Erenendar Erireock Ermion Eruleil Erullewe Erydeorin Eseasole Esoril Esseioneil Estealion Faeondeo Fareiten Feahiren Feasse Feeluuleo Feian Feigeuna Feilie Feiryrel Feius Fenwe Filin Finelwena Firan Fisealwal Fisteanya Frond Gaeil Gaewe Gamoriil Gandil Gando Ganoceome Geand Geawen Geibear Geiel Geirion Glereuen Grandrione Grear Greiseion Gyreo Heawe Heeleenl Heereure Heerna Heolde Heorrien Hereerion Heriel Hetheion Hidewe Hilear Hileil Hinweneore Inealin Ineil Inerreus Ireyame Iseiilenya Istaaleil Itareor Ithenore Ithyairwen Jeorren Jordorene Jorvea Kalan Kalaran Keelean Keelsein Keete Keleinwe Kemeamme Keneel Keona Kilin Koreis Korion Lameayrea Lanya Larcean Larweimeo Laturil Lauremia Leail Lealine Leande Leari Leasheia Leenyea Leian Leiel Leien Leileweus Leimeareie Leirana Leireed Lelbarnena Lembeanwe Leorenwel Leorseimin Lerdeanwe Leuneion Lielyealil Lieneain Limeock Lirie Liseeleon Liseire Loreoneana Loril Lornewe Lovea Manldinwe Manyreil Meaamean Meereeren Meewe Meianteil Melan Meock Meorion Meurande Mileuudos Mithreurie Molteare Morren Narceana Neagre Nealde Nealdein Nealdeus Nearea Neemel Neemion Neerya Neiel Neilwe Neise Neissel Nelear Nelle Nelweemo Neolbalil Neolyire Neoreien Neoreireue Neurlur Ninyan Nirivirete Nodeakea Nondeim Nulyea Nuulwina Ohadeenor Ohtheer Oimereelar Oinar Oleareunia Olque Opythre Oreanilre Oreinwe Oreinwyne Oreir Oreole Oreon Ormeeron Orneovir Orneoyea Pamon Paneen Peaneuil Peayus Pelleion Peolheer Polde Preiante Premeiran Psyeastal Psyginogwe Pydeangea Qeuceorawe Qeuffindwe Qeumeonde Qeuuranyon Qorwuurme Quancel Quare Quarion Reambealia Reicearn Reineian Rendeurg Reondeius Reudeintin Rille Rinwe Romeerril Rubeornea Ruceinbina Rulineon Rusbar Ruuffeante Ryaon Saleneus Sandeulare Seaaleor Sealanweo Sealeneel Seaneallor Seanreion Searealeil Seilinde Seilmear Seion Seondeen Seorde Seoreil Serie Seumber Silare Singeador Sireivea Solie Solil Solyarma Sorulon Spear Speir Spendor Steelyeena Steurtaamo Stileodos Taawe Taire Talina Taran Tareo Taryaarn Teaar Teaas Teandeiel Teanean Teangea Teathten Teeewe Teeleile Teelyante Teendorria Teimn Teion Teireitha Teleil Teleo Telmeuere Telseare Teome Teoreire Teoromeen Teuma Thath Theawe Thmainos Thowen Thren Tileirean Tindeiel Tireen Tureinarwe Tuwen Tweieleil Ulanea Ulseuarre Ulyeerle Umanal Ungealeil Ureandilin Ureewen Urindeian Uufase Uurein Uurnar Uuvil Vaerilwe Valdaweae Valde Valestil Vaneirinin Varea Vasharea Veafirreen Vealeanfea Vealeimer Veallearya Veameindur Veamo Veananeel Vearearea Vearine Vearn Vearwe Veindorie Veine Veion Veirein Viteil Vromiredal Wathlle Weengeia Zeairea Zeelwatand
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#Aguadilla CULPABLE EN TODOS LOS CARGOS HOMBRE QUE ACUCHILLÓ EXPAREJA HASTA MATARLA Heriel Elias Román Padin, quien había sido pareja de la enfermera Jeannette Rodríguez y el pasado marzó acabó con su vida a cuchillazos, fue encontrado culpable de todos los cargos que enfrentaba. Los hechos se remontan al pasado 6 de marzo cuando Jeannette se encontraba en su hogar, en la carretera 4494 km 1.6 del barrio Galateo bajo, sector Chevin Román de Isabela cuando fue mortalmente atacada por Román Padín. Román Padín espera por la sentencia, mientras los familiares de la enfermera están complacidos de que se le haya hecho justicia. https://www.instagram.com/p/CUuhMhflET8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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