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hearts4werka Β· 2 months ago
sturniolo exposing account when i GET U 4 hating on tumblr dot com user hearts4werka
β€’ you’re so adorable honey I luv u sm πŸ˜­πŸ’— dw I’m not bothered by their lack of arguments it’s honestly funny to see their poor reply’s to anyone
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kiltparty-a Β· 2 years ago
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ The gym was quiet for once and Scott was rounding up balls; he had managed to grab some time with the help of the team's coach. Normally it was booked out by the basketball guys, but there was a half-empty slot on the roster and he had leapt at the chance. A few times a year the team liked to get off of the ice and do some dryland exercises together ( as opposed to individually ) and it was good for them to bond. The downside was that they hadn't gotten the place entirely to themselves, the plus was that they had had to share with the cheer squad β€” generally a kinder audience, even if not always. Everyone had headed home now though, everyone except him and Chrissy. Throwing the last of the equipment on the rack, he moved back to where he had dumped his water and dropped next to her on the bleachers. It was silent for a moment before she spoke and he paused after to think about it.
He thought about when he turned to fast and saw Cameryn where he knew that she wasn't, about the times he felt like his brain was moving faster than his body could keep up, about the days he couldn't open his eyes in case someone else was dead across from him. Scott shrugged, ' dude, sometimes I feel like I lost it and everything I do is just about trying to find it again. '
Brown eyes glanced at the blonde and he wondered where it was coming from, ' do you feel like you're losing yours ? '
β€” @herhaunts : ❝ do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind? ❞
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ofpar1ahs Β· 2 years ago
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β β€œ Β  The Β  idea Β  of Β  perfection Β  holds Β  me. Β  ” @herhaunts
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worldsxapart Β· 2 years ago
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@herhaunts asked : please don't make me do this by myself. / for steve!
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Steve watched as Chrissy fumbled with the keg nozzle. He smiled. "Here. I got it." He said with a smile, taking it from her. "It's tricky." He filled it cup. "You know I didn't really take you for the party type." Steve admitted.
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lcveblossomed Β· 2 years ago
@herhaunts asked: no one's ever actually just... sat down and listened to me. / for eddie!
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Eddie knew how that could be he knew it too well. When he had first moved to Hawkins he had no one. No one wanted to be his friend or try to understand who he was as a person. It wasn't until he'd basically forced Jeff to be his friend that he had gotten anywhere. Now he felt he could talk to Jeff and Gareth about anything and God had he. He should be that for someone he should do that for someone, for her. He makes a show of grabbing two chairs bringing one over to her before he sits down in the other. "Well I'm down to listen whatever you want to talk about. I may ask a question or two but I will try my best to save all questions until the end." He says with a little smile. He's teasing of course though he does want to hear what she has to say. "Go on give me your worst. I promise I only have 3 friends so I really don't have people to spill your secrets to."
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deathsbecome Β· 2 years ago
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@herhaunts: okay, i’m kinda freaking out right now.
into the spiderv.erse / accepting
"okay, well, don't do that." very helpful. admittedly, addy is...generally not the sort of person someone looks to for comfort. she's so used to ignoring her own feelings that she's not particularly good at handling other's feelings. "i mean, it's not...any worse than anything we've dealt with before, right?"
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hearts4werka Β· 2 months ago
ur theme is gorgeous😭 lit how do people come up w this stuff !!!
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graunblida Β· 2 years ago
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@herhaunts sent: ❛ You know how I feel about you. But I can’t think about anyone that way right now. ❜
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it hurts, but lexa understands why this news has been broken to her. they're in their final stretch of senior year and the tests, papers, projects, commitments and college applications won't settle down just because they're OVERWHELMED. it's exciting, getting that much closer to adulthood, but also scary. adding emotions into the mix is a recipe for sensory overload.
there's the tiniest bit of relief at the notion her feelings are not unrequited, but it's still unknown what the future will hold for them. the timing...it's always the damn timing of things, isn't it?
lexa gives a slow nod in response to the cheerleader. " i get it, " because she truly does, even if she had still hoped they could make things work. emerald eyes drift away from looking at chrissy directly, a part of her terrified concerned she'll start to get emotional if she maintains eye contact. " i, uh, still have an extra ticket if you wanted to go to the game? " they could still support one another's endeavors like friends do, right?
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amantesmultorum Β· 2 years ago
@herhaunts / Chrissy:
"it's not your fault."
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Eddie didn't look up. He was fiddling with the pencil and his sheets of music. He shook his head, as he forced his eyes to focus on the paper and the notes. " It doesn't really matter if it's my fault or not. Everyone's already decided that it is. " And that was the truth, wasn't it. That's how small towns work. Especially places like Hawkins, Indiana. " They take one look at me, and their mind is made. It doesn't matter what I do, the damage is done. I am a freak. I am the DEVIL. The bad guy. It might not be my fault, but as long as everyone else believes it is, there isn't really anything I can do to fix it. " But that was fine, he didn't have too many friends. It's not like he's lost anyone yet, he still has the same handful of people he could rely upon.
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frxncaise Β· 2 years ago
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@herhaunts asked: i don't know what's out there, but i'd like to find out.
gazing out into the great unknown, a chill runs down her spine. angΓ©lique has always been a nervous child, more so than any of her peers. it got worse when she entered adolescence, blame it on the hormones and whatever. but she has been doing better ( she thinks she is ). curiosity is normal, but hawkins is no normal town. from afar, it appears to be like any other small town middle america. however, upon closer inspection, its darker side is on full command. the disappearances and strange occurrences have happened far too many times to be mere coincidences. the thought of losing someone she cares about weighs heavily on her conscience. angΓ©lique cannot handle losing another person, especially someone so dear to her. "i'll go with you, it's dangerous to go alone."
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worldsxapart Β· 2 years ago
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@herhaunts asked : i don't know how else to ask you. / for vicki!
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Vicki smiled at Chrissy. She remembered her from High School. She'd been on the cheer team. Vicki had seen her at her basketball games. "No worries." She smiled, looking around her bag. "I always have an extra outfit with me. For times like this when we spill." She said handing it out to Chrissy. "Club soda should get that stain out. My mom swears by it." She smiled.
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lcveblossomed Β· 2 years ago
@herhaunts asked: β€œthat wasn’t like you at all.” / for alice!
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People assumed that Alice was a lot of things. A bully or a bitch sometimes just downright cruel. They took her dead pan stare and her lack of filter to mean she was a lot of things and nice wasn't one of them. She didn't mind it actually she preferred it that way. She couldn't be hurt if she kept everyone at an arms length and they couldn't see her pain. Sometimes though she messed up sometimes she let the mask slip. She was nice and she was a good girl really smart but fuck she hated when people knew that shit. She goes back to the deadpan expression feeling far too vulnerable and exposed. She shoves her hands in her jacket pockets and shrugs, "Yeah well- if you tell anyone that happened I'll deny it. Then I'll cut your perky ponytail right off your head so uh- don't." She extracts her lighter and a cigarette. "Not that anyone would believe you anyway."
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deathsbecome Β· 2 years ago
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@herhaunts: there’s just some things you have to do. doesn't mean you have to like it.
horror movie starters / accepting
"yeah, when it's something like finishing an essay or cleaning something." but the idea of social requirements has always made her bristle. she found it frustrating, partially due to her not ever really understanding what those requirements were. "this is just...it's bullshit."
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graunblida Β· 2 years ago
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emerald eyes close for a moment as lexa lets out the combination of a small laugh and a sigh. " i swear it's not that complicated. " she doesn't give herself the opportunity to imagine teaching chrissy the ins and outs of softball ( like how to throw a fast pitch ). that would only lead down a rabbit hole of LONGING, which is the last thing she wants to do. she's a little relieved when the cheerleader changes the subject. " definitely this shirt and maybe..." there's a slight pause before lexa grabs a tank top from the rack. " i don't usually wear crop tops but the material is really soft. do you think it's worth trying? "
"i did not get any of that," chrissy admits with a hum as she pushes the sunglasses up to sit on her head. "but anyway, it's not like i'll be leaving the cheer squad any time soon. i'm pretty sure captains aren't allowed to do that or even step down if they wanted to." not that it really mattered what she wanted; captain or no, chrissy wasn't going to be free of the uniform and pompoms until graduation. there would just be too many questions she didn't want to answer if she ever decided to up and leave. "are you trying anything on?"
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femmeraege Β· 2 years ago
tag 10 ( or more ) people you’d like to know better
favorite color(s): red!
song stuck in their head : i can see you (tv) (ftv) - taylor swift
last song they listened to :Β  flesh without blood - grimes
three favorite foods : steak, scalloped potatoes, mushroom soup
dream trip : euro rail trip through europe.
anything your muse wants right now: low key, some cute romantic threads would be nice
tagged by; @mecwmellc
tagging: @lcveblossomed, @havvkinsqueen, @rebelliousfamily, @sophiaharrington, @finalslay, @herhaunts, @soughthope, @antlerprophet, @wildkissed, @pvnkshooter
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cheersnap Β· 2 years ago
nothing on there yet but i will be moving chrissy to @herhaunts <3
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