#v: though her mind is not for rent (don’t put her down as arrogant) » stranger things verse.
graunblida · 9 months
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an assortment of dialogue prompts // accepting @shezoomer sent: ❛ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile. ❜ is max teasing leksa? yes, she is <3
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lexa makes a face, complete with the eye roll, when she turns to face the redhead. " i smile all the time. why do you guys always think i'm so grumpy? " to be fair, she has a STOIC resting face. and sometimes her fuse is a little short. details. " you know where you could see me smile a lot? hellfire club. d&d is fun. " lexa goes through a whole plethora of emotions while playing dungeons and dragons, which is one of the reasons the game is so appealing to her. she also enjoys combat statistics, lore and some good ol fashioned improv. she's not truly trying to guilt max into joining the group, she just thinks she'd have fun if she gave tabletop a try.
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graunblida · 2 months
ties all of her weapons together, with a heavy and thick rope.
@zoomingupthathill // madmax hours
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lexa gives the mischievous girl her INFAMOUS neutral look of displeasure. " maxine, " she starts, arms crossed over her chest. " why are you like this? "
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graunblida · 1 year
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@herhaunts sent: ❛ You know how I feel about you. But I can’t think about anyone that way right now. ❜
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it hurts, but lexa understands why this news has been broken to her. they're in their final stretch of senior year and the tests, papers, projects, commitments and college applications won't settle down just because they're OVERWHELMED. it's exciting, getting that much closer to adulthood, but also scary. adding emotions into the mix is a recipe for sensory overload.
there's the tiniest bit of relief at the notion her feelings are not unrequited, but it's still unknown what the future will hold for them. the timing...it's always the damn timing of things, isn't it?
lexa gives a slow nod in response to the cheerleader. " i get it, " because she truly does, even if she had still hoped they could make things work. emerald eyes drift away from looking at chrissy directly, a part of her terrified concerned she'll start to get emotional if she maintains eye contact. " i, uh, still have an extra ticket if you wanted to go to the game? " they could still support one another's endeavors like friends do, right?
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graunblida · 2 years
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@cheersnap​ sent: “ i had to do that… just once. “ :)))
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it feels as though lexa has forgotten how to breathe. a lot of bizarre things have happened in their town, but never in a million years did she think the girl she’s been pining over the last semester and a half would reciprocate feelings. the cheerleader’s lips are just as soft as she imagined ( she’d have the occasional daydream in class ) and she wishes she could feel their warmth for longer than a FLEETING moment. 
there are so many things she wants to tell chrissy. how the other is so beautiful and talented, and what a relief it is that she doesn’t hate lexa for being who she is. but they’re on a strict timeline. if any part of the plan falls behind, or if a phase begins too soon, FAILURE will be imminent. the chances of making it out completely unscathed are low, so lexa steps closer, gently cups the side of chrissy’s face, and kisses her back. 
“ when this is all over...i’d like to do that again sometime. ”
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graunblida · 2 years
this is late but it was too cute not to send:
Name: Robin Age: 19 Do you like to cuddle?: Did you say cuddle? I will cling to you like you are my favorite stuffed animal. Can we make-out?: Hell yes. And then when we are done can we do it again? A night in or dinner out?: a night in is preferred because then we can just be ourselves and I can hold your hand as much as I want to Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: I think this is a typo and should be 'and' and not 'or' What makes you a good Valentine?: I can whisper in your ear in French Would you cook for me?: I don't think you want to let me do that. I could burn down the whole house Would you let me cook for you?: I can always eat, so sure!
@wontgodowninhistory Thank you, Robin, Lexa happily accepts your application!
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graunblida · 2 years
in her st verse, lexa’s mom invites the hargrove/mayfield’s over for dinner -- at the time, both families are new to hawkins, tris and max hang out together and both their moms get along. lexa recounts it as one of the worst evenings of all time, as she and billy sat across from one another, engaged in passive aggressive digs the entire time. erin and susan are still friends in current timeline. 
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graunblida · 2 years
Plotted starter for @hellfire010​
        The first part of the plan sounded simple. Sneak into the gym and deflate twenty to thirty basketballs. Alright. Maybe a little time consuming, but nothing they couldn’t handle. Each had grabbed a ball and using the nifty little inflation needles they had picked up at the store, inserted them into the air valves and waited. .....Aaaaand waited. Minutes had gone by, and Lexa could swear her ball felt no different. There was barely even a hiss! “ You know, I’m starting to think it would be more efficient if we just took all the balls and chucked them in the river. ” Of course, the likelihood of them getting caught with that method was too high.
Whatever the case, they couldn’t back out now. Their scheme had been too sweet to abandon. Especially with all the grief Jason and his cronies had been giving them as of late. Their precious play off season just began and the team would SAUNTER into the gym before their game, which was in a half an hour or so, to find every basketball in the vicinity completely unusable. “ Come on, Van Halen, use those muscles! ” Lexa encouraged, squeezing her own basketball to help the air escape faster. The key had been to ensure the needle was as far in as possible. “ We only got about fifty more to deflate. ” They could make it in time, right? If not they’d have to improvise, because phase two wouldn’t complete itself. 
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graunblida · 2 years
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Relationship/ Dynamic Meme   //   Accepting  @hellfire010​​ sent: 💛 !! 
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send   💛 for our muses to be friends
Oh h*eck yeah, let’s goooo!
They officially met Lexa’s junior year, halfway into the first semester. Neither really knew how to feel about the other, especially before Lexa attended Hellfire Club for the first time. She thought Eddie would be an edgy, gatekeeping dude -- the kind who goes “nAmE aLL tHEir aLBumS,” when they suspect someone of being a “fake fan.” He thought Lexa would be stuck up, catty and only there to mock the group for their interests. Both proved each other wrong.
She sarcastically called him “Van Halen,” a few times, because of his name and overall aesthetic, and the nickname eventually stuck. Sometime later, he retaliated with “Lex Luthor,” and those are just a few of the many titles they have given each other. 
They bond over heavy metal, vinyl, hating authority and of course, fantasy and tabletop. 
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graunblida · 2 years
if there was a midnight premiere for aliens in 1986. lexa would have been there.
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graunblida · 2 years
in her str.anger th.ings verse, lexa’s parents met through the music scene. her mom played in a punk band before her career took off, and her dad dabbled with playing and attending local shows. they kept their old equipment in case their daughters became interested. 
in high school, lexa has a metal band called ‘devourer,’ ( a nod to one of her favorite comic book villains, galactus ). the group takes influence from genres like death and black metal as well as crust punk. she’s a drummer at her core, but is well versed in all standard rock band instruments. 
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graunblida · 2 years
@octeiva​​ smashed the heart! 
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       “ it’s supposedly been abandoned for years... ” lexa’s voice cuts through the silence like a knife. she doesn’t mean to startle the other, it’s just that the street is awfully quiet, and the girl has been lingering quite close to the property, as if waiting for something. the lot had probably been breathtaking decades ago when the house was first built. now the white and blue are dirtied from years of NEGLECT, with vines crawling up the sides. “ you know, kid, you’re kind of freaking me out with this whole ‘shinning’ vibe you got going on. ”  lexa feels a tingle which makes her arm hairs stand on end. could the house actually be haunted? it sure looks spooky enough to be. 
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graunblida · 2 years
steve: guys, it’s happening! where the hell’s the cassette player? dustin: [frantically inserts ‘ride the lightning’] i’ve got it, i’ve got it!  the gang: [holding their breath as ‘fade to black’ plays] lucas: this...is her favorite song? dustin: holy shit, that’s depressing. steve: FOCUS! lexa: [ in the mind realm hellscape, giving vecna the ‘ol razzle dazzle while her friends debate her mental well being ]
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graunblida · 2 years
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birds of prey sentence starters  //   accepting @percentstardust​ said: ❛   i  made  the  kid  my  apprentice  ,  call  me  a  softy.   i  dare  ya.   ❜ ( steve h )
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         “ oh yes, i am well aware of steve two-point-oh over there. ” to which dustin replies with an indignant ‘ hey! ‘ several feet away. really, their relationship was WHOLESOME. at first glance, the two had nothing in common. but after spending hours with the pair, in some other kid’s basement, there was no denying they were more alike than they’d ever admit out loud. “ and you are soft, harrington. state puft marshmallow man soft. ” it’s fun to tease him, though lexa knows someone could easily say the same about her. she’d do anything for her little sister, and yes, sometimes that included helping out tris’ dorky friends. 
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graunblida · 2 years
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when the neighborhood kids tell you it’s the end of the world a third time.
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graunblida · 2 years
i don’t know if hawkins high has a softball team, but they do now and lexa plays for them. her main positions are pitcher and shortstop.
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graunblida · 2 years
okay so if lexa was under a vecna attack, they’d have to play like orion or fight fire with fire, not because metallica is necessarily her favorite band, but because those would be sick fucking tracks to play while she fights him in the upside down parking lot. 
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