#here's the thing folks every time i write fluff it has to start with mutual pining
charmed-henry · 4 years
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13. Write a crack!ship au for one of your characters. 
(Read more is just for length, this is just extremely fluffy so no warnings just be aware that there’s a dumb amount of fluff)
Magnets: A Phinry Story
When Henry was just about to begin his first schooling lessons and meet other children, his mother sat him down and took out a set of magnets. She had wanted to be a science teacher, in another life, before the realities of being a woman in the Order had fully descended on her and her career options narrowed for her. But Henry’s mother had still gone and purchased some of the demo items, because she liked looking at them and thought they could be useful now and then in character education.
“Now, Henry,” his mother started. “People are a little bit like magnets.”
Henry peered at the magnets closely, determined to understand his first lesson of school, even if it wouldn’t show up on his report card.
“Do you see how when you put the two plus sign sides together, they repel? And same with the two minus sign sides?” She demonstrated, trying to push the magnets together and meeting resistance. Henry reached for the magnets, determined to see for himself. He frowned. “Exactly,” Henry’s mother smiled.
She turned one of the magnets around this time, so the positive met the negative. They snapped together. “But, you see, when they’re different, they stick together.”
Henry looked up at his mother, amazed by the little miracle.
“So remember, Henry: Don’t turn your back on someone just because they are different from you.”
There was one boy in Henry’s class who clearly did not belong there. He was a first-year student, wore a sweatshirt for the business school all the time, and yet here he was in Abstract Impressionism: Understanding Pollock. He sat at the front of the class and raised his hand to ask questions that most students would never ask except maybe in their very first intro class. Basic stuff. This was an upper-level course, and if you didn’t know the things you were supposed to by now, you kept your mouth shut.
Unless you were Phineas Flynn, apparently. 
Nobody else really seemed bothered by it, though. Henry complained about Phineas to the other members of the study group-- his million questions, his know-it-all attitude despite that, what a business student could possibly be doing in a class about Jackson Pollock-- and was met with blank stares.
“Honestly, I didn’t think about it that hard, mate,” Callum shrugged, not looking up from the diagram he was labeling meticulously. 
“Yeah, he’s probably just knocking out a requirement. Every module has one like that,” Riva added, looking thoroughly done with this conversation. “Cal, can I see what you have for number four?”
So Henry stewed silently. He knew when to drop something, at least in a conversation. But Phineas just wouldn’t go away. Figuratively or literally, considering he was walking over now.
“Hey, mind if I sit here?” he said, already plopping his books down next to Henry, who was just about to protest when Riva gave him a lazy wave of acknowledgement. Well. Henry didn’t want to be the asshole here, after all.
Henry got significantly less work done that afternoon than he normally would. At first, because Phineas wouldn’t stop asking questions and cracking jokes, and then because Henry found himself actually laughing at those jokes and answering those questions, and, really, because how could he focus? It was like a magnetic force, pulling him away from the work he was supposed to be doing.
And toward Phineas.
Phineas had gotten significantly bolder since graduating from Swynlake Secondary about going after what he wanted. Life was too short, and he didn’t want to be known as that guy who pined after the same person for months. So he made himself a promise, a sort of new-school-year resolution. The minute he met someone he had a little bit of interest in, he would ask them out. If they said no, well, Phineas thought that getting used to rejection was a good life skill.
It turned out that was easier said than done, though. In his first two weeks of Pride U, he had already invited multiple people to get coffee with him, one of whom turned him down, one of whom accepted and then spent the entire time trying to recruit him to a multi-level marketing scheme, and two of whom Phineas had a great time getting coffee with, but realized he had no real romantic interest in. Casting a wide net, it turned out, was very safe. If you only considered people who didn’t really interest you, then you never got hurt.
Basically, it was like this: if you were playing Mario and you only wanted to fight the Koopas, you would never win the game.
And if those little coffee dates were Koopas, Henry Charming was Bowser.
Phineas didn’t know what it was about him. He just kept finding himself near Henry, in the library or in line at the dining hall or walking around campus. Like some force was pulling them together. He rehearsed it a few times, the way he would ask Henry out to coffee. In the mirror, and even once in front of Mei, who was a love witch after all. She had told him what he already knew, though: if he didn’t ask Henry out, he would never know. If he did and he got rejected, then he would know it was over. And if he did and Henry said yes, well, there was a whole world of possibilities. 
The Bowser comparison was apt, Phineas thought, as he walked into class that day. The whole room felt like a freaking lava planet.
They didn’t get coffee. But they did end up at a party together, as Pride U students often do. Henry’s acapella club threw a new member recruitment event (once they abandoned the creepy-cult-ritual thing as a recruiting strategy) and Phineas, maybe in another act as part of the universe’s magnetic pull, wanted to join.
He finished one red solo cup of liquid courage and felt braver. And maybe a little queasy, because beer never really agreed with him. But it was a college party, and this was what you did at college parties.
Henry was outside, standing by himself and shivering in his polo shirt in the unusually-chilly September night. Phineas didn’t know it, but Henry was psyching himself up for the same thing Phineas was. Talking to one another.
But because Phineas was doing this new thing this year and he had to prove to himself that he could do this because he put these arbitrary markers of success on himself, he was the one who burst through the back door, quickly enough to trip over the step and go flying right at Henry. Like some force was propelling him forward.
“Blimey!” Henry exclaimed, stumbling backward as they both caught their balance. “Too much to drink already?”
“Actually, literally the perfect amount,” Phineas blurted out, before he could even stop himself. It was now or never. “Would you like to get coffee with me?”
“Coffee. Or dinner, or lunch, or I dunno, I think some people like to go on dates in the art building if you’re into that, I suppose--”
A smile twitched at the corners of Henry’s mouth. “So this is a date.”
“...Yeah,” Phineas said hesitantly. Oh god. Code Red. Abandon ship. This was it. This was exactly what he had feared. The word vomit started and he couldn’t stop it. “I just thought, you know, we really hit it off, but obviously, if you didn’t get the same vibe, that’s totally fine, like, you know what? Actually, I’ll just go.”
Phineas started to walk away, but before he could, Henry grabbed his hand. “Wait!” he said. And it felt like more than a magnet meeting its match; it was more like an electric conductor. Phineas froze and turned around.
“I’d like that.”
And then there was a pause, and they looked at each other for a long time, and then, like some kind of magnetic force took over both of them, they were somehow pulled toward one another in a kiss.
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daisylincs · 4 years
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Today is, officially, the last day of 2020 - so it's literally just in time that I'm getting to @aosrecweek's amazing challenge. But that does go to show the nature of this crazy year a little bit, right? Time has just been INSANE, and I honestly cannot believe it's so close to over.
That said, I want to put it out there that everyone - absolutely everyone - who created something in this mad year, is a SUPERHERO. Like. We could have hidden away in dark corners, curled into little balls, and lost touch with our creativity entirely - but instead, we made some of the most fantastic content I have ever seen. And, excuse the language, but that is fucking amazing, of each and every single one of us. We're bloody INCREDIBLE, you guys. We really are.
Now, the rules of this challenge dictate that I've got to start with some of my own things, then repeat with the same number of creations by other people. So I'm going to do that, and I apologise for the sheer length (and self-plug-iness) of what is about to follow - but, bloody incredible, remember? I really mean that. 💜💜💜
My Own:
you could call me babe for the weekend - 19k of Spideychelle being oblivious, mutually pining IDIOTS while being snowed in. And, you know, fake dating. (This thing was SO MUCH FUN to write and though, yeah, it got completely out of control, as evidenced by the 19k, I still really love it.)
'tis the damn season - my first attempt at writing a multi-chap, and, yeah, it only has one chapter as of now, but I really love said chapter. Basically, it's Daisy and Mackelena being friends, and honestly just the BEST friends - I adore the style I managed to achieve in this thing. Plus, the Skimmons I have planned up next is going to be da bomb.
the closest thing - Philindaisy plus fake family. Also; amusement parks. And for a fangirl like me - well, it was pretty much a dream come true to write!
oh valley of plenty - in this fic, I basically told myself, so AoS won't give us Huntingbird in the finale? Fine. I'll just do it myself then - in the fluffiest way possible. And that's exactly what I did - making them, and their kids, be best friends in Perthshire.
maybe life should be about more - a very angsty Skimmons and Daisy-centric AU, focusing on the internalised homophobia Daisy has experienced through her life, and shaking it off (and eventually, y'know, getting together with Jemma.)
and it's dark in a cold december (but i've got you to keep me warm) - Fitzsimmons just make such a supreme pairing for hurt/comfort, what with how insanely well they understand each other and care about each other, so I'm really glad for the Fitzsimmons Secret Santa giving me the chance to write this! Basically, this follows our science duo through a stressful mission on Christmas Eve (so yes, it's a mission fic!!) and realising that the two of them can do anything together.
july second - ahhh, one of my personal favourites to write! Daisy birthday surprise fluff will always be top-notch for me, especially for all the team-as-family fluff you can add in, especially especially that this is set in Staticquake times! Also, it's from Hunter's point of view, which will forever be the most insanely fun thing to write, I do think.
i just wanna be with you - man, I'm such a big royal fan, so getting the chance to write a modern royalty AU for my OTP was nothing short of amazing!! This is Princess Daisy and her fiancée Lincoln Campbell at their official engagement interview
see the line where the skye meets the sea - shameless season 1 bby Bus Kids fluff, featuring movie nights, singalongs and... so much fluff your teeth will rot. Also I'm really freaking proud of the pun in the title okay
'cause all that you are is all that i'll ever need - Huntingbird waking up together fluff (because, fight me, Huntingbird in their sweet moments is one of the sweetest things you will ever get to read or write.) This is also my, fluffy, take on the origin of the Franny's Saloon keychain.
we love you, we love you (and we hope you love we too) - aha, my first polyship fic! Also my first try at some actually fancy HTML formatting (forever thanks to Kat for explaining.) Both of these things combined to form a fic that even I think is ridiculously fluffy and funny, and kinda amazing, at that.
and man I don't know where the time goes (but it sure goes fast like that) - Another Bus Kids movie night fic, but this one set post-season 7, and reflecting on how far they've come. A little bit more hurt/comfort-y than it's pure fluff prequel, but still super fluffy and soft. And, of course, with a happy ending.
she shares my dreams, i hope that someday, i'll share her home - snowy Fitzsimmons fluff, complete with them falling in love at the Winter Olympics, as you do.
then you walked in and my heart went boom - 16k of Dekesy for the wife, and remarkable for that, because literally a month ago from this, I hated Dekesy with my entire soul. Then I started reading Kat's fics, and, well, fell in love with them... so much so that I wrote sixteen thousand words of enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, bed sharing holiday fluff for them.
a love like that - a Fitzsimmons Cinderella AU, featuring my two favourite science babies, in true science bby style, falling in love over science and how stupid the whole courting thing is. Also, Daisy makes a brief appearance, and she's the freaking best.
ever after - ah, probably the one single fic I'm proudest of. A post-season 7 Daisy character study focusing on her emotional rollercoaster re: losing her family/things never being the same again, which just achieves... an emotional level that I have never managed to replicate again. I was full-on sobbing while writing it, and, guys, it also part-holds the Closest To Making Kat Cry prize.
blue - Daisy character study spanning snapshots of seven seasons, and before - but tied together by something blue in every moment. Researching for this, and finding all the blue moments, was very interesting, and immensely satisfying, especially since all the moments where a little bit of blue was present actually combine to chronicle Daisy's journey on the show remarkably well.
who is that girl I see - the one time I decided to write straight angst, and straight angst with no happy ending. Melinda May post-Bahrain, folks.
take my hand, take my whole life too - aww, the first thing I wrote that I really and truly loved. A Staticquake and Fitzsimmons Actors AU, featuring a proposal on set and INCREDIBLE amounts of fluff and softness.
hold out your hand, 'cause friends will be friends - the wife's favourite, and, as second fics go, pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. It's a Soulmates AU for Staticquake and Mackelena, with the focus being on DaisyMack friendship, and lots of denial, angst, and guilt about finding their soulmates. (They figure it out eventually, don't worry - it's me, of course I made them happy.)
Fitzsimmons + Fake Dating moodboard - Fake dating will always be FAB, and picturing it out in a moodboard - especially for my clueless bby best friends in love - was the best, and super satisfying.
Staticquake + Orange moodboard - One of the cooler ideas I had for Trick or Treat (which I still have not finished, heaven help me) was to make a series of moodboards for my OTP plus different colours. This orange one is just so light, and cheerful, and happy, and honestly I kinda adore it.
This Philindaisy + Family Moodboard - making moodboards can be insanely frustrating when you just can't find the photo that fits exactly right. With this one, however, I found all the pics I needed pretty insanely fast, and, better, the whole thing just worked, and really nicely so, too.
This Bus Kids + Baking Cookies moodboard - there's absolutely NO faults to be found with tiny, adorable Skye, Fitz and Jemma concocting choc chip cookies - but I'm actually doing a tiny cheat here, because, cute as my moodboard here is, the accompanying fic by my love @eowima is the SWEETEST and best thing you could ever wish for!!!
This Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week Photoset - Day 3 of Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week focused on an emotion, and I picked confidence and power, because honestly, it's nothing short of amazing how confident and powerful our gorgeous girl has become.
This Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week Photoset - One of the times I wish I could gif, because this quote about struggling though never giving up just suits Daisy perfectly. The photos I found are cool, though, and I mean, it's Daisy, so that's already absolutely fabulous.
Other People's:
I managed to find twenty-six of my own things that I liked enough to put up there (because, yes, I'm that big a dork, 26 things for me being 26 is the way to go :D) Anyway, now that gives me the amazing chance to spotlight twenty-six of my favourite creations by my FANTASTIC mutuals! 😍
To start, my wife - Kat said I couldn't put everything she's ever written on here, so, ugh, I guess I'll just do my top five then. *grumbling* Everything by Kat is on here in spirit, though!!
Chasing Cars (even after the story ends) by @aleksandrachaev - the epic Dekesy roadtrip AU and incredible Daisy character study itself, which, I do believe, finishes today!! Words aren't enough to describe how freaking AMAZING this thing is, or how spectacularly well characterised. Just: if you haven't read this yet, you are missing out. You will laugh, you will groan, you will want to wrap Daisy in a very tight hug, and you will probably cry, too. This fic just has it all, really!
there goes the maddest man this town has ever seen by @aleksandrachaev - the post-season 7 Deke-crashes-the-Framework-Zoom-call fic I didn't know I needed (but spent the next two weeks rereading every single night.) It is absolutely INCREDIBLE, with all the Deke & Team feels we missed in the final outro scene, and honestly just the most fantastic writing. I cannot recommend it enough!
To Box It Up And Start Again (everything must go) by @aleksandrachaev - bloody hell, this BROKE me. Deke never really got to say goodbye in canon, but Kat gave him the chance to do it here. And, my freaking GOODNESS, she made it so incredibly bittersweet and heart-shattering. 10/10
i am a leaf on the wind by @aleksandrachaev - a little bit of a stretched-out, reflective moment in the season 7 finale. As Daisy lingers on the edge of death, she reflects on all the lives she could have had - and, man, what a study in bittersweetness!! This entire fic is utterly incredible, and something I think all Daisy fans should read.
Falling Into Place by @aleksandrachaev - here's a tiny cheat from me (sorry, babes, lmao) because technically this isn't one fic, but a series of three. Way too amazing to miss out on, though!! Set mid-season 7, this has the Chronicoms go after a young Mary Sue Poots to kill Quake before she can become a problem for them. They stop the Chronicoms, yes, but not without a TREMENDOUS dose of feels and hurt/comfort. There's also a wonderful little dose of Dekesy friendship, and then an adult adoption (!!) that honestly made my entire day to read. Actually, that's true for the entire series - I really canNOT yell about it enough!!
destroyer of worlds by @bobbimorseisbisexual - a study in incredible parallels between Jiaying's daughters. Utterly breathtakingly done, this will give you ALL the feels for this small and complex Inhuman family.
Muscle Memory by @robotgort and @bobbimorseisbisexual - a Huntingbird!! Bones!! AU!! And also a collaboration between two of the most fabulous Huntingbird authors in the fandom - honestly, what more can you ask for?! This will make you laugh, and gasp, and wince, and keep you guessing at each new plot twist (and also screaming at your screen for Hunter and Bobbi to get their acts together and TALK ABOUT IT.) In short: it's completely and utterly amazing, and I cannot, cannot recommend it enough!!
You Belong Among the Wildflowers by @libbyweasley - a freaking incredible Scis & Spies Regency AU! I only just started reading, but I was hooked all the way through, especially on the way Libby writes all four characters' complex relationships (and their attraction, and their history!) Everything about it is just completely stunning, and I for one cannot WAIT for these beautiful idiots to figure out they all belong together.
Family Snapshot by @tomatobookworm - if it's family fluff you're after, especially Staticquake family fluff, look no further! This tremendously soft and utterly amazing fic follows a day in the lives of a pregnant Daisy and her husband Lincoln, and their not-so-little family of Inhumans, both adopted and biological. There's also shopping with Grandma May, lots of feels, lots of shippiness, and just AMAZINGNESS all the way through!!
Best Day Ever by @loved-the-stars-too-fondly - Jemma and Daisy want to adopt a pet, and make a very special trip to Wisconsin to do it. Also, whether he knows who he is or not, Jemma has an important question to ask Cal - and just, AHHHH, everything about this is utterly stunning! For starters, Aubrey's writing is FANTASTIC, and the scene she sets is absolutely beautiful, and so very bittersweet. I was actually misting up a little with happy tears towards the end of this - really, I cannot recommend this enough, to any Skimmons fan.
so why don't we go somewhere only we know by @loved-the-stars-too-fondly - more Skimmons (platonic this time, though), more hurt/comfort, and, yes, again, more absolutely INCREDIBLE writing. This one is canon compliant, following a shaken Jemma struggling to sleep after Maveth, and how Daisy finds a way to help her out. Incredibly sweet, tender and BEAUTIFULLY written, this one was an instant favourite the moment I read it!
Unspoken by @anxiouslynumbme - a birthday fic for yours truly, and, honestly, one of the most STUNNING Staticquake introspectives I've read. It follows Daisy and Lincoln in a beautifully tender missing moment in season 3, with them both realising their feelings, and just... AHHHHHHHH, everything about it is utterly incredible!! I cannot, cannot recommend this gem of a fic enough
the thing about water droplets and ruffled hair by @que-mint-tea - here's another fic that proves, once and for all, how good Kat's Dekesy is, because it managed to convert T to write some Dekesy smut. And, oh my GOSH, what Dekesy smut - so goshdarn angsty, but so FANTASTICALLY characterised and written that it leaves you more than a little breathless, and gaping at your screen. The first chapter initially left us on the most HORRIFIC cliffhanger, but then T fixed it, and it's just... this thing is really a whole new level of emotional writing, raw and gripping and intensely perfect for both of these characters. My haw still drops whenever I think of this thing, and how utterly AMAZING it was, so yeah. Fic rec!!!
beautiful stranger, there you are by @justanalto - I do believe I still owe Serena a long and very gushy comment on this thing, because, MAN, does it ever deserve that!! Pipsy and fake dating, with the most HILARIOUSLY incredible writing, plot and characterisation, and honestly just a giddy "askhdfkhsfh" whenever I think back to how much I enjoyed it. Yup, it was that good.
Jumping to conclusions by @eowima - a very special one, because it marks my love Océane's first venture into writing AoS fic! It's an AU of 1x06 (the Fitzsimmons episode of s1) where Fitz does actually jump out of the plane to save Jemma. Realisations of feelings, and some of the most genuinely FANTASTIC Fitz characterisation I've read in a while, follow - and, yup, I was shouting at my screen for them just to get together already. Amazing stuff, really!!
Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit by @eowima - okay, this. This. Another gift for me, and one that I will probably treasure forEVER, because it is just?? so?? utterly?? perfect?? Just for starters, the title is a Hamilton reference - and then the theme of Hamilton references continues into the fic itself, I'm delighted to say. There's also the most BEAUTIFUL, playful Skimmons friendship, and teasing, and then of course the bet about who can make out with their crush first... Staticquake & Fitzsimmons perfection. And all rendered in Océane's delightful, best-thing-ever-to-read writing!! I'm going into a giddy keyboard smash just THINKING about this, so yeah, cannot recommend it enough.
lullabies and clear blue skies by @springmagpies and @bobbimorseisbisexual - okay, I never thought I'd catch myself shipping FitzBobbi, let alone shipping it this hard, but... wow. Maggie and Al teamed up to completely blow me away, and MELT MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEART with the sheer cuteness of this!! It features Fitz, Bobbi and adopting two daughters, and it's just the most tender, beautiful development through that little family - I love it so, so much.
We made all the wrong choices by @browneyedgenius - the winner of the AoS Angst War 2020, how could I not include this one? It is such a well-deserved win, though, whoa - I was sobbing, full-on sobbing, at least twice while reading. It follows the season 5 team through the events of the time-loop, after they failed to save the world - and, oh my gosh, it ripped my heart right out of my chest, but beautifully so. Everything about this fic just hits so hard, and it's written so well - yeah, really a most AMAZINGLY deserved win, for an utterly SHATTERINGLY incredible fic.
I threw stones at the stars (but the whole sky fell) by @nazezdha321 - this is Z showing us all how to write a backstory for a minor character, and write it so well that everyone's hearts break all over again when she dies. This one is about Victoria Hand, and it builds a stirring and profound childhood for her, also making her rise through the ranks of SHIELD and just her entire character mean so much more. Really, fic-wise, this is goals, and I take my hat off to you, Z, 1000%, for writing it.
in which the universe is put together by @besidemethewholedamntime - Rebecca's emotional writing, particularly Fitzsimmons' emotions, is incomparable, and she proves it all over again in this fic. If follows Fitz and Jemma before, after and during the bloodwork, and I just... wow, honestly. The emotion!! And the characterisation!! Absolutely stunning, and honestly all I could wish for in a we-had-time fic.
Agents of SHIELD Season 8 by @egumal - THIS. This, this, this, oh my gosh - as fix-it fics go, this has to be the most spectacular one I have ever read. What it does is find a way - a potentially canon compliant way, too - to bring back Lincoln Campbell, and reunite Staticquake. Basically: just about as season 7 finishes, the Astro Ambassadors get an unexpected visitor from another timeline, who asks them to come help out against Hive. Case in point, Daisy meets her lost love again (... but he has no idea who she is) and also has to relive the Fallen Agent drama. It all gets even more complicated when Kora restores Lincoln's memories, and Daisy meets the full team Deke has assembled around him in the 33 years (for him) that they've been apart... in short, this is one of the most thorough, well-written and downright SHOCKING plot-twist-wise fics that you will ever read, and honestly, saying "I can't recommend it enough" is an understatement. This thing is thd BEST, plain and simple!
Black Roses aren't real (but you and I are) by @ohwriteiforgot - ahhhh, a fic that will always have an incredibly special place in my heart, because it introduced me to one of my best fandom friends. The main focus is on Clintasha, it's true, but it's also a crossover with AoS in the sense that Clint was adopted by Coulson and May. Also, Daisy is his little sister, and their bond is gold. Also - there's Staticquake!! And flower shops!! And rivals to friends to lovers!! All I'm going to say is, what more can you ask for?!
A book to shield my story by @maybebrilliant - Staticquake High School AU, ahhhhhhhh!! There are only two chapters out so far, but the way this is shaping up is making my DAY - with Daisy as the new girl who meets Lincoln and his group of friends, and, though her foster parents are absolutely shit, starts to find actual happiness in a school for the first time in her life. Also - THE REFERENCES. Guys. I'm crazy for those, and in this book, so are my favourite dorks, Daisy and Lincoln - and let me tell you, it's nothing short of the best thing ever.
This AoS Finale Gif Edit by @heysteverogers - AoS really has been the most INCREDIBLE journey through the years, but what's really made it special is the company - and that's summed up perfectly in this gorgeous gifset. Also, the graphics on this are just, ahhhh, stunning - I'm in awe, and I've spent very long periods of time just looking at this thing in a state of heart-eyes.
This AoS Finale Gif Edit by @jemannesimms - combining Auld Lang Syne and the final scenes of my favourite show was a raw emotional - but utterly brilliant experience - for me. It's just so absolutely beautiful, and perfectly suited to the team, and their goodbyes!! Breathtaking editing work here, too.
This Daisy as Peter Parker and May as Tony Stark moodboard by @agentsofcomedyandchaos - ahhhh, a crossover of two of my favourite fandoms!! And what a lovely one, too - the colour scheme, quotes, and just the whole FEEL of this is absolutely genius, and I am guilty of being inspired by way too many fic ideas by it. Stunning stuff!!
And... whoa, that was long, but I really do feel that we deserve a bit of a proper pat on the back after creating such magical content in such a messed up year. So that's the note I'm going to leave you with for 2020, my friends: hell-year or no, look at the absolute beauty we were still able to create!! We really are freaking amazing, guys.
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sidercal · 3 years
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@ofmusingsxandmayhem​​​​​ pinged: Mun Questions - 10, 20, 30,40 ,50 ,60
10. What’s the hardest thing for you to write?
very canon intensive things & smnut. once upon a time I thought I could write fairly well in regards to the latter, but I just stopped and then lost all skill lmao. as for canon things... i’ve always had this thing about being a stickler with knowing every single detail of the original lore. if it’s my own creation then pft– easy peasy. but it’s based on someone else’s imagination then um.. i’m a ball of anxiety. 
20. How much time do you spend roleplaying on average a week?
oh boy.. a good amount I feel like since I take some time out to rp during work. but I don’t really write on the weekends anymore so it’s not an exhaustive amount.
30. What do you like about roleplaying fluff?
it’s nice, easy, and i’m simply a sucker for soft romance at heart. and while angst and dumb things are equally as great, sometimes it’s a nice change of pace to write some fluff every now and then. also, there’s a sense / reveal of how a character can be when vulnerable in a safe space, etc.
40. Do you like to plot or improv?
a bit of both! though I do like to plot a little bit with new writing partners. just so I can get a basis of how their character is / how we might vibe, y’know? after we’re pals of some sort, it’s a roundtrip to random town. 
50. What’s something you like about FCs/Play-Bys?
helps give structure to specific muses / ideas for me. that’s.. about it though.
60. Who’s a roleplayer (or writer) you think you have learned a lot from? 
@amelorates​ from the get go. longest mutual ( i think ) that i’ve been frequently(ish) writing with for... x amount of years. first person i made private muses for, responsible for a good chunk of my muses over the years ( all across x amount of blogs ), and highly influential with the way my writing’s changed overtime. also? definitely helped me overcome that weird fear of writing canon characters, and is a genuinely great friend.
@riastracl​ you’re next, bud. talk about a lore king. always insightful with potential dumb ideas, helped my dumb of ass with forming muses especially with the sea goons. also very influenced by the way he writes ( like hello???? all of that prose?? how can I Not? ). also a seriously great friend to have over the year(s) ( i lost track of time oops ).
@moonwoken​ where do i even start. the easiest would be how amazing your writing is. simply put, it’s always been jaw dropping. i vividly remember how inspired i was to follow along when we first started writing – not to mention how nice of a challenge it proved to be! also? the overall kindness you show to others is aspiring, and i’m truly grateful to have gotten to write with you thus far!
@huntershowl​ `taps mic` HELLO? IS THIS THING ON?? IT’S A CRIME TO NOT MENTION RAINE. the sheer thought and time put into hellhound actually inspired me to give dnd a try. i was also given the incentive to actually y’know draw my own dang muses, because before that i just.. never thought to do that??? but also, also i can say for a fact that you’ve brought so much additional life to some muses that i honestly wouldn’t have been able to do without that wonderful brain of yours ( like specifically litho and oryn ).
@conorbyrne​ hi, yes, hello i have always greatly admired your skill in writing from both afar and up close ( whenever i didn’t fall off the face of the earth oops ). also? those hc posts always blow me away, because wow the D E P T H is astounding. 
@gothamicarus​ another pause because you are the sole reason joel and so many others have grown so much – hands down. not to mention, your writing has always been so beautifully constructed. also, i actually gained some interest in dc simply because your characterization of jason makes it impossible not to be. 
@womanlives​ and HELLO YOU. i know we haven’t been mutuals for a horribly long time, but i just had to say how a) your writing and muses are striking and b) you are a mastermind when it comes to plots. like?? the ideas never stop and it’s never not interesting!
@godbanes​​ i’m going to be 2000% honest here. i seriously didn’t know a whole lot about greek mythology until i started following / interacting with you. like the amount of knowledge you have blows me away – like at least 2 planets worth. and while it’s still a lil’ intimidating, i’m extremely happy to be able to interact with you and your muses!
@gentledeaths​​ never have i ever come across a writer that has created so much inspiration and awe in me. like your portrayal of thanatos genuinely had me deep dive into hades and gather the courage to extent the few demigod muses i have with existing mythology. not to mention that your writing is simply flawless!
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sae-what · 4 years
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020
Yeah I know I’m a week late, but that’s what happens when you ✨procrastinate✨. Thanks for the tag, @ladyofthenoodle <3
1 List of fics completed this year in order they were finished
heart diagnosis (first Ladynoir fic, where LB takes a magazine quiz to see if she has a crush on Chat)
power couple (Love square identity shenanigans, Chat announces his relationship with Adrien - and actually, I posted this fic before the Adrichat fiasco back in April)
the first and last wish (Plagg and Tikki make a sacrifice)
uncharted territory (Ladynoir mutual pining and dates in disguises, LB denying her feelings for Chat )
you’re surprisingly light (my first, but not last, Adrigami fic)
It’s Nice to Have a Friend (Adrienette childhood friends to lovers, based on that TS song)
once upon a dream (Ladrien sleeping beauty AU)
i’d love to go on a date with you (#LetLadybugWearATuxedo2k21)
silly notions (Ladrien would literally die for each other, so this Medieval AU fic happened)
infinite (Ladynoir stargazing, Ladynoir July)
i admire you (Childhood AU for Ladrien)
he’s a little claw-strophobic (an Adrichat November fic)
for every question why (gabemoth was our because) (my Gabemoth fic :)...)
saying something stupid (like i love you) (Ladybug accidentally confesses that she’s in love with Chat, and they both think it’s a joke, fluff and mutual pining)
i’ve got a boy crush (Adrigaminette, unrequited Marigami, a whole lotta unrequited yearning)
drown in your green (Marinette experiences a panic attack and reoccurring flashbacks after the events of Chat Blanc)
In The Name of Adrichat (Love square identity shenanigans, in which Marinette gets Adrien and Chat Noir to go on a date)
2 Number of words written
50k+ published. I’ve definitely written more words than this bc I’ve had fics where I deleted them, and other WIPs that I never got back to.
3 Your most popular fic
power couple has the most kudos 
every morning, she’d climb up that sycamore tree (an AU of the book Flipped) has the most hits.
4 Your personal fave
My personal favorite has to be i’d love to go on a date with you, but I also want to put every morning, she’d climb up that sycamore tree up here as well.
I’ll talk about the first fic later (I also talked about why it’s one of my faves in this post), but the second is because it’s based off of a book I used to read as a child called Flipped. This fic has a special place in my heart bc it’s an Adrienette fic, one of my fave ships in ML, in the universe of my favorite book when I was young.
5 Your favorite scene
The scene in uncharted territory when Ladybug realizes that she’s in love with Chat Noir. She’s on a date with him in this one, convincing herself that it isn’t actually a date, but she’s still enjoying the time she has with him. Until Andre the ice cream maker slaps her silly with realization and makes her overcome the truth that she’s in love with him.
The yearning and the pining, Chat respecting her feelings, all of that is just… aaahhh I’m a sucker for it 🥺
6 A fic or scene that challenged you
Starting the fic i’d love to go on a date with you really challenged me. I was really going through a tough time writing it. I explained it on this post, but I got a lot of help, and it’s one of my proudest works bc of how I overcame the struggle to write it. Plus, Ladrien rights, and Ladybug in a tux, so for all these reasons, this one has to be one of my favorites.
7 A line of writing you’re proud of
Okay, I’m picking two because HECK.
This line from silly notions:
Adrien gently shut the double door, bringing with him the moonlight that still rested in his frame, and rested upon his lips was the kiss that could’ve been.
I think this was my first time writing something like this, like.. yearning, but not quite getting there yet, ya know? Ladybug yearning to be with Adrien, despite the fact that she shouldn’t, but she wants it, wants him. Aahh, Ladrien 💞
Also this in my Chat Blanc fic, drown in your green:
Ladybug could soak herself in [the] green [of his eyes] if she could. She would swim in it, would drown it in, beg for it if it meant it could never turn blue. Never turn dull.
When I first wrote that line, I was only just.. writing it to write. But then when I reread it, and saw the word blue, I was like.. “omg. It has a double meaning. Folks, it has ~double meaning~. Ladybug is desperate to go back to the times before she ever fought Chat Blanc, but also desperate to return to the days when she had only witnessed Chat Noir happy.
But overall, I really like the color symbolism in this fic aaahhh, proud of it.
8 A comment that touched you
Ahhh there’s a lot of comments, but I think there’s one comment that wins this one. I received a really touching comment for my Flipped AU from BurnDaBreadGetDaGirl on AO3, when I was really struggling to continue writing it. I asked on the A/N how to overcome the writer’s block, and she wrote by far one of the most inspiring comments I’ve ever read. Ever. She told me to just kind of.. bask myself in the character’s POVs, think how they think, and even go about my daily living just thinking about how the characters would react or think about certain things. I’m only paraphrasing, so my words can’t do justice to her comment, but it was so beautiful. I ended up getting in touch with her on Discord. 
Burn, idk if you’re ever going to read this, but your comment really touched me, even to this day, and I want to thank you for your support <3
9 Something that inspired you to write
Music inspires me a lot, I can’t even list all the songs I’ve listened to, but I know Taylor Swift’s songs is up there for sure. I wrote a fic for one of her songs, It’s Nice to Have a Friend. Also folklore and evermore inspired me a lot to write a couple WIPs I have.
Other people’s pieces of writing, fanfics from this fandom, but also fanfics from other fandoms, particularly The Umbrella Academy fanfiction. I read a lot of TUA fics in 2020 as well.
The lack of specific narratives, tropes for specific ships, certain dynamics, and all that. You know, when you have that thought where you go “Welp, if no one will write this, I guess I will!” Yeah, that’s me most of the time 😆 I wrote this fic, Little Red Riding Hood with the Blond Hair, because of that kind of thought. It’s a Misternoire/Adrinoire Folklore AU fic, and I hadn’t read anything like that so I decided, hey, why not. I love Misternoire/Adrinoire because Lady Noire is just a little shit, and I love her. I feel like there needs to be more of her in fanfiction.
And of course, everyone on the Miraculous Fanworks server on Discord really inspired me. They made me feel more confident in my writing. But not only that, they made me feel like I have a place in the ML fandom. Feeling a sense of belonging really made me have more confident with the things I post online for the ML fandom in general. I feel like I had a voice, and since joining, I’m much more eager to express myself and my ideas. I can’t thank this server enough, I’ve grown a lot bc of them <3
10 Your proudest accomplishment
Overall, just realizing that my writing has worth, and that I should write for me. This took a really long time for me to learn bc I felt really insecure about my writing. But then I realized that I write because I have a specific and unique narrative that I want to tell. My works aren’t comparative to other people’s bc each of one us has something amazing and beautiful to share.
11 Do you have any goals for next year
Mmm it would be nice to reach a certain word count? Maybe publish at least 25k words? Idk, I’m not too strict with writing goals. I just like writing whenever I want to.
I’m not tagging anyone but if anyone wants to do this themselves, then go for it!
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 3 years
shipping info !
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
what is your otp for your character?: 
look I know it's a Crack ship but Karen and Lysandre weirdly works for every reason they shouldn't. They're definitely these opposites attract and each of them kinda of counter in some ways the other's more extreme mindsets or challenge them in a way that makes character development very easy. For example Lysandre despising those that manipulate others and Karen hates judgemental society people. Well Karen used to be a criminal and manipulator but uses it for good now to help those that need it challenging his view and she challenges his in that (especially anime Lys) he maybe high class judgemental but it started from trying to be a good person and getting burned which she can relate to.
So opposites atttact, or hateship changing to mutual respect to crush works too, and basically I just really love the character interplay that's possible.
The height difference jokes are a bonus. Lysandre putting something on a high shelf in her line of sight and moment later hears banging about to find her 5'5 self managed to climb her way up there anyway. Goblin energy meeting refined energy is a ✨ vibe ✨
And my favorite joke: if Karen is linked to Ho-oh, fire, and Lysandre messes with Yveltal, dark, birds of a feather fly together cause they were just looking for the right type. :D
what are you willing to write when it comes to shipping?: 
Ah alot generally. My only limit is nsfw tho I'm trying some of it on discord with Bruno wik ship to get more comfortable with it. Like if someone wants to get dark, lez get dark.
I will say tho fluff usually bores me terribly. I mean in writing anything can happen so I enjoy writing angst, things that have arcs, or force character development.
Just the usual day to day stuff gets old fast, or a ship that's like too perfect with one being overly gushy because then it just feels mundane. Also if one partner is great all the time then that's horribly boring, they gotta be equally troubled or the relationship just feels unbalanced.
Also no pokemon, especially if they lack a human form, I feel like that should be obvious but.....well you'd be surprised.
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:  
If you do the age divided by 2 minus seven but throw that in reverse the oldest person Karen can Date is 56 so there's the answer there. For younger it's 25, so we'll go with those numbers.
are you selective when shipping?: 
Fairly to some degree. Unless I see a good dynamic I usually don't go for it. Tho Karen hasn't had much experience with relationships so sometimes I make a bad call cause I think I see something, but then later realize that maybe there isn't the development here I thought there was.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered nsfw?:
Making out with clothes on and no touching the chest and crotch area. So hollywood pg13 style. If there is a steamy moment we both feel the characters would have a fade to black waking up later is what I go for.
who are the characters you ship your character with?: 
Ah too many. Giovanni would be fun for twist Karen which I had started with someone, or mainverse if she's befriended a Silver cause well dad issues. Looker would be fun cause I feel like they'd step on each other's turf and lime he'd know she was doing crime but trying to prove it would be fun. Also home girl is bi but has mom issues so I do want to ship her with more girls just to explore that. Had one ship with an Elsa which low key could of been cute.
But yeah I have a long list but those are some highlights.
does one have to ask to ship with you?: 
Yes please, but hey we can have casual rps first if you want to test the waters and then pop in and be like,"hey I think a ship might be here." If I feel it ill tell you if not I'd be super excited tk see what ideas you might have.
how often do you like to ship?: 
Whenever it happens tbh ����
are you ship obsessed or ship more - or - less?: 
Leaning ship obsessed when I see a possible one but also I didn't have ships on this account for like 2 years so again it's more kinda I take it if it happens.
are you multiship?: 
Gosh yes there's too many dynamics and rpers that leave like a revolving door sadly so multiship is the only viable option I can see. Bless yall that single ship you are amazing as well I could never do it.
what is your favourite ship in your current fandom?: 
Jessie and James. I've loved it since childhood despite my first fictional crush being James. Just gosh they're so cute.
finally, how does one ship with you?: 
Usually just ask early and we'll work something out in messages to see if it'd work, or we rp for a bit and pop in messages if you've got a ship dynamic. My messages are a friendly place folks.
tagged by: stole it from @piercethepiers
Steal it gremlins
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bangtanxm · 4 years
Bookclub; March Highlight
This month’s theme was “The Darkness Within” asking for our bookclub members to find the most angstiest and darkest stories to recommend for this month. These are our our monthly fanfic recommendations from our bangtanxm; bookclub!
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In the following you find a list of fics we recommend and reviewed this month. Please support these amazing authors! With every monthly recommendation, there is also a drabble game that everyone can participate in. You’ll find the masterlist at the end of the reviews. Happy Reading!
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BOOKCLUB; recommendations
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PS. As this theme involves a lot of triggering topics, we’d like to emphasize to thoroughly read the disclaimers on each story. Thank you.
TEMPTATION written by linzeigh
— Summary; Yoongi and Jimin are priests. Jin, Taehyung, and Jungkook are hungry. — Disclaimer; pwp, demons, nsfw-content
bookclub; review
“AAAAARRHHHHH. This was so incredible. I feel like no matter what I say, it will not do this masterpiece justice. It's so sinful and forbidden, but oh how it feels so right! The gradual revelation of Jimin and Yoongi’s mutual lust for each other was masterfully written. And fuck, I love the demon trio of Jin, JK and Tae. Their interactions and teasing brought a surprisingly bright mood to the fic, and I giggled several times at JK and Tae’s bickering. The concept of them feeding of sexual tension and being able to read Jimin and Yoongi’s mind was really interesting. The blasphemy was so shocking (and surprisingly intriguing), and I kept thinking damn how far is the author gonna take it, and oh lord very very far indeed. This is a must-read for anyone who likes explicit and dark fics!!” [@tinysweetscrown]
“This fic is so good. It is lengthy, for one, which is so admirable and amazing considering it’s largely smut. Smut can be so hard to write such big fics of and keep it fresh and interesting, but this author was able to do so. They were able to really take their time with each character and it felt fresh and interesting, without being slow or repetitive which is such an awesome accomplishment. I love the small details that were added in, the fact that they didn’t bleed, probably didn’t need to breathe, were super strong, etc. – it really added to the depth of the characters themselves, which is something that is often left out of smut fics. Also the entire subject/plot. Though blasphemous in some ways, it was handled really really well and I think kind of brushed on some very important topics (like being gay and religious). Overall just a stunning piece of fiction that I will be coming back to again and again for a reread.” [anon]
THE PERFECT ILLUSION written by @softjeon​ & @cassiavioletblue​
— Summary; He was the perfect illusion. The getaway for anyone who didn’t want to face reality. And yet, there was something in his eyes, something vulnerable and hopeful as if he was dying for someone to see through him, to care for him enough to look behind the mask and draw out the real Jimin. And Namjoon couldn’t wait to do exactly that. — Disclaimer; mentioning of abusive behavior
bookclub; review
“this is...just wow.... the story is so interesting and unique, the writing is beautiful, the characters are so on point. Ive only read the first chapter so far and i just know this is going to be one of my classics. The universe is so well constructed, the characters very nuanced in such a short amount of time... You can see the research that went into the geisha world, and it's paying off into what i feel is a masterpiece.” [anon]
"I already had an admiration and love for geisha culture and craft so seeing this story come out the first time just made me so excited!! Granted it has darker thematic tones to it, I loved how Jimins character was so well embodied that it stuck with me even after I read it. Also Jungkook as the maiko liSTEN I GREW SO PROTECTIVE OF HIM THROUGHOUT THE STORY. That build up of his mizuage made me want to take him away to somewhere and Namjoon and Yoongi were just the best, most complimentary characters to each of them. Jimin needed someone soft and kind like Namjoon while Jungkook needed someone sort of protective and a little cheeky like Yoongi. Their dynamics just worked so freaking well and you can always count on Jey and Cat to have just the right amount of angst mixed with fluff cause damn it HURT for a while reading this but the relief of it all was so welcoming. I can't rec this fic enough honestly, the characters, the settings in the teahouse are so beautiful and I LOVE authors who aren't scared to make a member into an antagonistic character cause it added so much flavour to the chemistry OOF just well done it was so nice reminiscing with this fic again!!!” [anon]
“I read The Perfect Illusion originally as it came out. It is just as enjoyable the second time through. It was such an interesting and stunning piece, I felt. The real shining star was the slow burn aspect of it, I think, even more so than the angst or abuse aspects. The slow sort of build of romance between Joon and Jimin was really beautiful, especially with the constant looming danger of what they were doing. The gravity of it was revealed in a really slow, measured manner that I think really helped the reader feel that sense of urgency as the fic went on and we – like Namjoon, learned more and more about the situation than we’d known before. The disgust of what was being done to Jimin and JK and the other dancers was enough to roll one’s stomach, but it was done in such a way that it worked well with the fic. It wasn’t there just for shock value; everything seemed to have a purpose and a point and it wove together in a really fitting and gorgeously heartbreaking and bittersweet tale overall.”  [anon] 
SING FOR ME written by Trilluvium
— Summary; When Jimin set out to find Earthshine in order to save his mother, he’d been ready to give up his life. Earthshine’s keeper, however, was interested in taking more from Jimin than just his life. — Disclaimer; non-con, tentacles, rape
bookclub; review
“Just wow. Okay, so this fic is so beautifully done. There is nonconsent, yes, it’s dark, yes, but it’s so much more than that. Particularly because of the ending, which is so bittersweet – Jimin’s choice. But my thinking is, vaguely hopeful? Maybe things will turn around? But that’s just me. Either way – the real shining star in this fic is the descriptive writing. The author does such a good job of writing in a very clear and detailed manner that a lot of folks just can’t accomplish without it dragging the fic down. It feels far heavier in description than dialogue, which I think fits it perfectly. The author was able to perfectly describe this absolutely beautiful fantasy realm in which the characters are, as well as the inhuman aspects of the characters. The description left me breathless – I wasn’t distracted, struggling to imagine what a, b, or c looked like – the author painted this amazing, film quality scene in my head. And because of that, I was able to focus fully on the dialogue and action of the characters.”  [anon]
WHISPERING SHADOWS written by @jooniesmind​
— Summary; It’s an already tough ability, that becomes borderline impossible, when you’re scared of ghosts. And Jimin was like that. — Disclaimer; angst, ghosts, mentioning of death
bookclub; review
“This is an excellent start to what could be a really sad, beautiful fic! The descriptions used are really stunning, painting a lovely picture (and a sad one). I’d love to see what would happen if JK came back, or even just following poor terrified-of-ghosts Jimin through his life, doing his job in whatever way he can manage. I’d love to learn more about how it works, what he does (and doesn’t do) and meet other ghosts he’s had to tangle with. And other whisperers! How it works and what makes them have the ability, etcetera. There’s such a whole rich world here that I think the author really began to develop in a beautiful way.” [anon]
“this story just hits you right in the feels. the author does a great job of putting so much emotion in a little one-shot that i’m just in awe at how they’ve done it. it is perfect!” [anon]
The Chaos Theory (Love Me Now) written by leanmeancuisine
— Summary; Jeon Jungkook, Prince of the South Korean Royal Pack and CEO of the largest conglomerate in the world, was thought to be following his father’s footsteps in becoming a Purebred Alpha. Oh, how wrong was that. Freshly presented at 18, Jungkook is discovered to be a Genus—a rare and one of a kind type of wolf that has more than one special gene. — Disclaimer; ABO Dynamics, mentioning of suicide, depression, kidnapping, poly-relationship
bookclub; review
“So I read this entire wip in one sitting. And then had to lay down and sleep on it before writing this. That’s how damn good this fic is. I was absolutely blown away. The style of writing is unbelievably well done. The author was able to really create this whole world and species, essentially, borrowing from some of the more traditional tropes but changing it into something very unique and creative. It feels so entirely fresh and interesting, weaving both very well handled traumas and angst in with softer, gentler bits that give the fic a level of depth and beauty that I haven’t seen in a very long time. All of the characters are so beautifully developed; I honestly can’t think of one I prefer more than the other of the ones that we have met so far. I’m so incredibly curious about the remaining members, as well as how Jin will blend with the rest of the group as things progress. I look forward to many updates!” [anon]
“ALRIGHT DAMN what a ride and im only prologue + 1st ch in! the introduction to jungkook's is honestly so good, and the author describes the scenes so perfectly its like we're there with jungkook, annoyed at the world. These two chapters definitely got my attention and i have a feeling ill be binging this in a near future. I can't wait to see how the author develop the other boys, how they'll introduce them... im getting excited now” [anon]
MONSTER UNDER THE BED written by Born2beSad
— Summary; Namjoon’s new apartment came with a little more than he was expecting… …luckily for him and his nighttime visitor, he’s into it. — Disclaimer; tentacles pwp, monsters,
bookclub; review
“This is such an interesting twist on the tentacle genre! I loved jimin and Joon's dynamic, although definitely wrong...but in a universe with monster under the beds i don't think that matters. Jimin as a character was weirdly endearing, and you can't help yourself from feeling sorry for him and his loneliness, and relieved he found Joon. And well, Joon is leaving his best life, so props to him for sticking around. The writing was impeccable, will definitely be going through the authors fics in a near future” [anon]
“I'm a lil bit of a newbie with tentacle porn reading wise and def haven't tried it writing wise but THIS WAS THE SHIIITTTT I LOVED IT SO MUCH (and lowkey highkey brought out a small tentacle porn interest of mine i didn't know i had oop) just the way Namjoon loved it and wanted it I could feel it in my freaking bones and maybe even related to him a littejnerighs i mean it was JIMIN HOW COULD YOU NOT and i loved the sprinkles of fluff in there it really brought a nice relief from the hot, heavy and body tingling smut embedded into it gdfoegg this was so good, such a hot way to depict a monster under the bed concept and the author did it so well also really inspired to dive into this territory of storytelling cause i'm 0.0 intrGUED” [anon]
“So, so good. Many of your general tentacle fics tie so deeply with nonconsent or dubious consent at best. Which is entirely fine, but sometimes it’s so nice to see something refreshing and new, and this fits the bill. While still brimming with great imagery and really well written smut, it also injects a supply of sweet fluff and near domesticity to the situation. Rather than being the ‘boy gets taken against his will by sex crazed monster’ – the relationship is symbiotic, allowing a give and take; even if it is largely physical in nature. I think that sheds such a fun light on the tentacle monster trope. This is one of those fics that I would really enjoy seeing another chapter or two, additional shenanigans that the two get up to with or without smut. Further, I love the descriptors used in the fic, I feel like it painted a really lovely visual that helped the reader really dive into it.” [anon]
“This fic....whew! It is really something! I don't read tentacle stuff and I'm not a fan of bottom!Namjoon but I wanted to read something different for this month. It's a great balance of fluff and smut with how the ending turns out; it's not rape or non-con either, since Namjoon is a huge monster lover lol I can just imagine him with a whole collection of monster dildos. The writing is wonderful too. The way the author set up the beginning without giving things away until maybe halfway through is really well done. Like, you already know Namjoon's going to consent but (at least for me) not in a way you expected. Jimin being a cute, friendly monster who isn't afraid to show his devilish side too <3 I seriously reccomend this to people who like tentacle porn. Maybe even people who don't read it often like me” [anon]
“This was such a surprisingly sweet and fluffy tentacle fic. I love the author's description of Jimin’s duality; the mixture between his sweet pretty features and his black demon tentacles, really feels so believe haha. The ending was so lovely and really put a smile on my face!” [@tinysweetscrown​]
INTO THE WOODS written by bugarungus
— Summary; Seokjin wakes up to find he’s been kidnapped by some nature nymphs and their pet. — Disclaimer; tentacle pwp, fae & farieis, dubious consent
bookclub; review
“Oh my, I was completely immersed in this beautiful little universe, the author created. Everything about this fic is so lovely and stunning - from the descriptions of Jin’s everyday life before he meets the nymphs to the actual smut. I loved the bickering between Jimin, Tae and Yoongi, because it truly felt like a “brotherly” relationship. Also the fact that they each were a different “type” of nymph, and especially Tae’s protectiveness of LeeAnn, was so interesting and funny to read. This fic really strikes a perfect balance between a dirty smutty plot with dubious consent without it being too vulgar and uncomfortable to read!” [@tinysweetscrown]
“Wowowowow. Honestly this fic blew me away. There was so much going on but it was all so clear and well written, just… Perfection. The descriptions were so clean and clear and visually stimulating, it was easy to picture exactly what was happening. This is something so hard to do sometimes, especially in smut with more than two people, and this one was four and a plant! I wanted to know more about the nymphs, and their plant – the backstory bet would be so fascinating and amazing. There was so much subtle romance between the nymphs, and even being dubious consent, I feel like that oozed into Jin as well – opening up the idea that the future isn’t going to be questionable. Kind of a happy ending even with a smidge of the darker/dubious consent that laced through it. I think also, the relationship between the nymphs was just really fun. Despite the alternate universe, the characters felt really true to the actual group members. Their personalities matched up great and I didn’t find myself wondering if x would actually say that, do that, etcetera. It’s amazing when you can keep things true to ‘life’ but put them into this awesome fantasy world. Just so, so well done.” [anon]
NICE THINGS written by @kimlinebiased​
— Summary; Namjoon is clumsy, even with others’ hearts. — Disclaimer; smut
bookclub; review
“This was such a sweet and wholesome fic! I especially enjoyed Namjoon's letter to Yoongi. I felt like the description of how Namjoon and Yoongi are different really fit so well with at least how I see them irl! Also the call back in the end to "this is why we can't have nice things" tied the whole fic so nicely together and left me all warm and fuzzy :)" [@tinysweetscrown]
“Nice things is such a sweet story, even with the angst thrown into it, you can feel the love yoongi and namjoon have for each other. It make the angst hurt even more, and wraps things up in cute ending. The smut if soft and just right for the story, and you just find yourself rooting for the characters to make it work, and also to pls wrap namjoon in bubble wrap...”[anon]
“A blend of angst and smut, it's really well done. I don't read a lot of canon/idol stuff nor do I write it much, but I decided I'd give it a read. Considering it's Dean writing, I wasn't disappointed haha Namjoon and Yoongi have a really nice relationship and Yoongi's reluctance to get back with Namjoon makes sense given how Namjoon broke his heart. The smut at the end is A+ too.” [anon]
DEVILS HAND by @softjeon​ & @cassiavioletblue​
— Summary; There had been rumors, but in the end it was not really a secret that Namjoon loved delicate and beautiful things. Especially when it came down to his lovers and his castle. It was decorated with lot of flowing, long blue curtains, colorful paintings in every room, rows of marble columns leading along every aisle. There was a large garden surrounding the palace, which was by far Jungkook’s favorite place to be – next to the king’s bedroom. — Disclaimer; alcohol, abusive relationships, abusive behavior, (sexual) violence, major character death
bookclub; review
“This fic….. ruined me… When I first started reading it, I was immediately intrigued, because I had no idea where the fic was going! I was so captivated by it, and I HAD TO finish it, but holy fuck I needed like a good day to digest it. The universe the authors created was absolutely beautiful and so well-described that I feel like I, days later, still have a clear image in my head of what the scenes look like - as if I’d seen a movie. The ending was absolutely devastating and painful and awful (but like in a good way) and im so conflicted about the whole thing…………” [@tinysweetscrown]
“alright so another masterpiece by the incredible duo! The dynamic in this story are amazingly complex and layered, the characters interesting and their motives are well thought out.. You can't help but have your stomach tied in a knot after the first chapter, anticipation making you nervous. There's this general feeling that shit will hit the fan and it won't be pretty... beautifully written, bravo!” [anon]
“How. Dare. You. Omg, I just reread this fic and ughhhh the ending breaks my heart every time! I've never hated Namjoon in a fic before. Even when I've made him an asshole, I didn't hate him. But here...he's just such a dick and Jungkook is such a sweetheart looking to please the man he loves. It's such a sad story because Jungkook is a rabbit surrounded by vipers (Taehyung being the only good one imo). I definitely rec it to anyone who wants a good angsty read. I do say mind the triggers though, since it's not for everyone. The writing is beautiful, sets a good pace, and gives detail without going overboard. Jey and Cat really get you inside the character's feelings while delivering really steamy smut scenes.” [anon]
“The Devil’s Hand was such a sad, dark story for all involved. I don’t often read major character death because it makes me so sad, but I think it was really fitting for this fic. There was no winning for JK, and the end really solidified that lesson of not knowing what you have until it’s gone. The relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook was one of my favorite parts of the entire fic. They had such a well-developed friendship and I think that Tae really embodied the person that JK deserved, in a weird way. Though they were only friends, he was loving and trusting and would do anything for JK, even at the risk of his own life. The contrast between how Tae treated him versus Namjoon, even versus Hoseok – it was so stark and telling in terms of the fic and the deeper meanings. I think overall the fic was heart wrenching and so, so sad, but such an excellent piece that really cuts the reader to the bone. “ [anon]
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The Drabble-Game; MASTERLIST
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— prompt; “Sometimes the darkness is too big to keep inside.”  
Thank you to everyone who participated! Stay tuned for the next theme of the month to participate! 
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THE ROOM WHERE IT HAPPENED written by @chimknj​
— summary; Jimin was in the room when Hoseok walked in. Only one of them would get out of it alive.
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— summary; Jungkook had a mission. That mission may involve killing people and burying the bodies. It’s going great… Until the bodies go missing.
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— Join the Bookclub here! — official post — faq
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bubblyani · 6 years
Safe (Forrest x Reader)
Forrest Bondurant One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Author’s Note: Writing a Forrest story was such a goal for me. So happy to finally be able to think of one. I really enjoyed writing this. Plus my love for Forrest has resurfaced...HELP!!! Heh! Hope you all enjoy! 
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Your heartbeat didn’t fail to increase in speed when he entered the store, slowly approaching you at the counter. You were definitely not ready for this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re here Y/N!” 
Maxine, your cousin happily shouted as she drove you to town. You were more than happy to manage yourself, but she insisted she’d pick you up from the train station. 
“Well I’m glad to be here with my favorite cousin after ages, so the feeling’s mutual” you replied smiling, brushing the hair off your face. Halfway through the journey, Maxine noticed the gas was running low. And that made you worry. 
“Perfectly alright...I believe we are saved” she assured you, indicating the gas station that was ahead of them. 
Cricket Pate emerged from the restaurant to find Maxine get off her car, along with an unfamiliar face. 
“We’re in need of gas, handsome “ Maxine called out to him. 
“You’re not even gonna introduce me to your friend Maxie?” Cricket asked, with an adorable smile. 
“Actually it’s my cousin...” Maxine replied, turning to you, “Y/N...Cricket...Cricket...Y/N!” She said, as you and Cricket shook hands. “Y/N is a wonderful Seamstress,” she continued, while Cricket helped out in filling the gas.
“Is that so? Maybe you can fix me up a nice suit...” Cricket said, “Heheheh...maybe I will” you laughed while you stood next to him. Maxine walked around to look. 
“The Bondurants ain’t around today?” 
“Jack and Howard ain’t ...but I bet Forrest is  ” you slowly moved back, while you looked at the restaurant, listening to Cricket’s reply, 
 You backed up too far, only to get your heel caught in the gas hose pipe,  thus falling backwards.
But suddenly, a strong hand caught you by the shoulder, letting fall on a broad chest instead of the hard ground.
“Just in time, Forrest!” Cricket laughed. 
For a split second you felt the safest you’ve ever felt, in the arms of a stranger you haven’t even laid eyes on. In that realization, you slowly turned to face him. He looked strong, but gentle. He seemed he could be tough, but the warm features in his face begged to differ. Enamored you were by him, that you were positively speechless. 
“Y’ alright?” The southern drawl was quite visible in his deep voice. 
You wanted to answer, but no voice came out.  
“Oh Forrest, thank you so much” Maxine’s voice made his hand leave your shoulder as if it caught fire. He grunted in acknowledgement, and then walked into the restaurant. But as you both got back into the car, you saw him come out, standing there by the porch to watch you leave. 
You let out a deep breath, as the car started to move, and his figure started to vanish from your sight. 
“What the hell happened to you??” 
You sighed, “I don’t know...” turning to face your cousin. 
“Sweetie, I think it’s time you learn about the Bondurant brothers ...including the Legend that is Forrest” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A new town, a new workplace seemed quite ideal ever since your parents passed away. So your Aunt and Uncle were simply angels when they asked you to come live with them in Virginia. And helping out with their clothing store did not seem like a bad idea.
 The next morning, you stood behind the counter, ready to take on anything, excited to put your previous years of dress making experience to good use. Customers came in, and it was business as usual. You were carrying a few boxes of ribbons when Maxine called you over. 
"Y/N! I want you to meet Bertha Minnix" she said, putting her hand on Bertha's shoulder. The both of you exchanged greetings as soon as you managed to put the boxes down. 
"Maxine, is there a way I could get a dress made?" Bertha asked.
"I'd be more than happy to make one for you" you heard yourself reply in enthusiasm. You immediately liked Bertha, who seemed like a sweet soul. She smiled in glee. 
"Any special occasion, if I may ask?" you inquired, as you started taking in measurements with your tape. "I wanna wear this when I meet Jack" Bertha replied in a soft voice, looking over at Maxine with a smile, whose jaw dropped. 
"Jack? As in Bondurant?" Bertha nodded proudly, "Actually, we were talking just now... the other brothers came with him to town as well..." 
 Thankfully Maxine was present to listen to the rest of her story, for you didn't hear anything after 'other brothers'. Sudden excitement filled you, hoping you could catch a glimpse of Forrest. You focused yourself, as you wrote the measurements down in your book. The bell rang as the shop’s door opened, and a young man in his late 20's entered the premises. He seemed to know what he needed exactly, for he walked straight over to the elderly woman, who was looking through some material. 
Though you were far away, you did hear there was a slight commotion between them. You were not the one to pry, but you could tell the woman was in distress. In the corner of your eye, you caught the man forcefully taking a fistful of cash from her, and exit the shop.  
"Is everyone alright ma'am?" you asked the woman as you approached her. She sighed, 
"My son-in-law...Terrence...every time he's out of money for gambling…He’d come look for me. He-" 
You angrily stormed out, finding young the man on the road. 
"Excuse Sir! SIR! Terrence!" you called out loudly, stirring the attention of all those around him. 
The man sighed, turning around. You slowly walked out of the shop. "I believe you forgot to return the money to your mother-in-law" you spoke calmly but with a hint of firmness. "She seemed to have worked hard for whatever she had earned, so as the younger folk, we outta to be more appreciative, don't cha think?" 
Everyone's eyes were on Terrence, his eyebrows furrowed, as he clenched his jaw in anger. "Nobody asked you, lady!" he called out, as he started to walk towards you with fists ready. Your eyes widened in fear, regretting your actions completely. 
A huge force pulled you by the hand, and you were moved to the side, ending up behind Forrest Bondurant. Terrence stopped dead in his tracks by the mere sight of him. 
"Just give back the money Terrence, you know this ain't gonna end well" Forrest said casually, with his hands in his cardigan pockets. You stood so close to him; you felt his figure towering over you, as if he was a shield to guard you from all that was horrid. Terrence took a few breaths, before finally pulling out the money from his pocket, handing it over to you. 
You slowly reached out to grab it, still standing behind Forrest as Terrence left cursing.
You opened your mouth as Forrest turned to face you, but the moment your eyes caught his, you were suddenly speechless again. Your cheeks started burning, thus forcing you to close your mouth, looking down shyly.
Confused, Forrest cleared his throat to say something. 
"Forrest! Come on, we gotta go!"
The man, who could possibly be Howard Bondurant, called out to him. Forrest nodded at you, before leaving you to oneself as he headed to his brothers.
"Seems like that cousin of Maxine’s has some guts huh?" Howard chuckled, as he walked along with Forrest, who merely grunted at that remark. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You felt idiotic to even hope you'd see Forrest around the area the next day. You felt more idiotic when you realized what an embarrassment you were, every time you tried to talk to him. As you stretched yourself at the counter in the afternoon, you looked over at Maxine, 
"Would you mind if I step out for a minute?" 
"Sure thing doll..." 
With your hands behind your back, you casually strolled around town. Suddenly you felt a tug on your dress. You looked over to find a little boy next to you. 
"Mrs. Nelson wanted to thank ya for yesterday, so she was wondering if you'd like to come over for tea" you suddenly remembered the elderly woman from yesterday. 
 A few minutes later, you were walking yourself out of town, off for tea. Touched by her invitation, you accepted and promised to be there within an hour.
As you walked, Forrest stood a few feet away, watching you from afar. Motioning that little boy over, he asked: 
" Ya know where she off to?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instead of human chatter and stuffiness, the sound of crickets and the cool shelter of the trees kept you company as you walked along the path in the woods. You've walked for quite a while, but so far no sign of any house or any place inhabitable.
Just when you began to question all this, you were startled by the sigh of Terrence, suddenly emerging out from the trees in front of you. 
"Terrence..." you said, "What are you doing here?" 
You almost lost your breath when Terrence pointed a gun at you, with his finger on the trigger. 
"You're such a pain in the ass, ya know that?" he said, through gritted teeth, "New girl in town...and going around tellin’ us what's right and wrong..." 
"I don’t blame how you feel..." you replied, putting your hands up, "But you shouldn't take advantage of people like Mrs. Nelson. I-" 
"SHUT UP!" he roared. You closed your eyes in fear. 
Opening your eyes, you found Forrest standing next to you, with a gun pointed at Terrence. But the stubborn young man did not seem to back down by Forrest, as he continued to point the gun at you. 
With a sound of a huge bang! You found yourself covering your ears as the gun flew off from Terrence's hands when Forrest expertly shot it off of him. The sound was so loud, resonating in your ears, you found yourself running into Forrest's arms, and he held you by the shoulder. 
 Hands shaking, Terrence looked down at his damaged gun, then over to Forrest. 
"Don't you ever lay a hand on her again, ya hear?" Forrest addressed him.
 Whimpering, Terrence quickly ran away, disappearing into the woods.
 You continued to take deep breaths to calm yourself, as his giant frame protected you. The soft cardigan of his that brushed against your cheeks, made you feel calmer. An indescribable feeling lingered in you, as if being near him brought you the best feeling imaginable.
Forrest grunted in surprise as he felt you wrap your arms around his back, embracing him tightly. 
 “I-I’m sorry...” you began, finally able to speak, “Thank you...” you continued softly, voice slight muffled as you spoke into his chest. You felt his body move a bit as he put the gun in his back pocket. 
“Ah...it’s alright” you heard him reply softly. Chuckling, you slowly looked at him, accidentally brushing your nose against his heavy stubble chin. Aware of your gaze, he quickly looked back at you with a wide-eyed expression.
Some Moments in life can be quite mysterious and unexplained, for at that point, you were feeling deep feelings of affection and attraction for a man you’ve only met 3 days ago. A man who has given you the best feeling of safety and comfort, with just his presence alone, a man who also happened to be quite easy on the eyes. 
Standing on your tiptoes, you balanced yourself by placing your hands on his chest. Forrest looked as confused as expected. Pushing yourself up, you closed your eyes, as you kissed him softly on the lips. His lips found it surprising in the beginning, but didn’t take that long till they responded in kind, by gently latching on to yours. A rush of euphoria went through you as his hand rested on your back. You moved your hands up, fingertips getting contact with his cheek in light touches, which made him dip his head lower, in hopes of getting a better access to your mouth. The hat slowly slipped off his head, causing both of you to break off the kiss.
Bending down quickly, you picked up his hat, dusting it off embarrassingly. 
“Uh...” clearing his throat, he went: 
“Go on home” 
You nodded without hesitation, handing him his hat. You felt his gaze on you as he stood there, keeping a watchful eye, as you headed back.
The magical encounter with Forrest Bondurant’s lips distracted you ever since you last saw him in the woods. And it distracted you still as you tended to customers at the shop the next day. The distraction was so strong, that some sentences that came out your lips didn't make any sense. Maxine simply blamed it on sleep deprivation in front of the customers. But the moment they turned away, you’d get a smack on the head with her asking,
“What the hell is wrong with ya today?”
Before you could answer, the door opened, revealing the one person you were aching to see.
Your heartbeat did not fail to increase in speed as Forrest Bondurant approached the counter. Taking a deep breath, your mouth formed a friendly smile.
“Good Morning, how can I help you?”
Contrary to his built, he appeared to look like lost puppy with dopey eyes, which you could not help but find adorable.
“I uh…” he began, “came to see…if ya were alright”
“Oh!” you quipped, “Oh…I’m fine” the more you spoke, the more confident you felt, “Actually, I wanted to say, you saved me so many times…and…. I never got the chance to properly thank you. Thank you” You added softly, with a warm smile.
Forrest nodded awkwardly, followed by a grunt. Nodding back, a part of you felt sad if this will be the only conversation you’ll ever have with him.
Suddenly he spoke:
“I don't think…we’ve been properly introduced”
You opened your mouth in realization; “Of course…” you extended your hand, “Y/N Y/L/N”
“Forrest Bondurant” he replied, taking in yours with his, giving a firm shake, “Miss Y/L/N…” he paused, taking in a breath:
“Would it be alright if I call on you sometime?”
The sun seemed to have hidden inside of you, for suddenly, it was dawn in your heart, and your face was adorned with the biggest smile in all your existence.
Check my MASTERLIST for more. 
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tumbler-tidbits · 6 years
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Today Is the last Friday of this month so the time has come to post February’s Fic Recs! Please Keep in mind that these have been culminated over a period of a few months (since I’m so far behind) so some links may no longer work thanks to dumblrs porn bots! I have no control of that so if a fic is no longer available PLEASE don’t blame me! These are mostly smut but there is a mix of some fluff and a smidge of angst. All warnings and summaries from the writer are provided!
1)Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself by @bamby0304
Summary: Misha can’t help himself. It doesn’t matter that you could get caught at any moment, he just has to have you.
Pairing: Misha x Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. Smut. Dirty talk. Public sex. Fingering. Unprotected sex. Hair pulling
My Review: JFC y’all this one is a panty ruiner! I’ve just recently started reading Misha/Cas smut and boy did this one pull me in! Dom/sub, pinned against the wall, fear of getting caught.... hbdhgshsndmnfv
2)Magical by @supernatural-teamfreewillpage-d
Summary: Dean’s Pov On A/His Girl Squirting
Pairing: Dean x Female
Warnings: 18+, Squirting, Language, Sexual Thoughts.
My Review: This Awesome smut is from Deans point of view and it makes for a magical scene!
3)The Bet by @maddiepants
Summary: Y/N can totally go a week without sex. Can't she?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: little bit a plot, lotta bit a porn, little bit of Dom Dean, that’s it i think
My Review: Good God my girl can write the smut! This is so fucking hot, I felt needy!! Jesus I need me some Dean!
4)The Mirror by @wheresthekillswitch
Summary: The problem isn’t your reflection, it’s the mirror you’re using
Pairing: None
Warnings: self-doubt
My Review: This sweet little drabble speaks volumes for those of us who have insecurities (read: all of us!). Short, sweet, and to the point! Hold your head high.
5)Uncharted Territory by @fatestemptress
Summary: Dean thought he had done it all.  He was wrong. 
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Smutastic.  Rimming.  Anal play.  Oral (Male Receiving) 18 PLUS ONLY!!
My Review: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This is not something I ever considered erotic and Jesus christ on a cracker if this didn’t change my mind. THIS WAS FUCKING HOT AS FUCK! The smart ass Dean in the beginning, then the way you described his pleasure... fuck woman you paint a gorgeous fucking picture! Now I’m trying to put out the fire you just caused! Bitches READ IT!!
6)Tell Him How You Feel by @supernatural-jackles
Summary: Another season of Supernatural has wrapped. You are headed to the wrap party with your two best friends. One being your ex, and the other being yours and your ex’s best friend; the guy you have fallen for over the course of a few months. 
Pairing: Jensen x Reader, past Jared x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Feels,  Fluff,  Sweet Smut, Minor Talk of Insecurities.
My Review: This friends to lovers story was incredible! The backstory and how the reader was written in to the lives of Jared and Jensen was perfect! Romantic, sensual, and just so warm and fuzzy! Give it a read, it fulfills your fantasy 😉
7)Being Kept by TheShygirl on AO3
Summary: Reader is at an out-of-town hotel for a work meeting when a big storm hits. A power outage from the storm leaves her trapped in an elevator with two extremely attractive men who decide to make the most out of a bad situation. From there, her life gets turned upside down as she tries to balance her newfound relationship with work and an intense interest from another man.
Pairing: Please see link
Warnings: Please see link
My Review: This series was recommended to me by several friends! And I’ll be honest, based in the tags and warnings, I would have never read it. But I asked my friends about my concerns and they reassured me. So I trusted them and dove into the story, and HOLY FUCK am I glad that I did! Two things you should know about me, 1) I don’t typically read RPF and 2) I have never read M/M, F/F. And before you jump to conclusions NO I’m not homophobic, I’m straight and read reader insert so M/F is what I gravitate to. WELL this fic changed both of those things with multiple partners/pairings! It was sexy, erotic, romantic, angsty, and fluffy! It left me happy, ecstatic, sad, furious, upset, betrayed, sickened...literally any emotion you can have was portrayed in this fic and I felt every single one! Folks this story is so good that it felt REAL, like BTS this scenario is actually happening in real life. It’s 73 chapters, but trust me it’s worth it and in the end you will be begging for more!!
8)Thunder Rolls by @amanda-teaches
Summary: When your fear of thunderstorms is triggered, Dean decides to distract you the best way he can- with some good, old-fashioned, mind-blowing sex.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: SMUT (unprotected penetrative sex), swearing; 18+ only
My Review: This was intensely passionate! The sex is hot but the love behind it really makes it great! The authors use of super descriptive descriptions of your pleasure will have you clenching your thighs!
9)Lingering Scents by @kittenofdoomage
Summary: Dean’s always tried to resist the pull. How long until he can’t anymore?
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Warnings: jealousy, angst, scenting, A/B/O, rough sex, implied breeding, marking, mentions of sort-of cheating.
My Review: whew! If your in to A/B/O fics this one is hot! Dean learns that he can’t fight fate and your more than willing to go along!
10)Cupid Can Shove his arrow right up his... by @bamby0304
Summary: Valentine’s day sucks when you’ve got no one to send you flowers or serenade you with sweet song. You’re in a mood, stomping around the overcrowded bunker, not caring if you kill the buzz of the couples around you. Luckily for them, however, Sam is quick to distract you.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. Little bit of Valentine’s day hate. Smut. Dirty talk. Thigh riding. Fingering. Praise kink. Hair pulling. Panty kink. Biting. Unprotected sex.
My Review: Holy Fucking shit I LOVED THIS! The attitude, the sass, the fucking innuendos... THE FUCKING! Jesus Christ on a crumbled cracker, This one killed. Go beg Amber for MORE of this! And make sure you say PLEASE! We need to see ALL those scenarios played out... Read this one in privacy ladies and have a helper handy 😏😉
11)Only One Woman I Trust by @georgialouisea
Summary: None
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sophie, Marg.
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing
My Review:This is just absolutely precious! You think you know what’s going on but there’s a surprise! This one will rot your teeth ❤️
12)Edge of Glory by @sculptorofbeginnings
Summary: A supply run with Dean and Castiel takes an interesting turn.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Castiel
Warnings: This is just Smut. Gratuitous, Endverse, smut. Implied established relationship and previously agreed upon situations. 
My Review: Well damn. Shaila gets you revved up right off the bat with an amazing gif! Then sweet fucking sin it gets hotter from there! Ladies save this one for some alone time.... it’s definitely a panty ruiner.
13)Inked Up by @evansrogerskitten
Summary: Dean most definitely, not at all, really doesn’t, have a crush.
Pairing: Dean x tattooed!Reader
Warnings: Fluff. Cursing a lot cuz it’s Dean. 18+ because you must be an adult to be on my blog
My Review: Ever want to know what goes on inside Dean’s head when he sees a hot girl? This fic is super hilarious and totally fluffy! I love Dean’s internal struggle to keep himself in check 😂 this one is fun!
14)Match Made on Crushbook by @carryonmywaywardwriters-deactiv
Summary: The douchebags of online dating...
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Online Dating struggles (made from actual chats I’ve gotten...cringe with me). Mutual masturbation. Some dirty talk. A bit of praise!kink. I believe that is all during this part.
My Review: As a girl with a serious praise!kink this one got me all hot a bothered! And as a single female trying to find a relationship... this fic is totally relatable!
15)Good Morning Beautiful by @ladywinchester1967
Summary: Good Morning Indeed.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Oral sex (female receiving), fluff, smut, Dean being a sweetheart. All porn, zero plot. 
My Review: Holy fuck this is so.... yes, all the yes! I want this, I NEED this!! God it’s just so fluffy and passionate. LOVE IT
16)Reunited by @saxxxology
Summary: Sam’s locked in a government prison during the birth of his first child. Reuniting him with his family is the best thing that could have ever happened to him
Pairing: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of killing, Alpha/Omega parenting instincts, non-graphic labor, fluff, lots of happy tears
My Review: OMG this is somewhat heart shattering, but Oh so fluffy! You start off wanting to cry but don’t worry, those will turn to happy tears :)
17)Dangerous Dance by @bamby0304
Summary: When you first saw him, you knew he wasn’t like any other man that walked through the doors. There was a gleam in his eyes that screamed mischief. A gleam you would come to crave just as much as he craved you, if not more. When you first saw him, you had no idea what you were in for.
Pairing: Soulless!Sam x exotic-dancer!Reader
Warnings: Explicit language. Angst. Fluff. Pole dancing. Sexy dancing. Smut. Dom!soulless!Sam. Fingering. Masturbation. Voyeurism. Dry humping. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex. Bondage. Breath play. Squirting. Other smut related warnings that I just can’t think of right now.
My Review: Folks grab a fire extinguisher because this series is HOT! 14 chapters of deliciously smutty soulless Sam! What more could you ask for? Amber hits a lot of kinks in this series so you are likely to find something you like or discover a kink you didn’t know you had!!
18)Discipline by @squirrel-moose-winchester
Summary: After flirting with a suspect to gain information against Sam’s orders, she must suffer the consequences.
Pairing: Dom!Sam x Reader
Warnings: Smut (but not really), Spanking (of a slightly different kind), Implied sex, Rough!Sam
My Review: To steal a line from one of our favorite memes “Mark me down as scared and horny!” Whew! This was unexpectedly hot and a total surprise! Note to self, do not make Sam angry.... or ya know DO!
19)Worthless by @maddiepants
Summary: It's hard to fight the demons, when they're inside your head.
Characters: Reader, Dean, and Sam
Warnings: thoughts of suicide, talk of possible self harm, self hatred, Dean being a helpful, loving bean, Angst.
My Review: This one is angsty but wow it’s also very poetic! I know many of us struggle with this very scenario and Erica has written it beautifully.
20)Wrecked by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Summary: After the show, alone in a dark corridor, he shows you exactly what that song means.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Kissing, Vaginal Fingering, Clothed Sex, Wall Sex, Slight Chain Metal Kink, lip biting, Jensen Ackles in that fucking CBGB t-shirt and hat and the wallet chain WTF dude, Let’s pretend he’s single, Like a Wrecking Ball, you know why, Smut, Shameless Smut, Consent is Sexy, NSFW
My Review: JFC if this isn’t every Jensen girls fantasy! This one just ruined me! Wall sex, hand over your mouth, soft nips and kisses *shudders* give it a read!
Taglist:  @idreamofplaid  @dean-winchesters-bacon  @maddiepants  @pisces-cutie​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99  @spnmightkillme @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting  @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01  @sammyimpala-67 @lunarboycas​  @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean  @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​ @ruthiesconnells​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten  @missjenniferb​ @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313​ @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @purpleskiesandcherrypies @curly-haired-disaster @getnaildbyme @thoughtslikeaminefield @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition
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yaachtynoboat711 · 6 years
Cater 2 U
A/N: So here I am once again, giving you all another unnecessary one-shot that’s coming out before an At First Glance chapter. I literally cannot write this specific chapter and it’s driving me up a wall. It’ll be out one of these days, I promise. Until then, let’s stan some present-day Yaa and Wins! Also, special shouts to @maya-leche for inspiring this fic.
Warning: Cotton candy Fluff, Black Love, A Black King worshipping his Black Queen
Word Count: ~1.5K
This Saturday morning was unusual for you and Winston. Winston got up before you did, which was especially strange given that you were the early riser on Saturday mornings. You were the one being cuddled to sleep; you rested half of your head on your silk-covered pillow and the other half on your fiance’s chest. All of that room in his California king bed and y’all chose to cuddle up on each other. Your short arms cuddled around his waist like a child holding on to their favorite stuffed animal. Well, he was your favorite stuffed animal.
You were the highlight of his morning every morning. He made sure to observe every single detail of his Pumpkin; your caramel-hued skin, your perfectly arched eyebrows, your sweet scent, and the glow that radiated from your face.  He took in all of your sleeping beauty, even the loud snoring, light drooling, and open mouth. To Winston, everything about you was beautiful. God had truly blessed him with an angel--a loud, outgoing, bold, funny, and sweet angel.
He looked at you and realized that he should treat you today. After all, you’d been helping everyone but yourself. He gently placed you back on your side of the bed and kissed you on your forehead before heading to his master bathroom.
He made a beeline to your hair drawer. You’d managed to keep the same things you had in your D.C. bathroom in his California bathroom. Watching you do locs after all of these years and watching other people on YouTube do their locs made him feel like he was your loctician. His face lit up the moment he found all of your Wash Day staples. She deserves this.
He kissed you out of your sleep. You chuckled as you stirred from your long slumber.  “C’mon, Pumpkin, time to get up. This Wash Day isn’t going to start on its own.”, Winston cooed.  Your sleepy eyes were greeted by your favorite Tobagonian tree, your Winnie the Duke. “Good morning, my Winnie.”, you said sweetly. Unlike Winston, your morning voice was a good two octaves higher than your already sweet and melodic voice. He looked into your light brown orbs with admiration and awe. “Thank you for the reminder about Wash Day”, you said as you began to get out of the bed.
Winston almost immediately stopped you from moving. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Pumpkin! Where are you going?”, Winston questioned. You gave your fiance a stern and threatening look. You reluctantly returned to bed, arms crossed and attitude on 11.
Winston shuffled back to the bathroom. He closed the sliding doors enough to leave a small crack for your viewing pleasure. There was enough scooting and crashing going on in there for you to get up, but you decided not to act on your impulse. After all, you’d ruined many a surprise tryna be nosy, so there was no point of ruining this one.
After what seemed like forever, Winston emerged from the bathroom visibly out of breath. “Alright, Dr. Duke, are you ready for the Wash Day experience of a lifetime?”, Winston eagerly inquired. He was practically gushing with excitement and yet you looked at him with a twisted face of genuine confusion. “Why are you so excited about my Wash Day, Duke?”, you asked, keeping the same confused look on your face. You got out of bed once more and Winston enthusiastically led you to the bathroom the same way you usually led him into Sephora, Whole Foods, or Target.
Tumblr media
You look around and see that Winston has turned the master bathroom into a pop-up salon. Your hair drawer is out in the middle of the bathroom with your hair clips and loc gel on top of the drawer. There was a stool in the tub, along with your DIY shampoo, moisturizers, and hair oils bordering the tub. You noticed your old t-shirt that you dried your hair off with.
You turned around to see a now shirtless Winston smiling from ear to ear. “Well...uh...I-uh...decided to treat you today by uh...doing your locs today. Consider me your own Celeste today.”, Winston said nervously. No matter how much he was around you, Winston still managed to become sorta bashful, which you never understood why. You found yourself giggling like a schoolgirl.
“What did I do to fucking deserve you, Winston Christopher? I really get to marry you?!”, you squealed into his chest as you hugged your tree of a fiance. You looked up to gaze into his coffee-colored orbs with full adoration. He wiped the stray tears that managed to escape your eyes. The vibrations of his hearty laugh and the kiss he placed on top of your head made you warm on the inside. He finally broke the silence, “ Stop asking so many questions, my love. You’ve been working nonstop since October. You do realize that your partners had to *force* you to finally take your vacations days in September, right? Besides, with the Sheimbloom and now the wedding coming up, your summer’s been a little busy. So please, let me cater to my Pumpkin today.”
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, Winston was right. You’d been working like a maniac since October, working on cases and speaking at many events on many platforms. You did take a break during major holidays, but you didn’t get a trip unless it was a business trip. You had been grinding for the Sheimbloom award and now that you’d finally won, you needed to be catered to.
You rolled your eyes at Winston. “Sure. You bet not fuck my shits up either. I will drop your ass like a bad call.”, you warned. Once more, Winston’s face lit up and he quickly led you to the tub and sat on the stool in the tub. After you situated yourself between his legs, he poured warm water over your head, beginning the hair ritual.
His heavy yet steady hands gently massaged your scalp and combed through the length of your locs. He was in a zone. The two of you conversed about locations for the wedding as he applied the scalp cleanser in a second time.
“--I was thinking either Martha’s Vineyard or New Orleans.”, you presented.
“Why those places, sis?”, he asked in a higher-pitched. He was in full hairdresser mode, which made you not take the conversation serious anymore.
“Well, Martha’s Vineyard because I like the idea of having a small, black-tie wedding. New Orleans because obviously my folks are there and that’s where you and I truly fell in love with each other. We were in love with the thought of each other, but it wasn’t until that night that we realized we were in love. New Orleans will always have a special place in my heart thanks to you.”, you replied sweetly. You could sense he was processing what you had just said by the way he stopped massaging your head. You looked up to see Winston in la la land smirking. “Aye, nigga, I ain’t got all day. You about to be fired on your first day.”, you growled through your teeth as you nudged his knee.
His head fell back in laughter. “I’m sorry, love. I must’ve been too deep in thought.”
“MUST HAVE BEEN?!” You clicked your teeth and shot him a look of disgust, “I’m not about to argue with you.”
He finally washed out your scalp cleanser and dried your hair with an old t-shirt (he learned that from YouTube). He helped you out of the tub and on back to the bedroom, hair drawer in tow. “Alright..”, he began, “...let’s get this mane together, shall we?” He sectioned your hair off and went to work integrating the new growth into the remainder of each loc. Your seven-year loc journey was paying off with your hair now falling halfway down your back. The sensation of Winston palm-rolling your locs and clipping your roots was therapeutic, considering that you weren’t doing it this time.
The two of you conversed about everything as your hair air dried. “Now I have to say, Wins, from what I can feel, you did a terrific job. Chantay, you stay!”, you exclaimed. You turned around to see Winston showing off that beautiful gap in a cocky grin and even cockier laugh. “Well you know, I do what I can...especially for my favorite girl.”, he remarked. You rolled your eyes in pure disgust, “Whatever, nigga.”
After being under the dryer, the two of you spent the remainder of the day drinking wine and watching The Golden Girls, a mutual hit in the Abdullah-Duke households. You were sitting on the couch sitting under one leg and the other leg in Winston’s lap. The two of you laughed uncontrollably at the antics of your favorite four old white women.
Winston stared at you as you lit up whenever you cackled. He’d been noticing a glow around you for a few weeks now. Something was off, not a bad off, but something was out of the ordinary with you. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but whatever it was could wait. He pulled you into his lap and showered you with kisses. “I love you so much, Yaa Denae.” You looked into his eyes and kissed his lips and chubby ass cheeks, “I love you too, Celeste.” Before you could jump out of his grasp, he pushed you out of his lap and tried to contain his annoyed laughter, “GOODBYE, DENAE!”
@eriknutinthispoosy @kumkaniudaku @vanitykocaine @dramaqueenamby @maya-leche @texasbama @wakandas-vibranium @wakandan-flowerz @babygirlofwakanda @chaneajoyyy @randomwordprompts @bartierbakarimobisson @blackgirloneshots @great-neckpectations @muse-of-mbaku @eerythingisshaka @teheeboo @niquelafleur @dacreskars @storibambino @sarahboseman @pastelastronomy24 @plussizeappreciationfics @panthergoddessbast @royallyprincesslilly @theblackandgold-series
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sylvansoldier-a · 4 years
Get  to  know  the  mun!    Repost,  don’t  reblog.
(PEN)NAME  :  Dani, Leafmun (a holdover from back when Tess was an Epic oc)
PRONOUNS  :  She/her
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  Pisces
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  Seeing someone
———  THREE  FACTS  ! ♡
I love building computers! I learned by watching a lot of youtube videos, and to date, I’ve built two computers for myself, one for my parents, one for a friend, and co-built one with my younger sister on the other side of the country, and I’m building another for a friend next week. I love the control that assembling my own machine gives me, and I like researching upgrades and making improvements. It’s been difficult to get ahold of some parts because of the pandemic and the jump in demand for graphics cards, but with some patience and a few early mornings driving an hour and standing in line at the closest computer part store, I’ve snagged some great parts.
I’m a big fan of D&D, despite never having grown up with it. Like a lot of new players, my introduction to D&D and tabletop games in general was Critical Role. I recently completed a 3 year long campaign (made longer by the rona), and I’ve played a half-orc monk, a tiefling cleric, a halfling rogue, an aarakocra barbarian, a dragonborn ranger, a kobold wizard, an elf sorcerer, and a dwarf druid. Some of those were oneshots, but the majority are from ongoing games in various states of hiatus.
An extension of the last fact—I love to learn new things. In the last few years, I’ve taught myself how to stream; I’ve learned about audio and lighting equipment; I’ve studied HTML, CSS, and Javascript; and soon, I’m going to try my hand at mini painting. If something is simple enough that I can learn how to do something on my own, I’ll do it. I’ve replaced my own car filters and restrung a set of blinds for my window, rather than paying for convenience. I always like to try to do something on my own before asking someone else to do it for me.
———  EXPERIENCE  !  ♡
I’ve been roleplaying in some form or another since the days of the Neopets chat boards—back when you had to get a parent to sign a permission form to allow you to interact with other users if you were under 18, I believe. I’ve been writing here since 2013, and Tess is my one and only muse. I’ve dabbled with other characters, but they fizzled out before they even got off the ground.
Tess used to be an original character from the animated movie Epic. I really loved the movie, and when I found a few roleplayers here on tumblr, it kind of kicked the door open to the whole rpc. I’ve made truly incredible friends that have kept in touch daily for the last 8 years, and some of us have even met in person. While I still love the movie for all its quirks, the fandom was never particularly large and it only shrunk as time went on. Plus, I found the story a bit limiting in places, and I liked the idea of expanding Tess’ world and interactions with other muses and settings. She’s due for a massive blog overhaul and possibly a purge. Eight years is a lot of baggage and a lot of growth.
Tess is the kind of character I liked to read about when I was younger. I prefer to write and play women, simply because I feel like I can draw from so many of my own experiences and feelings. I know what it’s like to be hungry to prove yourself and to be made to doubt yourself, despite knowing well your own capabilities. I know what it’s like to be frustrated with the indifference and casual cruelty in the world and to want better. I like writing characters who play a supporting role, rather than seeking out the limelight—I’ve always loved those stories.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡    
FLUFF  /  ANGST  :  I’m of the opinion that a good will have a bit of both. Too much of one or the other can get boring really quickly. Don’t get me wrong—I love writing softness and flirting as much as I love writing gut wrenching pain and despair. Nothing is better than setting up a few characters with differing goals and worldviews and letting them bounce off each other, complete with all the character exploration and conflict that brings. I think I tend to write more fluff than angst, but I’m open to both. Writing isn’t my strongest mode of expression, but I always want to be better than I was when I started.
SMUT  :  
For someone under the ace umbrella, I actually really enjoy writing smut. I definitely think my feelings on sex come through in Tess’ attitude—trust is paramount and relationships are work. While she’s more comfortable with physical relationships, she has difficulty really putting her faith in someone and making herself vulnerable. Not to say she’s impervious to being manipulated—it’s happened before and it’ll happen again. She’s just very wary of getting in too deep with anyone she thinks is unlikely to stick around, erring on the side of self-deprecation and cynicism when it comes to relationships.
PLOT  /  MEMES  :  
I am not historically great at plotting, but I genuinely want to get better. It’s just really difficult to do with a new partner right off the bat. I’m always really nervous about annoying anyone and tend to read too deep what I think someone’s responses might mean, especially when I really admire someone’s writing and I’m really excited to work with them. Memes are a fantastic icebreaker. When I first start to follow someone, I will take every opportunity to send in some memes to get a feel for their character and for the mun, themselves. It doesn’t always work out, as some muns don’t like replying to memes from new folks, and honestly? That’s a real bummer. I’m not the most confident person, and if I run into a mun with a lot of walls and barriers to entry, I tend to bounce off and give up.
My discord is open to mutuals, and I’m always open to IMs, even from non-mutuals or new followers who just want to ask questions. (I know that Tess’ blog is a bit of a mess, and it’s not really well laid out for anyone looking for a good, quick summary of her character.)
Tagged by: @ofdeathandfear​​
Tagging: Anyone! Seriously. I would tag folks, but I think everyone in my orbit has done some version of this. But if you haven’t—yes, I mean you—then steal this and go do it.
0 notes
lamiacalls · 5 years
Dear Yuletide Author
Thank you so much for doing this! This is my first time doing Yuletide, and I’m really excited!
Onto what you’re here for! I’ve never really given prompts before, so these are kind of sketchy and maybe not very good. I’m happy for anything, whether it adheres to any prompts or goes in a completely unexpected direction.
General Likes: 2nd + 3rd person POV, mutual pining, slice of life scenes that are stolen moments from canon, angst but also fluff, enemies-to-lovers (and maybe even -back-to-enemies), exploration of how canon affects characters mentally — and how it affects their power dynamics, smut, love-to-hate, side characters being given the spotlight, unlikely friends and pairings, fake dating, small age gaps, adversaries finding things in common and realising they could be friends in a different life, height differences, pretending-we-don’t-have-feelings, hurt/comfort, some more angst, sensitive portrayals of complicated characters.
General Do Not Wants: ABO, underage, incest, non-con, scat, vomit, piss, the phrase “to the hilt”, pregnancy, misogyny or slut-shaming, character bashing of most stripes, infidelity, 1st person POV.
Jude Duarte/Cardan Greenbriar
Ahh, these two, my little heart can’t take it. Between now and the Yuletide deadline, the third book comes out — I’m happy with this being pre-QoN or included the QoN events, either would be great.
I like it when the sap is kept to a minimum — I want pining, I want angst, I want “collapsing into myself like a dying star because I can’t admit I love you”.
Anything between two disaster artists is great, but I particularly love anything that plays up the fact that they want to hate each other. I prefer almost-sex and kisses to straight sex between them.
I occasionally enjoy canon events from Cardan’s POV, mostly as long as it isn’t too fluffy.
Pre-canon fanfic would be really cool too, as Cardan starts to think more about Jude and starts to hate himself for it. That whole delicious mess. Maybe this would be a Nicasia/Cardan scene, I don’t know.
Alabaster, Essun/Damaya/Syenite
Please note, spoilers ahoy for the series. If you haven’t read it yet, please don’t read this and instead, go and read it!
This series is one of my favourites, and I’m still healing from it, I think. And the relationship that builds between these two is about the only thing that stopped it being unbearably bleak at times. I really loved the slow burn of them learning who each other are, and Alabaster finally trusting someone. You can bet I was gripping my heart when we see him again in book 2, alive (sort of). I don’t really have prompts for this one, unfortunately, but I’d genuinely be happy with anything. It could deal with the darkness of the series, a post-book one-shot, for instance, but I’d be equally pleased with a quiet moment found within the canon — a missing scene.
This also doesn’t have to be romantic. Any kind of interaction is fine. But I would just love it to be soft and quiet, in comparison to the books.
On the other hand, anything surrounding their child...would destroy me and I would gobble it the heck up.
Female Player/Harvey
I love this game so freaking much. It is so calming and lovely to play, and it’s really surprising how emotionally invested I get in characters that have such a limited script set! My current farm is in its 4th year and I just freaking adore it.
Harvey is my fave boy by a mile! I actually used to only marry girls in SV before I did a run of romancing every single option and discovered that this moustachioed doctor was a hidden gem. He’s got that maturity going for him, and he’s just so sweet. And like, I don’t know, I really like how grateful he seems to leave the bachelor life behind.
So something revolving around his gratefulness to be taking part in farm life, to be getting his hands dirty and coming home to a warm house with a warm body in it, would be really lovely.
Or something from early in their interactions — I imagine Harvey is the kind of guy who would never suspect someone has a crush on them, but maybe he’s really hopeful he’s not misreading the signs? Or beating himself up for even hoping? Or he’s oblivious completely to the farmer’s flirtations until someone knocks sense into him.
This book, holy shit. I don’t know what to write about it really — if someone has signed up to write for it, though, I assume you know what this book does to a person. THIS BOOK. If you haven’t read it, goooo read it. It’s short and beautiful and incredible.
Blue’s years undercover, more detail there could be really, really interesting. What happens in the moments she’s not writing to Red?
Anything post-canon that explores their relationship would be cute — do they get that time to sit and drink tea, as they hoped?
Jonathan Creek/Maddy Magellan
I have rewatched this series a ridiculous amount of times, so imagine my joy when I saw this on the approved fandom list! Maddy is by far my favourite “assistant” of any detective series ever. I feel like none of the assistants they got in afterwards even on Jonathan Creek could match her for acidic wit balanced with loveable charm.
I don’t really have prompts for this one, but here are things I love about their relationship:
Their sexual tension. I’m not sure I want it resolved. The closest we got (the scene where Maddy has a bunch of chocolate under her pillow) is good enough for me. I just want those moments where it seems likely but they aren’t sure. Or Jonathan ruins it by doing something too calculating.
Jonathan getting embarrassed or exasperated by Maddy’s bullishness, but then having to be impressed that she got information out of people or talked their way through something or has stolen something while he wasn’t paying attention.
My headcanon is that the only reason Jonathan keeps the final reveal to himself until the end is because he wants to watch Maddy’s face and see if she’s impressed by his powers of deduction.
I know Jonathan is married in current canon, but I’m happy for that to be ignored.
Or maybe, and this is actually a prompt I think, for them to have a fraught few moments where they have to navigate what their relationship is meant to be like now that they’re not both single. Maybe Maddy is married too, even.
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nico-in-space · 8 years
This is an original story of mine that I’m working on. I figured I could post the rough drafts online so I could get probable feedback on them! :) They’ll just escape into the void of Tumblr, so it’s not like it really matters, but I’m putting myself out there anyway, just for the hell of it.
Summary: For each situation, there are at least a hundred different perspectives. Naturally, when the aliens invade Earth, there are a few different perspectives on that event.  One is in favor of the operation. It will, in the end, benefit Earth's prosperity, and add more diversity to the already incredibly advanced ecosystem.  Another couldn't care less if aliens are invading. She's currently in the process of writing her application for MIT. It's not going so great. Also, she just had a MASSIVE fight with her best friend, who's been unusually grouchy lately. What's up with that? Not that it really matters, at this point. Now, what to study next...  One wishes that the aliens would beam her up, as she's feeling lost, alone, and depressed for many, many current reasons. But maybe she's been feeling like that for longer.  Another has been trying, fruitlessly, to defend Earth from the eventual capture of its people, but really wishes she had a helping hand in her project. Her co-workers don't seem to understand that a battle cannot be won with only force. You need knowledge, too, which is something she has quite enough of, thank you. How do their stories intertwine? Find out in Sunny/Bright/Winter/Night.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad here! I update there more regularly. :)
I sigh, leaning back in my chair. It protests at the action, squeaking unpleasantly, the sound reverberating in the large domed room that my cubicle, along with many others, is situated. I'm done working for the day, finally. It always feels like my work is never-ending, but my job is important, at least in the eyes of the Overseer. 
I flex my feet, hearing the joints crack. Us menial workers "run the show," according to the many posters hung up around the satellite base. We are the backbone that run the hypothetical "body" of the Earth Mission #024. At least, that's what the Overseer tells us to make us feel better.
 My work consists of an infinite amount of paperwork. Well, fairly recently in terms of history we've gone digital, so it's all computerized work. My older co-workers often complain about the supposed "laziness" of folk my age because we never had to sort physical paperwork like they did. It's really fucking annoying, to be honest. But I digress. My job is basically to scan over the documents which detail, in exactness, the birth of a Human, and all their medical "traits." I run the document through diagnostics to make sure there are no glitches. It's just some debug program, one that I could probably program myself if I had the desire,  but I'd probably get in trouble with my Local Leader. As much as I don't give a literal fuck what my Local Leader thinks, I don't feel like being electrocuted to death anytime soon. After the document goes through diagnostics, I click the confirm button, and the next document pops up. It's all I live for, basically.
It's menial; almost an insult to my intellect. I pride myself on being a fairly smart Ki'golian these days, though I was fairly rebellious in my youth, and didn't spend much time at the Academy. I preferred to spend my time in more...lucrative ways.
I get up, rubbing my shoulders. Terror above, they're sore... What I wouldn't give for a sauna in this damn place. Not like I'd ever be able to use something like that, as a folk of my status.
Feeling rather sour, I leave the Dome to head to my apartment. I swipe my card, entering my apartment Block, then find my room number and swipe to enter that. Alone at last. I recline on my bed, looking out the small window to the view of Earth. The planet is large, and I am currently viewing the Pacific Ocean. It's the largest one, which is the only way I can remember it. It's incredibly blue, even covered with clouds, and I find that I can't look away. The sun's light reflects on it even from my vantage point, though the clouds cover most of it, swirling gently, circularly. Actually seeing it in person is kind of a shock to me still. I've done boring work before, in boring places, so I figured the Earth Mission, when they reached out to me, would be no different. But the scenery, at least, is incredibly extravagant, even if the pay isn't.
 ...it really is a beautiful planet. I suppose there are things that don't have a monetary value. Scenery like this, I suppose, can be counted as one of them.
"Dammit!" Tasha exclaimed, slamming her controller on the ground. Next to her, her friend Leila yelled in success, punching the air with fervor. She was at Leila's house, playing video games with her together after school. The room was brightly lit, and Leila's screen was massive. It was a video gamer's heaven.
"Fuck, Leila, you're way too good at games. Seriously," Tasha groaned, rubbing her temples. She continued, "you'd be real good in the robotics club. I could use a friend there."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Leila reiterated, setting down her controller and pulling a hair tie off her wrist, using it to pull up her hair. Tasha couldn't help but watch the motion, watched Leila's tan, toned arms as she fixed her hair. "You hate that the guys there think your sexuality's a challenge." Tasha blinked, focusing back on Leila's face.
"You think the teacher's wishy-washy for letting that shit happen. But you want to go to college for Rocket Science, so you're sticking with it anyway." Leila scoffed. "If I were you, I would'a quit the moment one of 'em started hitting on me."
"Not all of us have a career in lucrative hobbies, Leila. I gotta work for that future degree, y'know?" Tasha grumbled, annoyed. "Which means I have to be in a shit ton of clubs, even ones I'm...less fond of, and I've gotta do well in my classes, so that MIT might even consider me. I just wanted a little more support, that's all I was asking. It's not that hard to join a-"
"Stop." Leila's voice was tight. Her shoulders had tensed up. Tense herself, Tasha leveled her gaze at Leila, not about to back down now.
Outside, a bird trilled. Leila's robotic butler rolled to its charging dock and hooked itself on, shutting down for a quick nap, it seemed.
Leila scoffed.
 Tasha blinked.
 "Video gaming is hard work, okay! It's an actual skill."
Tasha glared at Leila. Leila was changing the topic again, like she always did when Tasha brought up her tendency to slack off. 
"No, it's not," she responded, annoyed with herself for encouraging this particularly irksome behavior of Leila's.
"Fuck you. It is," Leila growled, giving Tasha the respective finger.
Tasha groaned, frustrated, throwing her hands up in the air. This is how their conversations have been going lately, and Tasha can pinpoint it starting during the week that Tasha and their mutual friend Akane began casually dating, three months ago. Ever since then, for whatever reason, Leila has been really tough to be around, especially with applications for college starting up this month.
Tasha knew Leila was sensitive about her grades in school. No matter how much Tasha tried to reassure her it was just a letter, it didn't mean anything towards her intellect, it was still a touchy subject with her, for whatever reason. Leila wasn't planning on going to college, and college was all Tasha could think about. It was, in hindsight, a recipe for disaster. 
"You know what," she began, getting up from her seat. "I'm getting a little tired of your attitude, Leila."
Tasha grimaced, before flicking her off. She hated to do it, but Leila seriously needed a taste of her own medicine."Wait, Tasha," Leila whined, but it was too late.
Tasha had walked out of the door.
 Tasha strode purposefully to her car, parked in front of the Horton's mansion. Leila was just another nobody who spent all their time gaming. A nobody who had once been special to Tasha, but not anymore. Tasha had bigger things on her plate, and that plate didn't have room for Leila's rich girl problems.
Tasha gunned the engine, tasting the delicious feeling of knowing that Leila, right now, had heard that, and was probably upset.
It was almost like freedom.
She yearned after those Saturday nights spent drinking strawberry lemonade and watching the clouds, sun bright, in her eyes, in Tasha's eyes, the bright summer sky turning everything a shade of gold. Flittering, fluttering, old dandelion fluff from spring still in the air, making her nose itch.
She loved to watch as the white puffs blew in the slight breeze. She wished, oh God, did she wish, that she could fly like them, free, warmed by the sun, dancing against the wind.
And when she looked into Tasha's warm hazel eyes, she was part of the way there.
But all she felt now was the deepest chill, winter's chill creeping up her bones and settling in her spine. It froze her. She couldn't move, as her dearest friend and one-sided lover walked away, for what looked like the last time.
DIARY LOG 10/10/40
Today's mission went pretty rough. Those damned beasts keep making the chase harder. I keep hacking into their mainframe to try and disable their cloaking device, but they change the security every time. And it's always so God...damned convoluted. Ugh, I have the worst fucking headache right now. Boss keeps telling me I need lasik, or contacts, or even old-fashioned glasses, but there's no time for that. Not when I'm the only hacker on the Resistance team. We really need to get someone else who can program. Jesus. 
End log.
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