#here u go dangos
Furina, Ei and few more characters of your choice with a S/o who is comically bad at cooking. As in they make a bowl or cereal and it catches on fire
(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Furina, Ei, Clorinde, Arlecchino, Chiori, Firefly, Stelle, March 7th, Himeko, Seele, and Natasha's S/O being terrible at cooking
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(Furina) "BLECH! This is repulsive, S/O! How on earth did you mess up a simple sandwich!?"
Furina thought it was fine to let S/O cook for the both of them, but clearly she was mistaken!
They couldn't even toast a grilled cheese without something going awry!
...Granted she didn't really know how to cook either, but that was beside the point!
(Furina) "Worry not, we have prepared for this contingency. Let us eat the macaroni we have in the fridge!"
In which she promptly burned them.
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(Ei) "Hm...I see you too cannot cook."
This was a problem, for both her and S/O.
This meant that S/O was unable to cook sweets.
...Oh well, that's what the help is for.
(Ei) "I will simply ask the servants to bring us dinner, it is of no concern to us."
Ei will unsubtly hint that S/O should get better at cooking and train, solely for the purpose of her not having to buy her dango.
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(Clorinde) "...I admit, this is my first time seeing a cereal bowl on fire."
Clorinde doesn't know, and quite frankly she doesn't want to know how this happened.
She knew S/O wasn't great at cooking, and just let them pour a bowl of milk.
Clearly, that was the heavens punishing her for such a thought.
(Clorinde) "I know some quiet restaurants we can have breakfast in, S/O."
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(Arlecchino) "I am impressed, S/O. I did not know it was physically possible to mess up this badly on scrambled eggs."
She knew one thing, and one thing clear.
For the love of the Archons, do not let S/O near the stove during the barbecues.
Arlecchino knew this was beyond help or training at this point.
(Arlecchino) "Make sure to clean the pan well. And do throw away the bag once the eggs are disposed of."
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(Chiori) "I think this steak is still mooing at me."
By the Shogun's left tit, the steak S/O """"cooked"""" was raw.
She knew she had to be blunt, lest someone get killed trying to be polite and eat S/O's impersonation of food.
(Chiori) sigh "Here, let me do it. If you need me to cook next time, just ask."
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(Firefly) ACK! "A-Ahem, sorry...I can order us something if you'd like, S/O!"
Firefly has a sympathetic look that she gives S/O.
Cooking was hard, and she could tell S/O tried their best to make something for her, and the thought at least counts!
However, she's pretty sure her systems would register whatever S/O tried to whip up as a life-threatening object.
(Firefly) "Here, let me know what you want and I'll go grab it! My thrusters will make grabbing the pizza no problem!"
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(Stelle) "...I think I'll pass on dinner."
It broke her heart to reject something S/O made with love.
But if she ate the fruits of S/O's love, she was pretty sure she'd jut die on the spot.
Yeah, no thanks, she prefers to LIVE.
(Stelle) ...At least it's not Himeko's coffee.
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(March 7th) "PUWAH! EYUCK!...U-Uh, I mean...-"
March struggles to find a way to describe S/O's cooking without resorting to spitting on the ground.
She has had some bad food throughout her travels, but holy cow did S/O's food take the cake, then throw it into a garbage disposal.
(March 7th) "...How about we try some local cuisine outside the Astral Express! Yeah, let's do that!"
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(Himeko) "Hm...I think you could have a bit more seasoning."
Honestly, it could have a lot more than that, but it wasn't the worst thing she's tasted.
With a little bit of help, Himeko would get S/O to cook like a pro in no time!
Besides, S/O enjoyed her coffee, so she should have the same courtesy, even if the rest of the Express crew wanted neither of their courtesy cooking.
(Himeko) "How about we do a few taste tests? I bet that can help!"
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(Seele) hurk! "Holy hell, what did you put in this?!"
Seele isn't exactly picky about her food, but this wasn't food.
This was poison, one that she almost ingested.
(Seele) "We gotta do something about that cooking of yours, S/O. We could use it as a lethal weapon the way it is..."
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(Natasha) "E-Er...I don't think this is my preferred palette, S/O. No offense, of course."
Natasha's usual food of choice was edible.
She had no idea where S/O learned to cook, but wherever it was, they clearly had never tasted anything remotely like actual food.
But, it also made sense, considering they were underground for a very long time.
(Natasha) "Would you like to join me the next time I cook something, S/O? It'd just be something more akin to my taste, is all." Like something a stomach can actually digest...
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karasukarei · 2 months
Wind Breaker Drama CD vol. 2 sample - Oedo-style Fuurin Story
This drama CD is set during the Edo period, so keep that in mind while reading this! Boufuurin has become Fuurin-gumi (“gumi” means group, like in “shinsengumi”) here, with Umemiya as the group head.
As always, if there are mistakes, feel free to let me know!
Other translations I’ve done can be found here!
Scene 1
Sakura (?): I heard that the barracks for Fuurin-gumi is supposed to be around here… is it that?
Nirei: E-excuse me, is this the barracks for Fuurin-gumi…?
Sugishita: *grunts*
Nirei: It is right, it’s obvious! It’s nicely written here right?
Sugishita: *more grunting*
Nirei: U-um, could you perhaps be from Sugishita-san from Tamonshuu’s First Squad?
Sugishita: *gasps of suspicion* You, could you be-!?
Nirei: Heeeeeee!!! I’m sorry I swear I’m not a suspicious figure!! I am Nirei, and I’d like to join-
Sugishita: Coming to join Fuurin-gumi, you sure have some guts! *draws sword*
Nirei: A-ah, I’m being you please don’t cut me down!!
Sakura: Oi! Stop it!
Scene 2
Hiiragi: You made one more mistake.
Sakura: Huh?! What more is there besides this?!
Hiiragi: The head of Fuurin-gumi is not me-
Umemiya 🩵: Ohh, Hiiragi! You’re here!
Enomoto: !! Umemiya-san! Thank you for yourrrrr harrrrd worrrrk!!!
Umemiya: Oh! (t/n: think of it like a sign of acknowledgement)
Hiiragi: Where have you been all this time? (t/n: this might not be accurate, I couldn’t quite catch what he said)
Umemiya: Ahh, sorry about that, here, I bought some dango as souvenirs to share with everyone!
Hiiragi: *grunts of gastric issues without GasCon 10* Anyway, those two over there, they’re new people who just joined today.
Umemiya: Oh?
Nirei: You’re… *excited sounds* It’s the real person! Sakura-san! It’s this person! This person is the top of Fuurin-gumi! The group head Umemiya-san!
Sakura: Eh?
Umemiya: Yo, Sakura! You really came, huh? I look forward to working with you from today!
Sakura: Huh? Huh?! HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!!!
Scene 3
Suo: Huh? Over there, is there some sort of commotion?
Kiryuu: Something seems to be up, huh?
Kaji: That restaurant seems to have had someone eat and run.
Sakura (?): Eat and run?
Kaji: The granny from the shop said that the culprit was a man wearing a blue kimono.
Nirei: A blue kimono? Ah!
Kaji: What is it?
Nirei: Just now, there was a man in a blue kimono running down that road!
Sakura (?): Tsk, dammit. *starts running*
Kaji: Oi, hang on!
Suo: Let’s go too!
Nirei / Kiryuu: Yes! / Mm!
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dangopango00 · 5 months
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YIIPEEE finished the rest of the brothers with my hcs 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Notes utc
- Grey streaks from like stress or sth
- Tired eyes (Honestly ik i put his eyes should be straight before but i decided itd be soooo kewt if he had downturned eyes like belphie)
- Kept his eye color bc it shows how hes aggressive but not all the time like silent but deadly bc muted colors
- dilf
- Made his hair more greyish bc his and solomons hairstyles are so similar
- Was also sick and tired of the messy anime boy hair so i made his hair messy in a diff way; more clean since hes a model and all
- His ahoge is supposed to look like a little wing kinda
- A few black streaks (dyed) bc of how much he respects luci
- Remnants of freckles (light seasonal freckles)
- I hate the eyebrows and eyes going through the hair thing if its fully covered but i had to show that hes being mischievous
- Im so sorry to everyone who loved him the way he was but I HAD TO GREMLINFY HIM its in character trust
- He blushes the most imo like i feel like his whole face and neck would turn red
- His hair would be super messy like he would NOTT brush that shit its a waste of time in his opinion
- Made his messy hair in the shape of a fish fin (top) and tail (right)
- Made his mouth widest bc hes a lizard
- Gave him slight snake eyes (ok but imagine if it intensified whenever he was envious like how cats do but opposite)
- Angelic ahh beautiful man
- Hair grows fast so its always a lil long
- Always looks a lil mad RBF
- Same hair swoop thing as Asmo
- Single ahoge is supposed to represent a unicorn horn kinda
- Little rat braid that supposed to resemble scorpion tail
- fake mole (hes not one of us yall.) (we let it slide bc hes chill)
- Similar swoop to satan (purposeful. Asmo styles his hair since he was “young” and he just kept doing it that way)
- #softgirl vibe
- Ik i said idk what to say for him but i got a bunch of random inspo bye
- Looks like he was raised by wolves. Ok well thats an exaggeration but his hair is very unkempt doesnt get haircuts until his hair is down to like his shoulders and def doesnt style it
- FRECKLS ❤️ mostly on his cheeks
- Lighter streaks of hair naturally n it matches belphie 🥺🥺
- ahoge is supposed to look like fly wings but he also looks like a bnnuy and thats so kewt
Belphie if u havent seen him!
All the hcs i made more in-depth than on here
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Heyo, Idk if you still do sagau but I hope you do 🙏🙏 anyway, this is lowkey wholesome but imagine one of acolytes were trying to communicate with a child but then they realize the child is deaf but reader so happened to be nearby. So then, whatever the character is saying the reader translates into sign language and its just a wholesome sight to see. Btw srry if this isn't what you usually write 😓 add anything to this if you want
(*update: im so stupid i thought ur sunglasses pfp was a anon and didnt look any closer💀i aint livin this one down)
(Spoiler: i do plan to do imagines for other fandoms bc i have such niche AUs or ideas for them, a lot like this whole language stuff for Genshin Sagau :D )
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Also srry its kinda short i just could only think of this cute little scenario- 😗
Rest in peace bc i have a whole fat post i wanna make about neurodivergence + general accessibility issues in Teyvat and their countries
Like where r the ramps babe
Where r the non-narrow ass doors
Why r we just constantly made to hike up mountains when we dont have to
And dont come at me with that,
"Theyre in their medieval age! They cant make stuff like that!"
Yeah, u right, they cant.
If they dont be ✨️creative ✨️and they dont use their fucking ✨️magic ✨️
Liyue got floating rocks and they cant make a goddamn disability elevator?? Bitch tf?
Literally almost no one gets sign language in Teyvat
(despite the fact that in my perfect teyvat, sign lang. is superior bc everyone could make it the universal lang. ESP if we go by the cool AU of diff countries have diff languages, like Germanish lang for Mondstadt, Frenchish for Fontaine, etc.)
Off topic again srry-
But you took a class once!! Or even checked out the alphabet and casual convo on ur own time :D
So u just chillin with Kazuha, Thoma, Sara, Gorou, and Kokomi (they vistin the main island to see u!! :] )
Meanwhile a little girl is walking around nearby, and is kinda going in circles
Almost like shes scared to go too far one way or the other,
So being the caring soul he is, (rlly all these boys here rn would notice and help lol)
Thoma comes up to her and squats down trying to talk to her :)
Yeah, she didn't say anything, just kinda,,
Motioned with her hands??
She looks like shes doing some kind of code to them..
Thoma finally recognized this, its that hand language!! lmao hes got the spirit
so he asks Kazuha to try and see if he knows it or can even figure it out-
Nope. Nada de nada.
Then Kokomi, Sara and Gorou (whos a sweatin nervous mess he doesnt know how to act around kids esp kids in distress he seems like the type lol)
They all fail, Kokomi looks concerned bc she thinks the kids lost, but there no frantic parents nearby, Sara is trying to slowly understand what motions mean what i.e. points to a rock = learn sign from child etc,
Kazuha is trying to get the wind to help locate upset guardians nearby, and Gorou...
... is just 🧍‍♂️
So after a minute of this (bc u had originally been away at a street food vender, hey those dango were rlly good dont judge urself)
U come back, and see this mild flavor of chaos-
And are just like
"Oh ffs- just shoo, i got it guys"
And just, slowly, go thru some signs with the little girl to get the keywords at least
She lights up and is like bouncing, she goes hella fast at first but slows down when she gets ur hearing
Either way, she looks a lot happier now
U explain for her to the others to confirm her parents got seperated from her
She got lost and where she last saw them
u finally help escort her to the street she last saw her parents on :] !!
Meanwhile the whole allogene group, shopkeepers, and Inazumans around you:
Kokomi is holding back a squeal, shes gotta keep up her image, ahem-
Sara is like,, minutely vibrating?? Lmao
Kazuha is watching u like a fireworks show, intensely and yet fascinated
And Thoma just looks like a puddle of affection, just absolutely melted (he loves kids + he secretly loves you = dead Thoma)
Other people look weirdly, proud? Like theyre like "yeah thats our god, fuck yeah, knowing diff languages, go off, Your Grace 💅 " LMAO SORRY COULDNT RESIST and also some fascination
Anyway, 2 very stressed looking dads see yall and the girl and one of them run up to hold each other
She starts rapidly signing, explaining to her dads the adventure she had and the cool people she met <3
The dads look at u and r like 🤔😶😱 "YOUR MAJESTY??!!" (VIGOROUS HAND MOTIONS)
They sign like,
"We're terribly sorry about you seeing us like this, we usually are much more together than this, a crowd just swept her off, its very busy today. Thank you so much for helping our girl, my Lord!! 😭😭"
Theyre like almost crying, oh geez, u reassure them and sign back that it happens to any parent at some point and that is matters more that they tried to get her back :]
Meanwhile the rest of the group and the citizens are just watching yall like its the most amazing Olympic level tennis match in the world LMAO
Heads all in sync, watchin yall like 👋👍🙏LMAO IM SORRY
🎵 Hi, it's me. I'm the problem, it's me. 🎵
That is to say none of yalls asks r eaten up, at least im pretty sure? Dw abt it im chugging along having the time of my life hehe >:)
Hope yall r having a good weekend and have no hw if ur in school, or i hope ur shift goes good tomorrow! :]
Love yall!!
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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Elooo!! Can u pls do Benkei hc pls pls plsss I badly need one!! (*ノ´□`)ノ
Of course I can and here they are! Hope you like them!
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Used to like taking Shinichiro to the gym with him, though his favourite work out partner has always been Wakasa.
Straight up stole Wakasa's dango stick one time and immediately regretted it (he'll never make that mistake again). 
Never understood why anyone would want a little sibling until he met Senju.
When the others found out how much he dislikes horror films he got embarrassed and tried to prove them wrong by going on a horror movie marathon (he didn't sleep for days after that).
He doesn't do it often but is actually a decent cook.
Actually gets super invested in movies and TV shows he watches, is transfixed by them (will cry at sad movies) this is also the reason he dislikes horror movies.
Loves hugs! Will not hesitate to bear hug his partner, is also super clingy and refuses to let go.
When training people in the gym he can seem a bit loud and aggressive but he's actually very supportive, cheering people on and practising them to help with their motivation (he's just very enthusiastic).
Can't keep a plant alive 
Frequently carries Senju around on his shoulders, usually when she's overly tired. He used to do the same with Shinichiro too after he got injured in fights (and once carried a drunk Wakasa who insisted on it).
Is a total gentleman, opening doors for people, helping people reach stuff by shopping etc. He may not look it but he will help people out.
Actually wanted to hit Shion long before did (he was glad he finally got the chance).
The first time he got asked on a date he thought someone dared them to do it, he got so used to people being intimidated by him that he didn't think anyone would want to take him on a date.
Was so happy after getting his tattoo done that he refused to wear anything with sleeves on it for months after (even when it was cold).
Has a very loud but happy laugh, the kind of laugh which just makes you smile.
Loves relaxing in warm baths and trips to hot springs 
Actually got on well with all the little Sano and Akashi kids (and Baji) they liked how big he was and used to climb on him (he'd always get a little worried that they'd fall or he'd accidentally hurt them).
Never did fully forgive Inui for that middle aged comment though. (Just kidding he definitely did......or did he?)
Whenever he hears his old nickname "red cliff" he gets very happy.
Panics a bit when someone cries (unless it's Shinichiro who he got used to very fast lmao)
Gets fairly competitive, do not play monopoly with him.
Is very good at reading stories to people, will give all the character's voices and put emotion into it.
Is actually a very warm person in general, great person to cuddle up to during the winter.
Kept a close eye on the future black dragons generations, even offering advice to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Used to threaten any gang members who spoke over Shinichiro during meetings (especially if it was Takeomi)
Enjoys funfairs but dislikes any spinning rides (he gets a bit motion sick)
And finally his favourite gift to give his partner are flowers, all sorts. He also gifts them all the time, sometimes he'll give them to you just because you seemed a little sad. 
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tofu-loverx · 2 years
Summary: Genshin Impact characters when they meet your friend in Teyvat. Fandom: Genshin Impact Characters: Zhongli \ Kaedehara kazuha. Warnings: fluff \litter yandere. Type: HCs Note: English is not my mother language, sorry for any spelling errors.
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Since you were officially declared the Creator, you have lived a life of extreme wealth.
It was just that if you accidentally glanced at a product, you would find that Zhongli had already purchased it.
Even though Morax is loyal to you, you're tired of the privileged treatment, it's like getting a VIP card for life.
One day, you walked with Morax and ganyu in the quiet mountains, and then your eyes widened at that familiar appearance of yours.
You ran as hard as you could in spite of the many silks and accessories that hindered your running, and left your loyal followers behind you.
But you stumbled and fell on your face, the two rushed to you and supported you to stand up and inquire about the reason for your rush.
As soon as you raised your head and lost track of who you were chasing, you began to shout and cry hard.
You made your followers confused.
Morax: "Your grace!? Did we do something wrong?"
Ganyu: "Your grace, are you hurting somewhere?"
You tried to form an understandable sentence in the bout of crying:"There was…I saw her\his.. (F/N)…"
Morax wondered to himself who was this person who made his maker in this case, so he returned to your house your palace with Ganyu and went to Ningguang.
Ningguang searched all her papers that belonged to the residents for this name, while keqing and the guards searched for it in the mountains.
Days later, there was a knock on your room door and Ganyu opened the door while you were drinking tea at the window.
Ganyu with a smile: "Your grace, you'd love to see this~"
You turned around in astonishment, then Morax entered, accompanied by someone familiar to you.
The cup fell out of your hands and you jumped out of your chair, embracing your best friend.
Youu happily : "I was sure you were here"
Yor friend:" Is that really you?"
You: "Yes!!"
Morax approached you kneeling: "your grace, sorry to interrupt your reunion, but who is this?"
u held your friend's hand and laughed to Zhongli:" My best best friend…"
Morax whispered: "Does that mean he is a creator too?"
Morax's heart tore when he saw his place being stolen from him, though he also felt very happy because your frown was replaced by laughter that lit up the room.
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He was so happy that you liked hanging out with him and he left Raiden Shogun's kind treatment of you.
You were sitting in Inazuma after u acquitted him of his alleged crimes.
He bought you your favorite dango and gave you the chance to enjoy the most beautiful sunset ever from a cliff.
Until he enjoyed contemplating the carved and blessed features of his creator up close.
Notice that your gaze changed from the setting sun down the slope, he looked at what you were looking at and it turned out to be just a girl running.
But on closer look she was running away from Riftwolf.
You didn't stay in place until you jumped off the top of the cliff, leaving poor Kazuha screaming in horror: "Your grace!!."
Of course, the credit goes to the Archons who taught you to use your powers until you excelled in them.
Kazuha followed right behind and saw you ordering Riftwolf to back off, Kazuha ran after you: "grace!!, don't jump like that again."
Kazuha noticed your lack of reaction to his complaining, so he came closer and saw you frozen and shocked, Kazuha: "Your grace?"
You:" Kazuha…"
Kazuha quickly: "yes! your grace?"
You:" Go back to Raiden and ask her to prepare a clean room, a hot bath and clothes too."
Kazuha: "Yes?"
You jumped into the arms of the girl in front of you happily and she started screaming too.
You:"I miss you so much!!"
Your friend:" Me too!!… You disappeared suddenly… Hey, is this really Teyvat!?"
Your smile widened:" Yes!!, we are at Genshin Impact"
Kazuha didn't understand anything about what was happening and the vague conversation they were having.
Your friend looked at Kazuha and approached him: "Is this really Kazuha??"
"Yes, he's my sweet and cute Kazuha," you replied, placing your hand on Kazuha's shoulder.
The boy's cheeks blushed slightly at your words, and he deduced from what was happening that this girl was from the same world as you came from, sharing the precious world of his Creator, the girl who spent more time with you than he did, the girl who knew you more than he did.
Kazuha finally said:" How do you know my name?"
Your friend:" Of course I know you, (y/n) and I have been talking about you a lot and how (y/n)'s room is full of your pictures."
You hastened to close your friend's mouth at the end of her words, as your cheeks turned red a lot: "Shut up"
Your friend:" What's the problem?"
Noticing the aura between the two of you, she said with a mischievous smile, "Hmm~…so, then."
You:" I know you're obsessed with Ayato too…"
Your friend:" I didn't mind that the handsome young man realized mylove for him."
Kazuha interrupted:" Your grace, we have to go back, and take care of your friend."
Kazuha realizes at this moment that your friend is not a threat to him, yet it will prove to him that you belong to him and that your time is his, everything is his and every hair on you is his.
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baby-xemnas · 9 months
BABYXEMNAAAAAAASSS YOUVE DONE IT AGAAAAIIIIINNNN now im thinking about early pre-sex lawbepo where law is Forever Changed after getting a touch of paw beans. bepos palms are warm and somehow soft and rough at the same time and squish just a little when u squeeze them and law Cant stop thinking about it. hes.. beginning to have Wicked thoughts about it. bepo blushed so cutely when law rubbed his paws.. he wants to know what bepos paws feel like.. elsewhere.. so he breaks and hes like ok its just my curiosity thats all. its fine. ill satisfy my questions. and then ill be fine. so he says Ah Bepo , Looks like you may have a knotted muscle in your hand i should check it. and bepo bless his heart says wow!!! captain is so good at being a doctor i didnt even notice my hand was hurt. here you go!!! :3 no hesitation no nothing but complete blind trust. law feels a little guilty but then he has bepos hand in his now and he no longer has any morals just bepo . he strokes the texture and when he gently presses his fingers into his pawpad bepo squeaks just a little bit and as law massages both thumbs into bepos palm he whimpers... law becomes evil right then and there .hes decided its so fucking over. hes going to hell and he is running for it full fucking speed. bepos flushed going nn captain.. w..wait.. it feels.. and law says does it not feel good, bepo? Bepo Is Powerless. W WAIT YES it feels good!!!!!!! law says hmm. <disappointed> ill stop then. NO!!! NO YOU DONT HAVE TO...you can..keep going.... making bepo beg a little even when hes sooooooo embarassed because captain asked to rub his hands!!! hes doing something nice for bepo so its the least he could do to let him .... law asked..and hes staring at bepo so intently and his hands are so warm and its LAW so its ok..if law says its ok..right... law doesnt stop until bepo is sweating and whining and shaking in his chair and laws essentially just fingering both hands across the table. bepo has never ever been touched like this before in his life and did not know his hands coukd do that and hes tearing up a little bit because he feels so so warm his heart is beating so fast his fur is standing on end and then law (so lost in the bear sauce) does the unthinkable. he lifts bepos palm to his mouth and Bites it. and bepo MOANS out loud. its this high pitched shocked whiny cry out of laws best/guiltiest dreams and then it is dead fucking silent. both of them stare at each other in the most painfully erect alarm as it sinks in . what hapoens next is up 2 u...........
law cant be normal ever, every part of bepo is too lovely and his reactions are so cute ..
im laughing "wow captain is such a good doctor i didnt even know i was hurt" 🤣🤣🤣 bepo dear angel you have such high opinion of him (this will not change even after many proofs that law is weird and sus)
bepo getting so overwhelmed...getting touched by law san like this!!! being his single focus!!! i love when he feels bashful that he's reacting so strongly even tho its law who starts it every time and is so much weirder
god please law would say something completely idiotic like "they look like pink dango" its stupidity falls on deaf ears because bepo nearly came in his pants after the massage and THAT he's just huh?////..um//// he is so embarrassed that he is falling apart like this!!! over something so little...captain didnt mean it that way!!! he is being so caring and kind and good!!! 😭😭😭😭 he is so ashamed. dear captain please forgive him for being a pervert! he didn't mean to moan like that 💀
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aeoneris · 10 months
part 2 of me being unhinged with a freecam mod for mhrise on pc. documenting my fun observations of things u don't normally see. this post is for kamura village, and there is a lot more here than in the elgado post so please enjoy
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just wanna point out how the instructor eats dango through his cowl. i love him with my whole heart
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so i recently looked through the base rise artbook and it mentions how there's supposed to be an entire residential area behind the tatara forge in the main plaza. well... it turns out a majority of it is modeled, but it's inaccessible. the housing district is where the villagers live, but it also has buildings that caters to visitors such as aristocrats and outside hunters
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here's a clear shot of what it looks like inside those barely open doors in front of the forge, behind elder fugen. shout out to these two smithies... they're the real ones
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this is a view of looking into kamura from outside the front gate, i just thought it'd be neat. if you turn the camera around and try to leave kamura you just run into layers and layers of tree textures until you clip through and see the skybox lol
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at the buddy plaza. a nice shot of the entrance to the training grounds, with the palamute statues leading you to it. fun fact, if you look at the buddy plaza before going in, it's shrouded in a black screen to make it look foggy/obscured from the outside
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a close up of the wirebug hives where the villagers raise them. sometimes they land and they look completely different from when they're flying (because they stop the iconic glowing?), it reminds me of the jewel bug model in animal crossing lol
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rondine's ship is surprisingly detailed when you get to see it from a different angle. she has an open air bed with a bookshelf over it, and in the open door below, there are two hammocks for her felynes in the room which is so cute (forgot to take a pic of them)
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if you turn the camera around, rondine has an actual clear photo of herself and the two felynes hanging on a wall
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here's one of my favorite discoveries, chino's paintings are actually of previous game's areas like bherna and yukumo! and if you look at what chino is currently painting, it's a wip of the toadversary
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at the training area, if you look at all those moving targets, there are felynes running back and forth placing new targets and boxes
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i tried to move the camera outside of the entrance of the training area while i was in there, a lot of stuff isn't visible but weirdly the palamute statues are still fully modeled (understandable) even though i don't even think you can see them from the dock
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at the guild hub. this is how it looks like inside otemai's dango shop
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when you wait for a while, hojo starts yeeting messages at minoto... if you look at what he's holding before he throws them, it's drawings of rathalos. they're all rathalos lol (if you move the camera behind minoto and watch her catch them, she actually puts all the papers under her desk and they load out of existence once you can't see them)
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just a shot of these guys because i appreciate them and found out there's a subset of nakago oshi which is so powerful
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so if ur inside the guild hub nothing rly loads past that gate beside minoto...
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but if you're outside, it leads to the place where hinoa is singing in the credits. nice wedding venue. just saying that for no particular reason
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inside your house... there's some baskets hanging above the hearth with herbs in them. just thought they were neat
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if you were wondering about him... yes. fukashigi is fully modeled behind the wall. his teacup is stuck to his hand in a weird way too lol
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lastly, enjoy your housekeeper in your bathtub with your low res cohoot rubber ducky
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kits-ships · 1 year
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a celestial trio's up, down, all-around playlist
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your best american girl - mitski // angeleyes - abba // fourth of july - sufjan // star - mitski // earth angel - the penguins // this december - ricky montgomery // community gardens - the scary jokes // in the darkness - mxmtoon // i will follow you into the dark - death cab for cutie // rearview - beach bunny // somebody to love - queen // from eden - hozier // samson - regina spektor
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wtf!!!!! i made a playlist??? *tags you, tags you, tags you, ta-*
this is a weird mix of music and i hate sharing my tunes (insecurity win!) but i wanted to make selfship content so here u go :3 i dont think anyone will listen to it but guess what gamers we make content for OURSELVES not others!!!!!!! praise from outsiders is still good for serotonin tho
also i tried to name it like how aziraphale and crowley's playlists on spotify are named
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ok ill get to the tags now :3
taglist: @hippywife @dango-daydreams @wanderers-wife @selffulfillingshipper @noromoselfships @sunstar-of-the-north @dudefrommywesterns @funkedge @hanahaki-arcade @huggsbury
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mondaymelon · 2 years
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a day with the archons. pt 2 (honkai impact x genshin impact)
warnings/notes! part 1 can be found here! reader wakes up as elysia from honkai and is in teyvat, somehow - female reader, mentions of alcohol, written headcanon style, NAHIDAS PART IS SO WHOLESOME CRYING RN
(a/n) requested by 🪷 anon! my brain juice needs some refilling hjskskskskskskks - also u have ur own tag now hehe ill tag everything with you included with #🪷 anon so you can read them easier ^^
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She insisted on having tea with you, quite interested with the fact that you were an outlander not of this world or even of this universe.
You were only able to meet Ei, as the Shogun was out issuing a few decrees and speeches when you had arrived - mainly the ones to abolish the Sakoku Decree that remained since the Traveler had arrived.
You had brought some gifts, as you felt it was polite, and had heard word that Ei liked sweets. She especially enjoyed the dango that you had brought, and you silently promised to yourself to bring more if you ever had a chance.
Ei was incredibly polite and soft-spoken, at least when being compared the Shogun. You remembered the Inazuman questline, and it made you shudder to think actually having to live through that.
"Elysia... or... Elie. Can I call you that?"
Of course you agree, since how could you refuse her?
"It's strange. You're a being like the Traveler, yet you do not carry the essence of the stars, but the very universe itself. You are quite the interesting thing, and I'd like to get to know you more."
Needless to say, the two of you stayed up far into the night discussing hundreds of various topics. At first, Ei had some shogunate stand on guard at the doors and other entrances, but after a while she let them only guard the outside.
I guess you could say she had grown to trust you.
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She almost acts like a kid around you, and you would've believed the farce if not for the extensive Sumeru storyline.
Nahida seems extra bubbly around you, occasionally holding your hand as she leads you through crowded places, like the Sumeru Marketplace or even at times, the Academia.
Through her, you've come to met quite a few of the key figures in Sumeru. Al Haitham, Tighnari, Cyno, Nilou, Dehya, Candace... even Collei, Dori, Faruzan, and Layla! While you are more acquainted with some more than few, you're glad to at least have been able to leave the impression on them.
The two of you decided to have a picnic after the drama in Sumeru died down a bit more, on the outskirts of Sumeru City. For someone so relatively young compared the the rest of the archons, she knows her fair share of stories, and she'll go on and on excitedly as she recites them to you.
Turns out she's actually a skilled arts and crafts maker! It makes you happy to see that she's embracing more of her... creative self after being stuck in the same place for so long.
Nahida teaches you how to make flower crowns out of various Sumeru specialties, like Sumeru roses or Kalapata lotuses! Her knowledge on Sumeru wildlife is an endless stream, which you figure makes sense, considering she is the archon of Dendro.
''Ellie! I have a gift for you." The small girl giggles, holding something behind her back. "But you have to close your eyes, okay?"
As you do so, you can hear her stand on her tippie-toes to reach and place something on your head.
"You can open your eyes now!" As you do, you spot that Nahida's now donning a crown made of delicately thread kalapata-lotuses, and as you glance up, you see that you're wearing one yourself, one made of Sumeru's violet roses.
"Hehe! Now we're matching!"
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The first time you see him, it's at Angel Share. Surprisingly, he's not drinking, at least not yet, but instead playing away at his lyre with an otherworldly melody.
His fingerwork is perfectly precise, and you can't help but be entranced by his preformance.
You order a drink and take a seat at the nearest open table, watching and listening until Venti plays the last note on his lyre, which reverberates about the tavern like a reminiscent memory.
No one else in the bar seems to be sober enough to cheer, and it doesn't seem like the bartender cares, so you go up to him and personally give him a compliment, along with a fine bottle of dandelion wine you had bought just for the occasion.
He doesn't seem to be surprised when you tell him you know who he actually is, just grins and says, "Ehe, was it really that obvious?"
It doesn't take long for him to get absolutely wasted, but not before he's told you great deal about the history of Mondstadt and its people. He goes on and on when he gets to Vanessa, Mondstadt's hero like a proud parent before probably noticing your distant expression and changing the topic.
Turns out Venti knows more than he lets on. After a while into your conversation, his eyes light up as he questions, "You were looking for me, weren't you?"
Under his watchful gaze, you can't lie, nor were you planning to. As you tell him as much of your story in hushed undertones, at least as much as you'd like to share, Venti only nods understandingly and occasionally takes a sip or two of the wine you brought.
"I see... a person not of this..." He gestures a wobbly hand around the room. "Reality." You can tell he's going to black out sooner or later, but you try to keep him awake for as long as possible. Staring down at his flushed face and woozy expression, you have to hold back a good-natured giggle.
"Then let me ask you one question. Do you wish to go back?"
"Good." And with that, he's out for the count, snoring on his tavern stool peacefully.
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Zhongli was a busy man, you had concluded after trying to contact him several various times but only to be met by the a negative response each time.
One from Hu Tao - "Zhongli's currently down at the wharf, talking to some clients."
One from a fisherman on the dock - "That man? He's busy doing business in Northland Bank."
One from the kids on the street - "Mr. Zhongli is helping granny pick flowers!"
So when you finally get the chance to invite the distinguished man to Xinyue Kiosk, you do so with reckless abandon.
And, not surprisingly, he shows up. Zhongli is a man of his word, after all, considering he is, or used to be, the god of contracts.
After talking with him yourself, you could confirm just about every compliment you heard about him. He was level-headed, patient, understanding, and was shockingly wise.
Upon seeing you, he had given you a light bow, out of all things, before taking your hand and helping you to your chair. "Now then, the one from another universe, what do you inquire of me?
It had been a shock to see him treat you politely, considering you should've been the one to cater to him. "How could you tell?"
"It's... something in your eyes. People say eyes are the windows into the soul. Mine are filled with deep ombre colors, medals of my legacy and judgement. Yours..." The man paused, glancing up at you before continuing. "They are filled with a kaleidoscope of colorful hues, shades of sapphire, cerulean, ocean, amethyst, violet, lavender... it doesn't stop there, but I shan't bore you."
"Point being, your soul is untainted and brilliant, not one of this world." He gazed at you and smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Now then, shall I pour you some tea?"
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ryescapades · 19 days
hii new mootie rye >w<, would you accept this dango 🍡 as a symbol of our newfound friendship cuz that hoshina fic is making me feel things...and I'm not even a hoshina girlie btw but THAT FIC IS MHMM, so glad that I finally got to read it now 🥺🤲
I saw maru's name in your taglist and I was wondering if I could be in there too... mostly sfw ones and yandere ahem, also who's your fave or multiple if you have many...the choice is yours to make, your honour 🤚
yue helloo !! yes yes i will wholeheartedly accept your dango 🍡 and anything you'd like to offer me !! and thankyouu i'm glad u enjoyed reading it >//< by the time you read this you're already in my taglist bbgirl >:)
my faves in kn8 are (obviously) narumi, hoshina and reno!! in no particular order bcs they keep interchanging lol but if you're asking for other animangas' faves, they're in my carrd profile! too many for me to list them here -,-
anyway it's nice to meet u yue <3 to more mootie interactions with u soon (i'm definitely gonna go through all your windbr fics one of these days mhm) 💌
btw if u see this maru my ace my waka-chan, you're so popular omg XD
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dnangelic · 4 months
okay as a confectioner who ISN'T trying to cook and eat him: what are... dark's (and dai's) favorite candy flavors...?
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the nice thing about having a muse that is in some fundamental aspects 'nothing' and therefore accepts everything is that they also enjoy basically anything they can get their hands on. the bad thing is i have almost no idea how to answer this question outside of that alskdjadkjfkj but i'll try!
i can say right away that they do prefer soft and light over anything like, say, hard-candies or tough taffy/licorice, and they're USED to the more euro-jp cafe type sweet stuff thanks to azumano being the way it is, so for example things like pastry-puffs and macarons, brownies, cookies, very small cakes, chocolate croissants, icecream+anything similar (popsicles, sherbet, gelato, shaved ice,) or puddings with a lot of stuff on top of it, their two 'preferred' categories, if i had to land them, would always be largely in the chocolate and baking categories as opposed to the more western-ish (american?) stuff like cola-candy or even konpeito, (i know konpeito specifically is portuguese don't @ me,) stuff that's more on the side of just 'pure crystalized sugar' because sometimes it tastes cheap and dark and dai, as spoiled rich kid tastebud-bearers despite everything, can taste that.
daisuke loves fresh fruit, (and so does wiz, who he most definitely will be semi-obligated to share with,) so anything involving that, like fruit tarts or strawberry shortcake (or even a nice raspberry ganache inside of a chocolate) is also going to get him reaching. given that he grew up with his grandpa i'm also positive he has a huge spot for the more traditional teacakes and ricecakes, any kind! he'll be very nice to the old grannies and grandpas who sell dango sticks for 100 yen on the street jdkfjkg.
i'm only adding this in bc u bring up dark but dark's tastes too are wholly dependent on daisuke, which is legitimately the only reason why he cares to have anything sweet in the first place, apart from the potential for vibes(tm) and intimacy - eating for him is always, always always always a chore and something he feels he doesn't actively deserve to do or enjoy compared to his host, so if he does indulge in something it's going to be extremely small, (like a Single Piece of chocolate) and/or it's going to be focused on him being fed or him feeding someone. he's here for the act, the intimacy of eating itself, not the taste or the food whatsoever usually!!
but if i had to tldr for them both i'd really just go with chocolate or strawberry. you can't really go wrong with those in japan. DKJFJGJK give them a box of meltykiss!! its perfect for them!!!
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borbsbirbs · 2 years
Remembrance (Chat log 2)
TW: School/College, mentions of Kaeya's previous father, Scaramouche and Ei not having the best relationship but not the worst, implied dissociative identity disorder, kaeya and diluc being close but nobody, including themselves knows whether it's familial or romantic... ask me if you want something else added to this list
venti: @viator I KNOW YOU WENT ONLINE 
viator: :3
venti: Oh god oh fuck who are you
viator: Nobody<;3 viator: But that aside, please visit Wangsheng Funeral Parlor! We've got discounts~
Zhongli Lapis Dei: My apologies, Venti. It seems the Director has taken Aether's cellphone.
viator: no idea what you mean, dusty Zhongli.
viator: sorry, m'back. used my phone last night n the battery died. also hu tao stole my phone
venti: Wonderful!  venti: that first part not the second and third
viator: and no you can't copy my theater assignment. viator: I had a different one so i ain't being picky
viatrix: and we'll get the paperwork done by tonight, ning
viatrix: We're already on top of it
venti: Leave it to the wonder twins to do this kinda stuff
Kaeya’s smirk is easy for all to see that lunch break, laughing at his friend group’s shenanigans from afar. With a gentle ping, a name pops up in his Direct Messages- one who doesn’t usually speak to him.
Direct Message: Hu Tao > Kaeya Alberich
HT: okay jokes aside, Can you read this? HT: screenshot-xx-xx-60xx.png
KA: 1) It looks like Khaenri'ahn but if Khaenri'ahn was the simplified version of the alphabet which is already insane KA: 2) howst the fuck did you get this?
HT: So I found Aether in a cafe and stole his phone HT: Looked at his DMs, found that He and Lumine NEVER dm each other HT: and that he and Mr. Dain talk in wingdings
KA: Okay also why'd you chose me?
HT: History nerd.
KA: I am not, i just have an interest in Khaenri'ah and only Khaenri'ah.
HT: Because of that old bedtime story?
KA: i guess?? KA: i mean if an entire nation vanishes in one night i'd like to investigate it KA: and lowkey my sperm donor of a dad might be??? from??? KA: oh but if it's something older than khaenri'ahn KA: Luc probably can't read it either KA: He can read p much anything but not like grammatically correct, and if it's as specialized as this elaborate not-Khaenri'ahn then KA: idk
HT: hhh u and diluc are really close huh
KA: his dad literally saved my life KA: and we grew up together
HT: U dating or just bros
KA: good question
HT: So?
HT: hey wait don't leave
CHATROOM: Teyavt Vision Academy of the Arts Official
Noelle: Don't forget to take breaks though, okay?
Thoma: Yeah, you should take a break once in a while, and we'll pick up the slack
xiao: or you could let us do it, so you don't overwork yourselves.
Albedo: "do as i say not as i do"
Xingqiu: and it appears the sassmasters have arrived
[venti] has changed [Albedo]'s name to [Sassbedo]
[venti] has changed [xiao]'s name to [Alasass]
Alasass: wait why my last name
venti: xiao isn't very punnable
Sassbedo: And mine is?
venti: . venti: perhaps venti: OH YEA B4 I FORGET
Alasass: don’t change the topic 
venti: @Dorm Leaders have all collectively decided that we're having another inter-dorm game night yaaay venti: it's going to be in Anemo dorms as per the usual venti: so uh ye
Ei: when did we decide that?
Zhongli Lapis Dei: I believe Raiden was at the front
Ei: Oh, so that's what her note was about? Okay then Ei: Should I still get kunikuzushi?
ajax: scara is a shorty lil asshole i don't think he'll come even if you asked
Fandango: Who's a shorty asshole? Fandango: ... Fandango: and who the fuck changed my name 
[Ei] has changed their name to [Fan of Dango]
Fan of Dango: Now we match
Fandango: shut the fuck up
Fan of Dango: but I didn't change your  name
Fandango: sure. might not be you but might be raiden
venti: SIBLING FIGHT! nice @kae @luc (? y’all whats the status), uhh @Shenhe @Chongyun i don't wanna ping klee for obvious reasons, teucer ain't in this chat and he's too precious and um @Jean Gunholder @Barbara⭐ maybe? Oh and @viator @viatrix @viatwinz 
venti: you know maybe it’d be easier if we just made a role for all of em
Fandango: shut up
Shenhe: We're not siblings
venti: @siblingfight there we go
Fan of Dango: What did I do wrong, Kuni?
Chongyun: We're technically auntie and nephew but i guess we're close enough to count??
ajax: but you are a commedia dell'arte stock villain clown
Fandango: Yes and you're a dainty old character
Xingqiu: Considering how Shenhe gives me that "Sibling in law" stare, I believe you two are close enough to be considered siblings Xingqiu: You're a lot closer than some other siblings i know though
ajax: wait what ajax: IS THAT WHAT TARTAGLIA IS??
Chongyun: That's fair
Fandango: yes old man
Jean Gunholder: I'm online. Jean Gunholder: That's not my last name. Can somebody change it?
ajax: If someone here is the old man, it's zhong
Ningguang: I would, if I had the power to.
Zhongli Lapis Dei: I'm not that old...
Jean Gunholder: Can you guys take it to DMs? Jean Gunholder: and Zhongli, can you change my name?
Zhongli Lapis Dei: If I knew how.
venti: No it's funny 
Fandango: Old man 
ajax: Old man
venti: SAME BRAIN!
Fandango: shut up
ajax: Shut up
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pteropods · 1 year
whats the best street food/snack u tried so far ?? (curious what i should get if i ever go to tokyo / japan in general skhdskhd)
OOOOH the tricolor dango I had was rlly good- We didn't rlly have a lot of actual meals here LOL most of it was pasteries from random shops we passed by n such. Namikase-dori street was rlly cool !!! its got a whole lot of stalls n food n stuff. Pretty tourist-y but its also rlly cool to me. uhmmmm OH the cat cafe obv. its called capyneko !!!
My favorite place was sunshine but thats jist bcs I rlly like shopping theres a place called TeamLabs thats like an immersive art thing and its SUPER cool !!!
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levi-supreme · 2 years
👀 hee hee!!
NAMODA MY BESTIE lemme smooch u on da forehead 💖 thank you for entertaining me 🥺 idk if you're a fan of shoujou manga haha but I'm such a sucker for it, so here's a little snippet of a fic I'm working on for Nick's shoujou plot collab <33
This fic features Levi x fem!reader in the Hana Yori Dango au with appearances of Erwin, Mike, and Moblit together as F4!! I know Doumyouji Tsukasa in the manga is tall and has curly hair lol and Levi obviously doesn't have those, but let's bypass those hehe. This fic is a challenge to write lol because enemies to lovers isn't really my thing, but URGH I love hyd and I love Levi so, I!! WILL!! WRITE!! THIS!! FIC!!
“Go out on a date with me.” 
“I said”—Levi trapped you between his body and the table where they were eating—“go out on a date with me.” 
“Are you mad? Or did you eat something wrong?” You rolled your eyes. Did you really hear him right? Levi Ackerman, the rude, obnoxious, pompous Levi Ackerman, is asking you out on a date?
“Don’t make me repeat myself. Go out on a date with me. This Saturday, 12pm by the giant statue of King Fritz. Don’t be late. And, wear something nice.” 
“Haha, dream on. I’m busy. Have fun. I won’t be there.” You scoffed and pushed Levi away, turning towards the door. Levi grabbed you and pulled you back, causing you to crash into him.
“I’m serious. Go out with me.” Levi met your eye and you thought you saw his lip quivering. “I’ll be expecting you. I’ll be waiting for you until you show up.” What, is he nervous? What the hell? For a fleeting moment, you wanted to say yes just to tease him. But, you decided to not get his hopes high. Furthermore, you didn’t trust his words at all. 
“Have fun waiting all day then. I’m busy that day. Bye.” You awkwardly pushed yourself away from his chest again and walked away, not even saying bye to the rest. 
End of year WIP meme ask game!
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katsu28 · 2 years
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you 💛 You deserve every single one, you're truly a kind spirit!
🍡 dango please if you have the time 😊
summer ur gonna make me cry thank you so much i love u!!!! here u go babe <333
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kait's sweetest celebration!
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