#here i thought it was going to be a chill morning before the chaos of the premiere
kindahoping4forever · 9 months
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📸: Jordan Knight for Alternative Press
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draftdweller · 23 days
Chilled to the bone
More Logan x Reader fluff
Y/N and Logan mistakenly book the same cabin for a winter getaway, and their trip turns them into a very close pair after they're snowed in.
Warnings: Fluff, Light kissing, Grumpy!Reader, a hint of angst if you squint hard enough, tiny amount of sexual behaviors, MDNI
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A break from all the chaos, A week by yourself in a cozy cabin, that was all that was on your mind as you packed your bags. You had booked this trip weeks ago after a particularly rough mission where nothing had gone according to plan.
Little did you know that upon your arrival, you wouldn't be by yourself at the cabin. Logan Had the same idea of getting away for a little while, and it seemed that the listing for the cabin on that week had not been changed. When you arrived and set your bags down, you noticed his belongings on the bed and your jaw drops to the floor. Everyone in the mansion knew your feelings for the man, how indifferent you were to him when everyone could see the two of you.
They had also noticed the look you gave him when you thought no one was around. The pining, longing glances that seemed to linger a bit too long until he looked at you. He would barely acknowledge you most days, seemingly uncaring. But you knew he had a past, and whatever that past was, it made him hard on the outer edges. Jagged even, just enough to cut deeply if you got too close.
When you had seen his belongings on the bed, you toed closer to the bathroom door, that was shut, giving a shy knock, and shortly after, the door swinging open. He looked just as surprised as you when he saw you standing there. His brows knit together, and he tilted his head. "Y/N, what on god's earth are you doing here?"
"I booked this place weeks ago, logan. The question is, why are you here?" Your words come out accusingly and curt, not actually caring why he was there, but more irritated that you weren't going to be alone after all it seemed.
"I booked here, almost three weeks ago, bub. Didn't realize I wasn't going to be alone." You shook your head and huffed, turning on your heel to walk away, you could hear the snowstorm outside picking up and the wind howling. You were almost tempted to leave, and he noticed it too. "Don't go out in that, I hear it's only supposed to get worse through the night." His voice was gruff, and his back turned to you.
"Well, I'm not sharing a bed with you logan." "Never said you have to. I can take the couch. If it picks up anymore, it could be dangerous to go anywhere." He was so nonchalant about the entire thing; it only irritated you further. You wanted a week away from him, from everyone. But from him mostly, so you could get over this stupid crush you seemed to have on him. "Well. Get your things off the bed. I might as well sleep then" As you spoke you noticed him already moving to do so, and as soon as his stuff was off the bed, you laid down, nestling under the blanket and closing your eyes before drifting off to a dreamless slumber.
By the time you woke up, it wasn't even morning, but you were laying there shivering. It was warm in here when you got here. You got up, and wrapped yourself in the comforter, walking to the living room area, and seeing a fire going in the fireplace, logan tending to it with candles lit around him. "Why is it so goddamned cold in here, logan?" "Lost power and heat. Come sit by the fire, I'll make some hot chocolate or something over it"
You rolled your eyes as you walked over to the window and looked outside. You couldn't see through the flurry of snow how bad it was, but you eventually turned back to face him and walked over to the fireplace, sitting on the floor in front of it. You didn't want the hot chocolate, but you took a pillow off the couch and laid in front of the fire, trying to warm your bones. You couldn't help the shivering, but eventually being by the fire warmed you enough you could fall back asleep.
By the time the morning came, the heat was still out, but the power was at least on now. The wind was still howling outside, but from the kitchenette you could smell bacon and eggs being cooked. Your stomach growled at the smell, and you got up, walking to the kitchen and rubbing your face with a groan.
"Well good morning to you too, sunshine" Logan drawled out, you didn't understand how he wasn't freezing his ass off right now, and didn't say anything. You just sat at the table, which had been set for two, and had a cup of coffee prepared just the way you liked it. You were never a morning person, and everyone knew it.
He looked over at you, sleep addled face, messy hair and wrapped in the blanket and chuckled. He knew you had to be cold, because you were still sitting there shivering, even as you drank the hot coffee. He set a plate down in front of you "Dig in. I know you like bacon, but I wasn't sure how you liked your eggs, so I scrambled them" "Scrambled works just fine, Logan." So does fertilized, you thought to yourself and quickly shook your head. Staying here with him was definitely not helping your crush, or the way you wanted to feel wrapped in his arms. You quickly dug into the food, and groaned at how good it was. He was a good cook to say the least. But you still needed to find another cabin to stay at, you didn't want to deal with the fact that every move around him made you just want to hide. You had a feeling he could sense your feelings for him but didn't say anything.
You felt his eyes on you while you ate, and as soon as you finished you got up and dug through your bag, and grabbed the warmest of your outfits. You walked into the bathroom and changed, before walking to the front door and opening it, attempting to leave. As soon as the door opened, you saw snow piled up over half the height of the door. You looked back to see Logan standing there with a glass of amber liquid and then turned your attention back to the door. You were stuck here with him, at least until the doorway was cleared. You sighed and looked at him "No heat, and no chance of me finding another place to enjoy the small vacation."
His lips quirk up slightly as you shut the door and walk back towards the couch, but before you could make it, he grabs your wrist gently. He pulled you to him, turning to cage you against the wall with his arms "Well, it's a good thing I enjoy your company then, isn't it, bub?" His voice was low and sultry as he spoke, and your eyes went wide "Logan, what, what are you doing?" You were tripping over your words as they came out, fast and rambling. "C'mon bub, you think I never caught you looking at me. You were never quick enough to look away before I caught it." Your cheeks were hot to the point you knew your entire face was red. Your eyes were gazing into his, and he leaned closer, your lips parting as your breath caught in your throat. This had to be a dream, there was no way he was doing this.
As if it couldn't be any more like a dream. He leaned in and kissed you. His hand coming up to catch your jaw in his fingers. You let all restraint go and kissed him back. You had to admit, he was a great kisser, his lips soft, tongue gently exploring your mouth. You could taste the alcohol on his breath. It was too soon when he pulled away and looked at you with hooded lids, his eyes glimmering softly and his thumb stroking your chin softly.
"I wanted to have a chance before you found someone to settle in with" You spoke softly and looked up at him, your eyes shining with unshed tears, fearing you'd never be enough for him.
"Hey, Y/N. I never wanted to settle in with anyone, as much as I did you. But I don't ever want to hurt you, and I know I'm more than capable of doing so."
A/N: This is going to be the beginning of a small series, let me know what you want in the next part!
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bunnliix · 7 months
The Invisible Strings that Bind Us - Chapter Two
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Chapter Two! We have some good cute fluff because it's gonna start getting angsty after this chapter, so prepare for that. But for now, we have some wholesome interactions between y/n and the boys. For anyone that saw this posted before, no you didn't.
a.k.a., I may have had to make a couple changes to it after it went live that I forgot about haha
word count: 1.8k
warnings: food, canon skz chaos, I think that's it
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Y/n woke up slowly, feeling a bit disoriented. She felt whatever was beneath her shifting, before she heard an Aussie accent. 
“Good morning sunshine.” She heard, opening her eyes to see Chan looking down at her.
“Huh? What the fuck? That wasn’t a dream?” She mused out loud, forgetting that she wasn’t thinking about it. She heard laughter coming from across the room, finding Changbin and Han bent over laughing.
“This isn’t a dream, we promise you. Now, do you wanna sit up?” Chan asked her, to which she nodded. With his help, she sat up and moved to sit against the back of the couch. 
“You can stop laughing at me, god dammit. It wasn’t that funny.” She lightly glared at the two men. It really wasn’t that funny, honestly, she was ready to slap them. If only they were in reach of her.
“Guys, chill out, please.” Chan scolds the two members, raising an eyebrow at them. The boys apologized to Y/n, bowing and saying sorry to her. She waved away their apologies, telling them it was fine. She really didn’t mind, but it’s still not fun to get laughed at.
“So, where do we go from here?” Y/n spoke up, wondering what would happen now. It may not have been the ideal soulmate meeting, but obviously fate didn’t care about that. There may not have been a big outward sign that they were, but she had never felt more at ease with anyone else ever. Even prior girlfriends she had, that she almost thought were her soulmates, never made her feel this right as these eight boys were right now.
“Well, seeing as you landed right in our laps, and also Binnie has our initials plus one more set, and once we match yours up with the last initial, I’d say you’re our soulmate. We can figure everything else out from there.” Chan said, taking charge of the situation. 
Y/n told them all her full name, and her initials matched up with the last set on Binnie’s arm. This prompted Felix to come over and hug her, whispering in her ear how much he’s glad to have found their last soulmate. He laid his head on her shoulder, his arms still wrapped around her, not letting go of her now that she’s here.
All of the boys’ phones went off, pushing them to check and see who’s messaging. Hyunjin groaned, “Ugh, we have to head back to dance practice, they’re looking for us.” He told the rest of them. This prompted many complaints and cries, the boys not wanting to leave their newest soulmate yet. 
“How long do you have to practice? I can just stay here, honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. I have my phone and I can entertain myself till you all return.” Y/n said, smiling up at them. She didn’t mind being by herself for a little while, it would give her some time to process everything that’s happened.
“If we’re lucky, an hour? Depends on how much of a hardass Minho-hyung is today.” Hyunjin replied to her, not managing to dodge the slap from the aforementioned person. He rubbed his shoulder, feeling the pain from the hit.
“Yah! I don’t want to be away from our soulmate either, but keep it up like that and I’ll make you practice for hours.” Minho snapped back at Hyunjin, looking annoyed.
“Okay, let’s chill out, okay? No need to get violent.” Chan tried to pacify the situation, and thankfully it worked
The boys begrudgingly packed up, Minho leaning in close to Hyunjin as they left, telling him that he’d make a nice snack after 20 minutes in the airfryer at 180 degrees. Y/n laughed as she watched them leave, before moving to sit against the armrest, getting comfortable. She decided to think about her situation later, and grabbed her phone, opening up tiktok and scrolling the time away.
An hour later…
Y/n hadn’t realized how much time had passed, and when the door to the studio opened, she jumped and threw her phone up into the air, as she panicked. She however, managed to not fall off the couch, but her heart was running a thousand miles a minute as she tried to calm down. She held onto her chest, looking at the door to see the entirety of the group standing in the doorway, a couple of them trying to hold back their laughter, as others looked concerned. 
“Could give a girl a bit of a heads up, yeah?” She said to them, a bit over the panic.
“We didn’t think you’d be that absorbed into whatever you were doing, honestly.” Chan replied to her, moving to grab her phone from where it had been thrown, and bringing it over to her. 
She sat up, letting Chan sit down next to her. “That’s fair. I didn’t realize an hour had passed, to tell you the truth. But that’s because I’m bad at telling how much time has passed.” She explained. She truly had very little concept of time. She could look at the clock and five hours had passed when it only felt like it had maybe been an hour. It was one of her greatest weaknesses.
“Don’t worry, some of them get like that too.” Felix piped up, moving closer and sitting on the arm of the couch. “Chan especially, the man works and zones out while doing so.” He continued.
“Yeah, and the rest of 3racha are the same way.” Hyunjin pointed out, to which Han hit his arm. 
“Yah, we’re not that bad!” He shouted, pouting afterwards. His little quokka cheeks made an appearance as he did that.
“I don’t think I believe that.” Y/n told Han. 
He continued pouting, even his newest soulmate was being so mean. He couldn’t believe it, and there were giggles from his other soulmates, showing that they were on her side, not his.
“Well now that you’re all back, and I assume free from idol duties for a little while, I’d like to talk about where we go from here, now that we’ve confirmed I’m your last soulmate.” Y/n spoke up, trying to steer the conversation in another direction.
“Well, I think the first thing to discuss is how prepared you are to be the soulmate of eight other people, who I assume live very far away from where you are from?” Felix asked her.
“Well, considering that I’m from Canada, that’s not horribly far, but still a bit farther than I think is reasonable. So I think I’d be moving here, and not the other way round.” She told them, starting to think about the logistics of moving here.
“Ah, yeah. You’d have to move here, but we can help you with every step you need to take. We wouldn’t leave you to do it all alone.” Chan turned to look at her. “We’d have to move into a bigger place too, unless you’d want your own space?” He continued.
“I wouldn’t mind either option, really.”
“Okay, that’s fine, we can sit down with management and get that figured out. They can also help us look for a place for you as well, just as an option.” Chan said.
Y/n nodded, fine with that. She wasn’t picky, it really wasn’t a big deal to her where she’d be living. She’d just be happy to be near her soulmates, honestly.
Everyone went silent as Y/n’s stomach grumbled, the girl herself curling in on herself to try and hide. 
“And maybe now is a good time for food.” Felix said.
“I’m hungry!” Changbin shouted, making a couple of the boys chuckle.
Chan stood up, holding a hand out to Y/n, who took it as she stood up as well. He pulled her along as they followed the rest of the boys towards the JYPE cafeteria, as it was the easiest place to get actual food. It thankfully wasn’t that packed when they arrived, and the boys quickly picked out their food, while Chan helped her decide on what she wanted. She went for some tteokbokki, and the other boys decided that they didn’t mind sharing bites of what they chose, so that nothing was wasted if she didn’t like it
Y/n tried bites of everyone’s food, and enjoyed most of it, with a couple exceptions. Despite that, everyone enjoyed their lunch, and after everyone finished and cleaned up the table, they all headed back up to their practice room, deciding it was a better place to talk than squeezing into the studio.
“So, obviously we have to tell management about this, and also figure out how long you can stay here before heading back to pack up your stuff.” Minho spoke up, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, and I have to talk to my university and try and get that figured out as well. I’m almost finished with my degree, so I’d like to actually finish it off fully.” Y/n told them.
Wows came from a couple of the younger boys, and Y/n blushed a bit. 
“What do you study?” Seungmin asked her.
“History is my major in university.” She told them, proceeding to tell them some of the subjects she’s studied within history. She talked more about her favorite periods or topics to study, after the boys asked some questions about what in history she enjoyed and why she decided to study it as a degree.
The group continued talking about their own hobbies and other things they’d like to do in life, as Chan moved to check his and the others schedules, as well as notifying management that they needed to have a meeting. He found their schedules to have been cleared for the day, after he got a response from management that they could have the meeting in 30 minutes. 
“Well, good news and maybe good news?” Chan piped up, everyone else going silent, waiting to hear the news. “So, we now have a free schedule for the remainder of the day, but we also have a meeting with management in 30 minutes.” He finished. 
A round of groans commenced at Chan’s announcement, as the boys dreaded the meeting with the managers. Y/n looked around in confusion, wondering why they were reacting this way. 
“What’s so bad about the meeting?” She asked, tilting her head slightly in confusion.
“They’re not fans of the bureaucracy of being an idol, so they dread meetings with our managers and team.” Chan explained, rolling his eyes at the boys’ antics.
“Ohhh.” She understood now, it made sense that the whole bureaucracy of being an idol would be boring. She herself didn’t enjoy those things either, let alone how much of this administrative stuff goes on in the background of idol agencies.
The boys decided to go change into something a little less casual for their meeting, and thankfully, the boys had something that she could fit into. It wasn’t much, but it fit and didn’t look horrible on her, so that was what counted. They just joked around and the boys fought playfully until about five minutes till the meeting, when they all headed up to where the meeting was to take place, where they arrived just in time. Chan did a head count, before he pushed and held the door open for all of us to enter.
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Taglist: @queen-thiccness
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live-laugh-lenney · 10 months
drunk | arthurtv
here is my long awaited arthurtv fic number two for you guys. the last one got so much love and i'm so glad it went down as well as it did - panic set in soon after i posted it because i thought it was going to flop rather dramatically so thank you for all the love and comments made; it meant so much.
currently ill with the worst blocked ear/ear infection and i've had to wait for a long while to get myself a doctors appointment so i've had plenty of time to write this current fic and dabble in a couple of other ideas i've had over the last few days.
enjoy! x
--- reader note; mentions of sick, slight hints of sex, drunk arthur, heavy public displays of affection ---
At two in the morning, YN was glad that the train station had an open Costa coffee kiosk.
One; to help with the tiredness she felt from having to stay up so late because she was prepared and ready to fall asleep and get, at least, a few hours of sleep before Arthur stumbled through the door in the drunken state she expected him to be in after being on the drink all day. And two; to help with the chill in the air because it was almost zero degrees and the wind was biting at the skin beneath her hoodie every time a train left its platform or every time there was a breeze that blew through the constantly open doors of the station. Her eyelids felt heavy and the chill in the station bit at her exposed cheeks, her nose running and she was forever sniffing, so her fingertips would have definitely gone numb without the much-needed Costa cup of coffee she was nursing in her hands. 
She was one of the only a small handful of people waiting at Paddington; but then, given it was almost 1am, she expected nothing but quiet and emptiness in contrast to how it would have been a few hours prior to arriving. The train from Cardiff was one of the last trains to come into London for the night and she couldn’t imagine it would be chaos to try and find her boyfriend and his two friends amongst the hustle and bustle of those clambering off the train. There was a young man sitting on a bench in the distance, hood over his head and his headphones over his ears, as he kept a close eye on the boards above. There was a couple who must have been in their mid-fifties, or so YN presumed, who seemed to be waiting for one of their children to come home, given what was written on a small banner they’d decorated for their arrival - proud parents, she thought, because she wouldn’t have dared tell her own parents about getting a train home that was to dock at almost one in the morning. And there was a security officer walking around, making sure no one was causing any problems, wearing a thick coat that YN was extremely jealous of because she could imagine how warm he was.
She heard them before she saw them.
George was the first to greet her, arms open wide as he engulfed her into a hug, his green hoodie tied around the waist of his shorts because he was clearly susceptible to cold air that London had to offer that night, not a care in the world to the goosebumps rising on the surface of his skin. Although, she could vouch for him because the weather was beautifully warm when they left for Wales that morning. His hat placed backwards on his head and he could barely walk in a straight line in her direction, shoelace undone and she kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn’t trip and fall flat on his face. Everyone knew what a typical Platform Roulette filming day entailed - plenty of drink, plenty of shots, plenty of piss-taking and plenty of fun - so she expected nothing less than what was standing before her.
“Thank you so much for this,” he hums and she could smell the beer on his breath. His chin rested upon her shoulder and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t basking in the warmth he was radiating, “you’re the best.”
“I didn’t really have a choice, did I? Couldn’t leave you three stranded in the middle of London in the freezing cold, drunk out of your minds and wandering around without a clue on where you were going,” she snorted, patting him on the back as she pulled away from him, taking a long sip of her coffee to keep the feeling of heat running through her body, “you’re welcome, though. Nice knowing that you’ll get back safely. And it’s a free trip home so you’d be three fools to turn it down.”
Arthur Hill was the next to give her a hug and he clearly wasn’t as drunk as George seemed to be so she was intrigued to know just how well her boyfriend had handled his drink that day. He whispered a thank you, pressed a kiss to her cheek, and pulled away from her before following George towards the station exit where they disappeared around the corner.
“Baaabe,” Arthur smiled, slurring the term of endearment incredibly heavily and YN knew she was in for a long, long night when they arrived back at her flat. His eyelids were sunken, his cheeks were rosey-red and he had a silly smile upon his face that she only saw when he’d sunken more pints than he could handle, hair messed upon his head, hoodie tied around his shoulders in a makeshift cape hanging down his back, “I missed you today.”
He draped himself over her in the tightest hug he could muster, almost knocking the two of them to the floor in the middle of Paddington station, and she could feel eyes boring into the back of her skull as people watched the two of them - anyone would think they’d not seen each other for months on end and it was a reunion for all to see. His hugs were invigorating and she’d take his arms over anything comforting. He was her safety net and seeing him after a day of not hearing from him, it made her feel soft and ready to melt at his feet.
“Are you drunk? Or are you drunk drunk?”
“What’s the difference?” He grinned cheekily, swinging his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side, pressing the sloppiest and wettest kiss against her temple as they started their walk towards the exit, “m’just a little drunk. Only a little bit.”
The beer stain on his trousers and the strong smell of sambuca and the faint smell of beer on his breath said differently but that was a conversation for when he was sober and could almost remember everything that happened that day. Which she was in major doubts about. Because it seemed like he couldn’t remember how to walk, let alone walk in a straight line, and she guessed she would have to wait for the Platform Roulette video to be posted online before she got the full rundown of his day. 
His hands kept wandering across her body as they stepped foot closer and closer to the exit of the station; his arm occasionally wrapping around her waist and his hand brushing against her bum, his fingers tickling across the expanse of her chest when he laid his arm across her shoulders, and as humorous as she found it, she didn’t fancy being groped (playfully, might she add) in the middle of the train station where there were eyes watching the two of them.
“Stop it,” she warned him in a hushed tone, “save it for home.”
“But you just look so good-” a hiccup interrupted his sentence and he swallowed back a burp before she carried on, “you look so so good in my clothes.” And it came out as a whine, like a child not getting what they wanted, one foot tripping over the other as she tried her best to keep him from falling flat on his face. 
“First thing I could find in my room after you texted me to come and pick you up.”
“Well, you should wear more of my clothes. Suit you better than me,” they stepped foot outside and she felt his arm tighten around her shoulder, pulling her closer to his side to keep the two of them as far out of the cold as possible, and she really couldn’t wait to get back home. Back under the warmth of her blanket, back under the bedding she had on her bed, and back with the hot-water bottle she had resting behind her back before she left, “or you could just wear nothing at all. I love it when you’ve got nothing on, more than I love you wearing my clothes.”
“Cheeky as per usual, mister Television,” George cackled as he overhead the last little bit of their conversation, wiggling his eyebrows in his direction, “we best get home quick so Arthur can get his-”
Arthur charged for him and covered his mouth, shaking his head, “there is a lady present,” he looked in YN’s direction and she rolled her eyes, “besides, she knows what we’re gonna be doing later.”
She snorted at his comment and begrudgingly wiggled from underneath his arm, her car keys sitting heavy in the pocket of her hoodie as she fished them out, unlocking her car door to allow the three of them, who seemed to already be fighting over who got the front seat, to clamber inside.
“Are you in need of a sick bucket tonight?”
She walked into her bedroom, with a glass of water in one hand and two paracetamol tablets in the palm of her other hand, and saw Arthur tucked up in her bed. His blue t-shirt chucked on the floor in a heap of cotton and his beige trousers left at the door as a reminder to put them in the wash the following morning, his rucksack hanging on the back of her desk chair and his shoes kicked off next to the fluffy slippers she kept beside her en-suite bathroom. A tea light was lit under the wax burner she had upon the shelf above her bed, emitting the smell of cinnamon and gingerbread around her room, the flickering flame adding a sense of sensual comfort to the room, casting shadows in her room and upon his face.
“I can handle my liquor,” he stated and shook his head, snuggling a little further down upon the mattress and patting her side of the bed with his hand, “I told you I’m only a little drunk, I promise. Now come and lay down with me.”
“I just want to get everything ready before I get settled,” she insisted as she placed the glass of water and the paracetamol on the bedside table that was closest to him, ready for him to take in the morning, “and I need to make sure you’re set for any headaches or whatever.”
He watched as she flitted around her bedroom, making sure the bathroom light was off and that his shoes were placed a little neater than how they’d been left, kicking his t-shirt towards his trousers so neither of them tripped over the items when they needed a wee in the middle of the night. She threw a couple more pillows on the bed, because she hated laying flat when she slept, and he helped out by placing them where she would normally have them, which she felt incredibly grateful for. And, as she stepped closer to the bed, he reached for her hand and gave it a gentle tug - enough was enough and he felt she was spiraling in her tired state.
“You look after me so well,” he smiled softly, dropping her hand and grabbing her waist, pulling her onto the bed, the duvet slipping from his chest and exposing his nude upper half for her eyes to divulge. She situated her legs either side of his, hands on his shoulders, fingers combing through the hair at the nape of his neck and her eyes couldn’t leave his, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” she hummed, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his body, shuffling around into a more comfortable position, “it’s lucky we’re not doing anything tomorrow because I’m getting the feeling we won’t be sleeping much tonight.”
“That’s cheeky,” he smirked, hiding his face in her neck and pressing a litter of kisses across her collarbone, “but you’re so correct, baby.”
not sure how i feel about the ending... but here it is! in all its glory.
if you've made it this far then please let me know what you think and don't hesitate to send me any ideas you may have for future fics. my ask box is always open so don't hesitate to send anything in.
lots of love to you guys! thank you! xx
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How would my Arcane girls (Jinx and Vi) react if they were chilling and lying on the bed with reader and reader told them: „I want to be honest with you. I’ve never kissed anyone, never been in a relationship before. You’re my first” and tried to quickly walk away because was afraid of response?
NOOO CUZ WHY IS THIS SO CUTE ??? I love this sm wow thank you❣️ I know Vi and Jinx gotta be pretty inexperienced too. Aww I 💜 these girls~ ENJOY ANON 😚
VI 💘
It was early morning, almost 6 am and the sun was just starting to make the room glow. As you open your eyes, you realize you’re not in your own bedroom. This realization startles you a bit and causes you to sit up rather quickly. Finally, you look over and see Vi laying on her back, hands tucked behind her head as she glances over at you. “Morning, sweetheart.” She was in a sports bra type of top and her cotton candy hair was a bit messy. You can’t help but struggle to catch your breath as you feel your stomach drop and your face become hot. You’d fallen asleep in a VI’s bed for the first time ever. “M-morning. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep in here last night I just-“ You lose your voice suddenly as she turns towards you and slides her hand to the back of your head.
Before you know it, she’s pulling you in towards her as her eyes flutter shut. Oh god…is this it? Your first kiss?! Something in you makes you pull away slightly as your breath finally catches in your throat. Despite your slight pull, Vi continues to move closer and closer. You nearly choke as you try to muster up the courage to tell her what’s on your mind.
“Vi! Wait! Uhm…uh.” She pulls away and loosens her grip on you, her eyes opening to catch a glimpse of your shocked expression. “I…I’m sorry, (Y/N).” She looks away as if she’s ashamed of what she just did, she doesn’t want you to feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to. “No no, it’s fine. I just…” She watches you closely, her mouth just barely hanging open. “Honestly…I’ve never kissed anyone before. I’ve never even dated anyone before you and I…I-I-“ Your train of thought has officially derailed, you’re just so close to her face and you’re still half asleep, your brain isn’t functioning correctly at the moment.
You decide to end your awkward suffering by quickly scurrying back to your own room and hiding from Vi for the next week, but as you try to stand from the bed, Vi grabs your arm firmly. As you turn to look at her, she loosens her hand on you but gently tugs at your arm. “Hey, don’t go. Finish what you want to say.” You’re hesitant to slump back into her bed but eventually you do, with bright red cheeks and avoidant eyes. You open your mouth to continue but the courage you felt a second ago is now long gone and only a soft whisper comes out before you divert your gaze from her. Vi decides to speak up instead.
“Well um…You’re uh…not my first kiss but you are my first serious relationship so I’m kinda new to this, too.” She pauses and lets out a frustrated sigh. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tried anything, I just…I don’t wanna sound like a creep but I was watching you sleep for the last 20 minutes and you’re really fucking hot and you’re so kind and interesting and GOD you make me feel all giddy and excited and…like I have something to look forward to.” After her short ramble, she watches for your response with a small smile on her face.
“Well then…you can try to kiss me again if you want. Promise I won’t pull away this time.” Vi grins and let’s out a soft chuckle before she slowly leans in and presses her lips to yours, officiating your first kiss ❤️‍🔥
Jinx was bored, having no orders from Silco and nothing really major going on with her inventions and gadgets. She was having a sort of writer’s block but with chaos and fun. In response, she just had to come find you and bother you a bit for her own entertainment. Jinx scurries around to find you and she finally does, sitting on your bed fiddling with something. She silently sneaks up behind you then shouts as she grabs your shoulders. This causes you to jolt in your spot and let out a startled yelp which makes Jinx burst into laughter.
“Woo! That was a good one, I got you so good!” You smile and let out a nervous laugh as you relax your body again. You look back to see her sprawled out in the bed behind you, smiling so big. “You’re a jerk.” She just continues to laugh in reply. “What do you even want? Can’t you see I’m busy here.” Your tone was harsh but you’re having trouble holding back your smile and you just can’t fool Jinx. “Mmmmhhhmmm I see that smile, you’re not really mad at me.” Jinx slithers her way across the bed so fast it makes your head spin and suddenly, now she’s standing right in front of you and you have no way of hiding your face from her. You bite your lip and try to force the smile back and the look on your face gives Jinx an idea.
Jinx reached out to touch you and everything suddenly felt so unreal, like a dream or something. Her cold, thin fingers gently graze your cheek as she gives you a very convincing guilty puppy dog look, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout. Your smile has turned into a open mouth, wanting to speak but not sure what to say. She’s never touched you this way and her face has never been this close to yours. You don’t notice at first but you’re holding your breath, waiting to see where this is going.
“You’re not…really mad at me…right, (Y/N)?” Her voice is so soft compared to her normal volume and she really is a great actress, you’re not sure if this is real or not. Your voice begins with a squeak so you clear your throat and then finally respond. “N-no.” She moves closer, her eyes looking back and forth between your eyes and your lips, and you can feel her breath ever so slightly on your face. “Promise?” And all you can do is nod in reply. “Then show me you’re not mad at me…with a kiss.” She lets out a sweet giggle at the face you’re making then leans forward, her bright blue eyes closing slowly as you lean away. Suddenly, you catch your breath and now you’re panting and panicking.
“Jinx! Jinx, wait!” She pulls back, eyes wide as she watches you. “You… don’t want to kiss me?” Now you’re sure her sad expression is real. “No, I do but I uh…I-I’ve never…kissed anyone before though.” You look away from her and try to stand, wanting to get out of this excruciatingly embarrassing situation but before you can get to your feet, Jinx is smiling bigger than ever and she reaches out to hold your face in her hands again. She essentially pulls you back down by your blushing cheeks.
“OH MY GOD, YOU’RE SUCH A LITTLE VIRGIN!!! YOU’RE SO PRECIOUS!” She’s practically screaming as she pulls your face close to hers and gently touches the tip of her nose to yours. This makes you chuckle softly at how funny she is but you’re still nervous. “Sorry, I uh…I don’t really know how to-“ Jinx interrupts you by gently pressing a very soft and very quick kiss to your parted lips, literally making your heart stop. “There! Now you’ve kissed someone. The “first time” thing is soooo overrated. Nooowwww…I can teach you the good stuff.” She winks at you then bites her lip nervously. “If you want, I mean!”
She’s not trying to pressure you, she’s just over enthusiastic about kissing you for the first time and she wants more, but she also cares about you and your boundaries. So she watches your face as you think about it, her cheeks just barely pink with want for you.
“Okay fine, but no tongue.” “Awww what?! That’s the best part, (Y/N)!” “Ew, you’re so gross!”
And then you proceed to share lots of soft, small kisses with NO TONGUE and you two can’t stop laughing and smiling against each others’ lips.
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maskedemerald · 18 days
Weaving Webs CH4
Here is chapter four for Invisobang ! The wonderful @pricklenettle did some fantastic art that you'll see embedded through out the fic! We get some more creepy Danny art this chapter! And I love the little details on the fridge!
You can check out the fic here or on AO3!
If you like this consider dropping us both a follow!
Warnings: Body horror, manipulation, Spectra is her own content warning, Burns, Spider - for like 2 chapters then it goes away.
The Fenton parents were there when the accident happened, they saw Danny die in an act of sabotage. Now they’re just trying to go on with the strange ghost that is all that's left of Danny. While their old college friend is wondering where the subjects of his revenge are.
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Chapter Four
The lab was dim, an electric twilight. The lights blared overhead as they usually would but her eyes were too over compensated. Something bright, like looking at the sun burned in her vision. Her ears rang with screams. She couldn’t move. Shadowy, skeletal hands gripped her feet. Her face. His hand. Scraping her skin with rough burnt skin. Forcing her to watch. Unable to stop it. Those cold hands held her arms as she tried to fight free.
You don’t get to look away.
It’s your fault, you let him go in.
This is all because of you.
A sharp chill deeper than the cold hands drew a violent shiver. Like an ice bath. Colder.
Maddie jerked awake, that chilling feeling still in her spine despite being awake. She stared up at the ceiling trying not to think. The waking world wasn’t much better than that nightmare after all. She frowned, noticing that it was much lighter than she had thought. Later in the morning than she had thought. She sighed knowing that she wouldn’t get back to sleep now and started to push herself up.
There was a soft white glow at the foot of the bed. Its legs were gone, blended into a tail that twisted round itself to curl up. The tattered sleeve and skeletal arm exposed. The bony fingers stretched out towards her. She shifted just a bit too much of the blanket as she tried to escape the bed unnoticed. Danny’s ghost lifted a tilted head. She froze for a moment but it didn’t lunge.
It followed her throughout the house, keeping to shadows or perching on high locations. Like the top of the fridge where it had settled during breakfast. Jazz kept glancing in its direction and left quickly the moment she could. Her breakfast, only half finished.
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It appeared to once again fall asleep there. She watched it. It didn’t make sense, ghosts didn’t need sleep. Or at least none of the research said they did. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe this was a feature of newer ghosts. Would it sleep less the longer it was… dead? Would anything else change over time? Was it only a matter of time before it became malevolent like the research said?
Research… research said that this shouldn’t have happened. The portal shouldn’t have turned on. They had worked hard to make sure there wouldn’t be another accident. Not after Vlad. She had to know why? Why did this happen? Why was Danny…? Was it their fault? Had they made this mistake?
She glanced to the lab door in the corner. She didn’t want to face it but she had to. Had to know why. Her hand hovered shakily over the handle. The ghost shuffled in its place on the fridge. A high pitched whine. A constant reminder of what happened. A reminder she couldn’t escape. A question that would quite literally haunt her forever if she didn’t find an answer. She took a deep breath and turned the handle.
The descent into the lab was a slow one. Each step felt massive and the bottom still shadowed in the darkness they had left it in on the day of the incident. The lights flickered on weakly, revealing the scattered chaos that had been them trying to save Danny.
She crossed to the console, that was where part of the problem was. The only part she could access. The only place she could get answers from. The portal frame itself was inaccessible behind the swirling green of their window into the ghost zone. The death trap that had killed Danny. The swirls played tricks on her tired mind, the silhouette of a mass of something beyond the portal. A shape close to the floor. Even if it was really there she didn’t want to see. The horror of a mangled, incinerated body that her mind supplied was bad enough. She couldn’t handle the real thing.
The console reported back that the portal was active. It understood that. It wasn’t a bool issue in the code. Something reporting false when it should have said true stopping her from turning off the machine it didn’t think was on. It knew it was on. That meant the emergency controls were the problem. She poured over the code trying to find the control error. A mistyped variable or something. Anything that would explain what happened.
What she found was worse. Or maybe better, if only because it meant it wasn’t them. They hadn’t caused this. There was an override coded into the emergency shutdown. An override that linked back to a start-up sequence they had never coded. It was set to initiate start-up while someone was inside. Specifically while the wiring was being worked on. Some of the wires had been bypassed to allow the machine to work even if they had been unplugged. Wires that had once been important to function were now just a trigger. Sabotage.
Jack was meant to be dealing with the wiring, it had only been passed to Danny since the paneling went on. Had someone been trying to kill Jack? No, that didn’t make sense. Why would… but then why would anyone target anyone else in the family. She couldn’t think of anyone who hated them like that. Even the Mansons didn’t disapprove of them that much. Even if she could think of someone this required a certain level of understanding of their work. Few had that privilege. Vlad from college but that would have been long outdated with how long it had been and their direct overseers from the GIW. Neither really had opportunity and reason. Had it not been about them at all? Was someone trying to halt their work and unintentionally caught Danny in the crossfire? Still she couldn’t think of who. The GIW were literally paying them, sabotage would just make it worthless. Vlad had nothing to gain, he wasn’t even in the field any more.
She frustratedly shook her head, there was no use speculating when she really had no clues. Maybe Jack would know something. If not at least he wouldn’t be blaming himself like she had been. She took a few moments to document the evidence and hide it away. Whoever it was had somehow gained access to their computers if not the lab itself, she couldn’t risk it being covered up. Maddie was not going to let this go unpunished. She was going to find who did this and she was going to make them pay.
Satisfied that the files were preserved she headed for the stairs. Jack was probably still sleeping. She’d wake him. He’d want to be told as soon as possible.
It was like a cold hand crawled up her spine. She froze, one foot on the next step, halfway up the stairs. Her heart beat faster and she couldn’t help but feel on edge. Each next step was tentative and cautious. Her eyes scanned the kitchen and fell on the sleeping ghost on the fridge top. She let out an uncomfortable awkward laugh. Of course it was the ghost. She should have realized that was what they were feeling. That natural human fear response to a ghost's aura. Of course they would be feeling that, made only worse by the very real grief.
She found Jack exactly where she expected him to be. He was sleeping but it hadn’t been peaceful. The covers around him were rumpled and his eyes bagged. He had probably been lying there awake for a good portion of the night. She knew she had been before the exhaustion took her into that nightmare.
“Jack?” she asked softly as she gently shook him. Thankfully he didn’t startle, his eyes opened awkwardly with a tired and confused groan.
“Mads? What is it?” he paused, wiping sleep out of his eyes, “did something happen?” concern drifted onto his face and was alleviated as she shook her head.
“I found something. The accident,” she stumbled over the memory of it, “it wasn’t. I was looking through the control panel files. They’d been changed.”
She nodded, “someone bypassed the safety controls and the power. They rigged it to go off while you were working.”
“But I hadn’t… I passed it off to…” his face dropped, “if I hadn’t then… Mads this…”
“Jack, that doesn’t make it your fault. Danny wanted to help and we didn’t know. We couldn’t have,” if anyone was to know it would be her she’d noticed something had been changed, even if it wasn’t obviously malicious at the time.
“Who is then, who even had access?”
“I don’t know but now we know we can find out,” Maddie said firmly, a promise. Another promise unsaid but clear, that whoever was responsible was going to regret this.
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bts5sosempire · 1 year
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: miguel o'hara x gn! reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: n/a
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: crack/ comedy, fluff, (name) with that gremlin attitude, ✨asstheticque✨, getting on his nerves, established relationship, spider/non-spider (name)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "hey, it looked at me first."
𝐚/𝐧: help, I kennot escape this man...😔 there are some things in here that are what me and friends used to do in high school too. For funsies, especially the 2nd one. I hope some of my Spanish isn't lost to me too.
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You were swiveling in your chair, legs propped up like a frog while spinning around like a circle. Miguel had been staring at the screen for who knows how long before standing up. Your spin slowly stopped when you stopped directly with his back turned against you and heard the chair cracking from the weight being lifted off. You weren't trying to make it obvious, but goddamn him. Every. Single. Time.
All those cakes all up in your face like it's your birthday.
"Holy fuck," you mutter before swinging your head to look at the screen again, acting like nothing happened, 'monkey do not see, monkey do not know'. Miguel looked over his shoulder at you, and he saw you eyeing him out of your peripheral view before averting to look at the bright screens within split second.
"Something the matter?" He caught you, and you smack your lips together before saying it was nothing. Miguel then hums. Idling around, your eyes looked at your fingers that rapport against the desk.
You smack your lips again, turning your head to look at Miguel, "Actually, there is. How do you carry all that ass on a Thursday morning?"
Miguel groan at that, "(Name)..."
You: "It's a valid question. You ever wonder you can replace Perseu's statue in the museum too?"
Then Layla's presence was announced on Miguel's shoulder with loud laughter.
"Izquierdo, derecho, izquierdo, derecho," (left, right, left, right) was your new sudden prayer when you suddenly lagged when a wild Mayday had appeared; then they nestled in your arms as they babble away. But your eyes were intense on one thing, and Miguel doesn't need to know what it is.
Miguel: "Querido/a..."
You: "Hey, it looked at me first."
With a whole bunch of spiders added into the mix, then you also added in there is a formula for chaos. Especially when Hobie is around, it's like having two devils setting the place of fire, Miguel should've kept you as a secret. The man internally groan.
"What's with you and...ass?" The man stops walking, pinches his brow with two fingers then turns around to look at you. Mayday had your face in both her puggy hands as you made puffer fish lips at her. She giggles when you tried to made the attempt to pretend you were going to kiss her.
"I like the extra cushion, okay? I'm sure you look at mine too when I'm not looking." Miguel was about to open his mouth to say something, but close it up when the only word that managed to pass his lips was, 'That..' A little smug look went across your lips.
There were rare days when Miguel was out of his suit; he was antsy like he was allergic to regular clothes for once. His work was always a 25/8 job, not a 9/5, then call it a day. There's no sleep for the wicked, you guess.
"Hey, hey," you appear into the room where he mostly stays and hooked onto a belt loophole and slowly spin the man around to face you. It wasn't until your hands settled into the back of his pants pocket. You were looking up at him, your chin resting against the crevice of his pecs and you smiled up at him. "I thought it was chill day?"
Miguel swoops down to kiss your forehead as a greeting by lowering his head. "I'm just checking," you squint your eyes at him and made a face, "I really am."
There was a knowing hum from you, and he swooped in again to kiss the side of your temple this time. "That's hard to believe; once you work, you work. There's no rest, not even a ten-minute break." Wiggling your fingers inside his back pockets to press the cakes, he tenses up, and you happily laugh when he is caught off-guard. You both almost topple at how he stumbles a bit back; if it wasn't for him putting a hand against the monitor's desk.
"Don't play with me right now, Corazoncito/a," Miguel warned, and you only let out another hum for him to go on if he dared. And he did. Miguel, broad arms encase around your midsection and change the position by hoisting you up, twirling you, and seating you on the desk. "I told you so," he then frees an arm. Miguel's fingers grab your jaw and press a thumb to your lips. "Now get ready for me."
Oh boy.
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Could I please request a scenario/fic where Sebastian and Anne are trying to make up after the events of 5th year so he decides to leave Hogwarts for a bit, leaving Ominis and female MC alone. They become very close as they hang out, go to Hogsmeade, studying, dueling practice, etc. and Ominis really starts to develop hardcore feelings for her and he finally works up the courage to do something about it.
I’d love if this could go into NSFW territory but it’s up to you ♥️
Thank you for the Ask! 💜
It has been a while since I wrote something spicy for Ominis. I feel it's well overdue. I hope this meets your expectations...
This art was a big inspiration, it is 🥵, check it out HERE
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC 💚🌶 NSFW
The owls began to swoop across the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall delivering the morning post. MC looked up, hope prickling in her chest, but nothing was dropped into her lap. Still no word from Sebastian. It had been months now. She hoped he was safe and well.
A gentle touch on her arm made her look to the side, Ominis was finishing up his breakfast, he dabbed his lips with a napkin and gave her a soft smile. "Worry not, MC, I am sure he is well," he said. "We will hear from him when he is ready. Come, let us get to the library so we can claim our favourite table."
Ominis adjusted his scarf against the chilly breeze, the crunch of their boots on the path a steady rhythm. His grip on his wand adjusted, his arm held up to guide his way. MC had offered him her arm, but he had declined, like a fool. As much as it would have pleased him, the distraction of her warmth against his side would have been all too much.
It had been like that as of late, her closeness a distraction, a warmth he was starting to crave. How his heart would begin to pound at the feel of her hand on his arm, the gentle brush of her breath against his cheek if she laughed up close to him. He swallowed hard at the memory. These incidents would plague him at night, chasing away his sleep, but even if sleep came, then she still managed to entice and charm him in dreams that left him flustered and panting.
Was he a terrible friend? Not just for having secret, lustful thoughts of MC, but for doing so when he knew that Sebastian had felt similarly for her too.
But Sebastian was not here. He was away, attempting to make amends with Anne, as he should.
As much as he missed his friend, he also dreaded his return in a way. Would he lose the companionship he had formed with MC in Sebastian's absence? Would she drift back into Sebastian's orbit of chaos and leave him to one side?
Ominis wasn't entirely sure he would be able to stand it if she did. Her obvious disappointment at no word from their absent friend had cut deeper than he would have liked. He feared his attachment towards MC had grown beyond the realm of his understanding, and he wasn't sure how to proceed.
The path levelled out beneath their feet and he felt the brief touch of her hand at his elbow. "It isn't much further, Ominis," she said. "The cave is just along here through the trees. I hope there are plenty of Horklumps in there, I haven't been back to this spot in a while to give them time to breed."
He patted his robe pocket. "I've brought along plenty of vials just in case."
The damper, cooler air of the cave washed over his face as they entered, she took hold of his elbow, her grip firmer this time. "Watch your step," she urged. "There are loose stones scattered about."
His pulse quickened under her touch, and she didn't let go as they moved deeper, the chill sinking through his robes. He heard her little exclaim of delight and he heard the rustle of her clothing as she let go and crouched. "Here we are," she said. "Hand me a few of those vials."
They collected a good amount for their stores, exploring through the cave until satisfied, before making their way back towards the entrance.
Ominis felt some regret that their trip would soon be over, but they had the walk back yet. Perhaps he would let her hold his arm after all. The chill of the cave would soon be chased off by her soft curves brushing against him, he blushed at the thought.
Distracted by his thoughts of MC's curves, he had not realised the danger until she had cried out his name in panic. "Ominis!"
He felt something hit him in the chest, a liquid that burned instantly, his lungs feeling squeezed of air. He heard the skitter of feet, scampering quickly. MC left his side and he felt his limbs weaken, stumbling to his knees and then collapsing to his side.
He could hear her casting spells, the blast of warmth from her Confringo searing against his chilly flesh. He gasped, his head spinning, he suspected spider poison and wondered if this was it. Is this how it would all end? But he hadn't told her! He hadn't confessed his love for her. If he died, she would never know.
Maybe it was best this way. This torture of wanting her would end, he wouldn't have to experience the loss of her once Sebastian returned.
Memories of study sessions, duelling with her in the Undercroft, picnic lunches by the lake, trips to Honeydukes and buying her those little chocolates she so loved, just memory after memory of falling under her spell. His heart squeezed, he felt his eyelids flutter closed. He wished he knew what her face looked like when she smiled.
"Ominis, oh no, no, Ominis, please, gods!" Her voice sounded distant, echoing strangely. He felt cold fingers on his face, he was shifted upright, and liquid was poured into his mouth. He choked a little, gagging on the potion, but managed to swallow.
His tie was tugged loose, hands fumbling at his clothing and then cooling liquid washed over his chest, followed by a soothing balm. He sagged against her arm, his wheezing breath slowly calming. He felt her fingers brushing his hair back and wished he was in a position to savour that touch more, he stored the memory away to cherish later. Now that he knew there could be a later.
Was she weeping? He heard her sniffle. He thought he may have whispered her name, like a prayer.
He felt her shift him, softness behind his head as she placed it on her lap. "It's alright, you'll be alright," she soothed. "I'm here. Gods, you scared me."
His stomach lurched. He hated the thought of her distressed. The cave was quiet now. No more scuttling feet. The air reeked of burned flesh and her healing salve. But through it he could smell her scent, her hair, her perfume, that special smell that was uniquely her.
Moved to feel her, he lifted a hand up, searching her out. Her hand caught his and she held it, squeezing gently. "I'm here," she said.
The potion was working. His head was clearing, his skin no longer burned, and he felt strong enough to sit up. Leaving her lap was like tearing a limb from himself, but he had to. The warmth of her was becoming a dangerous distraction, his trousers tightening in places highly inappropriate.
He sat up and a little sigh escaped her lips. He turned to face the sound. "Are you alright?" He asked.
She huffed a laugh. "You're asking me? Ominis, I thought I had lost you for a moment there, I've never been so scared!"
He frowned. "Really? You're the bravest witch I know."
"Oh, Ominis," she breathed. He felt her hand on his arm, fingers stroking him through his robe. He licked his lips, his mouth going dry. "The thought of losing you...I can't lose you too."
"Too?" Of course, Sebastian was gone.
He heard the catch in her breath, it seemed she was a little tearful. "Everyone I care about leaves me in the end," she said. "I...I can't lose you, I just can't."
He put his hand over hers on his arm, he needed to reassure her, take the pain from her voice. It hurt him to hear it. "Well, thanks to you, it looks like I will be here for a while longer. And in all honesty, I couldn't leave you if I tried."
He flushed immediately, the implication of his words floating heavily between them. He cleared his throat and removed his hand. "Perhaps we ought to be getting back."
He scrambled to his feet, staggering a little after everything. She hurried to catch his arm, her grip searing. He gasped. Gods, he needed to get a grip himself.
"Ominis wait," she said. His heart thudded wondering what she was going to say. "Your clothes, your tie..."
His hand patted his front, his shirt open, tie askew, chest bare where she had healed him. His blush darkened. "Oh, forgive me," he said, flustered.
She caught his hands, gently. She moved closer, her scent drowning him. "Allow me," she said. "Only fitting seeing as it was I who left you so dishevelled like this." She giggled. "What would people say if they saw us like this?"
He was breathing far too fast. Words had escaped him. And, Merlin, she was touching his front, fingers fastening his buttons. He did not know what possessed him to do it, but he caught her wrist in a firm grip, stilling her hands.
He heard the swift intake of her breath. She was breathing almost as fast as he was. "MC..."
His heart hammered like a wild thing. When he had been prone on the floor, death's embrace leering towards him, he had been agonised at the thought of him leaving her with no idea of how he felt. The regret of it still clung to him.
If he left this cave with her, he wondered if he would ever utter a word of it ever again. They would return to how they had been before this trip. But, if he told her, if he opened his heart, what then? What if?
"I owe you my life after what you just did," he said, softly. His lungs burned. The air was hot, tight, his words like sacred treasures waiting to be discovered. Even he didn't know exactly what he wanted to say. "My life, such as it is, is in debt to you. However, I must confess, that my heart was yours long before today. I just didn't realise just how much it belonged to you until I thought it would stop beating. The regret I felt that you would never know, it was worse than the fate that awaited me."
He could hear her gasp, the quick sharp breaths that passed her lips. Her fingers gripped the front of his shirt, but she said not a word. His mind spun, his chest tightened. Had he said too much? He closed his eyes and brought a trembling hand to his forehead. "Forgive me," he muttered.
He twitched in surprise when her hands moved to cup his face. He stilled, swallowing hard. "MC?"
"Ominis," she said, softly. Emotion was thick in the tone of her voice. "Ominis, I'm going to kiss you, now. Just so you know."
His lips parted. She was going to what?
Her mouth was soft, a delicate press of warm flesh against his lips. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe as she kissed him. Not once, not twice, but many times, each time she was bolder than the last.
He mentally shook himself, forced himself to breathe. She was kissing him for Merlin's sake, and he was just standing there like a useless lump! Fool!
His arms seized her, his mouth returning her kiss with all of the passion he had been hiding from her, until now. She moaned into his mouth, her breasts moved against him and he felt the rush of blood to his pants.
Her name was a prayer on his lips, a plea, and she answered. How had he lived without the feeling of her fingers in his hair? It had no right to feel that good. His hands held her waist perfectly, like they had always meant to rest there.
When her mouth moved to press hot kisses on his neck he tilted his head, uncaring at how eager he must look. Her fingers tugged at his tie again, opening his flesh to her hungry mouth. Her teeth grazed him and he needed friction, his hips flexing against her. A moan slipped through her lips and she met his demand, pressing against him eagerly.
Red blooms flourished against his pale flesh, his small groans of pleasure as she sucked sounding deliciously forbidden in the echo of the cavern. He held her, his arms delighting at the feel of her warmth, she was as soft as her accidental brushes had promised.
"MC," he gasped. He held a steadying hand to her shoulder. "MC, I will reach a point of no return. You drive me quite mad, I do not wish to be inappropriate."
"Oh, fuck decency," she growled. "I quite like the idea of being inappropriate with you."
Ominis gaped at the profanity, the suggestive tone of her voice. His cock twitched eagerly, however, her eagerness highly arousing.
That's how he found himself bracing his arm against the wall of the cave, his trousers round his ankles and MC on her knees before him. His clothing was in such disarray, strands of his hair hanging over his forehead, and he had never before made such desperate sounds of pleasure with his mouth before.
And it was her, that soft little mouth sucking his cock, her hands stroking him, her tongue wicked and delightful against his straining arousal. His other hand clutched at the back of her robes, the whites of his knuckles showing as he felt the build of his release.
Never, in his wildest dreams had he thought this moment would happen. He bucked his hips, his tip hitting the back of her throat and he felt, as well as heard, her gag. He was so fucking sorry, but God's did it feel good. He groaned deeply, his eyes wide and tight, as he felt his cum release into her throat, the pulse almost an agony as her tongue moved to lap it from him.
"Fuck," he breathed. His hands now moving to quickly smooth her hair, her face. Her cheeks were damp with tears. "Oh no, did I hurt you?"
She panted. "No, not at all," she gasped.
She stood and reached for him, her mouth pressed to his and he could taste the salt of his arousal. "I can't believe this happened," he said, dazed. "I'm never this lucky."
"Well, get used to it," she said. She smoothed a hand over his hair, tucking the loose strands neatly back. "You are very beautiful, Ominis. I would very much like to kiss you whenever I like."
He smiled, his heart fit to burst. "If I had known this would be the end result, I would have got poisoned by a spider a long time ago."
Her laughter blessed his ears and he held her to him. He never wanted to let her go. He had never held anything so precious, so important.
He felt the brush of her thumb against his lips. "No more spiders, thank you very much," she said. "Just kisses, and maybe a little more, from now on. I can't wait until our next meeting in the Undercroft."
The implications in her words and tone sent a shiver through him. His smile was quite wicked. "Why wait?"
Part 2
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angelpassing-by · 3 months
ᏵꝊ𐌋𐌃𐌄𐌍 𐌔𐌀𐌍𐌃 𐌀𐌍𐌃 ᏵꝊ𐌋𐌃𐌄𐌍 𐌄𐌙𐌄𐌔
Pairing: Jeht x fem!reader Genere: fluff, angst [just a little] Sinopsis: it's the day before your loves goes on a mission with a certain Traveler A/N: I'm screaming, I'm crying, I'm foaming at the mouth. No fics for Jeht?? Now I'm sad. So, I haven't yet completed the whole world quest, but something tells me it will end in heartbreak and I'm SCARED. Sumeru is soo well written i want to scream, aaand Jeht is a lesbian cutie. Obviously I want Jeht for myself, but if I can't have her, please HoYo make Jehtlumi canon.
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Marvelous rays of golden sunlight drape over the river's quiet waters, smearing its hue into the tents perched into both of its muddy shores. Lazy spinocrocodiles lay atop of the rocks, their scales glistening of red and ashes. Men and women of the tribe rest too, some beneath the comfort of palm tree shades and others strolling aimlessly. There is a certain tranquility in the air you haven't felt since joining the Tanit, a sort of peace found in the middle of the chaos, the constant uncertainty that dangles over all of your heads.
You can finally see why Jeht likes it here, even though you are both outsiders of some sort; you, more so, being a runaway from Sumeru city. Maybe you are all a big family after all. That thought makes you smile ever so slightly.
Jeht lays at your side, both outside your shared tent, not more than a few scraps of fabric and sturdy wood, with your eyes on the river and, occasionally, on each other. Your lover's golden eyes are as gentle as the setting sun, and so are her lips as she kisses your knuckles.
"Tomorrow I'll set off" she murmurs, still holding your hand between hers.
You know, you've seen the blonde Traveller and her fairy companion, Jeht's precious friend of whom you've heard nothing but honey - sweet praise. Truth be told, those words rarely extend to the flying thing though she quite reminds you of a little sister you once had. You don't really think about those things these days so you shake your thoughts away and bring her hands onto your own mouth, kissing her metal gloved fingers in exchange.
"I know" it's your only response, but on the inside you scream. Why? Aren't I enough for her? That foreigner is surely better, being such a legend. Why is Jeht setting herself up for danger again? Surely she will come home safe, right?
That night you sleep in each other's arms a last time, her body encasing you and her skin, warm and soft, keeping you company throughout the sleepless night. The chilling air pierces through the tent at times and wails as you snuggle closer to Jeht beneath the dusty blanket.
Jeht sometimes mumbles, calling out for something you can't quite make out until the first lights announce the start of another day: "don't... Dad... come... don't go... not there... back". As her words grow in intensity you shake her awake and kiss her good morning while her eyes still try to focus.
After a breakfast made up of dates and Fatteh, you are finally left alone. She fixes a strand of your dark hair behind your ear.
"Don't miss me too much" she murmurs, her forehead against yours.
"I'll just worry sick" Jeht attempts a half smile "be safe."
Now your lips are on her lips and her hands caress the back of your neck with such tenderness that, for a split second, you think you might melt from her touch. That kiss says more than the little words you've managed to spit out. I love you. I know you have to leave, but come back, don't you leave me too. And from her, wait here. Don't risk anything, be safe, be strong for me. I'll come back for you, I promise.
The kiss breaks as a high pitched voice calls for her: "Jeht, we are ready to go!!"; it's the Traveler and her little companion.
You look at her and she looks at you before heading away. She'll come back, you tell yourself but can't help but wonder as every time she ventures away from the tribe.
Is the love of two runaway girls stronger than the desert's deadly embrace?
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ghoultrifle · 1 year
I know it’s a bit early but I really hope we get some fan fiction of phantom celebrating Halloween for the first time
Thank you anon! I took this and kinda combined it with @p1nkcanoe's post here because i adore the idea of the abbey descending into chaos for two months a year. Also big credit to @marsohthree for her Phantom Halloween thoughts!
Here's 1.8k words of Phantom's first Halloween! This is somewhat based on unmasked Phantom but that's just because i never celebrated Halloween as a kid so he's all i have to go off asfhajghaldgh. Stick around to the end for a cute photo of Barbie and Ken! (also this is my first non-smut story and i'm a bit rusty, sorry!)
Phantom was practically vibrating with excitement, yes it was only September 1st but he’d heard today was the start of something called ‘Spooky Season’. Some people (Swiss) called it ‘Spoopy Season’ but that was silly because spoopy isn’t a proper word and it doesn’t even mean scary! 
The clock struck midnight, signalling the end of Summer and the start of two months of ghoul-induced chaos, Phantom was loving it. By the time the sun rose on the first of September, the walls of the Abbey were already covered in spray-on cobwebs and the glass panes in the doors stained with a bone-chilling red. Phantom had been the one to source the blood, having recently learned how to hunt with Cumulus; he absolutely was not a natural and the blood covering the walls had sprayed from the new ghoul after he mistook his tail for a rabbit.
All the ghouls from different disciplines of the clergy, including the band ghouls, collaborated on turning the Abbey into a hellfest, literally. They tried to recreate the atmosphere of the pit, only in the ghoul’s quarters of course, they’re not monsters. The mixed quarters, common areas between humans and ghouls, were turned into more of a haunted house with your typical Halloween attractions and scares.
Phantom couldn’t contain his goofy smile as he helped set up the mixed quarters, placing plastic spiders that he animated using his quintessence to occasionally scurry across the fake webs. He was dressed in a slutty devil costume, Rain dressed in the accompanying angel costume. Phantom’s red skirt barely covered his ass and his black mesh top matched his patchy painted nails. Rain was sporting a white miniskirt with thigh highs to match and a halo headband. Of course none of the ghouls needed to dress up, they could simply unglamour themselves, but it was more fun to do it this way.
The first ritual of the day was to carve the ministry’s pumpkins. After the hunting mishap, the pack decided Phantom was not to be trusted with a knife and was instead relegated to design and project management. He chose a bat design, of course, and carefully stood on his tiptoes watching over Aether’s shoulder as he carved out the flying creatures. Once the new ghoul was satisfied with his elder’s work he picked it up like a baby and would not let go, showing it proudly to everyone he met.
It got so bad he almost took it into the shower before Dew whisked it away, “Nuh uh lil guy, I am not cleaning pumpkin seeds out the drain. You can have it back after.” Dew proceeded to accidentally drop the pumpkin as he was walking back to Phantom’s room, startled by the motion-activated skeleton in the hallway. So instead of a pumpkin, the quintessence ghoul was met with a ‘forgive me?’ pair of bat plushies, it was love at first sight. They’re named Barbie and Ken and, yes, they're dressed in pink cowboy costumes.
Time passed as Phantom eagerly awaited The Day. In the meantime he’d often be found wrapped up in toilet roll, launching himself out of the shadows at passers by, trying to scare human members of the clergy and failing miserably, “Why aren’t they scared by my costume, Mounty?” he’d pout. “Well, you do it every morning so I think they know to expect you by now.” Mountain  replies. This only inspires the mischievous ghoul to up his scare game, his dream career being a scarer at a haunted house after the pack took him to Halloween Horror Nights.
The next day Aether and Omega had their work cut out at the infirmary as three clergymen were admitted for various fright-related conditions. Phantom bat-hung from the ceiling, the corpse of a freshly-hunted rabbit in his bloodied mouth, canines poking out as he smiled at the passing humans.
Phantom was forbidden from wearing anything other than normal clothes or slutty costumes from that point onwards.
In the days leading up to Halloween, the pack were sent on a trip to gather themed food for the ministry, Frankenstein crisps, ghost marshmallows, and of course sweets for trick-or-treaters. They thought it would be funny to let Phantom loose in the supermarket with just a list, the poor ghoul only just having learned how to read. “What’s this say?” Phantom asked excitedly, gasping for air as he ran back outside to where his pack was waiting, “Gummy worms, darling, you know the ones?” Cumulus replied the first time. Phantom nodded his head, skipping back into the store, only to jog back out minutes later.
“What ‘bout this one, Aeth?” He questioned, pointing hurriedly at the list. “Can’t see when you’re waving your hand around like that, Bug!” The older ghoul chuckled, moving Phantom’s hand away, “Ah, this is a tricky one. It says choco-late eye-balls.” Aether answers slowly as his hand traces the syllables on the paper. “If you can’t read anything else, just buy something spoopy!” Swiss shouts as Phantom shoots him a death stare from the store entrance.
It took five times as long as it would have taken if the pack joined Phantom, but the little guy enjoyed it too much for them to intervene. The ministry was now fully stocked, ready for the end of October.
Phantom awoke at 3am, the witching hour. His quintessence was tingling with the spirits of those below, rising for their day to shine. Today was the day. He restlessly walked to the kitchen, ready to eat despite the hour, to be met with a very tired Mountain. “Bug, what are you doing up? I thought we taught you how to read clocks?” he asked, still awake from the previous day. “Is Halloween Mounty! I couldn’t sleep any longer, too excited!”
Mountain sighed, clearly Swiss hasn’t been teaching Phantom how to tell the date as well as the time, “Tommy, it’s only the 29th of October, Halloween isn’t for another two days.” He frowned, upset for the eager ghoul. Phantom’s eyes began to water, tears instantly falling at the realisation, embarrassed and dismayed.
“Oh it’s alright, Bug, we can celebrate today if you’d like? Think of it as a practice!” Mountain replied frantically trying to abate the weeping ghoul. He pulled out his phone and texted the groupchat:
Mountain (3:06am): Ok ghouls change of plans… we’re celebrating Halloween today. Be ready :)
Dew (3:07am): huh? halpoween isnt todsy tho
Cumulus (3:07am): Yeah, what? What have you been meddling with Big Boy?
Mountain (3:10am): Phantom thought it was Halloween today and now he’s crying because it isn’t. I can’t bear to look at him like that so I told him we’re doing it today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mountain (3:10am): Not my fault btw! Someone (@Swisstopher) didn’t teach new bug how to read the date
Swiss (3:18am): …
Come sunrise, the pack was ready for the rootin-ist tootin-ist Halloween this side of October 31st. Mountain and Aether were dressed up as cowboys, basically an Arthur Morgan cosplay. Aurora wore Phantom’s devil costume with Rain still sporting the angel side. Dew and Cirrus were both zombies, full makeup (and a bit of unglamouring) making them look truly horrifying. Cumulus is wearing a sexy police outfit, because fuck the cops, right? And Swiss is shirtless, wearing a toilet seat cover with ‘Dracula’ written on it in sharpie, “I’m sexy dracula, OK?!”
Phantom was sitting on the edge of his bed, kicking his legs in excitement, ready to start the day. He was adorning a bat costume he made all by himself. It was a black cloth with eye holes cut out and some metal wire to make wings, Aether helped with that part.
They spent the day watching low-budget horror films and eating the Halloween goodies that they’d been saving for trick-or-treaters. Phantom was snuggled on the sofa right in the middle of the large ghoul cuddle pile, chirping happily as he realised how loved he was, his pack did this for him. They sat all day in their uncomfortable costumes just to give him the best not-Halloween ever, and it wasn’t even sundown yet.
Phantom sat by the front door, his tongue poked out as he tied his shoes, ready to go out. The whole pack was coming with him on his first candy hunt, except Dew, he’d gone on a smoke break and was taking so long they left without him.
Dew was, in fact, not on a smoke break. He was carefully knocking on the door of each house the pack was going to visit, “Hi! Yeah I know it’s not Halloween but my friend thinks it is, so could you just play along, please?” he asked, far too many times on behalf of what looked like a fully grown adult. Most of the houses complied, and the few that didn’t, well, Dew gave them a 20 and they quickly got on board. Nothing was going to ruin his Phantom’s night!
And so, one-by-one the occupants of the nearest village were met with a bedraggled Phantom in his homemade bat costume. “Trick or treat?” He’d shout, arms outstretched, holding a comically large bucket for the size of the ghoul offering it.
“Oh sweet thing, happy Halloween! I love your costume, did you make it yourself?” One old lady asked. Phantom nodded as he blushed and twirled to show off the wings. “Very impressive, young man. I think you deserve some chocolate for that, don’t you?” She smiled as she almost emptied a whole tub into Phantom’s bucket, his arms buckling at the weight.
The moon was illuminating the night sky, and the night was winding down. The young ghoul had long abandoned his candy bucket, simply too heavy for him to hold. They walked back to the abbey, Cumulus carrying the night’s haul while Swiss gave Phantom a piggyback, the quintessence ghoul’s legs sore from all the walking.
When they opened the front door, they were met with Copia in bat wings matching Phantom’s. He’d missed the day due to clergy commitments but wanted to show his support for his favourite ghoul. Copia guided them all to the common room where he’d decorated it as grotesquely as he could; bones everywhere, blood dripping from the ceiling, and various speakers playing spooky sounds.
Phantom plopped himself in the middle of the room, taking in the view and soundscape surrounding him as he ate the treats Cirrus left out for tonight, the rest stored safely away from the young ghoul. He couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to be in such a supportive pack. Oh boy was he ready for actual Halloween.
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and they were roommates
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sl-newsie · 6 months
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 13: Blessings In Disguise
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Still no sign of Thomas. He’s still asleep, and the memory of our last encounter still runs a chill down my spine. Is he still upset? I didn’t intend to make him mad but he has to understand that it’s his own doing that’s digging him this hole of chaos. 
“Eat up, Finn,” I urge as I pass him some eggs. 
The young Shelby does quick work to devour his breakfast and goes to grab his hat.
“Whoa, whoa! Where’s the fire?” 
“‘M late for something,” he replies before dashing out the door.
I guess there’s never a quiet moment in this house-
As I said. Never quiet.
“Morning, Mr. Shelby,” I answer quietly as Thomas steps in. His tone is much less gruff that I expected. Maybe he’s forgotten-
“About yesterday…”
He didn’t forget.
“You don’t decide my life, Steenstra. Same as how I don’t decide yours. Are we square?”
I sigh heavily and loom up at him with concerned eyes. “I know. You bring this on yourself, whether you might want it or not. I will apologize, so long as you apologize for letting your temper loose.”
The Peaky Blinder’s eyes widen in surprise. “Me? You want me to say sorry for yelling? Are you really that soft?”
I slam my own fist onto the table and Thomas reaches for his pistol.
“That’s what it feels like, Thomas. To step on eggshells, not knowing what little thing might set the gunpowder off. What might set you off.”
Those blue eyes’ cold stare softens and I think he gets my point.
“I’m sorry,” I start.
Thomas nods. “I’m s-”
Just then John walks in. “Tommy! What gives?” He gestures to the gun and Thomas slips it back into its holster. “Tell her what happened, eh? We’ve got leverage, Verena! Met with some new partners at the Garrison yesterday.”
“Billy Kimber himself even made an appearance,” Thomas says.
Kimber? I thought I heard Polly call that bloke a piece of bad news. 
“Might have an alliance forming,” John agrees.
“You’re playing with fire,” I scold lightly and start to roll out more bread dough.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Thomas walk over and whisper smugly: “I don’t catch fire. Fire catches me, love.”
John rolls his eyes at his stupid pun and walks off towards the office. I expect Thomas to follow but instead he sits down and takes a drink. How is this man still alive from all this whiskey?
“Something’s wrong. What are you stressed about, hm? You look like you’re about to explode.”
Thomas sighs and pinches his forehead. “Ada and Freddie are still here.”
“So?” One would think Ada and Freddie’s close location would be a good thing, or at least that’s what my family is like. We all stick close to the same spot.
“I made a deal with the copper that he’d be run out of town.”
I dust the flower off my hands and gesture to Thomas. “Like I said. Playing with fire. Between that, the guns, and this Kimber fellow, I don’t know who’s going to kill you first.”
The blue-eyed gangster looks up at me with a teasing gaze. “You’d be sad to see that, eh?”
“It’d mean I lose my job.”
Yes, I would be sad to see Thomas dead. It’s sad to see anybody dead. After the trust I’ve earned from him it’s not easy to ignore my growing attachment. Mother always says my feelings are what trips me up. Either I lash out to establish my pride or have an overabundance of attachment for people I barely know. I got that from father. He can make friends with anyone.
“Do you have any work for me today, Mr. Shelby?”
“You’ve done enough this week. Take a day off.”
He doesn’t mean just housework. Throughout the week Polly’s been showing me the ropes of banking and record keeping for the Peaky Blinders. Thank God I’m halfway decent at basic math or I’d be sunk, though I do admit having to shift to British currency is a tricky reminder.
“Thank you, sir.”
I know exactly what I’m doing for my day off. After Thomas leaves for Lord knows what business I finish prepping the bread and set it out to rise before leaving the house myself. Thankfully Campbell’s been keeping out of my hair and bothering Thomas instead so I shouldn’t have any predicaments pop up.
The church is one of the only places here I can find a sense of peace. The afternoon sun glinting through the clouds casts warm shadows through the stained glass windows. The only offsetting about this scene is the person I spot in the back of the pews. Never once have I pictured Arthur Shelby as a religious man.
“You come here too?” I ask as I approach him and sit in the aisle across.
Arthur glares down at me. “You think I’m out of place?”
I shake my head to show no hostility. “Everyone is welcomed in the house of God. I just never expected you to walk in. Something wrong?”
He grunts and looks away. “Private stuff. You’re just the help.”
“I am. But that doesn’t mean my job defines me as a person. We don’t have to talk about what’s wrong, I’m just here if anyone feels like talking.”
With that I leave him to be with his thoughts and kneel to pray. Lord, these are good people who happen to be faced with rough situations. If you could please allow them just a brief peace of mind I would be most grateful-
“I still don’t know how you got Tommy to trust you.”
I look up at the oldest Shelby brother. His face has changed to one of a tired man, one who’s worn down.
“People keep asking me questions that I don’t know the answers to. All about Ada, the Black Swan Paddy, something about guns and the BSA.”
Ada I understand. As for the other two I haven’t heard a thing about them. Obviously the Paddy wasn’t a member of Uncle Colon’s family or else I would recognize him.
“Your family has a strong role in this community. That is an honorable position but also one that comes with high responsibility. You probably expect me to say some nonsense about ‘good things come to those who wait’ and all that. That can be true. But between you and your brothers I know you’re not patient enough to wait. So I will say this: no one has the answers for everything, Mr. Shelby. Try as we might there are always unanswered questions. To some that might seem scary, but I like to think of it as a chance to put faith in God. Whatever the plan is, I can’t control it. Neither of us can. So only worry about the small things you can control now.” I stand up and gesture to the church. “Can you do anything about suppressing rumors right here, right now?”
Arthur slumps in his seat. “No.”
“Then don’t stress over it. I know that won’t help much but mind tricks have a way of improving tricky circumstances.”
A few moments go by as Arthur thinks through my advice. Honestly I don’t even know where all of this wisdom is suddenly pouring from me. Sometimes my brothers say that just because I’m the youngest doesn’t mean they’re smarter. Not by a long shot. But what sense does it make for a random American woman to have to teach such things to criminal gangsters?
“You seem to have a lot of hope,” Arthur says after a while.
The hint of a smile at the corners of his mustache is payment enough. “Even in this gloomy place, there is always a sliver of hope if one is willing to look hard enough, Mr. Shelby.”
“You know, you’re alright, Steenstra. Suppose I pegged you as any other loud-mouth ditsy broad that skips across the pond.”
My own smile tugs at my lips though I do well to suppress my joy. There. Now all of my employers don’t hate me. 
Arthur and I both glance over at Thomas, who’s standing in the doorway.
“Never expected you two to become chummy.”
My eyes narrow in consideration. “The Lord works in mysterious ways.”
Thomas lets out a grunt and goes on to sit next to Arthur. “Well on that note, I’m here to talk to my brother. So would you mind…?”
“Not in the slightest.” I stand up and give a nod to Arthur. “Feel better, Mr. Shelby.”
Thomas’ nose scrunches. “I’m fine.”
“I wasn’t talking to you,” I reply and pivot to walk back down the aisle. Have I forgotten his temper tantrum? No I have not. 
For the rest of my day off I finish baking my bread and even a few batches of cookies for John. Once that’s done I decide to try and find a park of sorts. 
“There’s a small patch of grass that’s considered a park on the other side of town,” Polly says when I ask her. “Though keep your wits about. There’s trouble there for unescorted women.”
I flash her the pistol tucked into my skirt. “That’s why I'm bringing this little helper.”
“Smart girl.”
It’s been nearly a month since the Shelbys have taken me in. Whenever I ask Polly about my debt toll she never gives me a straight answer. Part of me is starting to suspect she doesn't want me to leave so soon. Between Thomas and Ada’s words of praise I’m beginning to think me being stuck here is a blessing in disguise. Over the past weeks I’ve gotten a feel of the land so Polly’s directions steer me right to my destination. And she’s right. This is no park. This place makes Central Park look like the Smoky Mountains! But a walk in the park is a walk in the… patch of grass? Whatever. I’m outside, that’s what counts.
“Polly said you’d be here,” a voice calls from behind.
Is Thomas stalking me? Jesus, is being his go-to for venting make him this- this… watchful? Does he think I’ll tell someone?
“Come to scorn me for doing what you can’t?” When Thomas cocks his head in confusion I fill in the blanks. “Me helping your brother?”
He pats my shoulder and pulls out a cigarette. “I told him not to worry.”
That’s it? “You know you can’t just slap a bandaid on something like this and expect people to be ok. Your brother’s been through a lot, as have you. Nobody should go on keeping secrets in their own family.”
“I made up for it,” Thomas replies lazily. “I bought him a pub. He seemed excited.”
A pub? That’s wonderful! A distraction is just what Arthur needs. If he’s as excited as Thomas says, this will be good for both him and the Peaky Blinders.
I stop walking and look up at Thomas with a bewildered smile. “Just when I think all emotion has been drained out of you, you still surprise me, Thomas.”
He squints. “You call me that. I notice you haven’t been addressing me as ‘Mr. Shelby.’”
“You said we were on a first name basis,” I shrug. “Would you rather I return to calling you Mr. Shelby? It’s kind of confusing when there’s four of you.”
“Oh no, love. A first-name basis is just fine.”
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nobodylikety · 7 months
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo 🐯
So here's baby Leeseo! since she's still a lil' baby, I thought about making it more platonic 🩷 In my mind, I think that reader! x tiger! leeseo is a relationship or siblings or besties, so it's written in that way (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
ps. I live for naughty little sister! Leeseo
tags: tiger hybrid! leeseo x fem! reader (platonic ver.), hybrid AU, fluff.
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Tiger hybrid! Leeseo is literally a naughty gremlin! she is often teasing or playing childish pranks either towards hybrid! IVE or towards you <3 as she is the youngest (just a lil baby 🥺) she gets away with it...most of the time.
The fact that Tiger hybrid! Leeseo is young and smaller in stature than the rest of Hybrid! IVE, does not imply that she is chill! On the contrary, she's a destructive nuclear explosion in the form of a cute fluffball, she has a very rough way of playing, so it unintentionally breaks a thing or two (mostly your stuff, but in a lovely way)🥺
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo has a BIG SWEET TOOTH 🍬. More than once you've gone to the kitchen in the wee hours of the morning and found Leeseo tucked away in the pantry or fridge, looking for something to munch on! her range of snacks are usually desserts, such as cookies or buns <3
+ That's why you and Rei often worries that Leeseo only prefers to eat sweet things and doesn't eat well. Leeseo is the type of picky eater too, she hates veggies! so you have to feed them to her, otherwise she'll not eat them,,,
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo = tiny baby, BIG ROAR. The first time you heard Leeseo roar, you practically squealed like a scared kitten. It's a loud and harsh sound, no one would think it comes from someone as sweet as her!
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo has an active, energetic and VERY sociable personality, that's why Puppy! Yujin (who has the idea of being the leader of the pack) finds her difficult to take care of as Leeseo, since she is always hanging out with friends and doesn't pay attention to her or her orders,,, this baby tiger is sometimes a bratty lil thing :3
Tiger hybrid! Leeseo LOVES to play chase her tail!she usually sits, and as soon as her tail appears in her field of vision, wiggling like a snake, Leeseo NEEDS to chase it ٩(ˊᗜˋ *)و she gets off the sofa and runs around in circles chasing it, or just roars and nibbles at it
🐯، ゚ฅ 。 [ Naughty tiger ]
Leeseo is, of course, the joy but also the chaos of your life. With her striped fur and playful eyes, she always finds a way to get into trouble just for fun, and just for the sake of annoy you. It's in her nature. She can't go more than half a minute without playing pranks on you and the rest of the pack, or getting into mischief that involves all of you.
Today, it's no different.
The pranks start early in the morning, and last late into the night. And they happen more than once a day.
In the morning you try to enjoy some peace before the girls wake up, reading a book and drinking some coffee in your bed.
But Leeseo decides it's the perfect time to play.
And by 'play', she means to tease you.
So she sneaks stealthily across the room, her tabby tail swaying mischievously behind her, without you even noticing her presence, because the book is too interesting, and the coffee is too good this morning to put down.
"Roar" Leeseo just roars softly, bursting your little bubble of peace and concentration, before jumping onto your lap and settling down like a kitten on top of you.
"Come on, Leeseo, not now…" you whine, trying to maintain a serious countenance. But Leeseo literally shoves the book out of your hand, not caring where it landed. And unwilling to take 'no' for an answer, she begins to ruffle your hair, her tail swaying enthusiastically. Her big feline eyes look at you with a mixture of innocence and mischief. This bloody little devil.
And then you gave in, like you always do.
Because that's how the youngest of the hybrid gang gets what she wants. She has you wrapped around her little finger.
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As the day goes by, other 'Leeseo-things' happen during the afternoon.
Now she bursts into the middle of the living room, when you're in the middle of watching your favorite show on TV, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
"Look what I found in the garden!" exclaims Leeseo, wagging her tabby tail.
Looking up, you don't expect to see that image. Leeseo is holding Wonyoung —in her animal form, of course— between her jaws by the scruff of her neck. Wonyoung looks a little dazed, but unharmed.
She's the same adorable floppy-eared fuzzball she's always been.
Thank god Wonyo's safe.
"Leeseo! What did I tell you about carrying the other pets in your mouth?" you scold her, but you can't help but smile at her innocence. "Let go of Wonyo, she's not one of your squeaky toys!"
With a dramatic sigh, Leeseo lets go of Wonyoung, but not before giving you a 'sorry, but that was fun' look.
When Leeseo releases Wonyoung she rolls a little, before landing softly by your feet. You frown at Leeseo as you stroke Wonyoung's head, who curls up against your feet for a moment. Then she hops away a little, far enough away to return to her human form. 
"I don't know why you're always like this! We were just playing," Leeseo defends herself, with a look of innocence that fails to hide her mischievousness. "Besides, nothing happened to Wonyo." 
You rub the side of your head, with a sigh. This Leeeseo, always such a troublemaker. You know it's just her pure animal instinct, as well as her way of exploring the world, but sometimes you feel like killing her. Or hang her from a flagpole, to see if she'll stay still. 
"Leeseo, you need to be more careful. Wonyoung is not a toy," you remind her, with a certain firmness in your voice. Wonyoung is next to you, sitting on the desk and swinging her legs, and nods in agreement. 
Leeseo nods, though the mischievous spark still shines in his eyes. "Sorry, I'll keep that in mind next time," she says, though it's clear that promise might be a little hard to keep.
Because before you can say anything else, Leeseo is already planning her next caper. You know that keeping her under control is a difficult task, but you can't help but smile at her mischievous charm all the same.
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After a short nap, to regain some energy after a tiring day, you stretch lazily on your bed. No more than a minute of peace and quiet passes, however, when the silence is broken by a soft roar, followed by a clattering noise from the kitchen. With a resigned sigh, you get out of bed and head towards the source of the commotion.
What you see in the kitchen is half a surprise and half not. Because Leeseo manages to turn up with another string of mischief, as she always does, and so it's no surprise. But somehow, she has dragged the rest of the girls into her chaos, which is a surprise.
You find Leeseo, the mischievous and stale tiger of the house, standing on the table with a bag of crisps in her hand, while with the other she rummages in the pantry, where the biscuit jar is.
Around the table are Yujin, Gaeul, Liz, Rei and Wonyoung. They all look absolutely willing and determined to join in the commotion.
"Hey, hey! Can you remind me what we're doing?" asks Yujin, her tail wagging as if wild with excitement.
"I'm looking for something for us to eat, but there's nothing good!" replies Leeseo with a pout.
Wonyoung jumps up on the table, reaching for the biscuits. "Let me try, I'm taller than you, Leeseo!"
Gaeul launches herself off the back of a chair, landing gracefully on the table and beginning to sniff curiously around the chips. Liz, for her part, tries to mimic Gaeul, only to fall flat on her face against a half-full bowl of all sorts of pet treats.
It's a chaotic sight, to say the least.
So Yujin keeps wagging her tail and running around in circles (stopping sometimes to play chase her tail), Leeseo and Wonyoung arguing over who's better at swiping snacks from the pantry, and Liz bumping into absolutely every single piece of furniture in the kitchen.
And where is Rei? you wonder for just a fraction of a second, before a hiss behind you gives away her location.
"I think it's time for dinner, don't you?" says Rei, nestling her head against your shoulder, seeking attention. Of the girls, she's probably the one who gives you the least headaches. Though short of a headache, she gives you some pretty good scares with her fangs and forked tongue.
You shake your head in resignation, but laugh. As you try to keep order among these hybrids, you realise that every day is a new adventure in this house full of unique animal personalities.
"Tell me, Leeseo, how do you manage to get into trouble even when you're just trying to play, or looking for something to eat?"
She looks up at you with her big feline eyes and a mischievous grin. "Because life would be boring if it wasn't!".
God, this little girl.
Leeseo is absolutely chaotic and messy, like an annoying little sister. You love her, even when she's always on the verge of giving you a heart attack because of the stupid, naughty decisions she makes. But it's Leeseo, it's impossible to resist those baby tiger eyes.
Even when she screws up.
This damn brat who always screws up, how you love the damn thing.
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localicecreambiter · 7 months
Chapter 2 is finally ouuutt and it only took like... a montth
ignore that :P
heres the Ao3 link, but I'll post the chapter text below this time too
Legend was not having a great day… then again, when did he ever?
New quest from the Goddess was going just great. Absolutely fantastic. Because apparently 6 adventures wasn’t enough as it stood. No, the goddesses seemingly were not satisfied with that, so a 7th was sent his way. Perks of being the favorite I guess, he thought with a tired bitterness. He stopped tracking the time they’d spent on the road after the first two weeks. It wasn’t worth the upkeep with everything going on, so why bother? Clearly Hylia’s business (it was easiest to blame her) wouldn’t be resolved any time soon, so there was no point in torturing himself by timing how long it took to get back home.
They’d gone through dozens of worlds, multiple Hyrules: some places unknown to any of them, some they call home. To say Legend had anticipated another world hopping adventure so soon would be lying, but who would know? Hylia knows not anyone else in the Chain. He could lie his ass off about virtually anything, and they’d believe it without a second thought. The few graces of being the group veteran. …not that he intended to do that. No, he liked the group too much to be that much of an ass to them.
Ah yes, the group. The Chain. His brothers in arms. His annoying compatriots that enjoyed loud mornings and exaggerated stories around the fire at night (also very loud). They were a rowdy group, sure, but Legend found he didn’t mind it all that much as the days went on. Wild may set things on fire more often than not; Twilight smelled of wet dog and talked too much about goats; Wind couldn’t keep his mouth shut, bombarding the group with questions about the most mundane things (seriously! He knew the kid was from the middle of the ocean but Legend refused to believe their resident sailor didn’t know what a pinecone was). Warriors had an ego the size of Death Mountain (great battle strategist all things considered); he admittedly knew little about Four, seemingly the most level headed of their group, but they got along together just fine. Hyrule was… well, Legend quite liked the traveler (though he’d hardly ever admit it). Time liked to keep to himself, only fueling the chaos on a few occasions, looking out for each and every one of them no matter the situation. Despite his qualms and complaints, the past however long they had spent traveling together weaved a tight knit trust and deep seeded care within the group. Not even Legend could escape from that, not that he really wanted to anyway. It was nice having someone to watch your back from time to time.
Now, back to his griping, “Ugghh! We’ve been on this stupid trail for hours! How have we not found a town yet?” The ground squelched beneath bootfalls, still puddled with rainfall from the night before and the muggy air did little to raise his spirits. It left his hair frizzed and hands sticky with moisture no matter how many times he wiped his palms on his tunic. Over the years, a lot of things had made their way onto the Things That Really Annoy the Hell Out of Legend list: humid weather made the top 20. They might as well be swimming at that point, really.
“Oh, chill out Legend. A little humidity never killed anyone,” The captain was quick to quip back, but there was no mistaking the underlying agitation in the ways Warriors fidgeted with his cape and gloves. “Your hair will be fine.” Legend snapped his hand away from his head, leaving tousled locks tangled in order to prove a point.
The vet smirked, arms crossed across his chest, “Projecting your worries onto me won’t make ‘em go away Miss Prissy Pants.” He had the pleasure of witnessing the older hero whirl around indignantly, mouth open in preparation to fire another shot.
“Enough from both of you.” Great, so it wasn’t just him growing more irritated with the humidity. Time shot the pair a warning glance, signaling there was to be no fun or joy had on their trek. Whatever, he still claimed the victory in stride, a smug grin blooming once the eldest turned away. With everyone being so tense — frankly more agitated than Legend was on a mediocre day — their impromptu hike lapsed into an awkward silence. The low rumble of storms rolling on the horizon and the abundance of cricket chatter was the best he was going to get as a distraction. So yeah. The quest was going great.
“Whose Hyrule do you think we’re in?” Legend’s ears pricked to attention, mumbled conversations behind him (usually gone ignored) peeking his interest. The two shortest — and if he had to guess, youngest — of the Chain trailed in the back, Epona clopping at their side. Wind’s hair puffed out more than usual, lower pant legs caked in mud and what Legend hoped was very pigmented clay. The kid seemed perfectly content in the weather, the son of a dodongo. Four kept running a hand through tangled locks, cringing at the way his fingers harshly caught on the knots.
“Traveler’s. Too barren to be anywhere else,” yet despite the gross weather, the smithy always held that level headedness to him. If Legend were to admit it — and he himself knew he wouldn’t — he was a bit jealous. The hero could probably watch someone keel over dead and it wouldn’t outwardly affect him. Or maybe Four was just better at compartmentalizing things for later. Either way, the kid knew how to hold himself together.
“Didn’t he say the air was toxic or something?” Legend didn’t even need to look to know the expression Wind was wearing. Left brow raised, eyes squinted slightly, pouty frown tugging his lips downward, and skeptical glint in his eye. A kid far too expressive and open for the uncaring world he was thrown into, a sinking familiarity always followed that thought. He’d been like that too when he first started, after all. Just some bright eyed kid who got thrown in the midst of something bigger than himself, paying the price for an evil he had not committed.
“No, Sailor. That was the water.” It was around then that the veteran slowed his pace slightly to walk next to Wind, expression light and curious. He had no input yet, but the message was clear: I want to be included in the conversation. It wasn’t often that Legend sought out a connection like that, letting it come to him rather. No matter how strange it felt to initiate, the others clearly didn’t mind it. He may be prickly, but he could be good company in his humble opinion.
“What?!” The two other heroes grimaced at Wind’s sudden volume, Legend skillfully suppressing a grin when a hand slapped over the kid’s mouth. “Oops. I mean… What?! Poison water??”
“No, toxic water. If it was just poison, it wouldn’t hurt you unless you drank it.”
Legend cocked a brow, deciding, “Same difference,” was a good contribution to the conversation.
Four scowled, lower lip sticking out just a tad too far. If he looked any more upset, the veteran would think he’s pouting. “No, it’s not. The difference in meaning is crucial when relaying dangerous informa-”
“How are you supposed to go sailing on that? At least back at home it’s just poison water.” Wind stared up at the pair innocently, eyes wide with questions crackling in his ocean hued gaze. Neither decided to question what the second half was supposed to mean, already having contemplated the logistics of a “great flood” before. Poison water wasn’t that far fetched when it came to the sailor’s Hyrule.
Legend snorted, “You aren’t, dimwit.”
“With a raft?” The new voice startled the trio, all three heads whipping to gawk at Hyrule. If he thought the sailor was sneaky, leave it to their traveler to catch them with their pants down (another reason he never wore pants. Never have them on, and you never get caught with them down). “…What?”
“You’ve actually sailed??”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it sailing. More just floating around on the lake until I can get to where I need to go.” Legend narrowed his eyes, gauging how Hyrule was affected by the weather while the other three chatted. He, like the sailor, seemed to have no qualms with how astoundingly horrendous it was. It irked him more than it probably should have. In the veteran’s time, it never got this nasty unless he was close to a swamp. The fact things got so fucked after he passed… It wasn’t his fault, that was for damn sure. Not very much you can do about darkness overtaking the land when you’re dead.
“It’s gonna storm soon,” the subject change ripped him from his thoughts, eyes landing on Wind. The kid was looking off at the darkening horizon, watching the clouds churn into a tempest that hopefully they would never have to brave. “I’d say in ‘round 5 flips of a sandglass.”
The group blinked owlishly, Four being the first one to put things together.
“…So 2 and a half hours?”
“Yup, sounds just about right.”
“You know, you can talk like a normal person, right?”
Wind cracked a grin, “Where I come from, that is how normal people talk.”
Legend let the conversation fade into the background, eyeing the stormy horizon just as the sailor had. With how their journey was going so far, a storm was the last thing they needed. Sure, it’d probably clear away the sticky air, but running around in the rain wasn’t something he really wanted to do at the moment. His boots were muddy enough as it was. Just as he thought to mention Wind’s storm theory, there was a buzz in the air. Magic. It was familiar — a far away familiar, but familiar nonetheless.
He stopped walking for a moment, violet eyes narrowing at the muggy surroundings. The treeline was silent, the rolling fields of dying yellow crops whipped violently in the breeze, the sky rumbled, but there was no sign of a source. The veteran’s brows furrowed further, face screwing up in suspicion that something was amiss. He knew that feeling, and he knew that he did. Something that reminded him of home in the most warped way possible, feeling almost wrong yet right all at the same time. It was confusing, eluding his conscious efforts to pinpoint just where he had felt that before.
Footsteps died out, Legend having yet to notice the rest of the Chain slowing to a stop. The burning gazes of 8 other pairs of eyes falling on one person should have alerted him, but being so caught up in that feeling… Where had he felt it before? Goddesses it was on the tip of his damn tongue. Think Legend…
A firm hand grasped his shoulder, sending a jolt through the veteran hero who instinctively reached for his sword. “Hey! Hey, easy there partner!” Legend blinked, eyes shooting up to stare down an admittedly alarmed Twilight. “You alright there? Hear a monster?” Looking past the furry blockade, everyone else was on high alert. It wasn’t like the vet to freeze up like that, not without warning.
“No. No monster from what I can tell. I’m fine I just…” His eyes landed on Wild, with his bow pulled taught and poised at the ready for an ambush, “remembered something, is all.” Technically, it was a half truth. He recognized something, yet struggled to remember where he recognized it from and what exactly it even was. It was an adequate enough answer, as the rancher backed off with a nod. Silence returned to their group, but Legend could hardly care less about that now. His mind was elsewhere. It was going to bother him for the rest of the day if he couldn’t figure out where-
A blood curdling yowl — seriously, a yowl — nearly blew out his eardrums as a particularly ugly moblin burst from the treeline with 3 more in tow.
“Why’s it making that face at me?!” Metal screeched as it clashed against steel, but there was no mistaking Four’s perturbed cry through the fray.
“Sorry about that,” came the sailor’s response, “It’s one of mine! They make some really stupid faces!” Legend had to duck and roll out of the way of an oversized shield nearly wacking into him. Two were focused on one, three on another, Time facing one alone, leaving the last to Sky, Wild, and himself.
“This one’s mine,” the Skyloftian announced to the group. “I’ll distract it so you two can get in a few backstrikes.” He hopped away, slashing for the brute’s shield while Legend crept up from the side. Drawing his tempered sword, dark blood soon seeped from the moblin’s back with no more than a few swipes and a couple arrow shots. The monster tried to turn, only to get sliced by Sky’s blade, regaining its attention. Lucky for them these things were stupider than dirt, not even able to take the defensive right. With a group of nine seasoned heroes, now more used to fighting together, it took less than 10 minutes to clear out the lot of them. With no further signs of another attack, they were free to check for injuries.
Hyrule got nicked in the side, nothing he couldn’t fix himself, Legend was sure. Twilight seemed to have taken an impromptu trip to the tailors with the new scratch marks in his undertunic. Warriors’ nose was bleeding, but other than that and a few scrapes he was fine. Everyone else got off with nothing more than a scratch or a bruise here or there. Good. That meant the veteran wouldn’t need to be dishing out any potions any time soon.
“Are we all accounted for?” Everyone turned their attention to Time, standing with a hand on his hip and the other on the hilt of his sword. He continued once he got confirmation, “If they attacked now, it probably means there’s more at a camp nearby. We’ll split up and look for it: Wind in one group and Wild in another. If one of us finds it we’ll alert the other via your.. Rock things.” The sailor beamed, ushering everyone to line up because it “was his turn to be team captain,” whatever that meant.
Ultimately, he was placed in Wind’s group with Warriors, and Time. They had more than enough manpower with the two war veterans, the sailor, and the actual vet. Wild had a map, and Wind was their best navigator, so getting back up would be easy as pie… if that pie was on fire with raw crust and half cooked filling. Yeah, splitting up in unfamiliar woods is never a good idea.
Especially when you’re trying to fight off an archer ambush and your navigator is being shot at.
“I’m gonna need a second- FUCK!!” An arrow shaft stuck haphazardly in the sailor’s arm, jostling with every move he made. “Shit! Oh, that’s gonna hurt-”
“Focus! Make sure Wild can find us. We’ll cover you!” Warriors, on cue, blocked another volley with Wind’s dropped mirror shield. If it weren’t such a high stress situation, Legend could’ve sworn the captain would say something stupid like “return to sender” or “eat shaft.” The thought made him smirk, distracting him long enough that their attackers managed to graze his leg.
“Oh, for the love of Zephos!” The vet didn’t have time to turn around and check on their youngest, reflecting back another volley himself in hopes to hit something. A flash of grey caught his eye, loud snarling following a blur of fur and monster parts. Back up had finally arrived.
“Took long enough!”
“Hey, blame Wind! Would’ve been here faster if he held onto his rock!” Long, unruly hair streamed behind a dirt covered, scared face. With a few THUNKS a handful of their assailants went down, yellow energy crackling out of the disintegrating bodies.
“You try and hold a stupid rock while being shot at!” The sailor grabbed Legend’s arm and yanked him to the side just in time for an arrow to narrowly miss piercing his nose, much to the veteran’s dismay. “I had that-”
“Sure you did!” Wind ducked out of the way of a sword slash, coming face to face with more moblins. “Think we found that monster camp yet?”
Legend really didn’t know how the kid could keep up the quips while avoiding getting smacked in the head, pulling his blade back out for round 2. Digging in his bag, he fished out a hookshot for some spontaneous strategizing. Latching it into a tree somewhere off in the fray, he took the opportunity to zip around and stun anything and everything. Battle was serious, sure, but having a little fun with it when you’re winning couldn’t hurt.
When the dust settled, all that was left was a single black lizalfos.
The black lizalfos.
Who made a break for it the second it realized it was outnumbered, like the damn coward it was.
Chasing did little for the group, as their path ended in a clearing with a large portal swirling before them. He caught Time making a mental check of everyone before pairing them up to go through: Twilight and Wild, Sky and Four, Hyrule and himself with Wind tagging along, leaving Time and Warriors to follow up at the back.
“Stick close together. So far these portals have spat us out in the same place, but we never know when that will change.”
“I just hope the weather is nicer wherever we end up,” Legend heard Warriors mutter, most likely jinxing the group with his stupid wishing. If the weather was anything but pleasant he was going to throttle the captain.
“Best get goin’. The storm be upon us soon,” Wind ever so gently (read: not at all gently) pushed Wild toward the swirling vortex. Everytime Legend saw one of the portals, he was reminded how little the light mattered as it was eaten away by the vast darkness before them. In some strange, twisted way, he found solace in that. If there were to be one constant, he’d rather it be the comfort of darkness than a blinding light… but maybe he was biased. After all, few of the best people came from the Darkness. A flash of purple rabbit ears and sharp red eyes pulled at his lips, threatening to spill his happy memories for all to see. But no, he grabbed at those images, shoving them back into their respective places and neatly filing them away in the crevices of his mind. Those were his and his alone to keep, for none to see and not to be shared. Not yet, at least. Not after what had been said. Not until apologies were made. Until then, the fleeting feeling of fond annoyance and steely, yet soft gazes hurt too much to remember.
“Hey, earth to Ledge! We’re about to go through!” Right, the portal. They were on a completely different quest. Now was not the time to be taking a trip down memory lane. With a deep breath, hands firmly held by the traveler and the sailor, he stepped into the void churning before him.
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zane-wanna-sleep · 1 year
Part 2 of this time-travel concept!
Actually part one is all I had in my head at first but after I start it other ideas just keep coming in so here we go!!
Part 1 , Part 3
It is another normal day Spider thought, he got out from the lab into forest running ahead to village where his, siblings for him he didnt know what they think, best friends were. He's ran and jumped over the root then ran again, raised his head up to soak in how beautiful Pandora is.
Then he finally there, in front of the Sullys' pod so he waited for his friends, maybe I wake up early today that's could explained why they don't come out yet, but when random thought reached him, he started fidgeting in his place
or maybe they went without him?
Just as his mind decided to thought of something bad there's a na'vi behind him when he turned around he saw Jake, who seemed... shocked? But why?? What made Jake shocked in this morning?? He had no idea at all.
“ oh Mr.Sully, ” Spider used his most polite tone as possible to hide his curious, this is not a good sign; if Mr.Sully here Mrs.Sully would be here soon, he didn't want to offend anyone so he said again “ I came here for Lo'ak and Kiri but um.. am I disturb you? If so I can leave ”
He didn't realized Jake didn't looked at him until he did. All of his moves were kinda weird today, Spider hoped he didn't sick or anything, even it's obvious Jake wasn't in his right state. With lacking of Jake's response he decided to called him again “ Mr.Sully? Are you– ”
His words were cut off by Jake, that's made him relief actually, “ y- yea? I'm good, kid ” the man looked nervous as if he didn't know what to say next “ so.. you here for the kids, right? They might be here soon.. ”
Jake couldn't understand at first how could he sleep through last night without wake up in middle of it but he understood now, it's because he's in another dream. Jake try to laugh out his stress but failed when he still uncomfortable with how the boy before him looked.
Spider tried to hide his doubt then just keep waiting but failed the first one miserably since Jake looked awkward even more after saw his face. Fortunately, Jake didn't say anything, in fact Jake begging him in his mind to not ask any further, or maybe he wanted to but the chaos in his pod shut him off.
Start with Lo'ak shout that he would remember anywhere, Spider taken back by it nonetheless, then there Kiri's voice, not loud as Lo'ak's but still louder than usual. That's not what made him surprised the most since it's normal for the two to mad at eachother even it's just early morning. But how Neteyam also in that argument as well tho, not trying to calm his siblings or mediate them, that's could be one of most shocking moments of his life.
When Jake tried to say something to stop them as usual he was, again, shut off by the Siblings stromed out of their marui, so fast that they didn't noticed Spider and could've bump into him if he didn't managed to avoid it in time. “ woah easy there cuz ”
He tried to sounded chill, but the way they hastily turned to him was too.. too fast he wonder if they'd get neckache after that
Then they started to cry, out loud, little Tuk quickly ran to him for a tight hug and cried into his chest as if she was afraid he would disappear before her eyes if she doesn't hurry, he had just realized how much this three-years-old na'vi girl had grown in that moment due her height and strength she leaned and put on him. the older siblings also moved to his side pulled him into their hug. Spider can feel their tails curled around his middle, his thigh, his legs and his waist.
Spider was really confused now. Why are they be like this?? Did something happened?? If it's only Tuk, he could assume she had a nightmare and he know how to handle it! But this! This with other siblings had same action, he had no idea what should to do.
Not that he mind it though he liked it even, but it's too sudden and he couldn't keep up with whatever they're thinking “ um.. what's worng guys? ”
They didn't answer him just some murmur ,into his shoulder from Lo'ak and Neteyam, he couldn't understand due how quiet they were. However this was bad, really bad, they're still in fornt of the Sullys' marui and Neytiri can show up at any moment, she would kick him out as soon as she saw him be near her children this much.
“ Kids, let Spider breathe should you? ” Jake suggested after returned from his thoughts, he also didn't sure about his mate's reaction to this especially after everything that happened yesterday, or he should say his previous dream? He didn't ask for this kind of dream
The siblings' ears perked up a little but they weren't stopped their snuggling to their human brother friend, but at very least they hold back a little more except for Tuk, wait his kids also younger?
He heard footsteps and oh his mate was on her way, his chlidren must heard it as well 'cause they hastily got up and shield Spider from door way before set off with Tuk threw herself into Spider's arm to be hold by him.
“ Jake, where the kids going? ” Neytiri pushed the beaded curtains aside, her words were so firm, so sharp that it sounded like command and it's not sounded like he's in a dream
Of course you're not, stop being in denial already, Jake. Even though all of these made no sense and no one explained anything to him, it's not a dream, it's real, all of these nonsense shit are real. He sighed in acceptance. “ Sorry, Neytiri but I think we should give them times they need for now. ”
His mate looked offended as he continued, or more like changed topic, “ However, did you notice something weird like our children look.. younger? As if.. I mean.. ugh I don't know how to explain this damn consequence ” Jake messed his hair in frustration of himself.
Neytiri, closed her eyes, took a deep breth try to calm herself as well then let out a long exhale, she calm down a little “ yes, yes I noticed that. It's most obvious with our baby Tuk, she's a baby but not like this ”
Jake desperately needed explanation. Why Eywa can't tell anything to him before did all of this and chose to left him confuse? He would say this again in case he didn't made it clear enough; If this was a dream, please hurry wake him up.
Neteyam didn't know how to react to all of these just like his siblings were; yesterday they had learned that their brothers was dead and now when they woke up they met him again even though it's him in younger version.
Surely, made them all confuse amd totally lost, what can be done in this kind of situation anyways? If this was a dream then he wish he wouldn't have to wake up, at least not so soon.
He made up his mind as soon as he saw him that just screw it all they're back, to home, to the forest and with their brother and that's all what matter. He looked over Spider's, who still confuse and ask for explaination, head to met his siblings' eyes
They're all agreed with him
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s0xthef0x · 4 months
Theoretically Speaking
Ness accidentally stumbles into the life of Mike Schmidt, and in all honesty? He doesn't mind staying.
When a trip to the mall goes awry, Ness finds himself injured and in the arms of a security guard. With no friends or family to turn to during his recovery, Mike Schmidt enters the picture to lend a hand.
(Split/Alternating POVs)
NOTE: This is a revised version of a securitywaiter fic I just completed on a03 (under the same username) so if you don't want to wait for revised updates here, you can read the original through the link at the end! Enjoy <3
Also this fic started out as a joke but I got really into it and it's lowkey my magnum opus
Chapter 1
Ness never would’ve imagined that things would've played out the way that they did, especially not at the mall. It was only meant to be a short trip, but the line at Macy's was much longer than he had anticipated. Especially for mid-morning on a weekday. As he stood in line, Ness couldn't help but think; don't any of you have jobs? Because he was going to be late for his own if the line didn't move any faster.
Ness was eager to get out of the store and far away from the clashing scents of perfumes and colognes. He had thought about getting a quick spray of something that smelled of sandalwood in hopes of covering the smell of bacon grease that seemed to perpetually linger on his uniform, but the store itself did a thorough job of making him smell like anything and everything on earth other than a diner- which wasn't exactly ideal either.
He absentmindedly swung the plastic Macy's bag in his hand as he walked out of the store. Ness felt his mind turn to static as he tuned out the people around him. It was the kind of mental numbness in which you can't stop your thoughts from wandering off wherever they want, until suddenly you're thinking about the kind of stuff that you normally dwell on at night. There was no repressing any of it now, and it sure as shit didn't help that he was surrounded by advertisements for Mother's Day sales. 
Ness didn't expect a bottle of low-end perfume to magically resolve anything, but maybe it was worthwhile enough to at least remind her that she had a son.
His head felt foggy. Everything had become blurry, and all noises were muffled. It was just him and his thoughts, which was why he didn't immediately realize what was happening. Ness's brain tuned back into reality when he was abruptly shoved from behind. He barely managed to gather himself before several more people rushed by. They moved in packs. It was a stampede.
Ness stumbled forward while scanning the crowd, in search of anyone who could explain what the hell was going on. He was drowning in a sea of pure chaos, and he could barely keep his head above the water. From the other side of the mall, Ness could see police officers rushing into a store, urging everyone to make for the exit.
People were pouring out from escalators and onto the first floor. Ness stumbled along with the crowd, all while behind jostled by the shoulders and feeling a pair of sneakers repeatedly stepping on the backs of his ankles.
Near the back of the second floor, three officers were restraining a man in a mask as they wrestled a gun out of his hands. Telling by the man's distance from Macy's, Ness was certain that he had been walking merely a couple of feet within his proximity. He felt a chill rush down his spine.
Ness had been so distracted from the chaos, he hadn't yet processed that he was falling. His foot had missed a step as he was nearing the end of the escalator. The crowd parted to make room in order to move past him, but no one made an effort to help him up. Ness clawed at the floor, pulling himself out of the way before he could be trampled. He leaned against a wall as he tried to catch his breath. His vision went blurry again, this time from a surge of adrenaline.
Once the rush of the crowd had dwindled, Ness began to push himself up. He immediately felt a terrible pain in his lower leg. He didn't want to look down. He felt sick as his brain conjured the image of his leg looking mangled and twisted like one of the pretzel sticks in the display at the Auntie Anne's just a few feet from where he laid. The only thing anchoring him to consciousness was the scent of daisy perfume as the last few drops leaked from the broken bottle. He laid back down against the wall and groaned. He looked to the other side of the mall, where the last of the officers were questioning a few witnesses. 
Ness was tucked away behind a large, plastic plant, blocking him from everyone else's view. He cursed under his breath and gripped onto the side of the escalator to try to lift himself onto his uninjured foot, though it seemed to be in vain. The pain was too much. He lowered himself down, groaning again as he fell back onto the hard tiled floor.
Ness looked to his left at the sound of the men's bathroom door swinging open, revealing a security guard. The man tucked something into his jacket, probably a pack of cigarettes from a not-so discreet smoke break in the midst of the chaos. As he stepped into the open, his face formed a rather clear "oh shit" kind of expression. 
The security guard began to walk towards the remaining police officers. Seizing the opportunity, Ness frantically threw a hand in the air to signal for help. The man stopped in his tracks and turned his gaze to where Ness sat.
"Are you okay?" The guard stayed standing at a distance, probably hoping that his assistance wouldn’t be necessary. Ness wouldn't have blamed him.
The pain made it difficult to form a full thought, let alone a full sentence. Ness didn't know how else to communicate other than gesturing down to his injury, which was getting harder to not look at. The security guard took a step, made another "oh shit" face, then hurried over.
Ness had a habit of slipping into his customer service voice upon interacting with strangers, and this time was no exception as he forced himself to speak up, “can you call nine one one?"
It took a moment of stunned silence for the security guard to react. "Yeah, yeah.” His voice was borderline monotone, which didn't match the sudden flash of urgency in his eyes. Ness stared after the guard as he ran to a door marked STAFF ONLY.
All he could do was lay there looking up at the ceiling. There were a few remaining customers wandering around the first floor, none of which noticed Ness laying there, like a crumpled up napkin that didn’t make it into the trash bin. He was once again alone with his thoughts, but this time he was painfully aware of his reality, literally speaking.
The worst part of it was knowing that if it hadn't been for a random security guard, there would be no one to call for help. The smell of the Daisy perfume served as a strangely cruel reminder. 
He thought he'd be used to it by now. He began to wonder if he ever would.
Mike had witnessed his fair share of wild shit during his time working at the mall, but this morning had managed to beat a new record. It wasn't even noon yet.
Mike never had to call 911 before. It was daunting to dial just those three digits. He leaned against the cinderblock wall of the break room and waited. For an emergency line, it was taking a surprisingly long time for someone to pick up. At least it bought him a little time to think of what to say. Hey, some guy broke his leg, I think?
“Nine-one-one. What’s your emergency?”
Since the station had already gotten the report about the active shooter, it didn’t take long to explain. Mike relayed the location and address of the mall, and that was that. He hung up the phone and heaved a sigh. 
The break room was empty, except for him. He was tempted to take a seat in one of the folding chairs, but decided against it. He was probably already on thin ice if there was any chance that his manager noticed his absence in the past forty five minutes, the time he spent reading in the bathroom when he should've been doing his job.
Mike’s approach towards work had always been to simply match his performance to his paycheck. You know what they say, you get what you paid for. Today was the only exception to his usual mentality. This wasn't just another kid throwing up outside of the candy shoppe, or another man having a heart attack in the food court. For once, Mike felt guilty for not doing the bare minimum.
Mike exited the break room and looked toward the escalator. Sure enough, the man was still there. It's not like he could've left that easily. 
"How are you holding up?" He hoped his question came out sounding more genuine than it did in his head, but the man didn't seem to care, and for obvious reasons.
The man barely glanced at Mike when he replied, "fine.”
"The paramedics are on the way."
It probably wasn't a good sign that he was only responding with one syllable at a time. Mike looked around in search of anyone who could possibly be more qualified to deal with this. He wasn't paying attention when the man said something. Mike turned his head and looked at him with a lifted brow. "Hm?
"The bench.” The man’s hand trembled as he pointed to a set of benches near the bathroom, not too far from where Mike stood. It was hard to tell if he was annoyed or just tired, but it was probably both.
Mike, once again, looked around for anyone else who would be willing to step in. Did he feel like kind of an asshole for not wanting to bridal carry a stranger? Yes. But in his defense, it was clear that the stranger wasn't entirely keen on the idea either. Lucky for him, guilt quickly outweighed Mike's pride.
He wanted to move quickly to get it over with, but sooner realized that sudden movements weren't the best idea for dealing with a broken limb. The man had to wrap both arms around Mike's shoulders to steady himself until he made it safely to the bench. 
Mike crossed his arms and took his time to scan his surroundings, avoiding unnecessary eye contact. His job didn't normally require that much interaction with customers. The only times he spoke to anyone other than his co-workers was when someone needed directions to a store or the restrooms. All he could think to say was, "better?"
"Beats the floor.” The stranger wasn't doing a great job at selling his fake smile. It didn't help that he was still struggling to speak in full sentences without gritting his teeth.
They remained silent amidst the echoes of footsteps. Even during a public emergency, the speakers continued to play the same pop songs on a loop, all the same earworms that had been stuck in Mike’s head for months. He didn't go out of his way to listen to music other than what he was subjected to via public radio. He felt indifferent to most of it, despite his tendency to subconsciously hum Avril Lavigne in the shower.
Mike's attention snapped back to the stranger. The man was suddenly more alert. His arms frantically reached around the bench.
"Are you looking for something?"
The man rubbed a hand across his face and muttered something into his palm before speaking up, "it's nothing- it's just. . . I dropped my bag.”
Mike looked to the escalator, and a stray Macy’s shopping bag. "That?"
The stranger nodded as Mike lifted it from the ground. He could hear the faint clinking of broken glass. He looked further down to find that his shoe was in the center of a pinkish-orange puddle. A flowery smell filled his nostrils like a punch to the face. Mike dropped the bag into the trash and made a mental note to mop it up later. 
"Sorry about that."
"Don't worry about it.” The stranger leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling. 
Mike’s thoughts were cut short by the high-pitched wail of an ambulance. Outside, two paramedics were already on foot with a stretcher before the ambulance had come to a full stop. Mike took a brief glance at the stranger before leaving to meet the paramedics.
"We got a call about a broken leg?" 
Mike nodded and pointed over his shoulder at the bench. “That way."
And with that, it was out of his hands. Mike stood by the water fountain, watching as they escorted the stranger towards the exit. He wondered if he should've waved or forced a sympathetic smile, but it didn’t matter. The stranger had been safely transported into the ambulance, which was already racing off, out of the parking lot and into the distance. 
The pop music somehow sounded louder now, as did the echoing footsteps of the few customers that roamed the building. No more horrified screams or running footsteps, just distant laughing and sounds from the nearby arcade. It was as if nothing had happened, like today was just any other ordinary day at the mall. And like any ordinary day, Mike had work to do.
Hospitals brought on a strange sense of nostalgia. Even years after his last visit, Ness was still accustomed to the smell of clorox wipes and latex. The atmosphere was by no means comforting, but familiarity prevented him from completely spiraling.
Despite the heavy doses of medication to alleviate the pain, Ness still couldn't sleep. Fatigue held him in a firm grasp, but there was too much on his mind to give in. There were too many things to worry about. For one, his manager. Calling to explain why exactly he missed his shift was a nightmare waiting to happen. Breaking a leg in a freak accident at the mall hardly sounded any different than “my dog ate my homework”.
"Mr. Sansfield?” 
The sound of the door pulled Ness out of his state of half-sleep. He lifted his head to greet the nurse with a half-hearted smile. 
"You have a guest."
The nurse stepped aside to reveal a complete stranger. Ness squinted. He blinked twice, wondering if maybe the drowsiness was affecting his vision. The stranger stepped inside and the nurse left without another word. Ness sat up. He wanted to protest, or call out to the nurse to clarify that he had no idea who this person was. For all he knew, he had just been left alone at the mercy of a serial killer.
"Hey.” His voice instantly sounded familiar. It took Ness another moment of staring blankly until he recognized the uniform shirt, then the Macy's bag.
"What. . .uh," Ness's voice came out in a mumble until he cleared his throat. "What're you doing here?"
"I figured you might want this back." The stranger lifted the bag. 
"Oh, that," Ness shook his head, "it broke when-“ He stopped when the man reached into the bag to reveal a perfectly intact bottle of perfume, still in its packaging. "I could've sworn-"
"I got it exchanged.” The man took a seat in a chair near the foot of the bed. "I gave them the receipt and told them what happened."
Ness wanted to smile or show some sort of display of gratitude, but he was still overcome by pure amazement. "You really didn't have to do that."
The man shrugged. He sniffed and stared absentmindedly around the room. 
"Well. . . thanks. . .” Ness trailed off, raising his eyebrows, waiting for the stranger to pick up on the implied question. When he didn’t get an answer, Ness finally took the initiative. “What’s your name?”
It took the man a second to realize he was being spoken to. He barely turned his head enough to make eye contact, as though the effort was too much of a hassle. “Mike.”
"Thanks, Mike." Finally, Ness managed to smile. "I'm Ness, by the way."
“I know.”
Ness’s eyebrows furrowed at the response. Before he could ask, Mike nodded at the clothes in the chair beside him, where his name tag was lying face-up.
The corners of Mike’s mouth lifted slightly into a somewhat passable smile, while his eyes remained stony. His stoic expression made it all seem less like a selfless gesture and more like a chore. 
Ness's smile wavered. He cleared his throat and waited for Mike to leave wordlessly, the same way he entered. Probably slamming the door on his way out. Instead, Mike sank a little deeper into his seat in the same manner as a middle-aged man preparing to take a nap in his prized recliner. 
"Question," Ness spoke up again after a moment of silence, "how did you get in here?"
"How did you get in here? Isn't there a policy-“ His question was cut short by the opening of the door. The doctor stepped in, with a clipboard in hand and a stethoscope dangling at the neck. Mike sat up in his seat, posture suddenly straight as a pole.
"How are we holding up?" the doctor asked with the click of a ballpoint pen.
Ness answered with a half-nod, half-shrug. "Could be worse."
The doctor nodded and scribbled on the clipboard. "On the bright side, you're free to head home now. You can rest in the comfort of your own bed."
"Right," Ness said with a weary exhale.
"I'm assuming Mr. Sansfield will be your ride?"
Ness felt his brows knitting together in confusion, and even more so when the doctor gestured with the pen, pointing towards Mike, who was now sinking deeper into his chair, gripping onto the armrests like a passenger preparing to endure turbulence. To Ness's surprise, he nodded.
"In that case, it looks like everything's settled." The doctor handed the clipboard to Ness. "Just sign here at the bottom and you're free to go."
Ness, in a daze, took the pen and scribbled his signature as a single, wavy line. The doctor was gone in the instant that the pen left the clipboard.
“Mr. Sansfield?"
Mike's eyes widened slightly as his face suddenly revealed a new emotion, a cross between panicked and defensive. “They asked if I was spouse or family.”
Seeing the flustered expression spreading on Mike’s face, Ness quickly jumped in to do some damage control, though it might've already been too late depending on whether or not Mike could see the redness in his face. "I didn't know I had a brother."
Mike chuckled under his breath. His eyes flitted to the door, glancing out the narrow window. "You don't think I'll get in trouble, do you?"
"You should probably get out of here before you blow your cover."
Mike stood up and placed the Macy's bag in the chair, safe from being stepped on or otherwise shattered all over again. His hands dug into the pockets of his jacket. "Is there anything else?”
Ness raised his eyebrows, unable to understand the question.
Mike let out a long exhale as he gazed around the room. His head rolled back to look at Ness with bored eyes. “Do you need anything?”
"Uh. . .” Ness wanted to kick himself for even thinking about taking advantage of the offer, but he knew he was in no position to decline. "Yes, actually. I need a ride. I left my car at the mall- but, I mean, it's not like I would be able to drive it in the first place," Ness continued rattling on and on. He couldn't help it. His nerves kicked into high gear, and the words kept coming.
"Sure,” Mike's answer was as sudden as it was blunt, “No problem." 
Ness had to force his mouth shut to cut off the rest of the word vomit. He would have hesitated before gladly getting in a car with a stranger, but this was different. This technically wasn't a stranger anymore. This was Mike. Besides, even if he was a serial killer, Ness was short on options.
If you don’t want to wait on updates of the revision on this blog, you can binge the original on Ao3 or wattpad ;)
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kenzirr · 3 months
Part two to this hotch imagine
Several days after Halloween, Aaron Hotchner found himself standing in front of the local coffee shop, holding a steaming cup of black coffee. It was a routine he followed religiously every morning, a moment of calm before diving into the chaos of the day. Today, however, his thoughts kept drifting back to that Halloween night.
As he stirred his coffee absentmindedly, he caught sight of a familiar figure approaching from across the street. It was Emily Prentiss, her stride purposeful as she crossed over to join him at the outdoor seating area.
"Morning, Hotch," Emily greeted cheerfully, sliding into the chair opposite him.
"Morning, Emily," Hotch replied, nodding in acknowledgment. He took a sip of his coffee, savoring the bitter warmth.
Emily arched an eyebrow, her gaze keen. "You seem distracted. Something on your mind?"
Hotch hesitated for a moment, debating whether to share his thoughts. Ultimately, he decided on honesty. "Do you remember that woman from Halloween night? The one with Jack?"
Emily's eyes widened slightly in recognition. "Oh, yeah, she was really nice."
Hotch nodded, surprised that Emily remembered her. "I can't stop thinking about her."
Emily smiled knowingly. "That's understandable. She made quite an impression."
Hotch sighed, feeling a mix of uncertainty and intrigue. "I wish I knew more about her. I don't even know her name."
"Well, you won't find out more standing here," Emily pointed out gently. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt to swing by that neighborhood again. You never know."
Hotch considered her words, the practicality of them resonating with him. Perhaps it was worth a try. He finished his coffee in silence, mulling over the idea.
Later that afternoon, after a particularly intense briefing at the BAU, Hotch found himself driving through the neighborhood where they had trick-or-treated. The autumn sun cast long shadows across the streets, and the air held a crisp chill that hinted at winter's approach.
He parked his car a few blocks away from where he remembered the house to be and decided to walk. The familiar sights of Halloween decorations had mostly been taken down, replaced by the subdued elegance of everyday suburban life.
Hotch approached the street where the house stood, his heart beating a little faster with each step. As he turned the corner, he spotted the familiar porch with its warm glow. There, on the steps, stood Y/N.
She was arranging a display of potted plants, her movements graceful and unhurried. Hotch paused, suddenly unsure of how to approach her. Before he could decide on a course of action, fate intervened.
"Hey, isn't that Jack's dad?" a voice called out.
Hotch turned to see Jack racing down the sidewalk, Derek Morgan jogging after him with a sheepish grin. "Jack insisted we come back to see if she was here," Derek explained, breathless.
Hotch chuckled softly, feeling a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. "Thanks, Derek."
Derek clapped him on the shoulder. "No problem, man. Now go talk to her before I have to do it for you."
With a nod of thanks, Hotch took a deep breath and approached Y/N, who looked up from her plants with a smile that lit up her face.
"Hi," Hotch began, feeling awkward but determined. "I hope I'm not intruding. I just... wanted to say hello."
Y/N's smile widened, and she straightened up, brushing dirt from her hands. "Not at all. It's nice to see you again."
Hotch felt a rush of relief. "Likewise. I'm Aaron, by the way."
"I'm Y/N," she replied, extending her hand. They shook hands, their gazes locking for a moment that felt both fleeting and meaningful.
They exchanged introductions and small talk, their conversation flowing surprisingly smoothly. Hotch learned that she was a nurse at a nearby hospital and had lived in the neighborhood for several years. She was warm and engaging, her presence calming in a way that was both familiar and comforting.
As they spoke, Jack joined them, his excitement palpable. "Hello ma’am!" he greeted enthusiastically.
Y/N laughed, crouching down to his level. "Hey, its the adorable superhero! Did you come back for more candy?"
Jack nodded eagerly, showing her the half-empty pumpkin bucket he had brought along. Y/N chuckled and rummaged through a bowl on the porch, replenishing his stash with a wink.
Hotch watched them interact, a sense of contentment settling over him. Maybe Halloween had brought him more than just a night of laughter and candy. Maybe it had brought him a chance at something unexpected.
As they said their goodbyes and walked away, Hotch glanced back at Y/N, feeling a smile tug at his lips.
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