#here have fun i have a paper i'm supposed to be writing rn
The "A Parade of Providence" wallpaper series is now available!
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wingedmaki · 1 year
your only golden girl.
i've been dead af lately☠ i have a few drafts that i'm working on rn so ima work on that after this but rn i have the best idea for maki content >:)
Paring: Maki Zenin x F!Reader
warnings: a bit of a yandere theme? idk, she's just a bit possessive here, that's all,, suggestive ig tho nothing really happens, my writing quality turning to shit
word count: 1.9k
note: i'm obsessed with her. ☠
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on days where maki would be humbled when she would always pride in herself as 'cool and collected,' it would always be when someone was taking up too much of your time; be it panda, toge, yuji or even gojo, she'd always find herself in a mood and having a frown on her face for days on end. whenever that happens, you'd always have to guess what's wrong, and you almost never get it right, so you're left in a mood as well when maki wouldn't tell you what's wrong with the same exact saying, 'figure it out.'
when she was moody, it affected everyone else, too. she'd always take her anger out on training, being too rough with whoever her training partner is (if it's whoever's been hogging up your time, she'd go twice as hard, leaving them sore afterwards) and not think about how humbled she just got. it would affect how everyone focuses in classes which all of you don't really need as jujutsu sorcerers. for example, when maki was pissed off at megumi one day for being your training partner instead of her, she ripped off tiny pieces of paper, took a straw that she used from lunch earlier that day, and kept shooting paper wads through it, aiming it straight at megumi. it was also one of those uncommon times where she was a bit childish (even when she tells everyone she's not).
and today was one of those days when maki walked out onto the training field and saw that you were training with toge. it made her blood boil, because why would you choose to train with someone else over her, your own girlfriend? what's even worse is that you're not even noticing how mad she is, this is usually the time when you're supposed to be comforting her, making her feel like your golden girl. your only golden girl.
"panda," maki turned to face the cursed corpse next to her, resting her pole arm over he shoulder. he glanced at the clearly fuming maki as he gulped in fear, not ready to face her wrath. "yeah?"
"c'mon, you're gonna be my training partner." she demanded, not waiting for any complaints or objections from panda as she was already stomping onto the field. panda sighed as he mentally prepared himself for the beating he's about to receive.
on your side of the field, you were actually having a bit of fun. nobara, your underclassman, decided to watch as you and toge were training, even added commentary when one of you fell or missed a swing. it was a bit irritating, but fun nonetheless.
"it's hot outside, why's maki-san wearing long sleeves?" nobara asked, crossing her legs and resting her elbow on her knee just to rest her chin in her palm, looking over at maki and panda. you looked away from toge who was laying on the ground and looked at maki who was sweating like a pig, though you couldn't see from that distance. she was clearly getting a bit overheated, from all the moving around, the boiling temperatures, and that dark purple long sleeve shirt that she wore on purpose.
you sighed, shaking your head briefly as you set your training weapon down. you plopped down on the ground a second later, sighing as you were finally sitting in the shade provided by the big tree. nobara tapped her chin with her finger, watching maki move quickly and wacking panda everywhere with her pole arm.
"it's like, 85 degrees out. how is she not dying?" nobara pressed as she lifted her brow. you pursed your lips, looking back at maki with a deadpan stare, "she has a habit of doing that. i don't think she realizes how hot it is, she must think she's immune to it or something." you admit as you're watching her move slower and slower. you're wrong; she does realize it, and she knows very well that she's burning up, but nobody else knows that it's her own way of getting you to worry about her, eventually taking care of her in the end and reminding her (yourself more than her) that she's your golden girl.
"maki, you're completely drenched," panda commented as he swayed to the side, avoiding maki's embarrassingly slow punch. if there's a first time for everything, there's a first time for maki giving a weak punch, and that was today. panda frowned, watching maki strain herself with red cheeks and a sweaty body. he figures that it's the shirt, not to mention those black leggings she's wearing. it's like she was asking for a heat stroke, and she might as well, considering you haven't come over to take care of her yet.
"maki, stop. you need to take a break, you look like you're on your last days and you're still throwing punches," panda grabbed maki by her wrist, holding her still, getting a good look at her beet red face and the sweat that stuck her bangs to her forehead. her mouth was dry, her throat was burning, and her arms were tired, she might as well plop down to the ground and bake in the sun.
panda sighed, watching her drop to the ground. he looked around for you and toge, then waved at you, him and nobara for all of you to come over. when you and toge looked at each other with the same expression, the three of you got up from your spots to rush over to where maki had fallen.
"is she ok?" you ask once you reach her, leaning down to grab her by the arm and try your best to lift her up. it took her every ounce of will power to hold back a shit-eating grin on maki's face as you were lifting her up, throwing her big arm over your shoulder. panda sighs as he scratches the back of his head, "yeah, i think she's just a little hot from all that training."
"probably," you reply as you turn to face her red face; the flush even reached her neck, from what you could see (which wasn't much). thank god for deodorant, if she didn't have that on she would've stunk twice as bad.
"whatever, i'll take her to shoko," you say as you turn around, your other hand holding her wrist as you make your way to the building, maki limping the whole way there.
shoko was in the middle of playing tetris when the two of you came in; she looked up from her computer to find you and maki walking through the door. she looked so surprised, seeing maki's the one being taken in and not the other way around, considering the line of aching students she sends to her.
she clicks her tongue, getting up from her desk as you set maki down on the counter where everyone usually sits (minus panda) despite shoko telling everyone not to sit there. she spent a few months telling everyone to not sit on the counters, but eventually gave up after even gojo was sitting on the counters.
"what happened to her," shoko asks cheekily as she grabs a thermometer from one of the cups sitting further down the counter. you sigh, watching maki open her mouth and let shoko stick the instrument underneath her tongue, then roll your eyes. "she wore that damn shirt in this hot ass weather, that's what happened."
"in 85 degree heat?" shoko frowns a bit. "that's a bit odd, you'd think she'd at least bring water with her--" shoko pauses to glance at maki as the thermometer rests in her mouth. "you did bring water, did you?"
maki hums in response, as she can't say anything or nod her head, then shoko sighs before the thermometer goes off. she immediately took it out of her mouth and checked the numbers, then clicked her tongue.
"maki, i suggest you lay off on training and classes tomorrow or the next few days," she shows the temperature to you both. "you've got a fever of 103.5."
"how did i get a fever from that?" you and maki both hopped off the counter at the same time. you rolled your eyes as you grabbed maki by the arm. "next time don't wear dark colors and long sleeve shirts in 85 degree heat." you tease as you drag her out of shoko's office, not even letting her get the chance to tell maki to get a cold shower tonight (though she probably already knows).
"did you do laundry or something? cuz i know you had other alternatives," you question as you open maki's door (she left it unlocked just for you to walk in whenever you wanted to, regardless of what she might be doing), dragging her in and shutting the door. maki knew you'd ask that question if the situation did lead to you bringing her back to her own room to treat her there, so earlier this morning she took out all her shirts in her wardrobe and put them in her dirty laundry basket and took it down to the laundry room and shoved everything in there.
"i did, i just forgot to take it out this morning," she lies as she watches you open up her wardrobe. when you think she's telling the truth, seeing that nothing's in there, you shut the doors and turn to face her.
"well, i guess you should go take a cold shower," you cringe as you slowly begin to make your way out of her room, her eyes following your creeping figure the whole time. when you reach the door and set your hand on the door knob, she springs up from her bed and catches your shoulders, pinning you on the floor.
there's a grin on her face when she watches you wriggle underneath her, trying to escape her impossibly superhuman grip. she inches closer, your faces barely an inch away from each other as she watches the worried look on your face. she hums, leaning down to press a kiss against your cheek, "i did that on purpose, sweetheart."
when the nickname leaves her soft lips, there's a shock that rings quickly throughout your body. you didn't know what it was, nor what sparked it, but it felt weird, and the nickname itself made you feel weird. and she knows, she knows that the shock rung even in your bones, she knows part of you tingled a bit when she called you 'sweetheart,' she knows it all, because she knows everything about you, even more than you know about yourself.
"i did that so you could come to my aid, to help out your precious little angel," all the times you called her an angel seemed fake as her tone sounded sinful, her voice leaving your cheek and trailing down to your neck. "and here we are, just how i planned it."
"m-maki," your hand comes up to run your fingers through her emerald green hair, sighing blissfully as her lips ghosted the skin of your pretty neck. she grins upon hearing your soft moans and sighs of bliss, then runs a streak on your neck with her tongue, almost making you jump.
maki's hand snakes down to your hip, holding you in place as she continues her ministrations. you squirm a little, waiting on her to do something else before squealing as her teeth nipped your skin.
"hmm, always so good for me," she hums in satisfaction, her hand slithering underneath your shirt to rest on your side. her cold hand against your warm skin sent chills all around your body.
"always so good for your golden girl." she coos, trailing her hand further up to your chest.
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this would've been smut but i'm a minor☠
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immortalbutterflycos · 2 months
For the WIP ask game:
💾What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Good morning~ (it's 8 am here when I'm writing this) I meant for this to be my first post of the day, but while trying to find the information I have, I found out that the summary section of Google Docs was deleted along with all of my "summaries" (which are, because my brain simply cannot function on a "normal" level, actually extensive plot notes that I now lost forever. Which is super cool~ ^.^ <3 Just another reason why I prefer to write on paper I guess...
Anyway, sorry about that, I'm not in a super fantastic mood rn.
BUT! To answer your question, unfortunately, I don't have an extremely fun one for this for the main fic that I've been working on. But that is primarily because I literally have -and I'm not kidding because I went back and counted them all- Ninety-nine docs relevant to this fic and I'm about to start on #100 because I just thought of a new plot point yesterday (that I thankfully wrote on paper since I was at work) and I need to give it a home.😂
And that is JUST for 'The Art of Running for Our Lives' (aka TAoRfOL since writing that title out every time is exhausting 😂)
I had to make a whole-ass Masterlist of docs with their links so that I could keep track of them and all of the titles are more spoilery than anything so that I know that what information I need to find will be in that doc before I click on it.
I started writing this fic in March, 2023 and I wish that I could tell you that this was all simple overkill, but I wish it was. It's not even posted yet but this plot has a grand total of 8 main characters and the AU I'm doing is so niche that I'm trying to merge magic systems (to an extent) and keeping track of timelines is wild in this one even without my ADHD getting in the way of things.
I'd say I do this because I hate myself, but this is very much a passion project and I really just want to do it the justice it deserves. 💜
That being said, I do have a few doc titles I'm willing to share because I think they're silly (I know, it took a WHILE to get here. Have I mentioned that I have really bad unregulated ADHD? 😂)
"TAoRfOL Cheat Sheet: [insert character name here]"
"James isn't doing well (TAoRfOL)"
"Post-[redacted] Dorlene Heist"
"I was in my feels..."
✨Bonus from other AU's:✨
"The cat distribution system but the cat is Regulus"
and finally,
"this was supposed to be smut how did I get here..?"
TL;DR: I have ADHD so there is no 1 specific doc for my fic. And also because I apparently need to dip my toes in every pond I find, (write too many fics/AUs at once), most of my docs are titled "[blank] AU" with a small description of the contents in the title.
Also apparently I can't give a simple answer to any of these ask games. Hope this is okay because I have no self-control and I'm very passionate about this fic.
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bluecoolr · 9 months
Find the Word WIP Game
Rules: search your wip(s) for the words given to you and share a sentence, then assign words for the people you tag
Thank you Meg (@visceravalentines) my sweet for tagging me! I stumbled on old wips like exes during a walk along the park. This was tons of fun tho.
Fair warning, I'm a descriptive writer, so it gets really wordy sometimes.
My words were: mouth, fall, open, dirt, and teeth
From "Creeping Death" (a fic for my OC Darrell):
Sobs gave way to laughter - sweet, tart, then bitter. The truth was always like that, like cranberries. He never could eat too much of them. 
Darrell opened his mouth and slipped the gun inside. Metal on the tongue, like blood but cold.
From a wip literally titled "[Title Here]" (Self-Insert x Vampire fic) I did ages ago:
Sophie dismissed the notion, supposing her fellow tourist might have taken a different way to the steps. She quickly picked her way through the ruins, afraid that the bus might leave her behind. In her hurry, her boot slipped on a well-worn stone step.  She cried out as she felt herself fall back, but the impact never came. Someone had caught her from behind. 
Well, there had been another tourist up on the deck! Sophie sighed and laughed nervously. She turned to thank them, muttering apologies, which were cut short in her horror. There was nobody there. She had been alone in that narrow corridor.
From another untitled wip that's meant to be a Self-Insert x Bo Sinclair fic, I guess:
Over time, Sophie learned that cleaning meant stripping the cars of all means of identification - registration papers, license plates, even fingerprint traces. Bo would sift through personal belongings and bring home things he thought were salvageable. 
"Want anythin'?" he asked Sophie. 
Her first answer was a shrug. What was she supposed to say? Cheeseburger and fries? "My bag?" she said. "It's under the passenger seat of the beige car." 
Sophie found that she could not bear to put on her old clothes. They reminded her of a different life, and not thinking about anything before Ambrose just made it easier to stay. 
From then on, she either wore things she found in the house or things Vincent and Bo gave her. Seeing her barefoot in a shoes-in household drove him mad, so one day he dropped a pair of open toe pumps in her lap. 
"Eight-n'-a-half," he simply told her, "My Momma's." 
She pushed her sketchbook and pencils aside. "You don't mind me wearing them?" she asked, taking the dainty heels in her hands. 
Bo shrugged. "Haven't got anywhere to wear them to. They're yours." He casually sauntered off.
Baby Blue, you know damn well fingerprints would be the LAST thing Ho Binclair would think of. Why would you write that?
From the same wip as above:
It felt as though they had run for miles, but Sophie knew they hadn't gotten very far. The terrain was slowing them down, but she couldn't risk tripping. She knew that if she tripped, she wouldn't get back up. Bo was still out there, and no doubt he knew these woods blind. She could hear him. Gaining on them steadily. Every snapping twig, every rustling leaf told Sophie that he was coming closer. 
The woods began to recede, and the ground turned from damp soil to fill dirt. A collection of squat, dilapidated buildings stood at a distance, as if someone had misplaced them in that sea of trees. 
Also from the same wip:
"Yeah, Daddy took a knife between 'em. Bo got the full face and Vinny was short-changed."  He dropped his voice to a whisper, "Bo says when he washes his hair, he can feel a bit o' gum on the back of his head. Hard like a lump. He thinks he's got some o' Vincent's baby teeth in there." 
Lester obviously found it funny, and Sophie managed a wry smile. 
A thud startled them. Vincent had noisily set down a gallon jug of bleach on the office floor. He didn't appreciate his disfigurement being discussed.
Wracking my brain for moots who i think might have wips rn... AAAAA @rottent33th @slaasherslut @the-pinstriped-hood @solmints-messyocdiary @probably-a-plant-thing (👀) @goldrose-star @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better and ummm... any moots that I may have forgotten can consider themselves tagged btw!
Your words are: fix, night, cold, blood, and smile
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
hey so idk if you’ve seen what’s going on in the fandom rn on tik tok with like ppl shipping orion and fleamost?? i think?? and obviously with that comes the discourse “why is it leah’s mlm ships??” etc etc and ik you’ve ranged and raved abt ppls attitudes towards wlw ships and like that realm in general but like what do you think abt this? bc like. i think there’s truth to the fact that like ppl always cling to the mlm ships but i don’t the negativity thag is bred with this criticism is a good thing yk? idk i’m just thinking thoughts and i wanna know ur thoughts bc i love ur brain and i wanna crawl in there so
lmaoooo i have not seen that but. well sure i'll give u my thoughts since u asked so nicely <3
my first thought is mostly just why would anyone ever care about that. but like. as i have said before do whatever u want it's fanfiction have fun with it and of course i do not want to be drawn and quartered for my hypocrisy seeing as i have in fact written like. stories about very minor side characters. i suppose for me the thing is that what interests me in these minor characters is looking at how their canon stories could potentially intersect in the most devastating ways, so the main thing i don't personally understand is what people find interesting if they're removing the side characters from canon completely, because then they essentially just become. names. on paper. y'know?
so! not sure how or why people are shipping orion + fleamont but i suppose if it's rooted in some sort of....canon...where like they were in love but then took drastically different life paths or something? but then i do feel like there are other characters u can do that with, so again i'm not really sure i understand the draw to those guys in particular. it mostly just feels a little silly to me and well i suppose i can be a bit of a hater sometimes and i think maybe this is one of those times <3 but obviously there's no harm in anyone shipping them i might clown on u if u do but at the end of the day it is not that serious and people should just write whatever they want when it comes to fanfic.
the sexism debate on the other hand.....god. need a cigarette for this one. i mean i suppose i can elaborate a bit more if there's anything specific u wanna know when it comes to my thoughts but overall i think the whole "UMMMM why does this fandom always find new mlm ships to focus on instead of giving the WOMEN time to shine!! we need more wlw rep this is sexism + mlm fetishization!!!!" is. mostly virtue signaling. and a huge simplification of the situation. unfortunately people have really latched onto a few key buzzwords and so i fear the discourse may be here to stay lol
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otogariado · 1 year
15 questions!
supposed to be 15 mutuals too but i'm still too shy to tag people on this blog BUT if you don't mind getting tagged in posts like this then feel free to like this post & i'll tag you in the future. teehee
i was tagged by @stripesysheaven 💖💖 thank you
1. are you named after anyone?
my deadname is probably inspired by some french royalty. i did nickname myself after a videogame protagonist though, even though i don't use that nickname much any more
wait actually i'm vaguely remembering smth abt my mom supposedly naming myself after a local actress. that works too if that's true
2. when was the last time you cried?
very recently because i was very sad. but also it's easy for me to cry bc of stuff i watch. i teared up during three different moments while watching the new puss in boots movie
3. do you have kids?
no. probably never. it's a very big responsibility
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
not a lot, just sometimes. usually just to be funny or when i'm ranting to someone abt an anecdote in private. i like making it apparent when i do though. "i DONT use sarcasm at all NOT using it right now. what makes you say that"
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
recently competed in badminton doubles!! with strangers i met like minutes before the matches started haha. we were short on people. i'm not Very Good at any particular sport but i'll play most things for fun. i miss doing frisbee class
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
i'm always So Scareds of people so it's hard to answer this question... probably the way they speak? i don't have to be looking at people to notice that
7. what's your eye colour?
almost black, deep brown thangs
8. scary movies or happy endings?
schmaltz forever
9. any special talents?
i can follow sheet music on the spot (just give me the pitch and i'm good) and i'm good at bullshitting melodies i've never sang before
10. where were you born?
born and raised and still here in the philippines
11. what are your hobbies?
watching shows and movies and getting incredibly emotionally attached to fictional characters and thinking about them too hard is my #1 hobby. aside from that i like listening to video essays/podcasts, drawing, writing... i also like walking. once i learn how to ride a bike i'd like to do that regularly too
i need more physical crafty hobbies, i just don't have the space/space management skills to do them rn... i used to do a lot of paper crafting as a kid
12. do you have any pets?
toothless is a... tuxedo cat? he's technically my grandpa's but i consider him my little guy too
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they're my cousins' but i also live with two dogs :) toffee (middle) who is a very bitey puppy. he's aspin but he probably has some fancy breed in his blood or smn bc his fur is very soft. and betsy (right, jailed for crimes. she doesn't mind) is a shih tzu and they've had her for a few years now C:
13. how tall are you?
i hate checking my height cz i might shrink again. probably around 5'6"
14. favorite subject in school?
i loved math and science in grade school. in high school i enjoyed lit a lot more. pending answer for college lol
15. dream job?
my cousin once brought up the idea of us owning a bar/cafe/resto thing together. it would be nice!
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jupitersson · 23 days
9, 17, 22, and 28 for those weird writer asks?
hey anon!
this got long, going under a read more
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
so ghosts and god are kinda in the same realm for me. i've never had any paranormal experiences or anything, so i've never had like. hardcore proof that ghosts exist besides people i know sharing anecdotes. and i'm kinda an evidence-based believer of things so ghosts are like "it'd be cool if they existed, but jury's still out" for me
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
oh god so many WIPs to choose from. i'll start general and say if i Want something to happen in my fic, there's a 95% chance i'll find a way to make it fit, or i'll adapt it just enough to be recognizable as my initial idea, but able to fit into the story.
for a specific wip: i'll choose halcyon! people have probably heard me mentioning this fic a bit here and there, but it's basically my vexleth fake dating/destination wedding au. there's lots of random minutiae in that fic like the intricacies of academia (before i got into social work i wanted to be a professor), and then now that i'm In social work i would love to show some of what vax does (as, in the fic, he works at a children's shelter? i believe i have in my notes, i've adapted it a few times) as a reflection of what i do on the daily (i'm typing this from work rn lmfao). the lore of the whole fic is that vex was dating saundor but broke up with him after he started escalating in some abusive behaviors. saundor was supposed to be vex's date to vax and gilmore's destination wedding to the bay of gifts, and everything was booked already as the wedding is like Soon, so now they just have an empty spot on this trip. gilmore and vax asked vex to cover saundor's portion since he was no longer going, but vex, because she's cheap, ends up saying she needs a girlfriend.
enter, keyleth <3. the green assistant professor that vex has been semi-mentoring over the course of keyleth's first year in academia.
i won't say more bc spoilers and audrie might kill me, but that fic will... it'll happen eventually. i have plans.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
i used to be a pantser, if you'd believe, but in my second year of college i got really into outlining my papers in advance of writing them and it kinda transferred over into my creative writing!
depending on the fic i have a few different modes that are ever-evolving. for example, gravity's outline looked like this:
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so in F you can see the actions and description happening in the scene, followed by 1-4 which is the dialogue, and then a) is the inner monologue.
for rites, though, i kind of just went into a fugue state and bullet pointed almost 70 scenes in order of how i wanted them to happen and then split these scenes into the 13 chapters we know and love. see this part of my messy outline of the scene bullets:
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and then when i put them in the chapter outline, i would highlight completely written scenes in green, and then mark how many words they were for comparison:
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so those are just two examples!
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
delightful? in my fics i really enjoy writing the twins. vax has always been one of my fav characters, and once i got more into vexleth i found that vex is super fun to write as well! i love their emotional nuance, each of them, how vax has his goofiness and vex has her flirtiness and how both of these things are easily traceable back through their backstories.
idk. i just love the twins <3
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moonspower · 7 months
Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
✨ anonymous. meme. still accepting!
he would, but i can't guarantee that he'd thoroughly enjoy it to the fullest. he... you know. he's like ' this is the most immature shit ever, why are adults doing this ' about it. virote would just rather hold out to build suspense + excitement and then just fuck when you see him instead of playing the fanfiction.net version of hitting him up on kakaotalk. he'll do it. but eh lol. it has to be some immaculate wording and well crafted sexting. like as shameless as virote usually can be, he's like... ew over sexting a lot of the time lol. like in his early 20s and when he was like 18 - 19 he got it, but now...?
guy: i'm stroking it. vi: bop it, spin it, flick it, pull it, twist it, shout it, and whip it since we're out here playing games.
virote would send photos! and he'd put on his sunset lamp and everything, you're getting artistic shots. you're getting paper magazine type materials. or, something a little artsy and intimate. he always has to impress... he does Not half-ass.
porn? nah... lmao. for him everyone always looks so uncomfortable + not into it or it looks overly staged. even the kind that's supposed to be ~ real and amateur ~ doesn't really do much for him. why should he give a shit about two or more people having sex... if he's not getting any, he doesn't care. also the dirty talk and the obviously-fake-as-hell moaning. nah... low value production, shit lighting, bad camera work, no one is hot on his scale. not in a fun camp way either.
vi's hypersexual due to trauma and his mental illnesses—on the condition that his libido is stifled by his medication a lot—but him being a cinema snob even wins over THAT.
he does read smut. hell, he'll write it himself. in terms of magazines, maybe some hentai doujin he bought when he was in his early 20s thats about it.
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rrxnjun · 11 months
it is pretty late so my mind i not fully working but bar D: every time u post something i'm just reminded how much i love reading still like i haven't stayed up this late to read something since like i was in sixth grade;-; i loved the whole story and plot and everything D: like i just possibly felt most of the emotions that a human can feel during reading this istg just so funny at the start and just getting more and more "serious" like the whole truth or dare part i was sitting like😧🫢 and the ending was just the cutest ever;-; so thank u for writing these amazing pieces every time;-;
AND BECAUSE I GOT TO IMMERSED IN THE STORY i don't think i counted it right so💔 like i counted 9 with not knowing how the haknyeon convo counts but i'm probably off by a bit still at first i could pay attention to it but u just had to be a great writer and have me just forget about it smhsmh/j
HOW LATE DID YOU STAY UP FOR THIS BC WHEN I WENT TO SLEEP IT WAS 1AM AND THIS WASNT HERE. TT hhhh thank you so much for reading (as always, i really really appreciate it and you as a human being)) AAAH the truth or dare part was what i originally had first written for the whole series,, like months before blondes are done with fun and everything :,)) i had to edit the scene a bit because it didnt fit the vibe that much but you can definitely see it has more of a tense atmosphere bc the fic was originally supposed to be e2l but i changed my mind :p THANK YOU SM AGAIN!!
STOP YOU REALLY COUNTED IT I LOVE YOU AHAHAHAH and you were right *sigh* here is your prize its the only thing i can afford rn BUT THE WAY YOU GOT THE EXACT NUMBER !!!!! ily.
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the toilet paper part was inspired by a real thing i heard of but i forget who told it to me HOWEVER i enjoyed adding it to the fic HAHA the bad haircut is gonna be me tomorrow if my hairdresser fucks up my highlights ill just chop it off at the root. HYUCK REALLY DOESNT CARE ABOUT THE PRICE OF GAS LIKE MAN WE ARE FACING INFLATION!!! GET A GRIP. no bc when i typed "hon" i fully took a second, sighed and continued bc i was like oh where did that come from- oh. also i was waiting for you to call me out for it. :,)) SUNWOO DESERVED WHAT I SAID ABOUT HIM ITS WHAT HE GETS FOR ROLEPLAYING ON A LIVESTREAM.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
can you do a Eddie Munson x Reader where the reader gets a sprained wrist and he helps her.
i’m dealing with one rn, and it’s not fun :(
This is headcannon worthy right here cuz there's so many different scenarios.
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Look, I know he's supposed to be a tough guy but he is such a baby when his significant other is in pain or injured.
I'm talking, going to the library and looking into non-medicinal ways to help you that doesn't involve taking you to the hospital.
But if he feels that you're too injured for his 'nursing abilities', man, you'll be in his van and to the emergency room faster than you can tell him you're fine.
Now, with a sprained wrist, he'd be personally offended for obvious man reasons and he'd probably crack a ton of jokes about it.
But once realizing that you're in a serious amount of pain and stuck in a brace, he'd feel genuinely sorry for you and want to do nothing but to help you feel better.
He would dote on you hand and foot, making sure you have everything you need to feel as best as you can whether that's helping you fall asleep, helping you make food or doing literally whatever you can think of asking him to do.
He really would be the type of be overly cautious and you'd end up having to remind him a million times that you can do some things on your own and you don't need his help rolling up toilet paper for you (I've literally had this convo in real life with my man after dislocating my wrist).
He'd probably end up doing it anyways.
His door opening skills, chip bag opening skills and anything that involves your wrist that you could no longer do, he'd be on it and he'd be doing it before you can even ask.
But I also feel like he's the type to only listen to health care providers only when it has to do with you or his uncle. Himself, nah, he lets that shit go but if doctors or nurses give you advice, he'll follow that till the day he dies.
He would genuinely just love playing nurse, getting you ice, feeding you even though you don't need it, playing you music and making sure to help you with exercises and message your sore wrist once you heal enough.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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