#her. Cherie. Regius.
cloudbattrolls · 10 months
Honestly speaking of with retconning her in the Day Howlers I think I just fucking. Can’t write Indrid anymore. I have no idea why. I still like her concepts and everything and I was never ruined on her. But trying to work on my reply to Spoots is like typing through molasses. Absolutely baffling.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Don't insult us, our partner is a protective man.
Thinking about for Middle Ground that after Finn and Darling's relationship with Auron is public all three are invented to a gathering. Darling didn't want to go and was annoyed at the whole thing but Finn was having fun so they kept their mouth shut. What they DIDNT like was that these rich fucks thought they could give Finn sly remarks about his 'lower' status, tf was this??? The middle ages???
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Darling glared at the pompous man in front of them, he had a pudgy stomach and looked like a pig. Lucius, was his name one if Ahrons many business partner's and he just insulted Finn's outfit. The outfit was a beautifully made tux suited for Finn, green being the main color but had bits of red and purple for his partner's.
"I think it's a bit tacky, is all. The jewlery too look a bit...cheap." Whispering surrounded them a bit as people watched the interaction. Auron was off talking to someone so this fat fuck decided to mess with THEIR partner.
"Actually, Auron went to a new up and coming fashion designer. Cheri Regius, is her name maybe you haven't heard of her since her debut clothing line is coming out in a few months." Saying Darling took a sip of the champagne. It tasted a bit bitter and not really to their likings, they glared around and saw how there was more whispers.
"Oh! You don't say can we see the stitching? I heard she does a particular one to signify that it's her personal work." Greedy eyes locked on Finn, seeing this Darling took the spotlight and sighed loudly catching everyone attention.
"Honestly do you think we're dumb? I'm not going to show you shit. If you want to know what our specific tux and outfit is ask Auron." Waving their hands a different beverage was given to them. They then held their hand out for Finn who as nervously watching the interaction. "Finn? Dear I'm tired walk me to the sitting area?" The blonde nodded and reached for their hand, only to hear a shout.
"How rude of you! I only asked a simple question no need to be so hostile to me!" Huffing and puffing was heard from the pig like man. Sighing again Darling heard footsteps behind them and smirked.
"How? But you called our outfits cheap and tacky! It's an insult to my beloved Auron and Finn...of course I would jump to defend both! I hate when someone insults them in front of me." A large hand touched their shoulder as Finn held their hand. Not turning their head they knew who the person was. By the way everyone's eyes widen in fear of what would happen next.
"Oh? Really you insulted the outfits I hand picked out personally to show off how much I care for my partner's? That's insulting, Lucius Belldrum." Saying with a smile Auron looked like he was going to rip someone in half. But it seemed like Finn didn't want to cause a scene.
"Auron, can we go sit somewhere? Darling is tired and my feet hurt a but from the new shoes we got...." Deverting the attention from Lucius, Auron turned and nodded to the florist. Then turning to Darling taking their other hand and kissing it he smiled at the two.
"It seems my kinder partner gave you mercy. Your lucky, I wanted to play with you a bit, seems I won't." Guiding his partner's away to the resting area, Lucius looked pale. He was standing there shocked hearing those words, but snapped about of but before he could say anything he froze again.
Sharp eyes looked into him like daggers waiting to cut him down. From the 'Darling' and Auron, both shielding Finn away from him. But he saw the nasty crazy eyed look the blonde was giving him too, Jesus all three of them are crazy. He thought as he changed the topic to lighten the atmosphere around him.
But it was too late gossip spreads quickly in these events. And no one wanted to get on Auron's bad side, he almost rep all of the industry he was in.
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