#her thing is just that she tends to be pressured into dating and isn't into it
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tvrningout-a · 2 years ago
i love that i have chiyo on one hand who, in her own canon, has kissed a total of one boy and proceeds to never do it again until she's well into adulthood bc kissing means having feelings and having feelings is scary. and then i have rin who probably can't count how many people she's kissed, and the only reason she hasn't kissed anybody else recently is bc, y'know, there's a war and she's been kinda busy ( but don't worry -- she's gonna hit the tavern and get smooched if it's the last thing she does ). just what a spectrum here asdf
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ereawrites · 1 year ago
Hey gurl✨ I’m in my wife era rn so maybe some Shisui and/or Tobirama husband/jealous husband hcs?🫣 I loooovee your writing and tbh your thoughts are my thoughts so no pressure😩 If you not feeling it feel free to ignore me babe🧚🏻‍♀️
YOU HAVE FED ME SO GOOD MISS GIRL! under the cut for length
this isn't too relevant but I have to include it. it's too cute. I definitely see shisui getting married pretty young, like early 20s. if he finds his person he's going for it. probably gets a lot of shit for it from his family, but he doesn't care
loooong honeymoon period. in part because they're still a young couple but also... shisui is just a really devoted husband. he loves the married life. insists on kissing her goodbye every morning, eating together every night, stuff like that
LOVES DECORATING THEIR HOUSE are u kidding me. let's say they get a kinda shitty place right after they get married, and put a tonne of work into doing it up. he gets so into painting, building the furniture, even starts up a little herb garden in their kitchen
finds so many ways to drop his wife into conversation lol. he's down bad even after the honeymoon period ends, so he wants to show her off. his FAV is when she swings by his workplace to bring him his 'forgotten' lunch. he turns around to the rest of the guys like. yeah. that's my WIFE. isn't she hot.
very much a believer in keeping the romance alive. he wants to keep making the effort with her until the day he dies. veryyyy good at remembering anniversaries, scheduling regular date nights, etc. always makes sure she has fresh flowers in the house
obviously it isn't all perfect though. especially while they're young (and presumably both still active, high-ranking shinobi) their schedules keep them apart a lot. and this hits shisui really hard tbh. he hates coming back to an empty home after a long mission, knowing he might not even see his wife before he has to leave again
work is probably where most of their arguments stem from, actually. I don't see it being a regular thing, but it's easy for resentment to build in those kinds of situations. shisui is very torn between his love for his village, and his love for his wife, and the fact he can't prioritise both. thankfully shisui is a good communicator so they make things work.
in terms of jealousy... I don't see it being a common thing. maybe before they get married he tends towards it a bit more, but once she's his wife, why would he worry? she's his entire world and he knows she loves him just as much
the only way I rly see him getting jealous at all is if they're going through a bit of a rough patch for the reasons mentioned above. maybe they haven't seen each other in weeks, and they both get back from a mission on the same day. and there's some kind of event/function that evening that they have to attend
so they barely have a chance to acknowledge each other, before they're pulled apart again by the crowd. so if shisui sees some random guy getting a little too close and flirty with her, he gets more annoyed than he'd like to admit
even then though.. he's not necessarily jealous as much as he is upset. like goddamn just let this poor man have his beloved wife to himself for a night. in this situation he's more likely to behave more rashly than usual, and he might just make some excuses and take her home lol. he gets a little bit pouty until she gives him some attention
overall, though, he's very chill. he trusts her implicitly, and expects the same from her. they need to have a very honest, respectful relationship if he's going to wife her up
god okay and in old age they're so cute together. I bet they have a bunch of kids (probably accidentally tbh lol) so then they end up with a whole squadron of grandchildren. he's that fun grandpa who sneaks them sweets when the parents aren't looking. all the grandbabies want to sleep over at their house. and they LOVE it.
to sum up: very good husband. very relaxed, communicates well, makes her feel loved every day. why did he have to die I want to throw myself off a bridge.
first of all. good job to this woman. wrangling tobirama into marriage is not an easy job. he's so fucking ANNOYING. it probably takes him years to confess he even has feelings for her, let alone ask for her hand in marriage
but once he gets there. it's pretty cute. he doesn't really act very differently for the most part - he'd already decided his heart belonged to her well before they married, and wholly committed. so his behaviour doesn't change much, and there isn't much of a honeymoon period. sorry. he's like marriage is just a contractual agreement why would it change anything between us
he does make a few little indulgences though. he gets this smug little look every time he introduces her as his wife. he's actually just a lot more prone to 'showing her off' in general, and more likely to show some physical affection in public. for tobirama that's maybe a peck on the cheek lol. but it's progress
he's definitely a lot.... gentler?idk. with her once they're married as well. he makes an effort to be more patient and less snippy, and shows his appreciation for her in a lot of quiet little ways. for example, he'll be sure to leave work on time no matter how busy it is if he knows she's putting a lot of effort into dinner that night. or if she spends a second too long looking at a new dress in the store, he's buying it for her
on that note. tobirama is such a provider once they're married. he does have that traditional idea of providing for his wife. he'll probably ask her if she wants to become a stay at home wife tbh. if she says yes, he still expects her to get out in the community of course. he'd love if she did volunteering work, maybe at the hospital or with kids or something. but he's also equally happy for her to keep working. power couple vibes very strong
they have a nice, quiet little house away from the village where no one bothers then and they loooove it. especially tobirama, his wife and their home are his sanctuary. everyone else gtfo
other than that, not much is really different from before their marriage. they probably actually lead quite independent lives, to the point where people don't even know they're married until tobirama drops it into conversation a few months later. they're very private and lowkey.
unfortunately for her, tobirama's paranoia also persists. he's a bit delulu sometimes lol and she knows this going in. but it does inevitably cause some issues, especially if she's headstrong (which is definitely the type of woman he ends up with)
he trusts his wife more than anything. he would never doubt her for a second. but other men? the enemy. not to be trusted. they're all dogs. it drives him absolutely batshit crazy to watch them ogling her, or god forbid trying to flirt with her. which is actually kinda common bc they're such a lowkey couple, so people assume she's single
tobirama isn't one to make a scene per se, but this definitely leads to a few awkward situations in public, and she probably ends up embarrassed a few times. and there's 10000% arguments behind closed doors. I don't see either of them being good with this lol. he acts like she's his political enemy he's ridiculous
but because he loves her so much, and he actually really wants to put work into the longevity of their marriage, he'll come around. he's a lot softer and more willing to compromise when it comes to her. but she can't point that out because he's mortified
over time, he chills out a lot more. they're one of those couples that just get stronger and better with time. they grow a lot together, and although they probably continue to disagree a lot throughout their marriage, it's always in a way that leaves their relationship stronger. and he only gets softer for her. people (hashirama) even start to point out how devoted he is and he can't even deny it. cute
overall a kind of difficult husband, because he is an exceptionally difficult man, but my god he loves her so much. he would do anything to make her happy.
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grandlinedreams · 1 year ago
I’ve got cavities from how sweet Azriel as a dad would be. 🥹 What if Aria has her first crush on someone? Or maybe first boyfriend/girlfriend? What would Azriel’s reaction be? 🤭
RIGHT he's such good dad material UGH but here you go, I hope this is to your liking!! Wrote this w like 16 year old Aria in mind? So the twins are 11 (i tentatively put the frame of Aria being 5 when they were born)
|| warnings: Aria being a cutie, protective dad!Az, reader is amused, Ivy and River (the twins) being menaces
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"Aria has a crush on someone!"
Of all the things Azriel expects to fall from his son's lips the minute he launches through the door, it isn't that.
Ivy is close behind him, shrieking with laughter as she shoves at her twin's shoulders, urging him forward as Aria looms behind. "River," she hisses, cheeks pink, "you littleㅡ"
"Aria," you intone in gentle warning as the pair skitter towards you, giggling as they take refuge with you to avoid their older sister's wrath. Aria looks less than pleased by this outcome, the look of quiet fury on her face one you've seen every now and then on your mate's face.
Azriel, however, is not joining you to play mediator with your children. Instead he's staring at your eldest daughter with an expression somewhere between confusion and mounting horror as Ivy chimes in,
"She got asked out on a date!"
You're absolutely certain Aria wishes she was an only child. The situation is diffused only after the twins are appropriately scolded for their antics, mumbling apologies that get them an eyeroll and the reluctant acceptance from their older sister.
And that's the end of it, at least until you're back in the quiet sanctuary of your bedroom with Azriel. "Everything okay?" You ask, concern coloring your tone as you watch your mate ready himself for bed.
Azriel halts, debating before he turns towards you. "Did you know about that?"
You blink. "Aria's crush?" He nods, and your expression turns sheepish. "I did. She told me a couple weeks ago." Before Azriel can give you a look of betrayal, you continue softly, "she asked me not to tell you, because she was afraid of how you'd react."
"I'm not mad," Azriel counters. "Just..." He sighs, approaching to pull you into his arms and hiding his face in your shoulder. "When did she grow up?"
"Children tend to do that, Az." Your tone is gentle but amused as you play with your mate's hair. "She's not grown up yet, she's only sixteen."
"Not helping."
You hum, then coax him away enough that you can cup his face. "She's okay, my love. She wants him to meet us before she pursues things any further, anyways."
That seems to soothe Azriel enough for you to finish getting ready for bed, and his arms lock around you once you're settled, pressing idle kisses to your neck. "...would you have fallen for me at that age?"
Your hands still their gentle kneading over his hands. "Well," you say, "considering when I was Aria's age you were still at least several hundred years older than meㅡ" He nips at your neck in reprimand, and you giggle before you roll over to look at him properly. Lifting a hand to cradle his cheek, your heart skips a beat as he leans into your touch. "Yes," you murmur. "I'm absolutely certain I would. I don't think there'd ever be a time where I wouldn't."
It's clear Azriel wasn't expecting that kind of answer because he swallows roughly before he leans in to kiss you. The pressure is sweet but laced with an undertone of neediness that makes your head spin before he pulls away just enough to murmur against your mouth,
"Aria's crush needs to meet Cass and Rhys before she goes anywhere with him."
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super-cupcakeboy · 2 months ago
Curly x Anya is weird and so is Joetastic (TW for mentions of r//pe and SA)
The whole point of mouthwashing is based around the fact that men will cover for each other in the workforce (r//pe or SA). There's more than that but that's one of the main ideas. Curly finds out that Jimmy r//ped Anya, and he does nothing. This is very common in the real world, especially if these men know each other. Curly thinks, ok, I just need to talk to Jimmy and things will work themselves out. He knows that isn't what he should do. And that's what you need to accept, Curly wasn't pressured, he wasn't put in a tough pickle, Curly knew that him talking to Jimmy isn't going to work things out, he knows Jimmy did something wrong. Anya tell Curly, she's pregnant, she's hoping that Curly, a man that is very friendly and knows wrong from right, man that is her friend does the right thing. He doesn't, he ignores her problems and doesn't do anything. Instead, this man covers for his friend and pulls the "I'm sorry you feel that way" card. Even if Curly is sorry, he's not in the right. In the entire game, he was never in the right with his actions. But we sympathise with him because, "Oh! He didn't mean it!" "He just wanted to find his place in the world, why did it come to this?" "His punishment was too harsh :(!" His punishment was justified, yes, being in his condition is harsh, but Curly needed to learn. So what if he wanted to feel like he was working towards something? That doesn't excuse the fact he's a bad person, why don't you go sympathise with murders or convicts who say the same thing then. He didn't mean it? Then why did he do it? Anya tends to Curly because Jimmy wants to keep him alive, she probably would not try to keep Curly alive, she knows that his condition is critical and he won't survive. Anya feels sympathy for Curly, but only because he's injured. To her, Curly is a man who was supposed to be her friend, but instead ignored her cries and tried to kill everyone. Put yourself in her shoes, one day, you were SA'ed or r//ped by a coworker, eventually, you work up enough courage to tell your other coworker what happened. Your coworker, who you've known for a while, says he'll handle it, you hope he does. He doesn't, he doesn't do anything, he tries to sweep it under the rug, acting like it's not really a big deal. But it is, because your also in a position where your not able to get an abortion, you don;t want this baby, but you have to keep it because by the time you go home, it's to late. The baby will be born already. Your coworker, r//ped you, and now you have to keep it's baby. Would you love, date, or be romantic to the man who did nothing, stood by and watched it happen, and did do shit? I could've worded this whole thing better, I just had to get it off my chest, Joetastic is so fucking weird for shipping Curly x Anya and thinking it's cute, it's not, there shouldn't be ANY ships in mouthwashing, that's not the point. People who are shipping any of the characters, missed the whole fucking point. Bojack horseman all fucking over again... CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU'VE ALL MISSED THE POINT!! EDIT: Don't harass anyone over this, also stop commenting that I'm new to the fandom or the I'M harassing Joetastic. I have them blocked on all my socials, I just want to tell everyone that the ship is weird. Also, it's important to make posts like these to spread information, if nobody makes posts about this then no one knows what's happening. Then people who don't know what's happening will continue to support a creator who's in the wrong.
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faineantf · 11 days ago
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i wanted to do a quick summary of the franclix lore for those who are curious about it since ive been posting a lot of my selfship as of late! a full in-depth doc will be included at the end if you would like to read more! it's definitely more organized!! it doesn't include frances' death since im still working out how that would work but it'll definitely be written in! :) anyways! lore under break... also this post probably won't be proofread so BE WARNED!!! gahh
frances e. townsend (later frances e. kranken) is a bartender and later owner of the red rose inn, which was a family business she inherited. she's additionally an alcoholic like felix, though she's a bit better about it then him
she's a childhood friend of felixs and they've been pretty close for most of their lives! throughout their relationship there's always been some pining for eachother, especially in highschool but when felix ends up meeting linda and eventually dating her due to increased pressure from his own family (them simply prefering linda over frances due to them seeing frances as too passionate or even "aggressive") frances is obviously hurt and after they graduate highschool, they don't talk much
they end up reconnecting a bit before felix and linda get married, where frances is ultimately invited despite the complicated nature of everything which additionally hurts more (though it definitely hurts them both. felix loved linda in a very complicated way, but he certainly didn't love her enough to warrant marriage, but he was already so far into it he couldn't exactly go back in his mind. he still ultimately loved frances more.)
frances attends their wedding and after the wedding when things get complicated with felix and linda, felix goes into the bar frances owns in order to "vent" (his vents are very altered from reality, he tends to paint himself as the victim to frances in which she completely believes him and comforts him regularly)
this continues and gets worse post crash, where he completely lies to her about him being the one to ultimately leave linda (when it's obviously the opposite) and he also lies about the crash in which she of course believes him because she's trusted him for most of her life
when bons burgers ultimately ends up failing in 1974, they move in together for financial reasons since felix is hurting for cash without his familys support and after he put so much money into the original project
this living situation isn't ideal as felix feels increasingly more guilty about the lies he's fed her and increasingly more pent up when it comes to him still loving her up to this point.
they officially tell each other their actual romantic feelings after a drunken argument between the two of them which lessens the tension but felix still feels mass amounts of guilt
regardless, they date for awhile until they eventually set for a wedding but the guilt won't stop eating felix up. that guilt is kept in him until he finally reveals his lies to her at the alter instead of properly giving vows and he whispers this to her, in which those viewing the ceremony thought it was just a alternative tradition
despite him confessing to killing ed and molly and to completely lying about how things with linda were, frances still says yes despite it being painful, because he's all she's ever really wanted, and she's gotten this far and she's finally getting what she wants!
after the wedding things are ultimately tense but she eventually ends up becoming significantly more protective over him. she finally gets to have him and she'd do anything to keep him in her life in which she does various things to destroy evidence, bribe, and ultimately break down any chance of anyone fully finding out felixs secrets
her insistence on "protecting" him like this makes felix feel increasingly guilty and ultimately "bon" convinces felix to lure frances in so "bon" can kill her, because "wonderland would be more peaceful for her"
felix is hesitant about the idea at first but he desperately doesn't want her to have to keep incriminating herself and ruining her image in order to keep him around, and so in the end he's convinced to lure her to k-9 (post relocate project)
she ends up driving to k-9 after felix doesn't show up home one winter and so she obviously goes and investigates in order to bring felix home. she's lured in by music that felix himself plays in order to have bon successfully kill her!
in wonderland she's completely a mess but felix, (as the shadowman for the most part) does visit her in some capacity, their relationship is still decent enough even after this since frances doesn't know that felix was behind her death in some capacity, along with the fact she doesn't understand how she even died as she was unconscious for most of it
all in all things end up being a complete fucking mess and they suck /pos
that was a summary of their lore!!! a more detailed and accurate assessment of their lore can be found here! thank you for reading! you're very impressive
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mikuluvu · 2 months ago
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ִ ࣪𖤐.ᐟᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ʙʟᴏɢ
ʜᴇʏʏᴀ! ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴍʏ ʙʟᴏɢ! ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴍᴀʙʏ ! ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ʙʟᴏɢ, ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍꜱ. ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴘʀᴏᴜᴅʟʏ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʜɪʟɪᴘᴘɪɴᴇꜱ! ᴋᴀᴍᴜꜱᴛᴀ ᴍɢᴀ ᴋᴀᴘᴡᴀ ᴋᴏɴɢ ᴍɢᴀ ᴘɪɴᴏʏ ᴅɪᴛᴏ ꜱᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʜᴀʜᴀʜᴀ. ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴᴄᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ꜱʜᴇ/ʜᴇʀ. ɴᴏᴛ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴅᴏ ɪ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ, ɪ ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴅʀᴀᴡ :) ʙᴏᴛʜ ᴛʀᴀᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅɪɢɪᴛᴀʟ. ɪᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴛ ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴅᴏ ᴜꜱᴇ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀʀʟʏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ʟᴏʟ.
Buy me a coffee?
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Fandoms I Write for:
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare
- Mouthwashing
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Characters I write for each Fandom
- Task Force 141 Boys
- Mouthwashing
-All of them also (Swansea's platonic... no romance wtf)
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Things Don't write
- Character x Character
- Smut
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Curly x fem!reader (ANGST) "What if you were the one who's mutliated instead?"
Daisuke x fem!reader (FLUFF) "He's so dreamy"
Curly x fem!reader (FLUFF) "What if you and him had a daughter? And took her into the tulpar?"
Crew x fem!reader [Separate] (FLUFF) "You hug them behind"
Curly x trans!masc reader [Request] (FLUFF)
Anti tulpar AU ANYA x fem!reader [Request] (ANGST) "Where the reader is an electrician but she's super quiet and shy and Anya like bullying her" (CW! VERBALABUSE)
Precrash!Curly x singlemom!reader [request] (FLUFF) "Dating adventures"
Anti!Curly x nurse!readerv [request] (FLUFF?) "anti curly x nurse reader but reader is not one to put up with the way curly acts. Like he could be getting assholeish with her but it’s like sometimes he sees a look on her face and he kinda changes his attitude. Also it’s just mostly for her she doesn’t care what curly does to jimmy though.
Daisuke x fem!reader // Curly x fem!reader [request] (FLUFF) "Playing horror games with him, reader who is really jumpy or a reader who isn't phased by scary things."
Janitor!Jimmy x nurse!reader [Request] (Angst w/fluff) "They're both bullied by Anya Daisuke and Curly most of the time and they comfort eachother by midnight talks and tending eachothers woundshey're both bullied by Anya Daisuke and Curly most of the time and they comfort eachother by midnight talks and tending eachothers wounds"
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TF141 x Assasin!Reader (Confident!Reader) "Knocked four 'em by a single woman"
TF141 x fem!reader "Task Force 141 goes undercover at a nightclub for a mission. You wore a bold, eye-catching "Euphoria"-style outfit to distract a VIP guard, allowing the team to infiltrate undetected. "
|| HER LAST CALL || Tf141 x fem!reader (Angst) "You and the team were in a mission, almost a whole swarm of enemies we're chasing you and the team. But when you stepped on pressure-triggered landmine with no way to disarm it, you made a unthinkable choice to be left behind so they can escape" (CW: Character death, greif and loss)
|| PINK RIBBONS || Tf141 x fem!reader (FLUFF) "Sneakily taking pictures of them without noticing and putting it to your pfp in all social media account you have lol"
|| ACCEPTANCE?|| Ghost x fem!reader (ANGST) "Him experiencing the stages of grief... but what is acceptance to him?"
|| Not saying "I love you" back || TF141 x fem!reader (seperate), Phillip Graves x Fem!Reader
|| Commanders Wifey || Phillip Graves x Reader (FLUFF) "Graves and his caring wifey to his men"
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a-substantial-trash-pile · 5 months ago
real downer mental health stuff below cut. sorry. it's been a real hard couple weeks and i need to get things out somewhere or i'll go crazy.
i just need to get my feelings written out because right now i feel like im going to explode and i can't afford therapy right now and i can't talk to any friends because i cant live with the guilt of burdening them with my problems. so this is the only way i can think of getting it out of me. but i still feel guilty even doing this so im turning reblogs off because i don't want anyone to feel like they need to provide words of comfort or anything like that. would turn off replies to this post too if i knew how to do it. i just need to get it Out.
a few weeks ago, my family had a discussion about putting our old dog down. he's deaf and blind and has dementia that's gotten much worse this year. and he isn't really "living" anymore. i'm not sure he even knows who i am anymore. and it hurts so so bad. i know it's time. but it hurts so fucking bad. i don't want to be the one to make the phone call and make the appointment and solidify the date i lose him forever, so i asked my dad if he could do it. my mom wanted to do it immediately but my dad said he would make the call after my mom's surgeries for her parkinsons that was happening this month. i know my dad doesn't want to put our dog down. the whole thing was brought up in the first place because my mom keeps bringing it up. and it makes her and my dad argue which is not what i fucking want right now. she tends to bring up the subject with my dad and i at the worst times, when im feeling especially terrible. she just had her last surgery yesterday so she brought it up again tonight. the way she brings it up has kind of really sucked for me. i was already feeling especially depressed because everything was just feeling so overwhelming today (stress from thinking about my dog and also hearing that my mom fell on her face and got hurt while i was at work). the past couple times my mom has brought up my dog with me, she's started it off by asking if i had been crying and then when i say that i was, she asks when we're putting our dog down. i don't know why she's doing it like this. i feel upset at her for doing it this way, but at the same time i feel bad for being upset at her because she has parkinson's and just had surgery. even though the surgery went well, i still feel guilty that i'm upset with her.
i couldn't give my mom a straight answer because again, i don't want to be the one to solidify the date, so i told her i'm waiting for dad to make the phone call. she said, "ok i'm going to tell dad." then i went downstairs and cried while she immediately went to tell my dad. i could hear my parents argue about it. it's not a subject my dad likes to acknowledge and my mom has been really pushy about it with him and me. i regret and feel guilty about asking my dad to make the call. i should have just sucked it up and said i would do it. i think i might have to be the one to do it. but it hurts so fucking bad.
whenever my mom talks about it with my dad, she always tries to pressure him by bringing up how sad it's making me. when she does that it feels like im being made into the main "reason" to put our dog down. that if we don't put him down as soon as possible, my mental health will keep spiraling. and yeah, im not doing great right now, but i don't want to keep hearing it brought up over and over like that. i don't want to feel like it's my fault. i know my dog needs to be put down. but i don't want to feel like it's because of me. does that make sense? is that selfish? is the amount of crying i've been doing not "normal" in this situation? it's not like i cry all day. i only do it at night and i try to hide it as best i can. i don't want my mom to see and tell me "this is why we need to put him down now." which she has done before. i don't know. it just hurts so bad.
i haven't been able to tell my mom about how she's been upsetting me. because she'll get upset about it if i do. and i feel bad for being upset in the first place. because i know in the end, these actions she's taking is because she's worried for me. she just. doesn't think things through all the time. she's always spoken before thinking. although im not sure if her parkinson's has made this habit worse. i can't remember if she's always been at this level or if this is something exacerbated by parkinson's. which makes me feel even more guilty about being upset at her. god. everything just feels fucked right now. so overwhelming. i wish i could see my therapist again, but i just can't afford that expense right now.
i've been having more nightmares. been having the stupid sleep paralysis shit. been having more frequent intrusive thoughts of driving off the bridge i go over on my commute or looking at my pills and wondering what would happen if i took everything in the bottle at once. i don't think i would ever actually act on these things, because i love my family too much to have them deal with that kind of hardship. it's just been exhausting for my brain. and some days the thoughts feel closer than others. but that's depression for you. been dealing with it for many years. this has just been one of those real bad times for it. if anyone is actually reading this, please dont worry. i know that's kind of dumb of me to say considering everything i wrote here. but really please don't worry. i just needed a place to put my thoughts and feel like i'm releasing them somehow. im still here. i've had these bad thoughts before and i'm still here. i will still be here. it'll get better. i just need to hold on again.
i just wish dogs lived longer.
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eggiesins · 11 days ago
Your post gave me a silly idea. Would the bachelors take a goth gf, punk gf, or emo gf. This is an important question for science. And if you feel up to it, you should do the girls too sometime. No pressure though.
Anon, I am nothing if not an avid scientist.
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This list is gonna be bulleted, as it's more category focused rather than scenario focused. Since it's a shorter prompt, I also have the bachelorettes included!
Prompts are for a gender-neutral builder
Let me know what y'all think! I'm eager to see what categories the rest of the community would assign to the townies. Methodology, headcanons, and some spoilers below the cut :)
Methodology: Since we are using 3 categories, I wanted to offer up how I'm defining these categories based on my own understanding of these subcultures, so I judged the choices based on a combination of the subculture's general (probably oversimplified) philosophy as well as its aesthetics.
Goth philosophy: The world is fucked up & I find beauty in that Punk philosophy: The world is fucked up & I'm angry about it Emo philosophy: The world is fucked up & I'm sad about it
Punk for sure; he's infatuated with the grumpiest doctor in town. He likes 'em angry
I already said this man deserves a goth s/o, & I stand by it. Punk seems too ARC-adjacent, & emo seems like it might just bum him out.
Goth for sure; they're writing poetry at the cemetery together
Torn between emo & goth tbh; like yes, let him despair about the darkness in the world, but I do love the idea of Fang learning to appreciate that darkness as well
Goth; Justice doesn't tend to go looking for the beauty in the darkness, but I think he'd be very receptive to the idea
Punk; He can definitely relate to lashing out with anger when things are fucked up
"None of these words are in the bible."
Emo 100%, they can both be sad about the state of the world together
Maybe emo or goth, tho I'm leaning toward emo the more I think about the plot of the play during his proposal quest.
Goth for sure. You know his lines after Heidi wins the architecture competition, but she's not happy about it? Yeah.
Punk; the aggressiveness of the aesthetic & worldview would pose both an interesting challenge and complement to his own "survival of the fittest" mentality
It's a fuckin toss up tbh, Qi doesn't know what any of these words mean
That being said, I lowkey love the idea of Qi being romanced by a more punk builder
This mad scientist definitely understands what it means to rage against the machine (of academic bureaucracy)
Goth! Unsuur also knows the world is a fucked up place but he's very much in tune with still finding the beauty in it all.
He'd spend cemetery dates studying the different kinds of rock used for the headstones
Goth! Look at some Victorian-era pottery & tell me that ain't it
Either punk or emo. Catori does fall into some more emo moments when she experiences setbacks, so I could see compatible philosophies, but she also responds really well when the builder kinda tells her that this isn't the time to get bogged down in sadness, but to get more aggressive & keep facing her challenges head on
elsie's a weird little freak who 100% rages against the machine; punk
Goth, perfect aesthetic complement to grace's more girlypop kinda look
Grace has also Seen Some Shit, so a philosophy centered around finding beauty in the bad would vibe with her really well
Gothic architecture, 'nuff said. But to add more anyway: her muse is literally her dead mother
Emo for sure. I'm seeing dramatic Hamlet-inspired monologues about how cold and sad the world is
Emo. Mi-an is generally a really positive person, but we do see in-game that a lot of it is really more a mask that she keeps in place by throwing herself into her work. Underneath all that, she deals with a lot of hopelessness and sadness internally.
Punk! Nia fights for what she believes in so I think the philosophies would align really well. I think she'd also enjoy the aesthetic quite a bit
Goth for sure; basically, the only character trait we get to know about her is that she's relentlessly optimistic & will always look for what's good or nice even in a terrible situation
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eccentrcks · 11 months ago
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐂: 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐞.
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This gorgeous artwork of Marlene was made by my talented baby sister. Give her some applause for this! 🫶 I also made a taglist out of boredom, so don't mind me. Taglist to those who inspired me to make this profile and ref. sheet: @revnah1406, @welldonekhushi, @littlemissclandestine, @alypink, and @darkhazard19.
Name: Marlene
Full Name: Marlene Jamie Monroe
Alias(es): "Mona" (General nickname by her family), "Marlie" (childhood nickname), "Chicky" (Captain Price), "Squirt" or "Baby Girl" (Phillip Graves), "Marl" (David Mason).
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Irish, Native American, Welsh.
Hair Colour: Chestnut brown.
Eye Colour: Light brown
Height: 5’11” (181cm)
Weight: 187lbs (84.8kg)
Body Built: Athletically average.
Languages Spoken: English, Irish, Gaelic, Welsh, Cree, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Bulgarian, Mandarin, French, German, Portuguese, etc.
Date of Birth: August 29, 2002.
Place of Birth: Fairbanks, Alaska.
Blood Type: AB-
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: N/A.
Status: Unknown.
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Myers-Briggs Type: INTJ-T (The Architect)
Calm and reserved: Despite having her moments of being a spitfire, she is actually a well composed individual and this really helps her in matters of survival. Although pretty social sometimes, then she can be completely asocial, Marlene is not exactly the kind of person who wouldn't instantly show her actual personality to others whom she'd just met. She handles stressful situations with the pressure very well most of time.
Selfless and loyal: Marlene may be an impassive and hardened young woman, but she has a good soul and heart. Those who are lucky to be a genuine friend of hers are privileged to see her display her true self at most times. Has the tendency to put others before herself. Marlene's love language is giving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch- which the latter is a rare thing of her to do frequently as a young adult now. Keeps it discreet though.
Tough as nails: She is unbelievably durable and endures a lot of life-threatening situations. Often gets underestimated by others, but tends to straighten them up with a surprise. It still hurts, yes, although she just quickly learns how to suck it up and keep going without letting it drag her down.
Jaded and weary: It's safe to mention that Marlene didn't had a normal childhood and went through a lot of hardships growing up with a paranoid survivalist of a mother. Kind of a sore spot for her to be asked about. Has a bad case of PTSD and denies her clinical diagnoses constantly. ("I'm fine." is her favourite saying) Has a complex relationship with her mother, her only parent that raised her this way, which means Marlene cares and resents her at the same time, yet she internally respects the woman who taught her most of everything she knows. She suffered from losses who were dearly significant to her... somethings she isn't ready to openly talk about. So the girl is just simply exhausted from existing.
Adaptable and intelligent, also a polyglot: If thrown into an environment that Marlene hadn't been in before, she will learn and adapt if it's necessary. Growing up traveling with her mother had taught her some things. She's quite a multilingual genius, speaks and read around 37(ish) languages, but also graduated high school at sixteen before attending Stanford University and finishing in three years for her computer science degree. So in a shorter summary, she's an eager and fantastic learner.
Primary Weapons: Knife, Karambit neck knife, Remington 700PSS, HK-MP5K, HK-MP5A3, TP-82, XM177E1, and Pipe Bombs.
Fighting Style: Hand-to-hand combat, some MMA.
Special Skills: Great at reading others' body languages and sensing danger.
Talents: She can learn to speak at another language in a short span of time, craft explosives such as a pipe bomb within an hour if she has the resources, and create traps with the right stuff.
Shortcomings: Can get paranoid most of the time, chronically insomniac, has some trust issues, and suffers from terrible migraines.
"Born and grew up outside of Fairbanks in an isolated cabin for five years of her life with her mother, who had Marlene at eighteen, and mostly traveled around on the road after. She grew up with tough love and Melissa, her mother, was fiercely overprotective with her only child. Once they settled somewhere in California when she was eight where Marlene finally got enrolled in a public school where her peers would eventually learn about her intellect. She never knew how, or where, her mother earned her huge incomes to financially support themselves, but knows Melissa just has an every important job whenever she isn't home. Besides, whenever her mother was confronted, she was just met with a firm look by her and the woman stating that it's none of her concern as Marlene should just focus on herself. Eventually this led to her rebellious behaviour before incidents occurred and slowly shaped Marlene into a withdrawn teenager in college."
"Her history with Taskforce 141 was purely platonic. Met them through her mother, one by one when she was an teenager, before the group realized she was Melissa's baby girl and they all knew the same woman who met each of them outside of their occupations. She've met Phillip Graves when she was a kid when he came by to confront her mother before a father-daughter bond was formed between them since then. David Mason is her godfather and one of the people whom Marlene looks up to- much to Graves' dismay."
"When she was done with college at nineteen and the year 2021-[REDACTED]."
"Until 2022, she was brought into the CIA's custody in middle of a late evening walk, more like by Taskforce 141, and interrogated after some evidence of her was caught stealing some invaluable intel and secrets, appearing as one of their employees, before she was picked up by a black van after that. She kept denying the accusations and evidence for weeks until Graves, allegedly dead at the time, safely liberated her despite Marlene being in a frail condition with the help from David Mason and proof that she was truly innocent. Someone had framed her."
"Then not too long hours after she was brought into his protective custody, no one knew who helped her other than the fact that she escaped CIA's custody, as one of The Shadow Company's bases was attacked. Mostly everyone made it out, but Marlene who was soon announced dead after she passed out from the blood loss with the base getting bombed into nothing once they were forced to leave her behind. Leaving Graves and David angry, distraught, and vowed to avenge her once they find the culprits. Her remains were never found after that."
Theme song: Methods of Madness by Secession Studios.
*Profile will be be updated once the story progresses and kept her backstory vague(ish) for now.
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hopehuntershq · 4 months ago
The Hope Squad Dynamics - Part 1
Honestly, all of the dynamics that the Hope Squad members have with each other are all very interesting.
So, I decided to make a post to comment on that!
Tom and Zack:
One of my Favorite Hope Squad dynamics by far.
Zack is Tom's right handman, and trusts him completely. Like, if Tom asked Zack to jump into a volcano and promised it was part of a plan and he would get out alive, Zack would do it.
I always write the two as if they were brothers. They do a lot of things together, tease from time to time, and, when Tom is being threatened by someone, Zack will kick their ass XD.
Zack is very protective over Tom, cause he knows how kind and how people take advantage of that.
Meanwhile, Tom is very caring towards Zack. He is always trying to help him out around the house, with advice, or just being a shoulder to cry on.
Their brotherly bond is very interesting because, although both have siblings... they never had a healthy realtionship with them... so, it turns out, they are each other's first siblings!
Tom also usually tries to stop Zack's impulses on situations that could put them in danger. Like, when Zack is about to fall into a trap XD.
However, Tom doesn't judge, control or try to change Zack. He likes Zack the way he is.
Zack also is what happen Tom to break the rules in a situation where it is needed. That's why I also like to call them 'Parteners in Crime'.
Tom, although being gay, never felt any atraction towards Zack. For some reason, he always felt this familial connection (... past life plot, everyone? Who knows...)
I tried to make it so that each friendship Tom has, reflects a bit on a main Batfam meber's best friend.
I like to compare Zack and Tom a bit with Roy and Jason. Those two care a lot about each other, and are probably up to trouble XD.
Tom and Amber:
Tom and Amber are quite interesting too.
Amber is a little like how Tom used to be before he joined the lab. Innocent, sweet, and overly trusting on others...
While Tom is shy and a bit of an introvert, Amber is joyful, outgoing and confident.
Usually, Tom hesitates a lot when it comes to going out, making friends, and, especially trying to get a date with his crushes. All this due to the traumas he have from the lab, Lime and his family.
Amber, also being a romantic, is usually the Hope Squad member that tells Tom to follow his heart, because she genuinly things love can also change people... the other 3 squad members usually try to stop Tom from dating guys that might hurt him...
Tom and Amber also get a long because of their artistic interests. Tom likes to Draw, and Amber is into fashion and designing.
But, the most interesting part of their dynamic, to me, is how parental Tom is to Amber. Just like with Zack, he takes care of her whenever she need...
Tom and Amber remind me a bit of Damian and Jon. One is an introvert traumitized child, and the other a joyful sunshine kid XD.
Tom and Charlie:
Another great dynamic on the list, on my opinion.
Charlie is the first one to find out about Tom's past due to his powers...
However, he doesn't force him to tell the others. He just warns that it will end badly if he keeps hiding important things.
Charlie is very supportive towards Tom, and tries to help him out a lot. But, he never pressures him, just advises, and talks...
Tom, like wise, is also very fond of Charlie.
Tom, although isn't a theater kid, enjoys watching musicals, and the two can talk for hours about Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen and Six.
Tom always feels comfortable to speak with Charlie, knowing he won't be judged.
Just like with the rest of the Squad, Tom tends to be a bit too parental. But, Charlie usually reminds him that he needs to care for himself too.
It might be a stretch, but I can see a bit of Dick and Wally on these two. Charlie is always trying to make Tom laugh and help him out...
Tom and Kitty:
This one has quite a few layers XD
At first, this two don't have the most friendly start... because Kitty doesn't trust on the Squad, and, since Tom is the leader in her eyes (and everyone but Tom himself, lol), he is the one she trusts less...
Tom, on the other hand... actually likes Kitty. For the reason of her reminding him of both Damian and Liam.
Due to that, he knows that she is more than the person she shows on the outside.
He does consider her a friend, although it is one-sided for a long time...
After finding out about Tom's backstory, and interacting more with him, Kitty grows to respect and admire him a lot.
And she joins Zack on the protective sibling vibes XD
Out of all Squad members, Kitty is the one who worries the most about Tom's love life... seriously, it scares her how bad his taste is...
Not sure if it can be compared to any batfriendship, but... maybe Tim and Kon, cause they also had a rough start?
Part 2 will focus on the rest. Tom's relationships with the other members are deep and complex enough for a part 1. Well, in my opinion at least.
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nkn0va · 11 months ago
Request (P3): For their birthdays, Minako and Mitsuru's S/O's give them a ring that matches their favorite colors.
Best girl bullshit, go.
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-Even before you started dating Minako, it's not hard to figure out what her favorite color is. Pink manages to sneak into every single one of her outfits and just about everything she owns.
-You're pressed for ideas for whatever reason so you decide a ring with a nice pink gemstone is the best way to go here. A nice rose quartz or pink amethyst is...affordable enough.
-One the day of, you take her out to eat, wherever she wants, as long as the price is within reason. You're still a high school student.
-In general you two have a nice hangout date at the Paulownia mall, doing whatever catches your or her eye. When the day has blazed by and the sun sets, signaling it's time to head home.
-You manage to remember at the last minute that you'd gotten her something, making you call out to stop her before she heads to her dorm, only for her to turn around and see the ring.
-Minako gasps audibly, clearly not expecting something so intricate and beautiful, however cheesy it may be.
-Next thing you know she's got you in a hug threatening to expel all the air from your lungs saying thank you over and over again as if you're about to disappear if she lets go.
-She immediately puts the ring on and silently vows to herself to never take it off like it's some kind of wedding ring. Probably treats it like one too until you get her one for real someday.
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-Mitsuru is...a lot harder to impress on a date at first glance. Having been born into wealth as massive as she has tends to give off that kind of vibe.
-Of course you know better than that, being her S/O but the pressure isn't entirely gone, unfortunately. It's pretty easy to get into your own head when it comes to someone like Mitsuru.
-You do come up with something though. You find a nice ring in a window display while walking home one day embedded with a very beautiful shade of red that immediately brings Mitsuru to mind. Perfect.
-You manage somehow to save up enough money to get the ring and all that's left is...just about everything else. Fantastic.
-You eventually decide on something she's never really had before, something only you can give. You admit you can never impress her externally with something fancy, so the best option is something more intimate, which she pretty much never got growing up.
-After school it's cuddling up in a blanket with an old classic movie she'd probably never heard of before. A very cozy atmosphere she'd pretty much never experienced before meeting you.
-Of course, to top it all off, your present her with the ring afterward. It's nowhere near as extravagant or photogenic as something she could just buy herself, but the fact that it comes from you makes it extra special.
She's much more reserved than Minako in expressing her thanks, but she is by no means any less grateful, the smile she can't seem to wipe off her face and the way she pressed her body further into you is clear proof of that.
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elden-hicks · 1 year ago
the second gen capp and monty headcanon dump
as much as i like the local teens, i think the adults deserve the love too. some of them were created through a collaboration with my dear friend push. i'll add the read more link after goneril's headcanons, so if someone doesn't want to read the full post could scroll through more easily.
the capp sibs
goneril capp:
the middle child with an inferior complex: was convinced that she can't be beautiful as cordelia and smart as regan, and is clearly unfavored by both of her parents. despite her cold and strict façade, goneril's a very emotional person.
a massive people pleaser, especially when it comes to her parents. only had that much kids in hopes that contessa would've chosen her kid as an heir. dropped that idea only after she passed, seemingly regretting even doing so. nowadays, after contessa's death, she's truly trying to be a better mother, even though she thinks it's a little too late in miranda's case.
used to date claudio in the past and was almost ready to abandon her home just to be with him, until she learnt that he only dated her as "a dare". he had also publicly broke up with her, making her look like a desperate. she'd never forgave him for that stunt, of course. years after she's still thinking whether she was in love with him or the idea of him. the idea of being free, to be particular.
one of the best dressed people in the town, always knows how to present herself.
is keen on cooking, though, she's not as skillful as kent, she really enjoys the process of preparing the food
regan capp:
the youngest daughter, so she had not as much pressure from her parents compared as her older sisters. it suits them fine, since they enjoy doing the things on their own. tends to be very independent and stubborn in her descision making as a result.
consort's favorite kid, undoubtedly, since she was named after his prime caretaker (his grandma) and resembles contessa A LOT, both by appearance and character (the list also includes her eyesight problems and difficulties with showing emotions). however, due to her resemblance to their mother, they're often targeted by isabella monty, whenever they cross paths.
is a staunch childfree, she had enough of watching her parents and sisters raising kids to be permanently dissuaded from having them in her life.
is heavily into sports, does a lot of activities like jogging, swimming, playing tennis and football and skiing. they are also a master fencer in the family, tybalt swears one day he will prevail and take over the title from his aunt.
astronomy is her non-sport passion. they enjoy spending their time at the veronaville observatory and fighting with antonio monty over that territory
a bisexual, who also kind of questioned her gender before, has some tendencies towards non-binarity but she's still isn't so sure about it. a she/they pronoun user.
kent capp:
is an accident kid, also the youngest one and the only son - truly a misfortunate fate to have, once you had born in the capp family. contessa had a trouble with birthing him, so consort still (subconsciously) blames kent for contessa's declined health after that. he's the only kid who vastly prefers contessa to consort as a parental figure.
as a result, he hides his unique eyes with the blue lenses in order to have less similarities with that man. would rather die than call consort a father.
has a super fancy STEM degree, never worked a day in his actual work field, instead had changed like 10 to 15 low-paying jobs. from a cashier to a delivery guy to a stripper - you name it!
despite being against the feud, he still takes offence on his sisters' and niblings' behalf. once claudio referred goneril's dress as a "hoe sack", and the next day his car's tires were suspiciously slashed.
has passion for cooking and is darn great at it. once pranked the montys by hiring himself into their restaurant as a cook, they only figured it out after almost a month of his work.
probably one day would open his own gay bar with some cool appetizers and cocktails of his own creating
has a long-lost twin brother in strangetown named vidcund
cordelia capp:
the eldest. the heiress. contessa's favourite. a true capp woman. was very beautiful and charismatic
wasn't as goody-two-shoes person as she initially appeared, though she wasn't necessarily evil or nasty but she had her downsides.
cordelia was very, VERY headstrong and was not afraid to show her teeth when she couldn't have her thing "in a nice way".
yes, she was against the feud, that is correct, but she'd also been driven by the potential financial profit. after all, feuding can be pretty expensive both on money and lives. wasn't above of idea of eloping juliette with one of the claudio's sons, if it could seal the peace deal.
had this surprising ruthlessness when it came to managing stuff in business, yet she lacked regan's foresight in some ways.
still, despite not being the greatest mother on earth, treated her children equally, compared to her parents, each of whom had their own favorite.
the monty sibs
antonio monty:
a middle child, he's meek and overempathetic compared to much bolder bianca and claudio. he's also very easy person to manipulate or guiltrip
had always been on chubby side, since his early childhood, the only time when he was fit was his late teens-early adulthood years
the most skilfull monty in the cooking field (besides isabella) but he had always wanted to be an astronaut instead. still to this day has a passion for astronomy and, of course, out of all people in veronaville, the other person who's into that as much as him is that goddamn capp woman
he likes cooking in general, but he doesn't like do it for life, yet he feels obliged to do so, since his siblings and niblings are quite unhelpful. he personally peaked as a chef with that prize-winning wedding cake of his
used to be a punk in his teen/college student years, looking back, he's not really proud of who he was back then due to some questionable stuff he had done, but those were his golden years for sure
before hero came into the picture, the rest of the family speculated whether antonio was gay or not
he's either insomniac or sleeps like a rock, there's no in between
bianca monty:
the youngest child, also a daughter. unlike kent, she wasn't as screwed being the youngest monty and a girl
is an accountant at the restaurant, won't even come closer to a working stove for more than five meters. she also works as a freelance comic artist and the interior designer (has a degree in it, actually)
is vegan, which sometimes can be exhausting, cause the rest of the family are avid meat-eaters, but antonio usually accommodates to his lil' sis by making her favorite vegan dishes for the family gatherings
is an aroace, doesn't really want a romantic relationship, but still wants a child. seriously considered an option of kent being her sperm donor
she's terrible at handling the alcohol. does a lot of weird shit whenever she's wasted.
claudio monty:
was the eldest son. a proud, self-assured man. patrizio was hoping that he'd take over the restaurant after he retires. unfortunately for him, he outlived his own son.
was an asshole, to be precise. yes, he was very competitive, very determined, was an "efficient business manager", but an asshole nevertheless.
dreamed of becoming a famous musician and even had his own band in his teens. wrote a lot of songs about his exes, lol. most of them are kind of mid, though there was the one which made it to the local veronaville radio station and became a hit. this one he wrote about goneril in particular. even till his later years, he wasn't sure whether he actually loved her or not.
was rumored to be involved with antonio's late wife, hero. no one truly knows whether the rumors were true. he was also named as a main reason for her passing, shortly after his own death, though antonio prefers to believe it was the capps' deed.
romeo was his favorite one, since mercutio was the one who made him tie a knot with his mother
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00katrinka00 · 4 months ago
Landcaster Legacy Gens 1-7 Summaries
The Landcaster Legacy Heirs 1-7
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Generation 1: Genevieve
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Genevieve moves to San Myshuno looking for a new start. She gets a job as an interior decorator and befriends her neighbor across the hall, Kayla. Genevieve decides to join a singles club where she meets Colton. They date for a few years, but Genevieve breaks up with him because he doesn't want to get married. Kayla hosts a dinner party and invites Genevieve. At the party she meets Aidan and after a few too many drinks they go back to Genevieve's place a woohoo. The next day Genevieve finds out she's pregnant. They decide to move in together, so their child doesn't have to be bounced around all the time. Genevieve gives birth to a girl she names Madeline. She then finds out Aidan isn't really into exclusive relationships, and he tends to bring sims in and out of the house all the time. The angers Genevieve and they get into a big fight. He agrees to no longer bring random sims back home. After years of living together and raising Madeline, Aidan and Genevieve fall in love and decide to get married. They then have a set of twins, Josephine and William.
Generation 2: Madeline
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Madeline wanted to be the perfect legacy heir. She worked hard all throughout school, so hard she sacrificed building relationships with her family members and peers at school. Eventually she gets accepted into the distinguished Biology program at Foxbury. During her freshman year Madeline meets Garrett, a fellow biology major. The two soon begin competing to be top of the class. Eventually it occurs to Madeline that she'll have to get married in order to continue with the legacy, but she has no clue how make friends. Madeline takes all of her options into account and decides that despite their issues she must marry Garrett in order to continue having a successful legacy. Garrett eventually agrees to the idea, who doesn't want to marry into a legacy family? They spend a few years getting settled into their careers before trying for a baby, but Madeline is having fertility issues. Eventually after many fertility treatments Madeline gets pregnant and gives birth to twins names Samuel and Lacy.
Generation 3: Lacy
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Lacy's parents put lots of pressure on her and her brother to pursue science and be the most successful. Lacy hated science and much preferred the creative arts. As a child she joined the drama club at her school and continued with it until she graduated As a teen Lacy began dating a girl named Hayley, and she fell absolutely in love, but ended up cheating on Hayley with her best friend. After graduating Lacy moves to Del Sol Valley and never speaks to her suffocating parents ever again. She works hard to improve her acting and begins booking lots of movie rolls. She catches her big break when she's cast in a movie alongside an actor names Chad King. Lacy and Chad start a physical relationship that results in Lacy getting pregnant with her only child, Isla. Chad wants nothing to do with their child and leaves Lacy. Lacy continues acting and becomes the most famous sim in the save file, but she does hire a nanny to take care of Isla as she doesn't like children. This deeply hurts Isla and makes her feel unloved by her mother. Lacy never does marry. although she is brought back to life by my gen 6 sim, Violet, so her story isn't entirely over yet.
Lacy post reincarnation:
Lacy was not too happy to be reincarnated by her great great granddaughter, Violet. She was actually enjoying the afterlife. Things got even worse when it's revealed that not only was she reincarnated as a 15-year-old, but that she was going to be forced to do high school all over again, and that she had to share a room. Violet's parents allowed Lacy to live with them under the guise that she was just a distant cousin staying with the family for the foreseeable future. Letting the world know that Violet had partaken in necromancy was a huge no no, talk about the scandal. Eventually Lacy and Violet became close friends. Since Lacy had always loved acting, she decided to audition for the part of Luna in a play based off of Pamsimmer's legacy at the time. Naturally, Lacy receives the roll. During the audition process she met Owen, who was the stage manager, and the two became friends of a sort. Eventually he develops feelings for Lacy and asks her out, but she rejects him but makes it clear they can still be friends. Things remains weird between the two of them and then opening night for the play hits. The actor who was initially set to play Elijah passes out and Owen is forced to step in because he's the only one who knows all the lines. During the closing scene to the play Lacy accidentally kisses Owen even though that definitely is not in the script. He tries to talk to her after the show, but Lacy maintains that they cannot date because she'd be a terrible girlfriend (she's still traumatized by Chad King from her previous life). During the play, Lacy makes friends with the hair and makeup artist, Jenna.
Not much happens for Lacy during the rest of her Sophomore year, or during most of her Junior year of High School. At the end of Junior year, Prom approaches. Violet asks for Lacy's permission to go to Prom with Owen, mostly because Violet already told her crush, Sage, that she was going with Owen and Violet doesn't want to be caught in a lie. Lacy tells Violet she really doesn't care because at the end of the day, Violet likes girls and she and Owen are just friends. On the night of Prom, Lacy heads outside to get some air where she runs into Owen. They talk for a bit, and she admits she really didn't want to attend Prom, but that Jenna is just super persistent. During their conversation, Lacy nearly lets it slip that she's been brought back from the dead but catches herself. They do end up dancing for the rest of the night until it's time to crown Prom royalty, which ends up being Lacy. During an event Violet's participating in (Battle of the Bands) Violet and Lacy get into a fight, mostly because Lacy is irritated that Violet won't stop practicing her set music for her performance. During intermission, Lacy runs into Owen who can tell she's upset. Lacy admits it's just because she feels guilty about yelling at Violet earlier that day. She admits that she does this thing where she pushes people away when they get too close. Owen asks her if that's what she did by rejecting him, and Lacy admits that yes that's exactly what she did. Owen tells Lacy that he won't let her push him away and asks for a second chance. She tells him no and explains that she has a lot of personal issues to work through before she's ready for a real relationship. Owen is okay with this answer but tells her that if she changes her mind before he leaves for college then he might have a reason to stay for Senior year (he's graduating a year early).
While Violet spends the term break between Junior and Senior Year in Del Sol Valley, Lacy spends most of break either hanging out with Jenna or sleeping. One day, Jenna and Lacy have plans to meet at the boba shop, but Lacy oversleeps and forgets. While waiting for Lacy to show, Jenna meets a girl names Maggie who is new in town. She expresses her frustration with Lacy about her not showing. Maggie spends their conversation trying to turn Jenna on Lacy for what appears to be no reason. When Lacy does show up, Maggie heads up to the counter to order and she begins hitting on Owen who is taking her order. A few days later, Jenna and Lacy head to the pier where they spot Owen and Maggie hanging out. Jenna confesses her conversation with Maggie from the other day, and the girls come to the conclusion that for whatever reason, Maggie has it out for Lacy. Maggie spends the whole day flirting with Owen, and then Lacy interrupts demanding to speak with him intending to warn him that Maggie seems to be no good. Owen isn't having it, because to him it seems like Lacy doesn't want to be with him, but she also doesn't want him to be with anyone else. With that Owen walks away, and this is the last time she sees him before he goes away to college.
As Senior year begins, Lacy is not doing too well, because it seems that Owen has updated his status on social bunny to be 'in a relationship' and she's about to lose it. Wanting to try something new, Lacy impulsively cuts and dyes her hair, she also dresses in an outfit that is completely against the dress code for their school, and Violet tries to warn her of this, and Lacy just brushes her off saying she looks hot, so it doesn't matter. Mads even tries to warn Lacy who just responds with 'well you're not my mother'. After they arrive at school, Jenna becomes upset upon seeing Lacy's hair, because Jenna's the one that had done Lacy's hair previously, and this sparks a fight between the two of them. Lacy storms off after spotting Charlie, a boy she had previously rejected for his Prom invitation the previous year. They get to talking and Lacy starts to flirt with him before she's interrupted by Violet who is demanding to speak with her. Violet reminds Lacy that she doesn't even like Charlie, and Lacy tells her that that's the whole point. Violet asks if her erratic behavior lately has been because of Owen, and Lacy just gets angry and tells her to fuck off.
After school that day, Lacy was meant to meet up with Sage and Violet but never showed leaving the two to become quite worried. When they arrive home Violet expresses concern to Mads who asks the girls to watch over Violet's younger siblings while Mads and her husband, Ethan, go look for Lacy. They spend hours trying to locate her, and finally they decide to check a bar Lacy used to frequent back during her OG gen 3 days. It's here that they find her flirting with a much older man. Right has Lacy is about to kiss said older man, Ethan and mads interject and haul her away. Ethan starts yelling at this older man telling him Lacy was only 17 and that he's disgusting. Mads tries to speak with Lacy, but it just ends with Lacy screaming at her that she isn't even Mads' child so she shouldn't care about what happens to her. Mads tries to explain that she just cares for Lacy, and they just want what's best for her, and Lacy ends up telling her that even though Mads shares the same name as Lacy's biological mother, she isn't her and therefore she needs to stop acting like her. Lacy then says she doesn't care about any of the Landcaster's. After arriving home, Violet expresses relief that Lacy is home safe, but Lacy just ends up screaming at her. Later that night, while everyone is asleep, Lacy runs away.
Feeling like she doesn't have anywhere else to go, Lacy heads to the home of her vampire friend Lawrence. While she was a ghost, Lacy met and befriended Lawrence who is the son of the most powerful vampire in the save file, Katherine. Katherine never approved of Lawrence's relationship with Lacy, but since Lacy was still a ghost there wasn't much that Katherine could do to hurt her, she was already dead, so Katherine tolerated Lacy and Lawrence's friendship. Now that she's been brought back from the dead, Lacy has avoided Lawrence at all costs, because she really doesn't want to die again, especially at the hands of a vampire as evil as Katherine. Despite this, Lacy takes a chance and heads to Staud mansion (let it be known that Katherine murdered Vlad and stole his home). Lawrence is extremely surprised to see Lacy alive, but after the shock wears off he tells her she has to leave because if his mother finds her then she'll kill her, and he doesn't want Lacy harmed (Lawrence has a bit of a crush on Lacy). Lacy tries to tell him that she's not scared of his mother, in reality she's just lost regard for her own life, but Lawrence is insistent that she leave. As he's trying to force Lacy out of the house, Scarlet, Lawrence's sister, comes down the stairs and teases her brother before drinking Lacy's plasma. As Scarlet finishes, she heads upstairs, and Lacy takes that as enough of a reason to leave but before she has the chance to, Katherine appears. Katherine threatens lacy, and Lawrence begs his mother not to harm her. He points out that hunting normie sims has to get boring after all these years, but Katherine reminds him that the normie sims once hunted the occults. Lawrence again begs his mother to let Lacy leave. Katherine finally agrees so long as Lacy promise her a few things. Lacy agrees, because she just wants to get away with her life. Katherine makes her promise that she'll never try to contact Lawrence again, and that when the time comes Lacy will side with Katherine. lacy tries to ask what that means, but Katherine forces her out of their home and Lacy sprints away.
The only other place Lacy can think to go is to Charlie's house. He welcome's her with no questions asked. Charlie skips school all week to spend his days hanging out with Lacy, but on Friday they have exams, and he decides to go in because he doesn't want to completely flunk out of school. At school, Violet confronts Charlie asking if he knows where Lacy is. Charlie is evasive the whole time and tells her he hasn't spoken to Lacy since the first day. When he gets home Charlie tells Lacy that he needs to get that 'annoying cousin' of hers off his back. Lacy doesn't like how he's insulting Violet and the two of them get into a fight. Charlie tells Lacy that she owes him woohoo in return for him letting Lacy crash at his place. Lacy ends up punching him and then storming out of the house. With absolutely nowhere else to go, lacy decides to bite the bullet and return to the Landcaster house. When she arrives, Mads and Ethan are out spending the evening searching for Lacy while Matthew (Violet's Grandfather, but also Lacy's Grandson) plays some cards with Violet and her younger sister Rosie. Violet tries to talk with Lacy, but since Lacy is feeling too defeated, she just tells Violet to please leave her alone.
The following day is the birthday party for the youngest little Landcasters, Alex and Sofie. That morning, Mads heads up to speak with Lacy and inform her that she and Ethan think it would be beneficial for Lacy to start seeing a therapist because it's clear she's struggling and needs help. While Lacy had attitude about this, she doesn't completely refuse. As the birthday party begins, Lacy finds herself outside soaking her feet in the pool. Matthew decides to join her and officially introduce himself, because even though he's Lacy's Grandson, they haven't ever actually met. Matthew ends up giving her some words of wisdom explaining that he understands she's going through a hard time, but that she's surrounded by people who love her and want the best for her and that she doesn't want to push away all the people who care about her otherwise she'll be left all alone. Lacy agrees to try a bit harder at maintaining relationships with everyone.
For the rest of Senior year, Lacy continues to see a therapist and it really does seem to help her. After graduation, Lacy, Violet, and their friend Jenna decide to move to Del Sol Valley so they can pursue their careers. After moving Violet and Jenna both get to work finding jobs and earning money to pay bills. Meanwhile, Lacy is struggling. She finds herself in a state of paralysis when it comes to finding auditions, and on top of that she stopped going to therapy after their move. Lacy spends her days mostly sleeping, and her nights partying. She begins a casual woohoo relationship with her neighbor, Carla, but she's still unable to put in the effort to find work. This begins to grate on Violet and Jenna and they both try speaking with Lacy about this. Lacy ends up just snapping at both of them, and it's becoming more and more clear that Lacy is slipping back into the same habits that she had during the beginning of Senior year.
Generation 4: Isla
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Growing up Isla always felt unloved by her mother, and all she ever wanted to be a better mother to her own children than her mother was for her. As a teen Isla started dating a boy named Luke. When she's about 16 Isla finds out she's pregnant. Turns out Luke wants nothing to do with the child and leaves her. Isla gives birth to her first son Jackson. When she's 18 Isla gets into a toxic relationship with an older man named Ian. After dating for a little while Isla finds she's pregnant again and she and Ian decide to get married Isla gives birth to her second son, Daniel. Her relationship with Ian gets more toxic, and eventually she gives birth to a set of twins, Christopher and Matthew. On the morning of Winterfest Isla catches Ian being mean to Jackson and she kicks Ian out of their house and files for divorce. Eventually she meets a man named Jay who happens to be Jackson's teacher. Isla and Jay become friends, and they eventually fall in love and get married. Together Isla and Jay adopt two more sons, Steven and Thomas.
Generation 5: Matthew
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Growing up Matthew was bullied a lot and he often found solace in video games. When it came time to think about his future Matthew didn't really know what he wanted to do, but he eventually got accepted into Foxbury to study computer science and he thought why not? When he got to university Matthew met a biology student named Elena and he fell in love with her at first sight. After becoming friends, Elena asks Matthew to help her get out of her abusive relationship and Matthew agrees. He gets into a bar fight Elenas boyfriend and the cops get called and they get arrested and held overnight. Days later Elena's boyfriend attempts to kill Matthew to get him out of the way, but this time is arrested and put in prison. Matthew and Elena stay friends after this and eventually Elena falls in love with Matthew and they get married. Together they decide that want a very large family, so they have 11 biological kids together. In birth order, Alyssa, Lauren, Olivia, Spencer, Collin, Samuel, Jane, Erin, Miles, Ike, and Mads. They adopt another daughter named Layla.
(Honestly, I wanted to see how much I could torture myself with the number of kids Matthew and Elena had).
Generation 6: Madeline (Mads)
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Mads is the youngest of 12 children, and her mother dies shortly before she aged up into a teen. Her father was so stricken by grief that he struggles to parent her throughout her teen years. Mads had difficulty managing her own grief, so when she started high school she began sneaking out, attending parties and messing around. Eventually she meets Whit and the two begin dating, except Whit is manipulative and cheats on her all the time. Mads eventually decides that she wants to study biology like her ancestors before so she gets accepted into Foxbury. There she meets Jackie (her roommate), Parker and Ethan. The three become good friends. Whit finally breaks up with mads and she realizes that she is better off with him. Mads begins a relationship with Ethan. They move in together. Mads gets a job offer to work as a marine biologist, but she must move to Sulani. Ethan agrees to follow her there. After living in Sulani for a few years, mads and Ethan get married. Together they have five children: Leo, Violet and Rosie and twins Sophie and Alex
Generation 7: Violet (Current Gen)
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Violet grew up in Sulani, and she had a very good childhood. She and her older brother had a tendency to butt heads and argue, but that's just how all siblings are. She quickly became best friends with their neighbor, Gianna. When Violet was 12, her father got a job offer in Copperdale, and their family was forced to move. Violet was not happy about this and often acted out in school. Amidst all of this Violet had been trying to stay in contact with Gianna by writing letters. Despite their promise to always stay in touch, Gianna mysteriously never wrote Violet back. As she gets closer to her teenage years, Violet decides she wants to become a singer when she grows up. While her parents and extended family are supportive of her, they also think it might be good for her to go to college, so she has the ability to network and therefore have a better chance at getting her foot in the door as a singer. Unfortunately, Violet wants absolutely nothing to do with higher education.
As she started High School, Violet becomes good friends with a girl named Janie who shares Violet's love of music. Eventually Janie askes Violet to join her band. At the same time, Violet develops a huge crush on a boy named Noah who is the most popular boy in school. Noah has previous beef with Violet's brother, Leo, so he begins to entertain Violet's fantasies as a way to get under Leo's skin. Violet's parents continue to try and push her towards university, which just aggravates her further and makes Violet believe that nobody in her family believes in her. She confesses all of this to her friend, Janie who vehemently agrees with her. After thinking for approximately 30 seconds, Violet decides the only way to get her parents to come around to the idea of her skipping college to pursue music is if she brings her great great Grandmother, Lacy, back from the dead. Because they're only like 15, Janie supports this idea, and the girls get to work studying necromancy. Eventually they find that there is apparently a wishing well in Moonwood Mill, and the girls decide to search for it that very night even though Violet has a curfew that she will most certainly miss if she goes hunting for magical objects in another city.
Once in Moonwood Mill, Violet and Janie do end up locating the wishing well, and Violet spends $5000 (of her parents' money) simoleons on an offering. Sure, enough the well brings Lacy back to life, but the entity controlling the well tells Violet that there is a cost to bring someone back from the dead, and that someone Violet loves will die so Lacy can live. Violet immediately regrets her decision, but it's too late. On their way home, Violet tries to get Lacy to help her convince her parents that college doesn't matter, and Lacy refuses to help and is very clearly angry about having been brought back from the dead. After arriving home Violet quickly discovers that nobody seems to have died, so maybe the well was lying. Her parents on the other hand, are furious. Violet ends up grounded until further notice, and they force her to get a part time job in order to pay them back the $5000 simoleons that Violet now owes them. They also decide to send Violet to therapy to try and help her deal with a lot of the issues she's been having.
Violet gets a job working for the local Boba and Thrift Store. ON her first day she's trained by another teen named Owen. The two do not get off to a good start, and Violet spends nearly the entire day insulting him while Owen calls her a spoiled brat. Shortly before her shift is over, Janie comes in and ends up convincing Violet to lie to her parents and attend a party with her that evening. Violet is hesitant at first, because she knows if her parents find out they're going to be even more angry with her, but she decides to go to the party anyways. There, she runs into her crush, Noah. Violet ends up ditching Janie and spending the party outside with Noah who spends the whole time flirting with her. Noah ends up being Violet's first kiss, but Janie sees and gets extremely jealous (Janie has a pretty big crush on Violet) and the two get into a fight which ends in Janie storming off. Violet tries to go after her, but runs into her brother, Leo, instead and the two get into an argument and Violet begs him not to tell their parents. He agrees, but only because he knows they'll find out anyways.
The following day, Violet is scheduled to have therapy after school but is approached by Noah who ends up asking her on a date. Violet agrees and skips therapy to go on a date with Noah. After arriving home Violet finds that her therapist contacted her mother about Violet skipping the appointment, and she's in even more trouble. Mads decides that Violet can't even be trusted to go from one place to another without an escort, so until further notice Mads will be walking her daughter to and from school, work, therapy, and home. Naturally, Violet is pissed and ends up telling Mads she hates her. For the next several weeks, Violet is basically on lockdown at home, so the only time she can see Noah is during lunch. During one of these lunchtime rendezvous Violet very awkwardly tells Noah she's in love with him. Eventually, Leo finds out that the only reason Noah's trying to date Violet is to piss him off, and that Noah intends to break Violet's heart. Not knowing what to do about this, Leo recruits Lacy for help and she ends up getting into a fist fight with Noah at school the next day. It works, and he stops speaking to Violet entirely. She's upset but gets over it eventually.
Over the following weeks, Violet has been on her best behavior and Mads allows her to have a sleepover at Janie's house. There, the girls dress up in ridiculous outfits, make prank calls, and play a game of truth or dare that ends up with Janie daring Violet to kiss her, which she does. Afterwards this leaves Violet confused, because she realizes that she liked kissing Janie far more than she ever liked kissing Noah. Eventually she realizes that she was only ever interesting in Noah because he was the most popular boy in school, and it seemed like she had to be interested in him, but ultimately Violet realizes that she is attracted to only girls.
During work on day, Janie comes in and tells Violet that she found a gig for their band to play. Violet is extremely excited but quickly realizes that her parents will never allow her to go, because she's still working on building their trust back. Janie ends up convincing her to lie to her mother again. That night Violet asks to go over to Janie's house, and Mads agrees under the condition that she's home at 11pm. Instead of going to Janie's the girls, and the rest of their band, play the gig that Janie booked for them. They have an amazing time, and afterwards Violet confesses her feeling to Janie, and the two begin officially dating. After getting caught up in everything that happened that night, Violet discovers that it's far past her curfew and rushes home to find her mother waiting angerly. Mads and Violet get into yet another heated argument about them not being able to trust Violet. Mads ends up making Violet do community service in the hopes that it will increase her daughter's responsibility, and it does.
A few months go by, and Violet had really been proving herself to her parents. The opening night for Lacy's play is drawing closer, and Janie calls Violet with news of another gig. The problem is that it's the same night as Lacy's play, and Violet already promised Lacy, and the rest of her family, that she'd be there. Janie tries to convince Violet to lie again, but this time she doesn't want to (she does try to get Janie to reschedule the gig, but she refuses). Ultimately Violet does skip the gig to attend Lacy's play (the first good decision she's made in a while). After the play, Janie confronts Violet about missing their gig. Violet defends herself saying that she's thought long and hard about the sim she wants to be, and it isn't someone that lies and blows off her family members. Janie feigns understanding, and Violet invites her to a dinner party Mads is throwing the following night. Janie promises to show up, but she ends up purposefully missing the dinner party to pay Violet back for missing the gig. This sparks a fight between Janie and Violet which ends with the girls deciding to take a break while Janie visits her father in Mt. Komerobi over term break.
Over term break, Violet spends most of the time working (and subsequently arguing with Owen), and spending time with Lacy and her friend Jenna, so much so she ends up folded into their friend group. On the first day of Junior year, Violet goes to the music room like she always does, but she finds that over term break Janie started dating a girl named Sage who is now a new student at their school. Janie tells Violet that she understands that family is a newfound importance to Violet, so Sage will be replacing her as lead singer, but Violet can still write all their songs behind the scenes. Violet is not okay with this, and Janie ends up just kicking her out of the band entirely.
For a school project, Violet ends up getting partnered with Sage and she is not happy about this, because she largely blames Sage for replacing her in the band and just going along with whatever Janie wants. Sage ends up cornering Violet after class and explaining to her that she didn't know the band had a lead singer when Janie asked her to join, and that if she had she would have never agreed. Sage also warns Violet that there's an event called battle of the bands that will take place at the end of term and that Janie doesn't want Violet to know about it because she's worried that Violet has the talent to beat them. She also warns her that Janie plans to steal all of the music that Violet has written thus far, and that she should look into getting a copywrite lawyer. Violet does convince her parents to get her a lawyer to try and fight the copywrite stuff with Janie, but ultimately, they end up losing and Janie steals all the music Violet has written thus far. Violet is devastated but decides to pool all her energy into making even better songs, because she fully intends on winning battle of the bands.
As the months go by, Violet and Sage actually become friends despite the fact that Sage is still a member of Janie's band. As both battle of the bands and Prom draw nearer Violet decides she wants to ask Sage to be her date to Prom, but before she can Sage tells her she's going with Janie. Feeling like she needs to also have a date, Violet blurts out that she's going with Owen even though she hasn't asked him (or Lacy for that matter, because she and Owen kind of have a thing). Violet does end up asking Owen to Prom, but she explains that it's only so Janie doesn't find out she lied, and because Owen is a decent guy (and he thinks Lacy is fine with it). Ultimately, Lacy tells Violet she doesn't care because they'd be going as just friends (even though Violet and Owen don't really like each other). During Prom, Violet spends most of the evening staring longingly over at Sage which irritates Owen because even though he wasn't planning on going to Prom, not that he's here he at the very least wants to have a bit of fun, but Violet won't even dance with him. Eventually, Violet tells him to just go away because she's sick of arguing with him. Unbeknownst to Violet, Sage and Janie were having a horrible time at Prom. Janie was under the impression that Sage had been spending all this time on Violet these past months to find out what she was playing for battle of the bands so they could sabotage her. Sage said she'd never do something like that, and that Violet is her friend. Janie ends up calling Sage useless and in turn Sage quits the band the day before battle of the bands, she also breaks up with Janie in the process. Seeing that Sage is a bit upset, Violet attempts to talk to her. Sage tells her about everything that happened with Janie and confesses that she wanted Violet to ask her to Prom. The two laugh at the miscommunication and they end up dancing together and also sharing their first kiss.
The following day is battle of the bands, and despite Sage quitting last minute, Janie steps in and sings the songs for their set, surprising both Violet and Sage, because neither of them knew that Janie could sing that well. This leaves Violet extremely nervous for her set, but after a pep talk from Sage, she goes out there and kills it. At the end of the competition, it's revealed that the winner will receive a record deal with Williams and Co. the most famous record label in the save file. It's revealed that Janie's band ends up winning, and Violet is devastated because she'd spent that last several months working her butt off for this performance. Afterwards she's approached by Amelia Alden, daughter of the man who owns William's and Co. Amelia reveals to Violet that Janie's band won on a technicality, and that the fact that Violet performed as a solo act disqualified her from the competition, because it was meant to be for group performances only. Amelia tells Violet that despite all of this, she's one of the most talented sims Amelia has ever met and offers her a spot at the Del Sol Academy of The Arts for the program they host during term break for up in coming new talent. Violet begs Mads to let her go, and although Mads is hesitant about letting her daughter spend the entirety of break in Del Sol Valley, Mads ultimately agrees.
Violet comes back after term break more determined than ever to improve her music. It's also time for Leo to leave for college. Violet has a pretty tame senior year. She keeps her head down, works on her music, and shows up for her shifts at the boba shop, although she does find herself disappointed that Owen graduated early and went off to college, because despite how much he irritated her, things at work aren't the same without him. Most of the drama that Violet encounters her senior year has to deal with Lacy, who is near close to a mental breakdown. Overall, though, Violet has grown up a lot since her time as a lying, curfew breaking, necromancer. She even ends up becoming valedictorian, which she enjoys rubbing how easy it was in Leo's face (it was like his one goal for high school, and he did achieve it, but Violet didn't even try).
After graduation, and aging up into a young adult, Violet, Lacy, and their friend Jenna all decide to move to Del Sol Valley together to pursue their careers. Violet in music, Lacy in acting, and Jenna as an influencer. Violet and Sage are still dating, although with Sage in college it's a long-distance relationship. After their move to Del Sol Valley, Violet immediately gets a job as a caterer just to make some money to help pay bills until she can get further in her music career. With Violet and Jenna working nonstop for money, Lacy refuses to attend any acting auditions, and she refuses to get a different job in the meantime. This causes a lot of tension with Violet and Lacy. Sage ends up visiting one weekend, and Violet is able to show her around Del Sol Valley; however, Violet notices that whenever she tried to ask Sage about University, she gets really evasive with eh questions, and Violet can't help but feel like something is wrong.
Anyways, this is where I have left off with my legacy. I will hopefully remember to update Violet and Lacy's summaries as I continue to post updates. I hope this maybe helps some new people understand the history of my Legacy family without having to go back and read every single update, because I do have a lot of them. If you got this far, thank you so so much.
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fingerless-glovez · 1 year ago
College au part 2
• Majoring in political science and government
• Genuinely interested in politics, just isn't as intense about it as Roc
• Wants to be friends with people but Roc said "no"
• Not like most people want to be real friends to him anyway, especially not in his course
• Is currently being pressured to accept a political marriage, but would rather marry for love (sap)
• Jasper is the only one who understands
• Majoring in botany
• Attends all of his classes virtually
• Has a mushroom farm in his room
• He sings to them to help them grow. Aquia is sworn to secrecy about it
• Has Lou wrapped around his finger
• Found a snake in the bushes, named it Linos, and it is now his pet. Lou was unsuccessful in convincing him to put Linos back outside
• Is this grounds for expulsion? Yes. Does Lou expel him? Nope. Why? Because Dia is why
• Majoring in human resources services
• Wants to create more positive workplaces, especially for women
• The only mentally stable person in this goddamn school
• Student council president (thanks, chirp!)
• Ya gurl beat out both Guy and Toa, who were competing for the position and tied for runners-up
• Probably helps that she had the power of baked goods (and Grayson's supervision) on her side
• Majoring in botany
• Works at a flower shop
• Poor boy just wants to make friends and study plants but everyone just wants to use him to get in with Guy
• Lack of familial affection go brrr
• Roc doesn't give a shit about his younger sons
• Guy is always busy and has no interest in Aquia's life
• Rahm is too busy trying to make Aquia Roc's successor to notice that he clearly doesn't want to be in politics and loves his brother too much to take his dreams
• Zev is the only one who keeps in regular contact with him, but he's more interested in telling him all about his problems with class, homework, girls, y'know, typical high school stuff. He also asks a lot about how Guy is doing before taking any interest in Aquia
• Fluent in Floriography (language of the flowers)
• Tends to the garden on the school roof at night
• Rio runs into him up there and notices how well cared for the flowers look, and also that Aquia is really sad. They are now gardening buddies
• "Majoring" in hospitality
• Isn't actually here to further a career. Roc sent him with Guy as a spy to make sure no one is plotting to sabotage either Guy or the family as a whole
• Works at the same bar as Lance
• NOT a r**ist, and he does NOT do that shit he did in his consort route
• He just listens in on conversations while making drinks (that have NOT been drugged or spiked in any way) and serving people
• He's that one asshole that corrects people's grammar when they text him
• If you don't text like you're writing a government document he will copy your message and correct it
Violet: is anyone free on saturday. i accidentally bought an extra movie ticket and mc fenn and sherry said there all gonna be busy
Jasper: *Is anyone free on Saturday? I've accidentally bought an extra movie ticket, and MC, Fenn and Sherry said they're all going to be busy.
Jasper: I'll be available on Saturday. What movie are we seeing?
Violet: Die.
• May or may not be fucking Guy and Fenn on the side, who knows
• Majoring in fashion design
• Doesn't care for the designs you would see at a Met Gala and knows how to create things that are good looking and practical but also unique
• Also makes her own accessories
• MC is her usual model
• Met Fenn in high school
• Apparently the guy she'd been dating was two-timing her with Fenn. She was super mad at him at first, but Fenn offered to help dish out some revenge
• He's her wingman and shoulder to cry on when she gets rejected
• Regular at Lance and Jasper's bar
• She dated Jasper for a while until realized he was using a fake identity to spy on her and her friends, and she's hated his guts ever since
• The only reason she still talks to him is because they're in the same friend group as the other valets
• If Jasper corrects her grammar in the group chat one more time, she's stealing his glasses and replacing his normal pens with invisible ink pens. Then we’ll see how good his grammar is
• Majoring in hospitality
• Works part-time at his family's hotel
• He and Lynt have been best friends since childhood because their fathers are also friends and business partners
• He used to "help" Lynt with all his school work (did most of it for him). He can't really do that anymore since they’re in different majors
• Gets Lynt out of bed every morning. And makes dinner every night. And cleans the dorm. And does the dishes...
• Okay, Lynt does eventually start picking up the slack when he realizes the ungodly amount of work Tino does
• This boy has not had a full night's sleep since the 3RD GRADE
• Like bro do you need to cram every single night?
• Half the time he passes out at his desk studying. Sometimes he'll fall asleep in a common room or something, and someone has to take him back to his room
• It is because of this that Lynt has taken special interest in researching insomnia
• Has to be dragged out by the valets to take a break from doing literally everything all the time
Tino: "B-But I have to study for my skills test-"
Knight: "You mean your skills test that's 3 months away and you've been cramming for since you started the course? Dude, you need a life and you're coming to the arcade with us."
• Definitely got shoved into his locker in high school
• That's what he gets for trying to mind his own business and not bother anyone in a fucking high school
• Headmaster of the academy
• Has a Ph.D in education
• Is fully aware that he has several politicians' children in his school and that he's being spied on
• Guess what? He's spying on them, too
• He's part of a political party called Iritium and is gathering information on his competition through their children
• Guy, Toa, and Lance's rooms are bugged with microphones. He knows Christoph is living with Lance, but to avoid raising suspicion, he doesn't do anything about it yet
• He's still debating whether or not to bug Aquia's room because Dia is his roommate and he'd rather not invade his privacy
• Prank wars are common at the academy, but he has reigned as prank king since his own school years and he refuses to be dethroned
• Has two doves in his office, Phinney and Nix
• There have been many occasions where someone would pass by his office and see him having a full conversation with them
• He once argued with Phinney while MC sat right across from him. He lost
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ilikelookingatthings · 1 month ago
you're stuck in the saw bathroom trap with one character from miraculous. they are unable to use their powers in any way shape or form to aid in their escape, and you are both strangers. assume you both can understand each other's speech.
who would you prefer to be trapped with, and is your choice influenced more by who you want to *meet* or who you think you have the best options of surviving with?
ooooh....that's a tough one. I think to calm me down I would probably want Adrien/chat noir to be there...he is positive and won't let me give up...plus he actually is pretty smart and clever so there could be a chance we get out...and at the very least becayse he is a sentibeing he probably won't kill me and i know he will probably fine as long as the ring is safe.....but without his powers we would probably still die....
though because marinette/ladybug is obsessed with him as well as felix, kagami, nathalie hawkmoth/gabriel, chloe and nino all care about him....not to mention all of his obsessive fans....there is a large chance hawkmkgh might send one of us powers or a bunch of them might work from the outside to find and save Adrien. Therefore I would be saved by proxy. Even jf he was just in his chat form...ladybug might come save the day or hawkmoth might meddle for his miraculous. And adrien can fight, climb and was sneaking out of his room even before plagg. And we saw him doing well as box noir AND as a banana without the ring....so my chances aren't zero at least.
Marinette/ladybug could also work because she has main character powers and works well under pressure as long as adrien isn't involved. Considering in oblivio where and when fu took the earings...Mari can put jdeas together as donething that comes naturally to her....so if her mari vision isn't considered a super power I would go with mari since she gets them out of ridiculous situations...plus now that she's dating adrien...whether she js in depowered LB mode or Mari mode...at the very least a cat of destruction might save us from the outside if he knows where we are. Though if her mari vision DOES count as a power so it won't work then I WOULDN'T go with her.
If it was before Chloe's big downfall and banishment I might go with Chloe becsyse her father is a mayoyr and would send everyone immediately to save her...therefore us...though chances are we would die before anyone got there anyways.
Though.....hmmmm....maybe Felix? He knows he's a sentibeing so might use that to his advantage and was able to fight 3 akuma villians/victims. He also tends to be pretty smart and get the plot moving and even if he doesn't like me as a human...he might save me for brownie points with Kagami and Adrien considering he is still making up for deleting humanity. He is also semi royalty whose mom loves him so they moght bring the big guns to save him...or at the very least adrien/chat and kagami might help somehow.
I think I would over all go with Adrien as my choice bevayse he is my favorite and has skills as well as being a hero so he won't leave me behind or hurt me...and he has the most people with cloat and power who might come to save us or get revenge if we died.
Though if there is no guarantee someone will come save us .... I might go with felix as he seems stronger in a fight without powers and seems good at finding hidden areas....even if I think he won't value my life.
Would definitly prefer survival but honestly if mari doesn't have her thing where she figured out how to get us out with a rubber band and chewing v gum I'm not sure if we will survive if i choose mari...and at the very least is LB is on the outside...even if we die...as long as she sees this as a work of a villian we might come back to life afterwards....
Soooo....between adrien and felix.
Ooooh! Though if it's a adult I'm choosing gorilla cuz he might be after to muscle our way out of there.
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doodle17 · 1 year ago
Could you maybe tell us what future Raz and Lilis relationship is like now?
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*vibrating with excitement*
Putting this under a read more because it might be really long hemngh
So I'd decided to study their characters and how they interact a little more (mostly from the second game, but a little bit of the first too) and think about how their relationship would develop as they got older.
I came to the conclusion that I want to portray them as two people who have some level of affection for the other, but don't have time to focus on being sappy "boyfriend and girlfriend" because of work. The "fun" part their relationship ended waaaay back when they were 18-ish and went from Junior Agents to Official Psychonauts. It ain't exactly easy to go on dates and save the world at the same time y'know, and both of them have a lot of personal stuff going on.
Raz is almost always busy. Constantly filling out paperwork, running around in Sasha's lab, doing agent stuff, Circus stuff, the WHOLE shebang. Lili, is still trying to get over her dad's retirement, as the while thing still feels very surreal to her. Not to mention Hollis and her dad trying to push her to become the next Grand Head, much to her dismay. It's not very easy to have a social life with that much going on to be 100% honest.
Theres also taking their very different personalities into account. Lili's "Fuck around and find out" and Raz's sticking to a solid plan type of methods tend to clash quite often, and many newcomers have a hard time telling whether or not they're dating or competing with eachother.
Lili is probably the most complicated woman Raz has ever worked with, and while he finds it endearing he also finds it incredibly exhausting. Sometimes, It feels like she'll do the exact opposite of what he tells her just to get a reaction out of him, out of spite. But it's not like she can help it. She absolutely hates being told what to do, and one of her least favorite things about Raz is when he decides to become "Mr. Boss man" and order everyone around during missions. Despite all of- that- however, they do end up having very successful missions!... Most of the time.
There's also the pressure to keep up professional appearances for their fellow agents and new interns. One thing the both of them can agree on, is that they'll avoid showing any PDA in front of their coworkers. They still cringe thinking about how a little too comfortable they were as kids, and how almost EVERYONE in the Motherlobe knew about it. Luckily, most of those people are retired, quit or fired, and gives the two a better chance to be a little more professional with their relationship in front of the newcomers, because if they have to hear, "You guys are like the next Sasha and Milla!" One more time...
This isn't to say that things are always rough and gloomy for them. They still have a very special connection, and after knowing eachother for half of their lives, it's not like they're going to get rid of the other anytime soon. So might as well make the most of it, eh? She'll never admit it out loud, but there's really no other person Lili would rather be tied up and dangling over a pool of pyrokenetic sharks with than Raz (which has actually happened before btw) There's no way you won't catch them holding hands or sneaking a quick kiss at least once.
Anyways, to sum all of this shishkabable up best I can: They're WAY too close to be considered "just coworkers", but they also have way too much going on to focus on a serious relationship at this time.
Good on you if you managed to read my nonsensical ramblings all the way through! Take a prize from the prize bin you deserve it 👏 👏👏
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